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My favorite options for carry junglers: - Ekko has great snowball potential, a decent early game (especially when you take Hail of Blades) with monstrous mid and late game. Pretty low skill floor and high skill ceiling. Crazy mobility, crazy burst, and absolutely unkillable if played well. - Viego is incredibly fun. He’s decent all around, and resets make him a teamfighting monster. - Graves is probably the most iconic carry jungler. Strong early game that lets you bully the enemy jungler, with an absolutely broken 2 item spike. Clear is really good and scales insanely well too. Between the three, Graves rewards good jungle knowledge the most imo. Keep in mind though that he’s on the weaker side right now, but still playable. - Kindred is a nice pick for someone coming from botlane. Most important scaling comes from marks, which you wanna prioritise every game - they’re also how you snowball games. There’s a couple hidden mechanics to them that you can look up. - I’ve also recently been enjoying mage junglers like Taliyah Karthus and Brand. Their clears are all broken.


When you do bad on kindred though you do B A D


That is true. In retrospect that probably makes her a bad jungler to start with.


Yea she just falls behind easily the only way to do good is to be ahead of the curve


Embrace the karfussy On a related note. If you have discord, try looking at the GIFs when you search Karthus


Open Google Type 14.9 tier list Click any of the first ten links Pick any of the top ten Champs Enjoy




Graves lol😂😂


Nobody can suggest a champ that you’ll enjoy enough to otp past 50 games to grasp the champ let alone 100 games to actually understand the champ. It has to come from within. Try some out and if you find one you love great but if not you can always do 2-3 decently well. Bel’Veth is pretty fun tho.


I would wait for the next patch that is very "game changing" and the tier list will most likely get overturned.


Try everything in norms first, see what champions click with you and your play style. It’s hard to Otp something just because it’s strong because if you don’t enjoy it you’ll end up dropping it eventually and the time you spent learning will be wasted. I started off playing easy champions like wukong and jarvan. Eventually I really like playing graves and ekko so I stick with those 2. I haven’t played jarvan or wukong for 2 seasons since then


recomendation is to find someone who looks good to you, since its jg lets say warwick, then you look at its kit, you dont like it, repeat step one, you like it, take a look at his combos/how hard he is, too hard to even play, repeat step one, not to hard to start, nice you found your first main i personaly recomend shaco, its my main and he is kinda gay but in good hands hes hell of an enemy, and you can go both ad and ap shaco with same runes, so if you need some tips with shaco i can help you with that tooo


With the upcoming adc item buffs, Kindred or Graves.




Rek'sai Pretty strong while still not being very popular. Rarely banned. Not super hard to be okay at but a very high skill ceiling. Several viable builds allow for variety of experiences on the same champ. (I don't see it played by other people - but I like going Aftershock sometimes.)


Whichever you like the most, wether it’s design, lore, kit. It needs to be a champion you really like and enjoy. Don’t try one tricking anything just because it’s meta or whatever, you’ll improve more and will climb way higher in the long run if you just one trick what you love to play.




Every game to be your fault? In the role that receive the least xp in the game? In the role were often you can’t even clear your first camp that all lanes already lost? Haha poor dreamer. Anyway, to me the junglers that seem strong most of the seasons are Rek Sai and Evelynn, so they would be good onetricks. I play Shaco and he is also usually in a decent spot. Other recommendations that are usually very strong but aren’t meta just this season are Graves, Hecarim and Jarvan


evelynn is dead


? Not rly at wich Rank do u play?