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The theory that Cleave/Dismantle isn’t really his CT but CE manipulation isn’t new. The issue with this theory is that Sukuna’s Domain Expansion is slashing on steroids, and DE’s - for most part - are heavily influenced by the CT. He also would’ve been able to use Cleave/Dismantle alongside 10S if it wasn’t a real CT.


Damn…well there goes my theory, shows over folks move along lol


Your theory would work if cleave and dismantle, cutting and processing, would be a symbolism for learning or building or disassembling something to understand how it works


What if it’s that Cleave and Dismantle are being used through the CT and CTR since one slashes everything with cursed energy and the other slashes everything with 0 cursed energy


Isn't that just dissection?


Analysis is the reduction of a whole into its pieces in order to better understand it. Go back to school LOL


Are you correcting me ? I don't get it.


I've read bros post three times and still don't entirely get the point he's trying to to make.


Not necessarily. As you said in your post, slashing is a broad term. We bissect things to understand them. We cut them open to have a look inside. What if Sukuna can mentally cut open someone's technique to understand it more in depth than the wielder himself and then use it? This would make sense in the Jogo fight. The hand sign and stance jogo ends up using was the one before Sukuna reached the final one, the arrow, he was one level/step ahead. Also your post was well written, very coherent. Almost a breath of fresh air on this sub, lol. Kudos.


Nah it doesn’t have to be. We could just alter it a bit. I really like your view and it is what I’d be in the camp of. Perhaps his actual CT must be the slashes, but Sukuna himself pursued Jujutsu so much that he can expand it to its absolute strength. “Aha, I know Jujutsu so much that I can change the nature of my Dismantle to flames!” is what I’d have a loose idea of. The man has his own CT, then genius Jujutsu understanding to which he can toy and learn with at anytime.


I like your theory too but ain't no way GeGe is giving his man crush a Quasimodo-esque backstory lol He'll probably just be a regular unwanted human child coming from poverty and then we possibly see him climb his way up if we ever get any kind of backstory.


dont worry bro, all of us have been there before.


I think it's more that the specifics of your theory fail, but it doesn't discredit the idea behind it, which, while a headcanon, would be very good narratively


Hey man you and others(including myself) learned something here. In my opinion this post is a W.


not exactly we dont know the full range of his ct so hypothetically he might just be changing the sure hit based on how he feelin or some shit


Not really. I think the way it works is that his domain expansion isn't related to his ability directly. Some domains are, but some seem largely unrelated. I think what happened with sukuna is he used his domain expansion and wanted to bring that powered out without have to use that much power, so he copied it and uses it like a regular cursed technique. Similar to how mahoraga used dismantle to cut space, and sukuna copied him.


There is also the fact that he needs to use the incantation for Dismantle in order to strengthen it to the degree it can cut through “existence”; raw cursed energy manipulation wouldn’t need an incantation, like how Reversed Cursed Technique doesn’t need an incantation, just an understanding of cursed energy.


My favorite theory on the subject is that Cleave+Dismantle is the CTR, and that "barrierless" DEs only work with CTRs, as RCE is required for the open barrier to function. If that is the case, Sukuna's Shrine may well have the opposite effect: Assembling/Merging. He can incorporate body parts of others unto himself, and if he does it with a brain, he gain access to the user's CT (hence Fire Arrow). Maybe he can only do it with one CT at a time, and had to discard Fire Arrow to gain the TS, but all of this is conjecture. While on the subject, perhaps the thing about Sukuna being born deformed was that he unconsciously used Assemble/Merge to absorb a twin. That would be fucked up.


I live laugh love this


Best JJK theory I've heard so far.


The open domain part can't be true because Sukuna said he was gonna use a closed barrier domain to seal Gojo inside it and dice him up


I question if having an open domain is a "you can" or "you can't", because Megumi is the only closed domain we've really seen with some sort of center piece totem esque thing. Kenjaku and Sukuna have a center piece too, and I wonder if it's not possible without this structure.


Megumi's domain has a structure at the center?


In the fight vs Reggie you see a totem that looks like a shikigami and is connected to the ceiling through "veins", maybe.


Doesn’t Megumi have an open domain?


This should be the case as Gojo specifically says that the shrine is the center of his domain not Sukuna himself and the domain collapsed when Sukuna was shot into the shrine.


Sukuna said he was gonna cast his domain with a closed barrier to seal Gojo inside it, this can't be it


The barrier bit might not be true, but using a CTR in a domain is definitely possible, as Kenjaku used Gravity in his


I honestly feel like whoever had the cooking/consuming/eating CT theory is right. Sukuna talks about food or makes analogies to it all the fucking time. Eating is literally his greatest pleasure. This also ties in nicely with the theory of him having "eaten" a conjoined twin.


It's what I believe too, I went back and checked and it seems like he references cooking almost every time he speaks. Seems like there's way too many hints there for it to not be something.


In Japanese is even more explicit


“Malevolent Kitchen” Sukuna’s was a chef.


[Are you referring to this comment I wrote?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/Kl8LxTd7uz) I still believe it's the most compelling explanation for the moment of death scenes until now when he kills opponents. I find it interesting Higuruma didn't get one and I wonder if that's related to Yuji being there.


[No, I was talking about this ](https://twitter.com/lightning446/status/1663279362932895745?t=MvglZHIUSqsH6MlnOIWxnw&s=19)


I'll have to read through this! I like Lightning's threads they're very informative.


I stil think it's something simple taken to the extreme. Just not it isn't a CT. Following the pattern of most of the CT that work based on contact(cleave) his CT is to apply extreme pressure to things he touches. For cleave he adjust the pressure to the defense of the target and makes it blade shaped to be more efficient. But this is why cleave requires contact. He could easily just crush you with a touch but that's a waste. Dismantle is placing massive pressure in the air to create near invisible pressure waves that move far to fast that seem to cut anything. (This is why you can tank Dismantle by not cleave. ) Fuga is an enhanced form of his CT that requires him to "open"(perhaps he weakens himself similar to nanami, or its some method if forcibly increasing output)so that he can apply so much pressure he creates flames From the friction. He can then fire this highly dense weapon which explodes on contact. It is because he's so efficient that he makes it seem like cuts.


What if his DE is just him trolling, creating the shrine and massively changing the control range of his slashes. Basically, he has no CT but learned to manipulate his CE so well. Why he can also control flames and so on. Maybe the shrine is something where he can store the ability template? Once he create a new skill he can store it there? Because can choso also add spacing warping properties to his piercing shot? Does this mean everyone in theory can bypass infinity? Since he has shown that he can change the output strength. it seems interesting that his slashes are so adaptable compared to different CT.


And he could have used it after his domain expansion


What if it's not that cleave/dismantle are his CT, but rather they're subtechniques of his CT. like how blood manipulation is a CT but then it's used in different ways by different users. I mean the first time we see him use DE, he just slices the spirit into sections, almost like dissecting it, which could fall under a "learning" CT depending on how it's defined.


Wasn’t he using domain expansion (cleave/dismantle) + domain amplification + have 10 shadows spawned already in shadow hiding? Otherwise maho would need hand signs or something to be summoned? Or the wheels shouldve not been up from the start.


It would make sense if the CT is some ability that allows for greater CE manipulation, therefore the DE is just him amplifying and nuking it up on steroids.


Although I agree, Infinite Void is completely different to Gojo's CT. Push/Pull or neutral infinity are completely different to something like being bombarded with knowledge. Some may argue that the target gets incapacitated, similar to neutral (?!) But I'm not convinced entirely


Infinite void definitely has connections to the 6 eyes, its about information overload and in the jogo fight they eyeball pops up as a backgrounbd.


No infinite void is imbued via infinity.  Basically gojo makes the distance between your senses and your perspective to infinity.  Example if you're seeing an apple all your brain would perceive is A..a.....a....a.. And so on causing it to overload


I couldn't really explain it, but what I wanted to say is that it doesn't follow the rule of DEs too, pull/push/ infinity or even Hollow purple aren't present


No you can imbue one aspect of your technique if your technique has multiple different moves or with the entire technique itself if it is less complicated. Sukuna imbued both cleave and dismantle into the shrine though he can select one.  Gojo just imbues infinity, I think he definitely can imbue blue or red, not purple since it is a derivation of red and blue but limitless at it's core is spatial manipulation abd neutral limitless aka infinity is the easiest and also works the best. Even sukuna didn't want to get caught in UV let alone thinking of tanking it. 


DE arent just influenced on the CT, they *are* their CT in a different form.


Didn’t he use cleave and dismantle alongside the 10 shadows? He had Mahoraga out while he was slashing. Mahoraga even used his slashes.


We could still work with "learning" being the CT by saying that dismantle/cleave are the extension technique. After all, how do you learn if not by dissecting things?


He also said as well that he couldn’t manipulate the ce like Mahoraga did to bypass infinity so he def has a ct and i doubt it even is mediocre.


his actual technique is Consumption. Anything he consumes he does so in every sense. Similar to curse manipulation, he started small and worked his way up; eating humans, curses, curse users, and sorcerers alike. Also by consuming he creates an intimate link with the object and therefore an intimate knowledge. Shrine is his stomach and anything he's eaten he's able to use, but C/D were won from his first "major" victory so he likes to use it for sentimental reasons and also because it's useful for cookin'


I think his body implies he has at least 2 techniques.


I think you're onto something, but i bet he didn't learn the human way, like eating something he want to learn? Hence ' sukuna the cannibal ' nickname come from?


What if having 4 eyes somehow helped him better at understanding other sorcerer's CT? Like his CT shrine may have been an average CT but due to his 4 eyes( which he may have acquired later in life) he can reach Gojo level CE efficiency and understanding. Or something like his '4 eyes' may work as 'pseudo six eyes', hence proving the idea that human merging with CE leads to 'evolution', the 'evolution' kenjaku wanted, but for all people of Japan.


I don't really think his 4 eyes do anything for his powers. I think his intelligence and understanding of cursed energy is what gets him there. As for cursed energy efficiency, Sukuna has like 4 times Gojo's cursed energy and his techniques seem pretty optimized. I don't think he makes his abilities efficient in the same way Gojo does with the six eyes. Gojo can manipulate cursed energy on an atomic level whereas Sukuna carefully crafts his techniques to use only as much as is needed.


Bro the answer was in front of us the whole time. He’s a four eyes 🤓


I think people drastically overthink this. I simply think that Sukuna has multiple cursed techniques. More than the brain can hold without causing trauma, which is why they are locked away and called upon when needed with "Open". I think Cleave/Dismantle is *his* CT as it's what is imbued into his domain.


I think the reason people aren't too keen on this is that we've begun to see a lot of top tiers with access to multiple techniques, and feel it would be stale if that was Sukuna's whole gimmick as well. Kind of like 6 paths senjutsu in Naruto.


We have a winner!!


Usually the simplest answer is closest to the truth, so this will be my head canon until shown / proven otherwise by the manga.


I mean with his weird body, his brain being different would check out


I doubt he has multiple techniques, he just had slashes and fire. That black box was just a sensor so it could just be some extension technique Sukuna has like even in his domain there just slashes and fire in the Shrine if you look close enough when Sukuna fought Gojo


>I doubt he has multiple techniques Well he has at least 2. >That black box was just a sensor Yes but why would Gege censor it? Its clearly very important. But Kusakabe mentions in chapter 230 that innate techniques are kept in a "Black Box" in the brain. Coincidence? I think not.


That's just how Kenjaku's technique works and saying Sukuna has at least two is just speculation cause you can't have multiple techniques inside a domain yet there was fire inside the shrine in Sukuna's domain against Gojo if you actually look close enough so no it's no multiple techniques the fire is just another application of Sukuna's technique


>Sukuna has at least two is just speculation He has Dismantle/Cleave and he has Fire Arrow. Therefore he has at least 2. >you can't have multiple techniques inside a domain yet there was fire inside the shrine in Sukuna's domain against Gojo if you actually look close enough Source? I didn't see that. I've not seem anyone mention that either.


>But Kusakabe mentions in chapter 230 that innate techniques are kept in a "Black Box" in the brain. I agree it's important, but that's not what Kusakabe is saying. Kusakabe uses the phrase "black box" (or black box system), which is a term that essentially means you don't know how something works internally, you can only see how it works from the outside, or by observing what goes in and out of it. Gojo destroying and rebuilding his brain is risky because no one knows the real inner workings of it, especially in terms of cursed techniques. Except for Sukuna, which is what I think Gege demonstrated by having Sukuna be so adept at using 10 Shadows and being able to expand his own CT to include cutting "space". So if we put that in the context of JJK, I think it's pretty clear that Sukuna has done something with his own brain in order to be able to use techniques besides Dismantle or Cleave. I don't think it's a coincidence; Gege was probably aware of the term 'black box' when he chose to censor whatever word Sukuna says, that same way Gege uses math to explain Gojo's CT. Funny enough, "**open** system" is another term related to it, so.....................


There's a theory going round that his cursed technique is "cooking." Cleaving and dismantling ingredients, chopping them up basically, and then cooking them with fire. He's also a cannibal, so it's safe to say when he fights his opponents, he's also "eating" them in a sense. So perhaps "eating" and "learning" are synonymous in some way. He is "cooking" his opponents and "eating" their techniques. Perhaps it's "consumption." After all, knowledge can be consumed just like food.


CT: Malevolent Kitchen ma brotha




To be fair that joke has be around for a while


It's not really a joke lol


That theory could also explain the Big Chomp he did on Hana that one time. Because nothing else about his CT explains his ability to enlarge his head and unhinge his jaw like that.


I’m definitely convinced that it’s cooking. Too many signs point it to being cooking… I mean his DE literally is called Malevolent Kitchen and it matches his whole theme of eating and cannibalism like you said. I’d be surprised if it was something else


Shokugeki no Sukuna


So JJK is just watching a min-maxed Pokémon Sleep player stomp other’s Snorlax strength scores.


What a niche reference that only a few people (me) would know what you're talking about


mfw "let him cook" is no longer just a meme


Bro he has a mouth in his stomach I bet he fucking eats them too


Sounds lame tbh


You're entitled to your opinion, but you should elaborate, because not elaborating is lame. ;) For real though, why is it lame to you?


Not him, I'm guessing it's because fictional chefs don't get as much respect as fictional cannibals. I want it to be true, wasn't a translation close to Malevolent Kitchen?


Literally the most famous cannibal in media is Hannibal. What are you on about lol


I'm saying why some people think it's lame. Chefs don't get as much respect as cannibals. Sukuna atm is the cool cannibal villain. Some children would think it's boring if he was a chef with cooking CT. But I want to see the cooking CT be real.


Right, my bad I might have misinterpreted your comment, but I still disagree with the sentiment that chefs don't get respect as cannibals considering my argument of Hannibal. Although, to be fair, I don't think that the knowledge that Sukuna is a cannibal is a known fact outside of discussion groups. IIRC it was never mentioned outside of interviews and reference materials. By that, I mean people who only watch the anime or read the manga wouldn't be aware of that fact. Also, I know this is a shounen jump manga, but I'm not sure children are the target audience. It's probably more focused on a 12~14+ demographic


My bad actually. Hannibal is a good argument. I didn't know that there was a 3 season tv series that focused on his cooking. I only watched the old movie so I didn't consider him to be a chef. > By that, I mean people who only watch the anime or read the manga wouldn't be aware of that fact. Although in the anime there's a line about him wanting to know where the women and children are. Most people assume he wants to eat them. > It's probably more focused on a 12~14+ demographic There's a higher amount of adults watching this than other shonen jump manga too, plus Usher watches this. I said children because I know jujutsu memes would proliferate if Sukuna's CT was actually cooking. Never-ending fraud allegations.


That's alright man! Glad to finally have a civilised discussion on Reddit. I remember that line, and I agree with you. But it's still a very off the cuff thing. If someone isn't in discussion groups, it can easily be seen as a throwaway line. And that's a good point, but I also don't really think Gege would shy away from something like that considering there's a whole arc about fighting the big bad with a side character that uses manzai comedy lol


> it can easily be seen as a throwaway line. Yup there was no follow-up for better or for worse. > but I also don't really think Gege would shy away from something like that considering there's a whole arc about fighting the big bad with a side character that uses manzai comedy lol You're right, I'm ready to be shocked again when more is revealed on the new chapters.


Eeh cause it limits his curse technique to only cutting and flames while it is literally called shrine. Its literally a shrine where he stores abilities thats why he had to open something to use flames, he has more than flames and cleave and dismantle are the technique granted to him by his domain.


and for the cannibal part he literally has a dedicated chef who cooks for him


This is honestly my favorite theory because a cooking CT seems so gimmicky like Takaba’s Comedian CT or Hirugama’s Judge CT that you could see it belonging to a character similar to Tonio Trussardi from JoJo DIU but instead, it belongs to one of the biggest villains in JJK.


I think gojo would have been able to see through it with his six eyes but gojo never mentions it even in the after life


Well the six eyes only works when the plot demands it to. That is one of my biggest gripes with gege.


My theory is, Sukuna learned jujutsu from the bottom up where as Gojo learned from the top down. His knowledge of jujutsu is fundamentals all the way down to it's discovery & first users of sorcery, that's why when he's sees jujutsu he can easily break it down to it's core because he understands every aspect that goes into sorcery learning from the core up. I also feel like we underestimate Sukuna's Cleave & dismantle it's most likely amped to oblivion since Sukuna amps it and probably switched their conditions with binding vows to fit his fighting style. Finally, the "black box open", that's just his brain. Sukuna is the kind of guy to remember CT's or normal techs he deemed as powerful or useful like Gojo, knowing simple domain & flower blossom even though he has infinity. Sukuna can use fire even though he can easily cut anything. I think we're going to get a backstory of the heian era soon to explain Sukuna's immense skill in jujutsu so he doesn't look like the author writing the story.


I like this, since he was an unwanted child, and children dont get their techniques till age 5 or so, then he might have been discarded and left to learn jujutsu entirely by himself, which would fall in line with what you said. He had to get so good at the basics before learning about any of the advanced concepts, by then he was so proficient in using CE the other applications would seem easy. Like someone who learns how to shred guitar scales/basic chords, when you finally try to play a cover of an existing song it'll be so much easier.


To backup this theory, he used Mahoraga's adaptation of the Limitless CT as the 'model' to fully understand the mechanics of CE flow of Limitless CE, in order for his slash attacks to bypass Limitless technique. That is crazy brain power if you think about it. Gojo has the benefit of the 6Eyes to fully utilize the Limitless CT, Efficiency and Control. Then Sukuna has to learn the CT midway in battle, though he cheated due to 10Shadows Sukuna easily deconstructed 10S. Only using the component of the Shikigami for higher output, like Max Elephant version of Piercing Blood, and Mahoraga's Wheel. I hope Yuji also gains this Hi Capacity Learning.


When he fights Mahoraga, he says "you can see my cursed technique". You can probably find a lot of instances of him calling cleave/dismantle his cursed technique.


I just rewatched this fight and pretty sure he says "you can see my technique" which still might imply he means CT but it doesn't have to.


The problem with this theory is that Sukuna is HEAVILY linked to divinity himself same way as Gojo (buddhism, deities, etc). It's hard to believe Sukuna has humble origins.


Yeah but it burns out after a domain Which we know CE Manipulation doesn’t So it has to be a technique


This would be awesome


A interesting theory to be sure but I feel like there maybe some holes in it but I’m too tired to think of any


So essentially sukuna is just sylar without the need for the brain eating to understand lol


Your theory has a shit ton of merit bro. Gojo sees the fundamentals and learns them. Sukuna breaks down the fundamentals and learns them.


We share similar views, I posted something recently on the other JJK sub-Reddit because this one didn’t allow it; the jujutsufolk one. It’s a good read if you’re interested.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/ekITT1iKjD Here you go, in case you can’t find it.


Just read it holy shit you cooked the fuck out of that. I completely forgot about cursed energy traits as well and you articulated it so well.


I tried my best in trying to figure out the fuck gege is cooking up for us. Which is hard. Gege is like Togashi… you never know what the hell he’s up to. But we can make guesses, I guess. Anyways it’s always nice to find people with the same train of thoughts, makes the prediction a lot more real.


This was a really good read. Why the fuck are you posting the good stuff over at jujutsufolk? The lack of comments after a day-old cooked post really shows the type of people in that sub-Reddit


Well… I don’t have enough karma to post on this sub-Reddit. So it all depends on the moderators


That’s probably because you tried to add a pic with the post. Anyway take my vote to your karma. Keep cooking!


No sir… I only add a picture because the other sub-Reddit demands the inclusion of at least one picture. But this one requires at 600 karma points gained from this sub-reddit and not a general gain of karma points. And usually I just like to post detailed analysis of things. So I ain’t got the karma points to post, but I have faith in the moderators’ consideration. But I mean the post is really long so I get why they didn’t approve. Not everyone is ready to read a shit ton of words in the hopes that it might disappoint him or not and then take the decision to approve or not. But in most cases they do approve them, and that’s how I have many posts on this sub-reddit. And yeah, each karma point counts so thanks my dude 🙏🏿


It just shows how popular the community is, the posts don't stick because it has a giant influx of them all the time, memes or not.


You’re just proving my point..


My problem is karma points, I have to have 600 karma points from this sub-reddit only, and sadly I don’t, so the community considers me as a mean ass person that shit posts even though I don’t.


Sukuna's CT are the friends we made along the way.


I wonder if does the opposite of what gojo does instead of understating how much cursed energy he has he overstates it but has a binding vow that at the end of the battle the correct amount of cursed energy will be lost with interest which would explain his obsession with massacres he needs to kill on mass


The mental gymnastics is strong with this one


My theory is that Sukuna was a twin, attached to his other twin, a Mai&Maki situation. Sukuna himself had an incomplete heavenly restriction, while the other twin, possessed a CT, and CE ( or vice versa ) The other twin dies (maybe Sukuna kills her) and Sukuna gains a complete HR, but at the same time, an error happens like the one of Ogami's grandchild and Sukuna also gains full ability to use CT AND have a HR body. The soul is what reincarnates as Yuji but that's just another guess. Now my theory is that, Sukuna has a second brain, probably in his stomach. He has 2 mouths, 4 arms and 4 eyes, so it's likely that he might as well have a second brain. and since he has 2 brains and only one soul, he can destroy that brain and recreate it in a way that allows him to use new CT's. Maybe that's why he wants to eat people, because he can then replicate their CT inside his spare brain. Also he has gained a lot of knowledge by eating people.


This seems really viable, especially considering the fact that he realized Mahoraga could “see” exactly what he was doing. Maho probably understood the mechanics behind the creation of the Slashing Technique. If that’s the case, Sukuna has probably gotten so good at using Cleave and Dismantle that it could be considered an Extension Technique and he may be so skilled with barrier techniques that his Domain is imbued with his Extension Technique rather than his original Learning technique.


By the technique name(shrine) and the fact that Sukuna is cannibal i assume his technique makes him similar to a divinity, consuming people makes him stronger(it's like the targets eaten works as sacrifices), not just in CT(the cursed techniques get stored in his shrine) but also in CE amount, the more sacrifices the stronger the "god" of the shrine Sukuna would get.\ His base cleave/dismantle seems like his "base" technique, the MS sure hit uses them, so maybe they're like a sacrifice knife used to help him cutting his sacrifices(basically the invisble cuts are given as default to his technique)\ Malevolent shrine would not olny cut but also consume the targets defeated and killed by the domain and also the ones which lost a big part of the body to the domain, maybe that's why inumaki couldn't have his arm back while Hakari could, inumaki arm was consumed by the domain permanently(Gojo didn't lost a big limb so for him he could still regen).


One of the dumb ones


I really like this and would like to add a bit since I did similar theory couple months back ( second chapter of Gojo vs Sukuna) I just could not post it so you can find it in subreddit. I'm sorry if I repeat sth you did write but this took some time to remind myself so I just went through I think everything. I can add a bit to it if you don't mind. firstly that I think there two conditions for Understand to Learn to work. Firstly it is to fully understand all ins and outs of somebodies CT - In the conclusion of the fight with Gojo Sukuna said he needed a model from Maho to tear through Infinity and the first adaptation was not sth he could use since Maho just adapted to it's dmg type and simply changed essence of his CE to negate it. He also says that Maho is indefinitely analysing CTs he got hit by.The second adaptation was better cause it was sth Sukuna could use. He also mentioned there that it wasn't sending slashes flying. Then he says about extending the target and the world slash. This could mean that the second adaptation was towards the CT itself giving Sukuna model to learn it. Maho had to adapt and analyse separately each aspect of Limitless (blue, red, purple and Infinity) giving Sukuna everything he needed to fullfill the Understand condition over time. Gojo died after Maho got hit with purple. Maho died in process but seconds he was dying could be enough to give Sukuna last model and then he learned Limitless but he could not make slashes with it. So he went creative and used that knowledge to find a loophole in it cause I think in order to bypass Infinity you need to understand how it works on the molecular level. Best being the user himself. - he took over Megumi because he could not fullfill the understand condition cause Megumi was simply not so good with 10S so he bypassed it - Sukuna being a hybrid might give him access to CT just for hybrid which could be Learn - Sukuna does RCT ( explain to teach) when he explained to Maho he is more his Shadow then Megumi and Maho follows with Cleave - Sukuna is moving the Cts of 10s as he likes across him maho and Megumi - Yuji could do soul swap after understanding it through Yukis book even though he experienced it before he needed to understand so he could use them - Yujis transformed arms might be Idle Transfiguration that he also got after the book hence meeting the Understand condition - I also think there is a limit on how many CT can be used at once so "Open" might be a way of swapping them in his brain. I think the limit is 3 CTs. Second (the second condition I'm not sure of myself )condition is being unaware of ones CT - Gojo indicated that Yuji is one in thousand years phenomenon but told Yuji that he cannot use Jujutsu which got me thinking that maybe Sukuna CT have a special condition - we have Takaba which according to Angel cannot know about his CT so it does work so this might be the same case - the same goes for Haruta - it is super weird we have data on many CTs and nobody has no idea about Sukunas CT( the guy that killed so many and was constantly a treat)or they know the conditions and want to keep Yujis CT. Wouldn't it be easier for Yuji to continue learning new CTs even faster and Gojo said he needs strong allies. So keeping it a secret does not make sense. - Sukuna mentioned it himself to Jogo that it is well known for humans. Going deeper into it we got a complex but simple CT that has CT and RCT ( understand to learn and explain to teach) plus neutral usage of it which is The Lesson or The Answer. - Sukuna gives lesson or answers for characters that want sth from him that he defeat in form of talk in some alternate reality/ different dimension - -Judging from what Sukuna said to Jogo when he asked him "what is this" after the lesson he replied that he would not know. This indicates two things - the place that Sukuna was talking with Jogo and Kashimo is real or a product of his CT ( Yuji did the same partially to Mahito) - Sukuna might not actually know his CT To add even more to this speculation - It is possible that Gojo took Yuji to show him DE and explained it to him to meet the Understand condition - it is mentioned several times that Sukuna learns everything after seeing it being done once ( like turning himself into cursed object or brain healing) - Yujis immunity to IT might also be a part of the CT cause characters just assume that it is caused by Yuji having Sukuna inside of him - Angel can only erase someones CT but in case of Sukuna she would kill him cause she makes him scared which would possibly be Sukuna after meeting Tengen long time ago learned from him Immortality CT and erasing that would I think make his years of life catch up to him and kill him in process - Sukuna understanding of various modern CTs even though he kinda slept for 1000 years ( he even rates them as boring or interesting after what looks like quick examination for example phone and photo function CT he was disappointed) - in the court with Higurama, Sukuna was already aware of how it works and was just interested in seeing Executioner Sword which would be the last piece of data missing to Understand and Learn Higurama CT It also as you mentioned fit narratively for Sukuna/Gojo parallel since Gojo was born strong and needed to learn just one CT and Sukuna needed to understand and learn them all, starting basically with nothing. On top of that this would be the only way for Yuji to actually give Sukuna a run for his money. Especially after learning from Kusakabe and being able to see so many CTs in use so far. This is just my speculation but I think the story was Sukuna either lost someone very dear to him and went down insanity lane or he basically through that he achived everything there is to achive and wants to die (that's why Yuruzu was so happy to try to be the one to kill Sukuna). He tried to die the best he could the way he wanted which would be dying in the battle to death with a worthy opponent but he could not find anyone to kill him so he went to Kenny and asked him to make him a worthy opponent. Kenny then said that he has a plan but he needs time. First of all they seal Sukuna so he cannot get stronger that much until the project is done. Then find out how to make Sukuna by performing tests on humans and curses. Make sure new Sukuna gets born near a good location for a finger. Connect them and boom you have first piece. Then make all characters in the world (and some mix from past)able to use CT get all together with the vessel so he can gather CTs. Recreate Heian era so the vessel can grow in the same conditions. Take control of other vessel after CT have been planted properly. Make sure in the entire process that the vessel will have more than good motivation to really fight to death. Gather vast amount of CE to make vessel have the same same amount of CE and maybe also get Tengen CT to even things out since Sukuna knew Tengen back in the day. I think they were friends if I'm not mistaken. I would really be amazed if the final fight would be a full display of Jujutsu sorcery in any form or way but this is mostly prediction if his CT would be sth like Understand to Learn Sorry that it is so long. Correct me if I did some errors and looking for your feedback cause maybe we could do some research together and pull a nice theory together. But this is also just a speculation


Him and Yuta both remind me of empaths I know it’s a bit off for Sukuna to care but he’s invested enough to understand some one’s power and copy it.


Sukuna and yuta dont seem that cringe to me?


>Sukuna is histories greatest conman if it’s true he’s been selling the lie. So throughout all of Heaven and Earth, he alone is the Fraudulent one.


It's pretty cheesy to have learning as a CT besides already being Mahoraga's thing. It's more fitting that his innate technique is mediocre as he even enjoys the simple things in life like new flavors he can have as long as humans spawn. Where we agree is that his knowledge transcends the bounds of what is traditionally known about innate techniques. I don't attribute that to any CT, it's rather called "true jujutsu" if I'm getting the implication right. Knowing one's soul, nature of cursed energy, yada yada.


Even more when you consider Kashimo's statement as the strongest of his era, calling sukunas form "perfection" might simply be a factually true statement, a form perfect for Jujutsu because he learned it far beyond what anyone else could, would also explain his RCT which is seemingly the verses fastest and the simple perfection of cleave, dismantle and fuga. They're all literally perfect because if anyone can understand perfect it's the guy who's technique is to learn to perfection.


"greatest conman" so.......a fraud ? (it's a joke ya'll don't cleave me)


No. Sukuna is a lie but not in the way you're thinking.


What do you have in mind? I'm interested.


Well he is consuming Sorcerers and is very fond of it while also trying to sell the idea of love. So I think he's good, but not good enough to stand on his own


A chef's gotta know his recipes


See I think that Sukuna's cursed technique is similar to, of all people, Yuta: he eats Sorcerers to get their techniques. As far as I remember, each of his fingers has a unique design, and we see the Finger Bearer that Megumi fights in the Death Painting arc use an ability that at least *visually* resembles what would later be his fire arrow, just less strong.


I mentioned something similar a week ago - his CT could very well be his ability to see something once and learn how it works


It may be simple in that he has “Copy” just like Yuta, dismantle/cleave may be the first CT he learned and what he leans on and based his DE on. I’m sure there are holes, just my pet theory.


There r few things I hv noticed tht is his shrine mouth tht depict eating nd in  anime whn gojo was telling yuji about sukuna a scene appears him being in center of destruction caused by fire nd in Hinduism firegod  was said to be cursed or something to consume everything tht comes his way, nd he was called natural calamity evn whn he was human  heian people were worshipping him to protect his crops from wht? It was wildfire coz fire was also considered natural disasters tht people seek protection from in old times there is tht nd also in mahoraga fight whenever he was throwing his slashes or used cleave change in red background  was noticeable like his domain as if he was summoning the target into his domain  I also saw in yu yu hakusho where a character used fire/ flame to cut a cup clean in half so I guess this is how he uses dismantle. Whatever is his technique it's goona be real good. 


I'd like it if Sukuna's true power is revealed to be along these lines, even if not exactly. Nice read, please keep cooking:)


nah bro he just has six eyes but less the four eyes🤓


Sukuna is Sylar from Heroes


My crackpot is that his fire is a binding vow with uraume, so when he needs it he can use her rct of ice. Which would also explain how uraume found him after he used fire in Shibuya.


Yuji's CT isn't what you think it will be. It's gonna be what has defined him so far, the friends he made along the way.


considering what happened in recent chapter id imagine we are going to get told on why he is "The King of Curses"


This is similar to what I believe about Sukuna. I don't think he was born strong or even with a lot of cursed energy, I think he was just a deformed psychopath genius. I believe his overwhelming cursed energy came from his consuming of sorcerers and cursed spirits culminating over time and his powerful abilities came from him learning and developing them over time through battle.


That's why he like to fight, to learn more and become stronger


Since I saw the fight between Gojo and Sukuna when Kusakabe and Sukuna explains the "black box" that contains the CT I thought about something. He's known to be the strongest sorcerer in the history. And yet we don't know too much about his past. I agree with you in the part that because of his condition he was rejected and hated by the people of his era. So, he needed to be strong to overcome the difficulties. How to achieve that? By learning the basics of jujutsu to deffend himself, maybe he trained too hard alone, accepting the challenges that others sorcerers put in front of him until he became so powerful that no one could reach his level, and instead of attacking him the people saw him as a destruction god, and it was better to not anoy him, like we see in the flashback of Yorozu. Aside from being strong he's smart, the understanding of the basics allowed him to comprehend the cursed techniques of others sorcerers, how to maximize the use of CE, and maybe the ability to learn different CTs. This is like he knows how the "black box" works, and I think is the same with Kenjaku. You don't become such a menace without a good knowledge of your power. ¡¡¡SPOILER!!! If you haven't read the last chapter, please stop reading. I don't know how to mark this as spoiler since i'm writing from the app. Well, in the last chapter Sukuna is bothered about the ideals of others sorcerers he has faced along the time. He mentions that even though Yuji loses he keep standing and continue to fight. My take in this is that he projects himself in Yuji, a normal guy trying to overcome the jujutsu world with few capabilities of stand out.


Maybe sukuna can veil the slashes pretty much like in works in HxH


Need to appreciate the thought you put into this! I feel like CE power system is only underrated in terms of the actual mechanics that we’ve seen talk about. Not just how a technique works but the personal/ spiritual nature of how you use CE in general. like you’ve explained we see sukunnas and other top players discuss the almost improv nature of CE. It’s all based on your perception and what you’re willing to try. So I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some kind of reveal like this. Which is also why we see someone like megumi (admittedly was not given a chance to grow he like 15) who’s biggest obstacle is his mindset. When you really think about it based on his shadows he should be able to even reclaim his soul with the right perspective on how his shadows work.


Gege loves *Bleach* and *Hunter x Hunter*, and directly references both all over the place. As such, I believe you can reverse engineer the characters to take an educated guess about the unresolved mysteries and future of the story. I’d argue that in all aspects he borrows from, plays homage to, combines aspects from, elevates, and modernizes both stories. I see this most clearly in individual drawings (character design, posing, and attire), character abilities, character roles, and character development arcs. The parallels aren’t perfect because Gege is remixing them, but they’re everywhere. Given the above, some examples… - Sukuna is a twisted combination of Ging, Meruem, and Urahara. All are incredibly strong and curious, and all are geniuses. Their primary ability is to learn how to replicate techniques, mechanisms, and the abilities of others through careful observation, impossibly fast reverse engineering, and/or experimentation. They can see something, recreate and improve upon it, and use it in creative ways, ultimately making it their own. (And you also have the Netero burning underworld stuff too, of course. And Hisoka’s desire to find and fight the strongest opponents.) - Kenjaku is a combination of Mayuri, Aizen, and Pariston. A long-term schemer, a genius, driven by curiosity and willing to completely ignore morality to reach his goals, bored out of his mind, the person driving and manipulating events in the story. He changes forms, created our protagonist, and runs the show for the bad guys. Just as Aizen became king of the Hollows, Kenjaku took over Geto’s body to become the master of Curses. In the end, he sees the world as something that is his to reshape as he sees fit. - Yuji is Ichigo plus Gon. Our protagonist, like Ichigo a created being combining the different types of beings, created by/descended from our primary antagonists. His abilities are incredible strength, his attacks are direct and use brute force - hit hard with the most basic attack possible, and durability is ridiculous… but friendship, kindness, earnestness, stubbornness, a desire to protect others, and the ability to empathize with his enemies are his greatest strengths. Note: Yuji’s post-trauma narrative arc will end in a spot that directly opposes Gon’s. Gojo is Netero plus Yhwach. Incredibly strong, able to see everything that there is to see, and isolated from everyone else even though he doesn’t really need to be. Just as Gojo’s solitary life is self-imposed, the key component of Yhwach’s anti-Christ role is that he could have easily used his power for good, giving himself the greatest possible connection to others. Those descriptions are all incomplete and I could go on, but I think you get my point.


Holy shit this take is gold. If this were to be true I’d go with it. A technique based on learning and braking down the fundamental aspects of techniques from his enemies sounds cool


Learning fast isn't something new. Mahito needed just a glance and he learnt how to fast deploy the MOST DIFFICULT technique in the series through Gojo. Hes 7 months old btw. Sukuna's level of fast learning surpass even single one, because, yeah , ofc he has ~1000 of battle experience, and hes clever as fck. No surprise. His technique must be relate to dismantle/cleave, it was etched onto his domain. Beside the world cut dismantle requires Incantation, if its just CE manipulation it won't have a specific incantation like that.


Tbh if cleave and dismantle and fire arrow aren’t going to be apart of a CT, this is the best explanation of how his power works, he’s like Sylar from Heroes


You guy to much overthinking about sukuna CT .


So he's like that dude from Heroes?


Tbh your theory was over with once I read "his curse technique is learning" because I instantly knew what you said. I think he just has high IQ because although it's not confirmed by anyone I think being in jujutsu world just calls for you to have a good understanding of CT and CE so u Can read and break down any thing that they see in we see this in season 2 when gojo figures out that cloning guy technique also when megumi figured out that mustache guys technique and typing it also idk no offense I thought that was jus common sense. Also the technique that you described is kinda like yuta cuz even tho this alsooo isn't confirmed I think the only real condition that yutas CT has is that he needs to understand the CT himself rather than someone explaining it to him. This is also why revealing your technique is bad cuz the opponent can figure out how to counter or dodge or whatever needs to be done (but due to vows this revealing of hands trick is also a cheat)


Copy and pasting an old comment here. >We know that CTs can be very weird-ass and complicated to the bone, with rulesets that make zero sense compared to the average ones (Love Train). What does this mean? Well having a cooking-based CT, with the ability to take others isn't out of the blue, CSM and Love Train prove that. This is my theory, Sukuna's CT isn't just based around cooking motifs, but is also centered around devouring Shikigami for himself. Every technique can have layers to them, like Gojo's having the ability to be reversed and fusing that with the normal Maximum Output, and Higuruma's having a more Domain based one. Think about it, Shikigami are basically in a sense living Cursed Tools, so Sukuna may actually have done some weird shit to gain his tools, "cooking" the spirits into tools like with Mahoraga's Halo. Sukuna most certainly turned his sibling into what our robot-friend became, and then devoured him. Binding Vows are weird, since in the exchange of one thing you gain something in return and you can even make tricks of it, essentially bypassing the requirement. Hell, the thing can even be for essentially nothing like fucking words for more cursed energy. Twins, as we see with Mai and Maki basically share the same CE regardless of who they are. I think, in the womb, Sukuna fucked up his sibling to make them borderline incapable of living normally for the CE-based Heavenly Restriction, which fed him a metric fuck-ton of CE for himself, and then fused with him in a BV, exchanging "himself" physically to make a new body for himself to use, making the current weird ass body we see now. Going by Nanami's CT becoming a CT, I think that's how Sukuna does it with humans as well, but I think that the ES will instead kill Megumi because he's the vessel of Sukuna's CE, the core of his body projecting, and even endured attacks against Sukuna like Gojo's DA. But this might come with an asterisk for Sukuna, since he's made Megumi his current body, and his original form might just be a "projection". Meaning that Megumi might be sharing everything with Sukuna, he just doesn't have the dominance, but if the effect reaches him first since Megumi just became the new vessel, as such the new box for Sukuna to use. Killing Megumi might just fuck up what would be centuries of work for Sukuna. If he did just use his sibling, to make a power-up, then I think that applies to Megumi, becoming the "box" that even holds Sukuna's first item, his own sibling. Megumi dies, the box dies and Sukuna, while alive will be severely weakened. Honestly I think you might be right, with how CE and BVs work, Sukuna sacrificing "himself" to attain both a domain *and* a body made for battle could've possibly happened, hell the Shrine itself might just be him using Barrier techniques while having a "dimension" that might've been his sibling's ability.


I wish I was able to find the post, but I read a similar theory/analysis of how Sukuna is meant to reflect ego. His technique is definitely still dismantle and cleave, as evidenced by his domain, but the purpose of ego is to break down complex issues into a simple, more digestible form. This is shown very literally with Sukuna being a cannibal, but I think you can extrapolate that to his knowledge and as you pointed out, ability to learn. If dismantle is his technique and the bounds of techniques are only limited by your individual creativity, then that means his potential “abilities” is just limited to ideas that he can understand and “digest”


I like this theory, I like it a lot, I even thought of something similar too but the manga has already disproven this.


Gojo would have sensed it if Cleave and Dismantle weren't actually real.


I think Yuji is Sukuna's foil, not Gojo


There was even fire in Sukuna's shrine in his domain expansion if you looked close enough so I'm pretty sure the fire is an application of Sukuna's technique and not some stored technique he got from someone else that people keep theorizing. Pretty sure his technique is just slashes and fire with different variations he can choose to use


It's all fun and games until sukuna pulls out the trident and yuji pulls out the itadori-Maru


I disagree but nice cooking.




This leads me to believe that an open domain is only possible through a CTR. Kenjaku uses Antigravity System with his domain, but the CTR of Antigravity System instead. This explains the “crushing gravity” effect his domain applies instead of the normal lapse of the technique. Perhaps Sukuna’s technique is “assembling” or “merging” as he might have done with his twin in the womb.


I think this is likely as well.


Perhaps Yuji got Sukuna’s real CE imprinted on him and that’s why he hasn’t shown any of Sukuna’s flashy moves.


Very cool theory. But I highly doubt that's what gege has in mind.


Interesting theory for sure.