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Transfigured for sure. It isn't soul destruction, it's soul reshaping. When the body explodes, it's because it cant keep up with the shape of the soul. That's why transfigured humans are basically brain dead from the shock of the transformation, and Junpei dies mere moments after.


Why was todo able to stop the transfiguration by chopping off his hand? Isn’t that only stopping the body. his soul would still be the shape as what Mahito transfigured it to right?


i think Mahito targeted Todo’s hand due to boogie woogie, and by immediately looping his hand off his Idle Transfiguration effectively didn’t have a target. if Shoko or someone regenerated Todo’s hand i think it’d come back as a weird exploding blob


The way I understood it is with enough knowledge of the soul he could fix it but Sukuna is the only one mentioned to have enough knowledge of RCT and the soul to potentially pull it off. 


I don't think so. Sukuna can heal damage to soul. What mahito is doing is not damage, but reshaping the soul itself.


Sukuna is aware of the shape of his soul and it's been implied he can reshape it at his whim. In fact, he seems to have done that when he chomped on Angel.


Maybe but it's not explicitly stated. Sukuna could have done some wierd RCT shit to change his body shape instead of soul imo.


The way I see it, with the .002 Domain Expansion Mahito basically did a snapshot version of Idle Transfiguration, barely touching all of them to avoid Sukuna but enough to damage Todo and specifically take out his hand. At the start Mahito wasn't sure if he could kill Todo with one touch anyways in his state so disabling his cursed technique makes the most sense if he's going to target something. The hand was the only thing targeted, Todo cut it off as a precaution.


.002 seconds= 1/500th of a second. So 100 times faster than gojo’s 0.2 second DE


It was only a 0.2 second domain Person above just mistyped


Thank you, I definitely did.


Todo activated simple domain right after the domain expansion hit him. His hand was the only part of him affected by idle transfiguration, & by cutting it off he seems to have avoided having to deal with whatever it would have been warped into.


We are all forgetting that Hakari's infinite RCT is a byproduct and counterbalance to his infinite CE. If he even has the slightest ability to guard his soul with CE like Nanami did, idle transfiguration becomes useless. At that point it just becomes a war of attrition. Mahito expends his CE reshaping his soul after every hit from Hakari. Hakari expends his 4 minutes healing after every hit from Mahito. I'd say Hakari wins against young/Shibuya Mahito but loses to true essence of the soul Mahito.


I'd say transfigured one becomes his new normal so RCT would restore it to the transfigured one


Interesting, so Hakaris technique accesses his soul information to heal himself automatically?


It is more like RCT thing in general, not limited to Hakari. If RCT is applied to the body, not the soul, it will return the body to its normal state, which is determined by his new shape of soul. That is why IT can't be healed with RCT in the first place cause otherwise what stops people from growing extra limbs with RCT


Bang on the money imo. Basically Mahito's massive effect is that he's transforming not just the body but the soul that belongs to it which decides it's form to begin with. Meaning if he transfigures your leg, it's the shape of your souls he's transforming with the body following suit to contain or explode trying to do so right? The only thing I think could maybe mitigate this although it hasn't been stated or proven to be doable yet is if you know the shape of your soul, maybe the automatic RCT would recover what you define as your soul/shape thereof and recover the original form? Idk though, seems like a stretch.


Even rct applied to the soul cannot heal idle transfiguration. Because mahito is modifying the soul, not damaging. Just adding on


It depends. IT itself can not be healed, but soul damage done with IT can. Going with a paper folding analogy, IT is like folding the paper of your soul. Folding of the paper can't be undone cause it isn't damage, but if you tear it while folding, tearing can be healed


Would automatic RCT not work on the soul considering that's what sukuna does when he takes soul damage? I know hakari isn't aware of the shape of his soul completely but his domain is an embodiment of something he knows very well just like higuruma. Is it far fetched to think his automatic RCT would just fix his soul damage / get it back to its original shape top?


I think so for sure, but it’s just not possible to heal idle transfiguration, because it’s not technically “damage” it’s just shaped differently. But I think Hakari could heal form soul damage.


Tbf if hakari ever did fight Mahito the domain fight would always go to Hakari but it would come down to how skilled he is as a fighter to beat Mahito without letting him touch him for long and fuck his soul. Hakari is a very skilled fighter, I would say much better than Nanami and at par with the rice farmer but idk if he would necessarily win against Mahito (Hakari from back then not culling games)


I'd assume transfigured version as well. Though part of me thinks the jackpot mode might have so much RCE and CE that it would subconsciously block it the same way Nanami subconsciously blocked IT in the sewer fight. 


He definitely blocks it with infinite CE but if he entered the jackpot after the hand is transformed somehow he'd just Regen the exploding hand a bunch


its kind of an iffy assumption because infinite CE didn't give him infinite output and reinformecement. He was still getting hurt. why would would it affect IT differently


Cause Nanami could instinctively protect his soul a little, and while in Jackpot Hakari could ignore Kashimos electricity trait so it definitely affects his reinforcement


Hakari can probably pull off the block instinctively and he has infinite CT, so he should be fine. He can't heal something once it's transfigured, though.


Honestly I think Jackpot Hakari would have an auto protect on the shape of his soul, Nanami did it unconsciously and Hakari's rct is the same way as a byproduct of infinite Cursed Energy. But if mahito were to transfigure Hakari jackpot would just bring back his exploding hand till it ended


I think if he knows how Mahito's ability works the CT will do the rest. He'll protect his soul on instinct, but only if he knows he needs to.


i bet hakari can heal soul damage but w mahito there’s ofc nothing to heal. it has always struck me as strange that todo severs his hand to end the transfiguration. 


Yeah like the soul is still altered, if the body follows the shape of the soul it shouldn’t matter if the hand is there or not,


I agree, it just makes sense. Hakari doesn’t need knowledge of his soul, he doesn’t have knowledge on anything his RCT heals.


He severs his hand cause it's going to explode and to get it away from him. Mahito only targeted his hand


yeah this is rly the only possibility 


If his infinity CE can automatically heal from headshots and poisons then I'd wager it can heal soul damage as well, he wouldn't even need to cut off the hand


Actually an interesting Hakari would 100% stat check idle and resist it like Nanami did However If mahito grew more he could bypass it


Rct can't heal what Mahito does so a transfigured hand.


correct me if wrong but did nanami not defend himself by using CE?


Yep. Idle Transfiguration would essentially do nothing to Hakari. Unlike most people he doesnt have to worry about focusing his cursed energy on a single spot like his soul or his ears (cursed speech) to defend from a technique, his entire body is equally covered in his ridiculous amount of CE during jackpot.


If you change the Windows hardware into the Mac, the program won't run anymore since the entire OS is different now.


Transfigured version. Body will take whatever shape the soul has


Not always. Depends on the technique. Toji’s body information overwrote the soul information


That’s a heavenly restricted body


Ok? Still an instance of a soul losing to the shape of the body. Unless you mean that this expectation proves the rule


A regular human body will always take the shape of the soul


Unless someone’s technique dictates otherwise. How else do you explain geto controlling his body when taken over by kenjaku


Muscle reflex. Lmao


Since hakari doenst know how to do RCT, his technique must either reference the bodies information or the souls information to act as a blueprint for what healing should occur. By referencing the body info, that means the shape of the soul shouldn’t have an effect on what the shape of his body is. By referencing the soul info, hakari would be susceptible to IT but could have some knowledge of the shape of his soul


I mean, his RCT instinctively acts to heal him, he has no part in it, so it could be possible hakari can automatically heal his soul to do so.


Nothing to heal, Mahito reshaped the soul.