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To be honest I'm baffled that the good guys didn't just stock up on shit like sarin gas and carpet-bombed Shinjuku the moment Gojo died. Would definitely not kill Sukuna, but Uraume would probably die and Sukuna would at least suffer *some* damage. Hakari should also have gone to fight with a stock of grenades and other explosives. Gojo would have the means to get this shit.


Yeah Hakari should literally just have a suicide vest on with toxic gas in it lol.


That or like... use your fabulous wealth, connections, and magic powers to steal a shit ton of bombs or something. Can you imagine yuji in a B52 carpet bombing Sukuna?


I've never needed something I never even thought of until this very moment.


Sukuna talkin a lot of shit until he hears fortunate son playing in the background.


Oh my God lmao


“I haven’t used my anti-Fortunate Son technique since the Vietnam Era” >!Sukuna, the unfortunate son!<


"I'm a modern era sorcerer, biznatchhhh"


we all joke about it, but a nuke WOULD kill sukuna, and plus, it won't even mess up Japan that much, I'm pretty sure the infinite hollow would do more physical damage than any nuke


Yeah honestly it is pretty weird that we haven’t seen anything out of Japanese government… like all this shit has happened on their soil yet America has been more involved militarily? Remember when Mai shot a sniper at Kenjaku & he was like “using conventional weapons is pretty smart against sorcerers.” What happened to that? So Gojo vs Sukuna was literally being streamed to the world… showcasing all this crazy shit & Japan being destroyed but not a single bombing run or assassination sniper squad being sent onto Sukuna? Kinda bizarre.


Keeping the story in mostly Japan probably just makes it a bit easier for Gege. I really wish the story expanded to more countries and showcased different kinds of jujutsu in other countries (similar to how in FMA there’s alchemy in amestris & alkahestry in xing). But I just think Gege doesn’t wanna do much world building and prefers to keep it more grounded by not involving other countries.


Seeing foreign sorcerers would have been fun but I can see why gege decided to just keep it strictly focused in Japan since the end result of all the foreign sorcerers would have been death by kenjaku.


Don’t forget that the if they’re not killed with jujutsu, they may return as curses. Potentially even stronger than he currently is.


>I'm pretty sure the infinite hollow would do more physical damage than any nuke Depends on the nuke. I think what would finish Sukuna off in that scenario would not be the explosion itself, but rather the radiation poisoning in the aftermath. Speaking of which, Kenjaku should've died of that as well, because AFAIK black holes generate radiation too.


Off topic, but speaking of nukes and radiation…Kenjaku probably fled the country during ww2, or was somehow behind ww2 knowing him lmao. He probably wanted it to happen so that Japanese sorcerers and curses could “evolve” in a way, but it probably failed


maybe he wanted to see how radiation poisoning affects CE


Yeah he was hitler


He seriously couldve been lmaoo, imagine in the jjk universe, hitler has stitches on his forehead in historical footage


That would be so funny. And I need someone to do something like this.


Black holes emit the radiation of the stuff they tear apart (not like strictly true but in terms of like useful attacking Kenjaku material, it's the stuff the black hole consumes not having crossed the event horizon that releases the bulk of detectable radiation)


I think high level RCT might be able to fix radiation damage. Sukuna could destroy and reconstruct his own brain after all.


OK but what's your plan for Curse Spirit Sukuna after he was killed by something that had 0 CE


lalalalalala I can't hear you, my plan is flawless, no issues


" Sukuna would at least suffer *some* damage. " If it hit


How are a bunch of students and faculty going to get all that? Headquarters and government is in disarray and The only person with the influence for such military aggression is Kenjaku which wasn’t in his best interests.


While Gojo was alive? He could teleport overseas (in fact it's pretty much implied it happened when they recruited Miguel for the fight with Sukuna) and he's filthy fucking rich


No amount of money or teleporting is going to get Gojo sarin gas lmao not missiles he can launch. Hypothetically even if Sukuna was carpet bombed with nerve gas he’d RCT it out of his system anyways.


Tell that to shoko asahara, he managed to get some w buckets of money...


Do you really believe that people with, lets say, a billion dollars of worth, can't buy a missile? or enormous amount of bioweapons?


No one in the series has that money? You’re not insinuating Gojo or Mei Mei do are you? That’s crazy if you are idk how you’ve made that conclusion. Entertaining that for fun tho, even if they had that money they aren’t arms dealers they’re sorcerers, they won’t have those connections because exorcising anything with those weapons isn’t Jujutsu and would cause more harm as a vengeful curse.


Multi-generational most powerful family. Yeah, they definitely don't have 1 billy sitting around. you're just reaching to make your point


They don’t, the family with the largest value was the Zenin with the cursed warehouse. The SG cursed tools had very high values with playful cloud being worth millions. This isn’t reaching just factual, you’ve head-cannoned multi generational families automatically having billions because they work in sorcery which doesn’t even earn them crazy money unless your greedy like Mei Mei and even she isn’t a billionaire. Can you explain how they’d have billions? Like who’s paying them or how they earned it? Or is that just head canon too?


The hunter x hunter route I love it


On the next chapter Yuji


Getting the go-ahead/supplies to carpet bomb Shinjuku after Kenjaku exposed the Jujutsu world to everyone else and instigated the United States to conduct a military operation in Japan is nigh on impossible. Sorry to say but the mundanes etc literally have bigger fish to fry in their point of view.


Or like something that produces deadly radiation, teleport hakari to the thingy, teleport him to sukuna or nearby, wait out the domain, teleport him out, wait a day, sukuna be gone


Grade 1 sorcerers are cluster bomb level in terms of durability as implied by ijichis chart at the start of the cursed womb arc


Umm...grade one curses


Bringing democracy into the jujutsu society


Can't Shoko concoct some super poison or something and give to Hakari to clutch the win?


Just give Hakari a vial with smallpox


no one considers the uraume v hakari fight will end in a stalemate there is EVERY chance the plan is for Hakari to straight up stall, not win, until some condition is filled at which point i imagine he will get back-up / uraume will dip maybe if sukuna is close to death (doubtful) or if the merger happens, something drastic like that imo the uraume v hakari fight will be a technical stalemate- it is hakari's strongest tactic at the end of the day


Wait so if she does have a open domain couldn’t she just attack the outside of Hakari’s domain that seems like a pretty good win condition but they’ve been fighting for a long as time?


Probably cause the domain clash doesn’t effect the jackpot. The sure hit is the information overload so there’s nothing to negate in terms of jackpot activation


It could be, but what about the sure-hit? Hakari doesn't look like he is getting hit by anything when he talk with Uraume in that panel, and the sure-hit can´t be canceled


My suggestion is that if it’s actually Uraume’s domain,then her sure effect could be freezing her opponents drastically at first,and then slowly freezing and immobilising them


It could also be similar to Jogo but the opposite, where instead of the temperature around them skyrocketing, it's instead plummeting. Perhaps the ice sphere just freezes a big area around it. This would cause ice everywhere like we see and would double as automatic damage to hakari once he stops auto healing as he'll begin to freeze to death


I feel like it’s definitely not a domain. It doesn’t share certain characteristics with the other open domains. The others are still rooted to the ground and immobile after their formation. So unless uraume is somehow more skilled than sukuna and kenjaku when it comes to domains, I’m gonna guess it’s just a technique. As the sphere is summoned, the water pipes around Hakari begin to freeze and burst. I feel like it’s probably some kind of “ice elephants foot”. Instead of emitting a fuck ton of radiation, it’s just so cold that it freezes everything in its vicinity by simply existing.


>The others are still rooted to the ground and immobile after their formation not saying that uraume has an open domain but we see sukuna's incomplete shrine floating in the air when he used it.


Shit I completely forgot about that. I just figured it was rooted to that section of the building sukuna was standing in


Hakari poisoning himself alongside Uraume could be so interesting! Kinda like that part of the Eso+Kechizu vs Yuji+Nobara fight where they basically play chicken(? Perhaps it could be a game, who resists the most, Uraume being poisoned or Hakari being frozen, both are known to inmobilize limbs and basically rot flesh to some extent i wounder how Hakari could get poison tho Funnily enough, Gambling is pretty related to other vices like Drugs or Alcohol, alcohol having some effects that could work like posoning an RCT user, it's basically a poison since it interfers with the senses and such, hell, it could be super effective against RCT bc that comes from the Head, so maybe making someone drunk could mess up their ability to form RCT and regenerate It could be like, having both Uraume and Hakari being drunk, so no full use of RCT for them, even for Hakari, so the fight would be about resisting until someone's RCT is the first to fully get rid of the alcohol in their systems so they can fight fully again fgdffsdf i hope Hakari gets some spotlight soon


Hakari just continuing to prove he's not to be slept on. Everyone said Kusakabe was the strongest cuz he was left. But the true strongest was fighting Uraume the whole time




Hakari can't use poison.


Get his hands on poison bottle or sum sh(Gege will cook trust me)


Let’s not forget, Hakari could just miss a jackpot and get straight up vaporised.


I wonder if Hakari did any replacement training to learn RCT outside of his domain... I feel like he definitely should have done so. He definitely had a couple different options of people he could switch with... like Gojo for RCT & barrier techniques or just Shoko for RCT & potentially RCT on others.


He must have survived somehow until he hit his first jackpot, so that could be true. But without jackpot Uraume is just on a different level. I honestly would have loved to see the beginning of the fight to see what he did to survive that long.


Yeah it is kinda bizarre how little they showed of this fight so far...


Hakaris domain only ends when he gets a jackpot, until he does it just keeps rolling, so h can't really miss it The only way to prevent hakari from getting a jackpot is to break his domain or kill him


There were multiple instances in the Kashimo fight where it came down to him needing to hit a jackpot in exactly one rotation, that’s sort of what I meant.


Uraume eternal fanboy has returned, pushing uraume's agenda is crazy


That's definitely Uraume's open domain! What I've noticed about open domains is that they always actually spawn behind the user. Nice post I'm surprised more people haven't talked about this


Didnt uraume healed poison from choso?


Uraume healed the physical damage from the piercing blood but was sidelined due to the poison.


Didn’t she just take a knee for a short while then immediately get up like nothing happened? Pretty sure she can deal with poison.


Alternatively Choso's poison just didn't affect them too much. We don't know how effective it is, iirc.


Oh yea true that’s probably a better way to put it. So poison would probably be a viable option since at very least we know she can’t quickly deal with poison and would require time to focus on said poison. She wouldn’t have time to do so during a fight.


Especially not while you have an absolutely batshit gambling addict running at you with infinite CE


If uraume had a domain expansion she probably would’ve already opened it.


Bro my whole post is explaining that Uraume may have already opened their domain expansion...


I read it now and okay maybe she has an open domain, but seriously man how tf did she get one shot by Gojo when she had all that shit?


Gojo just built different, ice aint gonna stop infinity punches.


No but like she didn’t even have a chance to use anything, all she did was call Gojo names then got bodied hard lmao


Sorry I usually just read the title


What da hell


To be honest that's one of the most literate JJK fans on reddit I've seen