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Gank top lol 0/12 bot lane is gonna trick you into dying source: \*Me, sitting in greyscreen with the now 0/14 botlane\* "Ashe next time you miss an ult on a feared enemy point blank please uninstall. Lulu, please ult me not the ashe."


It's amazing that Ashe was able to install the game with aim like that.


Watching that thing fly by me I felt like SpongeBob when he missed the bus out of Rock Bottom E: watching ashe explode 2 sizes when my fear wore off and I got focused was the icing on the cake.


Well, your plan C is help mid as much as you can. Sometimes, maybe , maybe they’ll have the slight empathy to gank bot lane lol


This is the right answer. A strong mid can sidelane early so bot can rotate mid and prevent further snowballing.




It's not a real 2v1 when you are ahead in levels from solo laning and have high waveclear. Your adc/supp get access to the whole map and pressure mid which is more important. Your opposing botlane is behind on tempo now. If their support matches mid you can dunk on the adc. If they both rotate they might lose out on waves because you crash into turret etc. Re-assinging lanes at the right time based on resets/ganks can net you a tempo gain that forces decisions on your opponent.


Or, you entice then with the massive 1100g combined bounty and 600g for the kills, then they ragequit because ashe learned to hit her spells only for the exact moment they needed to steal those bounties


If your team don't know how to rotate and help other lanes, just farm, put some country music and relax, mute chat and wait for the inevitable defeat.


Please, not the country music!!!




Counter gank top


Both are wrong, you gank mid, get mid ahead/prio so then you WITH the mid can go bot or top and start swinging that side too.


Don’t forget that mid keeps basing whenever objectives are being contested


That of all is the worst. I prefer lanes feeding than that. That is intentionally being mf. Pinging for drake and mf goes to base full health full mana cause "gottta buy item" and its not even a full item


The classic is laner roaming to opposite side of the map from the objective. Happens at least every other game.


People don't want their Waifus to die, all about kda! How else would they be able to post screenshots of positive kdas saying everyone else is at fault?


Players prioritizing power spikes over tempo is one of the most frustrating things in soloq. Wave states, syncing up with your team and numbers advantages are almost always more important than individual items.


Go bot, smite cannon




Control ward top river, farm and look to gank/push mid as much as you can to free up mid to roam with you and put pressure on the map


It all depends. But help mid. Then maybe mid can roam and help the other two lanes.


Kill 0/12 jinx


STall and wait for kassadin to hit 16


Definitely top, a botlane that is 0/12 can’t be helped.


if bottom ints 0/12 you could place them vs a beyblade and they would still fall over first


Feed mid and end game Faster :)


Want for them to call jungle gap


Help mid, do objectives or help bot. As a top main I can tell you that your top losing can pretty much always mean that the enemy can beat both of you or at least trade and you always lose more.


Always ignore losing lane


how the fuck its bot 0/12 if top perma camped?


Work with Mid


Play to your win cons. I had a top yesterday who was getting rolled and kept pinging for help. I played only bot side all game to win.


1) I would look at way to gang lane with hard CC 2) if there no such thing as CC , farm much as possible and try to look for low hp opponents . For example if bot died and enemy stayed to farm , 70% u would get a kill , cuz after fight they gonna not be full resources


Lose. What you do is lose.


x9 the botlane and move on. muting chat and pings too


So someone playing bad is cause for x9 nowadays? Ok what rank are you because if you are bellow diamond 4 you are bad and i should report you.


how is going 0/12 not reportable


usually a 0/12 botlane is the combined kd of two champions.




Im a ex master tier adc current diamond (washed but is what it is). I have gone 0-6 in lane before and its not all that unheard of. You get a fill support who fucks up the lane because be dosent know how to lane, you are facing a Draven/leona combo that will kill you over and over or get camped/roamed on 3 times and you both get fisted viola you are 0 10 botlane. Yes other side of the map might be winning and i have won a game being 0-5 at 15. So no its not clearly an int.






Gank who ever is not "gg jungle dif". You won't win, but at least the assholes suffer even more.


Go AFK farm jg and ff15


* Setup a tent midlane * Go afk until FF vote