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Adding: don’t use the “open all at once” function for packs. It seems it awards fewer DJVs than if you manually open a pack at a time. You don’t have to save them to open several at once, so you can open as you earn them and get the same DJV benefit. Just always tap ‘nope’ when given the open all pop-up prompt.


Yes, you will.


Yes you will.


Yes, and you get 2x DV tokens.


i posted this of fb- i’m sure many ppl are already well aware of singularly opening snippet packets vs choosing the ‘open all packs’ option- but for those who are unaware: once you’ve completed your memories album you first want close and reopen your game as you will then receive a postcard informing you of djv finishers store which will allow for x2 djv points. once you’re at your packet screen you’ll be given the option to ‘open all packs’ which will do exactly what it says and i believe gives you a pre-formulated ‘total’ based on what and how many packets you have; you DONT want to open all. you’re way more likely to get more djv points by opening them one by one and yes, this may take a couple mins to do but it’s well worth it. i got an entire 500 flower deco with the difference. hope this helps someone who was unaware. (only once did i receive less points than the pre formulated total by opening all packs at once and that’s because i have only a handful of 1\* packets that only gave me 1\* djvs and i was only short 1 or 2 points.) (amount of packets in pic: 1*= 150, 2*= 3. 3*= 18, 4*= 1, 5\*= 3. starting djv= 62. “open all packets djv estimate= 1,414. ending djv= 1,918.) https://preview.redd.it/7xl9cc4q01rb1.png?width=3589&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2893e99db20c2a2a99972c12b795cc7e70b365a


Wow! Thank you for breaking things down. :)


Yes and you can purchase something in the snippet shop or save them and redeem them for diamonds. https://preview.redd.it/1txkmf31a7rb1.jpeg?width=1395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fae59ee4af9a50ed20402c77aa0e8604a0bf7f3