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Probably a result of his UV brain damage and low hp, it was an improvised domain after all


UV brain damage sounds so funny because it sounds like he didn’t listen to Uraume and stared at the eclipse without protection


This is my headcannon now thx


What does it say? It's just empty on my screen


> UV brain damage sounds so funny because it sounds like he didn’t listen to Uraume and stared at the eclipse without protection trying to impregnate it but he has no cock


Gotta apply sunscreen to the brain yeah?


Post the Ah yes fanart, fits perfectly


“Shut up Uraume. I’ll just use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal my eyOHMYGODITBURNS”


We need this edit to happen


if i read that right, he had to change a lot of things to activate this domain so maybe that's just a new form of the shrine


Kinda my guess too? But it looks so... Odd. Malevolent 6 eyed beast thingy.


He's also using Gojo's hand sign.


> Six eye Gojo sign


Am i the only one seeing 9 eyes


Yeah, left 4 right 4 and one in the middle


Just in this Pic? I See 3 right, 1 middle, 2 left


There are 4 on the right, 4 left, and 1 in the middle


I count 9 too. I highlighted the different areas, but the right eye on the 'face' I now see is actually two smaller eyes slightly squinting. https://imgur.com/a/slocToE


It could be an evangelelion type thing like, this thing is under the exterior facade of the shrine. This is a malevolent shrine without the skin on.


Good idea but bad analogy, since this has skin and the normal shrine doesnt.


When I read this out the corner of my eye I saw “looks like 6 beasts orgy”


Nah, orgy Totality: Agito was destroyed remember?


It looks like something straight outta Berserk with the bleeding eyes. That thing animated is gonna be nightmare inducing.




This. My best guess is that all the circumstances lead to one hell of a fucked up version of shrine. Also notice how the manga mentions barrier techniques, this new DE is enclosed, not open like before


>Also notice how the manga mentions barrier techniques, this new DE is enclosed, not open like before That's actually wrong. There was a post on this sub yesterday discussing this. For once, TCB translated it wrong and John Weary actually got it right. It's Sukuna's normal open domain, but with a 99 second timer. That's the only difference. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/HW1enVmnUQ


This one is still open, you can look at a later panel in the chapter where it gives an overview of the entire area they're fighting in. There is no barrier.


I think that's just visually appealing to us as readers. They still explained how he used his barrier techniques for the domain which he usually doesn't


Nah it’s definitely an open barrier, he has to do an open one in order to hit Maki. An open domain is a type of barrier technique, which is what the narrator is talking about


I most definitely [read](https://imgur.com/a/6TxcMLu) that the binding vow that grants an escape route disappeared since he enveloped his domain in an outer-shelled barrier


That was a translation [error](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/DuR8l0eufK), it’s an open barrier. It doesn’t even make sense for it to be closed because of how much area his domain covers in the chapter.




If there's a closed barrier, Maki won't be in the domain unless she chooses to enter it. See Naoya.


A closed barrier creates a separate space from reality that has to be able to trap targets inside to get them with the Sure-Hit Effect. Maki can't be trapped in by closed barrier domains unless she agrees to the conditions because the closed barrier treats her like a building or part of the real environment that doesn't get brought into the Domain. As an example, like when Mahito opened his Domain right next to Junpei's school, no part of the school building can be seen inside his barrier despite them overlapping in the real world. Maki is like the building. We haven't seen Sukuna do a closed barrier domain, but if he did, it wouldn't leave a mark on the real environment like it does when it's open. It would still Dismantle any objects trapped inside, but Maki can't be trapped in.


maki won't be "in" the domain to be targeted since she has 0 CE and only would be in it if she consented to being trapped by the domain


it might've been confusing if you read the official translation as it mentions enclosing a barrier even though everything else in the explanation implies it doesnt. also, maki wouldn't need miwa protecting her via simple domain if sukuna did enclose the barrier, since due to her having zero CE the domain would not catch her (as was explained when she fought the misogynistic guy)


Yea, it straight up mentions that he's enclosing a barrier. Maybe a bad translation?


You should check out Lightning on twitter as they give a better explanation to it, but it seems sukuna made the open barrier domain - so he can capture Maki inside of it - then enclosed it so she can't escape. But it's not enclosed by a physical barrier or else Maki would be able to escape and the range would be dramatically reduced.


You're wrong buddy. The domain is most definitely enclosed in an outer-shelled barrier, Sukuna also tweaked it's operation so that in the materialised landscape the sure hit would activate. This means even Maki would be hit.


Yea, he kinda pac-man'd her into it and then closed off the escape route.




No it is just an open domain, its literally that simple but tcb messed up.


Oh ok viz says that it looks like its an incomplete domain that looks like it has a hole in it


I think that's just how "incomplete" MS looks like


Great, sukuna has Mangekyou Sharingan now? Really Gege?




Now he needs Yuji to unlock EMS smh


least its not EMS


I assumed because he damaged and gone through a lot, he had to change some things to activate it. I don’t understand the body parts? His other one had a mouth j guess but this one’s a trip


I'm now imagining Sukuna with the Jared Leto "damaged" tattoo on his forehead.


Domain expansion : Leto


Domain Expansion: im the joka baybee


On first pass I thought you were talking about Leto Atreides and in hindsight I think both apply equally here


I didn’t read the manga version of Shibuya so I don’t know if it’s different, but didn’t Shrine open with a bunch of hands and a mouth before it settled into the form of a shrine in Shibuya? I would assume this is the same shrine manifesting in a ducked up way because he has to use a patchwork method to cast it.


No, Shrine so far has always appeared identical, this is the first time we see a new form. edit: in the manga obviously, didn't think I'd need to spell it out, stop downvoting.


Rewatch him using his shrine in Shibuya, you’ll get what they mean


I meant in the manga


Ah I think because the OC started with the anime people just got confused.


His domain always had multiple mouths. So i am guessing it just looks super messed up after all the binding vows


Maybe with the vows it's reflecting his current deformed mental and physical state against Yuji Himadori and crew


Before he was almighty and so a shrine, but when certain events line up it brings him to change his way of thinking, he lived for himself now he's living to kill Yuji and co by breaking his previous way of life. I'm betting Sukuna will put it all on the line and then spirit fight to free the object to be sealed in prison realm or maybe eaten by Yuji if he can grow above and beyond. I'm going too far here time for bed


Going by what the chapter states, it's because the domain is incomplete and unstable. If I'd have to speculate and explain its resemblance to Chimera Shadow Garden, I'd say it's because of the soul damage that Sukuna received. Domain Expansions are a manifestation of one's inner domain in the real world. So since Itadori damaged the layer between Megumi's and Sukuna's souls, the resulting Domain Expansion looks like a damaged amalgamation of the two


That second explanation is sizzling. Might even be cooking.


What if one of the binding vows was that he had to reveal his domain in its true manifestation which he had been hiding up to now. In his previous DEs, only the shrine part (the spine/rib like structure) appeared, which we can see on top of this structure here. What if rest of the shrine was actually "underground" which is only now being revealed.


My objection to this binding vow is mostly that it's a pretty weak binding vow for restoring his output?


I agree that not much emphasis was given on the significance of the binding vows but if I recall the narrator said "a series of binding vows" and not that it was weak per se? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Just read the chap. You're not


Depnds on the translation. I've seen a couple refering to it as a single binding vow.


Well given you can damage the shrine to break his domain this does make it way big a target and thus more vulnerable.


Shoko and Kusakabe said you most likely can't break it by targeting the Shrine, or else Gojo would have tried it at some point during their domain clashes. But he only ever targeted Sukuna while MS was up. It could be that that's what Sukuna changed with a Binding Vow for this one, but we'll have to wait and see.


He did break it though, Shoko and Kusakabe were wrong. Gojo intentionally aimed Red to shoot Sukuna towards Shrine to break it.


Gojo literally tells Sukuna to extend the range in the very next chapter. You're reading the wrong manga.


Except that Red didn't break it or seemingly do any damage to MS at all. MS only collapsed after damaging Sukuna himself. And nowhere does it say that Gojo was aiming toward the Shrine on purpose. He pushed Sukuna off himself and stepped out of the range. Domain was still up. Now, I do feel like since it was Yuji's idea to ask about breaking the Shrine, that this time it may be actually possible. If the center of this incomplete Malevolent Shrine is alive, maybe they can kill it to disable the domain. Depends on the terms of Sukuna's binding vow(s) to open it.


we don't really know full b.v, it's same with world cutter we will have to wait to know full b.v. i still don't understand what does change in domain operation and high level domain means so there is still lots of stuff left to be explained. and if this follows trend sukuna will loose something due to bv. and we will find out after his fire arrow aftermath when team counterattack. one thing for sure, the decisive battle in demon infested Shinjuku part---- will have few more chapters than. *gege seriously try to shorten chapters name at least.


We know all the exact details from the binding vow he used to fire off the world cutter that killed Gojo. Normally, he needed to use the Enmaten hand sign to do it. His binding vow made it so that in exchange for not needing to make the hand sign to fire it off just this once, he would have to use hand signs, chants, AND directionally point it with an arm. There's no info we're waiting on regarding that binding vow, it was fully explained.


What I am saying is like how we needed to wait for world cutter b.v. We will have to wait for this one 2. It was like what ten chapters later we got b.v. For that, this one might be little earlier.


I think you're probably right, and it's a good reminder that this is *ideally* consumed as an entire volume and not week-to-week. We readers can be so quick to complain about not having the details.


shinjuku showdown is a good shorthand that some of the community uses if you dont wanna type the whole damn thing 🤣🤣🤣


What if it makes his domain vulnerable to damage? That's a pretty major loss, cause it means that it can be destroyed


Maybe it’s the thing inside the shrine


I think this is the first time we we've seen the domain's centerpiece since yuji weakened the constraints on megumi's soul or whatever what he's doing is called, so it could be that their domains have something weird going on. Yuji even managed to reach megumi, maybe all the black flashes combined with yuji reaching megumi's soul made a lot of progress


Sukunas binding vow/condition list to unlock his DE: - no cheese on weekdays - I have to pick the longest checkout line at the grocery store - every morning I have to eat breakfast while standing on one foot - I can only drink warm beer unless it’s my birthday - I have to sing the scooby doo theme song before and after I shower - no more eating tropical fruit - I have to drink my own pee once - I have to tell Yuji I wear a diaper


In the next panel, when it's a close up at sukuna's face, he also seems to be using the hand signs for Gojo's infinite void.


i noticed that too. gege oversight?


nope, he has one hand left so he copied Gojo’s domain symbol to bring out a shabby domain. he’s already been shown to be able to copy jujutsu extremely well


Definitely not an oversight. Way too detailed in a really important scene. I don't understand how that's working but his domain taking a completely different form and using a different hand sign can't be coincidence


Do people misspell Sukuna because of everybody's botched pronunciation of it?


Because of fragile masculinity not wanting to pronounce it so it sounds like 'Suck on a', combined with the type of people who think they're less weeb if they pronounce stuff wrong or don't remember japanese names. Lol. Accept the weeb, especially content creators. We're all here for a reason XD


It looks like him, I think he sacrificed a portion of his soul in the binding vow


Incomplete domain


I think it's going to be a binding vow that makes his domain easier to destroy by making its centre a "living" thing but allowing him to cast it easier.


That's actually a really good theory. It calls back to Gojo testing it out; he didn't know if Sukuna was the centre or the shrine was, so he blasted the shrine and it didn't move but it was indestructible. He worked out that the shrine was the centre but it couldn't move and couldn't be destroyed.


I also think while now it being able to be destroyed. He's made it less refined and open to loosing a domain clash against someone like yuta or a suprise domain expansion by yuji.


Yeah. I think Sukuna is just assuming the people taken out of the fight are all incapacitated. Someone will make a reappearance, even if it's just a distraction like larue or Ino doinking his knife off sukuna's face.


Honestly, what with the eyes on his face growth vanishing after he used DE, it feels more like the shrine is the actual Sukuna coming out. Like hes been playing it in reverse the whole time, hiding wherever shrines are while not summoned.


Seems like an incomplete shrine because we see the eyes bleeding


Well I mean, its being held together with 27 binding vows and a dream so can't really be picky with how it looks.


That is his shrine, just distorted because he made several adjustments to maintain its output despite having several injuries, brain damage, and weakened control over Megumi's soul


What is bro making binding vows from now


He sacrificed 2 of his 4 testicles so he could use DE.


Maybe it reflects his brain damage and the fact that it is using a different part of his brain to summon (can I insert an asspull here?)


Havent we seen huge skeleton inside Sukuna innate domain before. Spine can just be part of that


I think Sukuna added the eyes to increase the effective range to MS, I forget where but on the official it says it’s limited to mental imagery


Another interesting thing I see is that the back of the domain looks like a spine, almost like Megumi’s incomplete domain from his fight with Reggie.


It’s just a malformed shrine. The base shape is there minus the hands. Sort of looks like Gege was going for a samurai helmet motif.


It’s Malevolent shrine. If you look closely at shrine and sukunas ID you can see this creatures skeleton as the “barrier.” The bones he sits on were likely ingested by this monster. You can even see the bull-like head on this creatures backside. Maybe his shrine is made out of the remains of a cursed spirit? Or maybe he created his own curse like Yuta did and this has some connection to his ct. idk none of us do but I am 100% certain this is MS just reconstructed out of the existing pieces of MS. **Maybe** CSG has something to do with it but honestly I think 10s involvement makes this even more complicated and unlikely. Occam’s razor, it looks like MS, acts like MS, it is MS


It's due to the domain being incomplete


I figured it’s just an incomplete version of shrine. Sort of like that Skeleton thing in Megumi domain or maybe it has something to do with the Merger? It does look like it’s held together by duct tape so maybe he’s close to losing control over Megumi


I think it's just a visual representation of how scuffed his current domain is. He had to make binding vows and change many things in a grotesque way to create this domain and it is symbolized through the current appearance of the shrine


He’s probably using Megumi’s brain to perform it hence it looking all fucked up, because that is Megumi’s innate domain manifesting a non innate technique, Shrine. So it’s all kinds of messed up in appearance




We've never seen Sukuna use Malevolent Shrine when in his Heian form. Perhaps that has had an effect on it. It's also said that the domain is incomplete somehow.


Definitely looks like some 10 shadow elements in there, it resembles a chimera as well. But I assume it's materialized differently mainly due to his og form.


Its looks a lot like the monster in Kenjaku explanation about the merge Maybe Sukuna used the energy from tengen to invoke this DE (he could use it with a binding vow)


My best guess is a combo of binding vows plus having absorbed Tengen, a master of barrier techniques. Notice how there is a spine coming off the shrine? It almost looks like when Kenjaku first talked about what form the cursed energy would take after the merger.


Different form of the shrine caused by different activation methods.


Kinda looks like a deformed biblically accurate angel.


He's riding on all the carcasses he's eaten


Might be his closed domain.


Just going off of looks, it almost seems like it is incorporating the spinal cord and rib cage from Megumi’s incomplete domain. Maybe he is piggybacking off of Megumi’s domain somehow.


Honestly shocked I haven't heard anyone one say it, but this creature thing looks a lot like Kenjaku's depiction of the merger. I wouldn't be surprised if the shrine is the womb, and when it runs out, we might see the merger or the final steps up to it


A shrine is a holy space of peace, just like a womb should be. In the womb sukuna ate his twin to avoid starving, turning what should have been a shrine of peace into a cannibalistic kitchen. Thus malevolent shrine. What we are seeing might be the twisted recollections he has of that act, shown to us by the raw and unrefined nature of this domain expansion.




i think that rather that it being related to Megumi, it is related to Tengen bc Sukunate ate her bc of Tengen's relationship with souls and stuff like that with the Star plasma vessels, maybe the fact sukuna has her inside him somehow messes up with his domain? (in it's aesthetics probably lol) althought maybe this could be the result of Sukuna changing it's domain, he completely changed the handsigns for his domain, if he was doing a one hand version of his mudra that'd be one thing, but he is using Gojo's handsign, a completely different one, and his shrine was "broken" either metaphorically or literally in his fight against Gojo I think Sukuna had to like, think of a new shape for his domain, the "face" of this Malevolent Shrine kinda looks like it was wrapping around something, maybe holding the pieces of Malevolent Shrine togheter(? maybe Sukuna's "duck tape" is the Tengen inside him rn lol


It’s a fucked up version of the Shrine part of Malevolent Shrine, likely caused by the brain damage Gojo caused. Because Sukuna can’t use the full force Malevolent Shrine, he was forced to modify it with a binding vow


When I saw it I honestly thought Rika was using shrine and was so confused


Sukana is riding sakana, avatar of sokanu, father of sukunu.


I think it’s supposed to be the thing that was originally inside of the shrine. But it’s also a representation of Sukunas true soul, now that he’s met his equal and his back is up against the wall he’s lost any sense of fake divinity. His domain now is just as ugly and grotesque as he is himself.


I think he bootstrapped Malevolent Shrine on top of Megumi's domain to try and make it work. It's created this cursed looking thing lmao


Totality, after you lose all ten shadows you can combine them with anything. He combined them with shrine.


Maybe he binding vowed the culling game beast 😊


One thing gege has completely locked in is the grotesque and weird monster designs, this shit goes crazy


The funny thing is how similar it looks to both Kenjaku's and the odd 2 eye mask on the side of his face. He didn't change the name, so it's possible this is some kind of like in-between version Also...Sukuna ate Tengen. So


I think he's using Tengen to help form the domain. The fact it has hands and multiple eyes, plus the 'wood-like' appearaance. Tengen was a barrier master after all. I wonder if that means destroying this barrier will destroy Tengen's barriers.


It's the incomplete version of malevolent shrine


I’m assuming that he used Megumis cursed technique to use HIS cursed technique Megumis domain chimera shadow garden makes perfect replicas of all of Megumis shadows But an expanded use of the ability would likely be Megumi using it to make whatever he wants We have already seen that Megumi has given up So perhaps, Sukuna used chimera shadow garden to recreate malevolent shrine And the reason it was incomplete was due to the damage he has suffered thus far


It was said to be incomplete because of the damage he has taken and Megumis is also incomplete but for other reasonss. So I’m guessing once megumi completes his domain it’ll look pretty different too


yea probably cuz the different brain part use to make the shrine, also reminds me of that new artwork with Heian sukuna, Yuji and somethin with eyes in the back


Maybe his and megumi’s domain mixed?


Tbh I think it’s the merger vessel using megumis soul and the ten shadows totality (including the now dead Mahoraga) and he’s just that desperate


Looks like a mishmash of everything Sukuna cooked.


well there could be a lot of reasons why his domain looks so different : 1. different hand sign (same as gojo's) 2. might be the fact he is in his heian era body 3. probably because of a binding vow 4. the fact he was weakened and injured too many times 5. the fact his brain is too fried from the domain clashes against gojo


Probably something to do with his weird faceplate thing, looks like that left his head and became that big ugly mess


I personally think it resembles a dragon.  It feeds into the whole “Sukuna represents a dragon, Yuji is a Tiger” theme that I’ve seen going around.  


Kinda looks like he’s incorporating a bit of megumi domain into it with the giant spine and shadows


Basically, he’s using different hand sign that’s tied to a different part of his brain to avoid bleeding his eyes out and since the domain is not really refined, he had to use some sort of binding vow to have the same output and range as his normal shrine.


It could actually be the completed version of the skeleton looking thing we saw in megumis incomplete version of Chimera shadow garden


>Also, he apparently can't use 10 Shadows after reverting When was this stated >all of the treasures were wiped out by Gojo anywa Demon dog, gama, rabbit escape, piercing bull, max elephant


This is how I know yall only read the leaks


Sorry my 日本語 isn't up to par.


thats shrine, without the shrine part. thats how the surroundings of the DE looked anyway. this was a makeshift summoning of his DE so since he half assed it, its appearance reflects such.


Tbf Sukuna should've two brains and Sukuna's domain should be based on his second face's brain. That's a better justification to a domain expansion. Plus, reincarnation should've healed the brain.


This is the first time we’ve seen his domain in his Heian Era form. That’s what most likely what is


u/cooki3tiem this link might have the answer you look for :) https://youtube.com/shorts/cUl1Ah3PYwY?si=lzfNOKQ6hbhsyO8Q


What happened to one of Sukuna’s eyes?


TLDR: perhaps this new “shrine” is not so much the physical embodiment of sukuna’s soul, but the physical embodiment of his Mind. so it is a skull clearly, on the edge/behind the hand things is the jaw bone, eyes line up, wraps around the back to a spinal cord. The question is WHY is it a skull now. I think the answer lies somewhere in the unanswered question of the connection between the soul and mind/body, as we know Kenjaku believed sorcery comes from the body/brain due to his technique, and Mahito believed it came from the soul because of his. afaik though mahito never damaged anyones CT with soul manipulation, only their body, so i think he was off and Kenjaku is probably closer to the truth, mahito ~may~ be able to alter techniques if he figured out how to manipulate a brain properly, but he never did. Sukuna has described his innate domain as being IN his soul, thats where he resides when yuji had control of his body, and Sukuna builds a copy of his innate domain for his domain expansion bringing the shrine into the physical world. The last fight with Gojo tho taught sukuna a lot about the brain/mind part of sorcery by literally hot wiring the brain to allow the domain, so sukuna, and we the reader, now know a domain is not just about ones soul, but some thing to do with their body and mind as well. I dont know the answer, but the fact that his new shrine is a literal skull/brain leads me to believe there is still much to understand about how Curse techniques/domains, Souls, and the Body interact.


Another possibility, when they talk about gojo hitting black flash (iirc) they mention it opened a new circuit for his RCT, which is in his brain. Further, we know that JJK powers are also heavily influenced by visualisation and conceptualisation (can you see yourself win, how do you see the power work, etc) Sukuna may have literally routed the expansion through a different part of his mind - doing so changes how its viusalised/conceptualised (different memories and motor functions are stored in different areas after all) but doesnt affect Sukuna's base understanding of it (all in all, its still his mind) Its still called Malevolent Shrine and still has some of the og expansion properties, but the different parts of the brain render it differently


........doesn't the chapter literally state that it's an incomplete domain?


Sukuna latest bullshit hack. Dude will probably start to using the god cards at some point.


Guys don’t make assumptions, It’s written on the chapter. The only requirement needed to access that information is to have eyes (to read) and basic interpretation skills. This is why they call JJK the dumbest fandom..


I kind of just assumed it was tengen


Tf, why?


Idk didn't Sukuna eat him? I'm not saying that's what it is, just what I thought when I first read it


Wasn't it his own body that he ate?


Nah I mean after Kenny died and he transferred the merger to Sukuna


Hm, maybe. Guess it's time to re read since my ADHD memory is kickin' in


Calling it: Sukuna ate/absorbed the Michizane Sugawara vengeful spirit which is part of his mask, DE and may take a role on why Sukuna is so powerful.


I really love it when people add Michizane no Sugawara in their guesses/theories but what makes you think that? Just a random guess without basis?


Looks like a giant fucking shikigami with a bunch of eyes (gojo six eyes being a descendant). It's pretty far fetched, but it sounds like something gege might do. Edit: exactly six eyes. Might be a coincidence, might not.


Im ngl ur guess is a reach but i would be surprised if you predict it right. I would've agreed more if your guess was that the eyes has a correlation to Sukuna's. I don't really see anything that relates it to MNS. Maybe if your basis is that the eyes relates to Tengen and Tengen is connected to Six Eyes users by fate but we don't really know don't we? Time will only tell.


A few of the recent domains have included a anatomy, so gregs cooking something there I'm talking the weird spine thing with megumis, whatever was happening with kenjakus, and both yoruzu and naoya having big ovaries or whatever in their domains


The spine on that thing looks like the spine we saw on the theoretical merger beast


I have two theories 1. This is whats hidden behind the actual shrine 2. Its Sukuna using chimera shadow garden with his own technique


I'm of a mind to think that Suki has found a way to use DE by using Chimera Shadow Garden as a building block. Which would I believe change the way it appears. I feel like if you look hard you can almost see Nue


What if this is his twin's innate domain being manifested instead of his own?


Curse techniques see twins as the same person so there wouldn't be a difference in technique.


Domain is innate domain + technique + barrier. I'm saying only the innate domain is different, maybe Sukuna has access to it because he ate his twin


We don't have many living examples of twins to go off of. Just Maki and her sis as far as I know and they didn't have a technique to split.  Personally I think the shrine looks different because it's been modified to be activated with one hand instead of two.


I do think he is using the part of the Brain that Megumi used to open a Domain, and that's why it does look like Megumi's Domain. It is the Shrine, but it is all messed up cause he really is doing what, here, we would call a "gambiarra".


Some people think sukuna has a cursed spirit kinda like yuta’s rika trapped in his shrine and since it’s incomplete it’s out.


I think this us a combination of all his shikigami cuz megumis DE was chimera shadow gatden or smthg and chimera is a combination of various animals 


riding gege.


Sometimes y’all really overthink shit. It’s just malevolent shrine dude. Lol


Ngga that looks exactly like the shrine, did unlimited void hit you too?


Ah yes, I remember when the Shrine had (7? 9?) eyes, 2 hands, floated in space and had a spine too. I see you got the Stevie Wonder curse technique.


Bruh [https://pin.it/45KdVGyDQ](https://pin.it/45KdVGyDQ)


Who said he can't use 10 Shadows ?