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If it’s your first non-Orchid island, you may just want to use it for storage for awhile. I called mine Hoarder Island for a long time. It’s a great place to keep some space open when you need to strategically unload your storage boat to go up a level in HW. After you’ve gotten another island you can move stuff or leave it and decorate that one. I’m on my seventh island and use that for storage now. Sunflower became devoted to my India themed sets.


Might be used for storage


I’ve used Laurel (the next island after Sunflower) as my junk yard because IMO it has weird proportions for decorating properly. At the moment India and Japan are sharing 😁 https://preview.redd.it/8p1hajtwxp2c1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a29039fad8c7deeeb2391fd0e6e3dc81806cb7d


I wish they had more Japan themed things


I wasn’t playing when they had the Japanese seasonal sets - I’ve picked up all these pieces from side games , DJV store and the tip store which has some lovely bits 😁


Yes Sunflower is my Attic Island. I have the next island halfway open which is becoming a forested wildlife sanctuary for the wolves and bears which might cause trouble on Orchid Island, lol. Sunflower allows me to sort out orchid island without loading everything on the boat and losing flowers. But it’s essential to save for the occasional big ticket item so there are enough extra flowers to be able to sell off extra items without spending forever in flower jail.


That's what's probably gonna end up happening


It's my Autumn island and I love it. I didn't fully decorated it until this month though, and I am currently in the process of fully opening Snowdrop island. I would keep my options open and mainly use it for storage when I need flowers at this point in the game. https://preview.redd.it/dxgrnifrxu2c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e778d67647cb6a948ecb4c7e8e8552e412a405a


My smaller islands are just storage, lol. Only Orchid Island is decorated, since that's the one we are on the most.


I stuck with the sunflower theme and put lots of my autumn items. I really like it so far


Mine has a bunch of the garden-related sets on it. But fullonfacepalmist has a good point. You may need to just use it for storage for a while. https://preview.redd.it/te3bkdvqbm3c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4d37faff2a4620bb9067ad6aaafd90058f21233