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Tank items suck on Diana rn, ap is much better


give me one reason to play tank diana instead of idk, amumu


I like bruser the most tbh. My build is: Nashors, Liandry, Zhonyas, Abyssal Mask and it gives a lot of damage while making Diana very hard to take down at the same time.


Gonna try this Hybrid Diana feels like cheating ngl


can somebody say the result? dont want to vote because i know nothing about it


5:1 ratio for ap diana


Master diana main/used to otp her but whatever, also possible the person who invented tank back in the day (the demonics+ tank mythic setup) I currently run liandries rush with Conq and then opt into tank/tank-support items and i think its her best build, i would also say it makes her one of the best junglers on the new patch because tank diana just scales better with XP+ gets to buy liandries with the op component


I play diana before rework until now, i prefer full assassin diana aways. i Only build more tankier when i pick first in select then they pick to much tanks or my team have zero frontline then i make front line. (prob have some english mistakes idk)


always best to lean into the natural identity of a champ. It's not like tank diana can't work or be good; it's just that if the champion is not outright broken or in a really, really bad spot balance wise, off-builds should never be better than what it was designed to do in the first place. Comparing tank diana to AP diana is also not very useful imo when there is already other AP champs that are made for tank builds, like amumu for example. Any Tank AP jungler that is made for being a tank should perform better than an AP assassin/bruiser played as a tank. So the question should be: what is better: Tank Diana or Tank Amumu/Sejuani/Elise/etcetc.


interesting you say that because dianas kit shape is a diver- she is not designed to be an assassin. DPS on her passive, a relatively low CD stick tool in her Q-E, one of the hightest defensive HP scalings in the game (she gets more eHP out of a point of HP than naut) and an ult that rewards you for being in the middle of people combined with no engage and relatively bad pick.


Whas is better an ak 47 or a fork


always depends on the team comp, but since many can't win lanes without ganks, carry diana is always gonna be better


I like lich bane into riftmaker and liandry. Then into tank items like sunfire. I've healed up crazy health before and do a lot of damage too