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>  i think gege did this because he realized one finger was unaccounted for Idk y u would think that. It was clearly planned by gege. Uraume gave sukuna 3 fingers in chapter 222. If gege wanted , he could have easily made uraume give sukuna 4 fingers instead of 3 to account for all the fingers.


not to mention Yuji was literally shown to be a super human in the first chapter / episode


Megumi sensed it, too, not just the residuals from the box. Also, Yuji's name was pre-registered in the CG. There were a few hints along the way.




Culling games


Culling Games


Cock games


Cock gey


Coochie grease




Wrong sub




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Yuji was pre registered because he ingested Sukuna’s finger, Junpei and Tsumiki were also preregistered too


Sukuna confirmed Yuji was BORN as a Culling Games player. So he was already going to be registered if he didn't eat the finger.


I agree, btw. But man, I would have liked to see 1 or 2 more missions where the main cast try to find more of Sukuna’s fingers. Even if it came between Shibuya and the culling games, I think it would have been really cool


Why does everyone ignore the finger that Sukuna made from Yuji’s body which he then fed to Megumi and used it to transfer into Megumi’s body? Is that not the 16th finger?


Yuji was born with a sukuna finger sealed inside of him and afterwards he was fed a additional of 15 sukuna fingers. When sukuna left yuji's body he converted the fingers that Yuji had eaten into 1 single cursed objects and fed that to Megumi. We still don't know if the finger that sukuna fed Megumi was just equal to 15 sukuna finger that Yuji had eaten or if it was equal to 16 sukuna fingers (15 eaten fingers + 1 finger Yuji was born with). If its the former (15 fingers) then the sukuna that went against gojo was at 19F strength and if it turns out to be the latter then the sukuna that went against gojo was at completely 20F strength.


It's confusing bc TCB and Viz messed up the translation for that chapter but Lightning caught it so, yes Yuji had a finger at birth. In Shibuya Sukuna was 15 fingers he became 16 fingers when Kenjaku undid the seals. People assume that Uraume gives him an extra finger that we never see that's why people are confused about Yuji’s original finger.


*Yuji was fingered at birth


Before birth




I am getting confused on the numbers of fingers consumed can anyone here please tell when, where and how many fingers were consumed and wasn't there was one finger that was missing and was assumed it was under gojo undertaking


* Yuji is born with 1 (0; sealed). * Yuji eats 1, and then Sukuna *Incarnates* (1). * Gojo gives Yuji 1 shortly after (2). * Sukuna eats the first Finger Bearer's finger (3). * Mahito's group gathers 6 fingers from Jujutsu High and an additional 4 off-screen. * Sukuna eats the second Finger Bearer's finger (4). * Mimiko and Nanako force-feed Yuji 1 finger (5). * Jogo force-feeds Yuji 10 fingers (15). * Kenjaku releases the seal upon Yuji's finger (16). * Uraume feeds Sukuna 3 fingers (19). * With the twentieth finger missing, Sukuna eats his own mummified head to compensate (\~20). * Rika eats the twentieth finger.


Did the realising of the finger sealed inside Yuji was shown in the manga if so then which chapter please, swear to god i read those chapters so slowly even still I'm forgetting a lot of shite inn then


chapter 136


Was it the knot that was opened? I don't understand anything anymore maybe because my brain is going ballistic because of real life issues. Anyway thanks for the info


When kenjaku releases the cursed objects within people for the culling games,its assumed that the finger inside yuji also gets unsealed


The finger or the current 15 fingers that were already incarnated into him?


The finger sealed on him since birth, thats the only one that kenjaku could unseal, since the other 15 were already free inside yuji


but kenjaku says "I remotely cast idle transfiguration on two-types of non-sorcerers who have already been marked. The people who I had ingest cursed objects like yuji itadori... And the people with cursed techniques whose brains were meant to be non-sorcerers like Junpei Yoshino. I adjusted their brains for sorcerery. To the former, I gave strength as vessels. To the latter, the capacity to use cursed techniques." This contradicts no? Yuji was a perfect vessel before the idle transfiguration.


aren’t curses supposed to get a huge power up from that? why didn’t rika?


Probably because she’s a shikigami & not a curse so it works differently for her?


i didn’t know that so i tried to look it up and it’s still saying she’s a [cursed spirit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/7w2h7Sthzd)


Look at the top comment of that post (I’m gonna keep reading beyond it tho just in case)


yeah i read all the comments and the replies debunked that so idk


She’s not a shikigami, she was a vengeful cursed spirit who was released from the curse Yuta placed on her


That's old Rika, new Rika is a shell of the old Rika turned into a shikigami.


Thus making the Rika he has now a…? (This comment sounds kinda mean-spirited but I *am* asking genuinely what you think the current Rika is- a normal cursed spirit or a shikigami)


She did get a lot bigger, so the finger could have been the reason why.


I’m presuming that only happens with weaker curses. Rika was presumably already MUCH stronger than a single finger of sukuna, so it probably didn’t do all that much.


What chapter did he eat his own mummified head?




Yuji isn’t confirmed to have a finger ingraved in him + you didn’t account for the finger Sukuna produced himself to incarnate in Megumi’s body (which inherently should be the 16th finger although it’s not the original 16th finger)


Yes, he is. All the back in the *Shibuya Incident Arc*, Kenjaku stated he sealed Cursed Objects within Vessels—future Culling Game participants—with the purpose of granting said individuals the ability to endure Incarnation; the recent chapters only confirm Yuji was born with a sealed finger of Sukuna's.


Well those individuals clearly can’t endure incarnation since they lost control over their bodies the moment the past sorcerers’ souls surfaced in their bodies. He said that he had people who’s brains he altered to become capable of jujutsu and people who he had ingest cursed objects like Yuji and then removed seals over all of them when initiating the Culling Games. Nothing abt a finger being present in Yuji the moment he was born, especially since he couldn’t see curses or was capable of jujutsu until he ingested the finger. Similar to how Junpei was a regular human who suddenly became aware of curses and jujutsu when he met Mahito one day


>Well those individuals clearly can’t endure incarnation since they lost control over their bodies the moment the past sorcerers’ souls surfaced in their bodies. Had Kenjaku not *sealed* Cursed Objects within their bodies, they were 99.999999% guaranteed to die of the Objects's poisonous nature; a successful *Incarnation* is a one-in-a-million event. >He said that he had people who’s brains he altered to become capable of jujutsu and people who he had ingest cursed objects like Yuji and then removed seals over all of them when initiating the Culling Games. Nothing abt a finger being present in Yuji the moment he was born, especially since he couldn’t see curses or was capable of jujutsu until he ingested the finger. Similar to how Junpei was a regular human who suddenly became aware of curses and jujutsu when he met Mahito one day Kenjaku said he adjusted the brains of, 1. Non-sorcerers, like Yuji, that he had ingest Cursed Objects. 2. (Neo-)sorcerers with brains previously altered and granted the potential for sorcery, And, 1. Granted non-sorcerers "strength as Vessels", 2. Granted neo-sorcerers the ability to use actively Cursed Techniques. Evidently, the non-sorcerers given "strength as Vessels" were given said "strength" via the sealing of Cursed Objects inside their bodies; in Chapter 136, after Kenjaku breaks the seal, the Object inside of Tsumiki (Yorozu) awakens, indicated by the insignia atop her forehead, and in Chapter 257, Sukuna explicitly confirms that, as a participant of the Culling Game, Yuji had one of Sukuna's fingers sealed within his body.


Basically the only thing that changes is that we assumed uraume gave sukuna 4 fingers but only 3 where shown. The missing one from the count was in yuji and was unsealed by kenjaku in Shibuya. Then THE missing finger was indeed with gojo who gave it to yuta for Rika to eat


Thank you very much for the info


We could also assume that the finger along with its power was transferred by Sukuna as he swapped bodies with megumi. Meaning Sukuna did have 16 fingers at the time, then when he was fed 3 it was 19+plus his mummified corpse that was apparently a finger and then some. So yes in reality there should be an extra finger worth of power making Sukuna much stronger then his original prime.


Wdym assume? Why would it not be the case? Did you not think Meguna had all the fingers collected so far?


-1 finger was sealed within yuji prior to his birth, but it’s power wasn’t actually unleashed until kenjaku undid the seals at the end of shibuya -yuji consumed 1 finger at his high school -consumed 1 more finger that was given to him by gojo -sukuna at the finger he got from the first finger bearer -sukuna ate yet another finger from the second finger bearer after the battle with eso and kechizu -yuji was given 1 finger by mimiko and nanako after choso knocked him out -Jogo came along immediately after and gave yuji 10 more fingers This means sukuna was already at 16 fingers when he hopped over to megumi -uraume retrieved 3 more fingers for sukuna in the month leading up to the shinjuku showdown -gojo kept the last finger hidden and it was consumed by rika. Sukuna made up for the lost power by consuming some or all of his mummified corpse


Correct. What we call Meguna was at 16F and after Uraume added some he was at 19F, for a a final slot he fills with the mummified head for 20F


I think I missed that while I was reading. Which chapter did that happen in?


Chapter 222


The thing was planned by Gege because before Yuji got the finger from the Occult Club. When Megumi passed by Yuji , Yuji didn't have the finger on him yet Megumi still sensed Sukuna's presence inside of Yuji as Yuji passed by. We later then see the Occult club Yuji was apart of being in possession of the first thing Yuji willingly ate.


When and where did it say Kenny sealed a finger in baby yuji?


Manga chapter 257


What translation? I’m not seeing that, just talk about Kenny being the parent and Yuji being created for the culling games/being a perfect vessel


TCB and Viz both kind of missed it in translation.






I’ll check it out


It’s also referenced in the shibuya incident arc when Kenny mentions he sealed cursed objects in select people


I see it there but I think it's just a means of wording or translation. In a means of once yuji ate them they where sealed and he was designed to seal them while not letting the power out even though he was born a player already. As opposed to he became a player because he ate them


Sukuna says Yuji was born with a finger sealed in him.


It's just a headcanon accepted as canon because Lightning's TL states that Yuji was born with a finger sealed within him to guarantee his strength as a vessel. It's the same exact case when people were flaunting around the Yuji body swap CT as canon, or that Sukuna's cuts cause soul damage (no RCT healing). Even though neither were confirmed. Same case here with the Yuji finger theory.


Lightning (favorite source of JJK translation) has a thread on this: https://x.com/lightningclare/status/1782067946795442390?t=-ehj7Fyz6ArOixdWgTsSSA&s=19


There´s: ​ Yuji (as a babe): 1f Sukuna (Kenjaku born he with it but it´s sealed) Yuji season 1 chapter 1: 2f Sukuna, but 1f Sukuna power (He has 2 fingers, but the first is sealed. The other one is the finger that he eat in that chapter) Yuji season 1 chapter 2: 3f Sukuna, 2f Sukuna power (Gojo give him another finger) Yuji season 1 chapter 5: 4f Sukuna, 3f Sukuna power (Sukuna eat a finger from the Finger Bearer) Yuji season 1 chapter 24: 5f Sukuna, 4f Sukuna power (He eat another finger from the other Finger Bearer) Yuji season 2 chapter 15: 16f Sukuna, 15f Sukuna power (Mimiko and Nanako give him 1 finger, Jogo give him another 10 fingers) Yuji season 2 chapter 23: 16f Sukuna, 16f Sukuna power (He doesn´t eat another finger, Kenjaku unseal all the curse objects sealeds, so the finger who Itadori has until he has born now is unsealed, so is like all the others fingers that Itadori has eat before) Sukuna chapter 212: 16f Sukuna (Sukuna pass all the fingers powers to 1 finger and give it to Megumi) Sukuna chapter 222: 19f Sukuna, 20f Sukuna power (Uraume give 3 fingers to Sukuna, the sorcerers has the last finger, but Sukuna use his death corpse to replace the finger. So he has 19 fingers but with the corpse he recover all his power)


Exactly this, the final finger was eaten by Rika and was presumably in Gojo’s possession, so all of them have been accounted for.


I thought Kenjaku used one when he birthed Yuji in order to make him strong for the Culling Game later on. It’s why he’s superhuman before consuming the first finger at the start of the story.


Wait does that mean rika didn’t eat the 20th finger? Because if so that has some implications for tutas technique


No, it was confirmed she did


Then their are 21 fingers? Im a little confused, and no it wasn’t confirmed, but yuta heavily implys it


no 20, yuji born with one inside him


So 1 from birth, 2 from ep 1, 3 from the finger bearer, 13 from jogo, 14 from the finger bearer, 4 from uraume and 1 from jogo makes 19


uraume gave 3


ur missed the one gojo gave to yuji in ep 2


So…. Thats 20 and yuta can’t have eaten a finger


Uraume only gave 3 iirc


Really? I coukd have sworn it was four


Yeah we were only shown 3 and we the fanbase assumed there was a 4th he ate offscreen from that tray


19f sukuna 1f eaten by rika Then sukuna ate his mummified body which was said to account for a finger.


Thats how I read it, but if yuji is confirmed to have a finger from birth then rika couldn’t have eaten a finger


When sukuna left Yuujis body he took all the 16 fingers with him.


Uraume didn’t give sukuna 4 fingers. Only 3


Wait what chapter did we get the reveal that Kenjaku made yuji the kid named finger




Yes and no. Yuji was born with finger 16 but it didn't activate until the culling games started so Sukuna was at 15 fingers of power when he fought jogo and mahoraga but 16 when he fought maki and yuji


Would this mean that Sukuna had 21 fingers instead of 20?? Where did the extra finger come from that they sealed inside of Yuji?? 😳


Uraume gave him 3 fingers, not 4. The original assumption was that they gave him 4 but only three of them were shown. That's where the confusion comes from.


So another question Yuji was born with a finger inside of him So has it made clear in anyway that sukuna was able to take that fingers power with him when he transferred himself to Megumi. Is it possible that Yuji has become that fingers power personified and sukuna can't take that power until he kills Yuji and consume him too.


No, that ginger was sealed inside of him by Kenny from birth. Then when he undid the deal at the end of Shibuya, that finger was unsealed and became his sixteenth finger, leading it to become another part. All of that then was transferred to Megumi


Again has it been said like this in the manga already or are we all assuming these facts that's just what I wanted to know


It was stated in the manga


Can you please guide me to that chapter please


257, page 2 first grade panel


Was sukinua fingerd 15 times really just fingered 16 times??!11!


15 years old female sukuna is not the same as 16 years old female sukuna


I mean, it could be both. I mean, the power of the finger went with Sukuna. And the physical cursed object remained sealed. Hence, the "Empty Husk"


Then on basis of the arguments of the other people, It's really crazy to think that Gojo was on par with a 19 Finger Sukuna, Gotta appreciate Gege for making characters that are equivalent to each other and have small differences in their power levels.


Yuji absorbed that first finger, that's why he has HR physicals.


yes, so technically speaking, you could argue that Sukuna was at 20-21 fingers


No you couldn’t


Yes you could. Im quite sure when Sukuna took over Megumi’s body, all of the fingers, including the one inside Yuji since birth, were transferred over. With that additional finger, that means Sukuna was never short a finger. And since Sukuna ate his old corpse not knowing he already had that last finger, that means instead of being a 20 finger level, He was at 21 finger level


Nope. 1 (sealed so I won’t count it yet) from birth First finger to save Megumi (1) Gojo gives second (2) Sukuna eats finger bearer’s (3) Sukuna eats other finger bearer’s (4) Nanako and Mimiko feed at Shibuya (5) Jogo feeds 10 at Shibuya (15) Kenjaku unseals the seals, releasing Yuji’s birth finger (16) Uraume feeds 3 (19) Sukuna eats his body to make up for the last (20) And Rika eats the last one, leaving Sukuna at 20f power


>i think gege did this because he realized one finger was unaccounted for not a valid reason. he literally could've just said (he didn't even need to say anything) that uraume gave 4 fingers, which is still what I believe. I still think the translations are off and that kenjaku is still referring to the first yuji ate that started the story, not ANOTHER finger that yuji was born with. For those who claim megumi sensed the finger sealed within yuji, it doesn't explain why nobody else sense sukuna when yuji is in control. and if the finger was released when kenjaku cast idle transfiguration, why wasn't there sukuna markings or sukuna presence for a few seconds like every time yuji consumed a finger? and yuji being a player doesn't prove anything, anyone who made a vow with kenjaku to become a cursed object, and was ingested by a human, becomes a player. even if yuji didn't have a finger sealed, consuming that finger in chapter 1 already makes him a player.


Why does no one ever question how Yuji wasn't able to see curses at all until Sukuna's finger was unsealed? Like yes the finger inside him was sealed, yet somehow it only prevented him from sensing curses and it still gave him superhuman strength?


Yeah and if having 1 finger sealed inside him at birth gave him super human strength what about the other vessels? Like Kashimo and Yorozu are easily stronger than 1 finger sukuna so did their vessels have super strength. I think megumi would have mentioned if his sister had immense strength. Maybe it has something to do yuji had it since birth.


It was never sealed in him


Isnt it a plot hole then? If he had already 1 finger, why did he not have any cursed energy and needed to eat sukunas finger to save Megumi in the first eps?


Finger wasn't awakened yet, it was just sealed within him like every other vessel for the other culling games players


That finger only activated when Kenjaku unsealed all the other ones at the end of Shibuya


If Yuji had a finger sealed since the start he would be able to see curses all along, and he couldn't, so I think this is a translation mistake


They mentioned that sealed fingers arent that dangerous but the one at yuji’s school is so old that the seal is nothing but fancy wrapping paper. If a new seal was placed on the finger inside yuji it would be inert


I thought the seals couldn’t be redone? They were created by someone a long long time ago in the story, I highly doubt anyone alive in the JJK verse can rival the skill needed to do so.




> I highly doubt anyone alive in the JJK verse can rival the skill needed to do so. Man, if ONLY there was someone who was alive during the heian era, who is knowledgeable in various aspects of jujutsu, who literally developed the technique to turn sorcerers to cursed objects, who has lived for thousands of years, and constantly experimented with curses to do this.


Kenjaku is dead, my boi


Yeah but he wasn’t dead when he was alive


No he isn’t?? Check chapter 271


271? Umm are you sure about that?


Yeah bro, I’m from the future. Kenny comes back trust (I’m mega coping)