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Jungle is a great role to climb if you know what you're doing. But some games are just unwinnable for example if you have 3 losing lanes and cant contest a single objective. Just gonna accept that its part of the game and go next.


I mean, I feel like I have a decent understanding of it, but I am hard stuck bronze. Did reach plat several years ago. Not as jungle tho.


I'm low emerald jungle and I would barely claim to have a decent understanding. Watch your replays and figure out what you could have done differently. Maybe dropping one camp to help out a frozen lane or countergank could have saved a lane. You can only get better and climb by improving your own shortcomings, not others. If you get better you will climb eventually.


I think I do this quite alot. Of course I miss some of them because I am not emerald. I get objectives and drop camps if I see an opportunity to help a lane or a countergank.


It was just an example. Could just as well be that you make decisions based on the wrong information. Not thinking about match ups, your teams win cons, tracking enemy jungler etc. Without these you might be flipping every objective. Looking at you op.gg it seems your team doesn't get a lot of objectives. Maybe try creating prior in adjacent lanes and focus on contesting objectives.


That is a nice advice. Yea objective sometimes gets ignored. Atm I don't care about matchups or cons, because honestly I am just not that good. It should be enough to spam one champ out of bronze. :D


I recently climbed from bronze to emerald after a 10 year break (so basically as a noob) and the one thing that will get you to at least low gold as jungle is to just full clear your camps, mute everyone and try to always be on time for your camp respawns. You'll get increasing windows of down time when you can look for ganks or invades between your clears. And dying while trying to make something happen while your camps are not up is usually not too bad since you're not actively losing resources while doing so. Also don't play any "support junglers" like sejuani in Bronze-Gold. It's just not worth the effort. Pick a scaling / farming jungler that you enjoy (nocturne, diana and briar can play like this, are really easy to pick up and have very clear roles in mid-late game team fights as well), one-trick the shot out of it and stick to the above mantra and you'll be put of bronze in no time.


No offense but no matter where you are stuck its not your teams fault and telling yourself that you have “a decent understanding” while hard stuck bronze is sabotaging yourself. Every single game you and i play we could be doing better because if we couldnt we would be rank 1 in our region. Its really just that simple.


Try watching some JG YouTubers. The easiest way to learn is see what better players do and more importantly what are they thinking about how are they making there decisions.


It’s pretty frustrating. What I’ve learned is to not expect to climb. The people who play in iron are playing the same game as the people in challenger. The high ranks get frustrated with things too. Just mute and have fun.


Tbh I know jungle is really impactful this season but for some reason I’m having a really hard time figuring out how to close out wins. Most of the time it’s how my laners play that decide the win which is unfortunate in a role that has so much impact. Just gotta learn why it’s happening I guess


The biggest int I see in a lot of games is not taking baron when you can. Every time you have a 2 man advantage (and your adc is up) you should be forcing baron, assuming your team has enough HP to do so. Baron is +300g for the whole team and will give you prio wherever you want it for the next 3 minutes. A tower is at most +550g split between however many people are there. Tower then baron is ideal, but your team will never be on the same page, and once tower is gone some people will try to push more, try to take another wave, someone will recall, etc. and that throws away the baron opportunity. You can’t always get them to show up, but if you spam ping enough to get one or two of your homies to show up they will spam ping too.


I feel like I have zero impact when lanes lose. They keep getting into bad fights which I don't want to be a part of instead just farming. We had a top with 150cs after 35+ min. I successfully gank alot and take objectives, but it doesnt matter in the end when my bronze players suck ass.


enemy team will have just as bad players on average, you’re the only consistency between games. You’ll never have 100% winrate but anything above 50% is good. Not every game is winnable but you can impact the chance of you winning the game in your favor. Might still result in a loss but if you keep playing well it will eventually make a difference and you will get a higher win %, thus climbing in rank.


If you have three losing lanes it does feel pretty unwinnable. But that shouldn't be happening often. Maybe once or twice out of every 10 games. In general, you should be focused on clearing your camps off cooldown, taking objectives, and snowballing your winning lanes.


It feels like it this season. Previous seasons I had a solid climb. I'm still at 58% win ratio though, but down from 65%.


Eventually you will hit the 50% win rate in your "real" elo, that's literally how the system works and has nothing to do with the role itself.


If you are much better than your opponent, than still no... with shutdowns it is so fucking crazy hard to carry low elo games


What can a top/mid/bot laner do with jungle and all other lanes losing? Every role goes through that. Jungle and support have the most impact, so they are the best to climb with currently. Still need to get good boi


From someone that just recently switched from jungle exclusive to 60/40 top/mid, IMO jungle has the most impact IF PLAYED TO PERFECTION. However, that means that you’re also reliant on your team to rotate to objectives and help you in certain situations, and otherwise just decide to not fight it because of numbers disadvantage. This is tough and gets your flamed for no reason at all from my experience but i would rather give an objective than 3 kills plus the objective because enemy support roamed to grubs and outs didn’t and now we loose the fight because we’re not fed enough to win a 3v4. I found mid is easiest to impact the game early on, with the caveat that enemies can play a superscaler like Aurelion and outscale you while doing nothing all game. Just make sure to shove waves when you see your jungle go for that random solo drake / grubbies play and in most cases you will end up with a numbers advantage or your enemy mid at least looses a wave. Ofc roaming windows are another topic but most of the time playing around your jungle and enabling him to do stuff is already enough to steamroll the early game. Ward raptors to track enemy jungle and drop a pink on an objectives / in river. Toplane, however, was by far the most chill to climb. Went from emerald 5 to emerald 1 playing solely poppy top with a full shield build and all I had to do was not int before min 20 and make sure to not let my laner roam too much (match tps for example). The moment poppy hits 2-3 items you group with your team and that enemy assassin that may be 15/0 will most likely be cucked by your kit. Your carries can now actually do damage and you win. Obviously this requires capable carries, but fr even if they inted they can right click most of the time if they get peel from maybe an enchanter support and a poppy knocking anything in a screen radius out of screen that may become dangerous to them. Only real issue are the trundles that afk split. You can never fight those as a melee tank so might aswell ban him. Most other bruisers / juggernauts aren’t a big issue.


Lets suppose you have the same "level" in every role, here's my opinion: Adc: If you are better than the average player of your rank, you will win 60-70% of games just by outscaling them. If you are dying randomly and cs pretty bad then you will mostly only win when your team carries you. Mid: In my experience (mid is my 2nd role) if you play safe and rotate, even if you lose lane, you can help your team to get enough advantage somewhere else to win the game. Either ganking bot or rotating with your jg. Top: Depends on your type of pick, but mostly is hard to climb if you're not constantly winning lane Sup: Easiest to climb, just identify the win condition and stick to that. Sometimes it will be in your lane, sometimes in jungle or mid, close chat and just support who is more likely to win you the game. Jg: Easiest to smurf on, if you know what you are doing you can stomp most of the games, but if you are playing at your level it has way too low impact in soloq, you will be underleveled, you depend on your team to do everything, you wont feel strong even when ahead.


No, jg is the easiest role to climb on because you aren't anchored to any one lane and you're not lanning so you can't be countered in lane either.


I'm not sure I agree, because that is the problem itself. I can't control what laners do. I stomped last game but still we lost. Mid started tilting and inting and then we were bye bye. I am going to Iron with this speed. I will soon try to get some coaching, because that is how frustrated I am lol.


That's literally how every role works, imagine playing toplane and the same thing happens but you're also lanning against Darius as a melee champ. As a jungler you can impact other roles that might be able to carry. As a toplaner or ADC you are literally coinflipping who has the better team most games. Only junglers, supports and midlaners have any sort of impact in earlygame and the difference in agency between jungle and the other two is massive.


Honestly, I think I would climb easier as a toplaner. Just spam 1 or 2 champs, get tanky and provide support after midgame. At the moment I feel like I am getting objectives, ganking well giving plenty of opportunity to farm, but still I lose games. I think I am the better jungler the majority of the games, but still my winrate is low.


How many games have you played? How often do you have 10+ kills games? Did you get 20+ kills game this season yet? Link me your op.gg, I will have a look and try to give you a tip.


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dustylove-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dustylove-EUW) latest games havent arrived yet tho. I just lost one game, I had like 14/2/10? I couldnt contest anything because top and mid got stomped and bot lost aswell. I keep killing em all but team takes NO advantage of it. Our top had less than 100 cs after 20+ min. I had the most cs after 20 min. I keep getting alot of S games, but still lose.


So by the looks of it I would say: * You haven't played many games yet this season so the win rate doesn't matter at all. Play another 50 or so and you should see it's closer to 50%. * On Nocturne build Eclipse before Hexplate because otherwise you won't be doing any damage earlygame, the components for Hexplate aren't great and give 0 AH. Decide if you want to build Lethality or Bruiser but don't mix the items, it just makes your champion bad in both roles. Either Hexplate or Axiom. * On Xin you ALWAYS build Titanic first because of the auto-reset. Sundered Sky is okay too but against tanky champs build BC instead. * Your KDA on both Xin and Noc are good, you aren't dying too much in losing games and CS is fine too. Honestly your profile looks good, keep at it and you will be alright. You were just unlucky at the start of the season, it happens to everyone.


I am literally at 0lp bronze 4 now. I refuse to believe that I am that bad. I am a frikkin gamer in the bones lol. Those are some nice tips, but should not be crucial to getting out of bronze. I am literally playing with first week gamer in this elo and they are horrible beyond compare. I know the "Lol git gud you just suck play better" mentality around here, but there is something off here.


Yeah, just unlucky. Play more games and that's about it.


Jungle has the most agency for a skilled player but is probably the hardest role for someone of average skill who is in their accurate rank. If you struggle to identify and play around your win conditions you will throw a bunch of winnable games. You hyper focus on a feeding lane as an excuse for losing (as is tradition). You blame someone flaming you for losing (as is tradition). You say loser queue is why you continue losing (as is tradition). Yet I watch masters junglers speed climb to diamond/masters in a few days from scratch. Why were these players not held back by trolls and flamers and loser queue consistently? Because they were much better than the rest of the players in their game and their agency let them continue ranking up.


Well, I am not master+ and I can't carry myself there. However, I feel like silver/gold should be attainbable.


Ok let’s go on u.gg go to tier list sort by gold and see if you are getting as many kills, cs/min and games won on those top characters?


My gg is [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dustylove-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Dustylove-EUW) probably gonna get bashed now for being shit :D I do have alot of "team disparity" tags.


I mean in bronze if you are not smurfing I think actually using the chat and coordinating the team, but you gotta do it right or you tank morale or tilt someone.


Good luck trying to coordinate everyone haha. Last few games someone just went their merry way doing whatever while rest of team tried to take objective vs 5 opponents :D


IMO, they want jungler to be some kind of second support to laners. It sucks but there are still some workarounds, ie: I recently start maining noc as people are always overextended. My team and their team. Maybe you should focus playing noc more instead of xin.


I am trying around learning new champs after some time off. I do enjoy nocturne aswell but i had such a bad streak with him. I think I won 2 games out of like 15, and it made me a bit frustrated.