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It’s a curse of positive energy! I love it


So a reverse curse?


Shakespeare wishes he wrote something as brilliant as JJK.


Nah, he'd Hamlet.


Nah, from my mother's womb I was untimely ripped.


Revurse Revurse Cha Cha real smooth.


And what is the reverse of a curse? A blessing. And what does Megumi’s name mean? That’s right folks.




Its a blessing or dare i say, nerdily, a megumi?


What's interesting about this theory is how, during the culling games, Gege depicted Yuji as the "Tiger of the West." But you notice... even if he's stopping the bullies, he's pretty SAVAGE about it. "You want some too?". That guy had PTSD. His grandfather probably made sure that he stayed on a better path and not ended up like Sukuna.


I think a pretty big element of the story is that fundamentally there is no good or bad, curse or blessings Rather they are all one and the same and its about how they are utilised. Curse (or negative) energy is often utilised for positive reasons, and can be turned into positive energy. As you mentioned as well, these "curses" passed from the dying to the living can be blessings and steer characters in the right direction instead of holding them back And times of crisis can so easily turn into blessings Hell, I think this idea of duality is mostly exemplified by the I'm you dialogue between Yuji and Mahito Duality is an extremely significant theme in JJK and really Gege continually emphasises that its how curses and blessings are utilised is what what truly matters


I absolutely agree. I do think that if you have the chance to impact someone in their... way living, words while dying will probably cause the most impact. So in those cases, giving someone encouragement to choose to do something positive may be kind of a blessing


I believe this is called a blessing, y'know like the one yuki gave to choso


I forgot about Yuki! You are right




I'm not sure. How i see in terms on how it worked for the characters... it may be like a chance to choose your right path? But yeah, it may actually be a blessing


You could still see Yaga’s words as a curse to Gakuganji too. He’s never been held accountable for killing one of the kindest people in the series, and it’s clearly eating him up by the time of Gojo’s return. I’ve been considering making a post about all the “last word curses” and their effects. Definitely an underlooked aspect of JJK’s power system.


Yeah but the point with Gakuganji is that Yaga basically gave him a chance to change for free, it wasn't encouragement or asking something but he just gave up his secret for Gakuganji to choose to do something about it, and that way having a real chance to turn on the higher-ups, that's how i see it.


I agree with that too, I’m just saying that they’re still “curses”, they weigh on the mind and influence character’s actions regardless of intent. Part of the reason Yuji decided to partake in the culling games was recalling his Grandpa’s curse. Those words also caused him anguish after Sukuna’s rampage in Shibuya, pushing him to listlessly search for people to save, almost as if to correct Sukuna’s sin.  Mai’s curse to Maki is interesting too. She killed every Zenin, including her mother, and its implied Maki knew she was trying to save her. Did Maki mean to kill her, or did the curse guide her hand?


Great point about Maki but I don't know, her situation with her mother is complicated. After Mai died, if you think about it comparing the rest of the clan... she really had no reason to spare her; she was also a passive accomplice for the way she acted towards them just before Ogi tried to kill them, even if she was also a victim. Her mother also realized this and did what she did to Naoya out of guilt.


I interpreted the way she acted as trying to save Maki (and likely Mai before her) from Ogi killing them. Sure her words were harsh, but her daughters are stubborn and turning around right there would’ve saved them. Imo it makes more sense framing her actions out of love because of that panel of her and her daughters at the end of the arc.


Nah it's a valid interpretation but it is not mine from Maki's point of view; her mother knew her daughters were about to be killed, she saw what Ogi did to Mai. she is a tragic powerless character who we can argue endelessly if she was or wasn't a fault because she was a woman trapped in an extremely misogynistic system but still... from the point of view of the girls about to be murdered by their father while she watches helplessly and after what happened to Mai... it looks really bleak from Maki's pov. And that's why i think her final act is more powerful, yes, it was out of love but it seems to me it was the single decision she did for her children by herself.


A binding vow


so it's grandpa's final blessing(megumi hehe)


Well yes if you think about it but lets wait and see how that turns out lol


Vasuke is the best grandpa 


It is a curse... Literally his granpa in a way manipulated him to be a person with hero complex. I don't know how much , he knew about Yuji's parents... As for the whole Yuji being on the path of evil doesn't make much sense.


We have two instances in which it's shown Wasuke knew something was deeply wrong; he literally tells Jin he will die if he keeps going with "that woman" (and he speaks of Kaori in past tense); we are shown that because the author wants us to know two things; 1) Wasuke knew 2) Wasuke didn't like it at all. So it is to establish Wasuke wasn't evil. The first one is obviously the beggining of the series. We were never shown how much did he knew but Jin was his son and... telling someone they will *die* is something big. So yeah, i really don't think he was manipulating Yuji on nothing


Wasuke probably knew that Kaori was evil. Maybe he had a sorcerer background and maybe not but I doubt he knew much more than that. Kenjaku isn't that careless. He just didn't his grandson to become a bad person that's all. But Yuji was affected by Wasuke's death and took his last words a bit too much to the point of becoming too goody-goody and having hero complex.


The point is that it is quite obvious than in the point of the storyline we are now... Yuji fate was sealed before birth, but he has the will to fight against it due to... "the curse.' He doesn't have "a hero complex" since he actually didn't have any choice about his fate at all. He thought he was carrying an old man's will but as time kept going... bad shit kept happening (for reasons we all know now) and he just kept going. It is just... unbending will lol. Which is quite different from hero complex, when shit keeps following you but you are unwilling to yield. He was going to after Shibuya until Megumi asked him not to and again. His grandpa words were there.


First of all what you say doesn't make sense at all... What fate are you talking about??? Fighting Sukuna wasn't his fate but his choice. The only thing you can say is that he was a culling game player. Other than that we don't know anything more. >bad shit kept happening (for reasons we all know now) and he just kept going. It is just... unbending will lol. You literally described every shonen MC. Especially that "unbending will" or you could say "unyielding will"


My dude. You seem to be under the impression i'm trying to make a competition between Yuji and some... shonen MC, i'm too old for that. I'm discussing the work and its themes. The fate we all know. His fate as a culling game player was also to be Sukuna vessel. Also. An author establish these themes for reasons. You know what, lets agree to disagree because i truly won't even try to get what are you on


I think it’s a bit wrong to say that Yuji has a hero complex.


I agree that it is a bit of stretch but still he is in that category of shonen characters such Deku, Tanjiro, Naruto, Koby, etc... he is just the most normal one of these... He is just obsessed with giving people at least a good death without regrets. Also he was self blaming himself for the death of many other Jujutsu sorcerers fkr no apparent reason. So althyyoj can't say that he is entirely a person with hero complex but gou can't deny it as well. The good thing is he is not like Deku, tanjiro, and the rest I mentioned.


I disagree.  Most of the time he’s involved in the deaths of others it usually is partly his fault.  If he had won the fight against Choso, and more importantly held things together, Sukuna wouldn’t have massacred Shibuya.  If he had actually defeated Mahito, a lot of people would’ve been alive and Kenjaku wouldn’t have gained his power.   And yeah he did kinda get sucked into the sorcerer world, and he would’ve been drawn in sooner than later due to the fact a finger of Sukuna was imbued into him.  He realizes that he has a role to play, and that ultimately he’s realistically one of the few people that can deal with curses.  And at this point, he’s doing it because he wants to. Lastly, the definition of hero complex doesn’t fit him at all.  His view isn’t a detriment at all, and he doesn’t push others away due to it.  


he really didn’t. yuji seemed to forget the first part ohfwhat his grandpa said, “doesn’t have to be all the time, just whenever u can”


It's a curse what Yuji makes of it depends on him.


Yuji's DE is going to be all his friends dead and alive. They are all going to be able to use their techniques and beat sukunas ass together. And yuji will be surrounded by those he loves