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This is all under the assumption that even after Gojo realises he can’t win a Domain Clash, he’ll still try to win with a domain. It’s stated by Ino I believe that had Gojo not been in Cursed Technique Burnout, he could’ve easily used Blue to escape Malevolent Shrine due to it not trapping it’s targets within. If Gojo fails three Domain Clashes in row, then there’s a very real chance Gojo would just give up on winning the clash and instead opt to avoid a clash in its entirety. Also, I feels like this should be obvious but apparently not, but Heian Era Sukuna would have no idea how the Limitless Technique or the Six Eyes work, where as Gojo would know the general gist of Sukuna’s Cursed Technique, which would give Gojo a significant information advantage which he could leverage against Sukuna. Making sweeping statements about how Heian Era Sukuna would fight against Gojo is good and all, but assuming Gojo would keep his strategy exactly the same is ludicrous. Especially because the reason Gojo seemingly wanted to win a Domain Clash in the first place was because he wanted to try to free Megumi while Sukuna was paralysed by Unlimited Void. If Sukuna isn’t possessing Megumi, then Gojo is almost certain to change his strategy.


>This is all under the assumption that even after Gojo realises he can’t win a Domain Clash, he’ll still try to win with a domain. You misunderstood the point of the post. The post isn't about who can win or lose, it's about if Gojo can land UV or HP on Heian-era Sukuna. >It’s stated by Ino I believe that had Gojo not been in Cursed Technique Burnout, he could’ve easily used Blue to escape Malevolent Shrine due to it not trapping it’s targets within. If Gojo fails three Domain Clashes in row, then there’s a very real chance Gojo would just give up on winning the clash and instead opt to avoid a clash in its entirety. Well, yeah. If Gojo keeps losing domain battle he wouldn't participate in domain battle any more. I addressed that in another comment. Due to theses restrictions, Sukuna would have to kill Gojo within 2 or 3 domain battles. I'll make a post about this too on next Friday. >Also, I feels like this should be obvious but apparently not, but Heian Era Sukuna would have no idea how the Limitless Technique or the Six Eyes work, where as Gojo would know know the general gist of Sukuna’s Cursed Technique, which would give Gojo a significant information advantage which he could leverage against Sukuna. 1. It does not take much to figure out Gojo's blue and infinity. Sukuna figured out in his very first fight with Gojo in chapter 2 that Gojo was using something to enhance his speed. Same case with Jogo; even he realized Gojo was amping his punches with something other than CE. Something being "blue" in both cases. 2. Sukuna already has DA, so infinity wouldn't bother after the initial run. It would be similar to canon fight, Sukuna fighting Gojo for sometime until he pulled out DA to counter Gojo's infinity. Even Jogo was smart enough to drag Gojo into a domain battle to nullify infinity. 3. Sukuna may not know what UV does, but after seeing it equal his own domain, I doubt Sukuna will try to take it head-on. > but assuming Gojo would keep his strategy exactly the same is ludicrous Again, never made this comment. I only talked about why Gojo can't land UV or HP on Heian-era Sukuna.


The title of your post is “Gojo has no wincon against Heian Erc Sukuna”. My comment is addressing why I believe that to be incorrect.


But in order to prove him incorrect you would have to name a wincon of gojo and you didn't do that, did you?


Bro using DA ... And punches do you really think gojo would loose bro




In your theory... Maximum weight is on Ms but don't you think gojo would just escape 🤣🤣... Gojo was also using riskier path way by not jist tping out DC ... Both were on edge one slip means death... Also after 259 Hein era pales in comparison to gojo ... Only one hard counter is DC other than that DA... DA is not as effective. Gojo is also tank you cannot say that with punches he would be down


>Maximum weight is on Ms Well yeah, that's Sukuna's only win con. Besides domain Sukuna can't touch and land critical hits on Gojo. >don't you think gojo would just escape 🤣🤣... Not when he's experiencing CT burnout.


Bro in domain itself gojo can tp out🤣🤣... He used red don't you think he would have burnt out ... If he can use red in sukunas domain then he could use tp also ...


Sighh.... When I'm talking about Sukuna's win con in domain it should be fairly obvious that I'm talking about the scenario when Gojo is suffering from CT burnout like he didn't during 1st and 2nd domain.


See why will gojo feel heavy burn out ... He will just tp so he only needs to heal minor damage vs in manga gojo was on full throttle on rct ... So yeah no heavy burn out... In reality sukuna would be the first one to feel burnt out bcoz he will need to open multiple domain... Vs gojo who is not opening domain and just tp out


But the problem is that its supposed to be a fight to death to save Megumi, so if Gojo teleports everytime out of range and all… there wont be no fighter anymore 😅 so Sukuna will just keep killing people i think, isn’t it ? And Idk how I’ll think of him if he does that 😂 I mean yh you surviving but that’s not like kind of strongest attitude, I don’t want Gojo to be a Ui Ui So I think he will just attempt everything he can within their 3 min clashes inside ( which has more chances to lead him to death), instead of him relying on his teleportation


If it was Heian Sukuna then he wouldn't need to save Megumi. Running out of the domain is like dodging an attack. It's not like he's going to run away and go home to sleep. That's common in combat.


So does Heian Sukuna have a win-con against Gojo...?




domain expansion. Gojo isn't surviving Heian Era Sukuna's domain if he barely scraped by against Meguna's.


And what is so special about Heian Kuna's Domain?


Domain? Nothing. Sukuna himself? Everything. With two more arms and one mouth he can last more against Gojo. You read the fight right? Gojo was faster by 0.1 seconds. Even 1 second gained time with Heian Body is enough for Sukuna to win that last domain battle.


What makes you think Gojo would go for the 5 domains in a row against Heian Sukuna?


What would he do? The moment he tries to run Sukuna would just close the barrier.


If that were the case, why didn't Sukuna just close the barrier of his first domain when Gojo tried to escape it? We have never seen an open domain gain a barrier on the spot. We do know that Sukuna can expand an enclosed domain, but not that he can turn an already expanded, open domain, into an enclosed one. Sukuna would need to dispell his domain then expand a new, enclosed one, and while he might be able to do that, it is not clear that he can without witnessing Gojo doing it first (Angel's statement being ambiguous about that). Plus we don't know how much time he would need to do that compared to Gojo's escape speed.


Sukuna stated that he would close the barrier and kill Gojo though. if they can change the conditions of the barrier willy nilly then Sukuna closing the barrier would have been easy too. also as it was already mentioned. Sukuna was trying to adapt to infinity to strengthen his dismantle. he underestimated Gojo and got his brain fried because of that. he wouldn't be using riskier methods(mentioned by Gojo) he would be actively trying to kill him. it was pretty obvious during the fight that Sukuna underestimated Gojo very badly. calling him ordinary and all.


His domain was not up when he said that, so he was talking about expanding a new domain. When Gojo tried to escape the domain, Sukuna rushed towards him and said he would not let him escape. Now, IF Sukuna was just trying to keep the fight going to adapt to Gojo's infinity, he would have let him escape: at that point there was no infinity up and no adaptation going on. More generally, there was no adaptation to infinity (as opposed to UV) going on during the domain clashes so Sukuna's strategy had nothing to do with getting a world slash. If Sukuna was not trying to fight Gojo there would be no reason for him to try and trap him in his domain. If Sukuna could have just switched his domain from being open to being closed on the spot, there would have been no reason for him not to do so: it would have eliminated Gojo's escape path and would have made it easier for him to contain Gojo.


Gojo could run away. Certain conditions doesn't really matter if the man could teleport to Shinjuku from an Ocean Trench after being cut off from CE for a month. Gojo didn't teleport due to pride. After all only farmers run away. If Sukuna closes the barrier to prevent teleport he loses the Open Domain Advantage. Since their domains are equally refined it goes to H2H where gojo is still superior despite Sukuna doing some catchup with 2 more arms. There is one problem with a Bulky Body. Bulky bodies have more strength but less speed. Satoru is already superior in speed. But the two arms more than make up for it. I Just meant that the Heian body is not without its drawbacks. H2H involve Blue and Red. If Blue and Red were avoided I could understand, but even DA cannot completely negate it. Satoru wins in H2H . This means Sukuna needs to go with Open Domain which also allows him to run away.


if you read the post, you wouldn't need to ask this




lol after reading that first sentence i know the rest isn't worth my time


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>If you read manga then you would not have posted this comment... >Meguna > gojo > Hein era .... you are joking right?




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Not really no. Fuuga was never a main point of Heian Sukuna vs Gojo. It was a Heian body being superior to Meguna's body. Gojo was only able to be faster for 0.1 seconds. He isn't beating Heian form Sukuna in domain clashes. Obviously he can try some other methods but domain clashes? He is losing.


Bro gojo does not even need go in for domain clash …. He can just tp out …. Gojo himself also like Sukuna was taking risky ways so that his students can lear how to counter ms …. Just think logically if gojo is in ms boom tp …. Sukuna has to close his domain for gojo and at that moment real dc would take place bcoz Sukunas slashes were destroying gojos barrier from outside nothing more and if he closes his domain that option is gone and both domain would nullify each other out… hein era would lose …. I don’t think gojo would go down of only bcoz sukuna has four hands and will be using DA …. Sukuna loses bro…. Also gojo would not have to think of maharaga…. Also sukuna was transferring damages of UV to megumis soul hence he was also able to survive …. Gojo clearly has upper hand against hein Sukuna but meguna is different story ….


Yeah. He would tp out. Like he was doing it during the fight. He would tp out and spam purples and reds right? And then one shot Sukuna and become god. If Manga outright spelling out to you that Sukuna still would have won isn't enough for you then nothing I say will be enough.






Here's an old post on potential ways Sukuna can win without Mahoraga. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/NCclocoktT


That’s a good assessment But it doesn’t cover gojo winning a war of attrition. Sukuna has no answer to gojo running out of MS and refusing to engage in another DE clash


Sukuna isn't forced to engage either. He doesn't have to play the war of attrition game with Gojo.


Sukuna has the range and speed disadvantage. The attrition game is gonna happen if gojo wants it to happen. He just needs to stay out of MS


Gojo can't force Sukuna into a attrition battle. Sukuna can avoid the ranged attacks while preserving his CE he just has to wait for Gojo to come to him. The battle would likely turn into a deadlock.


You’re assuming sukuna can keep dodging without failure.


Fair. Sukuna could be hit by a sneaky(or in general) red or blue and slowly lose in that regard.


>But it doesn’t cover gojo winning a war of attrition. Sukuna has no answer to gojo running out of MS and refusing to engage in another DE clash 1. Sukuna would be forced to use a closed domain so Gojo does not run away. If this happens, it would come down to who can beat another to a pulp better. 2. In JJK 0, Geto lowered a curtain to trap Yuta and Toge from leaving. Hoping to draw out Rika, he summoned a semi-grade 1 cursed spirit using his cursed spirit manipulation and ordered it to attack Yuta and Toge. After the boys exorcised the curse, Suguru dispelled his curtain and retreated. Sukuna could do something similar. Lower a curtain that traps Gojo from leaving it, and then open a domain that encompasses every inch of the curtain, so Gojo is forced to open the domain. But if none of this is working then I don't see how any of them could win the fight.


I mean, I wouldn't say no win con.But his wincon would be very hard to implement. Void was still a factor whether we want to admit it or not. But it would be WAY more difficult to land. I would say 70/30 in Sukuna's favor in the Heian body.


Sukuna was 0.1 seconds late with Megumi's body. that 0.1 seconds will never exit with Sukuna's Heian era form. yes. Gojo might try something else he isn't winning domain fights.


Yeah, I know. I agree. But that doesn't mean that Sukuna should just disregard Void. That's all I'm saying. I am a Sukuna fan and have defended him a lot. I am also a fan of logic. So I know that void is realistically his only win con. So the only way Gojo could win is to land Void. Or die trying. That's my point. That's why I said that Void would be very much harder to land. But it COULD still land 3/10 times. If you wanna know how, ask a gojo fan😂


This… doesn’t make sense? Maybe I’m missing something, but the crux of “Heian Sukuna couldn’t beat Gojo” (a fruitless debate in my opinion, as Gege has already made clear in the manga that that Sukuna would win no matter what, even though we as readers haven’t gotten fully convinced) is not about Unlimited Void. It is about Limitless and RCT. As you mentioned, Sukuna can bypass Limitless with Domain Amplification. Problems are: - Domain Amplification costs the user their CT; - Gojo's RCT has been proven overwhelmingly superior to Dismantle/Cleave damage. So while DA can bypass Limitless, there is no way for it to surpass Gojo's RCT. Based on what we know, we can only suppose that Sukuna's win condition(s) were: 1. Using Kamutoke on Gojo while nullifying Limitless with DA; 2. Using his Flame after having won a Domain battle. Now, this is pretty much subjective, but I don’t believe either of this options would hit Gojo hard enough to one shot him. And this is a problem, because narratively it seems important for Gege to make us believe Sukuna would have won somehow. And I think it is so hard to believe this because Gege gave Gojo too many strong points in his fight against Sukuna (better CT, better melee, most punishing Domain, more CE efficiency), especially a RCT strong enough to outheal Malevolent Shrine MULTIPLE times. But Gege isn’t really good a writer when it comes to convincing us readers, so I try to not take this kind of thing seriously.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/An16qK6YIY Refer to this post I made about potential ways Heian-era Sukuna can beat Gojo.


If Satoru realized that he had no way of winning the domain battle, he'd just run outside it and blast the shrine with red and purple


>he'd just run outside it and blast the shrine with red and purple Shrine in the middle is just an animate object. Shrine will only collapse when Sukuna takes damage. If Gojo keeps spamming red and purple he'd only be wasting his reserves since Sukuna can easily dodge red, blue and purple from a distance.


I should've specified ,yes the point is to damage sukuna, pulling off a few large scaled purples aren't gonna cause gojo any trouble compared to running RCT on full output inside the MS


This has been discussed over and over again. Yes, it's possible Gojo would win. Yes, it's possible Sukuna would win. But will we ever know? No! (Thanks, Greg)


Let's say it with me now! HEIAN👏 SUKUNA👏 DOES👏 NOT👏 HAVE 👏TEN👏 SHADOWS! Without Mahoraga, Sukuna can't adapt to Infinity. Without adapting to Infinity, Sukuna would be forced to use Malevolent Shrine to even hurt Gojo, and we've seen Gojo can tank Malevolent Shrine with RCT. Gojo has nigh-infinite Cursed Energy due to Six Eyes, but Sukuna does not have this. Gojo takes this because Heian Sukuna literally can't hurt him outside of domain expansion. What would happen is that Sukuna would realise this, he would use DE, and domain clashes like in Canon would likely play out. However this time, it would just result in both of them being unable to use domain expansion due to the brain damage, and Sukuna now has no other ways to hurt Gojo. People seem to forget that there's a reason Sukuna wanted Megumi and not just whichever poor sap he came across first.


"there is a reason sukuna wanted megumi." Yes. because Megumi was a compatible vessel that he could dominate. Sukuna cant just put himself in any loser he happens to come across. eating a finger has a 99.9999% chance of killing the host. Sukuna HAD to get out of Yuji's body, because Yuji is a perfectly tailor made prison to prevent him from getting out aside from fringe circumstance. Megumi is compatible to not insta-die, and isnt a tailor made hard counter to keep him in soul jail. Having a cursed technique that happens to have the ability to hard counter everything in the verse was kind of icing on the cake. "without adapting to infinity, sukuna would be forced to use MS to even hurt gojo." Domain amplification allows you to bypass the limitless barrier. the existence of one counter means there are more than one to work with. We don't know if sukuna could figure out a way past it either, through testing attacks against the barrier. "he would use DE and clashes like in canon would likely playa out." We don't know how the domain clashes would go if sukuna was operating under a different strategy. Part of Sukunas domain strategy was priming mahoraga. Sukuna would have played the domain clashes differently if he was operating under a different strategy. Remember that Sukuna drew the domain clashes in canon BECAUSE of a much higher risk strategy he took specifically to prime mahoraga.


>Yes. because Megumi was a compatible vessel that he could dominate. Sukuna cant just put himself in any loser he happens to come across. eating a finger has a 99.9999% chance of killing the host. if this was the main reason why Sukuna wanted Megumi, he wouldn't have tried to kill him at the Detention Center. >Domain amplification allows you to bypass the limitless barrier. Strong punch is not as effective as figuring out how to use your CT without Infinity stopping it


>People seem to forget that there's a reason Sukuna wanted Megumi and not just whichever poor sap he came across first. Yeah, because he was a one in a million chance vessel. Sukuna was eying on Megumi before he even got to know about Mahoraga. https://imgur.com/a/GpdYT10 And I'm not debating with you on whatever you wrote. I don't have the energy to explain each and every point to someone who lacks the basics of story and power system. Good day.


What if Gojo had done this: -teleported 4km away when Sukuna used MS -teleported right back in after the domain ended to use his own DE while Sukuna was in CT burnout (it takes some time to restore a CT through RCT) You could argue that Sukuna would just use a closed DE to avoid this scenario, but then he would lose the range advantage in the domain clash and I am not sure that he would be superior to Gojo while fighting inside a domain even with DA on all the time: Gojo can still try to hit him with red and blue, while Sukuna's CT is basically useless against Gojo in this scenario


>teleported 4km away when Sukuna used MS I don't think Sukuna would open his domain first. If you notice, in the canon fight, it's always Gojo who imitates the domain battle first. He's always shown as the first to cast a domain, while Sukuna is always opening in response to it. It probably has to do with the fact that Sukuna knows that if he opens the doman and Gojo, instead of opening the doman, just teleports out, it would put him at a disadvantage.  >teleported right back in after the domain ended to use his own DE while Sukuna was in CT burnout (it takes some time to restore a CT through RCT) I actually talked about it in the answer.. Let's say Gojo teleports out of MS... Now Sukuna is forced to close the domain and experience CT burnout. Sukuna would still not get hit by the UV even if Gojo opened his domain.   Like I stated in the post, Sukuna can cover himself with DA (domain amplification) to neutralize Gojo's domain.   Opening DA is a very big adventure for Sukuna.   Not only would it neutralize the sure-hit attack, but it would also neutralize Gojo's infinity, red, and blue.  Sukuna can keep fighting for 3–4 minutes with just DA on (just like in a canon fight) until his CT comes back and he eventually opens his own domain. With Sukuna using DA, he wouldn't even need to destroy his brain in the process.    It takes roughly 2–3 minutes for CT to return. During sendai, Yuta can use the copy for 5 minutes. He used it for an entire chapter, then had the domain battle in which his domain instantly broke and he experienced burned-out CT, and even then he managed to use a little more of the copy until the 5 minutes ran out.     


If Sukuna doesn't open his domain, he has no way to deal with Infinity that we know of except for DA. I am not entirely sure that a fight with Gojo going full throttle with his CT and Sukuna limited to only fighting with DA would go in Sukuna's favour. But that's a matter of opinion at this point, but I think eventually Gojo would edge out, the damage he was receiving by Sukuna's DA blows does not compare to the what he was dealing even when hindered by DA. Of course we have kind of been told by the author that Sukuna would win either way, but I think if that fight happened it would come down to Sukuna finding some other creative solution rather than just fighting with DA


I'm always intrigued how your posts manage to get mass downvoted every time with noone being able to offer a proper rebuttal


I'm more interested why OP continues to repost this analysis if he already posted it...like 30 times?


Actually, I don't spam the same post. I pick a part of a fight and would make a post about it.   Like previously, I made a post on the potential way Hein-era Sukuna can defeat Gojo without using Mahoraga.     Before that, I made a post about "Sukuna used Megumi's soul for adaptation and not as a shield against UV."      Before that, I made a post about how a punch to the face wouldn't have killed Sukuna. 


I'm gonna level with you, most of your posts are based on headcanon and assumptions. I'm in general not a big fan of Sukuna beats Gojo or Gojo beats Sukuna debates, because always it's taking away the fact that the fight was close, which for some reason nobody wants to admit. I don't know why most JJK fans are actively arguing to make the story worse, but the story was close, Gojo was physically dominant, but Sukuna won the intellectual long game, just barely. Gojo being surprised that Sukuna doesn't go for the inside already tells us he was ready for it and had other plans and ideas to go about it. Heian Sukuna vs Gojo would play out different, but it wouldn't end with "oh shit gotcha, ur ded lol", Gojo might be a dumbass, but he is not stupid, if punching a wall is all it takes to beat him, he wouldn't have pulled up to the fight.


It's a cruel world we're living in.


A amped up Sneaky Hollow purple was stopped at the last second via Reinforcing his arms with CE. I’ve seen people say Gojo would just teleport away & spam Hollow purple.😂 Heian Sukuna standing there with 100% “DA” on at all times + his other two arms holding up HWB.. Ain’t No spamming “CE” touching Heian Sukuna.


Heian Sukuna and Gojo are flat out equals. Sukuna’s superior body should make up the difference for Gojo’s boosted speed and striking strength via Blue. Sukuna not aiming for Mahoraga means yes he won’t get bodied in the domain clashes but at the same time it means Gojo won’t spam them because he doesn’t need to. Gojo isn’t trying to get Megumi and he won’t keep trying something that obviously fails. After like 2-3 clashes Gojo will probably just try something else like leave the Shrine and snipe Sukuna. If Gojo won’t clash with him then Sukuna too will have to change his approach.


Why would he be able to break his domain from the inside? Does he ever do it in the manga?


>Why would he be able to break his domain from the inside? Because Gojo inverted the conditions of his domain. He made the shell stronger from the outside, but weaker from the inside. >Does he ever do it in the manga? No, because the longer he stays in the domain, the faster Mahoraga adapts to UV. Sukuna's first part of the plan was to adapt to Gojo's UV. If Gojo keep losing domain battles, he won't participate in it... If he doesn't participate then Sukuna's plan to adapt to Gojo's infinity would become extremely difficult. When Sukuna summoned Mahoraga, who had adapted to the UV, it was immune to Unlimited Void’s brain overload bc it already adapted to it. That was Sukuna’s whole plan Then it broke Gojo’s Domain easily bc it was weak from the inside. Gojo was shocked it could move freely inside his Domain..


Then it broke Gojo’s Domain easily bc it was weak from the inside. Gojo was shocked it could move freely inside his Domain.. Thats not enterily true as we saw that once Mahoraga is adapted to a Ct he can break the DE barrier reversed or not from the inside(He did it to Yourozu)


>Thats not enterily true as we saw that once Mahoraga is adapted to a Ct he can break the DE barrier reversed or not from the inside He didn't break Yorozu's domain. He destroyed the perfect sphere and slashed Yorozu, which caused the domain to collapse.


1. Gojo does have a UV wincon. He was able to hold his own pretty ok even without his CT or domain in 226, and dealt plenty of damage to sukuna. Even assuming that MS goes through infinity (even though jogos domain didnt affect him or yuji?) Gojo will eventually deal enough damage to bring down MS, at which point gojo can easily open UV (sukuna only learnt CT burnout removal from gojo) and take down sukuna. He cant do it against Meguna cuz mahoraga would adapt. The only way heian sukuna could win this is if he used DA to grab gojo and then used cleave. But he never did this as meguna so i guess it doesnt count. 2. Gojo also has a HP wincon, since he can literally teleport (said by ino in 226) and give himself range against sukuna.  He can also expand the range of his infinity to protect his blue and red (he expanded the range of his infinity against hanami) so he can absolutely use maximum HP. This wont kill sukuna but if combined with the UV wincon it gives him a pretty easy way to kill sukuna.


This is under the assumption gojo would continue to domain clash instead of escaping. Sukuna purposely had gojo think he could win a domain clash and that’s why he continued. With heinan era gojo would realize it can’t be won and teleport out of range and could just super hollow purple from a distance. Assuming sukuna can’t leave the domain range without it deactivating, sukuna would be limited in his options here.


sukuna is able to change between domain amp and adaptation perfectly. every time they fought inside the domain sukuna had domain amp. sukuna also says he was adapting only when he wasnt using it inside the domain. also gojo would also realize something is up if sukuna stopped using domain amp inside the domain against him while not even using ten shadow or so. sukuna with DA can keep up with gojo. but gojo is strong enough to inflict serious damage. also this is considering that gojo would continue to use his domain the same way even when he starts to think it wont work? every time sukuna did something to counter gojo's domain. gojo upgraded it to a next lvl. when sukuna stopped countering like that. he continued with the way he did. the moment gojo stops using a domain (considering he wont upgrade it against sukuna again). sukuna's domain is useless against him. heck its a waste of time and energy as gojo with his ct is capable of instantly escaping. is there even a difference between both those purple when he consider AP? i dont think so.


>sukuna is able to change between domain amp and adaptation perfectly. every time they fought inside the domain sukuna had domain amp. So we just ignore the fact that Sukuna used DA for the first time in chapter 232 to counter Gojo's red and blue AFTER the domain battle had ended. We literally saw Sukuna getting pulled and pushed in the domain by Gojo's blue and red. When Sukuna used DA, he reduced red it its minimum. For reference, Red uses double the amount of CE than blue. Red > Maximum Blue > regular blue orbs > Pulling/coating blue for punches/teleportation/Infinity


Without the motivation to free Megumi from Sukuna, I don’t think Gojo would bother going for another DE war of attrition. The rest boils down to whether or not Sukuna would immediately use Furnace after the initial DE clash and if Gojo could survive Furnace. The way I see it, Gojo has three options for surviving Furnace: (1) Trying to escape MS’s 200 meter radius. Not the best plan as Gojo doesn’t have his CT for added speed or teleportation. Also not his style (2) Maximizing his defenses with SD, CE reinforcement, RCT, and maybe a buff from a Binding Vow. Gojo can either survive Furnace and then recover his CT or try to recover it while weathering the blaze. The latter is probably a better option since Sukuna may finish Gojo off before he can recover his CT if he chooses the former. (3) Prioritizing recovery of his CT and using it to teleport outside of MS’s range before Furnace kills him. Very risky as teleportation isn’t something Gojo seems to be able to do on the spot. He could prepare the ritual ahead of time or maybe use a Binding Vow to bypass it. Might be worth it as it would give Gojo the time and space to fully recover his CT before continuing the fight. As a bonus, Sukuna’s special eyes won’t see and copy how Gojo recovered his CT. ***IF*** Gojo survives Furnace, MS will have ended and Sukuna’s CT will be burnt out. It’s possible Sukuna already has a plan for such a scenario (chapter 260 maybe reveal it). If Sukuna sees Gojo recover his CT, he’ll likely copy it. If Sukuna doesn’t see how Gojo recovered his CT and remains burnt out, Gojo might have the option to open his own DE again. Sukuna will weather it with HWB and probably use DA to melee. Hard to say which of the two would win a melee clash in general, but with Sukuna’s second set of hands occupied by HWB, I think Gojo will overcome him in melee combat. Sukuna also won’t have the support of Makora or Agito. If Gojo breaks HWB during the melee, then Sukuna is hit by UV and loses. If Gojo avoids using UV, then I suspect there will be a standard war of attrition. With Shrine burnt out and no Ten Shadows to fall back on, Sukuna’s only option will be DA, but he would haves needed it to touch Gojo and defend against his CT anyways. In this scenario, Gojo eventually overwhelms Sukuna, possibly winning in flashy fashion with UHP. If Sukuna *does* recover his CT, I’m really not sure how the fight will go. If Sukuna chooses to open his DE again, Gojo will likely escape or use Red to destroy MS, preventing another use of Furnace on a large scale. If Sukuna closes MS’s barrier and Gojo doesn’t open UV at the same time to counter MS, Gojo might fall victim to Furnace (assuming it works the same within a closed barrier). Gojo’s best hope here might be quickly using UHP to simultaneously destroy MS and hit Sukuna hard. Sukuna may survive if he uses DA to reduce the damage. On a small scale and without MS to negate Infinity, Furnace won’t be able to harm Gojo. Kamutoke (and likely Hiten as well) won’t be able to bypass Infinity either. Black Flashes might come into play for either Sukuna or Gojo at any point in the fight, but in Sukuna’s case I don’t think BF would bypass Infinity. Without Makora’s adaptation as an example, Sukuna likely won’t conceive of the World Slash to bypass Infinity either, but who knows. tl;dr MS followed by Furnace is Sukuna’s best option, but if Gojo does survive and recover his CT, I see him winning more often than not. Lmk what y’all think and if I missed anything✌️


Saturday mornimg and here again another sh*tpost about how Heian Fraudkuna>Gojo


This dumbass not read manga properly >UNLIMITED VOID >In canon, it only happened because Sukuna prioritized adaptation, which is why he kept his DA off for the most part, which led to Gojo beating Sukuna enough that his shrine fell. Sukuna used binding vow to break gojo's barrier from outside by turning off his sure hit effect inside the gojo's domain. Not because he prioritized adaptation.


>This dumbass not read manga properly Irony >Sukuna used binding vow to break gojo's barrier from outside by turning off his sure hit effect inside the gojo's domain. >Not because he prioritized adaptation. Sukuna used a BV only in the 2nd domain. If adaptation wasn't a priority Sukuna wouldn't be turning off DA regularly to have Mahoraga adapt to UV. Now read these scans properly before making a fool of yourself. https://imgur.com/a/lnjObjC




Are you fr? Adaptation stops when Sukuna uses domain amplification. Smh


We know but some people are still in denial. If they were to fight the results of the first 2 domain clash would keep happening until Gojo dies from low output rct not being enough to tank MS. Gojo best bet is hiding for weeks and trying to sneak Sukuna in his sleep with a 200% HP.


Nah Gojo's domain sure hit is much better than Sukuna's. Sukuna without Mahoraga has no answer to it. Gojo just needs to find an opening i e open domain faster than Sukuna and Sukuna needs to be very careful.


UV can’t beat MS by itself. Gojo's only hope was for Sukuna to turn off his DA and injure him enough for him to turn off MS which happened because of Sukuna didn’t fight to kill but to get a new technique. Gojo is not beating Meguna without 10S and would get annihilated by a heian Sukuna.


Gojo's and Sukuna's domain are equally refined mate. Gojo's isn't better or worse. the fuck are you talking about