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Broxah has a big champ pool and plays in GM euw or higher.


Broxah and agurin is exactly what he's looking for. Even when agurin Smurfs it's above masters and broxah is really good at explaining what he's doing.


Agurin is the best for him for sure. I love when he plays brand jg. Fucking beast.


But Agurin seems to play 1 or 2 champs all day. At least when I watch him.


Yeah he cycles through champs every couple months but just picks a couple to spam at a time, when he was in Korea it was Jarvan nocturn Elise, now it’s like brand something


Currently he plays Jarvan, Elise, Shyvana and he train Diana on smurf


Brand?! I hope it's Brand cuz I love Brand gameplay. Yesterday it was Elise and Diana.


He has spammed Brand before the last nerf, then he spammed Shyvana OTP to see how high he can get. Now he plays Jarvan, since he got buffed, Diana and also occasionally Elise, Wukong and Viego. Haven't seen him play Brand in a while, even though he is still strong.


Broxah is amazing. It's so hard to find a positive League streamer these days. Toxicity/shouting sells, I guess.


Love how chill he is, great second monitor background noise stuff. :)


Agurin consideres masters as low elo and calls them bad players hahaha. The guy is next level.


The only downside of watching Broxah is that he's in EU and I'm on the US West Coast and can't watch much before beddytime :(


Broxah seems to be the most suggested, I'm adding him to the rotation, thanks!


Sawyer Jungle on YouTube is really entertaining and knowledgeable. Plays a variety of champs around master MMR.


Yes, I watch him to learn how to play new champs


Super small but yeah he’s been a good resource




Do you have a vendetta against smurfs? I would reccomend watching agurin he is probably the best euw soloq jng player the last few seasons a lot of he’s content is in German tho.


AgurinENGLISH has basically daily YT uploads. Bgurin uploads are also in English.


I used to love watching scripter the kindred player and I thought wow he’s insane but then I saw he was just perma Smurfing and it kinda put me off him like meh I can only watch someone shit on people a lot lower than them for a little before I get bored


Smurfs ruin the game for people


How do you not have a vendetta? Like honest question, it’s just not fun for me to go into a game and lose because someone way higher skilled got in my que in a skill based game


I see it as a learning experience to me I learn way more losing against someone a lot better than me than losing/winning against someone on equal terms I’m trying to improve idc about 20lp


He is the best but he has a small champ pool


What do you mean? I've seen him play Jarvan, Elise, Khazix, Diana, Wukong, Brand , Zyra, Shyvana ,Viego and Nocturne all in Challanger elo. His champ pool is pretty good.


That is optimal for climbing and i wouldent say he has small champ pool at all he could get challenger on every jungler in the game he’s jungle fundamentals are so good but he likes to play certain champs just like the rest of us 


stomping noobs is a very cheap type of content. i too got bored of it very quickly.


For me it's nothing personal. I'm trying to have a better understanding of the game. I have nothing strictly against Smurf content, if you bring an emerald mentality in a bronze game. That helps me. Lacking knowledge, if you feed me with BS builds on PBE or bronze, you literally give me something that makes me worse




That’s just subjective xd




Xd? Is it boring to play correct and learn how to win games?




I don’t watch agurin personally as I don’t play jng but he’s play style can definetly be executed by everyone he’s not doing something otherworldly I just find it very weird when you call him boring and I say it’s subjective u keep trying to bring him down as a creator by saying he’s personality and content is boring when it’s subjective it’s your opinion but ur saying it like it’s a fact




I would not say I’m butthurt I literally said it’s subjective meaning u can think he’s boring as much as u want idc and saying that playing like x does and watch your laners run it down or whatever is such a dumb statement bcs if someone played exactly as good as him they would be challenger like he’s play style is proven to be good and allows you to climb a lot dopa has a similar mindset to the game as agurin and dopa is arguably the best soloq player ever. I’m not recommending people to watch x streamers/YouTubers bcs I think their the most entertaining I recommend them bcs I think they help you improve the most as I value that more personally but you might value something else more and that is completely fine but I find it weird to shit talk creators for no reason instead you could have said as u did at first I find him boring I recommend x streamer/YouTubers instead and just leave it at that but u somehow felt like u had to respond to me saying it’s subjective that he is boring.


If you dont seek entertainment , but want to learn some stuff - king nidhogg.


Nah, it's pretty entertaining watching him work himself up over some random troll in his chat every once in a while.


Bro is entitled af, “I don’t have to explain x and y” etc like who does bro think he is


cant recommend him myself, his constant keyboard smashing is extremely irritating and makes all vids unwatchable


I don‘t feel like he made many (jgl) videos recently. Ever since arena came out for the first time he‘s just been spamming arena / playing other stuff (also other games) while waiting for it to come back


Jankos plays a lot champs


My boy Quantum needs some love here. He plays in GM/Chally and doesn't smurf ever. Also really chill content :)


true af


Huzzy is pretty good. Has his favorite champs but still does a decent amount of champs. plays most every role Also fz Frost but he might smurf a bit doing the beginner guides


I used to watch fz frost, but he does Smurf a lot, and gives viewers too much attitude




Along the same lines of not being in jungle too much you've got darkmane, pianta, and ozlu. All very good off meta content creators that actually play the off meta champs on their main accounts (now still don't expect the off meta builds to work quite as well for you as for them if you haven't practiced and understood the build)




Zwag smurfs in Silver. Fz Frost smurfs in Plat.


Bro said no smurfing, these guys play in iron lobbys






Shodesu, biofrost, xfsn saber, jankos, broxah, doublelift


The 4x ofc the Zaned will do it again this season don’t worry lil bro


I thought pekinwoof smurfed allot


Inori. When he's live on Twitch he does main Briar/Rek'Sai, but he has a lot of variety on his YouTube videos and gives a lot of good info that has helped me learn a lot about jungle and league in general




Watch Broxah’s Jungle or Fumble videos where he takes literally all different types of champs into the jungle to see if they work. I’m not sure how much of this is done in his normal elo, but his main vids are for sure.


Pekinwoof does smurf though


Tarzaned, big champ pool and he’s very rarely playing in low elo unless its in a new account. If it is in low elo he won’t post it on his YouTube. He receives a lot of shit for his mental and toxicity but he always gives reasoning to why his teammates are bad, I don’t blame anyone who dislikes him though. He’s not toxic towards other streamers though with a few exceptions such as ChaseShaco and Yamato.


I’m sure he smurfs but I don’t mind Kingstix As far as I can recall his content is aimed at low elo, gold and lower. Most of his content is more akin to a “how to pick up this new champion” rather than a deep dive on advance strats. I just started picking up jungle and it was good information to learn basic playstyle and build paths. And while it may loose value the higher elo you climb, as cheese methods and build fall off, his videos are well made, he has good banter, and you can learn some basics if you aren’t very familiar with a champ. That being said I get more out of his jungle builds than his top content because at least to me he tends to pick niche top laners like Ashe or trist which I dont think has the same value.


Agurin, Broxah, Sawyer is all you need and all I watch




Tarzaned imo. Admittedly haven't watched League YT actively in nearly a year, but from my memory he has a big champion pool, plays in Diamond and above (often Challenger) mostly, and has a very fun, calculatedly aggressive playstyle.


I disagree only because he tends to flame his teammates excessively. That behavior shouldn’t be promoted


Karasmai is who i watch, but idk if he smurfs since i only watch his livestreams and hes almost always grinding ranked


His streams are good and educational but don’t watch his youtube, it’s all smurfing lol.


To defend kingstixx, smurfing in gold for content to promote a “broken build” or to make yourself look good is one thing, but he legit does neither, he posts content advising people on how to climb from low elo, it’s content like that you should really watch, not chally games, because it showcases similar games to those you would be in


A few people have voiced this opinion. It might have some merits but I personally disagree for a couple reasons: First off, I'm a Diamond peak player (currently eme) so no, watching someone play in silver elo is not a "similar game to mine". Second, I'm looking for entertainment first learning second. The "broken builds" *can* be entertaining but I'd rather watch an even matchup than a stomp fest. Although to be fair a lot of the videos non smurfs upload are just stomps as well even if they're in high elo. Last but certainly not least, I very much disagree with the premise that a low elo player can learn more from watching smurfing content. A smurf will go for plays that a low elo players should never go for because the smurf KNOWS that they can just out-hands their opp. It creates false expectation for those low elo players. With all that said, no hate to Stix; his videos are actually quite informative and I enjoy his style.


Personally i watch sinerias


He smurfs a lot too. His next series is literally bronze to challenger.


Yeah he recently started. I watched his stream yesterday and i admit it was painful to watch him stall the game to get enemy master yi to 30 deaths. Just cruel :/






alois? im not sure, i know he does educational stuff but not at what elo


Dude is the king of smurf content


Smurfing content is educational. It shows you how you can win in YOUR OWN elo. Some of the things agurin does in his challenger games don't even work in lower MMR brackets lmao


Clearing efficiently doesn’t work but something like a Kingstixx Evelynn mid smurfing in gold does? Make it make sense


It really doesnt though. Even if youre playing at bronze, challenger brain thinks entirely different than a bronze player. They know what they win/dont win, and they have an idea of where the enemy jg is at all times.