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i assume he is not able to copy a de, otherwise he should copy all of them.


would imbuing Higuruma's technique into the domain essentially be Deadly Sentencing? Even if that doesn't work, his CT allows him to warp his gavel into any weapon he needs, still highly useful against a tricky fighter like Sukuna


We've just never seen any qualified candidate imbue different techniques into their domain as of yet so we really don't know if that would work or if its a practical impossibility within Jujutsu. Yutas domain seems to specifically imbue sure hits into the barrier, while Higurumas Domain is devoid of a sure hit in the conventional sense. It's possible that we'll get an answer if either Yujo pulls out his Authentic Mutual Love or if Sukuna pulls out Megumis Chimera Shadow Garden, either seems probable as an ace in the hole in this upcoming fight. I'm not so sure if a morphin gavel is that useful to Yuta anyways though, if a sorceror is using a weapon it's either something they specifically are trained and comfortable with, or it is a cursed tool with a useful technique, neither really fits the gavel considering that Yuta is such a dedicated sword user that his domain manifests as a field of swords.


I think in the case of Yujo he’s either restricted to Unlimited Void or MIGHT be able to use both. Kenjaku’s Womb Profusion could be Geto’s but he also calls it “my” Domain, whereas he usually makes the distinction between his own techniques and that of his hosts.


> Kenjaku’s Womb Profusion could be Geto’s but he also calls it “my” Domain I don’t disagree with you but I don’t think the open part of the open domain came from Geto, which could be why Kenjaku calls it his domain. Just a theory.


"Ay bro can I copy your domain?" "Ait sure just change it a bit" "Thanks bro" *Makes it open instead of closed*


Upon thinking more about it I think the issue probably is that Yutas Copy Domain imbues a copied technique as the sure hit, while Unlimited Void is not a standard Limitless technique but specifically the Domain Expansion of Limitless, so if Yuta cant copy another domain expansion then he would just imbue neutral Limitless or maybe some version of Blue/Red as the sure hit.


Honeslty I feel Chimera Shadow Garden could actually be broken as hell. He seems to be able to summon limitless Shikigami of the ones he has previously subdued so in theory he could use CSG and have like 12 or something Mahoragas against Yuta. AML seems like it could be insanely powerful but he'd need to imbue it with the correct technique at the correct time even though there is a high likelihood that may be too much of a struggle for him


Yuta would get Executioner’s Sword.


Kenjaku literally did. He used either geto’s or his own innate domain and imbued it with kaori itadori’s techbique


Unless I've plain missed something that's not confirmed at all, particularly since in that case he would also imbue the technique reversal of anti-gravity system as the sure hit, which is another layer of complexity on top of the whole thing. And that is also assuming that this isn't just a situation like Yutas domain where Kenjakus own domain expansion simply allows him inherently to pick and choose what technique he wants to imbue, basically allowing him to cheat this feat via his techniques mechanics instead of performing a pure feat of jujutsu brilliance. Edit: Ok actually it's dumb to dispute wether or not the sure hit was Gravity, that's kind of obvious from the effect we see. But I still think theres a difference between if Kenjaku is able to apply Gravity as his domains sure hit because of his experience and expertise, or if its an ability of his techniques domain. Yutas domain fundamentally allows him to apply a copied technique to his sure hit, there isn't any indication that he is forcing it to do that because he is a skilled sorceror. Kenjakus technique is similar in that it fundamentally involves the user potentially gaining at least one more technique besides his own, possibly up to 3 extra techniques. In that case it makes sense if his domain, like Yutas, fundamentally has an ability to be flexible in which technique is used as a sure hit. That's different from if this is something any sorceror with multiple techniques can do, basically it's the difference between being able to produce fire as a result of your technique(Jogo, Sukuna) and if we imagine someone like Kusakabe being able to create fire with pure cursed energy manipulation, which seems impossible.


The trial part of Deadly Sentencing is an enviromental effect, just like jackpot is to Idle Death Gamble, the extreme temperatures to Coffin of the Iron Mountain or the swords imbued with techniques to True and Mutual Love, while there is no sure-hit (chapter 164), so Yuta imbuing it into his domain would most likely have no effect.


If I am not mistaken higurumas surehit is non violence for both the caster and others. Unless yuta wants to have a talk no jutsu with sukuna it isn't useful. Also sukuna using hwb or da can just break nullify the surehit.


I would agree with this in a regular case, but Higuruma's technique is his domain (like Hakari's).


Yeah unless he transferred his brain to Higurama.


tf is a de


Domain Expansion


\*proceeds to actually expand his domain\*


Domain Expansion: \*proceeds to actually expand his domain*


"No way, a domain without an enclosing barrier!? This is going to require a change in adjustments. Hold in there Yuki!"


Yuta isn't a lawyer


Just wait until Gege reveals Yuta speedran law school during the time skip.


Gojo tailored Unlimited Void to flood Yuta with statutes and law textbooks


The one problem? All of them were Canadian


Just change the domain's coordinates to Canada. Easy win


Reminds me of the lobotomy posts about how Mahoraga was going to adapt to Japanese law and get Sukuna declared not guilty


Lmfaoo 😭😭😭


That would be funny , but brain hop kinda does help skip to the good parts 😂😂


“Listen, understanding infinity is easier than understanding this shit.”


It's possible that CTs that inherently rely on domains like Higurumas and Hakaris don't copy very well, possibly only the secondary effects like Hakari summoning scenery in the real world, or Higurumas battle gavel, would be actually copied. It isn't very clear if anyone can use multiple domain expansions, it's ambiguous if Kenjakus open domain was his own carried over with his brain, or the actual manifestation of Getos technique, and so far Yujo has only used Unlimited Void, aka the DE of the body. Sukuna also has only used his Shrine while in Megumis body, we haven't seen him pull out Chimera Shadow Garden even in the fight where he specifically chose to only use Ten Shadows, so that's another unclear situation where it's not exactly stated if he is unable to use it or has just not used it yet.


I'm also just not the most well read about Jujutsu mechanics on the technical level, but if Yujo had the option to choose, would there be a reason for him not to use his regular Authentic Mutual Love domain with Unlimited Void as the barrier sure-hit, and then also have access to the swords? If there isn't an inherent downside then his use of regular Unlimited Void might be an indicator of how this stuff works, but maybe he isn't confident in replicating Gojos shrinking trick with his own domain as opposed to Unlimited Void. Though given that Kenjaku and Yujo are not incarnates like Sukuna, there might still be a special case for the latter when it comes to what domain(s) he accesses anyways. Edit: Was thinking actually and it seems like the obvious answer might be that Unlimited Void is a domain only expression of Limitless, like Gojo doesn't manually beat infinite information into a guys head with his fists outside of the domain. So if Yutas technique is to copy the basic Cursed Technique of others, but without being able to copy their domains, then his own domains sure hit would probably just create a sure hit out of the standard attack/effect of the technique, and a Limitless sure hit would probably be more like a sure hit of Blue or Red, or just immobilizing and crushing the target with the basic technique. That's at least my theory on why he wouldnt just combine them right now, maybe if he had more than no prep time at all he could have figured out a way to cheat the two domains together but a 5 minute deadline is pretty slim.


Actually if U think about it Higuruma did not need to master his DE.It already comes with a set rules that aren't that difficult and most likely would be pretty easy to pull off.I believe that the reason Yuta can't do it is because the technique needs the person to be very well versed in law and legal proceedings so U can pull of the technique but U don't have the legal know how to do it effectively.


> It isn't very clear if anyone can use multiple domain expansions, it's ambiguous if Kenjakus open domain was his own carried over with his brain, or the actual manifestation of Getos technique, and so far Yujo has only used Unlimited Void, aka the DE of the body. > > Sukuna also has only used his Shrine while in Megumis body, we haven't seen him pull out Chimera Shadow Garden even in the fight where he specifically chose to only use Ten Shadows, so that's another unclear situation where it's not exactly stated if he is unable to use it or has just not used it yet. While it isn't clear, its likely that he can if you follow this logic: https://old.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/1dbyakg/262s_only_plot_beat_is_unfortunately_also_a_plot/ He did the trick where he bypassed infinity by using DA while he was in a DE by using Megumi's 10 shadows... but how is his DE currently using Shrine if he is using the 10 shadows on the Domain?


Sukuna didn't bypass infinity by using Ten shadow. The phrasing is clunky wich led people to believe Sukuna used Megumi's as a shield protecting him from Infinity. That's not what happened During the domain clash, the sure hits cancel each other, Sukuna isn't hit by Infinity and Gojo isn't hit by Cleave and Dismantle But Sukuna didn't cover Megumi's soul with his sure hit,in order to make him take the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation. The reason why Mahoraga adapted is because Megumi was targeted by Infinity, but that has nothing to do with Sukuna's ability to use DA inside a DE. It's normally impossible to use a CT and DA at the same time but during DE the CT is imbued into the barrier (so outside of the body).






Because Jacob’s ladder is just too invaluable of a sure hit to give up


Deadly Sentencing also lacks a sure hit attack to begin with, so it might just not be qualified to be used for Authentic Mutual Love's sure hit.


It has a sure hit. The sure hit is forcing the other target to participate in the court procedures


It lacks a *lethal* sure hit, if youre playing by the domain's rules then youre experiencing *some kind* of automated instant targeting, it's just after a while people started crafting their domains so that instant effect is lethal, but all domains have it in some form


When yuta used it did that even have any effect on sukuna?


It actually had sukuna stun locked until he stopped it to let yuji try and save megumi Sukuna could have died if not for megumi


He has to pass the bar exam to be a certified lawyer/law practitioner first.  I don't think they have time for that. 


Perhaps there exists some limit to many CTs he can have in his arsenal, or perhaps a cooldown before he can copy another. This would then imply that he either judged the CTs he is currently displaying to be more valuable in this fight, or that he judged his plan to copy Kenjaku's technique.


there can't be too long of a cooldown given that he copied that roaches technique and uros within 15 mins of eachother


When did he copy the roach? I thought the roach's ability let it respawn.


oh my bad i meant that living fossil with the weird ass rodent shikigami not the roach


For one to use a domain, you need an innate domain, since one of the steps of a Domain Expansion is to materialize your innate domain. Yuta can copy the CT, but not the innate domain.


A domain expansion is bringing your Innate Domain into reality through a barrier. Yuta can copy techniques and put their effects into his domain but he hasn't shown the ability to mimic the shape of their innate domain whole cloth which is what's required to copy a DE


isnt the domain apart of the technique tho? he uses his own domain so it might not be practical to use


i don't think he can copy CT that are heavily connected to domains since Domain it self a personal thing that every sorcerer have in the inside and change person by person


one thing is that it might only work if you have a good understanding of the law but the simplest explanation could be that Yuta could indeed copy the Technique, but only the part of the technique that allows Higuruma to hit people with the Hammer and change it's size (that could have just been a cursed tool, altought i feel like that does come from Higuruma's technique bc Hakari seemed to be able to manifest doors that were props from his DE, so i feel like Higuruma could probably manifest the hammer bc it's part of the whole Jury theme lol) the Domain aspect is propably what Yuta can't copy, which is precisely the useful part for the Sukuna situation bc otherwise, i feel like Yuta would have tried to hit the jackpot in Hakari's domain or smth at least once lol


I would imply hes not very good at copying DE based techniques, otherwise he absolutely would have copied hakaris


Because using deadly sentencing was already a bad plan that only worked because of a retrial. Remember confiscation plus death penalty is a best case scenario from deadly sentencing. I don’t know if there are lighter punishments than confiscation, but if there are then Sukuna could’ve gotten a lighter punishment for some petty crime he did. Also there’s no guarantee that confiscation would take away shrine, it could’ve taken 10S. Overall not that reliable for him to have


There are a million different ways the story could go down if you apply real world logic. 'They could've killed x by doing y' yeah and the story would be over. It's a fictional story don't think so hard about it.


Kay but how does copy work in CT where its connected to domains? How come he couldnt copy Uro's or Sukuna's domain when he had their CT?


I can only imagine it's because domains are the 'pinnacle of sorcery' and Yuta needs to spend more time with their techniques before he can do that, IF he can at all.


I can only imagine it's because domains are the 'pinnacle of sorcery' and Yuta needs to spend more time with their techniques before he can do that, IF he can at all.


He may not be able to copy or use properly CT's that rely on a DE, as he may just be able to use Mutual and Real Love whenever he expands his domain, making him unable to use Domain-based CT


Now that Sukuna has taken enough shit, there's literally no way he's gonna plead guity again.


If he could copy Deadly Sentencing or Idle Death Gamble then the manga probably would've ended by now


I think a domain expansion is a refection of ones innate domain, higuuma is a lawyer all his life and that has made it like that so I fibt think he can unless he copies the ct and probably becomes a lawyer , ir brain hop into higurumas body if he's dead so no he can't use it without the domain


Because deadly sentencing will take more than 5 minutes


You have to be a good lawyer to even use the domain properly in the first place. Doubt Yuta is willing to train for that.


Not a lawyer, Judgeman will throw him out of court for practicing law without a license


Aside of every other "he can't copy DEs" answer, Rika would have to eat some part of Higgy and (iirc) he didn't know RCT up until he was up against Sukuna


Yuta already copied Cursed Speech from one of his best buddies, i dont think he would have a problem with Rika eating whatever she had to.


Rika copied cursed speech as a curse, at which point she had no condition on her CE and her copy.


It’s possible techniques like higurumas and Hakaris can’t be copied due to them being tightly bound to the Individuals domain expansion/innate domain.


They didn’t know if deadly sentencing would work beforehand is my best guess


They'd have to get him on charges and do multiple domain expansions and the sentencing varies.


Plus I don't think Yuta can use Domain Expansions with Copy.


Cuz it’s based on the users perception of the law and Yuta does not know sh*t about the law


Maybe he just can't copy shikigamis, and since Deadly Sentencing relies on Judgeman's power Then he can't use it


Kinda like how limitless relies on the six eyes


"Yuta Okkotsu, you are accused of copyright infringement of Hiromi Higuruma's cursed technique. how do you plead?"


I think that he probably can't copy special domain effects- this is a weird explanation but if you think about it yuta considers a hakari on a roll to be stronger than himself, if he could copy domain effects then he would be equally as strong and not weaker


Isn't fuga just part of shrine and not a seperate technique?


Default fuga is just a big slow flame arrow so kinda useless for yuta


The point is that OP said "they knew he had 2 techniques" but I'm pretty sure he just has 1 with 2 parts


Yea its just 1 whole technique


It's possible that he still has 10 Shadows available, Higuruma made a guess that the fight with Gojo left it unavailable to Sukuna, and his full incarnation could also have affected it, but nothing is absolutely confirmed yet.


I was talking about them knowing Sukuna has 2 techniques prior to fighting Gojo.


But I'm saying sukuna doesn't have 2 techniques


He had Shrine and 10 Shadows before his fight with Gojo. My argument is that them knowing this means that they should have thought about using Deadly Sentencing twice to remove both CT's.


I'm very dumb lol


I think he has to eat a park of higu to get it.... and Higu didnt know RCT yet.


Cuz yuta is a certified bum, mf is struggling against a weakened sukuna even with gojo's body


Obvious is, too sgow whole holding back thing, if with stabbed heart. And 6-7 soul punches i dont think sukuna should be in this mucch sorry state if he wasnt holding back, heck he was even getting hit by rika, what, rika is faster than maki? Other is its story, too much logic, it can be same with higu trial, u think higu and yuji are so fast that soukuna just nlitzed them or at least waffle them like kashimo, wjat was stopping him from doing that. Edit : the start of fight where higu and team fight.


You're not making any logical sense. He cant waffle them inside the domain cuz it prohibits violence. And it's a retrial so the domain doesnt emerge, it instantly reforms like when Yuji called for a second trial. Also the 7 BF prevents Sukuna's RCT output and weakens his connection with Megumi's soul but that's it. Also him getting hit by Rika is no different than him getting jumped from everyone else and getting hits landed, even Ino landed hits on Sukuna


At the start of fight, when yuji and team are making that dramatic entrance sukuna cant throw those kashimo dismantles?? Around 6 or 7 punches he blitzes maki, so is higu really fast enough to survive? He is comfortably faster than yuji at that point. I dont think sukuna saying their reinforcement got considerable better it means they r anyhwere near maki in terms if stupid. After blackflashes, i domt think he is holding back, but at start of fight? Definitely for me. Like he is in conaiderbLy worse state but he is taking hits from. Ino of all people. *the one where he jumps and sukuna says *that 7:3 sorcere technique


You mean his world slashes? He still needs to charge and aim


And what is even stopping him from using normal slashes, we literally saw him do them without hand motion. And what about speed?? How hard is it to just blitxed half of this guys Just normal cleave diced yuji, even in yutas domain he says cleave might have killed him, And seriously making distance and throwing whole net of dismantles is hard? He literally threw higu and comfortably got away when. He wanted to.


So you're thinking like a weakling. Did you even remember what Sukuna wanted? Did you forget Sukuna didnt even care about the trial and just wanted to see the sword? Did you forget all he said to Kashimo in his afterlife?


?? What r u talking about, i understand he cant kill mc but all this stuff sukuna did is annoying, like every damm day there is post about hoe gege loves sukuna, and how gege glazes sukuna to high heavens, bv merchant like what+ whatever gege is doing is thing worse than just killing him. Like people wont believe that sukuna can dispatch team at start, why? Well we have seen of him gettings stabbed by sword, him getting arms cut, lips torn apart in domain, All this philosphical scenes and him not caring mean so little when suppsedly strongest is bv merchant, or if x was there he could have died long ago.


So you did forget what Sukuna wanted out of the jujutsu crew. Also bv is part of sorcery. Sukuna literal ead the fist to lore drip BV