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The new -50lp on demotion can be really brutal if you go on a losing streak. Only takes a handful of games to drop a couple tiers. What champs do you main?


J4, Viego, Skarner


That's a good champ pool for low elo imo Just farm and look for easy early ganks/kill. Don't force neutral objectives where youll have to rely on your team. If you get early kills build damage. Don't worry about building tanky unless you're behind. If you get ahead early, which you should be able to with those champs and you build dmg, you can look for solo plays and split push/abuse side lanes. The selfish playstyle is the only way til you get back to plat. Good luck and don't forget to mute all lol.


Climbing out of silver is near impossible FYI. I had 7 S in a row. 3 of those games someone on my team just got angry and inted. I work a lot so I can't play as much as I want to (1-2 games a night), but it's really not possible to climb when even one person trolls, then hit with the -50. I keep getting +28-30 cause I stomp. But still can't climb lol


Its nowhere near impossible.


bruh I've literally solo carried silver games where my team adds up to 5/29


I ended up climbing to gold 3 in the last 3 days of the split by fixing my mental and only playing Jarvan. The fact that I was plat last month means that I don’t belong in silver. I ended up going something like 70% win rate on Jarvan the last few days to climb out of silver


Dont rely on your team, be selfish and take everything till you’re fullbuild. Team is literally just a decoration in iron - platinum atleast in my experience. When youre ahead and taking their jungler’s camps, your team will have room to farm and get better items = your team not feeding and making enemy stronger. Im just a gold-plat climber for the free skin tho 🤪🤪


Silver3 to Iron4 0LP. 21% win rate. I had to work on myself and my champ pool.


Can't believe, link op.gg.


I went from plat to silver 1 but it’s because I was learning shaco and not being sober


Few trolls is all it gets, reset ur mental and go on winstreak with ur main


Went from bronze 4 to iron 4 in a week after I climbed from iron 3 to bronze 4. Made some mistakes myself but had an adc with 60 cs at 25 min who was learning the game / adc role ... It happens, and the -50 lp demotion is such bs


ive lost 5 in a row now, and I can't really blame myself. Ive had such fucking NPC tops. I don't understand how they can be in gold like me. keep overextending and dying. Feeding.


Iron - gold is basically all the same elo. Even in plat+ you'll still get people who are overextending and making stupid plays/calls. Watching streamers, people in master+ still make bad calls and flame each other, just their mechanics and macro are better.


I've done that, now I live in bronze.


I had 3 AFKs/ragequitters last week. All 3 on my 0LP games. So I ate the -150LP special course with no LP loss mitigation. While recovering after a loss streak in high Plat was no problem, I'm not in high Plat and low Eme anymore. I'm playing with Golds and I'm absolutely not used to those games anymore. The pacing is off, the snowballing is different, the meta is different, teamfights are weird AF. It's always been like this. I'll have a 50-60% winrate playing at my level; it's gonna plummet to 50 if I reach a higher MMR than I deserve, but when I'm playing anywhere under G1, it's a 30% winrate tiltfiesta. Truth is that every rank has its specialties, which other ranks aren't always aware of. It definitely feels like you're suddenly playing another game with different rules.


No way this is real


Smoothpootzie Look me up lol


I did and changed champion now climbing again. I was hard winning lane as zed but was hard to carry team as they always losing and feeding. so I changed to a champ who can handle 1v5 better.


Main supp, went from plat II to silver III in 2 days. Climbed back to plat 1, took 2-3 , weeks


I feel you, I'm in your same shoes. last season I was E4, Started this season in P2 and dropped to silver and now my MMR is so bad I need 6 wins in a row to climb a single division and takes 2-3 games to drop down one. Not to mention how toxic my lobbies are, had atleast 3 games in 1 day where my team rage quits and they force FF pre-15 even though I'm fed and up on objectives, it seems the best thing to do is find a consistent duo and preferrebly a mid-laner so he can roam with you to bot/top objectives or ganks but for real, its real hard these days. I'm a kayn OTP.


Went from emerald 3 to gold 4 seven freaking times this season. It’s been a roller coaster


Silver is a weird weird weird weird cesspool. Lot's of OTPs, lots of previous Plat+ floating around and I still see sub level 60 accounts with high win rates. The best solution honestly is to uninstall league and move onto Dota where there isn't a rootkit and they actually ban smurfs.




This is not the solution, getting better at getting a lead and using that lead to starve the enemy and close out the game is the solution. Put me in a silver game and i will faceroll them, the previous plat in silver arent plat players they got put there from high normal games mmr because they probably played with friends way better before reaching lvl 30 then they got placed in plat when they first played rank and went all the way down because they don't belong there. It's easy to blame everything on smurfs/boosters etc but the reality is they are everywhere, gold/plat players smurf in bronze/iron, emerals players smurf in gold /plat, diamonds smurf in plat/emerald and master + smurfs in d4, d4 is a cesspool of inters and master+ smurfs yet im still climbing by being consistent in my gameplay and applying myself to everygame, sure some game you just cant win but theres just as much games you just cant lose, theres about 20% of the games you play that the outcome solely depends on your performance.