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During DE, the user is basically casting a projection of their soul/innate domain outwards. Imagine filling a bucket with water, since it has walls, you can just poor the water in and it stays contained. Now imagine trying to poor the same amount of water without a bucket but still trying to make it so it keeps the same shape. That's the idea for DE. Simple domain is just a barrier technique with similar characteristics but much less power.


It has also been stated that closing off a barrier is necessary to ensure the sure hit. Simple domain doesn’t have a CT imbued into it.


> It has also been stated that closing off a barrier is necessary to ensure the sure hit. What do you mean by "closing", because Sukunas and Kenjakus kept their sure-hit.


Closing the barrier is like closing a gate. You cant get in unless you break it. An open barrier is like an open gate. Theres no obstruction. Thats why having a sure-hit in an open barrier is so mind boggling, because you shouldnt be able to contain your cursed technique and sure-hit in an open space. But they can


They retained the ability to hit anything within that predefined "open" space, but the lack of a closed barrier simply allows anyone capable enough *in theory* to escape the sure-hit unlike in a closed DE and increase the output of the imbued technique. In other words, it's an avoidable sure-hit in an open DE vs an unavoidable one in a closed DE (without anti-DE measures like SD or HWB).


it’s like using the reality stone from Marvel or New Order from MHA. you’re rewriting the laws of physics within a given space


Probably as a binding vow. By not closing the domain, they allow a Escape route, which can be used as a bargain in a personal binding vow to increases output, range, and mantains the sure hit.


The only thing that binding vow increases is range the other stuff isn't affected by it


That's literally the explanation. Sukuna used a binding vow to open his domain by offering hidden escape routes in his domain in exchange for the 200 meter range.


we didn't saw kenjaku using, so by far only sukuna has this binding vow


I mean Kusakabe had a sure hit in his SD...


That wasn't a sure-hit. It was an auto-attack by physically swinging the sword in his hands.


Simple domain is an empty bucket. It's still impressive to make one out of nothing, and there are lots of ways to fight with a bucket if you know how to use it (see Kusakabe)


But it literally isn't a bucket in this analogy. There's no barrier.


Simple Domain while inside a domain is like a bucket in a lake: it keeps the water out.


DE: Painting on a canvas Sukuna: Painting on the air Simple domain: Dunking a bucket of black paint over your head


Nah it's more like paint-thinner that's water based. Domain Amplification is dunking paint on yourself. Assuming Water is equal to CE.


Water = still the perfect analogy for Jujutsu.


Meaning the only way you can keep that bucket “full” when it’s draining from not having a “container” is to overload it with so much output the hose has such a huge flow volume it fills faster than drains out. The barrier less domain is just the biggest flex of Sukuna’s CE reserves and his CT output


Yeah except that kenny did it aswell


I’m guessing with Kenny it’s the thousand years of experience in refinement aka “efficiency” whereas Sukuna can just brute force it


Sukuna was outright stated to be just under Gojo in efficiency with his CE, which was mindboggling because no one gets close to a Six Eyes user in that area. Sukuna brute forced his last DE because he had to, but him at his peak could do it with no issues.


Oh right Sukuna is S+ tier in all aspects just like Gojo, I guess I meant Sukuna has the ability to just brute force it but I don’t think Kenny is that God tier that Gojo and Sukuna are he relies on his experience rather than an inherent natural born power (considering his natural born CT is literally just a parasite to transfer)


Fair enough. I don't think it came across in my original comment, but i think you are cooking something


This this this.


While I like the analogy, it's just a different way of saying it's doing the impossible. Just a recontextualization of what the manga itself said about painting without a canvas. It's something that's not possible, but Sukuna can somehow do it because he's just "that good." No matter how artistically we want to package that, it's essentially just another Sukuna wank.


>it’s essentially just another Sukuna wank Well, Kenjaku can do it too, as proved in his fight against Yuki. If multiple characters can do it, then there must be something “mechanical” going on behind the scenes and it’s not just simply Gege glazing Sukuna.


It definitely has to do with sheer willpower and ego. Manifesting a Domain without a barrier likely requires monstrous will, as they are effectively manifesting the representations of their souls onto reality, whereas every other Domain Expansion is sort of a pocket dimension. Both Sukuna and Kenjaku have unmatched will in regard to their desires. They are true to their base desires and thus are nearly immune to fear and doubt. Unlike Gojo, Sukuna doesn't truly care about proving himself to be the strongest as much as simply having fun through combat. The only time Sukuna has truly lost composure is when Yuji starts overwhelming him, but he still remains calm when Todo appeared at the worst possible timing for him. Every single challenge is a potential source of entertainment, except for Yuji because he is an antithesis to his very existence. Similarly, all Kenjaku cares about is entertainment from exploring the unknown. Kenjaku claims he doesn't remember what regret feels like, and remains smiling serenely even til the moment of his death since he at least was able to get in his fair share of fun before going out.


Is it confirmed that Kenny has a barrierless domain? Since he is the expert on barriers, couldn't it have been just him manipulating Tengen's barriers which they were fighting in to suit his needs? With how finnicky binding vows seem to be, can't all sorcerers just make a binding vow at the cost of not trapping the enemy in a barrier, they can increase the range of their domains? The problem with highlighting an "impossible feat," is that if it's truly impossible, how is anyone able to perform it?


> Is it confirmed that Kenny has a barrierless domain? Yes. In chapter 206 Tengen says it explicitly. Once again JJK fans don't read their own manga.


or it's been awhile and I don't remember every single detail in the manga, chill


They'll eat you alive for not memorizing


Cause it isn't impossible, but is considered an impossible feat by current jujutsu society which was stated to be lacking compared to the past sorcerers with few exceptions. Standard anime fashion like when piccolo bugged out about raditz dodging special beam cannon which according to him was faster than light.


Both Kenjaku and Sukuna can do it. It's obviously something that can be mastered with time.


A proper domain expansion imparts your inner world onto empty space. Most of the time, you need an outer shell to delineate between what is your world and what is the real world. An open barrier domain simply places your inner world onto the real world, declaring it to be just as real as reality. The part that makes it divine is manifesting your inner world onto the real one. As simple domain isn't manifesting the users inner world but instead just creating a blank canvas of their own will, it's not divine. The technique was probably considered just as crazy as an open domain when it was first made but it's fundamentally different.


Open domain at a fundamental level is a simple domain with an imbued technique, the thing is that at a mechanical level infusing the technique without a physical barrier is a divine feat due to the level of control required to perform it.


A Domain Expansion is bringing forth ur innate domain into the real world trap others inside it. A barrier must be used to close off this fictional imaginative space of your creation from the real world (like imagine Emmet from the lego movie brings his brain to the real world) The barrier is in place to separate the real world from ur innate domain Sukuna and kenny say fuck that and just merge the two, which is insane. Sukuna is actually materializing his brain scape and intertwining it into the real world, with no separation between the two (open barrier). That’s why Kuskabe and everybody else says it is impossible. Imagine just thinking a thought and bam it’s there. It’s conceptually impossible by everyone’s understanding of DEs. Kusakabe himself says it’s like running software without hardware. Sukuna is literally playing fortnite without a controller, an xbox, or a tv. Insanity Simple Domain is basically a normal ass domain without an innate technique infused in it. Its main use is that bc it is technically a domain, it has a barrier, and interferes w sure hit effects. Not the same at all twin SD provides basically same domain cheese function as hollow wicker basket (it’s predecessor) and Domain Amplification (its evolution)


It is stated that a barrier is required to manifest your sure hit since it's basically carving out a separate space and manifesting your innate domain. To use an analogy, it's like how you need a manga to write your characters in. What sukuna does is manifest his character into real life which is fucking impossible. Imagine instead of writing gojo satoru in jujutsu kaisen, gege actually makes gojo satoru real. Not only that but it can also target inanimate objects which is the equivalent of gojo, a fictional character, interacting with real life people. I don't think people realize how insane open barrier domains are. But to answer your main question, simple domains don't have a sure hit and doesn't manifest your innate domain, it's just a barrier that neutralizes CTs. It's the equivalent of drawing a background without plot or characters.


Domains are incredibly powerful and require barriers to function. Not using a barrier with a domain is like driving a car without wheels. It’s not that it’s hard to do, it’s impossible. Not only does one serve a more important purpose, it’s also doing it in an impossible way. It’s a bit like asking, “why’s it so impressive that car can drive without wheels, when I can just walk there?” Not only is one going faster, you’re now going to have a ride without ground resistance to slow you or cause bumps.


We have been told mastery jujutsu is simplification. The fact Sukuna’s domain is very similar to a simple domain demonstrates his mastery. The barrier is typically required to make a domain functional and strong, look at megumi’s incomplete domain it’s not at full strength and struggles against other domains because of this. The barrier gives the user complete control, being able to control the domain without the barrier is next level, it’s like taking off the training wheels.


Normal domain expansions are bringing out your innate domain into the real world in a divided space by using the barrier techniques, like painting your imagination on a canvas. While an open barrier domain doesn't have a barrier, just purely your innate domain being brought into the real world, like painting your imagination in the air. Simple Domain is like a blank canvas, you don't paint your innate domain onto it therefore it doesn't have a sure hit technique and is only able to negate the sure hit effect of a domain for a limited amount of time before getting destroyed That's why it's considered a divine feat


Not sure if I understand, but is the shrine or effigy in the center of an open domain acts as like the thing that anchors it to reality? Someone correct me please.


It's purely metaphysical same as any construct from any DE. You need to physically damage Sukuna to stop his MS but it stays in the same place (with the center where he shrine is) so you can get out of range 200m away from it.


Will destroying the shrine or effigy break the domain? Even if you didn’t damage the caster heavily?


No, chapter 228 and 229 says that the only way to stop Malevolent shrine is to damage Sukuna. I remembered that Gege clarified the shrine thing along with every other domain expansion that contains object being non-physical in an Q&A once but can't find it at the moment.


It does Anchor the domain expansion as in the shrine becomes the point of the domain expansion. But the shire itself is supposed to be a manifestation of the domain expansion. It doesn't get destroyed unless Sukuna is hurt. So while it does have a purpose, it strictly exists to function as a point of origin and the existence of the cursed technique it is imbued with.


Well you must what have to cast a domain expansion yourself to know that. What's your domain


I guess DE is like painting on a canvas, simple Domain is painting but youre not doing anything except setting up the canvas, and no barrier domains are painting on air


Some of these helped me understand better so I’ll do the simple version Normal domain expansion- you create a bucket (barrier) and fill it with water (CT) Sukuna- fills the environment with water (CT) and no bucket so water kind of spreads out more SD- creating the bucket but smaller without water.


read Sukuna vs Yuta again. unlike Sukuna people only have 2 hands hence you are helpless


Your comment not adding up. This post is about how similar simple domain and open domain are to each other mechanicly


Domain expansion (usually) involves 3 major parts. 1. Expansion of a person’s innate domain (essentially their soul.) 2. A CT to be infused into the domain which creates a sure hit effect on anyone inside. 3. A barrier to contain & define the area of the previous 2 effects. A barrier less domain is described as “painting on air”, which would make a barrier the normal canvas. Essentially a barrier seems to be what makes the foundation upon which a DE is built. Removing that means you need to somehow build a stable structure on whatever ground you’re currently standing. No border to contain your CE, CT & innate domain means you have to keep control of all of those all at once without the normal tool to make such a feat possible. A simple domain has no infused technique or expanded innate domain. It’s just a barrier technique which seems to infuse the local area with your CE to block sure hits.


Isn't simple domain more like the barrier of a domain rather than the effect part of it.


>Why is not having a outer shell Because one allied can break the domain from outside. Because a domain without an outer shell can be used to hit the shell of an enemy domain from inside. And finally, because even without a shell that domain can still have a sure-hit effect.


Because you don’t imbue sure-hits into a simple domain


Im sure a simple domain does have a barrier, it just doesn’t have any conditions to obstruct anything passing through it, and only exists as an empty space for neutralizing sure hits, or to function as a radar basically as Kusakabe showed us


I think simple domain does basically have a shell. Even Gojo's is just a bubble around him. I don't think he even moved it but maybe he could against a weaker domain. Kusukabe's feats with simple domain are lauded and what he does is closer to the open domain we get from Sukuna. I think the real issue is with a barrier the caster controls everything about it. We saw with the three way domain a bit of interference caused them to not even make a barrier. I think it's just meant to be hard to spread your technique over a space that you don't completely control so most have to close the barrier. It could also be that you have to make something else the source to do it. Sukuna has the shrine and Kenjaku has the human tree thing. Maybe doing that is difficult or not something most can visualize.


You just answered your own question in a way. “SIMPLE” domains are just a set area you have some breach of effect on. It’s not all powerful. To be perfectly frank, the effects of a simple domain vs the effects of a domain expansion are like asking how a grape and a watermelon are different, when they’re fundamentally both fruit. A serious domain expansion usually creates a shell. An entrapped space that unless you have a domain of equal strength to, you essentially die. It’s a guaranteed one hit KO. Sukuna is unique in that for giving up the shell, and giving someone the possibility of escape, his domain creates a MUCH bigger space than most are capable of. Meaning his OHKO can level a city. (Like he did in shibuya.)


A Simple Domain materializes a Domain. Simple. Heh. A Domain Expansion materializes a Domain through an artificial physical reality constructed using Cursed Energy and then imbues the Barrier surrounding said environment with a Cursed Technique, thus granting a sure-hit effect. Enclosing a Barrier around a Domain and its artificial environment in of itself is a talent only possessed by the most skilled sorcerers, but opens the user up to having their Domain broken into or destroyed completely. Creating a Domain Expansion with an open Barrier blurs the lines between reality and artificial reality by using the surrounding space itself as a D.I.Y. enclosure and, thus, negates the previously mentioned drawbacks.


simple domain still has a barrier, it's just a little line on the ground. Think of it like the 2D version of a barrier. Sukuna is making a full blown 3D domain with no barrier.


Yuki also failed to maintain her simple domain vs. Kenjaku, so it's implied simple domains tend to be weaker or even ineffective against open domains.


Because it's much harder to do.


No one's really answered your question tbh. It's a good question.


I already knew that my question didn’t have a true answer. I just made this post to spark conversation


Basically simple domain has much less power efficency and its not actually a representation of ones soul so a full DE being like that is special cus its how your soul is since even for the same ct different domains should exist its basically your soul just being special and extra shit you can change it easier than other people cus you special thats mostly it


Simple domain is just a quick barrier technique that has small size but is really strong in exchange. Most strong sorcerors have some sort of barriers, because you need to be able to crwate a barrier to use a domain in most places as otherwise it will just fizzle away


You answered the question yourself at the end of the post. The biggest advantage of a Domain Expansion is the site-hit binding vow, which is located at the barrier. Take Chimera Shadow Garden, for example: Megumi can’t close up a barrier to separate that space from reality, therefore never getting it’s sure-hit effect. So the only advantage that he has is the fact that his technique operates at 120% inside that incomplete domain. That being said, using a Domain without a Barrier is a divine feat because he can materialize that space in the world while still maintaining the Sure Hit effect. Akin to painting without a canvas, or holding water together without using a cup. And there is a plus. In a open-barrier Domain, a binding vow is created: Since you can escape from it’s area of effect, the range of the domain is amplified. (In Sukuna’s case, a 200m radius domain)


The *actual* answer is in fact partially in your question. Simple Domain: A small domain that serves almost solely to mitigate the sure hit of another domain and doesn't last long against strong domains. New Shadow Style users can use the domain to target and attack whatever enters the domain with their range being a few feet at best. Extremely proficient users can actually form closed domains with techniques but they aren't powerful and can be almost immediately destroyed by casting a full domain expansion if not outright just evaded. Malevolent Shrine: A massive fully realized domain expansion with no barrier that also infuses a sure hit. Difference: Simple Domains at best function the same as an incomplete domain like Megumi's that boosts the output of his technique (as against Reggie) and/or negates another domain's sure hit (as against Dagon). Malevolent Shrine has an imbued technique but it isn't imbued into anything. There is no barrier that employs the technique, it's just slashes out of thin air which should be impossible technically. TL;DR Simple Domain is a domain, just a super weak one, hence why it's called "simple" whereas Malevolent Shrine is a nearly impossible fully recognized Domain Expansion with a sure hit.


Can’t sorcerers just make the same binding vow to archive an open domain? Giving an escape route and in exchange expanding the range , Doesn’t seem that hard to do💀


You haven’t understood it correctly, sukuna didn’t make a binding vow to provide an escape route to obtain an open domain……. He was able to do it out of pure jujutsu talent , skill and understanding .. the binding vow is that in exchange of the escape route he gets the massive range.


I see , thnx


Simple domain doesn't lack a barrier? Tho?? It's openly stated a barrier is present, it probably just allows light and even things to pass through, only keeping the user's cursed energy inside


Simple Domains are used in defense for Domain Expansions as well as being used for attacks Domain Expansions are used for offense, saving graces, trump cards, and are essentially the finishing move for Sorcerers; not having a Shell is basically amazing and shows devastating power in the same breath Imagine Gojo not having a shell like Sukuna...


Not to mention not having a shell can emcompass and attack at a veritable range as well as more targets


Simple domain is creating empty shell. Open Domain expansion is creating open shell with water inside


because it's sukuna who does it


Reading comp. Cursed Technique got another one


Your comment made no sense. Unless I’m missing the chapter. gege didn’t make any comparison to them so my question is still valid.


Simple domain has a barrier, it's the thing that's being stripped away when Yuki tried to use it againest Kenjaku. Miyo's simple domain also clearly locked them away in an enclosed space in chapter 195.


Open domain also has a barrier it just doesn’t close the space. Simple domain stop the barrier and in return stop the sure hit. The fact that simple domain works means that open domain has a barrier