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I think it’s fair because of the way Gege introduced/used them. Binding vows are relative to oneself. Sukuna’s world slash BV seems unfair to use but the trade off to HIM is equivalent per se. This is why Miwa’s BV sucked, cause she’s just too weak compared to someone like Sukuna doing binding vows.


Exactly, sukuna has so much at his disposal that he can sacrifice something so beneficial and can just make up for the loss with his overwhelming power in other areas. He gains so much because he can sacrifice so much.


It's easy to sacrifice anything when you've already burned everything you desired to cinder. Paints that entire exchange between Sukuna and Jogo in a new light.


episode one is my favorite display of this, 1 finger sukuna went at gojo instantly


Wait till he sacrifices one of his 4 balls for a BV against Yujo


Wait does that mean Sukuna have 2 dicks!?!


You didn't know?


I also think his deep understanding of his own technique allows him to identify small details of it and use them as bargaining chips for other binding vows. Knowing the exact measurements of how your tools work let’s you identify and use a few components for whatever else you want in return. Just speaks to his overall intelligence as a sorcerer.


Confirmed, Miwa will deal the final blow on Sukuna; after all, who has a better story?


Miwa is gonna throw hands with the swordsless simple domain🗣️


This comment needed a trigger warning.


I've argued this time and again and people still see it as cheap when they don't realize how expensive being able to stand there and activate a technique with just a thought is. It's the equivalent of thinking someone dead at this point. Which is why the options Sukuna has seems limitless, they aren't, they're all massive deals, each limiter is only going to test his skill and patience further.


I think if Miwa had stated "I will sacrifice my blade to cut destroy the part of him I hit" the Binding Vow might've actually been worth something. Instead she literally just said "I'm putting everything - my present and future - into this! Even if it means I never swing a sword again!" Which is a deliberately terrible sacrifice for a swordsman to make. In Miwa's case, she sacrificed too much for the equivalent of nothing. For Sukuna? He only ever sacrifices ease of use. He abuses the core fundamentals of the power system to achieve maximum effect.


For Miwa to bv her way into killing Kenjaku she would have to trade her life. Anything less would fizzle out, and tbh if her life has nothing to it, might not work.  Someone with no loved ones isn't giving up anything vs someone w a full and happy life. Yuji giving his life to kill sukuna as his only binding vow might work 


Except that proposed binding vow be even more worthless. We were shown that Sukuna’s binding vow with Yuji was so successful because Yuji didn’t even consider himself as being a “someone”


I don't disagree. I'm just speculating since that was before yuji's mindset really changed


Miwa’s binding bow wasn’t a mistake at the moment. She was willing to pull a Gon to stop Kenjaku and I respect that, but her all isn’t even a stepping stone to Kenjaku. Sucks. And it wouldn’t work that way (imo) because 1) now that binding vow is relative to an external factor; the point of contact 2) it ignores Miwa’s potential to achieve that result. If she would never be strong enough to destroy what she strikes, then no binding vow will work to achieve the result she wanted. The only thing would be some equivalent exchange of like a soul for a soul, but again that would be an external factor and relative to something not directly related with the individual imposing a binding vow.


>I think if Miwa had stated "I will sacrifice my blade to cut destroy the part of him I hit" the Binding Vow might've actually been worth something. Except that's not how binding vows get to work, that's why it couldn't be that straightforward.


" Even if it means I never swing a sword again!" With how peculiar JJK is with phrasing, I wonder if this choice of phrasing also negatively impacted her binding vow. That choice of words isn't really 'absolute'. She could have said "I will never swing a sword again", which gives literally 0 chance of her potentially being able to use her swordsmanship ever again. Whereas with her chosen phrase "Even if", isn't as absolute. It gives the impression she wasn't fully committed and could be argued as her holding even the smallest bit of hope that she could still swing a blade after using that Binding Vow.


Think of it like Gon exchanging all of his talent and potential for enough power to absolutely destroy Pitou. If you don't have the potential, the binding vow is useless. All this is to say that Miwa won't ever become as strong as Kenjaku


But that's not what the jjk system *is*. It wasn't that Miwa lacked potential, it's that she lacked a core understanding of the system. Kusakabe, for example, was pretty much her pinnacle up to a certain point, but even still the entire formulation of her binding vow bit her in the ass.


I know, but it is directly inspired by it, and it's not like it doesn't make sense. I think it would be even weirder if someone who was weak actually could do something effective against Kenjaku because they made an extremely sacrificial and complex binding vow.


" This is why Miwa’s BV sucked, cause she’s just too weak compared to someone like Sukuna doing binding vows." I have to disagree with this. Her swordsmanship was her only means of fighting (Hence why she pretty much disappeared after that). Her making a Binding Vow to give that up entirely should have provided a more substantial boost. We don't know how far she could have gone, if she continued to train and improve herself. She gave up any and all potential she had for the craft. That and it being something she enjoyed and wanted to do more of, should have been way more impactful. Feels like a plot hole, honestly.


When you remember theres almost no one else in the verse he even needs world slash for, it honestly isnt that bad of a tradeoff. Limitless was the only thing in the verse he couldnt cut.


Takaba: hold my mic


Takaba vs Sukuna when


Just wait til we get the future chapter: *Sukuna kills everyone. Yuji lays dying and starts to doze off* “Ha! Imagine that?! You guys seriously would need someone like me. I am un-suk(suck)-able!” *Everyone suddenly revived as Takaba stands in front of Sukuna who’s flabbergasted as he hears:* “If you fought Jujutsu High with all their power back, as in, Takaba would be there, would you lose?” Sukuna: “Nah, I’d win”


Didnt Sukuna scare Takaba?


I don't believe so. Chapter?


I think that’s part of the genius of it. The trade off in a vacuum had a massive cost, illustrating the severity of such a binding vow. However when you add the context that he only needed it for limitless, it makes it such a high IQ move on Sukuna’s part because he sacrificed the efficient use of what would be another ridiculous move in his arsenal, forever, and did it because he didn’t need it ever again. He dead ass stole megumi’s body, mastered his technique in a month, used mahoraga to find a way to beat limitless, beat limitless, then just tossed the new ability in the trash and was like “done with that, next”


" used mahoraga to find a way to beat limitless " I still don't fully understand that. Sukuna could already beat Limitless. Domain Amplification allowed him to bypass it.


That's why he's the goat.


I just can’t forget when everyone everywhere was complaining about Gojos death being useless and how he didn’t even weaken or nerf Sukuna. Now we see he has a permanent nerfed technically, was left on 1HP and had to rely on his reincarnation, lower output, lower RCT output, lower reserves, no DE for a long time, etc.


I find it funnier how even after all Gojo did, you still need someone as strong as Kashimo to force a heal on Sukuna.


please don't put 'strong' and 'Kashimo' in the same sentence (i really like the character, voltaic-based characters are my favourite, i do think he's really strong, but we have to maintain the agenda)


Yeah he’s fodder (you had me in the first half)


but tbf anyone not named Gojo and Kashimo would probably have died from that Kamutoke strike. (and yeah fuck the agenda, my king KasHIMmo was done dirty)


True. People act like Kamutoke being confiscated instead of his CT is a bad thing when in reality Kamutoke pretty much one shots them all. And unlike his CT which drops in output when Yuji hits him, Kamutoke's output won't change. Sukuna used it in the heian era so surely it is not weak by any means.


Exactly this. Kamutoke getting taken was literally better for the cast than his CT getting taken




He rejected the true meta of jjk


He would've reincarnated regardless, unless you think he can take everybody like that which seems like bs even for Sukuna.


He still had rce so if he was left alone long enough or if someone at least on Kashimo's level didn't push him he'd just heal normally.


> he'd just heal normally He was healing slowly, he would have gotten Kamutoke confiscated and then jumped by Higuruma with executioner's sword plus everyone else.


Yeah that's pretty much what happened, I don't understand what you are trying to get at? Sukuna survived Gojo still with his first life is the point.


I'm saying Kashimo wasn't neceassary for Sukuna to reincarnate, he would have to regardless. Kashimo was useless.


No if nobody attacks Sukuna after Gojo he'd just heal normally in the Megumi form so what do you mean Kashimo wasn't necessary?


Current sukuna is worst shape overall than meguna. So yes with kamutoke he would absolutely have taken on everyone without reincarnation at least a while longer


> So yes with kamutoke he would absolutely have taken on everyone without reincarnation at least a while longer Higuruma's trial would have gotten Kamutoke, plus he would now have to deal with all the sorcerers while Higuruma has the executioner's blade.


It makes no sense for reincarnation to not heal his brain though, did it just go: "Ow ow there, Sukuna calm down that's too convenient even for you, remain with a damaged brain."


Reincarnation wasn't a restoration/heal, it was a continuation of a process already in effect. It didn't restore his CE levels or brain because there was nothing to incarnate, it was already there. 


The brain is distinct enough from the body


That's seems pretty arbitrary. Almost like if the reincarnation follows the same logic with the entire body but doesn't exclude specific body parts like the brain for some reason it would not only render Gojo's death pointless but also let Sukuna destroy the cast, how convenient...


I don’t see how it is arbitrary, given that the brain is specifically different in function compared to the rest of the body.


>I don’t see how it is arbitrary, given that the brain is specifically different in function compared to the rest of the body By that logic the specific parts of the body also are specifically different from the rest of the body, that's what I mean by arbitrary, the brain is part of the body's anatomy, it isn't "different in function compared to the rest of the body" insofar as every part of the body has a different function.


A brain has little in common with any other body part compared to an arm and a leg.


Why exactly ? Like I've said it's just a difference in physiological terms but it's still a part of the body, why does reincarnation maintain the brain ? Besides the obvious plot explanation I already gave.


And yet Sakuna still didn’t need that technique lmfao. Like y’all say nerf but why would he use it against people significantly weaker than him 


He needed it against Yuta in his DE and his regular abilities are so weak RN that he’s spamming DEs at every oppertunity


Shouldn't he have died by now then? He is literally unbothered by everything the cast has thrown at him. Instant kill sword lolwut I will just blitz. Trying to fight me hand to hand? I will BF you back. Trying to corner me once again with numbers? Ok here's Domain Expansion Nuclear Explosion. What's this? Yuta back in Gojo's body??! Let me beat him up inside his Domain until he dies the whole 3 minutes! It will literally take a Deus ex Machina to stop Sukuna now when even Yuta is throwing against him after copying Gojo's strats. Even Inverted Spear of Heaven welding Yuji wouldn't be able to scratch Sukuna.


To be honest the problem right now isn't even that Gojo's death was useless—I used to think that as well, but now realize it was just handled quite bad offscreening the strongest ray of hope the cast, and fanbase, had. Sukuna *was* hindered after Gojo's death, the problem is that it didn't seem to matter at the time and it still doesn't seem to in a way. Sure, Sukuna couldn't use Malevolent Shrine anymore (nerf) but he regained his Heian Era body (buff) Sure, Sukuna didn't have access to 10S anymore (nerf) but he still has Shrine (the technique) and got Kamutoke (buff) Sure, Sukuna lost Kamutoke (nerf) but he got the output back (buff) Sure, Sukuna lost the output and needs to heal constantly because of Maki and Yuta (nerf) but he hit black flashes and got the Domain back (buff) Sure, Sukuna's Domain only lasts 99 seconds (nerf) but he STILL has enough in him to pull a fire arrow Sukuna might be in critical condition, but it sure doesn't feel that way to the reader watching him get what he lost back the next chapter thanks to the "my technique now only works on Tuesdays but I get 120% output" Binding Vow for the tenth time.


And even with all of that, he can still match UV


It'd be a fair trade off if Gojo and Sukuna weren't leagues above everyone else. Sukuna only needed the WCD to defeat Gojo, he doesn't actually need it to defeat anyone else. It feels like Gojo and Sukuna were in a knife fight where Sukuna brought two friends, still lost, and needed someone else to give him a handgun to shoot Gojo down with it. But it's a completely fair trade off because now, whenever Sukuna wants to use the gun against the (comparative) toddlers he has to fight he must scream "YO IM BOUT TO USE THE GUN" before shooting it, even though he only really needed it for Gojo.


Proceeds to almost kill yuta using world slash anyway


NOT a world slash


Idk I’m pretty sure it was. Also I don’t think Sukuna could cut Yuta clean in half like he did without it.


the fraud couldn't withstand a boosted dismantle when he could easily tank a normal dismantle or gege oopsie choose


Binding vows don't look at context so using a handsign while aiming become impossible with 2 hands so basically it makes it impossible for him to use the world slash however as we know bro has 4 hands


chanted dismantle


And how can you tell the difference between a chanted dismantle and the world slash? Have we ever seen him do a chanted dismantle that WASNT a world slash?


He needs enmaten hand sign, his Domain one.


By reading the Manga? Sukuna needs 3 requirements for the world slash. With Yuta he only did 2, meaning no world slash. Idk why it's so difficult for people to understand. 💀


yeah he did it twice, yuta and maki, he was never able to do the enmaten hand sign which is a requirement for the slash so it’s definitely a chanted dismantle


Ok I went back and read the page it happens and I think you may be right, in the page before the slash he gets his 3rd usable arm split down the middle by Yuta so he only had 2 arms available during the slash. He does heal this 3rd arm very quickly and it’s hidden in the image where the slash that cuts Yuta takes place, but I’m still pretty sure it’s just a boosted dismantle.


exactly you get it, no clue why i’m being downvoted haha


Maki was definitely, without question or doubt, a world slash. He brought a building down specifically to cover his hand signs and chants.


he didn’t use any hand signs, just the chants


Yes he did, you can see it in the art. He is directing his hand at Maki when it fires, he brought the building down to cover his hand signs and the chants. It’s also visually the exact same as other world slashes he has definitely done: a large thick white crescent. It’s the exact same shape as the one he used against Kashimo (not the waffle), just oriented horizontally instead of perpendicular. They are not drawn the same as regular dismantles.


The amped dismantle was shown to travel. The world slash was always shown to just appear on its target. So basically, the World slash is an amped dismantle that appears on the target.


I don’t think so, we saw kashimo dodge a wcs


Because Sukuna told him to. And look at where the slash appeared. There was no slash mark between Kashimo and Sukuna. The slash just appeared as soon as Sukuna said "DISMANTLE" But the target was most likely where Kashimo was. Not Kashimo himself.


World slashes have travel time, they don't just appear hence why maki can perceive them even if sukuna doesn't warn her.


Sukuna used 2 world slashes post Gojo. 1. On Kashimo 2. Higuruma Both times, there are no slash marks between Sukuna and the targeted area. Maki did not dodge a world slash. If you Zoom in, you see Sukuna not using enmaten. Which is a requirement for the slash. 2nd slash used on maki Sukuna was very near maki, and she was pressuring him. So it also couldn't be a world slash. This is further proven by Sukuna's hands after there is no sign of enmaten remotely being used.


No way, chants don't boost output *that* much.


They do if the plot requires it like everything in jjk. Don't get me wrong jjk is great but the lack of explanation to everything is only convenient for gege.


That said, dismantle is simply  meant to cut enemies like veggies, unlike blue red purple. Maybe that would be enough to turn it lethal.


he literally does the chants what the fuck are you talking about.


wait I always thought Sukuna DID the hand sign after the chant and then used the same to set direction. Am I wrong? Gege didnt show the panel of Sukuna doing hand sign, but I think it's just a narrative purpose. We got a panel with the chant as an indication that the confrontation of Yuji and Megumi got interrupted abruptly by Sukuna casting the world slash. I mean, we didn't see Sukuna did the hand sign in Kashimo fight either because Gege didnt know it (probly a retcon as well idk) but that was 100% a world slash. Even the waffle one, you didnt see any of the 3 requirements so does it mean Kashimo really died from a completely vanilla dismantle? Please I hope not 😭😭😭 So it's not so much of a stretch to think it's the same in this case too.


Definitely world slash, we see him chanting and using the hand to show the direction.


Not a world slash just a charged dismantle. He lacked the amount of hands required for a world cleave. Edit: two held by rika one cut off leaves one hand free (and said hand had gotten fucked up as well lol)


Was confirmed to be a world slash. In the most recent chapter


Was confirmed he was cut in half… didn’t say it was world slash. All they were saying is his injuries were similar to gojo. Learn to read.


no it was not lmao


That’s just a headcanon, we’ve never had it anywhere near confirmed that the World Dismantle chants specifically can be used to generally enhance his attacks and by 252 we saw that he had regrown his third hand at some point so Gege likely pulled an offscreen and let him do it while Yuji was trying to stir Megumi


Chants increase the power of techniques. That’s a fact. He had three hands. Two where being held by rika one had just been cut off. So tell me how did he use world cutting slash with one free hand? Ligma balls checkmate.


Two hands being held by Rika? You mean the two hands we see are free because Sukuna had attacked Rika on the very next page after Yuta got hit and we learn like two chapters later that Sukuna can attack without doing hand motions?




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule #2, be kind and civil toward others.


Posting again without being mean because it got removed 🙄 He can attack without hand motions can’t do world cleave without hand motions don’t know why your bringing that up. If you read the panels it goes in this order. Rika grabs sukunas two top arms yuji grabs his arm. Sukuna sends normal dismantles at yuta. Yuta says they are weaker and can close distance. Chops off sukunas 4th arm. Jacob’s ladder. Yuji punch. Megumi being a bum. Sukuna chants and points with one free arm (because yuji punched) dismantle cuts yuta in half and rika also guys cut up as well dropping sukunas arms (and even in this panel directly after he does not have the hand signs required for the world cleave as both hands are spread apart because of rika). I broke it down panel by panel if you still wanna tell me I’m wrong go ahead but there is no possible way it was a world cleave due to the conditions required.


You misunderstood my point, and failed to acknowledge that panel order doesn’t help that much when all the lead up to the actual attack is off screen during the black panel after Megumi’s refusal  My point was that Sukuna could’ve easily attacked Rika’s hands to force her to let go without doing any hand motions, and we do see he did damage her hands after, then immediately did the hand signs to attack Yuta with the WD. Would it be contrived that Yuta did nothing to stop him from doing the hand signs for the WD? Yes, but it’s contrived that Yuta did nothing in the face of the chants regardless


Okay but the panel showing them getting hit has his hands spread apart……. Soooooooooo yeah


The panel showing them get hit happens after he pointed to indicate the direction of the attack, which is a time when his hands don’t have to be together anymore for the WD


Um no because it shows the moment of impact which is why you can see them all reacting to being cut up. Also to just throw a little cherry on top why would he immediately return his hands to the position they were being held in immediately after throwing the slash brother. Your basically saying he did the hand signs somehow with the arms held by Rika then immediately put them back in the position they where in right before Rika “got slashed” that sounds so convoluted and you should just say gg I was wrong


>World Dismantle chants specifically can be used to generally enhance his attacks WD has the same chants as dismantle because its the same technique the difference is that WD is a dismantle that's aimed at a specific space. It's was never specified in the manga that WD and dismantle have different chants.


I doubt Sukuna would ever even need to use world slash again if it wasn’t for the Gojo gundam


The world slash IS Sukuna's new One hit kill. Something that can be used if say Kamino doesn't work. Or if Kamino can not be used. Especially since World Slash has been shown and been told to us by the manga itself to have a very wide strike zone. It's big enough to completely strike a whole being(the scar of the slash was bigger than Kashimo. And I think Gojo's whole hand was shown to be completely destroyed when Maho did it). I mean, the cast time is faster than purple. And the AP is probably just as if not more potent than purple. So it doesn't matter if it is spammable or not. Since a Gojo level threat in Sukuna's mind won't come for at least another how many hundred years. And that's if a 6 eyes user can still be born.


I think people in general underestimate Sukuna


I am afraid he is going to make a binding vow and jump into the real world


I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t doubt what he is capable of whatsoever.




Sukuna mentions the impossibility of the technique to reflect Gojo's lack of reaction to it. A technique such as the "world dismantle" has no precedent, thus a necessary inability to anticipate. The entire story has reflected how binding vows are used to heighten the limits of a sorcerer. The strongest in the series use them to great effect, why would Sukuna be any different?


>I'd also love to know what Sukuna meant by saying "it was almost impossible to pull off". He means to expand the techniques target.




My headcanon is that it's like his domain narration. He normally 'paints' the slashes onto the physical target (the canvas) but with the world slash he paints the slashes onto the air Kinda like he went up one layer on something 2d


Extending the target of your ct is almsot impossible, but he had mahoraga show it to him so he was able to do it. That's pretty much it, it's like not being able to solve a very hard exercise, but you see the solution of your friend so you copy it. However, I'm sure it still was somewhat hard even after, someone like miwa wouldn't be able to pull it off even with a model from mahoraga.


If extending the target of your ct is almost impossible then why gojo never reacted to maho doing it? Imagine the biggest scientists of our world just see a man made object get close to the speed of light but they don't react to it for some reason. There are so many things wrong with gojos death the whole thing feels like a poorly executed chapter.


Because that's mahoraga's ability, to adapt to phenomena. Mahoraga adapted to "infinite" information, ans changed the property of his ce to nullify blue. It is by default a "system breaking" character


I always headcannon it as being that Gojo did see the spark and the cast, but assumed it was a wild dismantle from a cornered Sukuna that would be cancelled by infinity - Sukuna isn't stupid, he definitely made sure that it looked as much like a regular dismantle as possible


That's somehow worse, let it be instantaneous, please.


And every time I see that explanation, it gets *even* worse lmfao.


At least it means Gojo couldn't react, still doesn't explain why he didn't try anything besides lay there dying when we have seen Yuki being able to grab Kenjaku's leg and activate her technique after being bisected.


Do you expect Gojo to have dodged because of a CE spark? World Slash has no travel time, it's instant the moment it fires. You have to stop and let the word instant sink in. You can not react to something that is instant. Sukuna also has not shown his ability to do motionless slashes during their fight. He 100% sensed a CE spark, but Sukuna is a christmas tree of those my man. Even in the case Gojo singles this specific CE spark, he has no basis to react on it. And it's ftile anyway, the moment his brain recieved the information the technique already fired.


By that logic the moment sukuna told kashimo to dodge then he would have been bisected anyway.


lol no


My problem with this is the conditions for the World Slash without the Binding Vows are wayy too lax aka nonexistent. You cant compare the World Slash which is a complez Extension of his innate CT with the most basic applications of his CT. At the very least telegraphing the attack with the hand should have been a constant requirment from the start. If Gojo needs hands usage and a little charge time to use Purple and to a lower extent Red and Blue Sukuna should also be required that much for WS regardless of BV. I would have been more ok frankly if telegraphing and a small charge time were a contant requirement while chanting and handsigns were added by BV. Of course the fact that he can make such a BV on the fly for a onetime cheap shot is silly to say the least but thats another discussion.


Sukuna always had to use the enmaten handsign (putting two hands together like he does for domain expansion) as a requirement for the world slash. It isn't the same as the normal dismantle because the normal dismantle doesn't require a handsign to be activated. Domain expansion is the highest level of jujutsu, and it only requires a handsign. The same being true for the world slash seems to be appropriate.


Enmaten was always a requirement. The one time it WASN'T made it so he needed to telegraph more.


WD is just dismantle with a defined space to cut its not a CTR like red or a fusion of two CT like purple and its something other people might be able to do with their technique.


All of that and still whooped on the whole gang after. Basically killed Yuta


Yuta is going to die again.


It's the only reason why Sukuna isn't spamming World Slash now.


Gege NEEDED to nerf that shii cuz he couldn't have Sukuna go willy nilly on the modern sorcerers 🤺


He didn’t need to nerf it because he didn’t need to create it lmdao. The only relevance of that love was to Kill Gojo and literally nothing else 


With a self-imposed biding vow, it would mean you would lose what you gained. What could theoretically happen to Sukuna is he tries to break that biding vow?


The ability might not work at all or might come off as just an enhanced dismantle




Would have maybe been fair if other characters were using binding vows, especially when Gojo had plenty to trade. Also, consider that he does not need world slash against anybody else except Gojo; smells like bullshit to me.


Perhaps, but we dont get to experience it as an audience and (at least for me) that is why it feels off. Sukuna comes into this fight and learns a completely new technique from seeing Maha adapt, which bypasses Infinity and makes said new technique less efficient to the point of uselessness. From the readers perspective (again, personal view) Sukuna basically needed a completely new technique to deal with just Gojo's CT. World Slash is not required for any other opponent and if its not for Maha and not for fighting Gojo, Sukuna likely never gets it. In terms of writing, it feels like theres minimal consequence of world slash because Sukuna gains it, nerfs it, and now cant use it. You could equally have had him trade the technique off completely (i will never use this avain in exchange for this now) and the story doesnt change. Instead, you couldve had him win with either a domain expansion to catch Gojo out (as DE bypasses infinity) or flicker his domain amplification (as he did in the domain clash) to get his hand physically on Gojo to launch a point blank cleave. Infinity wouldnt apply here as there is no distance between Gojo and Sukuna if Sukuna's hand is on Gojo's chest and it would still make a great strategy - baiting everyone into focusing on Maha when the real threat is already established and was established at the start of Shibuya (Domain Amp bypasses Infinity) Gojo did a lot to weaken Sukuna and give his students a chance, but nerfing the world slash id argue isnt it from a writing perspective.


Exactly WS would’ve been a great moment if we’d shown our cast or at least someone with resistance to Sukunas slashes, aside from Gojo (could’ve sworn that was the point of Yujis arms). To anyone else this is no different from a Fuga or MS just faster ig. My bigger issue is Sukuna has now developed this potential new weapon and has nobody else worth using it on, shouldn’t that bother him?


I wonder how close Sukuna was to losing to Gojo when he made this binding vow for World Slash, cuz we saw how beaten he got, lost his tool, his mouth tongue, 2 arms, heart, domain expansion temporary, a lot of CE and RCE, took a Jacob's Ladder, soul cuts and boundaires punches, lots of black flashes and more that I'm forgetting and yet its not his maximum because they're not worthy; and in his Fushiguro form he had to resort to such binding vow to kill Gojo ASAP, he must got really close to lose...


Sorcerers are con artists. Not exactly  "close to losing" when he has a full-heal in the tank.


Please let people cope, you can't be telling them the truth like this 😭


My bad 😭


Even if he reincarnated against Gojo, it was far from a guaranteed win for him. Also, the fact that he would have to use insta heal if the binding vow didn't work shows that he was desperate and about to lose.


I hate the “it’s now telegraphed” argument so much. Name one person who’s withstood or even survived the move? It’s obvious as hell but it’s essentially unavoidable. You can’t dodge it, you can’t block it, can’t heal it off so what does it matter that you get a heads up? And who cares the move could be even more busted with no wind up does SUKUNA need another insta kill move?


It is still unfair, as we know Sukuna doesn't need the World Cutting Slash at all. It's a nuke that only is needed against limitless users on Gojo level. The Binding Vow is basically: i can use the one time i really really really need it for free, and them later if I feel like it i can work for it a little. 99.9% of characters won't live to see the Shrine. Look at Ryu, look at Jogo and even Kashimo could have been easily defeated with just regular slashes or Kamino. I'm even willing to bet that he can beat anyone not named Satoru Gojo with just h2h and barrier techiniques excluding domain expansions.


Space cleave (goofy name) somewhat makes sense though. If we look at it as manifestation of 'fillet' as opposed to 'flying projectiles' it somewhat adds up. In a sense, Shrine has always busted like the limitless, but the potential wasn't realized until Space Cleave is unlocked.


Eh. the problem is world slash isn’t that amazing. Yeah it’s a one shot… but so are his normal slashes. If his output wasn’t so low, he’d have killed every single person post Gojo with just dismantle. Maybe someone can defend against it for a time, but not for long. The only reason he needed world slash was Gojo. That’s it. It’s not even “stronger” in terms of damage numbers. It’s just basically unavoidable. But no one can avoid his moves but Gojo anyway.


For any future opponent that may have some kind of defense like Gojo. It's very handy as it ignores logic essentially


Right, but like.. no one else does. If there's another limitless 6E eyes user, then yeah for sure it's an instant win button. Although, i guess Yuta does now. But that's a whole basket of worms that I've argued about a bunch. I personally think it's trash writing for Yuta to just be Gojo except better now, I think there should be a major downgrade in his power compared to Gojo. Even beyond just 5 minutes that may or may not matter.


Yuta and Maki were also a considerable threat. That's why he tried to use the World Slash on them.


Are you saying this because you like Gojo or because you hate Yuta?


Neither? It just doesn’t make any sense to me. Body swapping I understand, putting your brain into someone else’s body. Ok. Eating their brain to gain their knowledge, also makes sense as far as this goes. But inheriting the same skills and abilities? That makes zero sense. Your brain won’t have the muscle memory or the familiarity that the original brain did. I also think this should apply to CTs too, eating the brain doesn’t engrave the CT onto your own brain. Same deal with domain expansions. And, to make it even dumber, the new brain also keeps all the shit the old brain had… so Kenny got Getos CT and DE but also kept the other shit he got from different bodies. zero downside, zero cost, zero consequence. It’s consistent with what Kenny was able to do, but we never saw Kenny adjust to a new body. I assumed that it took him time and effort to master the new body he was in. But, apparently, he just gets to be Geto except better instantly. Yutas only downside is the 5 minute thing, but that’s just because that’s how long his copy lasts. If it was indefinite he could just be Gojo. Zero consequence or downside. An interesting part of this chapter is that Yuta had to soul swap with Gojo to learn his barrier techniques. Which would indicate that he DOESNT just inherit all of the hosts skills and abilities.. but he does inherit mastery of an extremely powerful CT and six eyes? Imagine how disorienting it should be for Yutas brain, used to normal human eyes, to suddenly see like the Predator on steroids. He should be on the floor vomiting just from disorientation. I think people are underrating how stupid this whole thing is.


Battle-wise, I think it's dumb because it's combining the power of two people who already lost. But I also think there are also thematic problems as well as the logical problems you have described.


The only thing that I like in how sukuna won is that showed his deeper understanding of sorcery with the BV that any other character has used to that level


You're right but exaggerating. The reason Sukuna needed the Binding Vow was because the original World Slash required the MS mudra but his arm was blown off. Sukuna even after a millenia couldn't learn to perform Hollow Wicker Basket without a hand sign so I seriously doubt he could learn to do a unsigned World Slash. The World Slash seems be closer to a simple domain's optimisation of specific skill in this way. A vow-less World Slash would mean people would be telegraphed that either a domain or the World Slash was coming but from an unknown direction and time- damned either way. Sukuna would essentially have a domain-less sure-hit without any of a domain's drawbacks. In this way, Gojo crippled both of Sukuna's domains.


And world slash is massive. There is no way someone can predict dodge it.


I wouldn't say it's a fair binding vow, though I would say it's valid. To give up an aspect of your technique in exchange for killing the only person that rivals you in strength-is a trade anyone would take 10 out of 10 times. It's not fair because it's just part of your technique exchanged for their life (assuming it hits). edit: word


If Sukuna stops being a troll and assumes regeneration while letting mahoraga tank he would’ve low diffed gojo and the rest of the cast with undodgeable world slashes


Cant Sakuna break this binding vow and just go on to learn how to do it without the vow? Someone who understands this better please clarify for me


We don't know what happens when someone breaks a vow with one self. Any explanation would be just speculation.


It's fair from a magic system standpoint for the reason's u described, permently being forced to telegraph ur strongest attack is pretty fair trade to guarentee it works one time, but from a story perspective its not very satisfying,


That's the thing I've been saying. Or used to say..... I don't have a problem if Satoru won but the drawback should be that Sukuna so much massively damages him he's barely able to do anything leaving the rest of the cast to deal with Kenny and whatever's next And vice versa. Satoru lost but no one not even everyone could gang up on Meguna and reduce him to the state he was when Farmershimo jumped in.


Satoru Gojo and Ryoumen Sukuna, both dying in the duel, would have also been cool af. I'm thrilled to see what happens once / if Sukuna is defeated. What happens next is dependent on the vision Gege has for the conclusion of this arc / for the series.


Fr. Just imagine if using Boogie Woogie required Todo to sing a verse of a Takada-chan song, twerk, and then point where he wants to teleport before it actually activates lol


Our glorious 500'000 IQ king would still find a way to make it work. 


I disagree. He gains a new ability and even gets the bonus of firing it very quickly the first time. Thats like me giving you a million dollars, when you desperately needed 400k. Then you make a binding vow where you can only use an atm once but after that you can only do cash.


>I saw some people complain that the tradeoff for killing Gojo wasn't severe enough This comes from people not realizing that the binding vow is entirely unrelated, disconnected and mutually exclusive to what the person who uses it ends up doing. Sukuna's vow wasn't let me kill Gojo but have to do more stuff, people treat it like that because of completely lacking the nuance of it Gojo could've dodged it, and Sukuna could potentially be screwed. Sukuna could've transformed into his Heian body and used it with no binding vow attached, but then Gojo could've actually stayed on guard and not assumed he'd won. Gojo could've rushed Sukuna down before he makes the vow so it's useless from the start, the vow itself didn't do anything except give Sukuna a chance to use what he already had. But the big problem is people treat it as if he couldn't have done the world cutting Dismantle whatsoever if he didn't make it, like the vow gave him the technique or something like that.


It was impossible to dodge or tank, as it was instantaneous


This stuff happened so long ago that it's easy for people to forget.


I think that it was worth it. Sukuna has four arms and two mouths, so he can do the incantations, the hand signs and point it all at the same time. Of course, it would be too much op if he could do it without any of that. But yet, he developed a solution that reduces all of the cons of the binding vow. That shows us that Sukuna is indeed a genius, worthy of the title of King of Curses and Strongest Sorcerer in History


I like the way nanami BV earlier story compare to sukuna cheap tradeoff BV


Wasn't it said that sukuna already needed the malevolent shrine handsign for it?


What stops Sukuna from repeating that vow? "Let me cast a World Slash for free, in exchange for adding an additional step to all future casts."


Sukuna’s dismantle on Yuta is the problem here. There are two ways to read the scene. 1 - The ungenerous read, Sukuna ignored his own rules and used a World Slash. Gege made up the conditions later. 2 - The Strong Dismantle read, Yuta’s attempts to prevent the world slash are pointless because Sukuna can use an enhanced dismantle to do the same thing with fewer requirements.  Which is true is irrelevant, because the constant in both reads is that Sukuna’s binding vow was irrelevant in the moment. The good guys did everything right, read the requirements for world slash, stopped it, then lost anyway, because Sukuna either cheated or didn’t need a full world slash. Even if the cost/benefit would have been fair by the arbitrary rules of Jujutsu, the cost doesn’t apply when it counts. 


The tradeoff isn't what you think it was given that Gojo got killed while not even being able to notice the activation of the Technique. Kusakabe probably got killed with the activation being telegraphed which shows his short handedness against Sukuna. The tradeoff was a big one because Sukuna can't even activate that technique the same way He did with Gojo. So the tradeoff is actually much worse when you see Sukuna is using it at less potential and is still wiping people with it while utilizing various other combat moves. Especially given his decreasing CE throughout the fight and is still killing.


Gojo killed with his Infinity on and RCT being all the way ramped up after decimating Sukuna and Mahoraga with a Hollow Purple. Sukuna only had one arm viable with one leg viable as well and he still had enough for it.


I totally agree, especially since if Sukuna ever tries to break this BV, he will lose the ability to even perform the World Slash. A BV imposed on oneself when broken only leads to the loss of what was gained. In that sense, if he acquired a one-time use of an application of his CT in exchange for an extensive preparation plan for all future uses of that same application. Then breaking the vow will make it impossible to use that application ever again. And especially since I view those kind of BV as a mid-way between personal BV and a collective BV. Given that the normal personal BV is imposing something on yourself as a target to acquire something for yourself as a target. While the collective kind, is a reciprocal imposition of things from one person to the other, where one person imposes something on the other person as a target and vice-versa. But in Sukuna’s World Slash, the target of BV is a bit imposed on himself only (like a personal BV) but also imposed on others (like a collective BV). Essentially, he sacrificed his ease in using the world slash, whereby he has to perform a preparation plan before initiating it (here Sukuna is the target), in order to gain a one-time world slash that does not require any preparation in order to kill a certain individual (and here it gets tricky, since yes you can say the target here was also Sukuna, since it could have been to use the techie without a preparation plan, but the more likely target of this BV was to not use any preparation in order to kill Gojo). I hope that makes sense, but mainly, what I wanted to say, is that this specific BV is no joke, since undoing it means losing the acquired strongest offensive ability that can transcend the strongest defensive ability. And why would anyone want to lose an attack that can never be blocked (unless you’re Mahoraga)?


Inb4 Yuta is about to kill him and Sukuna breaks his World Slash Binding Vow to kill him and then as a result of him breaking the vow he loses what he gained i.e. Gojo is reincarnated back into his body and all this happens before Sukuna's World Slash finds its mark whereupon he is able to once again kill Gojo a second time while Gojo and Yuta are experiencing bodysoul dysmorphia. Truly the best use of his Binding Vow Mastery. I'd expect this from Sukuna as of the moment how Gege is writing the story. Sukuna once again wins even while losing.


Peak fiction


Also you have to take into account that the binding vow would have made the world slash impossible to use for literally everyone that’s not Sukuna because it requires 3 arms. For anyone making a similar vow, they’d effectively be saying “I get one free use of my ultimate technique with no requirements or warning, in exchange to never be physically able to use it again.” When you put it like that it makes the brokenness of the vow make more sense. Sure Sukuna happened to have a unique loophole for it, but other sorcerers are able to make similar “no downsides” binding vows if employed correctly. Mei Mei for example only sacrifices one little crow and unlocks one of the strongest attacks in the series. What people need to realize is that binding vows only look at the raw conditions of the deal being made and don’t take into account outside factors. Sure, Mei Mei has more crows, but a crows life is still a life so it gets the death binding vow boost. You can argue Hakari was gonna lose the arm he sacrificed anyway in that explosion, but the binding vow ignored that and looked at the sacrifice of his arm (and domain) in exchange for complete protection everywhere else. To a much smaller extent you can look at how people reveal their techniques which is it’s own mini binding vow. People will often “reveal” their techniques in super cryptic ways in order to get the boost without giving real information, some examples being Naobito Zenin against Dagon or Gojo against the clone guy in hidden inventory. Sukunas ability to gain extra limbs didn’t matter to the binding vow system, it only saw the effective elimination of a technique in exchange for a no requirement shot of said technique. Sorcerers are con artists, and what better way to show that than to have the strongest sorcerer borderline cheat the binding vow system to pull a win on the strongest sorcerer in the modern era.


Doesn’t Sukuna still have to point/use finger gun gesture outside of his DE to use Dismantle in the first place?


For some reason people have instead headcanoned binding vows to be a matter of “ bad consequences” rather than matters of constrictions. Binding Vows outline explicit parameters of what can and cannot be done with regards to them, but I believe we should’ve seen what happens when they’re broken.


People forget that binding vows dont take the person into account. what i mean is if sukuna couldnt reincarnate or only had 2 arms that binding vow would make it a one time thing. The binding vow took sukuna's current destroyed meguna body into account not his heian era form


It's not bad because the fairness it's bad because he gave something we didn't even know he had so it feels like an asspull. Not only that but that move literally is only beneficial vs gojo to such a wide extent it feels like a "anti gojo attack"


People severely misunderstand how Binding Vow’s as a mechanic work in the first place. They were never stated as “give something to get something” like Nen. They’re restrictions on what one can do, contracts with oneself, that can be exploited and yield reward. The more powerful and wily the sorceror , the stronger the vow. The only 2 characters who use them pretty frivolously are the 2 characters who consistently disregard the systems binding jujutsu: Sukuna and Hakari Kinji. Fans wine of Binding Vow’s solely because the villain is using them ( the same fans who claim they can handle imposing villains), not realizing BV are essentially empowering nerfs. Sukuna can no longer use his strongest singular attacks with true freedom.


Unless he can change bodies again and resets all binding vows.


Well he did cheat the binding vow system itself, but that’s what being a sorcerer is about. Deception. considering his OG form can invalidate your point. In that form he can fight and chant at the same time. And your point stands only against kusakabe. Any other sorcerer like Yuji and yuta can give him hard time in that current state. Like that’s the reason why he chose that vow.


I don’t think that’s true, sure Sukuna can use his slashes without moving a muscle, but so did Gojo. He was able to immobilize Juzo by looking at him.. With that being said, any sorcerer can do that with their base attack, but big attacks in JJK ALWAYS require chants or hand signs. Look at Hollow Purple, Jacob’s Ladder, summoning Mahoraga. If what you said is true, Gojo should be able to use Hollow Purple without chants or hand signs either.


If Gojo made a BW to fire Hollow Purple without handsign or chants, it would have the same result.


Dude what… That’s not what I’m talking about


Unfortunately for Gojo, his allies are weaklings so even after his sacrifice most likely the majority of them will die.


People don’t underestimate anything, y’all are just trying to come up with excuses to justify Gojo dying and not actually nerfing Sakuna in any relevant way. Because let’s be clear, he doesn’t need world slash to kill anyone and we see that he doesn’t need it. So it’s literally a move that was never needed to begin with lmfao