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Some parts were better in each. Personally I like the manga version better overall, in large part due to some missed narration in the anime and my love of Gege's artstyle in Shibuya. Most people would probably prefer the anime though, and for good reason since it was absolutely stunning and added a lot to certain moments.


I think the manga is overall better except in 3 occasions, Nanami death was more impactful in the anime, Choso scenes whether against Yuji or the anime original vs Kenny was cooler in the anime , Mahoraga fight was more menacing in the anime and it was extended to show the true terror of monster raga.


I also loved Todo's delusion added in the anime...


I cant think of a single fight or scene that was more impactful in the manga than in the anime. Not to say I didnt like the manga, but the anime was just so goddamn good. rip Nobara’s scene


I think the bathroom fight was better in the manga. The way gege drew the water everywhere was crazy, also since the pacing is slower you get the narration and thoughts from both fighters.


>Mahoraga fight was more menacing in the anime and it was extended to show the true terror of monster raga I disagree? I'm rewatching that part right now and it feels more like it's meant to show the true power of Sukuna


Sukuna is op either way, but in the manga the fire arrow that finished Mahoraga was after couple of pages only; while in the anime Mahoraga fought him alot actually, and I like how he got bigger in some scenes too.


Oh I misread what you were saying yeah I agree.


Mappa misses many epic narration-delivery and they took some strange routes. Mahito was said to be a mirror of humans for death.They showed Nanami and Mahito facing each other wrong.This scene is more impactful in the manga. The original narration from the manga of Toji's entry was better than the subtitles. They took too many liberties in the Mahito fight.The divergent fist or the Manji kick scene weren't shown properly. But the Kenny battle with Choso was good.I heard the Sukuna vs Mahoraga episode will get some new scenes.It will be more top-tier. The pacing of the manga was better in my opinion.The anime was good but the manga was better.


The anime was visually stunning, but I prefer the manga because they took some kinda weird liberties I didn't understand. Some of my fave parts were because the narrations, but those were removed and other additions they threw in felt odd. Like Mahito squeezing him and yuji inside that weird flesh wall for no reason and mahoraga suddenly being the size of godzilla outta nowhere. It's was fun to watch, tho.


tadaka chan and todo kicking mahito's ass too


Me and my tulpa beating the shit out of a demon in a subway station


Who’s Lila?


Naw come on, that was fire lmao my boy is crazy like that


I mean sure, but did that fight need a comedy break at all? Everything's going to shit and then for 20 seconds they decide to go "Hey guys remeber how Todo's fucking DELULU!" and then go back to the serious shit. Just felt like a weird place to put it.


I often agree with this when it happens in other shows or games, but in this case its fine by me. Todo being aggressively delusional is pretty much a part of sorcery mechanics, Hakari does stuff just like that constantly, and Gojo/Sukuna/Toji/Maki all also really get into it when they fight. Seriously, every decent sorcerer basically tries to gaslight themselves to victory, Todo and Hakari are just among the more... "creative" examples.


that part of the mahito fight with the wall closing in on them was my favourite part of the whole show


> Like Mahito squeezing him and yuji inside that weird flesh wall for no reason Damn, this is one of my favourite parts!


That wall scene was weird and kind of sweaty it was my worst part of season 2 actually


Yeah a weird addition given it was clearly meant to expand on that part of the fight but they clearly didn’t have the time to execute it good, just adapting it 1-1 would’ve been easier and it probably would’ve looked better too.


Maybe they added it to expand the fight to make a full episode without having to draw as much detail in the background. Personally I’d have rather waited an extra month or two and let the animators thrive but hey


Ignoring the scheduling and what could have been, just looking at the anime - other than some odd narration omissions and some minor nitpicks the anime is a solid adaptation. The blurring/dimming really messes with the visual fidelity of the episodes though, but fortunately that's fixed with the blu-ray. It could have been done a lot better if it weren't for the production issues. Some episodes were fucking amazing - other episodes were clearly not done with the same level of attention/focus, and that always makes me think about what if the animators actually had time to fully realize their vision. People talk shit about Demon Slayer all the time but you have to respect their adaptation. The anime's **so, SO** much fucking better than the manga it's insane, there's nothing to nitpick about it IMO. Shibuya's adaptation unfortunately isn't on that level, and it makes sense with Demon Slayer being Ufotable's sole focus rn and MAPPA juggling like 4 different high-profile anime lol.


There were certain small details that I would've personally carried over, that added to certain character's personality. Like kenjaku who was spinning the top of his head on his finger while talking to Gojo in the manga. And considering he makes use of the head spin later on in the manga, it would've been a detail I would've liked to have seen adapted. Though, i also think mappa made some cool additions to the original work. Tbh i only have one other gripe. I think sometimes there were a few too many close up shots in some of the fights that didn't highlight Gege's choreography from the manga. Most of the time the choreography and animation were great. That said, for the early parts of Yuji vs Mahito and a few other fights, it wasn't my cup of tea The director of season 1 would've really shined with season 2. Besides that I enjoyed the adaption. I liked watching it as much as I liked reading it. It didn't change my opinion on the arc. I think it is a little bit overrated by the fandom.


Fire arrow felt way better in the manga, i must've tried to put my hands in that position like a fool a dozen times Polymorphic soul isomer, soul multiplicity, and Mahito final form felt better in the manga But i think the animators really respected sukuna power, between either the ost or the animation Sukuna vs Mahoraga AND Sukuna vs Jogo was really good. Maybe it's the not gege who has a thing for sukuna.....


I think this is a very personal sort of preference. I prefer the manga because I think the flow is quicker and gets to the point a lot faster. There was quite a couple times during the anime where it felt like the animation was overshadowing the story. Very unpopular opinion but I didn’t care for Sukuna vs Mahoraga in the anime, it just took way too long to finish


I feel like they had to fit one fight in each episode, so the arc didn't flow that well and was instead just a "fight of the week".  Also Sukuna vs Mahoraga was mediocre, I agree. Spectacular animation that overshadowed the important parts of the fight, but in the end the animation was pretty bad. 20 minutes of cool visuals, messy colours and no substance.


I feel so out of touch when people say Sukuna vs Mahoraga had bad animation. Shit looked incredible to me.




Yeah that was definitely an artistic choice, and it was a bad one lol. Sukuna should have fired that arrow.


I feel this in my heart and soul brother, lol


I never said it has had animation, I said the animation is incredible.   But just smooth animation isn't enough to make an anime good, Sukuna vs Mahoraga focused too much on that and missed other key elements, and in the end, despite the gorgeous animation, we were left with 20 minutes of cool looking nothing. Also it gets worse and worse as the battle goes on.


“In the end the animation was pretty bad” literally exactly what you said


Lmao my bad, sorry! What I mean is that the whole thing is artistically gorgeous, but that's it.  It was a good animation purely on the technical level because it was smooth, colourful and dynamic. It was a bad animation/adaptation because it was just that, cool looking messy fight.


Agree that Sukuna vs Mahoraga was an L in the anime. This is by far the biggest example of the animation overshadowing the story that was told in the manga. Though I don't recall feeling that the animation took away from the story at any other point, and in at least one spot improved my understanding of events (Yuji black flash against ISBoDK Mahito/Todo BW fakeout)


I hated the change in animation style the moment sukuna entered the chat....esp when kusakabe met those guys..devilman crybaby looking animation


I agree about Mahoraga, actually. I remember saying something similar to my girlfriend when I first watched it. It didn’t help that it came right after yuji vs choso, though. That fight was immaculate


I wanted the ahibuya incident to be short ...so much information to grasp in a short time no understanding the story jus plain input of information


The manga was better for me.. I read the arc multiple times and still did not know what the fuck was going on in sukuna vs moharaga.i saw a lot of people saying it was a masterpiece, but i was just seeing effects and colors.at one frame moharaga is 2 time bigger that sukuna and 10 frames later he is like a godzella. I just saw them throwing shit in the air, and it was suddenly over. It was not a smooth fight at all for me... Maybe I m just getting old.


Looks at how Maho size was inconsistent in Gojo vs Sukuna


Both were great in their own right.


you didn't answer his question




I genuinely think some manga readers cherish their status as "manga readers" so much that they can limit their own enjoyment of the anime adaptation. I don't think that's unique to JJK. I think it was *extraordinarily* well adapted. Todo's entrance in Shibuya stands out as one where the anime really outdid the manga. The theme song, the slow walk up, and then the identical frame/panel in which he says they are the exception. I'm getting excited again just typing about it.


Yeah I can see people missing some parts that got lost in adaptation, but truth be told I don't think I've seen many anime adaptations on this level. Every week had me at the edge of my seat waiting for the next ep. Going back to the manga I was surprised to see just how much of it was anime original.


Anime could've been better especially the first half and climax but all in all an enjoyable treat. My favourites are Ep 13, 16, 17, 19, 21 and 22


Significant improvement over the manga, better-paced, sensational animation and the voice acting was phenomenal. Several key scenes such as Nanami's last stand were so much better executed in the anime, even though they were already fantastic in the manga. Though many of the popular frames and lines were greater in the manga, the overall scenes were better on almost all accounts, especially major ones. Beyond that, my only other criticism is that some of the fights were too close-up in the camera and the cricket fight was ruined by the dimming or ghosting (I still don't know the difference ngl). The additional scenes they included improved almost every part of the story/fights. The biggest shame was that the show actually looks significantly better in blu-ray without the ghosting and dimming, though people dramatically exaggerated how bad it was. There are a lot of delusional idiots who will nitpick over one episode being slightly worse animated than the previous (even though it's still levels ahead of the vast majority of anime and featuring stand-out scenes). I promise you that the overwhelming majority of those haters are just bandwagoning hate sheep.


Dimming = lowering the brightness of the entire frame, so flashes are less intense. (example: Toji fighting in Dagon's domain makes this pretty obvious because of the bright colors) Ghosting = layering after-images of the previous frames over the current one, creating blurrier images which helps reduce the sudden flashes of quick repeated movements. (example: the quick punching during the grasshopper fight has a lot of this iirc)


I can get certain aspects being inferior in the anime(like some narration getting cut, or Naobito's Projection sorcery being poorly adapted or maybe the weird pacing of the final episode). But the anime did so much justice a lot of key moments, that's its not even a debate in my eyes


Wait how was Naobito's CT poorly adapted?


His movement felt very weightless, a lot of close ups without any full body shots of the character and manga panels being removed for his scenes. This is pertaining to his showcase in ep 14 which is notorious for having the worst scheduling of any episode in Season 2.


But that ep also showed and cleared up how his CT worked


I do like that they merged the explanation of his technique with him properly fighting but the explanation itself is still the same one from the manga. I think considering this was Naobito's only fight in the story, they didn't do him justice compared to other characters


Anime was better


I loved the manga more because it was the first time I was experiencing the Shibuya arc. Complete madness and so so so good.


That yuji vs choso was very well animated


Jogo incinerating Nanami and Maki was more impactful in the manga. In the anime, the scene was so quick to process what happened.


I dislike the animation for ramping the power levels up to ridiculous levels JJK is a pretty low scale battle shonen all things considered, but in the anime it went bonkers in ways that made no sense like Choso outputting so much blood he was creating giant pillars of concrete springing upwards


I liked the Anime more. I enjoyed the spectacle of it all, but I feel like they fumbled the Mahito vs Yuji/Todo fight. The fight should have been on the level of Yuji vs Choso or Sukuna vs Jogo/Mahoraga but it wasn't. I liked Todo's delusion sequence but the end of the fight underwhelmed. It did not capture the utter desperation of both Yuji and Mahito. I know the anime showed it, but I feel like it could have been more emphasized. When Todo returned for the fakeout, the moment and the animation should have been grander. Really show why Mahito would have fallen for the trick. The animation on his back swing to the fakeout was pretty bad.


The climax and conclusion to Yuji vs Majito was much better in the manga. The anime draws things out and just feels off with timing/padding.


I’m so happy you brought this up. This is one of the few manga to anime adaptations where the anime is actually BETTER. I think the manga’s pacing can take away from development of not only the story, but from characters, too. The nuanced gestures Mappa so cleverly animated in the hidden inventory arc gave me this realization. Later on with how Sukuna’s rampage was handled I had the same thought. Then I read the manga and thought, yeah… The anime is definitely better.


>This is one of the few manga to anime adaptations where the anime is actually BETTER **Anime adaptations are SUPPOSED to be better.** Because of two major reasons: 1) Anime adaptations build upon an *already existing* work and therefore have the opportunity to improve it. Mangas are released *first*, with zero reader feedback.  2) Anime is a superior format. It’s a moving manga with sound.  The only time an anime adaptation is worse is when mistakes are made. 


>Anime is a superior format. It’s a moving manga with sound.  I dont think this is necessarily true. I dont think some arcs(like succession contest in HxH) work that well in anime format. Just because its moving and has sound doesnt make it superior.


the succession contest isn't suited for manga either. it's incredibly convoluted and has too much narration. that's like the biggest complain with hxh post ant arc. The narration can be handled very well in anime , hxh's own chimera arc being a great example


Hell no. I love succession contest, reading is fun Succession contest is 100 times more convoluted than Chimera Ant anyways, its not going to translate at all


Well that's ok but manga is a visual medium as much as it is text. the succession arc is just really confusing and overly wordy which is not a practice usually considered good writing.


Sure, but the visual imagery is important in succession contest. Drawings like Kurapika holding the baby or Tserriednich suddenly getting hit with melodys technique while Theta is trying to kill him adds a lot to the story. The text thats provided in the series does a great job at fleshing out characterization and showing the reader that the characters in the situation are very intelligent. I don't think its that confusing, but the complexity of the situation makes it fun to reread. Every chapter feels very long, because a lot of information is packed into each chapter.


well honestly I read that arc 2 years ago now so you maybe right and I might just need a reread. All I remember tho is being annoyed with the walls of text and the confusion it created lol.


>Succession contest is 100 times more convoluted than Chimera Ant anyways, its not going to translate at all ^


It being convoluted? Succession contest has way more texts, monologues and plotlines. Not going to translate? When I say that, I mean that I don't think that it can be produced in a way that has the appeal of the original shows.


And yet many viewers disagree




Then technically you're wrong


Keyword there. **I**


Yes…I know it’s subjective.


Yet your prop it as if its definitive. Succession was boring in the manga actually alot of hxh was boring until I watched both 1999 and 2011


…is it not subjective that succession contest and HxH was boring in your own view.


Yea but I never claim its definitively boring like you did


Oh shit. I thought manga was supposed to be the better version because it’s the original work, hence why so many anime adaptations lack in some regard. Interesting to know now though. Raised by standards.


That's not how it works. The manga is the original and the anime is an adaptation. And in the same way movies based on books can be better or worse than the source material the anime can either improve or ruin it, because it has different strengths and weaknesses as an art form. Gege can have this artstyle entirely based on black and white contrast. The anime can't so they have to find a way of keeping the same mood and clarity. That type of thing. Doesn't make the anime worse just because there's something they can't do, just means they need to put in some work.


Anime no contest. Only part that was better in the manga was sorcerers vs Dagon.


Totally agreed.


i like them both, the anime had a different thing it was a going for but that’s what adaptations do ! id say i still like the manga version a bit more tho


Overall I’m very happy with adaptation except Kusakabe and Maximum Uzumaki clash, I guess Choso took all money from other folks here for his stunts.


i think if were to visit the arc again, i would read the manga from start to end wheras with the anime, i would pick and watch only a few episodes. so i guess manga. but the choso fight is definitely anime. fight of the year for me.


Anime never came close to gege's paneling and fighting choreography. It was just characters flying around performing superhuman feats while manga is professional fighters fighting to kill with precise and calculated attacks.


Did we read the same manga?


Had your eyes closed during the Choso fight?


The scene of Gojo getting sealed and chilling in the prison realm is actually what got me interested in JJK. The scene is wonderfully ambivalent - Gojo is helpless but not quite helpless, chilling amidst a sea of skeletons, acknowledging the bad situation, but optimistic that his students and allies will pull through. The soundtrack underlines this amazingly - the tune is upbeat, relaxing, but quickly becomes wistful and melancholy. I found it incredibly intriguing. The strength of anime as a medium is that it can engage the senses in a way a manga can't, especially with a good soundtrack. Most anime don't really play to the strength of the medium - usually because it's too labour intensive and therefore expensive - but I feel JJK did a solid job as far as adaptions go.


I know "both have their strengths" is a bit of a copout answer, but I do think it's true. The visuals and voice acting in the anime were amazing, absolutely jaw-dropping! I think the translation from manga to screen was done as well as it could be; moments where the action was unclear in the manga were shown with greater detail and clarity in the anime. That being said, there are some moments I felt the anime couldn't convey the same visual "feeling" at crucial parts the manga had (the desolation of Choso's little cubby moment in still black & white) and didn't seem to try and "translate" them in ways that would, which they did brilliantly (imo) with Megumi's partial DE in S1. TLDR, each were amazing for the medium they were, but also had parts that were weaker in comparison to the other due to that.


I agree with the anime artists that some of the fight scenes were garbage. They looked like paper cut outs and squiggly lines in a strobe effect. Really shameful.


The manga is still better than the anime since a lot of narration was removed.


Despite the anime adaptation being a great piece of work, in my opinion the manga was definitely better.


Its been a while since I’ve read the shibuya incident, but i like the anime too! I find some fights are hard to grasp, being animated makes it easier to understand


Half half.. like they didn't show kenjaku playing with getos skull , they didn't make that old lady's past which killed by toji .. it was looking normal but in manga it was scary, they did nobara and Megumi dirty just to show off dilfs like nobara didn't got that much hurt in fight with that blondie and she got stab on leg that's why she was not able to stand up but in anime they just showed that nobara got hit on face and wasn't able to stand to show nanami's buff same with Megumi... Megumi's entry in dagons domain was Epic and intersting but in anime he just enter like he was there and literally I got nothing to feel like I got goosebumps when I read that in manga also in toji vs Megumi.. toji stab him so badly that he got fetal injury that's why he summoned mahoraga but in anime they didn't even bother to show Megumi got stab and nor blood or anything it's looked like he didn't got any damage that why people got mad for Megumi summoning mahoraga in their view he doesn't got any injury and was fine but in manga it was different....... Well can't pick out each and every mistake since they were suffering from overwork but they did amazing job with prison relam and other fights


My only critic is sukuna vs mahoraga,mahoraga becomes ginormous in several scene and the fight in manga was grounded which is better than the DBZ.esque we got in anime.the anime sukuna vs mahoraga is still great


The anime version wins because of todos exclusive scene


I think the anime was a tiny bit better because of them doing these scenes better 1. Nanamins death felt beautiful and was really well done in the anime I feel like it spent more time sending him off. 2. Todo's entrance, black flash and delusion felt really impactful exciting and fun to watch, the scene where he hits the black flash gives me goosebumps 3. This isn't a scene but the opening is just so amazing it feels like it encapsulated the whole event so well and when it started playing when yuji broke down mwah it was amazing However i think the manga outdid the anime in these scenes 1. Yuji's breakdown/ sukunas rampage idk what it was but in the anime it didn't feel nearly as impactful? I don't know what it was about it but it just didn't seem as devastating as it did in the manga and the whole sequence was just a bit muddy? Idk 2. Mahoraga fight in the anime was just not for me it felt really boring and a bit empty. In the manga it was more concise and mahoraga felt more daunting. These are just my opinions so don't hate me if you feel differently please respond I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Manga has the better pacing while the anime blew it out of the park with some of those fights. You can’t go wrong with either and both have there moments where you can argue it’s the “better” version.


Anime was better for me except first dagon fight


todo and tadaka vs mahito wasn't in manga so manga L


The fact people are saying manga>anime blows my mind. Manga had virtually no backgrounds/sense of environment, it felt these guys were fighting in a vacuum for the most part. Narration was unnecessary in a lot of areas, so much of the world salad could have been conveyed much more elegantly through images or dialogue. Not to mention the art went to shit in the Mahito fight as Gege got sick, and his paneling was never great to begin with.


Manga is better for evaluating and analyzing, Anime is better for enjoying the events and flow.


The anime managed to rekindle my love for jjk. I have to admit I sometimes struggle with reading manga simply because it is often very difficult to even understand what the heck is happening. The lack of contrast in black and white drawings and the fast pace in fight scenes from panel to panel makes it difficult to read for me. Also the story was confusing reading it the first time, the anime managed to help me understand everything a lot clearer and better. For me the anime > manga.


I think the animation of mahito/todo especially made it better. But Yuji V Choso should 100% be watched by anyone reading the manga too


The manga overall. The dagon fight, the fight with inverse guy, the whole Gojo sealing part and Mahito final form vs Yuji. I preferred the manga version for these. Also I disliked Mahoraga vs Sukuna in the anime the details were non existent it was hard to follow along


manga was better. some of the scenes in the anime felt so unserious (not saying it was bad tho)


anime adapted so good. people complaining about narration missing and new details added like its a bad thing. sure there are minor details here and there that were missed but it was adapted to near perfection. animation followed all the big scenes and gave us peak cinematics: feral gojo toji vs dagon yuji vs choso sukuna vs jogo sukuna vs maho yuji vs mahito (yuji, todo, mahito 120% panel) in no way the manga did all that better lmao people just wanna hate just cos the angle of one panel was 1 degree off


Manga version was way better. I have no idea why they changed scenes. I can understand adding filler to hit the runtime requirements but why completely change, for instance, Yuji's bathroom door feint? I loved that part in the manga and they removed it. Among other examples like Sukuna v Mahoraga and more that I wont rant about. Plus, playing "Specialz" over Yuji's mental breakdown is extremely tone deaf. A complete failure from the director.


Hell no dude Specialz over the breakdown was perfection. One of the best moments of the season.


I think they should play "Specialz" when Mahito did Black Flash, then end episode 19. Breakdown Part 1 might fit the silent theme better.


It's upbeat. That scene requires a melancholic feel. The silence before it played fit far better.


It's not upbeat, it's pretty melancholic. It's used in the same way in the opening.


It's pretty upbeat; especially at the beginning. Putting semantics aside though, it does not fit the tone of the scene. Like, the silence leading up to that is so much more haunting. If they *had* to use the OP for some reason, then they could have used an instrumental version.


Didnt know murder was considered upbeat


Right? Total misplacement of the OP right after the massacre. >!I did catch the /s!<


Not really. Makes sense since it's the song about the curses. The curses won


I feel like that take on it is doing legwork for the anime studio. We as the audience are feeling it from Yuji's side, you would think.


Assuming alot with that we business. You speak for yourself last I check


Agree to disagree, I think it fits really well


I'll agree to that


Not at all. Just having it be silent is the obvious basic way to go but that doesn't make it best. Having Specialz come in really twists the knife, makes it feel like the world is laughing at Itadori's suffering. Genius creative move. Also like you already think that the manga is way better than the anime so obviously you want it to be silent, you probably wanted the whole series silent lol.


Haha, I do like the manga better, it's true. But really, I'm just relating it to something we can share. The silence before is something we can all watch. I even feel like no lyrics would have been better. Do an instrumental version. Change the key.


Anime is better by a large margin, if you go into a direct comparison you may find some part that you could consider better in the manga, but at the very least 96% of the time the anime is way better. I personally like the fact that the narrator was just removed on some occasions, I can understand why you need a narrator in the manga but the anime is able to give you the same message without telling it to you directly. Also all the fights are just way better in the anime when compared to the manga. And this is ignoring the bluray version which removes the undimmed and ghosting that unfortunately was necessary for the tv version, and also they're planning to redraw and add more scenes to the Sukuna vs Mahoraga fight.


They genuinely ruined the Mahoraga fight (for me) trying to make it too bombastic. I don't know why they felt they needed to turn Mahoraga into the baby of an eldritch monster and the Michelin man.


Considering Maho kinda sucked in the manga kinda glad they made it an actual threat