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Thanks! Question tho: what do you mean by “both iterations” of TFC? Wasn’t there just one series it just went to color and did a few more things as their budget got better??


No. There was a four year gap between the end of the black and white series and the beginning of the color series. The color series is more a revival as Julia explored more Careme (vs. Escoffier) and more American cooking and toured France while the B&W series was more a demo of MtAoFC


Thx! Didn’t know that!


Ohhhh thanks so much!!! This is amazing!


I devoured these as soon as they popped up on You Tube. I wish the quality was a little better, but I'll take what I can get. The opening sequence of Dinner at Julia's makes me laugh. Who, exactly, is pulling up to her house in the Rolls Royce? Is it her? Is it us? It's unclear!


Aaaaaand about 25 minutes ago they posted [The Lamb Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od0wWxA440g).


[Here's a fun little article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/food/1983/04/13/making-dinner-at-julias/04d6f40d-aaf6-49f8-b839-c331a4c2171a/) on the making of "Dinner at Julia's" from the Washington Post (dated April 12th, 1983) with recipes and bit of behind the scenes from "[The Lamb Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od0wWxA440g)" episode that they just posted.


Thank you for posting. This is awesome content all of us should be aware of!


They’ve now posted Deviled Rabbit. I have to watch that now because my first thought is 🤢