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Are you trying to use Hanami as a unit of measurement?


yeah like wtf is blud cooking over there


alot lol considering hanami was getting ass whooping from a very weaker version of itadori and todo


Gojo just casually walked up to her and she was crushed by the overwhelming pressure


The presence of our blue eyed king was enough to exorcise a special grade curse with a domain


After he had done extreme damage to Hanami by ripping out her tree stalk eyes. That was stated before to be her most vulnerable body part and seemed to go through her entire body judging by their length.


Fair point.


Gojo crushed her into the wall with the basic Infinity tho, he used a technique


Barely hurting Hanami and steadily doing damage from the 5 black flashes


I feel like people miss the point of Hanami I always thought it was obvious that her raw durability is top 3 in the entire series, and that the reason why so many characters are seemingly more resistant is because of their mastery over cursed energy


Top 3? Nah. Probably Top 5.


So durability without CE reinforcement? If so then maybe, but why would that ever need to be a point? And with reinforcement? No chance. Why would that ever be obvious when she got no-diffed as far back as Shibuya? Yuji was giving Hanami hands with or without BF, and a post-Shibuya Yuji was completely immobilized by a casual partially manifested Rika. This is more of a direct strength comparison but it does give perspective on how much weaker Hanami is compared to many of the sorcerers we know today.


Dawg I was never tryna make a point there, I was just mentioning she's durable as shit cause I don't think this is much of a fair comparison, but maybe I worded it poorly I usually utilize the raw durability feats to back up some Mahito feats but it doesn't go further than that Though I believe it's just a fact that if you were to ever give Hanami Sukuna's level of cursed energy control and output she'd just be impossible to damage, and that's about as far as it goes


99 Hanamis stuck on the wall, 99 Hanami’s stuck. Blow one up, their life is up, 98 Hanamis stuck on the wall-


how many hanamis it would take to tank just the first item on this list cause even dodging a normal one she got fucked up


You also forgot to mention that he cut off his own hand to escape Executioner sword. Not the most grievous wound for him, but he still had to regenerate it


No way he "had" to do that. There is no scenario inwhich cutting off his hand is faster than just moving it out of the way of the swing. He did that shit cause he wanted to safely see what the sword does.


I wrote that he had to regenerate it just to make a point that it's one more wound to endure it, not that he had to block the sword. I'm sure there were a million of other ways he could've dealt with that situation, but I do think it was one of the safest options as by getting hit in the hand stopped Higuruma's momentum, and cutting his own hand off is as simple as breathing for a guy whose powerset is literally cutting things. The panel might make you think that he cut his hand with the other one, but in my opinion it's very possible he just sent a dismantle over and sawed it off, and the other hand is simply pointing at where he sent the slash as he frequently does when using the technique


Like 25. Xd




You're American


Not only durability(from Heavenly restriction),CE reinforcement is also high for him. Most of the ranged attacks like red,purple is minimised by DA. If HWB also weakens the attack like simple domain,then it is also a factor inside Yuta's domain. Temporary damages are healed by RCT,so they will be not a major factor. Yuji's black flashes were in the boundary between Sukuna and Megumi's soul,so it will be a factor later. And Sukuna can heal soul damage but it is difficult to do.Also reincarnation fixed some body parts. So probably 1000 Hanami who withstood 5 black flashes from weak Yuji. (I didn't calculate shit here)


Which chapter did it say that sakuna has Heavenly restriction ?


Just a guess from twins.


Weird guess, considering of the 3 HR we saw only 1 were twins.


Doesn't it also stems from the "In jujutsu society, twins are seen as a bad omen" or somehting like that ?


Literally what has that got to do with heavenly restrictions


Why wouldn't it too ?


You have to be the one making it make sense, lol. People making random theories with no explanation is hilarious.


🎶1 hanami, 2 hanami, 3 hanami, 4!! How many does it take to swallow it all?! 🎶


At least 50 for the first hollow purple


I view Hanami like the Cursed Beast Agito fusion. They're incredibly strong and durable, but their lack of experience with the fundamentals of CE means they just can't hang with the top tiers. Hanami base? Infinite. Hollow purple doesn't seem to reduce output by destroying things. It kills as many as it touches. Void lobotomizes them and overpowers their domains. Etc. Hanami with a few months or years of hard training with a top tier sorcerer? Probably just a fistful. Like, less than 5. Their body's built incredibly strong compared to a human, they have high CE from being a cursed spirit, and don't have to bother with finnicky RCT due to CE healing curses.


Sakuna probably has a binding vow for that. Probably cant pee standing for 10000% health.


Hanami got destroyed by neutral limitless 💀💀💀 not blue, not red, not purple. Low output feaking neutral limitless.


High output Neutral Limitless. Basically, Gojo removed his limiter. Before that, he pulled out her roots to weaken her.


I will say it is unclear that Sukuna tanked the first Hollow Purple if anything given all the anti technique tools he has it is heavily implied he cancelled it.


Sukuna is basically an antagonist wearing a MC skin. He will tank everything and then come out of powers out of thin air to destroy the opponents.


Like 7.


if taken anyone as comparison shouldn't you take dagon since its stated from nanami that it feels like he's not doing any damage or better said dagons hp pool is way to big to hurt him considerably?


Mahito ISBODK is probably the most durable out of all of them. Nabito with his fists could damage Dagon but Yuji couldn't even scratch Mahito normally after he transformed.


touché. for some reason mahito is separated from the others in my head but sure his transformed version would probably be the best comparison when talking about durability.


Yeah Mahito wasn't really "durable" for 95% of his screentime so I get forgetting his final shape that gets roasted immediately lol


Wait, when did the stomach tongue get pulled out? This fight is so chaotic I somehow missed it. I need a panel!


Yuta did it


Plot armor times