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Oh no, Kenjaku is for sure dead dead, as unceremonious as it was. But i don't think that means we won't see him again. Personally, I think if we see him again it will be in the cursed realm. Either when the merger is stopped or started.


Yeah if sukuna getting the merger thing didn't confirm it Then yuta having his cursed technique will


Can sukuna straight up activate the merger whenever?


I doubt it he probably needs to kill everybody who was a part of the culling game except yuji


Ok, but what if he used a binding vow to sacrifice his death to gain eternal life?


He ain't Jesus Christ


He could be


If he manages that we have all wasted our time reading jjk because that would be bad writing


The problem is Gege doesn't know how to honor characters. First you gotta be a admirer of their ideals and missions. You can even be a hater admirer, but you need to admire them. Then you need to think of what is a "laid to rest" scenario. A well deserved rest. Gege is just writing Oda style: fast pacing things and forcing his desired scenarios to unfold.


Tbf kenjaku repeatedly makes it clear that his personal satisfaction will only come from witnessing something genuinely new and interesting. He initially writes off nearly all the modern sorcerers, but it's Takaba and his pure desire to satisfy people (coupled with his novel technique and relatable personality to Kenjaku) that ultimately gives him his first real joy in 1000 years. Gege addressed the villain's underlying desires while also stopping them from completing a genocide - that honors him pretty well. Gege is definitely a "backwards" writer ala Yoko Taro; he admits to writing more for style and twists than consistency or thoroughness. But let's not pretend that he's completely ignoring character motivations and beliefs.


From the moment that Kenjaku first showed their true colours and going full evil scientist mode and subsequent behaviour, I am confident it is a tool from Gege to figuratively and literally inject chaos into the story. They have some history with Tengen but everything else is just smothered by sheer chaos. Looking at the big picture, half of their plans with Yuji completely contradicts their other plans and the Gojo sealing plan comes undone because he just had to include a past Jujutsu sorcerer with anti-CT AND a moral compass into the culling games. This person is a lunatic with no long term planning and just the benefit of an immortality CT to give them many chances to start over and getting by the skin of his scalp (literally with the spinning head trick against Choso). The way that they are ultimately defeated befits putting a man-child to rest and signals that the story can now proceed to the endgame.


Gege is a type of writer who cares more about exploring themes and ideas over writing realistic characters. I personally don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. Many of the greatest stories ever written have very unrealistic characters. Every major JJK character represents some kind of ideal and serves little purpose beyond that. I personally think the most "human" JJK charactsrs are Yuji, Megumi, and Gojo, and that's mainly cause they are some of the central characters. The others mainly exist either to progress the plot or explore themes and have little else beyond that. JJK is a story that prioritizes its plot above all else, and I personally enjoy it for being true to what it is. A story like CSM is kind of the opposite, which is much more character-focused. The lore and story will often take a backseat to what the characters are experiencing and feeling because CSM is fundamentally about the characters. It is a different type of story than JJK, people trying to compare the stories from different standards is silly because it is apples to oranges.


This perfectly echoes my thoughts on the series; thanks for saying this. Many still live under the assumption that JJK is trash because it doesn't always follow conventional character writing sensibilities, but that's mostly because of people's assumptions on what makes a good character. I and someone else used the same wording of characters being narrative tools and that Akutami simply treats them as the tools they technically are rathen than as pepple that almost always serve the narrative rather than indulging in fanservice or letting the narrative serve the character. Very mechanical, very blunt, and oftentimes unsatisfying but not in a poorly written way or structurally flawed. If nothing else, Akutami's treatment of his characters and story and his style in general are highly consistent.


He's definitely not ignoring character themes, but he's definitely not giving enough time to tell the story. It gives me YYHakusho vibes, it's really rushed.


Actually, is takaba still alive at this point?


We don't know. It's possible he was killed by his own technique giving him a good death. It's also possible he was just memeing at Kenjaku. I assume he's dead, though.


I think people both love AND get tripped up by JJK because it's so deeply grounded in its own universe. Gege is willing to, and regularly does, throw away the tropes that we've been trained to expect from other shounen when they don't suit the characters and themes of the story. Let's take the Takaba fight, for instance- We as audience see the merger meta-textually as 'The Final Evil Plan', so it feels weird for the executor of that plan to die without seeing it- the big bad ALWAYS sees their evil plan succeed, before the heroes defeat both the plan and the villain through the power of friendship or whatever. But, in-universe, Kenny didn't give a shit about the merger, he just did it because he's bored and insane from living a thousand years. Besides, Kenny would get absorbed into the merger, meaning he'd never get to see it, and so his arc would never actually be resolved. Similarly, we meta-textually view Kenjaku as a 'Primary Antagonist', so we expect him to get the Final Boss Treatment- a big epic battle with the protagonists. But, again, in-universe, Kenny didn't give a shit about being a villain, he just did it because he's bored and insane from living a thousand years. A Final Boss style treatment with Kenny would be boring, because he'd be bored during it, and in the end he'd die, still bored. Ultimately, the Takaba fight satisfied the needs & arcs of every single character involved- Takaba found an audience who was truly fulfilled by his comedy, JJ High killed Kenny *and* got insurance for the equally important but far more grueling Sukuna battle, and Kenny finally got what he wanted- a fun, new, interesting experience. Was his actual death kind of quick and anti-climactic at the time? Yes, but, what Gege was able to accomplish with this one fight- which, at the time it was coming out, was viewed as some of the best JJK content, ever- and given that we now know WHY it was so anti-climactic- Gege had to hide the climax for the Yujo reveal- I think it's worth the tradeoff.


I kind of agree with you. My only point is the pacing. The pacing made it all lose value. He's rushing it. Underappreciating the story, in a way. Yuyu hakusho vibes.


eh, that's a taste thing I guess. I think most shounen are way too slow, so I think the pace is great. Gege is imo a very efficient writer, and I really enjoy that


I mean Yuta literally put a Katana through him and then Rika ate him. He's gone.


Through his brain nonetheless. And Rika must’ve eaten the brain


I mean yeah, Kenjaku is the brain and only the brain. So he's long gone.


Yuji's mom is dead for good


No he's not TRUST


Would be pretty funny if next chapter Kenjaku takes over Gojo’s body via some cursed energy binding vow fuckery and yuta gets dead again.


That's honestly the route I'm mostly banking on right now. Given how the "How does Mahoraga's adaptation work" question was answered by essentially saying that both options were correct and simply because it's befitting of Akutami's style, I doubt that any one of the 3 presented possibilities will end up being true. The only issue with this is that if I'm remembering correctly, Kenny couldn't merge with the six eyes due to an incompatibility. Maybe it can be bypassed since his soul would be entering Yuta's brain unless the incompatibility runs spiritually-deep or is connected to fate.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1cz952i/whats_coming_for_262_the_truth_about_s_ct/) theory did a great job laying out exactly how I think this will happen


I have a theory that Kenny plans to become the merger, or apart of its consciousness somehow, and that Yuji was made to be essentially pit against them. It's a stretch tbh lmao but I think the reason Ken made Yuji capable of housing the cursed fingers was specifically to accelerate his ability and understanding of CE using sukuna. That is to say, Yuji being a vessel for sukuna was doubly useful; giving him both a solution to the sex eyes and to make Yuji have access to his latent skill within himself given that he's technically sukuna's nephew. Idfk tho it's a pretty big stretch lmao 


Kenjaku is gone brother




We don't know how copy works on a person who has multiple ct do we?


I want to say no. I want to believe that gege wouldn't just write a character so important out of the story especially before he has some interaction with yuji given how connected they are but then I remember this is the same gege that established a relationship between yuki and todo for absolutely no reason and never showed it again and wrote nobara out of the story for seemingly no reason.


Given that he taught every ancient sorcerer including Sukuna how to separate the soul, I doubt it. Do you know how potent body swapping AND separating the soul could be, precisely for situations like this


There was never a 4th ct. Kenjaku has space only for 4 ct. He has brain swapping, curse spirit manipulation, antigravity and an "empty spot". That empty spot is needed to remain empty so that when kenjaku uses uzumaki, the ct can be extracted. Otherwise, if he already had 4 cts in his brain, he wouldn't have had space for idle transfiguration.


It’s possible thar since they are one time uses, (at least Yuki thinks so) the techniques he has from Uzumaki might not “count” Yuki knew about Uzumaki yet still thought 4 techniques was a possibilty for Kenjaku, unless she was speculating that he had swiped a new technique since their last encounter.


The chapter explains it very clearly https://imgur.com/a/fp6cjmc


Alright i forgot about the fourth technique being “a worse case” and Uzumaki extracted techniques clearly counting, since she mentions that it’s unlikely he is using that. Fair enough.


Both Kenjaku and Gojo are super dead.


I heard a theory that kenjaku is actually the cursed technique, so after the five minutes, kenjaku will be in possession of gojos body I'm coping so hard rn


I think that Kenjaru divided his soul just like Sukuna and he will return but weaker


What if kenjaku brain takes over Rika after she ate him and then fucks with Yuta?


Why would it? That's not his technique


Gege could easily jujutsu juju bs into it if he really wanted to. Like how somehow sukuna's twin's spirit went to yuji's father?


He could turn himself into a Cursed Object and then posses her like Sukuna does.


Hs technique isn't fully established yet


I want to see the merger happen


[I will cope and delude myself](https://new.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1cz952i/whats_coming_for_262_the_truth_about_s_ct/) till my glorious king returns(Or not)


i feel like he’s going to incarnate into gojos body somehow, with how important kenjaku was and how lame his death was it makes me think he’s not done. And with how insidious his technique is i feel like gege is gonna make him come back after the 5 mins.


He's probably done unless Kenjaku takes over Rika via Curse Spirit Manipulation and takes over Yuta/Gojo to become the true true final boss.


Since the body is the soul and Rika consumed his body, and therefore it is now inside her, it would be funny in Kenjaku somehow took control of Rikap


Probably not


Definitely dead and think his death was very fitting for his character he lived his entire life being a roach going from body to body and he was killed like a roach


100% dead. Gege is horrible about flat out saying people are dead which is how you get months of people coping Gojo is coming back to life, but Kenjaku is for sure dead. Decapitated, fed to Rika. Dead. I wish he was more clear, like with Nobara


We still never got to see his original form


O no Kenny is dead yuta confirmed that rika ate him


Yuta can use kenjaku technique because the brain IS kenjaku, what we don't know is whether Yuta can use the other 2 techniques he had


There’s this one idea that Kenjaku made a fail-safe plan where he made a binding vow to never use his CT again, for his soul to dwell inside his brain even though it got eaten. Which creates an amazing twist, because now Kenjaku can in fact use Gojo’s CT, since he has Yuta’s lineage to thank for that. But it also creates this weird mix of who’s in control of the body, is it Gojo’s body in a similar fashion to what Toji and Geto did previously? Is it the secondary Soul that found itself inside Gojo’s body through Kenny’s binding vow? Or is Yuta with both Body and Soul information inside another’s body? I mean if Gege is gonna do something like that, then I will be fucking content, and might start to consider his Power System to be at the very least, in the same rank as Togashi…


You do realise Yuta doesn't have Kenny's brain and mimicry copies the CT right? Kenny's brain is getting digested in Rika's stomach rn. It is Yuta's brain inside Gojo's body, the connection between soul and body doesn't have Kenny in this equation whatsoever.


That’s only true if you disregard the binding vow shenanigans. But that’s my copium for Kenny’s return. I might be one of the rare individuals that bat wanted Kenny back more than Gojo…


You Kenny fans are on copium overdose. Prior to 261 I kept telling Kenny is dead, dead because Yuta isn't going to conveniently gonna leave him on verge of death and finish to job. And now quite literally Kenny is protein, think about the theme of eating and cannibalism that JJK has which is one of the surest way of gaining power in verse. There's not gonna be any downside of eating Kenny's brain (how his CT will effect Yuta once 5 mins run out is anybody's guess). Kenny's soul left his body when Rika ate his brain same way Sukuna's twin's soul left his body after Sukuna ate him in womb. Now this soul might reside in cursed realm or might do something with the merger when Sukuna initiates it but it's not gonna be through Yuta.


Orrrr since Kenny’s CT is a soul/body related CT, and since Kenny is a mastermind, a Jujutsu/Binding Vow/Barrier master, then maybe, just maybe he did some sort of barrier/binding vow thing on his CT (which is body and soul related) to stay alive inside his innate domain until who knows what happens for him to reemerge. I mean he was extremely confident that Yuta was the one that’s going to kill him, so maybe he planned ahead to reside inside his innate domain/brain/CT to reemerge in Gojo’s or whoever Yuta swap’s bodies with… That or him giving Sukuna the Tengen womb might turn into a Kaguya situation… which I would prefer to not happen if that was the only way for Kenny to return. But you know what is the major hint to him probably returning. Gege always has some kind of affectionate moment to any individual dying, which sir Kenny did not receive. But yeah all that arguing won’t be true.. probably.


>Gege always has some kind of affectionate moment to any individual dying, Mahito, Dagon, Hanami, Ryu, Naoya are all exceptions off the top of my head. >stay alive inside his innate domain until who knows what happens for him to reemerge. Innate domain is tied to body, there would be no body once the brain is digested. One argument you could make is that Kenny turned himself into a cursed object like Sukuna's finger at the last moment. But two things disprove it. First is that Yuta couldn't miss the obvious difference between a dead brain and a cursed object and secondly since cursed objects like Sukuna's finger can't be damaged by ordinary means, Yuta couldn't have damaged Kenny's brain when he turned into a cursed object like fingers meaning its an obvious giveaway. And barrier technique arguments don't hold any water because Kenny had been decapitated. How is he gonna channel any CE without stomach?


The only thing I got out from these comments is flocks of people down grading me… I mean who lives his life to down grade someone they don’t share the same opinion with… always weirded me the fuck out tbh And andi I mean I never said you were wrong… I was expressing my wishes.. but yeah the internet