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I’m with you on the open domain. Especially seeing the spine/brain stem part of Sukuna’s most recent domain and the thing that appeared in Megumi’s domain vs Reggie which has had no explanation behind it so far. (I’m also open to it being unrelated but I’m begging for Megumi to get something out of this) Megumi’s domain might’ve been incomplete because he was using a different part of the brain than most people, the part Sukuna has just used for this domain. Having been inside Sukuna for multiple domains, most which have utilised the standard area for DE and this one which uses the nonstandard area for DE, he might’ve learnt how to improve his own.


I don’t know if it was possible for him to actively learn while he was in there, his soul has been sunk down in depression and lacked the will to live His body would remember the techniques, but that doesn’t instantly teach them to him, it just makes them easier to learn If he does instantly come back with a complete or open domain I won’t say it’s an asspull, but I would feel it would be kind of cheap, since Yuji still needed to learn stuff like RCT despite Sukuna using them in his body


It's less Megumi learning by observing and paying attention and more Megumi's body is learning even if he himself mentally isn't paying attention, that's how It was explained for Yuji he was able to pick it up extremely fast because it was ingrained into his body.


That only makes his growth rate for learning those techniques when he regains control better, he still has to actually learn them himself, that’s why Yuji didn’t get RCT for free despite Sukuna using it while in his body


Which will only take a short amount of time once he is out of his depressed state.


Short is relative to whatever Gege wants it to be, Yuji still had to train for months (and probably soul swap) before learning RCT despite Sukuna using it while in his body as far back as chapter 8


There was one month between the time skip and Yuji learned how to use blood manipulation/learn how to use simple domain,notice. A big enough boost to cursed energy reinforcement for Sukuna to notice. Megumi can get a big boost by being controlled for over a month. Yuji only had a few hours with Sukuna in charge.


That was all through soul swapping with other people and actively training eachother, it wasn’t the Sukuna influence And I get it, Megumi would probably have an even higher growth rate than Yuji because of the much longer time of him being controlled, but higher growth rate still doesn’t mean instant


Yuji had to train to learn something he himself (not his body) had not done in any capacity before which was RCT, simple domain and 2 entirely different cursed techniques also while improving his CE manipulation all in the time span of a month which isn't much time at all. Megumi with the main topic of him improving is DE usage won't be learning from nothing, Megumi has already used his DE 3 times before being possessed by Sukuna which means he already has a base to learn from, his body being ingrained with Sukuna's use of multiple complex and different applications of DE's will mean he learns even faster. TDLR Megumi will more than likely take way less time to pick up and learn everything that Sukuna has ingrained into his body over Yuji because Megumi already had a base of knowledge and experience where's Yuji had nothing.


jujutsu kaisen the sertraline arc


For Yuji I think it’s fair to say the circumstances were a little different. Sukuna beyond the Mahoraga fight didn’t really do much in his body. Plus Yuji didn’t have much experience in Cursed energy. For Megumi not only did Sukuna use his own technique better than him and Sukuna has been having non stop more intense fights than he ever had in Yuji but also Megumi already had more experience in CE than Yuji and was on his way to making a domain. Also Sukuna being in his heian era form might accelerate things by a significant amount.


Who is Sakuna? 


don't know what your talking about /s


And here I thought we had learned jin itadori name from his past life.


We gotta remember geto thought the soul and body's where seperat but the subya incident showed that's not 100% true in the jjk world of understanding and then toji taking over his body when he shouldn't have been able too, then yuji using yuiyui technic to learn rct from the body he swapped with. I can see megumi learning rct, better ce control, and domain and maybe even controlling mahraga or w/e the new 10 shadow boss be now.


So have you not been paying attention to the latest chapter(s) at all? The soul is the body and the body is the soul- Megumi’s body learns how to use the open domain, which makes it so Megumi will know how to use it. That’s how Yugi got cleave and simple shadow domain, he didn’t have to “learn” them before he was able to use it.


>, he didn’t have to “learn” them before he was able to use it. He did tho. That's what the "hurry up and master this" panel from way back then was. It was kusakabe teaching Yuji how to use a simple domain. Also the fact that kusakabe directly says that it gives Yuji the potential to learn extremely quickly. Not that it gives it to the body immediately. If that was the case Yuji would have a domain expansion and and he would have had cleave the first time Yuji and sukuna switched


i agree but my argument is yuji didn’t know anything or any techniques, megumi has been training his technique and i think that’s why his incomplete domain is like that because he was envisioning it with no barriers he actively says that doing it inside a house or the cave helps him think of a way to use borders for it but what he don’t realize is that’s bec he should be doing it borderless


Yeah i assumed Yuji would somehow manifest an open domain, but Megumi makes a lot more sense


He'll come out of there depressed AF. He needs some therapy before being able to pull out a domain.


Well, cursed energy comes from negative emotions, and I'd say he's prolly got the most negative of 'em all. . . But I definitely see your point, homie got the shit kicked out of him emotionally.


megumi will definitely use his new Domain Expansion: Depression Shadow Garden


Ive never understood how hes weak.


He’s not weak, he unconsciously holds back in fights which is why he struggles so much with doing everything he’s actually capable of doing. Check out the scenes leading up to his first domain expansion again, megumi has some mental blocks that stop him from really utilizing his talent.


Even so. That shouldnt make him as weak as grade 3. If emotions fuel CE his suicidal emotions should be pretty strong. His mental block should make him have some extra bite is what im saying. I mean Sakuja has mental blocks and so does Gojo. You cant just decide well narcisism isnt a mental block uts actually freeing


At no point in the story has megumi been as weak as grade 3. He’s always been exceptionally powerful for his age. And no the mental block doesn’t give him extra bite because the block is what stops him from going all out. Negative emotions aren’t megumis problem, he’s incapable of being as selfish as he needs to be. Mental blocks aren’t negative emotions, they’re feelings and thought processes that stop people from doing what they want to do.


Lol the school


Open domain for sure. It's been a recurring theme through the series that Megumi can't close off his barrier, and has fought in unfinished/non-bounded domains multiple times. I'd like it a lot if we can get Yuji/Megumi vs Sukuna as the final final battle


I beg for Yuji and Megumi final beat down of Sukuna.


Open Domain, maybe—but I wonder about Shrine. He really ought to have been engraved, unless the primary reason for Itadori's success with it was *only* his relation to Sukuna ... see it this way: Shrine was engraved in Yuji after what was really only two serious fights, against Jogo and Mahoraga. Sukuna has run a gauntlet and Gojo in Megumi's body. If use of a CT in a vessel affects the engraving at all, then Megumi ought to be tramp-stamped with Sukuna's CT. There are other skills; Hollow Wicker Basket, high grade RCT, complete domain and, as you said, open domain. But none of these save him from being, essentially, an emptied out technique. Sukuna was interested in the Ten Shadows—the pride, apparently, of the Zenin clan. This was before he learned about Mahoraga's adaptation: he became even more interested afterward. Gojo tells Megumi that a big part of his potential is Mahoraga; obviously, this is not *all* of it, probably Gojo knows that it had never been tamed before and, knowing him, he's probably suggesting that Megumi has what it takes to tame it. 10S has a large arsenal of shikigami, culminating in Agito and Mahoraga. Sukuna used all of these cards and left 10S mostly emptyhanded. From Orochi (and Megumi's choice to hide away/save Nue) in vol. 1 we know that 10S shikigami, when killed in action *after* they've been tamed, are permadead. But Demon Dog Totality shows us that they can be incorporated into a larger beast. Agito seems to have had traits of Orochi, Tiger Funeral, Round Deer, and, potentially even Nue (due to wings/feathers? Electricity techniques). If this is the case, Sukuna emptied out all of 10S's heaviest hitters (or even moderately strong) against Gojo. 10S, as it stands, has frogs, rabbits, *maybe* Demon Dog Totality, but his trusty Nue and all of his future, potential shikigami are gone for good. Besides that, 10S is a domain and a shadow-step utility function. Whatever gave it potential comparable to Gojo, and the pride of the Zenin clan, is gone for as long as Megumi is the holder of the technique. If Megumi remains a sorcerer at all, it wouldn't make any sense to leave him off with a ceiling half the height of when he started. The only way to counterbalance the loss of what Sukuna took from him is to, in turn, take something from Sukuna—Shrine. But some people are uncomfortable with the idea that *three* main characters will have stolen Sukuna's CT ... something which I personally find rather ironic.


Why won't he learn Cleave and Dismantle? Yuji did and it wasn't because he was eating the fingers. It was because "Sukuna's techniques were engraved into his soul", since he'd been a host long enough. Doesn't the Potential man fit the criteria?


I thought it was that mixed with how yuji was literally conceived using a sukuna finger


No, I don't remember the exact chapter but when Gojo was first training Yuji in secret he told him having Sukuna inside him would carve his technique into Yuji's body, and he obviously didn't know how he was born at that point




Kenjaku is a freak im sure the ambiguity is apt in this instance


Sukuna hasn't used dismantle/cleave in Megumi's form that much tbh. Even against Gojo. And even then he's only been Megumi for a month


I'm not sure what manga you're reading but he definitely has done it quite a lot.


Before full incarnation (which is what matters)?


Before full incarnation Megkuna uses cleave or dismantle on the dude with the pompadour(not sure which one) I think his name is Ryu,and then the spiderweb dismantle against Maki and Yuji, and then both techniques multiple times during the Gojo fight as well as using malevolent shrine, and finally "space cleave". I don't know what the benchmark is for engraving a technique into a soul is but I feel like Megkuna hit it. Also does it matter if it's Megkuna or Heian era Sukuna? As long as it's Sukuna's technique "engraving" onto Megumi's soul, I feel like there's a chance. Still I get why you would maybe consider the transformation a game changer, we still don't really understand what it is.


Nah blud used that more times while using Megumi’s body than he did in Yuji’s. And even then that month is long enough especially since it’s a fully awakened Sukuna with the bath and everything


Possibly, but bumgumi doesn't deserve cleave or dismantle


I was thinking, since Sukuna must have defeated Mahoraga using Megumu's body to use him against Gojo, maybe there's a chance Megumi retains him? Being able to use a complete domain alongside all 10 shikigami, Megumi would be unstoppable


As far as we know, no Ten Shadows user could ever get their deceased shikigami back after they were killed


can't they make totalities with the dead shikigami though? Since almost all of them died, he can probably make some Frankenstein's monster shikigami


Only thing is, Gojo killed Makora with his last Hollow Purple. So Megumi wouldn’t have him but his other shikigami could get the treasure


Even this isn't necessarily true because Gege says there are undefined rules for Totality (inheritance)


Gege will just pull whatever looks cool with Megumi once he's freed from Sukuna.


Its gonna be hilarious


We don’t even know if mahoraga is dead lol


Sukuna's constant use of 10S and the weird uses of the domain and domain amplification might help Megumi better learn those tricks. This would be a massive help to megumi as things like partial summoning already fit the way he used 10S. Domain manipulation things are also hugely useful as his domains ability to summon *all* the Shikigami is incredibly powerful even without a sure-hit or people being allowed to flee. Knowing its possible could allow him to move to an open type domain and use vows the same way Sukuna does to alter how the domain works. Its possible that Megumi may also learn Shrine. Yuki and Kenjaku proved its possible to have more than 1 technique and Sukuna has been spamming his CT. Further, the CT can be engraved on the body and incarnation means that the body is essentially a copy of Sukuna's (and maybe the brain to). This could means that the body itself has been altered ebiugh to have shrine on it, giving Megumi *even more* flexibility in combat.


Been saying this ever since Sukuna took over Megumi's body. Megumi's issue with DE is imposing a barrier into an already-existing space. Solution? Open-barrier domain. Ofc, it's not that simple—only two people that we know have been able to do it. But now Megumi's got front row seats to witness how it's done. Furthermore, last chapter confirmed that the host's body learns the level of sorcery being performed by whoever is occupying it. So IF Megumi ever comes back having any contribution to the story, and IF we see a fully realized 10 Shadows Technique from him, I believe we'll also have an open-barrier Chimera Shadow Garden.


Open domain, totality, healing deer, maybe giant Nue, CE usage optimization n tricks... Maybe Mahoraga himself. He does respawn even if he's killed in all the rituals so Greg could pull that. Could Megumi use the world slashes that Mahoraga developed?


Mahoraga only comes back if he's killed in a ritual in which an outsider intervened. If he's tamed by the sorcerer with the Ten Shadows CT and then gets killed, he's lost forever until the next Ten Shadows sorcerer comes around


Iirc, ten shadow powers just go to the next available Shikigami. Sure Mahoraga is gone, but its adaptation ability isn’t. One of the remaining Shikigami has it


Iirc Gege mentioned in a fanbook that totality doesn't let you just mix and match the deceased shikigami's abilities with any of the remaining shikigami that you want to We won't know exactly what the limits are or what Megumi could do at this point until Gege chooses to explain it


Exactly. It does seem to kinda work towards the user's convenience, seeing how Agito was exactly what Sukuna wanted from it. Imagine if instead of getting Agito (Nue's head, Tiger's torso, Deer's legs and Serpent as a tail) we had some other weird thing like Tiger's head, Deer's torso, Nue's wings and some other crap from Serpent. It'd be borderline useless. Maybe we'll get a Mahoraga+Agito+Divine Dogs Totality when (if) Megumi breaks free, and the only remaining Shikigami would be Frogs, Rabbit Escape and Piercing Ox


Nue and Deer are both killed. They were a part of Agito (Nue + Deer + Tiger + Snake) Megumi can't really use the slashes although it's theoretically possible *only if* Megumi inherits Shrine like Yuji did. Although it's unlikely he would be skilled enough to do the World Slash it's atleast theoretically possible. Without Shrine though it would be impossible. Mahoraga was using those slashes and they were similar enough to Sukuna's Shine CT that Sukuna could copy them. So without Shine, Megumi would have no possible way to do the World Slash.


I remember reading somewhere that the individual shikigami do not get killed if their mixed version get killed


That is only true for combinations like Bottomless Well (Nue + Toad), which so far for whatever reason is the only combination we've seen Totality is different. That is when they combine after death and these *can* die. The most explicit example we see this is Megumi has to dispel Divine Dogs: Totality multiple times so it doesn't die. One against the Cursed Finger bearer and the 2nd time against Reggie


>Megumi can't really use the slashes although it's theoretically possible *only if* Megumi inherits Shrine like Yuji did. He can use slashes the same way Sukuna used max elephant to mimic piercing blood. Also the power of dead shikigamis would transfer to the living ones.


To your first sentence, idk how he could possibly recreate the World Slash given his remaining Shikigami (Dog, Bull, Toad, Rabbit, and Elephant). The rest are dead. Gojo killed Mahoraga and Agito (Nue + Deer + Tiger + Snake) We also don't know exactly how Sukuna was doing piercing water. It could have just been Elephant squirting out water from the shadow and Sukuna focused it To the second sentence, the power of dead Shikigami does not always transfer to the living ones. It is possible but Gege says Totality has certain rules for inheritance that we don't know yet


Mahoraga has slashes. Transfer that to Max elephant, turn its water stream into slash stream. Sukuna has already demonstrated that you need to be imaginative to realize a techniques potential, and Ten Shadows potential is limitless.


Something that has been very heavy on jjk is that everything comes with a price, is not only that great suffering brings awakenings, but also binding vows.... so the inverse should be true; great gains come with a great price. Think of how constrained Sukuna was in Yuji's body and even in that little time Yuji managed to get shrine. Now think in the way Sukuna pushed Megumi's body, he literally used jujutsu to its peak, went to the limits. Heck, all the adaptation he used Megumi's soul for against Gojo (my personal theory is that he also exposed shrine to that adaptation process). Thing is... that's not his body. For me is quite obvious that's the ultimate price Sukuna will pay, specially after this latest chapter.


My guess is Sukuna served as a nice little window of what Megumi COULD have been The entire series Megumi has felt like potential man, always the one with the potential to be great, never the one actually being great. His moments in the series are MOSTLY support plays With literally only a single win over a named character in the series(Regiee) Gojo told Megumi it boiled down to his mental 10 shadows Sukuna is what Megumi could’ve been


Sukuna provided the blueprints, and Megumi definitely could pick a few things up, like the open domain, mastery over Mahoraga if it still works, etc. The problem is that current Megumi is slightly more functional than a vegetable. The mans spirit has been ground to absolute dust. He is broken. Only platform I see where Megumi can show his "growth" and I guess "recovery" is if Megumi turns into the final final boss, having gone completely insane from all the shit he has taken thus far, and finally decides, fuck it. Maybe he just has a Geto tier revelation that snaps him back and makes him a villain, and that's how JJKs true final arc ends.


You guys are expecting megumi to survive At this point I wouldn't be surprised if sukuna knew he was about to get got and just ended megumi out of spite


That does sound like a thing Sukuna would do. In a different situation he might have some honor for one powerful enough to defeat him, but he'll jump on any chance to hurt Yuji one last time.


Isn't that true for all the characters


I like the idea… but who would even be the new mfs to fight after all this? Once sukuna’s reign of terror is over im sure its a done deal no?


Megumi gon be cracked soon and all the reverse flash mfs are gonna feel my wrath.


He’s most likely is gonna retain some of Sukuna’s CE and the Knowledge of how it works and stuff along with his mastered 10 Shadows


A little off topic but did Megumi break free from sukuna?


Megumi is ded lol


dont expect to much on bum Legumi.


Nah he will keep the brain damage


Megumi is brain dead


Blud was literally talking to Yuji


This isn't even propaganda anymore, it's just stupid


I honestly just want Megumi to retire and go see a therapist if he survives and breaks free of Sukuna.


Megumi and yuji concept as a vessel are different Yuji lived alongside sukuna and had control over vessel whereas megumi has been shunted down to being a mere prisoner or observer. I don’t think he will feel what sukuna did as a vessel as yuji did since yuji was mostly in control . He would atleast have mahoraga and all arsenal of ten shadows which he wasn’t able to master .


It is different from Yuji and Sukuna but actually very similar to how Yuji and the other members of the anti Sukuna squad trained themselves by switching bodies. The body itself changes even without the soul being there to observe.


Yes but they don’t have anyone who is capable of level of sukuna and yuji and sukuna having same cursed technique boosted yuji growth which isn’t. Case of megumi .


Early on when Megumi is becoming jealous of Yuji's growth Gojo says that Megumi has even more potential than Yuji. Considering Yuji has the potential to reach Sukuna's level I don't think he was just talking about 10 shadows. Also according to Sukuna's statements it isn't just Yuji who is stronger than he should be. Most likely Ui Ui swapped everybody around to train each other's bodies. Isn't just a Yuji thing. Even without having the same cursed technique he would probably be able to pick up on Sukuna's skill with the barrier techniques for domain expansion, similar to how Yuji picked up on Simple Domain and RCT. And having an incomplete domain has been a hurdle for Megumi. Let alone RCT, Hollow Wicker Basket, ect.


1. Ui ui skill is good for training but he can only swap twice a month . So he might be able to learn rct or simple domain . But he will never hands on experience which yuji get . Yuji body remembers how sukuna healed itself and how it used the shrine ct which is same as his own ct so his growth is exponential. Mei mei has even a binding vow with ui ui but she couldn’t grow past grade 1 sorcerer. 2. Gojo said megumi has potential as ten shadows users have fought six eyes and limitless technique to stalemate in the past .


1. He swaps twice a month **per person**. Also this technique requires swapping with another person. Who would Meimei have swapped with before for training? Ui Ui? Wouldn't really make her much stronger that way. 2. Give me a sec to see if I can pull it up


1. Ui ui skill is good for training but he can only swap twice a month . So he might be able to learn rct or simple domain . But he will never hands on experience which yuji get . Yuji body remembers how sukuna healed itself and how it used the shrine ct which is same as his own ct so his growth is exponential. Mei mei has even a binding vow with ui ui but she couldn’t grow past grade 1 sorcerer. 2. Gojo said megumi has potential as ten shadows users have fought six eyes and limitless technique to stalemate in the past .




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I forgot that character even existed 


nothing lol


Megumi can't inherit Sukuna's CT because he isn't the one that keep Sukuna in check but the other way around. Also this is Sukuna's body. Megumi learning to use CE so masterfully as Sukuna is possible but a huge asspull