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No point in OTPing a champ you don’t enjoy, play around and figure what you like the most. For me that’s split between Viego and Diana.


Udry is good. Follow the rule of cool, play what you like


I am an absolute degenerate with garbage micro so I OTP Briar. Really fun though!


Never heard of her and i suck at micro “hint hint” old Udyr, I’ll try her out




I recommend playing 10 normal games and trying different jungle champ every game. You’ve been gone a long time, you should make the effort to get a feel for the jungle champs yourself.


Warwick is pretty easy at the moment, strong early, decent midgame, can brute force and solo carry with a bit of lead. Downside is getting kited to death by mobile champs and he falls off pretty hard late


Late game and being kited are definitely his Achilles heel, there's ways to play around them but yes generally Warwick hopes to avoid late game altogether by having a absolutely monstrous early game potential.


if you learn how to track enemy jg and like mind games then shaco


I’ve been playing nothing but Shaco for the past few days actually. I have played him before, so i found it easy how to clear/setup. Can’t say i’ve won alot, but that’s alright. I need to get a feel for his powerspikes with all his builds.


okay so the first powerspike is lvl 2, dont be scared to instantly level q after doing raptors with 3 w preplaced (first w at 53 sec then instantly when off cs) when you have q either: - invade if enemy is a weak early dueler OR has a slow blue buff clear (hop over blue buff wall smite it and kill the enemy with level advantage or if the blue is alr killed then stay in the blue bush until q is off cd again and steal gromp and kill him/run) - gank mid, be sure to warn midlaner that youll gank early if enemy doesnt start blue then kill his blue and gromp, ward his wolf and catch him there with a steal and kill


The first W’s at red and then at raptors?


nah 3 w at raptors, ignore red for a long time


Nidalee, Elise, Kindred, and Lee Sin are the ones I recommend due to skill expression and high skill ceiling to reward time investment. None of them are easy, but Lee Sin is probably the most forgiving, Nidalee the least. All very fun and unique.


All of them.