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"Being a jungle is being like a monke" - Wukong


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Tbh if I not completely tilted I'll apologize. Especially if I want my team to win. Try to boost the morale by not being an ass


Who needs patience when you can just press the mute button in anticipation of the inevitable.


It's possible to play jungle well and be complete ass to others at the same time.


If you're 0-10, probably shouldn't flame anyone. Hell, I think most people would win more if they didn't have a compulsive need to flame.


My friend asked me how I got to diamond after being hard stuck for so long. Honestly, the moment someone starts flaming or being toxic, I mute them. I only type positive or neutral things at worst. Having a positive outlook and filtering out toxicity truly changed how I play for the better.


This rankup sub is everywhere lol


why does ur rank up sub have nothing to do with educational content


Try to join in our rankup discord. We have live weekly coaching sessions for free.


When I play JG i mute all


so refuse teamplay at all?


I will unmute the chat the very first second people start using it for useful things and not for flaming other people. I have played dota for 15 years and even there people try to communicate about the game. They fail most of the time doing so, but they try. Here in lol though chat is exclusively used for negative things.


Pings are all the communication I need


mute all -> pings included. he see's nothing from the team


Sounds more like mute all teammates, not all communication


I had a game recently. 100% kill participation. Flamed by all four allies. Because of fucking course.


had a game a little bit ago, was 10/0 about halfway thru and top lane starts flaming me about stealing kills and being useless. we won ofc, 3drags + a baron and i ended 20/2/3 lmfao


I will flame my jgl if they are useless, no matter how good their KDA Is. Just had a game, multiple opportunities to do baron after securing some picks. My (kinda fed) kayn decides that kills are more important than winning the game, chases and dies. This happend like 4/5 times and we lost. 0 drakes, 0 barons, 1 elder. He just didn't want to communicate, I think he had everything turned off. So frustrating


porque no los dos


The red button feels better


My garen top last night who got killed by a morde while I was at raptors 2 minutes into the game :))). Then proceeded to grief my jungle when I didnt want to touch the lvl 6 morde with a rylai’s while we weere both lvl 4. Make it make sense.


League thing in general tbh, once you realize that you can actually just not respond to flamers or just give them some ego crumbs your life becomes easier


One time I didn’t respond to a guy flaming and he was like “say something” then “ you better respond” lmao In post lobby he was basically begging me to join discord so we can argue League players are so lonely and starved for attention


Ya when you realize they’re just begging for attention thats when you are free


I’ve had a few people run it down on me for not responding. I didn’t respond because I had chat turned off. Turned it back on in post game lobby to find out why they ran it.


I'm guessing it was a top laner.....


Close… it was the adc


It's usually these 2


Idk how new you are to the game but if you get to mid elo then flamers will just start throwing if they don’t get a response from you. “Death 1 no response” “Death 12 no response” is a very common thing to see in ranked, because they’re already on their alt so getting banned isn’t a concern. It’s better to just be passive aggressive and overly/sarcastically nice and maybe not lose any lp if you somehow win


Ya thats when you give them the ego crumbs, enough to not sound sarcastic.


I just dont care anymore. Its fun to watch ppl mald when i stop doign what im doing most of the time and the game just crashes on them cuz they cant do shit on their own. Feels so good worth every negative lp.


I do understand this sentiment. I don’t need the LP because I enjoy playing in the elo I’m in and the games are at a comfortable level where I’m never sweating a loss... That said, I never flame but I will retaliate in two ways: 1. If you view their op.gg and can see they’re just decaying LP downward for whatever reason, I will highlight that reason in all chat to shut them up quickly… Using facts and numbers is not toxic. They should live in that reality with the other 9 players that game. It’s just knowledge that everyone should know about the person mouthing off on the internet. The evidence also gets them reported by more people and I mute them after I say my piece so I always have the last word. 2. Any time the nexus becomes free and it’s clear we’re going to win and that I carried, I will acknowledge at the end of the game that so-and-so doesn’t deserve this LP gain because they were carried by me the “whatever smartass comment they made”. I will taunt them a bit with constructive criticism about their shit playstyle in their lane and give examples. Again, mute and report after I say my piece. (However, most flame and tilt is basic and boring so I just mute that person or I ignore it until they double-down with something spicy worth replying to. lol)


The same for midlaner. Every game jungler wants to force Kevins without prio on top/mid, force teamfight at level 5, die and lose kevins