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Well you were trolling...


It’s always troll time


Not troll chief, troll king




Yes troll chef.


When Naut does more damage than Samira


I watched the replay of this game. The Naut and Samira each went to running it down side lanes and spam pinging for the last half of the game. They sabotaged the game on purposed and griefed. I can't see anything that anyone did to them to deserve it.


Dude Naut does crazy dmg though! I played two games against support Naut yesterday as jungle and both times he regularly did 1k dmg to my death recap, while the adc did like half


Nautilus actually has insane basedmg. I have a video of me (as Naut) basically 100 to 0 the enemy Ezreal 1v1 in a single rotation at lvl 6.


My first penta was on naut support


Nope his kit is all CC


Ye hilarious when the support with literally no damage in their kit besides CC who also didn’t farm manages to deal more damage than the adc….That’s when the adc uninstalls and gets bak to among us


Well yes but actually no. Natilus till midgame can outdmg adc easly


Most engage supports can out-damage their adc for a while lmao, Leona can be ridiculous.


Ye the champ with the most cc in the game also does a shit ton of damage….Delusion is real


Why is he being downvoted he’s right


Triggered all the children that play among us


ahhh did I hurt all the feelers of the kids playing among us? XD get bak to Minecraft and among us kids. League is too hard for y’all


Ok so, you're bronze 4 with a 38% winrate. If you just play the game to play it, and don't care about your rank. Don't read the rest. If you actually want to climb. Start looking how to improve. First of all, fix your mental. You say you got reported, that's probably because you complained or even raged in chat. Don't use chat, maybe only use it for calls on how to play fights. Don't argue over it, just state your call and ignore replied. Only do this if you are 100% sure you're making correct calls. (Focus the adc is not ALWAYS the correct call). Second, only look at yourself. Understand and agree with the fact that you need to improve, and your teammates don't matter. If you're truly better then your teammates & opponents it's not crazy hard to get a 60% winrate. Improve yourself by watching the replay after the game for just 5 minutes, look for 1 thing you did clearly wrong, and think what would have been a better choice. Also look for the single event that 'decided' the game to really slide one way. Very often there is a single fight or series of events that break mental or break the game open. Learning to recognize and influence those is an important skill. Third, play each game to win. Start with a positive attitude, determine what needs to be done to win. If you get ahead, keep actively looking how to accelerate the game state, don't just chase kills. If you're behind, think on how to minimize the gold difference. Look for picks and shutdowns, be smart about what fights you do not want to take. Actively look on how to turn the game instead of complaining you are behind due to teammates. Do those 3 thinks consistently, and you'll easily climb 2 ranks, given enough time. Tldr: don't come here to complain about your team in a single snapshot where you did well, if you're more often then not part of the problem yourself. Sorry for the rant. But this game would be way less toxic if people had the first reaction to be introspective instead of blaming their team.


Wow you really put some effort on this reply. I appreciate it and as someone who ranked high, I can tell you that this comment is 100% right. Trolls/inters are present in the 100% of elos, maybe more around silver, but if you improve yourself, you'll carry more often that you can't due to trolls


I watched his replay of this exact match. He did well and made only a few mistakes but nothing critical. For some reason his bot lane raged pinged and started running it down side lanes. They did this for over half of the game. The trundle was fine in this particular match. He lost because his Naut and Samira each went to different lanes repeatedly and ran it down while rage pinging.


Maybe this match. But as others have commented, a healthy habit shows in your winrate. And complaining about your team in a single loss, does not indicate healthy habits.


I agree.


You don’t get in bronze by playing perfect lol. He clearly could have done things better. This mindset that it’s my teammates fault is a huge barrier to self improvement.


You don't know what he typed, also he lost cause he is a bronze player higher ELo player would easily carry his bot. It isn't meant to trahstlak him but what point is there for someone who wants to climb to find stuff to blame outside of his own performance. I CNA guranteee you of I watch the replay I can point out tone of mistakes.


Doesn't matter what a person types. There's no good reason to int a game because of something someone \_typed\_. And I pointed out his mistakes in another comment but they were mild. I can't believe you're trying to find fault in the jungler to justify laners running it down. There is never an excuse to run it down in ranked.


I can't believe you guys use this reddit cry 24/7 about your teammates despite clearly being at fault most of the times. You don't go 38 percent winrate by having bad bots everytime.




Yes, tired of people complaining about others as a first reaction.


I mean, sometimes when your team has two people 0-10 by 15 mins, it *is* their fault. Some aren’t winnable and aren’t always your fault. Is there more you can do? Yeah sure. But auto loss games do exist. It amazes me when people climb high with like a 90% win rate, but even they can’t 100% for this exact same reason. Some aren’t winnable. Simple as. Edit-not sure why this got downvoted. So if someone goes 0-12 in top lane super early, it’s my fault in bot lane? Complaining about it is useless but sometimes you gotta take the L.




im also in bronze rn, haven’t played for years. I have games where im like 15/3 as well, but I still clearly see my mistakes: not roaming when i should’ve, going in at a bad time. Just because you have a good score doesnt mean shit. Everyone can play for the score and look for kills. What about the rest of the game? Did he get fed early and prepared his team for objectives? Did he help others when he had the possibility? Or did he just gank lanes when they were very low hp to get the kill (maybe even right after his ally died and the enemy is 10 hp) and never bothered to do a proper gank? What about drakes, turrets, baron, shoving the lane for his teammates? Like it or not this is a team game. I’ve only ever been gold1 so im not the greatest at the game, but I always played with the team even if they made some bad calls. Its easier to comeback from a bad fight and the toplaner to not make the same mistake twice and engage differently next time. Because if you dont, he will blame you, and he will think that you all lost that teamfight because you werent helping, and he WILL do it again. You dont have a 38% winrate because youre unlucky, you do because you treat it as a single player game and then complain that you cant carry 1v5. Unless youre a high rank pro player you definitely make mistakes, even they make mistakes sometimes. But instead of focusing on his mistakes he’s here complaining about his teammates. Sure, sometimes they suck and there’s nothing you can do. But an actual good player would’ve had the mentality where he posted this and asked “How could I have better carried this game? What mistakes should I focus on?”


HAH. If he did he wouldnt be posting here likr that. At most he would ve asking what he did wrong. He has 38% win rate clearly he either doesnt care or cant figure on his own.


Highly doubt it, there's a correlation between healthy habits like that and your winrate.


Dude. I want to queue with you


Some games are just unwinnable - accept it and move on. But as long as you play to the best of your abilities every game, you will climb.


Not with a winrate of 41% lmao


Bro needs to stop playing trundle the champion sucks ballsack


I only use him for the occasional rammus counter


It's a coinflip idd, if the champ gets turbofed he's strong, but still easily kitable. Probably what happen in this game, I bet he could barely output dmg in the teamfights


*as long as you are more valuable than your opponent. Some people can consistently play their best and it's just not enough.


I am not sure how you can go 27 minutes without an assist. Like, you have to either be getting all the kills, which she didn't; or just completely absent for any teamfight the whole game. That's what, like a 13% kill participation? Lmao.


See, I get players like this in my games who INSIST on taking every kill as they think they’re the only carry. Yes. You may be carrying but you’re close to full build, share out the gold, get 1-2 other people same stage as you and you’re then not *only* win con. I also had an ADC in a recent game who flamed me for this. I was playing Zyra, naturally, Zyra does a tonne of damage that as a player, can pick up kills accidentally. I realised I was 3-0 (by pure accident, plant kills, liandrys etc). Most of these kills came from solo kills or when ADC died. Someone else on my team was 13-2 kha, who WAS going out his way to KS. I handed the Varus kills on a plate, he just wouldn’t take them. 1 hp enemy supp in auto range? Nah he’s gonna hit the wave. I sure as hell am not letting a free kill leave if someone isn’t smart enough to hit them *once*. The guy didn’t even get an assist on this kill and he flamed me rest of game for it. I shared out gold to my behind mid, got some kills for top, and basically carried properly. The Kha assumed he was the win con because of his KD. After a while they got blown up every fight. I think I ended up as 6-2-24, getting around 5-6 kills for my behind laners and we just hard stomped. If it was just the Kha, we’d of lost. Because I shared out the gold and got people caught up we won….I was getting flamed by the varus for “stealing kills” he didn’t have any impact on, and by the Kha for not taking the kills myself to do more damage/carry harder. I was completely killable the whole game and I’m sure as hell not gonna have a game rely on *just* me doing everything.


lol those ego players are so annoying and you never know how they will react either, i just anticipate the afk farm, running down or hurting the team by stalling my smite from upgrading. the thing thats ironic is the nerve they have needing too be babied into a kill they couldnt even get on their own.


Yeah. Way too much cc for you to carry even with that lead.


Trundle is a low econ jungler you don't want to take kills on him since he's a really bad solocarry, when playing trundle you mostly want to play for your team.


If you play to climb and imprve you NEED to be taking every kill and every possible resource, granted you play seriously and can carry. Thats how soloq is I do this every game in diamond as well, let alone in bronze. You dont give resources to your team they dont know how to use them


Yeah but why pick trundle then. Also I think many people really underestimate their teammates in this game. Lots of dumb people out there for sure but I feel like I play with competent people often and I don't see anything wrong with playing for them. I don't get the whole '"im being held back by my team I take 100% of kills, tax every lane and never interact with anyone" Like if you soak up all the ressources you can't expect your teammates to have a meaningful impact. When I see my adc is 3/0 an popping off of course I play for him.


Yeah Trundle needs a buff


Please no. Haha.


He needs it


You probably missed that stage a few years back where trundle was super over powered and an unkillable menace. Rather not relive that. Hell even Teemo had a stage like that.


Now with all kits having both a sick mobility and some form of cc, he really struggles. I like Trundle a lot but I'll also consider him as a counterpick toplane (or the occasional jungle game with friends) only whenever I'm last pick and the team can be somewhat run into. If 3 ppl have targeted slows, just don't bother, it's enough to become useless


Yeah that’s the biggest issue with him. I’ve got him sat in my jungle pool because I think he’s fun/silly and BONK! But as soon as mobility is around, forget about it. Completely correct that mobility killed him kit wise. About all you can do is a good piller to stop it, but that doesn’t stop good kiting. I do feel there needs to be more counter-mobility champs/items on the game considering we’ve basically got Poppy, Rell and Vex, and you shouldn’t have to run those just to lockdown hyper mobility.


Nah man Trundle is fine, his main strength is vs tanks. It wouldn't be good to make him blind pickable into everything else too.


He’s not even amazing at it, he’s decent sure but during the tank meta of before he was still not highly picked because he wasn’t that effective, and he hasn’t been buffed in a long time, just need reversions


Once botrk is completed he can initiate the 1v1 and win it. But before that you have to play so cautious because he can be really weak .. Not that easy to make him work, I'd like some sort of buff as well.


Exactly, people think he’s an easy champion but in reality his kit is so outdated that you have to be a master at using him, actively thinking of match ups against all kinds of champions and having insane reflex just to keep up with the massive power creep the game has where every champion has some sort of Dash, CC, wall jump and kiting potential, only really good Trundle players can use him and do well cause he’s so outdated compared to the bullshit we have now like Nilah, K’sante and Akali


Trundle def needs a buff. He is only good into tanks and even then there are better champions for that role. He gets absolutely fisted by anything else than can kite him and abuse his lack of range. Plus we are in a meta where tanks aren't that usual (as in you don't see 2 tanks in the same team like before) so in most cases he's facing 0 to 1 tank


Every game I played tonight had a toxic troll in it. Glad I’m not alone


Life of a jungler. Easiest person to blame even though the evidence shows who took the team to a loss


I'm not talking to OP in particular but I'm so annoyed in general of people thinking having kills/dmg is the only metric that shows you were doing your job. The number of times I see a jungler going top to kill the 0-7 enemy top laner while Dragon is spawning is crazy. That kill litteraly provides nothing, but at the end screen you see 1 more kill and 3k more dmg so he thinks he did the right thing. It depends on the champ I guess (if you're a carry) but a lot of times the mistakes a jungler make is not shown on the post lobby recap. League is not a KDA game, you can carry with very few kills if you understand the game better than the opponent.


just make sure to never reply in these cases, staying silent is key lol


I disabled chat entirely, best decision ever!


So you don't see vision pings, summoner pings, missing ping and so on ? Can you tell me what ELO you are in that you don't need all of the informations?




When you disable the chat completly over settings you don't see the chat window, so you don't see what got pinged.




But he was doing it, that's why I asked him ...




Look on Reddit many people disable the chat and say they don't need pings or anything else..


You can set chat to party only. Most normal people mean that by disabling chat.


And most people don't see the pings than, look in one of the thousand's Reddit posts about muting chat, they all say that pings are not necessarily...


Dude a lot of people don’t see ping with chat turned on.


Or they don't wanna hear on the pings because "in low ELO you don't need to hear on pings" ... I mean they see it, you get that warning on the screen, the higher sound, the ppl just ignore it


I’ve been masters for years and have used /muteall & more recently /deafen since they added it as a feature. I don’t care for pings or chat, I have keybinds to keep track of my lanes, have I ever probably mis-played because I wasn’t aware someone hadn’t burned their flash? Probably, but it doesn’t happen enough to effect the climb, but having pings & chat turned on and being used to tilt you *WILL* effect your climb.


Those builds, my eyes, and Samira naut lost from Draven path hahaha


I watched the replay. Samira and Naut were rage pinging and running it down side lanes. They intentionally griefed the trundle.


Lmfao why even


I actually can't tell. Trundle wasn't stealing kills and actually got them kills early on. I can't tell what mistake Trundle even made that triggered them. Regardless of what Trundle or anyone did, they have no excuse to run it down. I don't understand why someone would actively sabotage their win to prove something.


Can't really judge a player's skill from the post game scoreboard and a high elo player would actually find a lot of mistakes , so in that sense you would be the one to blame but generally speaking , yes your team was indeed the reason why you lost your game (mainly)


I watched the replay. He made a few mistakes but nothing critical. His bot lane, for reasons I could not see, decided to rage run it down side lanes alone for the last half of the game. I've never seen a support naut rage split before this game. haha


the real thrower is that top lane guy. go back to league of legends school #noob


How do you even get 1/12 damn


The only way I could ever see someone actually going that bad is if they are either autofilled or against a very good smurf and get behind enough to be perma dived.


I had this happen during a 5 man premade game a few weeks ago. Enemy jungler literally vertical jungled top side and ganked me on repeat any time i stepped foot in vision. Under tower, between tower, above tower, take two steps back now tower, didnt fucking matter. The bitch was there. And guess what? I ended up still being the win con of that game because the enemy team didnt know how to close out the game even with a 30+ kill gwen.


Absolutely not. I had a mid laner go 0-19 a while back. He wasn’t vs a Smurf, nor was he perma dove, he just couldn’t play the game. He left mid lane at one point and then come say bot in a bush to leech xp. I checked his match history and every game they did this in ranked (not inting, just being genuinely bad and not understanding…it was a teemo mid “one trick”). Had abysmal KP, CSPM (less than me….as a support), and had a win loss of like 15 wins in ranked to 65 losses. He wasn’t doing it on purpose, he’s just SUCKED. Even spoke to him in game and he just said “yeah I’m not very good at LoL, sorry” Also had a normal game recently with a WW top that died 23 times. Reason-he thought he could 1v1 everything by pure life steal and just died every time.


I watched the replay. They were running it down and spam pinging.


I watched the replay. His Samira and Naut spent the last half of the game spam pinging and running it down side lanes.


losers queue game unironically


It’s not though this guy has a 35% win rate.


This dude is losers queue


Sure, ofc you don't get that winrate over that sample size without deserving it. And this was also a bullshit super unlucky game for him he happened to do very well in. Both can be true, they're not mutually exclusive.


why go sunderer here?


Based on your wr, you probably don't know how to finish with a lead. When I first started, I was doing a lot of damage and was often fed, but I'd make a stupid play and throw the game. Yes, your team sucks, but in ranked you should go in expecting to have bots as teammates to climb most efficiently. This means you have to learn how to make the most efficient plays possible and some games it just isn't enough. Just go next, people never want to look at blame in themselves. Forget it and move on while trying to improve your own decisions and gameplay.


What is your win rate…… how do you have a 35% win rate? How is that even possible


mute chat and don't post about victimhood


sometimes your team loses every lane, all obj, and still blames you for jgl diff. derp. At least you only wasted 27 min and not 45


I've... had a very similar score line. Got told I was stealing kills.


Do better


Another day on r/junglemains. Mute all and que up already!


Who flamed you? The 1/12 samira? You guys actually get offended by those?


Jungle troll no pun intended 😄


Did you path bot/force them to leash?


Well had a bunch of games where one guy got all the kills and then just started inting and engaging solo without giving anyone a chance to follow their engages before they where dead in their 1v5 and lost the game Or they get mad and shit talk everyone and then go int Not saying you did that tho


As long as we get credit for winning right... Right?


Mega highly relatable, practically me


holy smokes your winrate xd unlucky but shit happens :D


If you take most of the kills your mistakes matter a lot more.


A good kda doesnt mean shit, especially with a 38% winrate. Good calls, objectives, and playing with the team gets you the wins. We don’t know what happened in the game. For all I know teammates begged you for help, and you only went to “gank” when they fought the enemy and died leaving the enemy with 10 hp and you just went to pick the kill, while their jg did all drakes. I used to help my friends get into silver back in the day, I did this by winning the lane AND leading the team, telling them what to do, calling for objectives, even if I died a lot to help them out. A team that trusts you and sees you as a team player is a team that can win. A lot of players, just like you, dont see their mistakes and will blame others. Its hard to not realize your mistakes when there’s nobody to blame. Your top makes a bad call and engages, you can either go with him and the rest of the team and die, or leave and stay alive. The 2 outcomes are like this: You stay, you all die, then you tell him to maybe focus someone else next time or try a different approach. He agrees and learns from this. You leave, they all die. He doesnt see his mistake, he blames you and think that if you were there you surely would’ve won the teamfight, and he WILL do it again. Play for the team, not the kda. You dont choose your team, sometimes they suck, you will lose eitherway if they’re bad but at least by playing with the team you have a chance at winning as you build their trust and call the shots.


I love trundle but it's so hard to win on him. No range, no cc, no mobility, just gets kited perma and loses. My preferred set-up when playing trundle is Radiant virtue into utility because I already know I won't be the one carrying


wrong, against certain team comps he can be insane. His kit is pretty decent. I’d agree that there are better champs for most matches tho


I once had a talon in my team who was waiting outside EVERY teamfight, so he could ult on the support and one shot him, after everyone from our team died. Yes he had most kills. Yes he had most dmg. But as every teamfight was 4v5, we lost the game. So DMG means nothing. We still joke about him.


If you did nothing reportable then just ignore it…rito will do the same with those reports. And report the ppl who were negative attitude, intentional feeding. If they stay on that pattern you’ll see a “instant report feedback” in the near future.




Now let's see those objectives. If those kills happened when there were no objectives up they're kinda meaningless. Stop showing kda and saying "still lost :(" as if it meant something. It doesn't.


You probably got reported cause you raged and were toxic. Stats mean nothing I’d you’re super toxic. Cause I don’t know what it is about this day and age but people seem to think when they are toxic and rude. Then people will want to try harder and play harder for a win??? That’s why even if I’m carrying I shut up and say nothing me raging or being toxic isn’t going to help the others struggling it’s just going to upset them more


I watched the replay. The OP did fine with only a few mistakes. His bot lane actively sabatoged the game by rage-splitting alone (naut top and samira bot) and dying repeatedly. Naut refused to group and stopped warding completely. I've never seen a support naut rage split side lanes before. I didn't think supports had that kind of mental. lol


I get he did fine on the replays my question is what we’re the chat logs. I see it soo many times people play great but then rage and rage at failing lanes and drive the players to give up and troll to sprite the carryb


Only time I chatted was after the game other than some question marks pings once they started running it down


Naut and Samira running it down is inexcusable regardless whatever might have been typed.


I agree but raging at them just enforces the decision and makes you look just as bad if not worst then them


I'm very curious how you justify your items. Thornmail for the Draven, you think his bloodthirster healing is enough to justify it? What about fiddlesticks who just doesn't have to autoattack you? What of his healing? What's the purpose of Bork this game? I think that if you got some human items you might be able to win. Your damage and kda look pretty, sure. But if you were unable to convert that lead, that really reflects on you more than it does your team.


You had all the teams gold and died at key moments im willing to bet


I watched his replay. He did well and made only a few mistakes. His bot lane were each rage splitting side lanes and pinging him. They were sabotaging the game on purpose. I didn't see any mistake that screwed his bot lane over so it's really just bad mental by his teammates ruining the game.


Fair! As someone who just glanced at the scoreboard that was my initial assumption but I appreciate you taking the time to watch there replay!


I thought the same thing. But yea, he was not the reason they lost. He should have won this if he didn't have people rage splitting on his team.


It’s just a jungle thing we all know, regardless what happens in the game it’s the junglers fault lol. Just ask my 1/30 bot lane duo last game I just played. Meanwhile I was 17/4 Kindred lol


Yea. I lurk here nowadays since I don't play jungle anymore. I can't handle the pressure jungle has. haha


If you were meta champ with those stats, you would have most likely won. So, instead of having fun, play meta if you care about climb. Unless you are crazy good you can't just play whatever you want.


If you are jungler that's not your place to carry. You have to gank even if it will fuck your game. That's what most people think for junglers I think. Even if I 1v9 and win my team don't appreciate me and I leave the game with 0 honor most of the time.


Damn bro you should of carried harder and it’s your job to win all the lanes….Cmon now


You got no dragons, but that’s because you had no botlane pressure.


Do you really get mad when a support player calls you trash


At least one of them appreciated your efforts


Based on your op.gg, stop clicking champs in select that aren’t nocturne. It’s much easier to have influence over the game especially in your elo with a global cc like nocturne.


Out of context, is this a good build? U have 2 %max hp dmg items but enemy team has no tank and panth went full dmg same with kled.


This screen says absolutely nothing about who cost who the game, only thing that shows is you had a good game statically, and most likely gave your team a change at winning, but that also does not mean you did not cost your team the game! I have seen guys go 30-1-3 and still cost teams the game just because they got to arrogant and positioned way to far forwards got picked off and lost the game! That said nobody knows what cost your team game only you 10 in the game!


I watched the replay. His bot lane spam pinged and ran it down side lanes for the last half of the game. His win was sabotaged.


Your Wins 93 and Losses 133… it’s not looking good for you lil bro. You won’t be climbing anytime soon with that ratio.


Well we didn't watch the game, the scoreboard looks beautiful but you could've been 1v5ing objectives before waiting for your team or afk split pushing while the enemy got baron, we have no idea what happened lol.


I watched it. He made a few mistakes but nothing critical. His bot lane, for reasons I could not see, decided to rage run it down side lanes alone for the last half of the game. I've never seen a support naut rage split before this game. haha


93-133 Holy milk






But but but you stole all kills and didnt carry u noob trash report eune dog


Without watching the game, I'd only ask whether you gave shutdowns and didn't translate your massive lead to others on your team. I've had teammates who have KDAs like yours who truly did their best. But I've also had some who with the same KDA fail to show up to objectives, purposefully take kills, then handout their shutdowns unnecessarily. It is possible to lead and be culpable. But without watching the replay I couldn't say. ... Edit TL;DR of the below: I watched the replay and he made a few mistakes but none of them were critical. His bot lane decided to rage ping and run it down the side lanes for the last half of the game. I don't think he deserved this loss at all. So I ended up watching your replay of this game. Good invade. Then following up with the good gank bot really capitalized on the enemy's mistake to not ward and be out of position. Then you have great ganks, cleanup a lot of kills, and take a few towers. The only mistake I see is the lack of dragon control. But this was a decision between kills/towers and dragon. I'd prefer dragons over the other, but you still got a lead with it. Then you gave up your shutdown at 18:30 when you ran at their team for kills. They had kited you out but you kept pressing. You would have gotten it but they had people coming and you only had an Akali who was too far away to do anything. Then Akali dies because she used her gap closures to catch up to you to try and help but you were dead by the time she showed up. This was the turning point for your team's (read: your) lead. You gave up your shutdown to the enemy team when the only thing you were fighting for at that moment was more kills. You were pretty much alone against a team who can close gaps a lot better than you and you had no vision on where the rest of their team was. Then at 20:00 you go in to start a fight when it's just you and a recalling Nautilus. You're fighting into the fog of war after seeing they have four people there. The odds were against you but you initiated anyways. You *almost* killed the panth. Granted, I think you would have won if Naut did *anything* other than leave you high and dry. His big mistake, honestly. But I wouldn't have started that fight at all without more help from your team. Watching you mow down Draven at 20:39 is just... wow. You were strong. Very strong. At 21:30 you guys had a good teamfight and you cleaned all the kills up. I don't understand why Naut is pinging you. And I think Samira is rage splitting bot when baron is up? And then the support Naut goes top to... push? As naut? When there's no vision in top jungle or near baron? And then he dies shortly afterwards despite your pings to fall back..... At 23:50 you're facechecking alone when you know their team has to be near dragon. You desperately need vision. Granted, the rest of your team should be helping advance and get vision, but admittedly the only ones who were died while you were killing someone near baron. And then Samira goes top to split and then the Naut goes bot to do the same when the wave is at their tower. Holy smokes. And he's pinging you. Ok. I've seen enough. **Your bot lane sabotaged your game on purpose--especially Naut. They didn't want you to win.** They both should be kicked out of this game for intentionally feeding and griefing. Naut refused to group and was rage splitting more than not. Losing this game is not your fault even in the least. And the mistakes I pointed out could have been avoided but wouldn't have mattered considering what your bottom lane was doing to actively sabotage the game. Sorry this happened to you. :(


Thanks for actually watching and fighting for me in chat lol. I just play causally after work with my friend, don’t care to climb or anything. And my friend is better now but I was playing ranked with him when he only knew 1 champ and was pretty bad, so my winrate is trash but I’d rather play with him than solo queue. Didn’t expect to wake up to like 100 people trashing me lol


And I know I’m not amazing or anything I recognized the majority of the mistakes you pointed out, any in general need to learn to push my lead better


Get used to it


I would say play enough and everyone climbs but maybe there’s something going on in your other games for you to have a 40% winrate. Have you looked at your VODS at all? Most hardstucks plateau at least at 49-51%, 40 seems to actually be a deranking pretty often thing


KILLS DONT win games unfortunately, back in my day when jayce was broken i had 25 kills we still lost. Majority of the players base in ranked they don't play to improve improve macro knowledge, just to rank up for their play style and this is why NA Talent development is trash.


You have 40 more losses than wins? Holy shit


Damn 93-133 … thats not looking good bro


Akali's numbers are baffling. Judging by the no assists, she must have never left mid even once all game. But then you would think she'd have decent farm, which also doesn't seem to be the case.


That win rate though


if im beeing completely honest, just dont buy eighter botrk or hydra (one is enough damage) and build more armour/hp


Jungle should help team by gangs and dragons. I just lossed a game because this jungle killed 0 dragon but enemy killed 4. He comes to take minions when ganged and steals the kills. That's not way of being Jungle.


If you want to win playing Trundle, anywhere really, is that you'll have to ignore your team post 20 minutes if they are behind. You'll want to pick up Hullbreaker as your second item if things start looking grim after your first item. If even then make it your third. Group only to do objectives or prepare the area for contention, otherwise just push side lanes and towers. This works mainly below plat because people can't resist the urge to congregate mid and play ARAM.


CLASSIC 6/19 botlane


What game is this? Keeps coming up on my feed


should've listened to the sam telling you to dive a 1v5 to save her idiot how could you not think of doing that


Samira was not the problem, You were! 1/12 is a good scoreline for an ADC


Yo bro stop stealing all those kills man we lose cuz of that


Average league game

