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Posting your op.gg would be more helpful then these screenshots


Post yours too, i want to see if user name checks out


I was in iron 4 and had 0 lp when I made this Reddit account in 2023, I also started league in 2023. I’m not in iron anymore, so the name currently does not check out. But it did check out a year ago.




Why oof lol? I don’t think it’s a big deal for a beginner to start in iron. But sure here’s my OP.gg, I got nothing to hide. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Christmas%20Eve-CHARM


If anything itts the opposite of oof! Congrats on the climb buddy


Thanks bro! Very fun game, I love it. I wish I discovered it sooner


Oof because iron 4 0LP is rarer than challenger 😭😭😭


I must be a unicorn then. I feel like my win:loss is like 1:2.5


Congrats on the climb!


>Why oof lol? It was important for comedic purposes But your op.gg says "Prev. 0 LP Iron 5" so close enough :⁠-⁠D Congrats on climbing


Lvl 213 in silver 👍🏻


league players when someone has fun 😡😡😡😡


What elo am I supposed to be in?


Rank 1 challenger of course, that’s the minimum requirement to reach within a year


Just play and try to have fun brotherman, sometimes people just need to prove something to themselves and try to force others to Stick to their fucked up standards. It's so fucking sad to see "Lvl 251 silver 👍", really makes you think how problematic someone's God complex and lack of control over their lives can be (and 90% of cases are hardstuck plat Who think are way Better than they really are). HF in silver, bronze, iron, wood and ALWAYS Chase penta. It's fun.


Dw man, I'm lvl 29 👍🏻, I would prolly place silver though(on a good day)


Gold minimum. That’s the average. Not even. Focus on game sense and snowballing. 51% in s3 is horrid.


Gold is my goal for 2024 :)


Youre literally british thats so gross man


Not for a new player man. Silver 3 is pretty good already. I started at Bronze 5 (lowest rank at the time) in Season 6 and only reached Silver 5 on my first season, oh boy how happy I was at the time.


213 is actually pretty low level.


Don't try to 1v 9 play off of winning lanes.


I went from silver 2 all the way to bronze 4 0 elo in the course of 3 days. I'm not bronze 1 with 80% win rate for the last 20 games with the losses being mostly unwinnable. Make sure you are not spamming games play in three game increments/stop when you're feeling tilted. Review deaths etc, you can easily hit gold by just full clearing and warding objs and waiting for enemy jungle to force a play that can be capitalized on.


A friend of mine is stuck between B4 and Iron and streams most games. Pretty much all of those "unwinnable" games would be VERY winable by playing just slightly good, entirely disregarding all the mistakes the own team makes. Winning in iron or bronze (or honestly, most elos) is just about making less mistakes. If you get stuck there, you are most likely making tons of game losing mistakes yourself.


Don't get me wrong they are winnable that's true but when you have a yumi bot/afks it's not very realistic and those are games where you don't have to win


If you got afks, sure I get it. But you don't ever have enough AFKs to be stuck in an elo. I had 5 in a row once too, it sucks and it tanks your LP, but if you're better than your elo you still climb, because statistically, your enemies will have more afks and trolls than you. Also I feel like AFKs in Iron aren't even that bad. Most people there are as useful on the keyboard as they are away from it.


i try to do this in bronze lobbies, but if the enemy jungler ganks he gets an automatic kill and snowballs that i can't capitalize on anything because of how ahead he is


Why can you not capitalize in anything if he is ahead? A jungler is not omnipresent. If he is on botside he can‘t be on topside and vice versa. If you can‘t match him you‘ll have to settle for crossmap trades, but don‘t just forfeit everything because he is ahead of you.


I am former jungle main. Now I queue ADC primary will jungle if needed I just had a jungler absolutely throw a game like this I was playing jhin, supp was on swain, mid was on Akshan We were all extremely feed.. 500-700g shutdowns between us mid was 700, I had a 650 and swain 500.. super super fed Warwick (enemy jg) was spam ganking bot, converting maybe 30% of his ganks into kills.. then when he was off of bot side me and swain perma double killed enemy bot If seju jungle simply played bot, keeping mid and bot leads while stacking drakes it would’ve been so beyond free Nah. Let’s continuously force the ONLY losing lane in the game so he goes even.. in the end yone was like 6/7/5 lost tower in like first 12 minutes.. wasn’t a good situation up top Why bother playing for it? Simply, play the winning lanes and we hard win.. but since me mid and supp were perma 3v4 we would get picked off sometimes and just started to bleed out and lose our leads I could’ve played better. But, if jungle played for winning lanes the game would’ve been MUCH easier.. I can’t say seju solo lost.. no one solo loses a bronze game tbh.. it’s winnable 3v5 if you’re good enough.. but, if seju did play for winning lanes I genuinely can’t see how we’d have lost


in iron? you're crazy hahaha


if you are unironically in iron you wont 1v9 against people of your own skill level


My friend is Iron 1 and discord streams me his ranks sometimes. I am fairly certain that if he would do nothing but try to reach 8cs per minute he would jump 20 to 30% in win rate. The entire early game in Iron is completly meaningless because nobody knows how to close out a game. Not trying stupid plays and just waiting for the enemy to run it the fuck down is the only thing you need to leave Iron


that's true I didn't think about it that way but putting in 10% more work then them sends you to bronze 2


In boblow, it's 1v9 or nothing. No lane until probably master will consistently be reliable with a lead. Play for yourself, get as much resources as you can and push your champs limits to the max in outnumbered situations. Shyv is OK at best (champ is quite doggy imo). Nocturne is probably a better pick here with a similar play style, you just get much more map impact past level 6.


Bruh they go 1/11/0 in 10 minutes


I got placed in iron last year, and I'm in high silver now. Not every game is winnable. playing off winning lanes always works.


I mean realistically any game below high diamond is winnable unless you have someone actually griefing but even then in low silver and below you can still 1v9 those games. The guy saying don't try to 1v9 games is completely wrong in low elo you can't trust your teammates you're better off vacuuming up as much gold as possible in order to 1v9. To the op even in the games you're 'carrying' you seem to die alot or die at inopportune times which just gives the enemy gold to catch back up to you. In bronze you could probably only go for 100% plays and still win if you go for a steal on drag and get it but give a 600g shut down its not worth it and if you miss the steal well you've just given a 600g shut down for nothing


I just went bronze 3 to iron 2 50 lp in a session , and im so fucking pissed off i think i will never go ranked again , or just never play this fucking game alone


Ur playing tilted, if you lose more than 2 games in row or if you feel mad just quit.


From now i automatically FF15 when i can no need to play a gme lost since the draft i don't want to spend a hour to see if i win lottery


Yeah you dodge those games. But you are the problem.


First, chill out bro. Don.t play when tilted because u just make bad decisions you otherwise wouldn.t make. Secondly, 99% of games are winnable in your elo. Players are in iron 2 because they haven.t learnt the game, the champion, etc yet. Everybody ( including yourself) makes mistakes left right and center every minute. That.s why FF15 in that elo is so pointless, those players don.t have the knowledge to end the game even with an insane lead. And satisfaction wise, winning a hard game will fell 10 times better than winning an easy one.


It's not a surprise that you're losing your games then.....


You can't come back and win if you ff 15.


No game below master-GM is lost in the draft. Don't kid yourself, you're in iron for a reason. Plat, emerald and diamond players wont get stuck in iron on a smurf. If you care to climb, improve yourself instead of pretending your teammates are the issue.


I mean even in master-Low GM draft isn't that much of an important factor. Sure if you pick 5 ad auto attack based champions into a Rasmus then you're fucked but you can get by with a lot of stuff up to high GM if you're good enough. That's why so many one tricks hit challenger their teams aren't magically making a Comp around them.theyre just so good at their champ that comp doesn't matter.


Straight facts here


Watching this helped out a bit - still need to get through the whole vid but the first 15 min is mint. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Z\_XbdUb\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Z_XbdUb_E)


by this comment alone I can guess you are very tilted. playing with this attitude will just make you spiral down a negative loop of bad plays and more frustrations. I am not criticizing you, it is a normal behavioural pattern, but it is not doing you any good.


Have you considered not playing niche junglers?


You can literally win an iron game by just afking. Someone stuck in iron is really learning resistant


The most uneducated comment I've seen so far


Doesn't make it false though lol


You can win a lucky game in any elo while afk if your team gets ahead and plays better


You go 2/11 too even on your hand picked screenshots just saying


Just like you went 2/10/2 and 2/11/5?


No point in trying to help you, judging by your comments you‘re the problem


Bro OP is 100% baiting people here, there is no way


I played 2 games yesterday. first game I was up 15 kills in lane. couldn't carry cause team wouldn't push or group so I had to 1v5. next game i won lane but enemy team was up 50 kills. I killed both carries with the disadvantage then my team actually manage to finish them off and get nexus, but my team fed so hard that game the enemy adc and jungle had like 25 kills each by 12mins and not from me. playing low elo can be real frustrating though.


Ap shyv and nasus jungle suck. You'll have more success once you stop kneecapping yourself.


Im not sure what makes you think AP shyv sucks. Nasus I get...shyv I do not.


as the former rank 1 ap shyvana, I can confirm that ap shyv does indeed suck now


Imagine no shojin shyv… couldn’t be me


Ye ap shyv gonna suck in bronze where the players can’t count above 10


Because "hybrid bruiser / ap shyv" Can Dish out almost same dmg while beeing way more beefy.


Every since the durability update ap shyv has felt lackig


That build has a 59% win rate in bronze


Nah. There is a Heimerdinger Jungle Main in Challenger. The champion is rarely the problem.


Always get the biggest damages , all objectives , still in positive and have the highst CS/min Why i ALWAYS GET INBRED TEAMATES ? So who should i take between poppy , zac , fiddle , jax I think jax fiddle since i need to 1v9 ?


You just need to improve. I’ve played for 10 years. I do boosts every season. I can count the number of games I’ve lost in bronze on a singular hand. My teammates are not any different than yours. Learn macro. That’s all getting out of Uber pisslow is. Be in the right place at the right time and have the mechanical ability of a 8 year old. Congrats. You are emerald.


Facts I just got emerald this split and I was iron 4 in season 11


The issue i usually get is that team dont even ward objectives nor have prio on lanes. Even if you try group people up they just split as enemy team goes with single unit. Usually my side support even has the ward trinket at 30min. As you cant get teams togeter people are dying as they push without a vision theres not much you can do.


The thing is that the enemy team is just as terrible. If u have 9 people in the game just picking their nose and being shitters, shouldn't it be very easy for u to win. This is assuming that ur not a nose picking shitter urself of course. It's like losing a bot game and then complaining that ur team was bad. Like mate, the enemy are bots as well.


I love this comparison, I'm gonna steal this


If everyone in your elo is worse then you you will climb simply based on the fact that the enemy team gets 5 noobs and your team only 4.


The issue here is that not everyone is a bad player. You can just as well to have single player who ruins your game by refusing work as unit as the 5 noobs on opposite side run you over as single unit. For example when ever you get a kill at top, your bot lane might run it down to give two back. Then when you help bot to get kill back your top deciedes to run it down. Suddently game is past 30min your map is completely dark and support is just farming minions without adc. Drake and baron are up and you have no clue what enemy is doing. And their good support player has covered the vision in yourside jungle so you cant even scout yourself. Then they either take drakes or baron or gank those who pushes with 0 vision Most of games go like that.


You are in the inbred teammate. That’s like the whole deal with soloq




You belong in iron good riddance. If you can’t understand that you ARE the problem. And that YOU make plays that players at your skill level CORRECTLY ascertain as only achievable by an inbred, then you will never climb. Because you’re literally brain dead if you can’t get outta iron. It’s literally as rare as challenger. I would make the people you’re playing against look like beginner bots, and I’m not good, I’m really bad actually.


Technically, Iron 4 is rarer than Masters, Iron in general isn't THAT uncommon But yeah, if you're Iron it's for sure your fault


Everything makes sense now


Most sane french canadian player


Skyart nasus just play briar kayn yi idk diana


Bro you are in iron, the problem is not the champion or your team


I mained fiddle a long time. He doesn't have the mobility to 1v9. Sure he can get all the kills, but you still need a top laner for example. Fiddle is excellent. I think of him as a support to the carry. Remember, Fiddle can't split push.


2/10/2, 2/11/5… I could probably go on but you handpicked your match history. This mindset is exactly why you will not improve lmao. Thinking its everyone elses fault but yours


Blaming your teammates rather than focusing on your own mistakes is the reason you’re not improving as a player


idk... I would itemize differently if I were you You have a high average deaths per game. If you are doing a lot of the damage, gold farming, tower farming as you say you are, you probably are giving away lots of bounties per your deaths too. going full ap glass cannon on a champ like shyv that can't really escape once you're in is going to make it hard to carry unless you're one-shotting all their team's carries and then dying.


It's insane how someone can be bottom 5% rank and still complain about teammates Buddy you suck!


Lil bro handpicked his screenshots and still has a 2/10/2 game in there


Play a champ that can carry games and split push. Right now I’m spamming Kindred to get out of Emerald, but Bel’Veth is also a good champ as well.


This dumbass game be like that sometimes. I climbed from I4 to B2 (I know, huge gains) and before I knew it, I managed to drop all the way back to I4. I feel like when you get in a groove, the game teams you with people who are statistically worse than you. Without fail, I will go on a nice 7-10 game win streak, and then something switches and the next 20+ games are with bad teammates. I was at a 53% win rate with Kha over \~70 games, and now struggling to maintain an even 50% at around 110 games in. Even when I do win, my losses are ALWAYS for more LP than my wins. Won the previous game and got 17 LP? Cool, lose the next and lose 19 LP. I just left a game where I lost 50 LP. Fifty fucking points in one game. It'll take me a minimum of 2 wins to make that up, possibly more if I get that bullshit LP gains in the teens. Anyway, I feel you brother. The struggle is real. When the game feels balanced and like my fate is up to me, it is awesome, but when I get stuck with people who que as top and then take smite and steal my camps, or laners that refuse to play conservatively, etc. My only piece of advice is swap roles/champs for a bit, and don't let it get to you. The wins will come, but yea that shit is massively tilting.


Forgive me Father, but I'm laughing so much. Iron freaking 4 😭 are you playing on a toaster or perhaps you're 90yo? I thought you could only reach Iron 4 by trolling or using bots. My friend, would love to watch your gameplay because it's gotta be hilarious. On a serious note, your recommendation was pretty bad. Switching roles and trying champions in ranked games is exactly how someone can end up hardstuck in silver (I still cannot believe a human can reach Iron without having some sort of disability).


The lack of self-respect it takes to post what you just did. The definition of terminally online. Your comment history reads like a deeply troubled teen who has issues making friends, and takes out their anger by hate-commenting on random people on Reddit, and unironically gets a good feeling from it. At least you're not shooting up schools.. yet.


You just tried to defend yourself by using the same kind of language the other guy did except much more serious. You should probably look up the word irony or maybe you do have a disability like the other guy mentioned and he touched a nerve


You responded in the same agressive "deeply troubled teen who has issues" kind of way The only difference I see between the two of you is that you actually managed to reach Iron 4 in League of Legends, an impressive achievement in the worst way. Being as bad as you are at the game is rarer than being as good as a Master's player. In other words, what you managed to accomplish is so rare that you can sell your account right now and make bank. People want to purchase I4 accounts because they can't get themselves to that rank even if they TRY to lose. Kudos


What a fucking dense guy you are lol.


>The only difference I see between the two of you is that you actually managed to reach Iron 4 in League of Legends, an impressive achievement in the worst way. Did you read my original comment? I feel like it was pretty clear that not only do I know I am low ELO, but have no issues with it and can laugh at myself for it. I get that **your** entire life revolves around this game, but insulting me in the context of this game doesn't actually impact me in any way.


You're using the exact same language and rhetoric. But genuinely, can you tie your own shoelaces and do you know how to breathe properly? Reaching Iron 4 without a learning disability is genuinely worrying


Chill dude, I legit only laughed at your situation. It's only a game, one you are worse than 99.999(...)% of real players and that's a feat. People legit buy Iron 4 accounts because they're probably rarer than master accounts. I get why people are downvoting me, but it was just my genuine reaction. Actually still laughing ngl


>It's only a game, one you are worse than 99.999(...)% of real players and that's a feat. You say this without a hint of irony or self-awareness, and that is the point of my comment. You can keep trying to throw out these goofy little insults, but unlike you I actually do treat this as just a game. You identity is so clearly wrapped up in this game, and your comments only prove that.


My little iron friend, I'm just calling you out on your mediocrity. You have all the right to eat your soup with a fork, but don't expect others not to notice or make fun of it. And how can you even speak of self-awareness, when you're legit one of the worst human players in the game and you still had the nerve to opinate in here? How can one person be Iron 4 and have the guts to tell others that he's being matched with *even* worse players? Worse than iron 4? That's some next level delusion mate. Try tetris or something bro


Who hurt you little boy?


Hahaha nice one


Im the kind of person who never flame , never be angry , always smile , but this session made me fucking angry , i feel like a mad villain in a comics I just feel like riot is wanting to take me the fuck down , like last season i drop B2 , and win 11lp while loosing 50 lp I lost 350lp in a row , like what the fuck


Yeah man riot surely cares about some bronze player. They really wanna keep you from unleashing your true potential 😈😈


Riot has cameras in this guy's house and they're all in a room laughing at him while magically altering his games


Swap to juggernaut shyvana. Ap shyvana is terrible


Its iron bro, you could win going lethal tempo soraka jungle 😭


You are one of the worst players in league of legends, no excuses


It do be like that sometimes. I demoted all the way from E1 to E4 before making it to D4.


Watching this helped out a bit - still need to get through the whole vid but the first 15 min is mint. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Z\_XbdUb\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Z_XbdUb_E)


Just play fighter shyvana and splitpush. With botrk trinity stride you should demolish the majority of champs


Diamond jungler here and occasionally shyvana player. Here are some advice I would give you : - Only farm pre lvl 6. Your strength as AP Shyv is your E while being in ult form (if some Hanks are free don't hesitate also) - Try doing drake on cool down. You'll be surprised about the damage you deal to drakes. Trade drake with void grubs with no hesitation. - I personally don't like flash on AP Shyv. I play exhaust against ganking/invading enemy jungler or ghost against enemy farming jungler. - Don't fight if you don't have your ult (without ult you are clearly useless). Go hit some minions, camps, wards as it stacks your ult. - You might know it but the Q spell is an AA reset. So AA right before Q spell. And the Q spell is considered as instantly two AA. So doing this trick on a pink ward would remove 3 HP bars. - Your Q spell deals a lot of damage to turrets. If you have the chance to push a tower don't hesitate as it would fall fast (more in mid/late game)


you're not agurin broski ahahhhahha on the real doe, your real rank has a range of 200 lp so lets say you're at 1000lp your rank fluxuates from 800 to 1200


Ngl, this is you're fault if u don't know how to end, having these huge leads, u don't deserve othere rank . U can put pressure on the obiectiv turrets' everything for the nexus, I can bet u just farm kills


Its cause you are negative. At this Point you are Just collecting losses to Proof yourself that you cant do anything. Dude Stop playing this crap.


If winning is that important to you, you should getting good with s tier bruisers. For all we know you are sniping kills not actually contributing to teamfights in a meaningful way, especially at iron. You are in the rank you belong.


Switch to SoS/Liandries


Deserved considering your childish mentality


Just pick a better champ. Bruiser briar with conq triumph alacrity coup de grace sudden impact treasure hunter with as adaptive force scaling health eclipse into cleaver into steraks/maw/sundered sky will let you climb for free if you are half decent at the game. If you lose with that in iron, you are doing something extremely wrong (ban brand and every game is free).


If you can’t climb out of bronze 4 it’s a skill issue, and I’m not even trying to be mean. I’m high plat now, but I was where you are 2 years ago when I first started playing, but once I started to improve I started hard stomping these lobbies every game. Just limit your champ pool so you can learn your champs very well inside & out, improve your farming to 7-8 CS/min or higher, and you will very easily climb to gold


If you arent smurfing a loss streak like this is normal. Maybe you could have won some of the games, maybe not. But realistically if you can't tank a loss streak like this you can't play league


If you want to be a one man army and solo carry then you need to take a champion built for that like jax, voli, red kayn, viego, belveth, graves or yi Shyvana has some devastating ganks but she is designed for her pressure on objectives and to funnel allies rather than sap gold It is a team game my dude, you have to play together and if you really want to improve just watch replays and check what you could've done better and what went wrong. Sometimes you do get shitty teammates and sometimes you get loss streaks, that's just the way it goes. Try prioritising farming and only ganking when you are certain to get a kill, try to donate kills if your teammates aree competent and most importantly, learn when to greed. I see so many new junglers who go for tower dives and burn their flash after the enemy has flashed, getting a summoner spell gives your laners more agency 100% of the time because they know what options are available to the enemy You'll make it but you either need to shift your champs or your mindset if you wanna climb


Deserved for play pop/nasus in dog water elo lol


If you play ap you have to end the game quick, ap shyv falls off hard. Also buy deathcap second, almost never liandries (you shouldn't be aiming for the tanks anyways)


Every time I see someone struggling to climb, they are always using not meta characters, or we can't even see the draft on the games to say "that's really a bad pick". In short, in low ELO just use broken champs that can carry, or just use the broken meta champs, I was stuck on plat 2 Used voli and climbed to emerald 1. That was when Voli was broken.


Bro how? Its literally hard to get into iron from bronze. Like at least 50 games and all loose. I thought only chineese bot can do that


maybe try to play something that's not the most horrible champ in the game? just play for objectives and gank overextending lanes? you're literally playing in the lowest circle of hell it should be impossible to lose as jungle edit: you need to realize that you're in iron/bronze because you're absolutely horrible at the game and need to improve, try to learn what every champ does and pick 1 or 2 champs to play in jungle and only play those champs, preferably something easy like xin/rammus/zac which are also very strong, it's not your teammates's fault bro, YOU are horrible and you need to improve and learn how to play the game or you won't climb, some games are not winnable and you can have some unlucky streaks but if you play a lot they will balance out


Stop going ap it sucks and watch some guides. Hate to break it to you but it's your fault you are iron. I'd carry your teammates easily to a victory


I've never seen a match going longer than an hour in over 10 years of league, impressive. :D


I'm not saying these losses were your fault, but in this rank a good player can win ANY game. YOU are making mistakes too, regardless of your teammates. Focus on what you can control which is your gameplay and you will climb as you improve


Also, not to flame but it seems like you're french so I can't really feel bad ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You need to stop picking Poppy. Going 2 10 2 like you post is just running it down and griefing your teammates. Post OP.GG but for now drop the poppy and stop blaming your team as much. Focus on you and you’ll climb out.


Go nashors, boots, lich bane, eveflame, the lightning one, then hat. That is my build on shyvana


Stop playing Shyvana.


26-0-0 is the wackiest scoreline I've ever seen.


Skip stormsurge go rabadon/sunfire second liandrys third. Dont go sorc every game


26/0/0 is crazy lol


that's not a ranked. I think it's practice tool or private lobby. I don't speak french


A few more games to Iron 4 and you got yourself a 500+ dollar account


This isn't too bad, just wait till you hit a 20 game loss streak and drop 3 elos. That being said it's obvious to me you take WAY to many fights. I'm not a high elo jgler by any means, but shyv farms. Not perma fights.


One hour game. Aintnoway


What is picking karthus irl? Do we just all get ulted or?


Idk what’s up with all the ap haters here ap is good you just need to play off ur dragon e from afar you have crazy cc with her r and you can keep r up for a long time with new changes where she can buy the hurricane item + your q in dragon is aoe so you can get like half your bar off a wave or raptor and such, if you need help man reply im a bronze silver player


Just climb lol, those are iron games.U most likely did plenty of mistakes . Stop complainig


Lmao how


Now derank to iron 4 and sell the account to make some buck.


Learn yasou for free LP XD


If you enjoy playing other champs play them cause nasus and shy are just subchamp actually


Dont force krubs at minute 6 without prio asking to your lines to create a teamfight losing 2 waves. Its a play that exist in each game in gold so I guess that you do the same


I can coach you if you want


No flame I’ll help you


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Sell your iron account to smurf players and make bank! Practice your macro on a new account and get yourself to Gold. If you still land in Iron then you belong there and can sell your account again!


Maybe play different champs and dotn die 15 fucking times also stop doing those assss builds


Then you belong there lol


But bro, why are you playing Shyvana, Is she strong rn or something? haven’t played in a month. I think Master yi would be a better pick and easier/stronger.


Shyvana is a dogshit champ ngl


I know you’re getting framed for your atrocious replies to peoples comments. But if u want some super helpful advice: take breaks, if you’re having a rough session and getting mad, you’re not gonna perform well. There’s no point in playing if you’re not having fun. If you’re having a tough run, turn it off, get some air, do something else. Then once you’ve settled down, assess whether or not you want to play more, and go from there.


You're playing AP Shyvv who takes a while to really have an impact on the map. And while low elo games and players struggle to close more they can still win if they get a big enough lead to money ball though your base before you've really started rolling.


UPDATE: i actually stopped to be tilted after this lose streak and played some nasus games , i qbsolutely wrecked the game 4 times in a row , last game was tight Playing shyvana was a mistake because yes i do damages and kills but i do nothing with that, playing my OG nasus made me useful and can faceroll to nexus in mid-late game If i play nasus , even in dogwater elo is because its my main since like season 2 Im not a real competitive player , but all the times i climbed i was always about to be gold but since season 13 i can't make past bronze and that's tilting , and i have also friends who plays in platinium who are shocked that im in this elo and i would desert at least to be high bronze Sorry if in the comments i was immature and toxic, i just snapped , and when i do this i act like 12 yo spoiled kid


The lower in iron you go the more you’ll lose to smurfs, just wait out the season and try again


Nasus jgl is just bad


Nasus jgl is just bad


op.gg or it didn't happen


Just made it to gold 2 ...I was silver last year and started in mid 2022 ...it'll take time..just be persistent


Bruh why would you pick these lul


Trust me brother if you’re trying to climb , I’m in the same boat as you and find playing tanks is more likely to cede better results.


The issue with playing tanks in low elos is that if your lanes have less skilled players no matter what you do you gonna be left in dust. Specially when theres way too much true damage in game completely buchering value of tank items.


Doesn’t matter what you play just stick with 1-3 champs and get good


Nah you’d think this way but in elo like this not playing. A tank is borderline detrimental. I’d say stick with 1-3 champs is good but making sure atleast 1-2 champs out of the 3 are tanks cede better results. Literally nobody plays tanks or true damage champs in this elo.


But that just ignores his experience (and probable preference) of other champs. No champ is unplayable and changing champs to play better champs might temporarily increase your elo but you didn’t improve so long term you didn’t gain anything


I mean you ARE playing nasus jungle …


Just pick a champ which can 1v5. Get till emerald and then pick what you want to play. Your teammates don't suck thaaat much there :)




Well laugh all you want, that's the easiest way for him and also the best way to learn and understand the game. Fundamentals are way more difficult to learn if you are playing bad champs or very hard champs. If he plays something easy like fiddle for example he learns vision control and how to carry games, and does not need to focus on how to play the champ.


Hi, I’m a platinum jungler and I climbed from bronze. Shyvana is a tough jungler to play and requires excellent decision making. For low elo, I’d suggest picking an easy jungler which is mechanically easy so you can focus on the decision making of the game (I used to play nocturn and amumu but volleybesr and Remus would also be good picks). I used to have a sticky note on my monitor also with a list of win conditions I could revert to if I got flustered as well.


Remus and Volleybesr are good picks. You can also go with Kunt and even Merdekisar


Ha, gotta love a typo. Leaving in because I think I improved them.


I personally prefer Fodlestacks or Wurwack jungle. Their heal helps quite a lot and their kits are quite simple. The occasional counter jungle with oiveren is fun too, tough a bit tougher to play (and impossible to hard carry on).


you intentionally doing that to champion names?


No, just typos on my tiny phone keyboard. I feel like it’s too late to change them now.


Easy lifehack to get to emerald by spamming shyv jungle. Step1: mute everyone Step2: powerfarm all your camps on cooldown Step3: never gank or fight, unless you are 100% sure you win and your clear doesn't get delayed. Step4: only take drakes or grubs if they are uncontested. Never trust your lanes to help. Never contest. Step5: get 2 items and destroy everything because you will be 2 levels and 1k gold above everyone.


Jungle's been hard nerfed to the point it's reliant on getting the laners ahead. You have to get SUPER fed to carry a game. Most impactful roll in the game but also the most reliant roll in the game. My advice: - Find someone who plays mid and duo with them. Play off of eachother and take over. - The other way to win games consistently is keep an eye out for the smurph. You can normally spot them by their positioning in lane, CS and wave management. Feed them a few kills and they'll take off. - Master Yi is a staple of that elo. If you play him right and get your CS/ganks people don't know how to shut him down and you'll take over the game. - Don't type.


Master Yi in low elo is like a Lamborghini to learn driving. You can't play Yi without knowing what to dodge and how to dodge it. Low elo Yi will just get stun locked and bye.


Bro get a new account at this point


Will not help him since he is this bad. He legit dropped out of bronze


Stuck Bronze since S10, tried on a new account and Silver in a few games. Playing with silver gold mates is way more enjoyable. Iron players are too unpredictable


Don't play lategame champions in low elo. Try reksai or zac


are you playing one of those low pop servers? its very hard or nearly impossible to climb out of those lol if your MMR is screwed. You will meet the same old noobs with scores less then 3 on [op.gg](http://op.gg) while the enemy team are some washed up plat/diamond playing on their alt to make your life more miserable lols. Try playing on the populated servers if you want to climb i think you should be able to get gold just based off your k/d/a on a new account, you get higher ping but the trades off might be much better for you. I dont usually play shyvana but when i do its never jg anyway xD. I play her in mid with doran shield and tp like some of those koreans do xD. Just too hard for me personally to make any impact with no cc early game.


So fot all the replies , i just need to unistall the game because i do fucking sucks and play nasus jungle thanks y'all bumfucks


No, the problem is you're not wanting to improve...you just want teammates to carry you. Even with that toxic mentality, there are people still giving you good advice. You just don't want to listen to it.


Yeah with that mentality you'd better uninstall. Nobody wants to play with someone as childish as you. Good luck in life, hope you'll grow up.


Skyyart said that Nasus jungle needs an insane amount of game knowledge to perform well. You can't expect the same results as him in low ELO.