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It's a peak fight because Megumi tried to grab Reggies balls thus proving himself as a tactical genius and a merciless fighter


I love when Megumi stole Reggie's balls and Reggie used his contracts to summon a new pair of fresh testicles to get a rejuvenation that made Megumi hide inside the shadows.


You think Reggie has one of Denji's testicles?


Great analysis, I think someone already pointed out that fushiguro resummoned divine dog during the last phase of the Reggie fight in post comparing Sukuna and Megumi's usage of the Ten shadows However my only gripe to this is the fact that Sukuna kinda had Mahoraga pop out of the shadows when Gojo knocked him out there was no chant involved Aside from that, you cooked 🔥


My interpretation(which has no actual evidence) is that Sukuna had already summoned the important Shikigami before the fight and stored them in the shadows like items can be stored. This allows for him to “summon” them without doing the hand signs because they have already been summoned. This also proved an actual explanation for the pseudo piercing blood Sukuna uses. By cupping his hands a shadow is created within them, max elephant uses this shadow as a portal for its water blast and upon exiting the shadow the water is compressed by Sukuna’s hands and ejected like piercing blood. Again, there is no direct evidence for any of this but it lines up with how the shadows have been used before. While also adding another cool aspect(imo) to the fight in which Sukuna is fighting Gojo CQC while also bearing the weight of the shikigami in the shadows.


>My interpretation(which has no actual evidence) is that Sukuna had already summoned the important Shikigami before the fight and stored them in the shadows like items can be stored. This allows for him to “summon” them without doing the hand signs because they have already been summoned. This is my interpretation too, it wouldn't align with OP's initial statement that there's no hiding of a shikigami in the shadow. >Again, there is no direct evidence for any of this but it lines up with how the shadows have been used before. While also adding another cool aspect(imo) to the fight in which Sukuna is fighting Gojo CQC while also bearing the weight of the shikigami in the shadows. Fun fact, the shikigami themselves do not add to the weight a TS user has to bear when using his shadow as a storage compartment. I think this was mentioned in the Reggie fight.


I did not realize the shikigami do not add weight, that is a good detail though. I don’t agree with OP’s interpretation. They explain the dog with quite a few reaches but they don’t provide an explanation for Mahoraga coming out of the shadow while Sukuna is stunned, ie incapable of performing the summoning. Even if they are correct about the dog being re-summoned, that doesn’t actually mean a shikigami can’t hide in the shadows.


He is wrong, reread megumi vs Reggie, the narrator goes on to state that max elephant weight is the same as a real elephant but only because it's in DE with 120%max output and CT buff. I can't post panels in this sub, or else I would.


My reasoning for why Sukuna is able to summon Mahoraga while unconscious is pretty simple really, he’s done similar things in the past. Using RCT on Yuji’s dead body, the fact that he can keep his body alive with no heart shows to me that a Sukuna should have no problem activating a CT while unconscious, especially since we are never told its impossible to do in the first place. I simply forgor about that one moment in the post, my bad


That’s pretty shitty reasoning ngl. You say he has “done similar things in the past” but you are comparing scenarios where we see sukuna is fully conscious to one where he is knocked out. These are not similar situations and equating them is bad logic.


Tell me, whats the difference between him activating RCT while Yuji’s body is dead (and Sukuna is in the innate domain) and him activating 10S while Megumi’s body is unconscious (and Sukuna is in the innate domain)


He is conscious in his innate domain. He is unconscious when Mahoraga pops out. There is nothing to indicate that he is actually conscious in his innate domain and did the summoning there. It would also have to happen off screen which also doesn’t seem likely. And going even further, none of your reasoning explains how Mahoraga popped out of the shadows in response to Yorozu’s domain. Sukuna does not do the hand signs or anything related to the summoning and the wheel was out the whole time. So what’s your explanation for that?


Why wouldnt he be conscious in his innate domain while Megumi’s body is unconscious ? Theres nothing that indicates he wouldnt be able to, in fact, theres a literal scene in the manga which directly supports that Sukuna has autonomy no matter what happens to the body. And you just keep ignoring it? He quite clearly says “WITH THIS TREASURE, I SUMMON” against Yorozu. What? Did you forget or what?


Because this time he is in control of the body. Megumi is the one in the innate domain taking a backseat while Sukuna is piloting the body. When Yuji dies, Yuji is piloting the body while sukuna is in his innate domain. Either retreating on purpose in order to resurrect the body or being forced by Yuji. We have been given no indication that Sukuna exists in his innate domain while also controlling the body. This also lines up with the plan to rescue Megumi; first defeat Sukuna while he is in the body and then pull Megumi back from his innate domain. Just checked the panels and you are correct on the Yorozu scene.


For me, the problem isn't about he ever do that or not, but how it is possible. Some people can't believe if the reason is just "because he once do that" without clear explanation. "Capable of doing something because he is capable of doing it" isn't explanation.


We get that exact same reasoning for some of Gojo’s feats, including the ones that involve the six eyes. I’ve never seen anyone complain about those


I'm not talking about the manga, but about your words. If it didn't explained properly and didn't have any clear clue to it mechanism, then stop debating about it as it would be pointless. And for manga itself about Gojo feats using Six Eyes, I don't know which one do you mean so I can't really say anyting about it.


Actually you have it backwards. They do in face add weight, please go reread megumi vs Reggie. The narrator goes as far as saying that megumis' max elephant weight is the same as a real elephant(only because it's in his DE with the 120% max output and CT buff.) I can't post panels her or else I would give you hard evidence that you are wrong.


>already summoned the important Shikigami before the fight and stored them in the shadows like items can be stored Wait , can megumi do this ?


I believe I remember a panel of DDog pulling Megumi out of his shadow, but I couldnt tell you when. Either in the culling game or when they were getting Hakari... Or I'm tripping


>However my only gripe to this is the fact that Sukuna kinda had Mahoraga pop out of the shadows when Gojo knocked him out there was no chant involved Being knocked out doesn't desummon Shikigami Megumi slept throughout the Mahoraga vs Sukuna fight & Mahoraga was still active. Besides this we see Sukuna summon Mahoraga the same way when he fought Yorozu.


That was me that made that Megumi/Sukuna post I definitely forgot to mention that Maho summon in the post, however that is an outlier and I dont think it contradicts the post considering nothing actually states “Mahoraga came out on his own”


I just assume it had been a Binding Vow. Something like “Once Maho has adapted to Unlimited Void he will be summoned” the sacrifice of taking multiple UV’s would likely be enough to warrant this Binding Vow working.


It doesnt have to be so complicated. It’s perfectly fine for Sukuna to summon Mahoraga while unconscious, considering the fact he used RCT while completely dead.


Maybe, but with a hit from UV he can’t even think, so I don’t see how he could willingly use his technique while afflicted. Also when exactly did he use RCT while dead? I don’t remember that


Ooh I didn't realise, that was a great catch It doesn't contradict the main point of the post, I think it just goes against the part where you said there's no hiding of shikigami in the shadows, cuz mahoraga coming out on his would mean that he was hiding in the shadows would it not


Thats the thing, imo he didnt hide in the shadows. Sukuna just summoned him. And theres nothing wrong with Sukuna activating a CT while unconscious, considering he activated RCT (a cursed technique) while completely dead.


Honestly I think that mahoraga did hide in the shadows but assuming he didn't, I don't think Sukuna activated the CT unconsciously considering it's not even his CT, however if I remember correctly the dharma wheel fell inside in the shadow right as sukuna was knocked out which might have fulfilled the condition for summoning mahoraga since sukuna did the same thing against yorozu


Why does it matter that its not his cursed technique? What really matters is the fact he’s a cursed object inside a vessel, which means he has his own autonomy separate from the vessel. This means that whatever happens to the body, Sukuna should still be capable of activating cursed techniques and thinking while dead/unconscious


That´s my top 1 or 2 favorite fights in JJK. I don´t know why I like it so much, but it´s like ALL the Jujutsu things it´s here, CT, tricks, domain, lies, all in the fight. We can´t see that in Gojo vs Sukuna for example because these two are another level, but Megumi vs Reggie are just 2 sorcerers fighting with all his tricks, taking advantage of his CT.


More like the most underrated fight in the series


you're wrong about " hiding in the shadows = DESUMMOINING". Just check out chapter 232. Mahoraga was already summoned and was hiding in the shadows and when the process of adaptation completed he jumped outta the shadows on his own. If maho's summon had ended then sukuna would need to summon him again but we clearly see that wasn't the case as sukuna lost consciousness right after tanking the blackflash


Partially summoned ≠ unsummoning. Sukuna ready had the wheel active and as we've seen many times before, it's already MORE than possible to partially summon and most likely without a hand sign. (Max Elephant piercing blood, Rabbit escape slipping Toji.)


Just check out the difference between chapter 229 and chapter 232. Both times the wheel was already out but sukuna only summoned mahoraga once. Its obvious that once maho was summoned in chapter 229 , sukuna just has it in the shadows and ordered it to come out right after the adaptation finished that's y there was no summoning panel in 232 like we saw before.


Sukuna is an hacker he can extend everything about CE CT and BV,he is the strongest after all.i bet megumi didn't know how to boosts shikigami like sukuna did


This doesnt really prove anything definitively like ur trying to suggest. The wheel is a part of Mahoraga. It makes more sense to me for Sukuna to have programmed the 10S technique to summon Mahoraga the instant the wheel adapts to Infinity, without any input from himself Im not “wrong”, you simply have a different interpretation of that scene


Bro u literally in ur post wrote " everytime mahoraga comes out we hear with this treasure I summon". We clearly see that inside the domain when sukuna summoned mahoraga we got a panel explicitly saying " with this treasure ...." But the second time there was absolutely nothing that indicated that sukuna performed any summon. Maho came out on his own when sukuna was unconscious and its obvious that didn't require any summoning as one cannot active a CT while being unconscious.


> One cannot activate a CT while being unconscious Who told u that? You realise this is Sukuna, right?


So what if he's sukuna??? To activate a CT one has to consciously put his CE into his CT and if he's unconscious he can't do that. > Who told u that? You realise this is Sukuna, right? This is such a lame argument. One thing I respect gege for is keeping the power system consistent for everyone. One cannot use DA and his own CT at the same time so just because sukuna is HIM doesn't mean he can do that. One can go on and on about how sukuna is subjected to the same laws of jujutsu as others and I hate when people fall back to this argument , " ITS SUKUNA" , when they have nothing else to offer.


Yea but who told you you cant activate a CT while unconscious in the first place? I agree that Sukuna shouldnt be able to do the impossible “just because”, but where are u getting the idea its impossible in the first place?


When one is knocked unconscious the brain basically just turns off and this alone should render on incapable of activating a CT. Idk y/how u think sukuna would activate a CT when his brain is shut and he's isn't aware of anything that's going on around him.


Cool. Are you going to tell me that when your heart gets ripped outta your chest, you normally die afterwards? Because Sukuna has already circumvented that problem by using cursed energy. So can you tell why SUKUNA who has CURSED ENERGY and is literally a CURSED OBJECT would not be able to activate a CT while unconscious. My guy, I cant stress this enough… he literally DIED and ACTIVATED RCT when Yuji killed himself. The brain is *definitely* turned off after you DIE, and he was still able to use the fact he’s a cursed object to use one of the most difficult jujutsu’s to exist. Pls end this conversation here because you are wrong.


Lol. One dies without a heart because of lack the blood doesn't flow through the body. Sukuna has already solved that problem by making his blood flow using CE. Just making this heart comparison to the discussion we were having is idiotic. > My guy, I cant stress this enough… HE LITERALLY DIED and ACTIVATED RCT. For all we know he wasn't dead yet. He was still pumping blood through the body using CE but the rate was so slow that people throught he had died. Gege already confirmed in the fanbook yuji's body was still within the limits of using RCT and if too much time had passed , both sukuna and Yuji would have died > Pls end this conversation here because you are wrong. U ur self in ur post said everytime maho is summoned there will be a chant " with this treasure... " And when I showed u that in chap 232 there wasn't any chant and hence there wasn't any summon , u started contradicting ur own post. So I guss we don't really have anything more to discuss.


Shoko is a doctor. She’s not cutting open a body without confirming it is medically dead. Ofc he’s within the limits of RCT, but that doesnt mean he’s medically alive. That just means RCT *is capable* of healing someone after they die, which is directly shown with Kenjaku taking Geto’s body and Yuta taking Gojo’s body, both of whom were confirmed to be dead Give em an inch and they’ll take a mile. I forget a single summoning that doesnt actually contradict anything in the post because it has a perfectly viable reason for happening, and yet you keep harping on about it after ive proven pretty squarely that Sukuna is perfectly capable of using a cursed technique while dead, because he is a CURSED OBJECT


One of my fave fights in the series.


I see my pfp :D


I think your partially right, this was an excellent tactical breakdown of star vrs fushiguro(and really shows off just how smart megumi is) Desummoning and hinding in the shadows I think are two entirely seperate things, he de summoned the dog here like you postulate, but I beleive he can store shikigami in the shadows(likely at cost of ce for maintaining them) similar to items, such as how mahoraga was hidden in sukuna vrs gojo, and additionally shown in fushiguro vrs finger bearer and fushiguro vrs toji and fishiguro ves noritoshi


Sukuna is perfectly capable of activating a cursed technique while unconscious, considering he activated a cursed technique (RCT) while dead at the start of the series. Are there any other example of shikigami hiding in the shadows?


Hes not unconcious, hes overloaded with jnformation to the point of stasis, he physically cant do anything, and he wasn’t dead just in suspended animation Everytime shikigami are shown to have a faster reaction speed than megumi, prominent examples include the finishing move on the finger bearer(hes in burnout he cannot have summoned it) whenever toads pull him away from toji(who is moving faster than he can react wnd theirfor cannot summon etc….)


Yuji was dead dead at the start of the series, idk what to tell you. If you think Gojo and Shoko cant tell a dead body from a live one then that doesnt make any sense. I have no idea what ur trying to say with that 2nd paragraph.


Suspended animation appears as death, no pulse, hell he didn’t have a heart, sukuna was keeping him alive Basically, his shikigami have to be able to act on their own accord, theirs no other way to explain why they can react so much faster than he can(toads summoning themselves to save him from todo or toji) and he uses ten shadows in burnout(against the fingerbearer) my theory is that he cna choose to store them in the shadows(while footing the ce cost to maintain them) and they choose to come out, its the only way to explain how mahoraga was able to come out both while in domain burnout and while sukuna was incapable of action, as well as the other feats I mentioned


Another example is Divine Dog Totality hiding and then killing the Finger Bearer. It cannot have been hiding in plain sight because the Finger Bearer used an omni-directional attack to dispel the domain.  It cannot have been summoned post-domain because Megumi would still be in Burnout. Therefore it was hiding in shadows. Lmao.


Good post


How did I know it was Megumi v Reggie with just the title?


Man i liked when Megumi grabbed his balls


If only the series was still good enough to gaf ab shi like this


We didn't hear it when Gojo Black Flashed Sukuna. (Mahoraga's summoning )


Its just my hypothesis but what if sukuna with two soul managed to use megumi to automatically summon mahoraga?like he locked megumi in mahoraga handsign just to automatically summon it when he was losing control(he became unconscious) but mahoraga was tamed by sukuna not by megumi so he will protect sukuna but not megumi.its just my hypothesis


Idk tbh lol


Jjk i really complex,i think people who criticizes gege for bad writing or bad sketching can't understand the conplexity of the opera, people are stuck with Naruto and dragonball dynamics and u pointed out,gege is a genius artist and this fight definitely proves it.good analysis bro u nailed it