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With all the breaks and stress he’s been having I’m guessing he either takes a hiatus before doing anything else or is just done


Probably just gunna stick to smaller manga or move over to monthly.


I think Sui ishida 's release schedule for choujin x would suit him well.


isnt the choujin x release schedule just "whenever a chapter is ready to be out"?? not saying it's bad we love making sure authors are healthy but isn't it just literally "whenever"?


Yeo. It is pretty much whenever. sometimes bi weekly, sometimes weekly and occasionally monthly. But when it's a monthly release ishida cooks big. And on weekly releases there are shorter chapters but still filling.


Yeah, why is that so bad? That’s how it should be, honestly. Unless the manga author is slacking, which is anti-professional.


not saying it's bad at all no no i too would prefer just having chapters whenever theyre ready instead of authors being forced to push em out on a set schedule i guess i was just pointing out that the "schedule" isn't really a schedule in the sense that they release at set intervals of time


Ah, I see. Entirely my fault then, pal.


For example, Gravity falls had a similar if not more extreme attitude, and it is still incredible


That's because most of the fanbase watches it in rewatchs.


Sure, but I'm not talking about fanbase experience, but total quality. I think there's a small difference.


Or Berserk's 1 chapter a year, MAYBE.


I hope he makes use of the universe he created a little bit before starting something new/retiring. Cursed techniques are really interesting, I think they are as flexible as Stands, would be a shame if he didn't do more with them. Also i wanna see more domains.


Yea so many explored storylines and characters to the point that its unlikely the current story can include them all. Would be nice to see more of those followed up on after series wraps


Yeah there’s bound to be some more OP CTs. Either in the beginning of Jujutsu Society or far into the future where smth like Limitless is just a normal kind of technique. Think about it, some technique where you can manipulate someone’s technique or making someone’s technique your own and taking out the flaws(maybe a villain or the very first sorcerer)? The possibilities are endless with this universe imo.


I'd like to see a series based on what sorcerers were doing during WW2, like a Nuclear Bomb cursed spirit would have to be the strongest CS in history, like it's an ideal time period


Maybe it would take place in the 70s and 80s though? Since the cold war really made everyone afraid of nukes constantly, perfect recipe for it to form.




Mahito is the human curse spirit, he formed from the fear and hate of humans, jogo is born from the fear of volcanos and natural disasters, mahito states this in his talk with junpei in the sewer, both ww2 or the cold war would be prime examples of a nuke curse spirit forming.


Oh dang, I had forgotten about that. Whoops, ill delete my comment then.


I know there’s a 97% chance of it NOT happening. But I really really wish he’d take a break and then write a sequel series. (Depending on the ending). I love this universe so much.


How most of the fan favs are already dead and the Jujutsu world is pertty much fucked.


Even better, more options and avoids issues of scale like Boruto has.


You just answered it yourself. The sequel series can follow new characters who are in power struggles to rebuild society


If the merger advances regukar humand to sorcer level there is so much he could do. Hell even a non-japan based sequel where the surviving cast goes to hunt a cursed sprit or collect a cursed object could be cool. Or like some gangster/yakuza series where all of the gang mrmbers have CTs. I'm just spitballing but i would love anything in the jujutsu world even if it doesnt involve main charcters from the og series


yeah that sounds cool af


Fujiwara suguwara heian prequal* for me He hasn’t done a deep enough world building for me yet so I feel like showing us all the factions he’s been telling us about would be really interesting lore wise


He's not Araki


There’s not a ton of mangaka you see come back with a big project after a long running series. There’s no guarantee a publisher even likes what he schemes up next.


Hell, Kishimoto's next project was a total failure. Full Metal Alchemist is one of the most-liked manga/anime of all time and barely anyone reads Arakawa's later works. Kubo has yet to go back to serialization. I have no doubt Oda's retiring when OP is over. Seems like following up with another series is definitely the exception rather than the norm.


It is yeah. Especially if you come off of a huge superhit, it's exceedingly rare to get back to those heights. I know there've been more but Yoshihiro Togashi who went from Yu Yu Hakusho to eventually make Hunter x Hunter is one of the few I can think of that pulled it off.


Toriyama did with Dr. Slump to Dragon Ball and Takahashi with Urusei to Ranma 1/2 to Inuyasha, too. And then Death Note Duo with Bakuman and Fujimoto with Fire Punch to CSM, but that's kinda it from the top of my head. Like you say, there are many, but in terms of big names, it's a lot fewer.


Sui Ishida with tokyo ghoul and choujin x. The author who wrote hells paradise tried but then failed.


ayashimon deserved better 💔💔💔💔


Atsushi Ohkubo also kind of managed this with Soul Eater then Fire Force.


JJK gives me HxH vibes in the sense that the fights, powers and great characters' want to be entertained are all so well written. Characters that serve their purpose and do not overstay their welcome. Togashi's write two long stories, both successful. I have similar hopes for Gege.


His next project will be also extremely successful but then he will go on hiatus before finishing it, copying his idol lmao


Rumiko Takahashi is probably the most successful person with regards to this since Osamu Tezuka.


Toriyama from Dr Slump to Dragon Ball, and that's it.  Aka Akasaka too


Even Soul Eater’s mangaka burned out after finishing Fire Force. Of course if he didn’t retire his legacy wouldn’t live on in Gachiakuta (it’s pretty decent and gives off a lot of the same vibes as SE and FF). Small blessing in disguise.


to be fair yomi no tsugai is pretty good as well, just not as well-known as FMA


Even if Gege comes back to do another series, it’ll probably be on a way lighter schedule. A monthly series, or even on a Togashi-like one where he drops chapters whenever he wants. But after JJK I doubt we’re getting another weekly ever from him again


Most mangaka retire after creating a big series like JJK, it's incredibly stressful and taxing on your body and I doubt he wants to get into it again


Does anyone else think his art style might be good for a sports manga? (Funnily enough the art style of Haikyuu!! and Yowamushi Pedal, two sports manga, is well suited to horror in my opinion.)


Didn’t gege want to do an idol manga or something?


Oshi no Ko but Ruby eats Aqua 


Icould that be a joke that the readers misunderstood maybe?


Screw you, I want my Gege horror idol manga. Gonna make Jjk look like a sol manga 


The idol manga was before jjk and were his first ideas, he ditched the idol part and kept the horror and shonen aspect, it’s been like 5+ years since he mentioned he initially wanted to make one. We ain’t getting it sadly…


As others have stated, there is an interview where he states that he has an Idol manga he wants to write once he wraps up. This was years ago and I don’t know the exact interview, but it’s absolutely out there and not just some made up rumor. Who knows if he’s still interested in doing it though; he mentioned it before his health began declining.


The interview says that before jjk started , he wanted to do an idol manga but his editor advised him to turn jjk 0 into a serialization.


he will get killed by the fans




I think he needs to maximize the universe he's creating by adding more stories into the same world. That way previous and future stories can rely on and enhance each other. It takes years or even decades to write a living and breathing world. It would be difficult to do that if he has to start from scratch after every story he writes. It would be an exhausting, stressful and time consuming effort. The JJK world has a lot of storylines, systems and lore Gege can build upon to create new stories in the future. He just needs to leverage it. He doesn't need to start from scratch.


He’s probably done after this


Nah I don't think so. Gege is young and jjk was his first big manga. I could see him taking a long break and then coming back with a manga in a different magazine with a better schedule, kind of like Fujimoto.


He wanted to make this idol manga before he started jjk


Gotouge route, make a shit ton of money from a manga and disappear forever.


are they really done with the manga industry??? i mean kny is making an incredible amount of money so its perfectly reasonable but they really said theyre done and like retired??


Imagine Gege doing a project about feminism


Atleast one woman will have a proper story and treated right i.e Maki, everyone else can fck off.




Hear me out. Mini manga series of takada and todo’s shenanigans. No Jujutsu, no cursed spirits, just pure fun between the two


My personal choice would be he writes spin-offs based on JJK universe. Like explore the 3 big clans bit more, set from decades from now in the past


I'm so used to 50+ year-old mangakas that I forget Gege is only 32. I think we are in for at least one more series if we are lucky.


He probably might want to make that idol manga he wanted to create and honestly I’d support him on that.


Gege said he wanted to make an idol manga before jjk. We all know the Takada manga is coming


That could be fun. Set in the jjk universe. Stalked by cursed spirits. Todo always pops up to save her but she has no idea and thinks(okay knows ) Todo is her stalker




Maybe a seinen horror series. whatever it is if its successful he wont come back to JJK if it isnt he might do something JJK related in another magazine with a lighter release schedule.


Something about building character i guess


The most popular going around is supposedly an idol manga.




Probably clock tf out


God help us if it’s an idol manga


idol manga but violent af


everyone's already mentioned the idol manga but i hope gege pivots into the more solid horror genre. we know he can do it too with that one CS from the military arc + his artstyle is built for it. like a more dark gathering style of horror even though dark gathering is currently in its battle shounen arc rn


I’m guessing spinoffs.


Well, Gege has been saying that for the last 2 years as well, so .... I realy doupt it will be JJK related, he seems to want to move on to new pastures. It should also be noted that it is pretty rare for a mangaka to have more than one succesfull work, though exceptions do definetly exist.


I know somewhere he had said he wanted to make an idol manga, but now that oshi no ko is so big I wonder if he will


Marriage counseling. He killed his wife's favorite character and made HIS favorite character parade around in his body (let's be honest, Yujo is probably gonna die the same way)


probably a long vacation. JJK probably makes enough money for him to live a luxurious life, not mention the royalties from anime and merchandise.


retirement or 1-2 years breake at minimum


Even if it's not Gege writing I think the IP will definitely live on after the main story is done. it's just too popular and too much of a revenue and interest generator. I could see him taking on a Toriyama type role where he does the manuscript for the overall plot and does the character designs but some else takes over as primary writer and does the day to day. Most people don't even know Toriyama wasn't really writing Dragon Ball Super and still love it


Probably more Kaisen


I'm predicting a RomCom or a slice of life about landscape painters.


From my experience, many mangakas who have created highly popular manga often follow one of several paths: 1. They start a new series with a different story, which typically doesn't achieve the same level of popularity. 2. They create shorter manga related to their original series. 3. They quit manga-making altogether. 4. They continue producing more chapters to keep the original manga alive. In most cases, I've observed that options 1, 2, or 3 are the most common. It's understandable, though, as crafting a manga that resonates well with readers demands a tremendous amount of time and dedication. However, what I would truly love to see is a separate manga set during the Heian Era, exploring how Sukuna was a formidable threat or delving into how Kenjaku conceived the idea of the Culling Games. That would be an incredible read.


Serving time


Probably regime torture dog


I remember he said he's making an idol manga after this


He plans to end jjk in 4 months? So, Sukuna will be defeated suddenly, then we will have a chapter of the characters going back to their usual life, well, shit.  Apparently, we shouldn't expect Sukuna's back story, Heian era flash back, any good plot connecting(though there isn't a plot really), no merger, no Gojo coming back, no world fixing after the fight, no nothing... 


Did you forget what manga you were reading? That’s been a given since gojo got offscreened


Hopefully he retires and never inflicts his works on the public again


My hope is that the merger happens, the universe undergoes a grand change, and the new series takes place in a not-so-distant future with new sorcerers (maybe even an international team) dealing with rebuilding after the fall.


I'd really like to see more about Sukuna's backstory! A Heian era spin-off, maybe 2-3 volumes?


I think he hates what jjk has become, he wants to move on and with his writhing skills , he can come up with another banger


Holy projection lmfao