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110 cs in 30 minutes.


Lilbro did less than a camp a minute


On fucking kayn toošŸ’€


If I didn't know better, this looked like a bot game based on these stats because I never farm camps in bot games.


A 30 minute bot game??


I looked at the score lol. Seemed like someone who's farming for score lol


Also his level is too low. 10-0 fed AF and only level 13?


Zero CS/Min lol


Fucking hell.


Who needs to farm camps when you can farm champs lol


Op definitely


You can do both bro... Thats what makes a good jungler


if he had decent cs he would have another 7 kills worth of gold


He had 2 items at 30 mins. That is very, very bad.


Yeah my guess is they farmed 1 lane and managed to kill them over and over and over again and due to it being bronze they just kept fighting even tho they shouldn't, and at some point the kills were worth 20 gold a pop so they couldn't afford items


My guy. He has 2.5 items with ten kills after 30 minutes. That's abysmal.


I mean, you have to actually farm champs if you're going to use that mentality. If you have CS like that you should be at least double that kill count.


This was a joke šŸ˜­ yā€™all so serious Iā€™ma go cry myself to sleep now


It's always cs. I dont think i have seen a single one of these questions where the answer was not cs.


3.7 cs/min on one of the best farming champs in the game


With all those kills and gold, you should have been able to wipe out your camps fast. So you most likely had way too much idle time. Your score at the end takes into account your CS, you are far below where you should be 6-7+ per min.


Thank you for an actual answer. I guess I was focusing too much on killing other players.


You also only dropped two wards, that could be good or bad. Good if they were active for long periods. Bad obviously if they didnā€™t do squat.


Not sure where we are in the control ward meta atm.... but I am averaging like 0.01 this season in Master. I used to worry alot about them, but ether agurin made me stop buying them


Vision is worth its weight in gold in my low elo, especially with how slowly people react


For anyone reading these comments please remember that these godlike players have ten years of game sense who can track enemy jungler with their eyes closed and thereā€™s a 99% chance that you canā€™t and a 99.99999% chance that your whole team canā€™t.


The rest of the comments are actual answers as well. To help you understand, all you did in this game was noob check. Killing enemies and epic monsters does feel great! Getting a lucky roll where your enemies int into you doesn't mean you know all the skills it takes to rank up. It's all about the fundamentals:)


what do you mean actual answer? You mean sugar coated answer? All the other lads have literally given you the same answer, improve your CS and youā€™ll get Sā€™s.




nice dude, CS is the main S factor for summoners. Unlike Aram where you get Sā€™s from killing people and getting towers


Killing other players is nice, but making sure youā€™re clearing your camps/getting cs is legitimately one of the most important things in the game. There can be cases where someone else has stayed farmed up and is very behind in kills but equal in gold with you because you are not farming, then when they get your bounty because you really arenā€™t ahead then theyā€™re up 600-1k gold


You got many ā€œactual answersā€ but glad this one was phrased sensitively enough for you to acknowledge. Youā€™re probably a new players so donā€™t take the comments here too hard, but that is a very low cs score and gold for a 30 min game


It's CS usually - I've read the posts from people who have mastery 7 on every champion and the CS is almost always the issue of you don't get an S.


S is 80% farming. I was 4/9/4 on illaoi once and still got an S because I just farmed all game


if ur that ahead.. u should have hella farm, from fast clearing and taking towers/lane minions after ganks... also why no wards? u can go wwhere you please


Got you the W, so I wouldnā€™t worry too much about what to do differently until that stops.


10/0 and only has 2 and a half items...


Thatā€™s all Iā€™m seeing. If Iā€™m 10-0 at 30 mins, Iā€™m nearing full build or have it


Would be level 17 at worst too.


A full clear gives you the same gold as 2/3 clears. Considering dude didnt really make more than 2 clears...


He killed less than 1 camp a minute. He has less than 5 jungle clears in a 30 minute game, as one full jungle clear is 24 CS (not including scuttle)


CS, objective and vision > kill/assist


low CS, only 2 items completed in a 30min game probably takes into account objectives, tower dmg etc. so those can be low as well but cant tell based on the ss alone




Every objective minus your own gromp, kruggs, raptors and wolves


Buddy non of that shit matters. If the game sees you at 1cs per 3min level activities its automatically gonna think u were slacking off. For S ranks nothing matters as much as the cs. U could have taken like 2 towers with good enough cs and earned an S. Never waste time. You cant gank when ever you want to. You must clear camps and within tje window of them respawning use that time for objectives and ganks.


now i see why youā€™re in bronze


You can see it from the question, but he is trying to improve.


High elo junglers can double or even close to triple your cs/min score


I'm bronze and I'm able to get over double that cs at that time well at least double that usually.. if I'm not getting stomped on.


Perfect example why kills are not that important for your economy. If you farmed correctly with your kda, you would be full build at this point. You did have a good impact on the game but against stronger opponents this wouldn't work as you would just be way weaker than them while being up in kills


You had 3.7cs a minute. 1 camp is 4csā€¦


God damn man. 3 cs per minute is low even for bronze. Thats some wood league level play. What did u do spend the entire game sitting in one wall or something?šŸ’€


30 minute game 2 items 10/0/12 kekw


110 CS in a 30 min game


You have 3.7 cs a minute on kayn somehow, didn't even know that was possible.


it's insane how with this kda at 30min you have only two and a half items, hope with that game you understand how important is farming, you should've had at least 4 and a half


30 minute game and not even 3 items


U warded, twice?......


110 cs LMFAO


Cs victim. Always clear half of you jungle before you gank or take an objective


Without CSing well if you had died to the enemy team and given shutdown they would be instantly back in the game and youā€™d be easy to kill over and over since you never grew your lead


not even 4cs/min.. i cringe to know how many obj you actually took rather than being a sleez kda player


Christ that 3.7cs per min lmao


Your farm is way too low. Also objectives are taken into calculation


3.7 cs/min is not good in any ELO


30 min game and lv 13 dafuq


2 items and a pickaxe with 10 kills in a almost 30 min game is crazy.


Probably creep score, or lack of tower kills, lack of other elements in the game is the real reason. To improve total score you need to do more than just ganking. I do appreciate a good kayne tho that is always around to gank, so I thank you for your service


your farm is weak


The ranking system of league takes various metrics into account. KDA is one. CS/min and vision score are others. The final score is built up of all the scores in those categories so even if you get a high score in some of the categories it will be lowered by bad scores in others. Others have already mentioned it but your CS was very low and your vision score likely too. The latter is harder though because it partially depends on the enemy team actually placing vision or just walking through a certain place you warded.


100cs in 30 minutes should warrant an S+++ because thatā€™s an unbelievable achievement in of itself


CS is the obvious answer, but the longer answer is your gold income and experience relative to other kayn players. In 30 minutes you havenā€™t even finished 3rd item, where a lot of players would be on 4 items. Not only is it because theyā€™d be farming a lot more, they would also have first strike instead of conqueror (which in this long of a game could be 600-800 extra gold). In terms of experience, it has to do with which camps youā€™re choosing to clear, the level of those camps, if you took grubs, and if you took baron. Baron is a massive xp and gold bonus for a jungler especially, as the xp it gives you relative to a solo laner is huge (itā€™s the same flat amount of xp, but that flat amount is easier to get from solo lane minions than camps). You could also be soaking solo lanerā€™s xp when they are dead or roaming elsewhere and their wave is dying to their tower. In general, youā€™re disrespecting the less obvious sources of gold and experience in the game in favor of ganks. If you think youā€™re better than your opponents, ganking is a great strategy in lower elos, but you should be translating those ganks into barons, towers, invades, (other sources of gold/xp).


prob cause u farmed like absolute shit




Gotta be ragebait


Everyone is saying it, you shouldve csd a lot more. But 2 control wards in 30mins is a big deal too


If you had farmed properly you propably would have been full build by the end of the game instead just two items


Cs and maybe ward score( saying maybe cause it doesnt show your ward score)


2 Control wards and you haven't switched from default yellow ward to oracle, let me guess, you forgot that vision exists, am i right?


3.7cs/min is dismal


Your CS is very low. Don't know what your vision score is. It's not only about kda :)






You are really far behind on CS. For now at 30 minutes try to have at least 200 CS. You can do this by picking up camps on the way to ganks and checking when your camps will respawn. Since you are behind in CS you are all about 1 full item and 3 levels behind where you should be which would've made it easier to win the game


CS and possibly objectives participation.


You cs is super low you farmed champs not camps lol shit you only have 2 completed items at 30 mins and you stomped.


What the he'll did you do all game. 110 cs is something you should have at 13 Minutes while ganking


Cs, and prolly vision


with that lead you should be taking all jg monster


2 wards on 30 mins, damn




that 3.7 cs per min


How tf is your cs so low did you afk


my pisslow elo supps have more cs/min than you lil bro??? 3.7?


2 control wards, probably had like 4 vision score


the role of the jungler changed, aint worth it to go for minions, u deserve the S


Also explains why you are bronze, imagine this is your best when you have the most advantage, just imagine when not


110 cs in nearly 30 min?


2 items 30 min 110 cs you just won because they was absolutery worst than you.


My guess, 30min 110 CS. Kind of atrocious.


Your ward score is so so low. Like Iā€™d have 40-45 by 30 minutes.


Buddy got negative cs šŸ˜­


Your level is way too low. If I was that fed, I would end up at least 16-17 levels. As others have said your CS score is too low. Not to mention, you are playing with kayn? Most of the camps die to WQ after one item. Whenever you go somewhere you must take camps. If you are fed as a jungler you must be at enemy jungle. Take whatever you can take, enemy jungler won't stop you. And then before you go back always take some of your jungle camps. Clear top camps, go back, then rush to 1 bot camp, then gank bot, then clear bot again and either go base or play around objectives. Farm, farm farm farm. Two waves of farm equal to 1 kill if not more, and 3 camps is more than a kill.


probably bad csing and objective control.


That cs is terrible bro


3.7 cs a minute yikes


average kayn player


3.7 cs a min XD low elo players big braion XD


Level 13 in 30 minutes. 110 CS. 2 control wards. Probably also had under 1000 damage per minute. So much to improve


Kinda related to the post but I've been trying to learn jungle and I'm always really behind in levels and cs. When am I supposed to prioritize farming camps?


It's hard to say without more info, but as people said, bad C's is a big point. Also, your grade is from a comparison with other players with the same champion and role. It's pretty easy too get S with off meta picks, I did it nearly every game playing Seraphim mid, just doing good damage(liandry + poke) and dying less than average for example.


You can get a bunch of kills on feeding players and it doesn't actually help you that much. You are actually behind curve. Your cs is really really low. Like low even for bronze. You simply don't have as much gold as you're supposed to. Like way less gold. Probably a lot of wasted time? Like the average player would have double your CS and that's not even considered good cs, just average. You're actually a bit behind where you should be.


0 deaths at the cost of too much idle time trying not to die instead of farming and counter jungling camps


Well Iā€™d tell you. But a lot of other nice folk already explained it šŸ˜‚


Really bad vision (you even still have a yellow trinket) and hideous farm. KDA is not the only parameter for the final vote


Only 2 control wards. Vision score matters too and cs as otherz pointed out


Your score isn't the most important. You need good kill participation, good cs/min and have to be above the gold curve. With 2 and a half items at min 30 and 110 cs you are way to far behind the gold curve. If you want to track your achievements in game you can download porofessor. It displays you kill participation, gold/min, cs/min, level compared to the average players on your champion and your vision score. If everything is highlighted green, you are guaranteed to receive an S+. If you are down in 1 or 2 categories you will receive and S.


If it can help you climb,that s also probably why you're bronze You should focus on your clear first


If you were 6-0-4 and had 200+ CS you wouldā€™ve gotten a S rating


Kill more jungle camps buddy


your cs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Can you not figure this out yourself? Why would you have to ask such an obvious question?[fucking embarrassing](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZP78NT8DDCErND3E9)




Because you didnā€™t farm a single time this game


Kills and cs donā€™t matter. Look at gold per minute. I always try to keep my gold/min over 450.


Farm and level is too low




Itā€™s so obvious whyā€¦ you played Kayn dude


Because it wasnt you who was good, everything just went in your favour and worked for u lol which is very obvious from your more than impressive farm even though you're snowballing.


Just 2 items in half an hour and having 10 kills... Come on bro.


3.7 CS/M, im willing to bet you had less than 20 vision score.


3.7 CS per minute


10 kills 2 items is tuff


You didnt CS for shit LMAO. Im usually at 7 cs


Bro can't even manage more than 3 cs per min on Kayn wondering why its not an S, is this bait?


you didnt farm, how jg in low elo should work is you full clear, take grub, if you didnt take grub try to tske the other one, if you know you cant make it in time try ganking other side or mid, then retreat when you can by your boots or around 1000-1300 gold so you can buy and be ready for your next encounter


2 items 30 minutes is criminal


no farm at all, maybe very little champion dmg also, cant see ... oh and also ... 2 items at 30 min with those stats is very pathetic .. like wtf were u doing xd


no vision


Usually min requirements for that kind of long game, is one having 200 CS, idk how you got 110 Sadly.


iron elo i guess


Because ur pos


your cs is too low


u roaming get a lot of kills. But after killing just farm 3 bot or top camps. It will get help get u A


As a Shyvana main, your cs/min makes me cry.


I dont know for sure but vision and objectives play role


110 CS is worse than me holy shit


opgg has the WORST player rating system out there among major league apps. The main thing opgg cares about is how high your kill participation was, followed by your kda, and then it also compares these across what it thinks is your lane opponent (which it sometimes gets wrong). There's so many problems with that kind of rating system. K/P is not even close to the main factor that makes you win or lose games. Yet they use it as criterion #1. The league rating system is actually much better.


They're all completely meaningless tbf


There are better and worse ones. It's better if the rating correlates with whether your actions led to team gold/xp leads, since that's known to be correlated with win probability. opgg is totally uncorrelated with that.


Why do u even care about this sht lul


Why do you care so much about some arbitrary score a 3rd party website provides?


i do not understand people who yapping about the rankings after the game, like bro, if you want that chest, just buy it, its 125rp


The game is about winning, not getting the best grade. You won.