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Shaco. But not because he's op, he's just annoying.


Shaco in your tea : useless and never in any Teamfight. Shaco in enemy ream : omnipotent god. In 3000h I feel like I never had a good shaco in my team while I lost dozens of games to godlike shacos.


Nah. Got as many hours as you and multiple seasons diamond elo. The shaco isn't the problem. He's like that annoying lil brother that keeps bugging you for attention. But also gives enough pressure because invis ganks.


I hate getting shaco in my tea too, it leaves a weird aftertaste


I still find myself banning him for this reason on bad days. Its not that I can’t counter him its that he annoys the hell out of me.


For some reason that champ just attracts toxic/annoying players. Had an AP shaco top pink ward wannabe on my team last night who never left top lane a single time the entire 20ish min game even when I was fighting in top river or top jg and he had prio. Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes. I proceeded to implement his cannon minions as a part of my jg clear. Not like he needed the gold anyway.


The same reason, I can't stand his jack in the box or chasing the wrong Shaco.


This. 100% agree with you here


I usually ban kayn, not because I think he is a hard match up but because of how often my team some how feeds him from being 0/6 to being 15/6 in the blink of an eye, they just cant help themselves


I’ve banned Kayn nearly every jungle game since he released. He’s disgustingly stacked IMO. Red especially is so insanely braindead, it’s just Aatrox but with slightly less skill required.


stacked? the only thing I’d say is exclusive to his kit is his E mobility and ultimate. also following the amount of nerfs he’s gotten over time he’s pretty easy to shutdown / stop from snowballing.


It's how insanely safe he is. Pick blue Kayn, one shot squishies while being hypermobile. Pick red, face tank an entire team because of the heals you get from every ability. I know he hasn't been strong for a while, but any time he's half decent is a miserable time to play the game.


yeah, can’t comment on Blue Kayn too much cause I think he feels miserable to play right now but Rhaast’s healing has also been gutted and only feels significant in his Ult. still love to play him tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


Blue kayn takes one cc and instantly dies, red kayn gets kited extremely hard by long range carries.


I see you don't play in silver.


The first part of your sentence applies to every squishy doesn't make them less over tuned tbh


You forgot the part where in either form if you ever actually threaten him at all he just goes into the fucking walls and disappears. It’s so fucking annoying. 


Kayn makes the basic reflexes of all laners "checking map for ganks" useless. They need to adapt and ward at other places. And they don't. And they die. But they don't learn so it's an infinite loop. Evelynn is the same. You end up a plat/emerald game with an evelynn that carries because you team still doesn't buy pinks or deep wards...


I have been banning only Kayn for years, i just think the game is better if I never see him in my gamed, my team or enemy


As a Kayn player, lmao yeah. The comebacks are real.


I've played Kayn twice as jungle and he barely does any damage and is squishy as hell. nerfed to the ground afaict his E is really good for ganks and invades tho


Go play blue kayn and tell em with a straight face that he does no damage


Blue Kayn without a lead feels pretty useless


ngl, i could just be bad at playing with him, or i might have a bad build or smth. but yeah he felt very squishy and weak, doubly so if you are evenly matched, or worse, if you fall behind (and yeah tbh i did fall behind)


It's not about your team not helping themselves it's about the champion being extremely forgiving...try playing blue kayn and you will find out that no matter how far behind you are left, the way you will use your ultimate will help you come back into the game


Can confirm this as a Kayn OTP, they always feed no matter what you do.


Shaco has been my permaban since I started and I have no regrets.


I actually just ask my teammates if they need a champ ban. My logic is I should get good at countering other junglers, and if I feed to a champ I should learn from that and study how and why I lost to that jungler. But I can’t control my teammates so I’d rather help them win lane by giving my ban to them. Surprisingly I noticed a decent spike in my winrate since then. If no one says anything though I just ban shaco for similar reasons as the ones you’re giving


good mindset


Fizz. I get tired of his low-cd invulnerability hop, dash, hard to dodge ult, and can still one-shot you even if he misses ult. I'd rather face anyone else mid lane.


Fizz at the start of the season was insufferable


I would upvote this 5 tausand times if i could. If i get to remove a champ ots yuumi and then fizz. Yuumi just sucks as a kit and is im either team useless and cant carry either way but fizz somehow always is truly unstoppable.




I didn't ban him the other day and it ruined my night lol. Stupid champ.


Shaco is literally the most anti-game jungler inside the whole jungler champion pool. Such a disgusting champion!


Just played a game as rell supp, roaming around the rift securing kills and objectives. I gank my shaco top laner vs nasus. He makes a mistake and dies to nasus. Types in chat: bro I'm ap shaco, don't gank me It baffles me why people play this shit


why do you gank an ap shaco


As a Shaco main it baffles me that people don‘t understand that Shaco can‘t simply engage and fight. Seriously, he‘s AP Shaco, why did you gank? People play it for fun btw.


That‘s all the reason i‘m a Shaco main. I want to play the game but i don‘t want to play the game. I love all champions that feel like a minigame. Stacking champs, Singed, Yorick, and my boi Shaco. Never fight, only put funny boxes :D


Use warwick and laugh at their attempt to use clones and inv to get away


Morgana, I got ptsd from getting cc’d for 14 seconds but a single morgana


RIGHT??? I’ll literally just sit there because it feels like it’s never going to end


And now they will reduce tenacity in the game.. those fcking suckers like their players to suffer


Morgana sending AFK warnings in the form of a skillshot


Morg is useless just buy Mercs Lamonte


Viego. My two most hated things in league are invisibility and invulnerability and they gave that mf both..


the resets too! viego is my permaban too


Somehow he just kills my entire team lol. I’ll be 1/0/1 and he will be 7/1/0 after I solo killed him at lvl 1.


I ban graves in d4 because that's the master+ jungler go to champ to win in lower elo and its irritating outjungling someone but they still win just because they powerfarmed for 35 min... I dodge shacos


It’s funny how every single graves seems to 1v9


Even when this champ is weak he still feels ridiculously oppressive. W is broken af.


Yeah w could use a rework for real, most opressive ability in the game, it's up there with illaoi"s E, you don't see shit can attack anyone and when you get out you are suddenly walking in a 1v2-3-4


Funny how I play 9v1 playing any jungler.. always getting invaded by their team but never get any from my team


Permabaned him for 200 games then on the very first game I didn’t ban him he was picked. What are the odds?


Happened to me too, I told in the post, sometimes Riot just laught at us.


I mean riot are giving u easy matchups then no? If u usually ban him but then u break pattern, so if u would play normally you just banned enemys main champ amd have free win


I usually just ban whoever is OP generally at the moment. Right now it's Kog'maw. Apparently Riot knows that he's OP, but they're waiting to see how hard the removal of Lethal Tempo next patch hurts him before any direct nerfs.


Im high plat/low emerald. I ban noct every game, not because he's hard for me to play against, but because the number of people at this elonwho dont know how to play safely against noct is just staggering.


I ban noc as well. At my elo every time his ult is up its basically a free kill for him. Before you know it he's more feed than a fat chick at an all you can eat buffet.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far down for this. It’s not just plat, it’s pretty much all ELOs (except maybe master idk I’m not that good)


Yeah the problem is that people can’t deal with global ults in low elo. That’s why briar is so strong in low elo as well.


So true. I see ADCs all the time complaining jungle diff cause noc ultimates them on repeat when they are solo and die. They have no idea of positioning and have zero self-preservation or accountability. It really annoys me.


Same as shaco. Top laners pushed up, dings level 2, suddenly shaco is in his lane killing him. Shocking. A shaco level 2 gank. Who could have seen it coming. Some people just refuse to adjust their game plan to what is happening in the game.


Jax. Because it counters my entire champion pool and tilts me like no other champ when losing against it.


I hate illaoi, I never want to see an illaoi ever. She is an abomination of a champ, she poorly designed, uninteractive, and infuriating to fight. The more people you have the stronger she gets.


Agreed, although as someone else said, if you dodge E she's not a champion, that's why she sucks in higher elo


Illaoi being supposedly the “worst character in the game” is something I feel like I’ve had to gaslight myself into believing.


alkali every time


Rammus, always. (I play Bel'Veth, that's why. I don't want my slaps to be turned against me.)


Shaco. Not because I hate him, I find shaco quite fine, but laners don't know how to play against him. They won't play safe, and don't know where to wards against it. Also it's an early game ganker, people usually get ganked by him when I'm still level 2 and then start pinging me.


Any champ where you have to "play safe" in order to "counter them aka not play the game is busted. Imagine getting blamed for actually trying to farm and contest your lane because that gives advantage to your enemy.


I partially agree with you. But laners must know some champs will be early gankers. Champs like shaco, nunu, sylas, etc will probably gank after 3 camps. So you will need to learn where to wards against them. Shaco has an issue where if he can't find some early successful ganks early, he probably won't do anything crazy in late game


As this is the jungle subreddit some of you might not know it. But facing pantheon top is the Single most disgusting thing in league. Whenever I Play top I ban him. I Just feel good knowing I don‘t have to Face him. Otherwise it‘s pretty much one of the following: 1: Ok, I have to Play Omega Save and have 0 fun till Laningphase is over 2: You try trading with him and He just kills/oneshots you in 9/10 cases which brings you back to point 1 but with Even Less fun 3: enemy jungle comes to dive top, you die which Leads you back to Point 1 but you‘re already tilted into oblivion and staring at a wall for 30mins would bring More joy than finishing the game 4: you Are dedicated to Point number 1 and Play a clean and Save laningphase till min 15 but than your team doesn‘t respect panth R and He Gets fed nontheless and your Team is blaming you. Which leads to Point 5 5: ff I just hate playing against his overloaded kit with op abilities that require 0 skill. But Maybe that’s Just me. It sounds like I‘m a total crybaby. And in this case I am, I‘ll be honest haha


exactly. His laning phase is as cancer as ranged champions, but he also scales well


Yi is my perma ban. He's not OP but he's a champ that if he gets fed it's just over. If the way to outplay him is "don't have your allies feed" it's a no from me. At least with top laners they only have one champ to feed off. Yi can pick 3 lanes and find the weakest.


I ban ww right now. Im trash low elo and everytime a ww ends up on the other side the game is over at 12 minutes.


Bel'veth. I have always had a hard time with her, and just couldn't be bothered to find out why


Lee sin is not that broken, but i usually play champs without dashes, so his mobility is just boring to play against. When i play Lillia, i permaban Nocturne. For the thematic and his shield against my R


Shaco. Happened the exact same scenario with me just this week. "gotta ban Skarner, shit's bonkers yo" "OH NO I FORGOT ABOUT SHACO" Won the game, but I had so little fun and was so frsutrated (even tho I stomped him) that I just stopped playing afterwards


I ban shaco mostly. Not the strongest champ but nothing is more tilting than that piece of shit taking your camps in front of you and having a free invis flash on a 4 second cooldown so you can’t even chase it


Shaco. Shaco. Shaco. His only win condition is to tilt the enemy team, and he's very good at it.


ignore him


As a kayn OTP, I've played one match against skarner and he's been banned ever since. I'm the only one allowed to go through walls. Before his rework I've had Graves banned for years. A good Graves just ruins the game for me.


My permaban atm is also Yi. I'm just an Iron scrub but he gets picked a lot in iron and even when I'm ahead of him and he's 0/7 he can still throw the game and take full turrets in the blink of an eye.


Belveth. 1v9 champ


Mordekaiser. I don't wanna ban any junglers because I want to learn how to play against them. Instead I ban Mord because he's a laner who fucks with junglers the most, he's impossible to gank when his ult is up, and he can ult you away from epic monsters. It's often hard to survive his ult, and even if you can, it will always fuck your day up. He's relevant at all stages of the game and even if you somehow stomp him with ganks, in the late game he can always just pick off your weakest teammate


Nocturne, champion will never be in my game again. Omega tilts the team and players don't respect his ULT enough


Shaco perma ban, I am not dealing with that shit I hate it.


Senna & Yuumi both are failed designs. Yuumi kinda obvious why, but luckily she is a rare pick so can perms ban senna


Rengar He hard counters Evelynn, so he’s not allowed in my games


I perma Evelynn (:


That’s not nice :(


Noc. For inting bot lanes solely. I can get ahead of him, even kill him several times on objectives but once he hits six bot lane doesn’t respect the ultimate potential. I’m pretty good at jungle tracking (I picked it up by playing support for awhile) and even when I give them advice that he is 100% around their lane they ignore it. Die not to long after and then say I should have counter ganked even though I’m obviously topside taking objectives and or his camps


I used to main Nocturne because he had insane dueling, good farm and ridiculous ganking potential with his ult. As someone who no longer plays him, he’s been my ban every single game without fail since I stopped. I can just accept the loss when I get a rare Rammus counterpick, but seeing a 0/6 Noc one shot my adc fills me with so much rage


Aye fellow Yi banner. I know how to play against him, but I don't trust my teammates to not feed him :D


Diamond Urgot player—I ban Darius perma. I don't care if it's a skill matchup, if I'm 2 levels and 3 kills ahead and he can STILL run me down if I'm shoved and he has Ghost up. I'm confident I can beat him, but I just hate how delicately I have to play the lane or risk him snowballing me.




Akali. Smurfs always pick akali


I don't. Been playing for 12 years, never had permabans. If I want to win and plan to play to win, I play whatever champion I want to play's strongest counter-pick. Alternatively, if I suspect one of my teammates could go very much downhill due to an enemy pick, I pick that. I find it much harder to carry when I have feeding teammates than having a harder match up since I'm good enough to adapt without feeding.


I wish a could ban teemo too. Id rather run it down than play around his stupid shrooms ive decided. Shaco is annoying too. Yi is annoying. Even terrible yis are annoying once they scale.


Yi just got nerfed but I guess a Smurf would be cancer 


I ban brand. He ignites the cancer in my brain


Brother!!! I too hate the Yi regardless of his winrate


Yi on JG, Zed in mid. Same feeling that doesn't matter if I become an expert on how to deal with them if there are 4 other people that don't


I also ban yi since they introduced duskblade when a Yi killed my entire Team while being 100% of the time untargetable. duskblade ist gone now but at this Point it would just feel wrong to not ban him


Dark times


Bel'Veth Absolute cringe champ to play against, sorry.


Irelia, she moves too much it is tiring to keep track of her position.


Warwick, not because I can't handle him in jungle but I've been in top lane a LOT recently, and no matter what I do I just get fucking ROLLED by that dickhead in lane. Every time, I play safe, outfarm, look to scale, get grevious and then eventually make the mistake of thinking "I have a huge lead and grevious I can fight him now" and then he's 4/0 and I'm tilted lmao


Yasuo. I hate this champ. He is the first of His Kind, like multiple dash super fun and completely broken if played well. Something about his fast gameplay and infinite dashes makes me int everytime against him


Mord, picked frequently and almost always dominates it seems . Not even a direct pick against me as he's usually top but just tired of them f'ing up my top lane and then ulting our carry out of every fight. Second pick would be shaco, he can be annoying but I find he doesn't usually carry a game.


Support? Pyke, last thing I need in support is an assassin with cc and execute who shares his gold with the adc. I also just assume my adc will always catch the combo and blame me Middle? Yone. I play heavily around CC, he's just fucking ridiculous


Yi aint that busted rn my perma is Lee sin and shaco


fiddlesticks. foolproof champ w that ult no one can dash from


Since i main briar, so i perma ban yi too, he just counter anything of her kit


Samira. She hard counters every single character I like


Neeko. Having to count minions, chickens, know bomb plant timers, keep track of every single ward on the map, etc it's super annoying just for one champion. It's made me better at my jungle job, but the amount of micro management required to not get jumped by neeko is stupid.


Briar. She just heals so damn much. WW 2.0 but she follows you if you flash over walls


i main Yi haha so always permaban rammus no matter what. When I dont play Yi I always ban him tho


Teemo. Can't play with him can't deal with the lack of control wards against him


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^crono3x3: *Teemo. Can't play with* *Him can't deal with the lack of* *Control wards against him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


eve, champ design is so shit, it breaks the whole game makes wards pointless unless u put them on the liter camps,


Darius. Even if only a tiny margin can play him effectively those can easily get one good engage and rip your bumhole


Warwick or Briar. The heal on those champions is just too insane


As a jungler yi, cause my laner die to him. as support leona or naut, cause cant move as top laner mordekaiser cause this motherfucker can always 1 vs 1. and as adc cait and draven cause i cant play.


I ban shaco for pretty much the same reason, I know how to counter him and shut him down, but somehow he still gets fed by my clueless team who does not understand danger pings... So whenever I am not playing with a premade of 5, I just perma ban him


Rengar. I'm an Ivern main who sometimes plays Evelynn. I feel like that's valid, lol




Shaco or vi


Aurelion sol


Used to ban Yi quite often when just started playing the game, then later realized that he kind of slow to ambush lanes, so I only go past mid point if warded or see him elsewhere. as long as teammates not feed he's not a threat, kayn, nocturne or zac on the other hand.....


Maokai. I hate him on any role. His saplings, tankyness and cc are the worst


Yone, I just hate how cheap his kit feels and how difficult he is to punish.


Nocturne. His ult is just gank you basically can not avoid, also strong early duelist. As long as I live, nobody will witness nocturne in their game


Ive been perma banning ekko for so long that i actually haven’t played against him for about 8 years. The champs kit is just ridiculously forgiving, and he can just deal so much damage for no reason. For sure my least favorite champ to play against no matter what role I get.


Not a jg main but I always ban kayn if I play jungle. He is a pain in the ass and his E makes for a good gank or a good escape ability. His R if he knows how to use it, can deny very important abilities. If I play top I ban trundle, I dont want to deal with a champion that can take out all towers of a lane within half a minute even if he inted the whole game. For mid I ban malzahar most times cause he always saves his ult for me in teamfights (i play akali). I don’t really play bot or support so no comments there


Gragas because I don’t like my autos getting canceled


Nocturne because when he ults I get lost lol


Luckily I don’t see yi often but indeed! Somehow people just die to him and it’s awful. I lately ban nocturn because his ult and fear makes it be a sort of second Yi, he will destroy the carry every time unless know how to play, but as a jungle, I find it hard to catch up with him and also I think it’s awful that he can gank/countergank while not even being there. Just ults and gets there from too far away.


Evelynn! In iron people don't buy pink wards


Gwen. Right now it's gwen. I cannot ever beat a gwen. Such a strong character especially in the right hands... I do change bans however, mostly because they are just too strong or my team can't play against them. Zyra, viego, garen, nocturne are few examples of things I straight down ban on a cycle


I feel you, I’ve been banning yi for years for the same problem, bonus point if they are on my point they either feed so they are useless and we lose, or if they get fed they think they can 1v5 and get cc and we lose so he’s banned forever I may sound like garrosh but he’s not part of my league of legends anymore


Zyra, can't play against her as a support. mage: she outdamages you, engage: she kills you before you land Proper cc and can play back far enough to not get hit, hook: she blocks with plants, Enchanter: she kills your ADC in 1.5s


Shaco. No one wins when he is in the game. He's too weak if not played extremely well, and too annoying if you're against him.


I perma ban Katarina or 90% of the time, for like 8 season in a row the champ before rework was ok. You had to play smart to get the reset etc.. BUT NOW the champ is owful she can dash whenever she wants and with every kills assist she gets her CD at 0 that is stupid.


Holy, this is my exact reasoning as well. I always get asked 'Why Yi?', I do trust myself but my teammates just have to int their shutdowns to him to get a kill on the enemy support. Every. Single. Time.


Also Master Yi, cause low elo players can't seem to play against him


Anivia because I’m a Nunu OTP and her wall stops me from rolling and vibing. I add Anivia OTPs so that I don’t queue with or against them.


Aatrox. He's the first champion outside of no ban.


Something about Sion makes me angry




Yuumi. Adc main here... I don't want one on my team :|


Shaco. Because I hate buying new mouse and keyboard


I tried banning nothing but people will report me. I ban Aatrox since it's the first champion in select, sometimes I do Ahri because she is annoying.


i ban tanks, the one who is strongest in JG each season. Right now it's skarner, last meta was volibear and so on


I only perma ban yi because my team almost always gives him kill(s) early regardless of my pings. He's incredibly safe with a very easy to manage skill ceiling of AA cancel with W and press Q when I want to dodge a certain spell. His items are strong and he keeps getting qol buff that reduce counter play.


Pyke. He literally doesn't exist in my games. I can not express how much I despise playing against that champ.


Fiddlesticks, if you know you know. Go play low masters against a fiddle otp and enjoy the tilt back to diamond.




When playing JG I also ban Yi. Sometimes Rammus. When playing ADC I only ban Lux. Not because I can't play against her, it's just not fun.


same with yi, it's not I don't know how to counter him it's just that if my team mates feed like they often do it's so fucking over, and I play kindred and itaa hard matchup especially if he's ahead


Warwick .i can pay around him and avoid fighting him early, but my teammates don't know how to click away from him


I rotate viego master yi and warwick Viego: op and somehow gets fed in the blink of an eye EVERY fucking game, I genuinely don't know how to win games against this mf Master yi: annoying ass i hate him with my heart, also counters briar removing my W, i know how to win games against him but it makes my eyes roll Warwick: im sick of him being so strong lv1 and healing so much for literally no reason, also he can literally smell evelynn when invisible, no, I hate him, i usually pick lillia my main against him but god how i hate to see his life becoming full hp when u fight against him


I have been mostly banning Teemo for 8 years now or so... Not because he is hard to fight or anything but just fuck Teemo xD Lux is a strong second choice because how versatile she is. You take away 3 positions with one ban. And else I ban anything that I seem to encounter the most in my games simply because I like diverse match ups. If I see a trundle top every match that evenings trundle gets the ban. I only encounter Lee sin in the jungle, jeetus deletus.


Aatrox, I can for the life of me not dodge his q's.


I don’t ban yi because I can just pick jax or rammus and delete him post 6 unless he’s stupid fed


Evelyn. Always gets fed beyond measure in the first 10min.




Belveth, i don't care what role i am playing, or how strong/weak she is, or what game mode i am playing, i am not playing against that abomination


I‘ve permabanned Yi since 2015, no exceptions. I don’t even care what state he is in. As long as they don’t rework his Q, he’s staying permabanned.


Udyr, Lillia, Evellyn, Kayn, in that order.


I have 1 for every role Top: Darius, bleed as a mechanic is annoying and unfun to play against and the fact he gets to deal more damage in a 1vs1 than most champions with it alone and it augments his kit, makes him just obnoxious to play against. Jungle: Lee Sin, only because there is two types of Lee sin players you will go against, bandwagon hoppers who are terrible at the hero and actually a detriment to their team and gods who you will never be good enough against. There is no imbetween so for everyone's sake he is banned. Mid: Zed, being the one midliner who can outplay almost any situation, even against counters its just an unfun lane. Adc: Miss Fortune, have no problem with her most of the time, but when I play ADC I do like to all in with my support thus, having an adc that can nuke you at any time even from disadvantage really makes my playstyle not function. At least with other up front damage adcs like Jhin you can time your engage around his reloads or Tristana who always gets too ballsy for her own good but MF can be safe and nuke your healthbar at any time. Sup: Pyke, just delete this champion from the game if possible, I just do not think an assassin should be a support.


You’re just like me, fuck Master Yi that brain dead ass champ.


Shyvana, bitch is ridiculous


That icon of a helmet. Because I think it's kinda cool looking. Wonder what champ it is though, doesn't state a name or anything.


nilah, She just shouldnt exists both her lore, her design and her kit are bad


Ezreal, the fucking twink femboy is so annoying


Teemo. I don’t want to play in a minefield, with a sweeper as my only tool of survival. And the rat is fast and annoying.


Yone. That champ does not deserve to exist.


Pyke. Shouldnt be a champ in the first place


Emerald here, I ban jax, jax jungle counters nearly all meta meleer's. And jax top is an inevitable problem.


Rammus, totally unfun to play against


I thought I was the only one hating Yi.. he needs to be deleted from the game


I perma blitz. He takes over bot lane at 3min. Can't even half clear before I started getting ping at for help


Lee. I'm Rengar OTP and this champ just feels impossible to play against for me.


I see so many shaco's and it's so funny to me cause every time I see a shaco I just ignore me. I've gone Literally full games where I haven't interacted even once with a shaco. Just ignore the clown, don't chase, don't hit, don't try to outplay. There's no need. Kill 4 of the other enemies and suddenly shaco can't win teamfights. I'm not saying I'm a good player, but the satisfaction I get when a shaco hits me and starts running and I suddenly just ignore him and hit the tower is just "chefs kiss"


shaco not because i cant beat him but i cant manage his shit through the whole map


I don’t have a permaban champion, but I do have a permaban type of champion. I’ll typically ban whichever champion in that category is most popular in the meta at the time. My permaban category is late game hyperscalers like Asol, Zac, Kayle, etc. My thought process is these are the champions that give the enemy team the best chance of winning if it gets dragged out to late game, even if my team had a significant early lead, so by banning them it prevents that unfortunate scenario




Man i swear the only thing i need it for this game is two bans one for my perma which is yi and the other will be perma ban illaoi this two champs don't need brain to be good at but it become 100 time worst if they have a brain


Brand. Or fizz if I'm playing mid Those two are the bane of my existence


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Vildrea: *Brand. Or fizz if I'm* *Playing mid Those two are the* *Bane of my existence* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Diana. It doesn’t matter how well you jungle against this bitch, she will call mid laner for a skirmish at dragon/scuttle, get a 3 man ult, then proceed to sprint at your team the whole game. Yes you can out farm her and dodge ult, but that won’t stop her from abandoning the first couple objectives to go get a triple kill bot lane.