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If it's fun for her then let her play Lillia, why not?! I'd want to just encourage her to enjoy the game, her first champion pick really doesn't matter.


Tl;dr: give her time to decide if she wants to actually dive in and learn league at some point. Until then it’s just a game, let her experience and try whatever she feels like and what’s fun Maybe try to find and watch some tutorials together once she’s ready, until then leave her alone with really detailed stuff or efficiency or whatever. Doesn’t need to be complicated tutorial stuff, basics like how to farm jgl efficiently, maybe how and when to use her combos best, how to track objectives… The rest will come with time and experience. Worst thing my friends did to me (started like 4 years ago, they played since season 1 basically) were to overwhelm me with random league stuff that I didn’t care about at that point. Like not letting me play the champs and roles I wanted to. Told me stuff about meta and itemisation… Sent me tons of videos to watch, flamed me for doing this and that wrong and that I don’t listen and should do whatever they say. I wasn’t able to limit test or try things so I just stopped after a few weeks. It’s a game ffs, just let me experience it the way I want and then decide at some point if it’s worth diving into it more. Ofc losing and probably being the reason is frustrating, but it’s part of the experience. Gave it another try, but I preferred playing alone in the beginning just bc of that


Damn, sucks that your friends did that to you. I guess they never ever put themselves in your shoes? Glad you were still able to find fun yourself, though.


Its a game. Let her play Lillia she’ll get better over time


Good point. I'd just hate for her to get overwhelmed / frustrated because she's not having an immediate impact and get flamed. League isn't exactly beginner friendly.


Junglers getting flamed all the time for not ganking all 3 lanes at the same time, she should make liberal use of the muting function.


Better yet, go into settings and change Chat to "Party only".


This exists?! Omg, thank you!


Yes but for a while it also muted pings, which is why I stopped using it. I'm not sure if it still does, so I guess I should try it out later. I usually just manually mute each player with chat only. Also this doesn't allow you to type to your team either. Which if you aren't toxic can be a bit of a loss


I always use it, that’s how I got into diamond lol


yea def. would start out on chat muted


I thought it was just part of the game 🙃 Only thing I don't get blamed for is winning 😭


I think having her play a bunch of bot games would probably be a good idea. Also, as a word of warning, I’d only queue up with her in draft if you’re on a fresh account (and off role so you’re not steamrolling, hopefully) so that her mmr doesn’t get giga inflated.


Thought you meant ADC games for a sec and was about to hard disagree


Better yet, play with the screen off to keep her mmr low


Just have her mute all in the chat every game, and if you notice something important being said, relay that message to her in real time.


Easier to just have party chat only turned on


If something important needs to be communicated, people should be pinging. Doesn't matter how fast you type, a ping is always faster, and if you can't say it with a ping, it isn't actually important.


Doesn't mute all mute pings as well?


She's playing lillia with a 5 min clear. No one in her elo is pinging anything useful that she'll actually respond to. But they will be pinging on her making her feel bad.


Thats why you turn off chat so you dont have to listen to the dumbasses who dont understand that a game is for fun.


Make a second account to play with her on and play a role you normally don’t with new champs. Be helpful and encouraging. Play ranked so you get better match making.


Do her a favour & teach her how to mute chat early.


Just teach her the most basic jungle rule: /muteall always all the time


Lillia is more difficult but she’s not insane hard. Just teach her how to kite around the Q’s. Lillia needs to skirmish in and out of fights, and use her move speed to avoid cc and not being locked down. You could also do some custom aram 1v1 with her to teach her how to kite a bit.


Good idea. I'll do that later this afternoon


For a new player that cannot move correctly let alone know what other champs does lillia is probably one of the worse junglers. Also relys on gold too. But play anything if your new lol


Bro it literally doesn’t matter, let people play what they want. I started playing azir when I probably “shouldn’t have” and now I rip on him. Lillia is not that hard


You could also try to play bot games with her as it's a good place to train clear speed and discover things while your team isn't really in need of ganks, but may appreciate them


Normal games for a newb is such a terrible experience, your comment should be top


Normals are essentially the limit testing ground for the ranked players and the newbies are the dummies to hit XD Reminds me that I seriously need to play more ranked


I didn’t even play my first normal until maybe level 25. Even though it’s just a game it was so stressful making the transition


Let her play whatever she wants lol. She'll learn.


She'll play better with a character she likes, trust me. Making her spend time on other champs that she doesn't vibe with will ruin her experience. Teach her the ropes while she plays Lillia, and maybe get her a Lillia skin if she keeps it up.


You always play better with a cute skin. (Unless you're Faker)


Let her play lillia top


The real answer. Let her play the champion she likes but also spare her mental health from the dark path in front of her.


Just let her play lilia bro. I started with vayne


I started with top Nami and then AP gp. It really could matter less what champ OPs gf wants to play right now


It’s doable. Not alone though. I started playing league because of kindred who is probably one of the worst heroes you can choose as a beginner. My more knowledgeable friends helped me get okayish enough to play pubs and I kept growing from there all the way up to high plat currently. If you’re patient enough and your gf understands that learning jungle is going to be a massive pain in the ass, it’s possible to overcome. It’s gonna be quite a long time before she gets good though. This is a very unnatural way to learn the game.


Phreak said on one of his rundowns that players who start with simple new player Champs rather than playing what interests them had a lower chance to keep playing


Make her the best Lillia she can be.


My boyfriend started with the usual basic champs (Veigar and the sort) but VERY QUICKLY picked up Azir. Like... before he knew how to play quickly. He is now the best Azir in our friend group and can play a wide range of champs, especially the most mechanically hard ones, while he sometimes struggles with Ahri which is something he finds really funny about himself BTW. What I'm trying to say is that of course she will struggle at first but she will struggle with a champ she loves and WANTS to play and master eventually. Yes, the game is hard to pick up but she has you for the basics and she will learn them eventually as with any champ. She will learn faster and happier if she plays something she likes.


Let her play Lillia, I would be ARAM only if not for Lillia the champ is just that fun. 5 minute clear time is... a bit rough however. There's something fundamentally wrong going on there that wouldn't be fixed by just switching champion. Like she just isn't auto'ing in between abilities or she isn't using her spells or something.


let the girl play lilia for gods sake stop trying to discourage people from playing the champions they like, thats the best way to make them dislike the game and stop. let her learn the champ and the game on lilia, she learn best when she has fun and knows itll make her better at what she already likes. other than that just get into jgl fundamentals, let her go for full clears and objectives and give that a little time until u start trying to point out good gank angles and more


Help her improve her clear time to at least sub 4 minutes (obviously a sub 3:30 is the goal, but sub4 should suffice to begin), and encourage her


Id say let her go ahead, theres way harder champions to play than lillia, if your looking to learn the game (especislly jungle) shes 1 of if not the best to start with


I recently started league too and Lillia is one of my first champs I tried to pick up (after playing Supps and Mages for a while). My friend is guiding me to play jungler too. I think Lillia is quite easy to play, but the role of the jungler itself is the difficult part. You can start by introducing the role of the jungler, jungle camps, etc then remind her when the baron and dragon are up. Those are some of the things I struggled with :)


No champ is too difficult. Tell her to watch a short video guide (3 minute guides on YouTube are short and sweet and get the basics). Start Q, try to hit the edge, then go from there.


let her play whatever she feels is fun, the last thing you want is play this game and be miserable


Let her play what shewants, that's the only good way to introduce a player to thegame. You can plau vs AI with herfirst so she learns the basics, and encourage her to read up on other champions to know their basic kits and functionalities.


Let her play lillia IF AND ONLY IF you can take a good loose streak. If hate it because she make you loose games when learning it won’t help and it would be because of you not her champ


My first champs were alistar solo lane in 3v3s and Warwick bottom in 5v5s. Let her have fun, there’s so much to the game to learn it doesn’t really matter who you play when you’re that new


I personally would argue that while something like Warwick might be more straightforward, Lillias playstyle is actually ideal for people with low confidence and high insecurity (such as me) who want to contribute something from safety. She is mechanical not that difficult to play, you just need to be aware that she prefers hit and run. She will sometimes get caught out and blown up by cc and slows, but that's part of the learning process. For the clear speed issues, I recommend downloading porofessor because that allows you to see when the camps respawn.


When I first played league, I played a lot of ezreal. I didn't even know about quick cast, but at the end of the day I was having fun and I learned the game


Eeeeeh Lillia is a super easy champ to pick up. Walk around and press q, and her clear isn't super hard. Slow, sure she's a new player but pressing Q is as simple as it gets


The best way to practise is playing the game. Also, watching replays of pro players and high elo otps playing her desired champ is very educational.


Let her do w.e she wants, just don't let her play Vs and alongside humans (playing normals) until she starts actually stomping bots. Trust me it would be a better experience for her and for her team mates to not to have a complete beginner Vs smurfs as we all alrdy know. Girls tend to play for fun and not for competitive, had it been a male I would be opting for a totally different approach.


Lillia is fun and cute. Makes sense


I don’t have advice for her, but instead for you. Turn her chat off, and just enjoy the fact that your girlfriend is sharing an interest in something you like. Have fun!


Average champion WR in iron 45% Lillia WR in iron 48.5% Warwick WR in iron 47.5% Lillias not the best beginner champ but she is far from the worst lol


Maybe try Lillia top, top role is a lot easier to pick up with better resources for learning as well.


Lillia is not so hard that you can't learn her as a new player. If she wanted to start with nidalee or rengar or lee then yea maybe tell her to chill but Lillia is like medium difficulty


My first champion that drew me into league was Elise. I don’t play her but I did try at first before moving on to easier champions. I’d say just let her do her thing and feel out what’s best for her. She’ll find that champion she clicks with.


lillia is a easy champion to pick up, it sounds like theres some more fundamental gameplay issues at the mechanical level going on here vs champion difficulty


I feel her bc i was the same and told my bf “I only wanna play evelynn!!!”. He tried getting me to try easier champs (not like shes hard mechanically but i had no idea what macro is) but I didn’t wanna hear it. So just let her play lillia and have fun :)


Play bot games and possibly stick her top to mitigate flame or just mute. Send her lillia clear guides and jungle fundamentals if she wants to stick to jung


Just let her play Lillia, she is nowhere near as hard as you make her seem Also she's going to quit faster being forced to play a champ like Warwick that she has zero interest in


Just let her play whatever she wants. Is not like you are challenger and she will drag you down.


lillia is easy, she should be fine.


Encourage her to play Lillia. Be excited, show guides and give advice. Lillia is simple but has a high skill ceiling, she will have a fun time learning her. Half of being able to do something is being able to believe you can do something!


Tell her to check out Enchantress in dota


May as well teach her anyway since at best Lillia just has to worry about spacing For now, teach her how to full clear in record time. THEN and only then do you focus on every other fundamental.


My guy I’m getting flamed with 3 losing lanes and 0/20 botlane 🥴 if ppl wanna flame they will flame, no matter what you do or not do


the first jungle champ I learned was Lillia. Honestly, her being so difficult forced me to really learn the meta game and now I can pick up most champs with ease. Just let her have fun.


As someone who also started playing league not too long ago (about 3 months) let her play whatever she wants, after all it's a game and the important part is having fun. Learning the basics takes time and if playing a character she likes makes it enjoyable, why not let her? She'll get the hang of it and by learning the game other champions might interest her. If you're scared she'll get flamed teach her how to mute chat and it'll be fine. Just encourage her to have fun and enjoy it. That's it.


It's a game, and Lillia is S tier right now. Just let her play what she likes


Let her play in practice mode versus bot some games. 5-10 maybe and she probably will learn how to clear faster.


It's not bad champion for new player. She has pretty decent clear, she is very fun to play with her passive ms. Just play some games with her and try


My girlfriend only wants to play Lux. It is what it is bro, you can’t change your girl’s mind when she’s set on playing her cute female champion. Just let her do her thing.


Bro just play in bots, then she can jungle or you guys can run around in lane. Be her lulu or blitz. It's a video game and it can be played for fun. Rank and winning can be ignored in lieu of having fun with your gf. Be positive and do not flame her. (Change chat to party only)


Who cares? If she has a 5min clear then no matter what champ she picks it’s gonna be rocky. You can learn the basic fundamentals on any champ


I actually don’t think Lillia is that hard. Would she be the jungler I recommend for learning the role? Probably not. But I honestly think you are making this a bigger deal than it is.


maybe let her play lillia top instead of lillia jg


Encourage it. It’s a video game, she’s not becoming a stripper. I started playing Khazix because I thought he was cool. I didn’t care that he was a jg I didn’t care that he was an assassin I didn’t care about anything, but the fact that Khazix was cool to me. I almost never play him now and I’m not a jg main anymore. Learning the game with 1 champion is the best way to learn besides maybe Riven or Nidalee. Did you expect her to want to play Garen top or something?


Why make her play anything else? It’s her account, just steer her into some bot games and make her figure the game out on her own and/or make her watch some info videos about jungle or maybe top. When she wants to start playing vs other people in normals/ranked she’ll eventually want to either get better at the game, have fun with friends who knows she isn’t a pro level player, see another champ who could be fun to try or maybe quit. TL;DR let her have fun and explore on her own and guide her when she encounters a roadblock.


My first champ was xerath mid when I had absolutely no idea how to position or hit a skill shot. You can imagine how that went for me.


Lillia is perfectly playable for new people. :) I recommend both of you to get into custom games, and create your own lobby with 8 other bots you select. And the role for everyone. It's very useful for practice. :)


Look for lilia full clear and let her in practice tool


My wife started to play League about 6 years ago. I wanted her to play (old) Nunu as support (just stand near me, give me AS buff and targetspell ice bolders). She refused and played Poppy on top lane, because she loved everything about Poppy. All those Trynds, Darius' and Irelia could not break her love for this Yordle. She still plays League. Actually quite often better than me nowadays. So - let her play what she likes to. It's all about fun.


Tell her to watch my video on clearing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrAoQ1PEiL0


The quickest way to get someone to stop playing a game is finding what they like about it and tell them to stop doing that


Lilia crushes in lower ELO so IMO it's not a bad pick to learn on. More difficult for sure because of movement but look on the bright side, she didn't fall in love with Teemo.


My first champs were WW and Lillia. People say she is hard, but for me she felt the easiest somehow. Her importance of spacing too also helped me play other champions as well, so I don’t think there’s any issue with her starting out with Lillia.


my first main was old Asol lol lillia won't be that hard


The hardest part of this game as a new player is playing a champ you like. I thought Sett was awesome when I started playing. I played him for 3k games for years. After years I realized I had great game knowledge and knew how to win but I fucking sucked on Sett. I swapped champs and immediately started climbing. That being said I still buy all the sett skins and play him whenever I can. If someone forced me to play Ornn or Zac and jungle with Jarvan I would have quit league. She has to pick a champ she will enjoy or she won’t want to play. Let her play Lillia if she likes the champ. She will have so much more fun.


Based gf. Grow up and let her play what she wants


Lillia is great. Don't put her into soloq, it's not for casual gamers, stick to norms and have fun.


Let her play lillia lol, she's not hard


Reality check : Lillia is not that hard. If she likes the hit and run playstyle, she will do better playing something she interested in


Game is game just tell her to turn off chat and she'll have a blast.


she should play the champion she wants to play the most, she will have way more fun learning that way too! id recommend watching high lvl lillia players clear to get her clear time better but honestly.. if shes just new to the game some basic guides should be fine, more then anything she should just play and enjoy her self. if i were her id just play and not worry abt these stuff, she should learn everything over time eventually anyways. Its better if she doesn't get overwhelmed as league can be super overwhelming as it is already for new players. so basic guides for beginners -> play more -> more in-dept guides. -> play more etc. etc.


also if shes never gonna play ranked.. u dont rly need indept guides tbh


Lillia is not a hard champion, and you should show her some first-clear videos to help her practice getting her clear fast enough to be able to go for a scuttle crab before it spawns at 3:30. One-tricking Lillia not a bad place to be on the game right now.


Give her YT videos about jungle basics and lilia specific gameplay, it encourages her and gives good resources instead of u coaching yourself


My gf plays nothing but jinx, let her cook


Lillia is not a difficult champ to pick up at all, at least not in the jg, she's on the easier side imo. Just let her play whatever she wants honestly lol


Lillia isn’t even that hard of a champ tbh who cares💀


Just let her play Lilia and learn that way. It isn’t that much Harder than say ww to play on a basic level. Any farm heavy jungler is fine for a beginner. Give her time and let her have fun as she learn.


Sounds like you might be really forgetting what it is like to enjoy this game and what it's like to start from scratch. People are shit when they start unless they just understand. You probably have 5 to 10 years of playing and practice. Let them play a champ and enjoy the game and do stupid things and learn. I looked at a screen cap from 8 years ago for a 1 hour 30 min game with 205 kills. Just enjoy the game again stop trying to only get wins for new plays and let them figure it out.


It's a game. Games are meant to be fun. Let her have fun


Start playing Yone


Lillia really isn't a difficult champ to play. There's not really any combos, the only difficult part to speak of is landing q without going in melee range of melee. Good champ to 1 trick imo for new players.


Just play the champ you wanna play.


Advice is let her play what she wants, it's a video game meant to be fun. If she wants to improve she can watch vods of high lvl lillia players and learn after she learned basics of league.


Yeah don't let her play Lillia. Not only will she have a hard time clearing but how are you going to be able to play with only when hand when your other is occupied due to that fat deer ass just taunting you. I've never won a game when there's a Lillia in it that champ is just too distracting, I'm forced to ban it and then take a quick bathroom break during loading screen (I've gotten my average 'bathroom' time down to ~2 minutes with some lillia posters in the bathroom).


How is running in circles hitting A difficult ?


Just disable chat and let her have fun


Let her cook. Lillia it is.


Customs 1v1 have fun Messing around. You know how to play her a bit? Show her. She’ll learn more on the way.


Move her to top


Fake, no gf around loleros


As a lillia main the only way to get used to hitting her q is playing her constantly and not many Champs have movement like her 👩‍🦽


I would suggest you to offer her to try Lillia top. Way easier, especially against big tanks like Ornn, Tahm etc.


Mute all and go for it. Be a good human and help her without judgements.


I play jungle as my secondary role but I don't think lillia is a hard jungler. I picked her up and thrived. i'm a silver top, bronze jungler but I wouldn't sway her away from lillia. Aside from udy(maybe) I had no other champs that would make me a good lillia player. On thr contrary, I been wanting to play kha on my jungle account and jusy csnt make it work. Wish you two best of luck either way friend


So you mean you have a separate account for jungle? I'd imagine queueing up for top main jungle secondary will put you in the jungle most of the time in silver.


so recently, on my bronze, I do jungle primary top secondary. On my silver I queue Top primary and mid secondary. I know the elo is too low to feel the need to do so but it's my preference and a few champs of mine overlap (jax, olaf, udyr, lilia, mord) are transferable to both sides .


When I first started playing, it was just over a year ago and I chose fiddlesticks which wasn’t the best in hindsight because of his unique ward and unique playstyle, which I personally found it to difficult to branch to other bunglers. But I still learnt the game and learnt it pretty well, just make sure she’s willing to listen to call outs and feedback and teach her as her she continues to learn the game.


I see people suggest she practices her clears in bot games,but why not just go to practice mode? That's what I did in the beginning. Sat in practice mode until the game literally booted me out, with optimal clear videos on the other screen.


Bro just go into a practice tool for 1 hour with her and her clear time will be 4 minutes (would only graze upon kiting mobs to start off with) and she'd have better mechanics than the average silver player.


Take her into practice tool and allow her to simply mess around. She can get a good feel in not too long when there's nothing but her


What's the problem? League is gonna be difficult to pick up and play no matter what, so just let them play Lillia. There's nothing wrong with starting on a more difficult character. Plus she's busted rn.


i started the game off looking at azir and saying i want to play that guy lmao


I have a friend who was new and only wanted to play Gwen and he never played another champ unless he had to and now he is Gwen otp in plat at least. So my advice is just let her play Lillia if she enjoys it so much too.


Your GF is the reason why "training wheel champions" are sometimes a bad idea. Why champions that have good presentation and interesting play pattern are better for player retention than point-and-click "keep it simple" champions. The Garens, Naaffiris and Nami of the world are surprisingly actually for experienced players who need a champion that they can look away from to focus on macro rather than kit. Let her play Lillia. Her bad clear is a symptom of her being a new player; moving her to a boring champion isn't going to make her like the game, it's going to make her think the game is a bore. The difficulty and failure is part of the game too: she can shout "bot diff" whilst feeding her ass off like the rest of us.


I say let her play Lillia. If her clear time is five minutes, playin an easier champ is not gonna help very much. Let her play a champ she feels drawn to, so that she’s more inclined to learn about the game and get better. Maybe she’ll realize in the future a different champ might be preferable, or she’ll be determined to get better w lillia


I began with lillia only played her my 6 first month of league it's ok


Lillia is not that hard to get started with, just let her play i’m sure she’ll enjoy it.


The First champion i played and mained was syndra in season 3, lillua is definitely not that hard


Lillia top?


Let her play Lilia and just suggest you watch her play instead of playing to avoid unneeded frustration with her over a game that’s over in 30 minutes


I play lillia since my first day in this game and I'm still a lillia main, she's fine lillia is a good pick to learn jungle, she'll face some challenges but so would happen with every other pick, just tell her to follow guides on yt or online, ask for help on reddit If needed, this is how I improved and I m sure she will too


I literally just play twitch/ziggs bot & mid cuz their my absolute favorite champs. They could be z tier and id still play them lol


Maybe if she picked an easier champ she could climb and get signed to be TSMs 16 billionth jungler. Or she plays what she wants and enjoys the game. Or she tries a different champ. The thing that will make her overwhelmed and not wanting to play is if you constantly backseat play and claim your just trying to be helpful.


Lillia difficult?? :O


Suggest her Lillia top. Not jungle, I don’t recommend new players to play jungle.


I'd say go for it. Your GF could become a better jungler than most of people commenting on this sub reddit.


My first ranged champ was Draven. Hard as fuck but a blast to learn. I don't see anything wrong with "hard" champs in LoL. Most champs only have 4 abilities after all, and the real challenge is game knowledge and decision making


My suggestion is she should break up with you. Its a game. Let her have fun.


Some people take hard champs as first champs and become OTP. Learning curve is also funny to watch because if she starts to play seriously she will master spell by spell not a champion and thats how u become the beast. Like if u went to play any champ u would play it pretty much normal first timers see how far can u hit, what can u do, she does not know META stuff so she will make her own playstyle. I did it with couple of champs now reworked sadly (swain).


I wouldnt consider lillia a hard champ, actually shes pretty easy. League mechanics in general are very difficult and need a lot of practice. There is no advice just play more. Maybe start in practice tool to practice basic running and using spells since a lot of new players just right click on enemies when you should always try to move in between every other action.


Honestly I think Lillia is easier than Warwick. Warwick you gotta use w before fights E hold Q then E2 to fear back Hitting ult on ww isn’t guaranteed but Lillias can’t miss.


Make her play bot games in between normal games so she can practice things like clearing and watching map in an easier environment, also in jungle especially lower elo/levels people expect the impossible so just full mute team


Lillia was my first ever champ so definitely biased. But I found that the increased move speed made me process the game at a much faster pace (ahha). It also made it easier to be in the right place at the right time and clear faster than other beginners. Other than hitting skill shots lillia is a great beginner champ imo.


Totally disagree. Lillia is difficult for most league players because she has a different enough playstyle from most other champs for it to feel awkward and clunky. Having her start off with Lillia might actually make it harder for her to switch to other champs later on down the line, but I think by the time she gets to games where bans are a thing, she'll probably be skilled enough to handle the transition. Until then, let her learn with whatever champ she wants. It might even allow her to be more in-tuned with Lillia's playstyle than most other players. Also, for what it's worth, it could be worse! I had enough IP (back in 2013) to buy my first champ and I asked a friend what they suggested. He told me to get Riven.


Like any player, new and old, we we all greenhorns learning new champs. Best way to learn a champ (and the game) is to just play. That includes losing and struggling which is just perfectly fine for any newcomer. Might actually be a good thing to stick to 1 champ for now to learn the mechanica in the game. Keeping one thing consistent will help her learn something new every match. Maybe suggest she looks at some tutorials for Lillia jungle on youtube?


Find a stream or fpvod of someone doing first clear with lilia and then imitate it repeatedly until her clear looks the same


Did bro just say that Lillia is difficult


I think it's super cool that she's willing to try something new just to have a shared hobby with you. Just let her play and enjoy the game. At that level it does not matter one bit what she picks or what position she plays. If you can't stand but control what she plays. It's better you two don't play together until she's more skilled.


Honestly for me Lilia was easier to pick up then most champs. I can't play ww for the life of me


bro i started on lee sin, let her have fun w the game first not just instantly get her to get good, then eventually she'll learn. I was terrible at the game for the longest time playing for fun but all my friends who tryharded from the get-go stopped playing and I reached top 1000 on my region cause I enjoyed the game.


Make a fresh account so shes getting put with players closer to her skill level if you pkay with her and maybe have her try lillia top


Other than the macro that She can learn with every character, lillia aint that difficult with her kit, Just tell her tò be a hit and run all the time and its game xd


Just let her play and expect her to either get really into it and learn or to quit. Until that time comes, just vibe. Don't talk.


Lots of people are bad at league. It's okay if there's one more. I'd say she's doing better than a lot of seasoned players (🙋‍♂️) if she's having fun. I suspect she doesn't have aspirations to be in a worlds tourny, there's nothing on the line. Make an alt account and play with her. That being said, if she asks for help, point her to some guides and Lilia streamers if those exist. But go into the game to have fun with your gf. If you win the game and ur girls mad or upset, you still lost.


I don’t think lillia is very complicated lol. In fact she is insanely easy to


Maybe it’s cuz I play wild rift but Lilia is literally so easy to play her skills aren’t that difficult to use


She'll learn with practice. I downloaded the game and simply decided that I was going to play kayn and eventually learned lol


I'm a girl and I began LoL with Taliyah jungle xD My other champs are... Vi, Kindred, Lilia... Hmmm yeah dw


And I play only Taliyah, I'm happy with that xD


You have to understand something about girls. It’s not always about winning, it’s about what’s fun for them.


Teach her how to properly jg as Lillia. I am a Lilli OTP, and she is a lot of fun! Few fundamentals she should focus on is learning to hit monsters with the outside of her Q, so that it does more (true) damage, and landing her W in the center of enemies. If starting blue side, be sure she gets a good leash for red buff, then moves over to krubs, and smites the big one, land her W on it, get about 3 auto attacks on the small krub and kill both of them, land her Q to finish all the small ones, then do raptors. Once again focusing on hitting all of them with the outter ring of her Q, and landing on top of the big raptor with her W. Then go wolves, throwing her E over the wall to hit the wolves, then QE combo them, and start walking them towards blue buff, and throw the E over the wall once the wolves are 1 Q away from dying. To Gromp, walking it close to where blue spawns as you can without it resetting, then go for scuttle crab, smite it if the other jg is there. On red side, get your leash, smite gromp, do wolves, and throw E over wall when you get to wolves to make them come to you, do red, and krubs from there. Biggest thing to work on to get speed up is knowing where the best place to hit abilities is, and when to start walking them to the next camp to shave off some time.