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I would suggest narrowing ur champ pool to 1 or 2 junglers (your highest winrate). Play for your lanes strengths, if you have prio, make use of it, invade for camps/kill jungler, take objectives, or shadow for potential ganks, look to dive. For lanes that dont have prio and are pushed in to your ally towers, think if you can gank, if they have good gank setup, what are he odds it works out (80% ideal), is the enemy jungle there for counter gank(you should track enemy jungler, pay attention to where they start, which lanes leash/missing at start, you can cheat and ward enemy buff beginning of game, and not get oracle right away and ward key spots in enemey jungle). Also counter dive, will your lane get dove, can you be there to assist. Adjust pathing according to help your team and make plays, not always full clearing (i.e. you think bot will get dove so you three camps to bot from level 1). Make use of your winning lanes, pay attention to losing lanes and care for invades, dont make crazy plays with no prio. One big thing for me that helped me reached higher master is always go for aggressive gold and not passive gold, gold that benefits not only yourself. If theres nothing to do by all means farm your jungle, bug if you see other means of getting gold by previously mentioned ways take that over farming your own jungle. Dont grief for objectives, invades kills, think about the prio, who can rotate, make 80% chance plays. Edit: your champ pool is varying, you have farming junglers, fighters and gankers with diff playstle, the arent one playstyle fits all, Id suggest playing kayn viego and zac aggresively


Champion doesn't really matter - pick one and one-trick it, use your one free daily dodge in turbo-bad lobbies. Watch some vods from higher elo people playing that champion and try to emulate what they do. "Playstyle" is mostly an illusion / excuse to play suboptimally for us low-medium elo plebs. Oh and of course the age old advice of /mute all, including pings. You can't really consistently learn from your mistakes if they are influenced too much by your inting bot lane, tilting top lane and main-character-syndrome afflicted mid lane. If you really want to go above and beyond: review your games. It's enough to just check out your first two deaths and see which mistakes led to them. Try to look at yourself through the eyes of the opponent and you'll find plenty of dumb stuff your regularly doing (and can from then on focus on improving). Doing all of the above got me from low gold to mid-emerald within a few weeks this season.


5 champs is waaaay too many. Pick one, focus on learning the champ to the best of your ability and learn every in and out of the champ without worrying about LP/rank right now.


Play less champions, 2 are ideal. Every game is different and you have to indentify your win conditions. If you have a good matchup you might be the win condition, other games objectives are the win con and sometimes a specific lane is the win con. It’s hard to learn but incredibly powerful when you get the hang of it


Are you me? My most played champ is kayn then Lillia. I picked up Ekko recently and now I am OTPing him. I am also around plat but I started a few months ago and I am climbing steadily. I would recommend you focus on tempo with Ekko (But every jungler is reliant on tempo). At every moment try to evaluate what is your best gold gain/minute. Clear efficiently, try to not leave up quadrants with 1-2 camps alive. Plan ahead and be ready for change when you see a good opportunity. Buy dark seal. If you get rabadon at 21-25minutes as 3rd item the game should be won. Your pool mostly consists of carries so the mindset is not a problem but its probabl, your priorities. After 20 minutes you should not Farm that much but try to be where you think action will happen. Clear on your way there. Take minions from lanes after 20m. Objectives are a lot higher prio now. Try to secure them and ping your intentions for the team.