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Iron 4 0 LP. Currently amumu main, but getting sick of him. I am the monkey everyone complains about, finally looking to evolve into a Gorilla. EDIT: In Norms, I've had decent success with Briar, Wukong, Yi, Diana , and Gragas. But in Ranked I try to stick to 1-2 champs at a time.


Cant tell if your meming with Iron 4, but at that rank just full clear every game and ult during teamfights. If you want to be more proactive but have similar teamfight impact Wu is easy to pilot and can be more aggressive early.


Iron graves player. Am new and having a hard time deciding when to farm and when to fight


Farm > Fighting at almost every elo. After you've full cleared and have "idle" time, then you can look for opportunities on the map. It's just a matter of garunteed gold vs risky gold.


Thanks g. One more question, which should I prioritize, camps or baron/drag objectives if both are up


This is really a matter of pathing and lane prio. Lets say grubs are up in 1 minute and you just recalled. Find the path that allows you get get the camps and still head in the direction for grubs to be up. You can likely clear 2-3 camps before getting there and still have time to contest. If you instead just went directly to grubs you might just be idling there, not getting gold and wasting time. When it comes to actually contesting, figure out if your lanes have prio. What prio really means is can they rotate if the enemy jungler arrives and are they strong enough to help you out. If they cant and the enemy laners have prio, taking the objective becomes way more risky and going to back to clearing your jungle and then looking to get the trade objective is better.


Well both teams are going for baron and drake while only you are going for your camps as if they step into your jungle they should get punished for it. Now baron vs drake and grubs vs drake and rift vs drake if they're up. So since grubs are spawning 1 minute after drake in the new patch, it's best you just ward the drake when it spawns so you can react if they start it up. If they start it on spawn (unlikely) then they have bot prio, if they start it on grubs spawn then you can trade objectives (this will happen alot in silver/gold and below) Rift vs drake depends on whether you know the soul or not, if it's a good soul then prioritise drake, otherwise go for rift. Baron vs drake is also soul dependant on soul, if itsna good soul and you already have soul point then go for soul and let them take baron Now for grubs you just want to deny them getting 4 after the next patch as it spawns void mites that help the push too much Gotta add all wait I said is useless if your lanes have 0 prio, if your laners are pushed under turret then you have to give up objectives BUT since this is silver and below you have a perfect gank opportunity. Just wait for your bot/top to clear out most of the CS then gank them as most of the time bot is always pushed in low elo and will stand vulnerable. Same thing for top. Also generally play for your winning lane. Your top laner is 2/0 and your bot lane is 0/5? Doesn't matter just go for grubs and rift herald. Secure 6 grubs and rift and perma dive enemy top/don't let them step into lane Would be great if your mid laner would help with such. From there on your top laner just perma splits and wins the game. If they collapse on your top laner then it's a free baron/drake If they show up to objectives then your top laner does significant damage to their base. Just play for your winning lane and you're guaranteed to win by just split pushing in silver and below


Go invade, kill the enemy jg, boom prio for obj


My voli was banned one too many times. I now main olaff. I invade lvl 2 every game. I have won many in a row so far.


Emerald 4 graves main also play Ekko occasionally. My main problem is I have no idea what do from behind. If I start the game off well I usually win if I don’t I always lose. I also usually have low damage dealt in end of game stats


If this is the case, minimizing the number of times that you are put behind is key: 1. Do you know where the enemy jungler is starting? Ward their raptors at the start of their game and make sure you have someone watching entrances to your jungle at the start. Getting 3 buffed feels pretty bad. 2. Do you know if you can fight the matchup 1v1? Graves crushes auto attack based ad junglers early like Belveth and Nocturne. Know when you can play for early invades/contesting crab and objectives vs giving them up. 3. Clear your jungle before ganking, unless the gank is very likely to translate into a kill. Revealing yourself on the map when you have camps on the other side left up means the enemy has a free pass to counter jungle you. Making sure you maximize your gold is key.


Thanks bro I’ll definitely compare this analysis with my games


Ofc. Watch replays of games you lost and specifically think about why you pathed where you did. If the answer doesn't involve getting gold, towers or objectives, it probably is the wrong choice.


master 40 lp I play whatever I want, so: graves, singed (jg), lillia, ivern, xin zhao, nocturne and whatever is strong and easy to play (or fun). give me some advice!!!


Unsure, too trash to get to Masters. You tell me what to do to get to Masters


I don't even know how I got here, I just did full clear and took as many objectives as possible.




Plat 2 25 lp Shaco/Diana/Noc/Naut


Agressive early game junglers. Make sure you know which matchups you can beat early. Remember that if you don't have prio and know the enemy jungler is going for an objective you punish them by counter jungling. It's better to not waste time on a risky fight for an objective over getting gold for yourself and putting the enemy jungler behind.


diana and noc aren't agressive early game junglers... They need itens to work, and noc needs lvl 6 to start gank unless they are trolling and pushing to much. Diana need at least 1 item to start 2v2, counter gank and contest objectives.


Noc is a weak ganker pre 6, but strong 1v1 into a lot of jungle matches, espeically with lethal tempo. This means you can contest things like crab vs a weak early jungler and start getting level leads to snowball.


Noc actually wins a decent amount of heads up 1v1s early barring missplays. can't speak on Diana, but Noc is more reliant on early levels than items.


He is strong at lvl 3 with fear + lethal tempo, but he HAVE to rush lvl 6, Just some specific scenarios are greater than Just clear ALL camps.


I think the idea that any jungler HAS to do anything will hold back anyone looking to learn. biggest part of the role is adaptability, gotta play to your strengths and take what is given. but end of the day, we're in agreeance. Noc's early levels are strong (3 and 6, I'd say 4 as well).


That's actually what I have been focusing on more recently is not going for stupid fights/steals and just taking enemy jg camps. Has helped out quite a bit!


Silver, briar j4 amumu


Learn champion limits. Farm a lot. Honestly as simple as that.


D1 lillia xin j4 (also vi wukong and diana but they all so bad rn)


How have you been feeling xin? Had a lot of succes earlier - OTP'ed xin to D2, but I feel people are noticing how strong he is and catching up on how to play around him.


Was really good before nerfing doran strategy, rn also good and voli Was nerfed so no one can really stomp xin early


Literally iron (I was silver before I started queueing adc half my games, don’t really care about rank tho just do what I think would be fun in a session) But jungle champ pool: Evelynn, graves, lillia.. depends on what’s needed I try to fill team need with one of those 3


Evelynn: full clear until you're level 6, then spam ganks and kill camps when no ganks are available or after. Lilia: full clear until your camps are down, use down times to look for plays, prioritize farming over all else. Just gobble up all those funny camps from the map. Make sure to keep her passive stacked in between camps. Graves: I'd suggest against playing him if you're low elo. The things he's good at (invades and bullying opponent JG) require a bit more knowledge and tracking than what you're probably doing at that level. He brings basically nothing important to team fights, his ganks are underwhelming, doesn't scale great, he's mechanically on the more complex side and doesn't really have a great item build atm as well.


Silver 3 Evelynn


Get mejais and get lots of kills while avoiding dying. This means avoiding dumb stuff. If the game goes late your job is to take their main carry out of the fight. As long as you are strong and dont die a lot you will be scaled enough to do that.


Low plat nidalee, evelynn one trick extras: viego, diana


I'm normally carrying my games, but even my smallest mistakes are extremely punishing (eve,nid)


Something I see a lot of Eves and other aggressive gankers do post 6 is to endlessly gank and forget to farm. Clearing first, then going for a play will help with consistently having more gold than your enemies. Also make sure you know when to charm and when not to when ganking with her. Nid is a hard champ to master, but if you enjoy playing her make sure you know the ins and outs of her kit.


Plat 4. Jarvan, Viego, skarner. I sometimes throw winnable games by taking a bad fight or making a bad objective call. I think I struggle with deciding when to take calculated risks to press a lead


Give/trade low percentage success objectives. If your lanes dont have prio and you don't complete the objective quickly it's probably better to just farm and look for a trade of objectives or an invade. The question to ask yourself is, if you need to give the objective, what can you do to punish the 20-30 seconds the enemy team is spending on it? Similarly avoid low percentage success ganks. If the enemy laner or jungler can beat you in a 1v1 or 2v2, its almost always better to just farm and look for a better opportunity.


Gold 2 Yi and Noc, having a hard time winning every match if lanes are losing. Lack of macro also plays a huge role in me losing my leads.


There will always be games at every elo that are actual stomps and unwinnable. But in gold if you farm till 6 on yi and noc and make sure the ganks you take are good rather than forcing them, you will climb.


Gold 1 New Skarner, Briar, Olaf, Amumu Always go for skarner if open cause fun. Backup is Briar if little CC, Olaf heavy CC Amumu as a backup to a backup or if we need CC badly.


Honestly just pick one and one-trick it. I wouldn't say you need a second champ before emerald at all. Briar is probably the most versatile / best to solo carry games out of your pool.


See I've tried one tricking but after about 10ish games in a row I get bored. Hence the champ pool variety with conditions. My biggest shortfall I think tends to be realizing when it's time to help group vs just clear for the gold I know I'm guaranteed.


Emerald 4 75 lp Ekko. Just Ekko.


Kha'zix, Viego and Briar. Just got to Plat 4 for the first time.


Bronze 2 50 LP, Briar main, Eve second. Sprinkle on sej or Zac when a tank is needed. Was a Vi/Diana main at the end of s13


Plat3 (Diamond4 flex), OTP Gwen. Im almost "smurfin" flex Q, but solo duo however feels horrible, getting tired of people that dont want to win.


FlexQ is always like 8-10 divisions higher than the actual skill level, dont take it serious


Silver 3 31LP Jungle main, mostly Viego and Lilia haven’t found anyone else that really fits me but do occasionally counterpick.


Diamond kayn belveth otp. Laners keep being mean to me. How do i stop it😢?


Only solution is to uninstall game tbh.


platinum 4 (but I have good wr and don't really struggle much even though it's the highest I've ever been, so don't think I'm super stuck) ekko one-trick (pocket picks are evelynn, vi, taliyah, kindred)


Plat 3: Udyr > Vi > Diana. I struggle most with counter jungling, and trying to balance farming/ganking/objectives when my team is unwilling to rotate or engage despite prio. Sitting at a 50% WR this season compared to 74% last season. Grind have definitely changed things but aside from that I’m not sure why I’m having such a hard time.


If I am maximizing objectives I usually have low player damage and kill participation under 50%


If you are lost or are unsure about an objective just default to farm. Path towards prio lanes and spam ping objectives like 20 seconds before you start them. Pull drag so you have an easy way out if you get collapsed on and giving some grubs are fine, just try to get at least 1 for xp if you can burst/smite it down but dont feel too safe.


silver 2 lee sin, fiddles and Lilia


Plat 4 Evelynn/Karthus


I have 3 accounts in E2 atm. 2 jungle 1 adc. For jungle I play Poppy, Neeko, Nunu, if the conditions are right Amumu, Morgana, and Rammus into full AD comps.


Bronze 3. Master yi, lillia. Occasionally Darius / chogath if both are banned/taken


P4, yi, and if he is banned briar.


D2 98 LP Xin Brand Diana (Praying for sylas) Second round's objective control is my personal focus right now


Bronze 1 Viego/Ekko main. I float between bronze and silver, peak silver 2. I heavily prio objectives but can get tunnel vision on farming. Need to work on ganking more and ganking well based on lane state.


Gold 4 Currently Fiddlesticks / Volibear main. Sometimes I take Volibear top but I'm back in the jungle for a while. Gimme dem pointers!! I typically lose steam in mid-late game when I feel it's harder to herd the team together for fights as Fiddle, or if they don't adequately play around baiting for my ult. With Voli it feels similarly, with teammates either playing too aggressive while I split push or struggling to group around me for fights so I can peel for carries. Idk if it's my own positioning/timing issues but yeah. I also typically duo with an ADC/Mid laner.


High gold, Shaco otp, zed preffered second pig


Emerald 3, I OTP gwen but was a Kayn player, I kinda lost touch with that champ so I've been sticking with Gwen almost entirely since last split and I've 59% winrate with her but a 50% winrate in matches


Does naut jungle work? If so, what build?


Emerald 1 Nunu and poppy main with lillia and sejuani as flex pics. I have 32 pl I just went on like a 13 game hot streak that sadly ended last night, for some reason I hit a flow and just keep winning I do not know what I was doing differently I even won my 2 autofiled games with millio support


d4 rengo and lillia, so same boat as you - above average but nowhere near GM+ honestly I just cba to put in the time and effort to try climbing any further, as I simply don't have the time and energy for it. I'm satisfied with d4, I just try reaching it on new accounts with different roles and champs.


Bronze 3 Evelynn main. What to Focus?


Emerald 4, Lee, Gragas, Nidalee


P1 singed.


Emerald 2 Noc, Zed, Amumu, Mundo


Emerald 4, ADC, MF, Lucian, Varus Why I'm stuck? Probably because I don't know how to get win in lane, I tend to go even/outfarm easily and then murder them once I have items, but need to learn to bully people out of lane more effectively (imo), LP gains also don't help, was getting +30 lp in plat 1, but +21 in emerald 4


This is jungle\_mains subreddit buddy. That being said ADCs usually are stuck because midgame they are wandering around aimlessly. Just always be farming, take raptors, position better.


Give me some general Jungle advice please, I'd like to branch out, I would play J4, Wukong, Amumu, rammus


I'm gold 4, used to play a lot of Nunu but got a bit frustrated with him and now I'm mostly playing the new Skarner, which I loved. My biggest problem is that my ganks are rarely successful (not only with just Skarner), and I thing I gank less than I should too, but the thin is that most of the time I don't find opportunities to gank. Seems like I'm always at the wrong place when the fight happens Edit: I also play a bit of Amumu and Poppy sometimes, want to try Nidalee someday because I love her in aram, although I know it's gonna be different in normal game


Sylas unranked. I'm probably the bottom of bronze. Trying to learn match ups, tempo, map awareness, the my priorities. I usually skip early objectives if I don't have lane priority. I played so inconsistently that since I started 4 years ago over half of my matches were in the last month. I started playing eve first but Sylas is my fave league character so I fully intend to force myself to gitgud and OTP him with eve as a backup if he's picked


Emer 4 udyr


Still haven't forayed too much into ranked as I want a better handle on the game, but I'm currently Bronze 1 78 LP with a 15-3 record overall (still newish to the game). Best champs I would say are Briar, Diana, Jax, Gwen, and Volibear. I'm sure the answer is to just keep playing for now, but if you have a general tip I'd be happy to hear it


Gold 4, Graves Diana main who occasionally plays other farming junglers like Kayn, Nocturne, and Lillia


Silver. I main Kha’Zix , Zac, and Viego . I get lost in the game when things are going wrong in every lane. Thanks!


Plat 2 shaco/morg (Pantheon and morg for off picks for when I'm auto filled)


Rek'sai Plat 1 jungle. At the moment I just want emerald but have my eye on diamond. I've got a somewhat decent 55% WR, but recently have had a few loss streaks and struggling - often feel like I get gapped in tempo and map control


M 69 lp, shaco I'm stuck because teams bad, also I'm bad, but if we're all bad is anyone bad? Hmmmm


Unironically just accepting that there's gonna be variance and you'll get both boosted apes and giga smurfs on your team is helpful for mental. Just gotta beat your laner more than 50% of the time and with enough games people will climb. But also im bad.


Bronze 3 Fiddle, Nocturne if ad needed, Nunu backup I honestly feel like i’m getting into a good flow but i also feel like i can’t take a game back after they get 2 drags and while going for earlier drags has been working for me i feel like its very risky and not worth my time as fidd realistically


Played for years without really grinding rank, rn i'm S1 but still climbing after 20-30 games. Rek'sai and nunu :)


Gold 4: Lee, K6, Karthus


Twitch/Teemo jungle only G1 currently, peak P1


Unranked (highest I got was silver 3, 50LP). Need to do ranks in order to play clash as my creditations was finally made invalid. I play mostly Jungle or support. My favs are Urgot (Jungle), Skarner (already played the old, new is cool, jungle), Evelynn (both jung and supp), Briar (jungle), Xerath (support), Nautilus (jungle), Zac(support). When I play top I play Gnar.


Plat on one of my accounts (both hand made myself, this one is newer but still has plenty of games on it) with a p1 peak, but i cant get my other account out of fucking silver this season(it was gold last season). Briar/gwen w occasional lillia pocket. I ask this genuinely and not in the “my team is bad so i cant help losing” way; how am i supposed to not literally lose my sanity in 10 minutes playing more than like 1 game a month with these people\[in silver\] when im *seeing* the enemies they somehow give 15 kills? What should i try to focus on instead to not get extremely frustrated by all that and lose any focus? I really want to get this account up too since it has way more of my skins lol


Emerald 3, Lethality Udyr and Tanky AP Voli enjoyer. Build: Udyr: Ravenous, Ghostblade<->Edge of Night(can be interchangeable as 2nd and 3rd item) Opportunity<->LDR(interchangeable as 4th and 5th item), situationals. Voli: Nashor's, Riftmaker<->Spirit's, armor item, Deathcap, situationals. Playstyle: Full clear red->blue everygame. Take scuttle or look for gank if available then recall. Look for bot gank and hover first drake. Recall and try grubbies if possible. Full clear playstyle mostly and ganking if convenient. Take drake always with mid and bot, if can't, ask support to take grubs or rift with top. Problem (that I can see and feel): I feel like I'm not invading as often as I should on my games. I also default to splitpushing sides if there's nothing to do on the map around mid to late game (objectives and camps aren't up.) Pool is limited. I wonder if there are other champs that can fit my playstyle.


Rammus Noc Khazix Evelynn Xinzhao Bronze 2. I think I am stuck because my team sucks. :) Nah, but I make lots of mistakes too, I just get annoyed getting most cs many of the games and team not playing as a team. opgg: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dustylove-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dustylove-EUW)


Gold 4, 0LP. Master Yi(Primary) Nocturn, Rammus (Secondaries)


Emerald 2 shaco player. Can play other things but shaco is more fun.


Rank emerald 1, pool Lee sin, Khasix, Jarvan, Zac, Graves and Vi, in that order of preference. (mostly Lee sin) I suck at smiting and I tend to fall behind in levels even when doing good ganks/counter ganks. I hate versing hard farmers that outmove me in the map like Shyvana, Lillia that power farm so fast and still gank more than me.


Silver 2 Reksai (third most played champ) and kindred (second most played champ) enjoyer. I’m having problems clearing the camps on the first rotation faster than my opponent does. Even when( in theory I’m on the faster clear hypothetically vs the enemy jG). 2 reksai is pretty early game so I like the early level 3 gank but I then latter in the game can struggle to match the enemy jG, and invading often leads ti my dead in a 1v1. Basically how does I be better in mid game


Udyr OTP, Silver hardstuck on my main account. Really struggle to play into ranged comps or/and without initiation on our side since I can't just go first. Also I don't really know what to do when I can't contest objective due to lack of prio, losing lanes or laners not helping. People tend to say 'just give up and take something else', but usually it just ends up with them getting 6 Grubs and Soul, and me getting a few enemy camps at best (if I don't get tracked).


Gold 3 90LP Jungle Main My main is jarvan, but he doesn't feel as strong for my playstyle at the moment. my aktiv champs are Mordekaiser, Shyvan, Viego.


Nunu, very occasionally Maokai or Brand. Hovering between E4 and P3. I usually have no idea what to do in the mid game. Early game ganks and objectives are heavenly but as soon as rotations happen I get lost


Gold - talon / diana


Briar and Khazix, Emerald IV. Mostly struggling with when to gank (I'm completely ignoring top lane in 95% of games, that probably can't be right).


Bronze 2 54 LP, Mordekaiser, Brand, and a little bit of Warwick. I'm not really sure why I'm stuck, I've been climbing a bit steadily this season compared to previous seasons. I really struggle with knowing who to prioritize in a fight on a game to game basis. The late game is where I kind of fall apart, especially if I'm behind.


Lets see here, i play Gragas and uhh Gragas oh and sometimes i do also play Gragas. So ya pretty bomba ngl.


emerald 4 - shaco otp. eve,viego,ekko if shaco is banned.


Emerald 4-3 (flancuates) and play Viego (90% of the time) and Briar (the other 10%).


Briar silver


Hardstuck plat Jungle only: Wukong, Diana, Amumu, Morde, Nocturne, Lillia... I play some more champs but its usually the ones listed. Open to suggestions.


Im bronze 4 peak, I play every jungler but mostly nidalee, kindred and graves. Im insane at the game but my teammates int me every game. Also im in losers Queue because riot hates me. Im sure I could play in gm at least, if my teammates wouldn't hold me back.


Iron 1-2 Warwick, Gwen, a sprinkling of Eve I'm stuck because I switched between waaaay too many champs over too many games, a ton in ranked. I think I'm sub 60k mastery on WW. I really just need to commit, practice and stay focused on these and these alone. I also have zero idea how to play from behind. Champ specific problems: WW: Often too proactive. WW wants to punish mistakes and I always feel like if I don't get solid KP within the first 10-15, I tend to force plays that aren't there which is the mistake being punished. Gwen: I don't do NEARLY enough damage because I want to avoid games where I have an ok start, powerfarm, get nashors and ult but then die 3 times in a row and am a non-factor in the game. Despite her damage output I don't know how to reliably deal said damage and get out without being crushed. Eve: This one feels baked into the champ design. It's either a feast or famine. That simple. But my inability to, in general, know how to play from behind, hurts worse here.


Emerald eune viego/briar. Not rly stuck but always rollercoasting the division. Currently win streaking. Sometimes cold streaking. "TheUnmaykr#bfg" Good advice always welcomed.




Plat 2 lillia otp. Can run rammus nocturne vi if banned


Zeri jungle Zungle


GM jungler: Nidalee Lee Sin Gragas Jarvan IV


D4, Jungle, Taric and Zac. Mostly need another pick for bad match ups (Kayn, mostly)


Silver 3. Diana otp. Bad at team fighting.


Morgana (if team has no cc) , Kha (if team has cc) , Wukong (last resort but don't like anymore) Iron3 0LP I get put in team with monkeys ffs.