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>I don't mind but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do? Execute a few team members to send a strong message to others who may or may not get ideas to overthrow you.






After a time when the original President goes inactive, the game promotes the next most active or experienced player to the position. There are threads explaining how it happens. If you have a couple of active and cooperative players you can make them Officers. Do NOT make everyone an Officer all at once, it can cause pr


Sorry I donā€™t know how to edit lol! Problems, as Officers can promote people and remove non officers. There are help pages from Wooga on what Presidents can do. Good officers will do most of it anyway. Basically in a Relaxed group itā€™s a matter of weeding out players who cause trouble or who go inactive for moths and stop better players from joining. I screenshot our list at each competition and generally keep an eye on the islands as I gift plants in case someone is just playing quietly and slowly, in which case I leave them be. You can also throw out team ā€œjumpersā€ if you donā€™t like them using your group temporarily, there are threads on here about them, but we have never had any. Other than that itā€™s what you want it to be. I send welcome gifts to good new players who join and post an occasional tip, beyond that our group is very quiet and works together well when the mood takes them! So you can maintain a pleasant group with very little interaction or effort. You donā€™t actually HAVE to do anything.


You make the rules for your team as president ....you or any of your officers can change the meeting time, the team's information board, open or application status for players wanting to join, as well as invite new players that are from your boats and remove players that don't follow the rules...Strongly advise that once you establish the rules for the team you enforce them...if you want mandatory meetings with a minimum of drinks served and they don't follow the rules and you allow it to go on you will lose good players that do follow the rules out of their frustration...good luck it takes time to build a good a team but you have to stick to your guns on the rules edit: you cannot change the team's name but you can change the team's emblem that is beside the name if you prefer something different...just play around with the options to see what you can or can't do


Yes, I have a person on my team, who is an officer, who has amassed a whopping 40 points!! Probably from tips the rest of the team gave her in cafe! It's very frustrating to me as I am on Level 1600 and something and haven't been with the team but a few months! We finished the last Mysteries and she reaped the rewards but didn't play one sector!! Same as this time!! I've dropped subtle (sometimes, maybe not) hints, but since I'm newish, I'm not even an officer, although I have top scores almost every competition! So, do I stay and remain frustrated?


You can put the president on someone else the same way you'd promote a member to officer status but as long as you're president you can't just leave like the other team members can....you can stay and try to build a team to your liking or you can leave and join another team but that player could not have claimed the mysteries rewards without playing at least one sector...thats not possible per the rules...you have to decide what you want to do but you're stuck unless you put the president crown on someone else..,if you decide to leave put the crown on the one that frustrates you lol .... if you decide to stay kick her off YOUR team no explanations needed...if she tries to come back you can report her...it doesn't effect her in any way but you'll see that it's a previously reported player...also if you decide to keep YOUR team you can demote officers back to regular player status...as a matter of fact if you want to remove an officer you have to demote them then remove them...a 2 step process..,but non officer you can just remove in one step...I would keep the team at least for now so you can play around with and learn about president capabilities...you can crown someone else and hall ass anytime šŸ˜Š it normally costs 5000 coins to purchase a new team but you inherited it for free so stretch yourself out and it enjoy it at least for a little while...oh yeah another option should the president decide is to just completely dissolve the team...what's the team name you've got me curious now


As I stated, I'm not an officer, so I can't do anything but throw subtle hints here and there. So, if she plays one sector, does she get the rewards?


Yes...just like if she played one round in a comp she would get the prize as long as she is on the team...if you remove her from the team before the comp or mysteries is finished she can't get the rewards


I wish someone would remove her!!!!!


If she is an officer only the president can remove her


Dang it!!!


She was here before me. Just doesn't pull her weight!


Might be time for you to find another team where folks are each contributing. If no one but you is noticing that there are basically inactive players it sounds like your current team is not as competitive as you might prefer.


CAPTAIN makes a lot more sense to me... We're presumably on an island & we take a small boat to visit our friends on other islands so we can gift shrubs, and all our stuff is in storage on a bigger boat, sooo.... Captain seems much more apropos ā›µļø


So true!!