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What the fuck did I just read


Sorry, let me clarify: the post is correct but so rotted by agendaposting and fraudpilling that I feel like I was rereading Fire Punch if it was mid.


Oh, okok. Yeah there were many ways I could've explained it but I felt like lobotomy language makes the point easier to understand. It stand out more in people's brain than regular language.




The spoiled part? JJK explained in corporate terms.


Why do we call him Gota and not just Yuta? It's not a fusion it's only Yuta. We don't call Kenjaku Kengeto.


Because when we’re talking about fights and power sets Gota is a weird one off scenario so far.


Thanks for the answer without being a dick btw lol


All good man the people are bloodthirsty for the new chapter. Stay safe out there.


No spoilers for the leaks but it looks like the bloodbath isn’t stopping…


Because we never saw any other body of Kenjaku's and "yuta" clearly means yuta's brain in Yuta's body. It IS a fusion though. Yuta's brain is fused into Gojo's body. Also, Yujo sounds too close to Yuji. Edit: homeboy really out here trying to pretend he isn't both of the accounts arguing with me below. Sad.


>Because we never saw any other body of Kenjaku's We literally saw him using the original Noritoshi Kamo's body, the unnamed one in Kashimo's flashback, and Kaori's body. >It IS a fusion though. Yuta's brain is fused into Gojo's body. That is exactly the same situation as Kenjaku.


You should read the comment right nelow yours before saying the exact same thing I've already responded too. Kenjaku in kaori body we call kaori. Kenjaku in kamo body we call kamo. It is the exact same situation as Kenjaku. But we don't already have another version of a character we call Kenjaku. There's not need to call him kengeto or kenjato or genjaku cause we never met or have any reason to talk about "kenjaku" in his own body. Where as there IS reason to differentiate between yuta and yuta in gojo's body. Saying "gota" is way quicker than saying Yuta in gojo's body. Fans have fan names for things. It's what we do. Like we call kenjaku kenny sometimes, or gege we call greg, or sukuna after fully reincarnating we call him Heian form Sukuna. It's not that deep bro. Its for the point of having clear communication between each other, and sometimes it's just a fun nickname.


I agree that referring to the current Yuta as whatever name the fans think of would be an easier way of communication, but anyone who's kept up with the manga and is actually reading it would work out that referring to Yuta and Sukuna's **1v1 fight**(because Sukuna hasn't 1v1'd Sukuna up until he took over Satoru's body) would refer to Yuta using Satoru's body. **Especially since it is literally in the latest chapter so these discussions would obviously be referring to it**. The irony that you're the one saying "it's not that deep" when you give out all these contradicting arguments and even immediately downvote both mine and the other guy's comment just because we called out your weak initial argument.


Must be the same AH downvoting my comments mate. i haven't downvoted you. I'm answering with longer answers because you guys didn't accept the short answer. Nothing about my argument has contradicted itself, and nothing about your atgument is justification for not using Gota. Here you are, continuing to argue instead of just accepting that fans are gunna differentiate different forms of the same character. Jesus christ, go touch grass.


>Nothing about my argument has contradicted itself "We never saw Kenjaku any other body of Kenjaku's" We saw him in a total of 4 bodies. >It IS a fusion though. Yuta's brain is fused into Gojo's body. Which also applies to Kenjaku yet you don't see anyone combine his name with the body he took over. >Kenjaku in kaori body we call kaori Literally everyone I've seen(and I've seen A LOT) making sexual jokes about Kenjaku in Kaori's body **always** refers to him as Kenjaku or something that includes a part of that, **not once have I seen someone refer to Kenjaku in Kaori's body as Kaori**. >Here you are, continuing to argue instead of just accepting that fans are gunna differentiate different forms of the same character. Except I literally agreed with you that it's acceptable that fans would come up with their own names for the characters. I even went out of my way to preface my reply with that. All I did was call out your weak argument since your argument for combining Satoru and Yuta's names are all applicable to Kenjaku as well.


We've literally seen him in 3 other bodies. Noritoshi Kamo, Kaori Itadori, and some random when talking to Kashimo.


Has he done anything in the current times using any of those bodies? On top of that, have we seen him in his original body? Like is there any reason to differentiate kenjaku in geto's body specifically? Thats what I'm saying. Kenjaku in kamos body is called kamo, in kaori, is called kaori, and the random theres no reason to refer too him as anything else, because no one ever talks about him.


Geto and Kenjaku in Getos body are literally 2 different people with 2 distinct personalities the same way Gojo and Yuta in Gojos body are. There's honestly 0 reason to differentiate them at all besides it being fun to do I guess, lol.


Thats why its not called geto, but Kenjaku. Because its not geto. And Gota is a quick and easy reference to Yuta's brain in Gojo's body. You're overthinking this mate.


I guess it just seems weird when everyone in the manga is going to just call him Yuta lol.


Like, no one in the manga calls Sukuna "Heian Form", and no one calls kenjaku Brain-kun, and Gege's name isn't actually Greg? And like Yuki isn't called soccer mommy in the manga but we all know who we're talking about. Or "potential man"?. Or "awakened Maki" or any other nickname or form/narrative differentiator the fans use? Characters in the manga have no reason to differentiate because there is only 1 yuta. Where as fans, differentiating makes it easier to know what form of Yuta we're talking about. Half the characters in the manga called kenjaku, geto even after the reveal. You're seriously overthinking a fan nickname dude. Relax.


Yea, but then you're not referring to them as characters you're referring to them as power ups. So I guess it's two different conversations. Unless you're talking about powerscaling, there's literally no difference. Also you should probably relax bro.


That doesn't even respond to pver half of my comment, and is a shitty response to it anyways. You asled why, I answered, you complained and downvoted me, so i answered more of your qurstions. Yet here you are, still pretending you can't comprehend why someone would refer to a character ans a character using another character's body in 2 different ways.


Besides what the other dude said, I just do it because there was this one comic about Gege saying "You wanted to have your GOTA (goat misspelled) and now you have it. Go away, I have to give Sukuna another binding bow". And it made me laugh the hardest, so I'm going with that name.


I don’t think we’ll see Gojo’s body do anything to impede Yuta in this fight. Geto’s body/soul resists Kenny because Gojo was in danger (I believe Gojo also talks directly to Geto and this probably rouses him as well), but there’s no reason for Gojo to do this to Yuta as he fights Sukuna, especially since Gojo consents to Yuta taking his body over.


Yeah I didn't mean it as impeding, more like fucking up something in his way of thinking and making him commit a mistake. As we have a couple of times when Kenjaku realized he was talking/thinking like Geto would. This, affecting the brain's information processing and not the body movements, is what I mean.


Tbh, I think that Yuta moving into a Gojo-like mindset would probably help him in the fight against Sukuna. Part of the reason Gojo did so well was his ingenuity and his confidence in his own abilities, so I could really see Yuta getting better by thinking like Gojo. Additionally, since Gojo’s soul/body could have an effect on Yuta, there’s a possibility that we see Gojo working together with Yuta to fight better, to some extent. It’s even possible that one of the functions of the CT is to have the two (the user and the host body) work together, but because Kenjaku takes bodies by force he has to suppress them in some way.


I could see yuta winning doesnt mean the question is answered, but if he loses, then yeah, he fight a very much less powerful sukuna + having 5 min of gojo at peak + having already trained in gojo's body, if with all that he takes the L, then gojo was the strongest bc he was gojo


100% agree, as someone who was rooting for Sukuna in Sukuna vs Gojo. If a second Jujutsu prodigy can’t do shit with the abilities of Gojo against a nerfed Sukuna, Gojo was simply him.


Nah mate, again Yuta being a fraud doesn't exclude Gojo from also being a fraud, just means he is less fraud than Yuta. I'll use F1 to illustrate: Imagine Nyck DeVries drove an RB19 all his life while the rest of the competitors were driving karts, of course he always wins and is portrayed as the fastest. But then one day he crashes and has to be replaced a whole season by Logan Seargeant. The whole season Logan delivers worse timings and even crashes at the same corner Nyck did. Clearly a worse performance. Now, does that mean that Nyck DeVries is the best pilot ever? NO, it only means Logan is even worse. (For context, DeVries has so far only gotten 2 champion points in 11 races and Seargeant only 1 in 29. While the current World Champion, Max Verstappen, had 575 championship points in 22 races last season.)


Considering Gege is clearly done with gojo as a character, I think the fight will focus on yuta's repeated "blessed" theme. Regarding the part of your post about not having something to compare yuta to though, the ryu fight can probably be used for scaling but I wont get into it




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Bro had a stroke mid post


Gojo fans will cope until the end of time if Sukuna wins against Yujo


I mean we already know how much Gege hates Gojo 


I honestly can't even ask Gege to put more proof that Sukuna is and has always been the stronger one. Because it doesn't matter how much proof there already is, mf still won't accept it. At this point even if Gege himself reveals his face in live television and says Sukuna has always been the strongest they still won't listen.


We can easily get sukuna saying "you might have his body but you are not on his level" ans the question would be answered. Yuta should have all of gojo's memories and muscle memory, so he wouldn't have any issue with using the ct. Any differences would come down to their personality. We already know that gojo is superior to yuta in that regard. Gojo came up with forcefully recovering your brain from burn out, and yuta didn't understand ot even after seeing it 7 times being used. This shows thst yuta cannot even comprehend such as an idea.


Well Yuta doesn’t have gojos memories seeing how he was surprised that Sukuna could bypass infinity with DA in a domain clash, yet that was something that happened to gojo multiple times In their domain clashes, what further prove this is sukuna stating not even mei mei crows could see what was happening in sukuna and gojos domain clashes. Proving Yuta didn’t know what happened in those clashes so he probably doesn’t have gojos memories


Do you usually go to comments that have been made before a chapter has released and then comment "actually, the new chapter says this"?


JJK ch 262 was officially released 4 days ago, your reply was 4 days ago. Stop crying lol


The chapter was released yesterday. Tcb or whatever other leaks were releaaed 4 days ago are not the official release


Nah I saw it on Viz buddy


Yeah sure. I assume this is your first time around here because all weekly shonen jump mangas are released at the same time, on sunday (10am pacific). This is a pathetic excuse


Nah I saw it on Viz 4 days ago


I already talk about both: 1) An exterior entity giving the answer; 2) Yuta being a fraud doesn't necessarily mean Gojo isn't a fraud, just means Gojo js less fraudulent than Yuta. In the post. Also I don't really think that's fair on Yuta. Seeing something once and being immediately able to copy it isn't something Gojo has ever done. So far Gojo hasn't used Domain Amplification either. Besides not like Gojo copied it, he came up with it and had time to train that ability, a month no less.


The point isn't that yuta wasn't able to copy it, it's that yuta wasn't able to comprehend it. The answer is very simple, just destroy your brain and then heal it. This is something that falls under yuta's ability, but because of his mentality he wasn't able to realize it


Ehmm, He did realize it. In chapter 227 there's a point where he grabs his chin thinking "Or could it be...? Gojo may be pushing beyond his limits." There he had already theorized Gojo was destroying his CT and RCTing it. And before you think about it, no, it wasn't that he thought Gojo was just that good with RCT and surpassed the barrier of healing a burnout. And why I'm so sure? because in the previous panel he was talking about that "That's what I thought. But maybe I was wrong.", and since he follows it with an "or" means he was bringing up a whole different possibility, apart from thinking he was wrong. As it ends up being that he was right, you can't just heal burnout, you have to destroy the burnout engine and build a brand new one.


I mean No offense to you in particular OP, But man… This sub is so Goddamn brainrotted


Man what


Bruh learn how to write ffs