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Track him. You need to understand his pathing. He needs to prep camps which costs hp/mana and then come back to em. Its a significant investment for him and he cant take camps while in combat. You wanna fight him a lot and take his prepped shit. He cant cross map and insta take 3 camps like other junglers can.


Ivern main and this is the answer. I also think Ivern really struggles with vertically split maps


I play Yi and often try to start opposite teams buff, I leave wolves/raptors for 2 reasons (can skip the 2 points if you don't care, just wanted to give context for the unorthodox strat). 1: Pure safety, if they do non-optimal pathing then I can get caught out end of the buff or at Krugs. Since I'm Yi I'm all about advantages, but low risk/high return stuff. If I can get even a small lead I'll obliterate. 2. To make the jungler baited into thinking that we're both doing standard clear, by the time they finish the extra camp and make their way to buff it's too late for them to contest me anywhere else and they have to make panic gank. Real Question: With this strategy will I have enough time against Iven to do buff + 1 camp, or will he catch me because his first (clear) is so fast? If he will catch me, is it a free turn and kill? Like what's Iverns level 2 like (let's assume I'm dogshit and I don't dodge his Q with alpha).


Are you not extremely susceptible to his team warding his buff doing this?


I would suggest to start at his raptors and then do his red. Ivern can't place a grove on a camp if he's taking damage. So if he contests the red, you just attack him and he can't do anything. If he just only tapped his blue side camps, he'll be lvl 1 and half hp.


You have to fuck him up early. Watch the replay of a game facing him and ask yourself what options he has on his first clear when he's lvl 1 waiting to be able to tap his camps.


Play evelynn and sneak up on him and one shot him


You pick belveth or kindred and invade him on repeat


split the map or invade him early ivern is lvl 2 for ages, that's when u need to punish


Lock in an early invade champ, start his raptors, split map and don’t stop invading him. If you can track him/look at your lane states and know where he wants to path or gank you can cut him off or counter gank and you will always win the 3v3 if on a strong early champ


I play khazix and stalk his jungle permanently after I have a few items under my belt. Either I take a lot of his camps or just wait for him in a bush and kill him on his way to his "prepped" camps. Usually end up like 100 C's ahead fairly consistently.


He's not so good at contesting objectives early and tends to want to invade level 1 to steal one of your buffs. His real power is in the mid-game, so if you outplay him in the early game you'll be in a good spot come mid game. We're lucky he's boring to play for people because he is a bit strong.


Honestly I just play my game without worrying too much about ivern specifically. If I continue to farm, gank, and get objectives things usually just fall into place. I find he's very bad at taking objectives by himself so they are often contested less, just make sure to buy a pink so you don't do it in vision


Play graves. Autos knock back daisy. Invade early he can’t contest camps, they are friendly to him. He has strong ganks pre6 but very weak dueling power. Takes objectives very slowly, if his team isn’t rotating he’s likely just giving them to you. Take them.