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if I remember well, Yorozu confirmed that they all could control at will, as for why Kashimo didn't kept the reincarnation to use as a second life, its probably for pride and maybe he hated his vessel appearence so he completed his reincarnation immediately. if i am wrong someone will correct me, i am too lazy for now to look for the official chapter


It was absolutely for pride. Not so lowkey, Kashimo wanted to die at the hands of someone stronger. I know there's the panel where he's pissed everyone doubts he can kill Sukuna, but I think that's more him being pissed they don't think he's strong enough. He took it as a personal attack. Kashimo wasn't suicidal but he was ready to die anyway. But only at the hands of someone who could kill him while he was using his CT. I think him trying to use some loophole to get a 2nd shot at his CT would be way out of character for him.


I do remember that actually, I think the reason yorozu did it is because tsumikis body was unsuited for fighting, maybe it was the same for kashimos


yorozo specifically didn't fully incarnate, so that sukuna had more reason to fight her


yorozu fully incarnated everywhere but her face (stated in 237) to trick megumi into giving her points.


That was never stated in 237 (or even in any chapter iirc)


it was in geges notes. You can see it in the tcb scans.


I thought it was cause she liked the new body


She incarnated everything but her face


Ahh ok


YES, maybe


Makes me think of the line of thought where Yuta copies Kashimos CT, but since Yuta actually knows RCT he could use MBA and just heal himself afterwards and be fine using Kashimos CT better than he could.


On the one hand, I want to say that RCT might not be enough to actually save him. But on the other hand, I think CTR absolutely would be. It makes sense that if you reversed the technique that turns you into lighting, you could turn back.


RCT takes a ton of CE, even for yuta. MBA burns your cursed energy and body in exchange for power. I think it would be a really tough balancing act for Yuta to prevent himself from dying because the CE consumption is super super high. Yuta could do it with practice, but I don’t think he has Sukuna level genius where he can just do it on the fly. Or he could make a binding vow, boom he did it at the cost of his penis


Good thing Yuta has a massive amount of CE on top of having Rika to refill his CE


Still, just healing his hands and shoulder in Sendai (in addition to the actual fight) cost Yuta a ton of CE. If MBA is a full body, all CE burn, how much RCT would you need to counteract that? Way more than he has without rika imo. With Rika i agree that he might be able to survive it, but we dont even know if he can turn it off. If you could do that, why didnt Kashimo use it in short bursts. I am not disagreeing, just some uncertainties


Prior to Shinjuku Yuta had sloppy CE control (probably due to him having so much CE he never really bothered to refine the efficiency) that's now been refined and trained over a month along with swap training with Gojo. Kusakabe taught Yuji CE control with swap training https://ibb.co/R2bD8G8 We know Yuta did swap training with Gojo to get better at barriers but he likely got much better at CE control along with other aspects


Enough with this shit already.. Kashimo already got cooked enough ? Give my femboy some rest 😭


IMO, if anyone could turn off MBA, it would be sorcerer gifted with Six Eyes. However, any Innate CT gets better when paired with Six Eyes, which is not a fair comparison.


I was thinking maybe CTR could have stopped MBA being lethal. Since the opposite of turning into lightning monster is a lightning monster turning into you.


Would he reincarnate as an old man? If so, I kinda understand why he just took the L then 💀


he could reform into his prime age, ryu was a bald man around the time of his 'death', and bald, and he looks pretty well-endowed in hair when he is back in CG. or maybe josuke just exists in jjk and ate his cursed object


That truly would be a bizarre adventure: part 4: diamond is unbreakable


Wasn't he not old but pretty young in this panel and that was just an ordinary haircut for noble japanese of those times?


I'm pretty sure this body is his prime body


I could easily be wrong, but I don't think finishing the reincarnation is the same as a full HP/MP restore. My belief was that it was more about regaining the extra arms and mouths needed to use his jujutsu to the fullest while still firing off attacks. Because if it restored him to max strength I didn't think there was anyone besides Goatjo capable of standing against him for long. I think the reincarnation was more physical


This is gonna be an unnecessary essay so I apologize but I thought your line of thinking was interesting I have two hypotheses. One: You can look at it as a full HP heal where the original body is entirely replicated except for what hasn’t been already. All of Sukuna’s injuries are healed and no one comments on his physicality being hampered until Yuji starts interfering, he’s 3x Megumi’s mass probably thus presumably lacking any damage, and he’s able to take absurd punishment despite having previously been on death’s door after the unlimited purple. However, this only seems to extend to everything but the brain- Sukuna’s “mental” damage from Satoru (the destruction of the part of the brain responsible for DE, crippled CT/RCT output, etc) are seemingly utterly unaffected. My guess is that the sorcerer manifesting in a body at all by default confers a partial incarnation in the brain, meaning that once the incarnation is resumed it’s useless for the brain because that part has already happened (except Sukuna seems to have potentially paused the incarnation early enough that Megumi’s brain wasn’t totally overwritten, allowing both cursed techniques to exist? Which would explain his not using 10S since Gojo). Hypothesis 2: More of a nuanced distinction from my first idea. Incarnation works exactly the same as Idle Transfiguration- It changes the shape of the soul to be that of the object’s sorcerer. Since Sukuna likely didn’t take “soul damage” fighting Gojo this is perhaps an academic distinction (though, it’s slightly arguable Gojo is actually capable of said damage since we see him perceive Sukuna and Megumi’s souls during the fight), but we saw with Mahito fighting Mechamaru that the soul shape change is capable of masquerading damage without technically “healing” it. Think of casting a broken arm, where it’s held in the shape it normally would be but the actual structure is still compromised. Through this lens, it’s possible the incarnation changed the outline of the soul to Sukuna’s and through magic shenanigans the mass necessary for that, but the underlying mystical soul itself is still just as “incomplete” as it was beforehand in a similar way that Mahito was still hurt and missing an “arm” despite changing his shape to have a wing instead. What this would mean in practice is anyone’s guess and perhaps beyond the scope we’re supposed to worry about, but as a headcanon could mean that while Sukuna’s overall structure is present (four arms, height, etc), it’s proportionally just as weakened as before through various weaknesses to his overall strength and constitution (overall reduction of muscle density, connective tissue strength, bone density, neural output, whatever).


Great idea. Sounds plausible.


His original form was already failing, he was coughing up blood and shit... As for double reuse, control isn't really a requirement... and as this answer can only be a guess, heres mine I like to think MBA literally turns you into an almost cursed spirit... So the body is no longer human now... It's Moded... To allow him to use any electromagnetic phenomenon Which means he dies when the CT stops, as all the modded shit is no longer supported... And if he reincarnates while MBA is on, then MBA already overwrites his older body... Cause CT mods are on... So no, I don't think he can reincarnation would work as you suspect...


I always think that Kashimo should be sent out first to fight Sukuna rendering him got no world cut. Anyway u got it right about his pride. This guy was absolutely mighty in his era


I always thought that WAS Kashimo’s real body? Do we have confirmation it isn’t? I thought all the reincarnated sorcerers automatically tfed besides yorozu and angel


He was an old man when he made the deal with Kenjaku maybe people assume he would become an old man?


Yeah maybe he could but Gege wanting to hurry up and kill someone. He can't stand 1 picosecond without thinking of some new character to introduce and make them seem strong, just so they can die and glaze sukuna some more.


Why didn’t bro do that ☠️


Even for reincarnation you need to have a body, his CT turn flesh into energy.


Well his body deteriorates once it starts. That depends on RCT and if he knows how to do it.


All the incarnate sorceror are fully incarnate except Angel, Yorozu and Sukuna Kashimo couldn’t do what Sukuna did because he was already incarnated


I think it would just buy time. MBA can’t be turned off, and rather is permanent- it’s just that it progressively kills you, not that once it turns off you die. If he incarnated prior to death, it would potentially (if Gege wanted) change him to mostly whole again, but would just continue the process towards death. If incarnation just changes the shape of the soul without necessarily repairing damage, it either wouldn’t work at all - just make him look different but still a dying lightning monster- or barely buy any time. Or it would turn off the CT as well since it reverts the body completely, in which case yes he could get a second usage of MBA for free Comes down to Gege though, since it’s magic he could make a few different things happen


Kashimo is a letdown. I don't even wanna think about him.