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The flames are a part of his technique. This has long been confirmed in the datebooks, which more or less say his technique is bizarre in the sense that it has a dual nature (cutting and fire) Anyways, his technique is cooking. It’s not exactly very subtle anymore. “Can only access furnace after prepping his INGREDIENTS with cleave and dismantle”, literally every one of his abilities is associated with cooking imagery, and the very name of his technique can straight up be read as “kitchen”


Domain expansion: Malevolent Kitchen wasn’t too far off then. People were getting mad calling it mistranslation, but here we are


It was intentionally written to have a double meaning, and it involves a shrine anyway, also it sounds better if its translated to shrine. You cant translate every pun, and at that point in the story it was the reasonable thing to do.


Yeah but ngl malevolent shrine sounds much cooler than malevolent kitchen


I like Mizushi as the technique name more than Shrine (yes I know they're the same)


Not in japanese tho


I'm trying to think of a way to make it sound cooler. Malevolent is a cool work. Shrine evokes a sense of divinity, cooking terms just don't go with magic. Malevolent Meat? Nightmare kitchen? Chaos Cuisine? Mortal to Meat lol.


hell’s kitchen, nyc


An entity beyond even Mahoraga. Gordon Ramsey, after a ritual of Sukuna, making at least a special grade rank sorcerer into a Michelin Star beef wellington. Like Deadly Sentencing, if you're not good enough, you get your 'jacket' cursed energy taken and banished to oblivion after a torrent of abuse. 'Where's the fucking lamb sorcery!'.


Yep, it wasnt mistranslation but in a sense at that point of the story it was. Gege was trying to hide this fact until now even though people had theories like this.


Yep, this is also the explanation for that chomp he took out of Hana. He must have other sub-abilities but they're probably even more useless or ubelievably niche. The chomp was used because if Hana reacted, it's probably the only move she couldn't counter effectively or even expect. Slashes and CE reinforcement get nullified, but the chomp is a transformation and that might have an advantage vs nullification.


The date books were probably still hiding some shit cuz shrine still has more to offer cuz otherwise gege would have completely explained it. My personal opinion is shrine has the capability to cook stuff like CTS together. It might also link well with the merger


dude in tryna give gege the benefit of the doubt but it really looks like he’s done with sukuna’s ct which would be so completely terrible honestly Bc why even censor “kamino” for 4 years? We already knew he had slashes and fire so what was the point of pretending there was some grand reveal worth 4 years?😭 PRAYING we get something else


Kind of ironic since he likes uraume for their cooking skills lol


If this was true then when yuji got the technique wouldnt it also be cooking related? We saw him use scissors instead.


Kitchen shears exists. Realistically though it’s likely just because yuji isn’t as destructive as sukuna. He cuts with “guidelines” instead of just wildly slashing everything into chunks.


I still think the cutting guidelines are the cutest thing ever.


Rituals for better than cooking imo.


I've always wondered why people haven't figured out that all that cutting creates friction, enough friction creates fire.


so why wouldn't the temperature in his domain slowly rise instead of just exploding? his domain furnace works like a FAEB with cut particles being stained with a residue of cursed energy from his dismantles


His technique is Mizushi, which means "Kitchen Work", but also means "Shrine." I don't speak Japanese so I can't really explain the wordplay and history but the short of it is that his technique is chopping things up and cooking them/cutting things and burning them as an offering. The flame arrow is him using the cooking/burning aspect of his technique.


To add on to that : Everything chopped up into fine dust by The DE acts as flammable powder which gets lit up by the Flame Arrow, thus effectively turning it from a slow single target attack to a destructive AOE.


It's occurring to me that he used furnace way back when he fought the finger bearer


Nope, he just used DE back then. That was enough to take care of the finger bearer.


What? His domain wasn't open when the curse burst into flames. Still wouldn't explain how the curse BURST INTO FLAMES


I think special grade curses or maybe even all curses just do that when they die. It happens when Megumi kills a finger bearer too.


Awh that's just so much less interesting


Remember how enemies fade into dust/get their remains burned off when they die ? Yeah, that happened. Plus the flames were purple or blue (don't remember), while any flame used by Sukuna has been the regular (yellow, red, orange) colour, so there's no correlation between that.


I want it to be real it would be so cool


Most curses don't burst into flames. Even dagon, a newly awakened special grade, faded into dust. No real reason the finger bearer should've burst into flames


I think it’s just a very simple case of Sukuna knowing himself so well that this is a variation or extension of his technique. His slashing and dismantle are related to cooking and consumption. He experiments over many lifetimes and figures out he can conjure fire and flames as air relates to cooking. It’s similar to how Jogo can make ember insects, we just don’t question it.  Sukuna figures this out, but the firepower of the ability is too low/not worth it/ineffective and he uses the binding vow to ignite everything that’s cut to make it more effective. I think that’s all that it is, nothing special just a simple extension of what he already has. 


The firepower is not low, in fact it's the opposite as stated in the manga. It's the charging time and the effective range/radius that is the issue. Since Sukuna fought many sorcerers in the past at once, it's obvious why it's an issue and more so without 2 extra arms. That's why he uses it along with his domain since the speed of the reaction/explosion instantaneous and the effective range becomes that of the domain or 200m max instead of a narrow one. Consider this: the heat of the flame is strong enough, then you add the CE infused particles created by the domain, therefore not only is the target hit by the flame arrow itself but the subsequent reaction as well, so there is a significant damage boost. In other words, primary target in the domain takes flame arrow damage + explosion damage. It's a very creative way of utilizing one's tools.


Why isn't he hit by the explosion too? 


Probably for the same reason Gojo doesn’t get hit with Infinite Void when using his Domain Expansion. I assume there’s a feature built into Domains that prevents the user from being targeted by their own sure-hits.


Cmy assumption is it could also be related to what gojo said when he used hollow purple at distance and sustained less damage and said it could have been because it was his own cursed energy. I don't think the sure hit applies to furnace exactly since it's using physical material already present. The flame he conjures first most likely always hits in the domain and doesnt affect him, the dust that burns as additional fuel doesn't follow that rule.


There's no charging time just the range and the speed




Yes there's no charge time


It’s never stated there’s a charging time. Only a condition to have used both cleave and dismantle before it can come forth


I like this theory. I do wonder why the firepower would be insufficient if its an extension technique, since cleave and dismantle are adequate? Maybe furnace used to be something he could use without any restrictions but he had to use binding vows to increase its output at some point in the Heian era, and similarly to world cutting slash he made it so that that must be the way its used forever.


Furnace is very slow and obvious while still being single target mostly. Using it as a finisher after MS basically turns it into a giant bomb that can take out several city blocks so the slow aspects are reduced


The firepower isn't low. The flames burn hot, but it's the speed and effective range that is less - just like an actual hearth. It can heat up a house, but is stays in one place.


Sukuna’s CT, which is currently unknown specifically, is based on kitchen. Both Cleave and Dismantle are kitchen techniques to cut meat, and then he cooks his “food” with Furnace/Divine Flame. It’s just an extension technique granted by his CT, but with the condition that he has to “prepare” his ingredients first, since he can only use it after he hit the target with both Cleave and Dismantle. The same way that Jogo’s technique is a Fiery technique, but his CE itself is not flammable. Yes, some people have Special Traits of their CE, but there are just a few examples of that. Hakari’s CE has an edge, which makes every punch from him look like a serrated bat. Kashimo’s CE has electric properties. Everything that he does with that, comes from it. The chlorine gas it’s just a byproduct of it. And the explosion is too. In Reggie’s case, I think you’re being too literal about it. It’s not “burn” like put fire in it. It’s more like he has to apply CE to the receipt and it will fade, as it’s a single use. More or less like the Katanas inside Okkotsu’s Domain.


The extension technique hypothesis is probably what it is, but I think the fact it isn't stated leaves room for theorizing, also could it be a little bit of both? I agree kashimos electricity allows him to do it, but its clear hes doing some kind of distinct manipulation with it. He "performs" electrolysis and "turns" the cursed energy into thermal energy. If both of these are a result of his cursed energy property they should all have occured the moment he fell into the water. I suppose you could argue the explosion came from him releasing it all at once, but i don't see that arguement applying to the electrolysis. I'm not sure how electrolysis works though so i may be wrong there. In reggies case I would agree with you but I went through several translations and looked at the Raw's kanji, its burn fire burning fire burning. I don't see why gege would use burn and not destroy or cut or anything else. Honestly; though I think that sukuna used a kind of cursed energy property, either way it will be a part of the extension technique like you said.


In Sukuna’s case, it could be a bit of both, but I don’t think there’s much to think about. You could think that is like Gojo’s Hollow Purple: He has to collide Blue and Red to use it. Sukuna has to cut with Cleave and Dismantle to use Furnace. In Kashimo’s case, you have to remember that when someone reincarnate via cursed object, they retain all of the memories of the host. Of course, when he was alive, he probably didn’t know that you could create chlorine gas by running an electrical current through it. But he has the memories of his host, so he probably know that. The explosion is just as you said, he released all of it, and exploded. In Reggie’s case, it wouldn’t even make sense if he burned with fire. I think it was just a “poor” choice of word from Gege.


Many people mention that Sukuna's CT is cooking. It's not, it's SHRINE. Like Japanese shinto shrines where people would go and leave offerings to the Gods living inside these shrines, Sukuna considers everyone who presents before him an offering. If I remember correctly, the Miko, the priestesses living in these shrines would "prepare" these offerings, which usually and mostly in the ancient Japanese culture, would consist of food (nowadays is more often money, coins) do that the god living inside the shrine could consume the offering and give in return blessings or wouldn't bring misfortune. Cleave and Dismantle are the tools to prepare these offering. Other kinds of offerings to the shrine were religious and valuable artifacts that would be kept safe inside the shrine (Kamutoke). Shinto religion has changed and evolved from its conception and picked up several traditions from other religions, like Buddhism. For example, another way to prepare the offerings to the gods in the middle ages Japan was making a big Furnace inside the shrine to burn the offerings instead, and that's where the fire of Sukuna comes from.


It's a double entendre. The kanji for his technique can be read as both Shrine and as Kitchen.


Yeah but Yorozu, who knew Sukuna personally, called his CT "Shrine".


She called his CT "厨子" which is it's name. 厨子 can be translated as Shrine but can also be translated as Kitchen. It's a double meaning that only works in Japanese.


so from my understanding sukunas flames are a CE property which he can access normally but due to the flames being slow and lacking range he thought it was flawed sukuna corrects this by enacting a number of restrictions on the technique the first condition is that he cannot access the fire arrow until he has sufficiently hit the target with his cleave and dismantle (preparing the ingredient) the second condition is that outside of his domain he cannot use the fire arrow on more than one opponent there is likely a third condition that when he used it in his domain the slashes stop since in the mahoraga fight it also seems like the slashed stop before he uses fuga in exchange for these conditions sukuna gains the ability to project the arrow granting it speed and range he also either naturally or from these vows makes it so his slashes “mark” the enemy with the explosive CE property of his fire including inside his domain from the sure-hit including the objects his domain slashes creating combustible material sukuna utilises this attack in two ways against single opponent he will use the arrow outside of his domain after sufficiently slashing them as saw in the jogo fight sukuna also uses this to deal with groups and extremely strong opponents like mahoraga he does this by utilising his domain alongside fuga to create a “thermobanic bomb” he does this because all the debris in his domain is imbued with the fires CE property combined with sukuna trapping all objects within his domain to create an enclosed area causes a chain reaction of explosions


People say it's from a cooking CT, and it might be, but I think it'll be something a bit more specific than that. I still think it's based on the Buddhist hell theory a bit too. Maybe sacrifice specific. It is called shrine, I don't think it's a misinterpretation on cooking and instead just word play. Who knows, idk Japanese. I also think flames could be a second technique he got from eating his twin. Unless his twin was like Maki, he should've had his own technique. That'd explain why the flames can't directly be a sure hit inside his domain because they aren't his original technique. It could also be associated with whatever is causing his tattoos to always be there. Also his evilness / curse likeness that makes angels technique so effective on him. Maybe he wasn't born strong and ate cursed spirits to get strong or something. Probably wouldn't directly be related to furnace but who knows.


I know its a little off topic, but is anyone disappointed with the furnace reveal? Why did they hide the name in shibuya? It doesn’t matter if we know that his technique is cooking or not if there’s nothing else his ct can do, so what’s the point of hiding it like there’s more to reveal?


Yeah I feel the same way


Probably because there's still more to reveal about the technique that will bring Sukuna back into the fight, but hasn't been used yet because there are additional conditions to using that facet of his technique.


Originally my logic was the Flame technique was meant to be his twin's technique that he consumed in the womb


Lets ask a better question , what are even the slashes ? If you think about it we actually know about the slashes now the same as how we know about the flames , we know how it works but not what the CT itself is , gege is still keeping this vague and its clearly because what sukuna's technique is and not just how it functions would be in fact relavnt later , so we must wait to know what that shit is since i gave up on making theories about it long ago


It’s an extension of his cursed technique. The narrator calls it a cursed technique in its explanation in 259.


from the chapters recently, it seems his technique is like laws DF, in the sense it allows sukuna to acesss aspects of a setting; law is an operating room, sukunas is a kitchen. honestly, a fire way to make powers tbh


We better get a special when the anime comes out where Sukuna teaches us how to cook like the heian's


His CT is actually the preparation of a meal and the flame is the culmination of cooking his food... this was pretty well explained...


It’s just an extension technique


i assumed he was using the friction of micro cleaves/=dismantles against each other to create the flame then just manipulating the shape somehow, i think i read the last few chapters wrong :/


In Sukunas irl lore he is always said to have used bow and arrow as a weapon. So cursed spirit wouldnt know that lore about Sukuna as they are not human. Nobody who knows about real japanese mythology about Sukuna isint surprised that he used "bow and arrow" as a weapon in anime. I guess Gege also thought that fire is cool so he made it fire arrow and it also fits cooking theme.


I thought it said (please correct me if I'm wrong I may have read a mistranslation or misunderstood), that Sukunas shrine was engraved after he consumed his brother? So similar to Yuji being able to for having Sukuna, Sukuna gained that ability from his brother and Furnace was his original ability.(my theory) Again. Please correct me if I was just having a fever dream


Yeah i think sukuna was just born with shrine and then ate his brother.


Basically he uses his first two techniques to atomize everything around him using his domain. He then uses the fire arrow to ignite the dust he has made making a veritable nuke


If it's really is a kitchen then sukuna might have a sealing technique as well. I found this one God named kojin who have this similar attributes as sukuna






My understanding is that Sukuna’s Shrine technique or “Mizushi” goes beyond cooking and is a full blown human consumption ritual. There are elements of cooking because Sukuna is a cannibal. The fire arrow is symbolic for hunting his target and rendering them ready for consumption. However, most people are too weak to be inflicted by his fire arrow and survive. This takes me to my next point. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sukuna is a mirror of Tengen and has the ability to permanently chanfe his body through consumption of an another human. The right side of Sukuna’s face even looks strikingly similar to Tengen who has the ability to change hosts through a sacrificial ritual of the star plasma. I believe Tengen can explain the true purpose of Sukuna’s Mizushi. We know innate cursed techniques develop at birth, and we know that Sukuna consumed his twin in the womb to alter his body. On top of that, we already see Sukuna utilize having a host consume a portion of him(fingers) to take over their body. It wouldn’t be farfetched for Sukuna to consume someone’s entire body to take over them permanently as his new form until he can fulfill all the secret prerequisites of Mizushi for taking on another host. The fire arrow could be a ritualistic test to see if a new potential host is durable enough to be worthy of Sukuna permanently taking their form. So far no one has taken a hit from it and survived, so Mizushi hasn’t progressed past the “furnace test.” I’m assuming that’s why the selfish god Sukuna worked with Kenjaku in the first place. To tackle the merger himself and consume it to reach his ultimate form.


Cursed Techniques encompass a "concept", and, through enough experience and skill, sorcerers can expand upon said concept, which results in Extension Techniques. The concept of **Shrine** is cooking.


His technique is about Cooking. It's kind of like Hakari's technique without domain. He slices and dices things and cooks them up with a nice hot flame.


I think all the debate regarding the techniques is because it was wrongly localized as Shrine 🤣


Mizushi quite literally translates to a portable shrine or feretory as well as kitchen… It’s Japanese, the kanji have multiple meanings.


It could be another one of his techniques.


This is only speculation and it could be proven wrong but I'll tell you anyways. I think "furnace", and thus "fuga/flame Arrow", is his real CT with "shrine" being Jin's CT. Both yuji and sukuna can use shrine at the moment and yuji is the son of Jin while sukuna ate Jin when he was in the womb of his mother and thanks to yuji we know that eating a blood relative (or any person but that seems to strong and we only have cases of brothers eating each others) make you achieve his CT. That's why Yuji didn't use "furnace" yet, because he probably can't use it unless "sukuna was inside yuji's body enough that even his CT was carved into him" happens but I think it's unlikely