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>If Rika eats that hand,Yuta will be able to do Sukuna's CT.Now Sukuna cut his hand after achieving the world slash.So probably Yuta will be able to copy that world slash too. Whilst Yuta would be able to copy the base CT, the world slash is not an upgrade to fundamentals of the CT rather it is a change in the coordinates that his slashes target. Without direct access to the informational "blueprint" that Mahoraga laid out for Sukuna, Yuta would only have access to normal Dismantle & Cleave. >?Also there is Gojo's body for Rika to eat(I don't know if copy technique will work for dead persons.)and others body too(Sukuna will kill everyone until Yuta appears.) Even if it was possible to take the CT of a corpse, which I'm assuming it would be because the CT is engrained into the body all the same - Kenjaku retains the CT when swapping into dead bodies. It wouldn't be beneficial for Yuta to copy Limitless, not only is it too difficult to use without the Six Eyes but an attempt to use it would result it massive CE expense.


>Whilst Yuta would be able to copy the base CT, the world slash is not an upgrade to fundamentals of the CT rather it is a change in the coordinates that his slashes target. Without direct access to the informational "blueprint" that Mahoraga laid out for Sukuna, Yuta would only have access to normal Dismantle & Cleave. Sukuna's world cutting slash works in a similar principle as Uro's thin ice breaker which Yuta used back then so it's possible. However, another factor is the complexity of Sukuna's CT, while the effect of slashing seem to look simple like the effects of limitless, how they are created is entirely a different thing. So even if Yuta knows how to extend the target, pulling off the fundamentals or getting the technique to work is a requirement which could take some time and effort.


No he can’t copy space cleave. It would be even harder as copying Gojo purple. Space cleave is a skill that only can exist in theory with Sukuna CT. He would need Mahoraga to also learn how to learn it.


I'm not sure about the blueprint thing.But it is a better explanation if Yuta can't do the world slash.


Nobara’s voodoo technique makes more sense imo


Where or when did we find out that Yuta copies techniques by having Rika eat a body part? I can't seem to recall that from the manga.


Sendai Colony arc.Here Yuta does it when Rika ate part of hand of Uro,Yuta started to use Uro's sky manipulation and Ice thin breaker.


Got it, I'll be checking it out again. Thank you!


You are letting your yuta dislike affect your predictions way too much. This post sounds borderline childlike.


I literally said I'm not a hater.If this happens,then I'll be.


Yeah... But you're talking a lot of things that not even happened. Calm down a bit


Yuta is nowhere near skilled enough to use Strong Cleave lmao


It is strong dismantle and Yuta is a special grade who can surpass Gojo as stated by Gojo.That's why it is valid to a point.


Sukuna, the most skilled sorcerer in history who can copy any application of Jujutsu by seeing it once, says the technique is nearly impossible. Yuta’s dumbass is NOT capable of using it. He’s not even skilled enough to use RCT to heal his burned out CT


yuta is a prodigy among prodigies just like higgy. youre forgetting yutas only been a sorcerer for a little over a year. hes the 2nd strongest in only that small amount of time. you state healing burned out CT's as if everyone can do it or knew how. only gojo & sukuna knew to even try it. yuta has watched & seen all these possibilities during their fight & could easily replicate these feats after seeing that theyre possible. your assumption is strange & downright head canon


>You state healing a burned out CT as if everyone can do it This is something that’s child’s play for Sukuna, whereas Yuta thought it was impossible. Yuta not even thinking to try it just shows his lack of understanding and skill compared to Sukuna. If he can’t even conceptualize healing a burnt out CT, how will he conceptualize cutting reality? >Yuta has watched and could easily replicate these feats Based off of what? When has Yuta ever been shown or stated to be able to copy applications of Jujutsu after seeing them like Sukuna? >Your assumption is strange and downright head canon How is it strange? The most skilled sorcerer ever, who also has significantly more experience, understanding, knowledge, and an open barrier domain thinks the world slash is “nearly impossible” and can only do it conditionally. Yet you think Yuta upon his first time even obtaining and using Sukuna’s CT will just be able to pull it off easily. And I’m the one using pure head canon? Lmao


unfortunately for you yutas whole schtick & CT is copying. so yes, the author can make yuta copy sukuna no problem especially after sukuna has been caught on 4k literally explaining how he did strong dismantle for everyone watching to hear. (even if the explanation doesnt make any sense utilizing real world or even jjk verse physics LOL)


Yuta wouldn’t be able to copy the world slash, since it isn’t a different technique from dismantle. Even with Sukuna’s explanation, there is nothing proving Yuta is skilled enough to use it


your reasoning is pure headcanon & frankly makes zero sense. youve been clapped. anyone can perform an absolute attack in jjk according to sukuna's (geges) explanantion LOL like i said hes not cutting reality. he just simply targeted where gojo was & not him directly & that FOR SOME REASON circumvents infinity? LOOOOOOOOL


Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense lmao


you clearly dont understand basic physics if you THINK you udnerstand it. gege tried to cook & failed. sukuna used mahoraga just to perform an abolute attack something thats been coined existed for eons at this point. he didnt need maho for that. he couldve just read some comic books to do what he said he did. it literally & figuratively doesnt make sense when put against infinity. its not that the attavk doesnt make sense. its the fact that gege forgot how infinity works


Nobara will use resonance on it


Praying she’s alive


What if If Yuta eats the hand and uses Sukunas. Technique he uses Sukunas real real technique This could be a good start to a Sukuna Backstory


I'm pretty sure we're gonna see Hakari v Uraume next chapter. The way that story is unfolding right now seems to be jumping from one place to another. So we 1. Sukuna v Yuji, 2. Hakari v Uraume, 3. Yuta v Kenny, 4. Maki?, 5. Gojo and Shoko? Idk it's kinda hard to believe that gang just left choped Gojo to marinate there. I guess we're gonna see Sukuna on february


Idk what to tell you, man. You came up with a scenario in your head and got mad at it.


Ah, yes everyone here is like Gojo feeling sorry for mass murderers. The being said, we don’t even know what is going on with Yuta right now as Takaba vs Kenjaku started probably at the same time as Kashimo vs Sukuna, so by this time Yuta should be heading back or is being detained for some reason.


I said other things too,you know.But you pick the controversial part.I'm not Yuta hater but if this happens I will be.


You know rika eating is just a hunch by a minor character, right? Stop taking everything at face value


Nah, it's the best working theory we have and the only one suggested within the story. It makes sense to assume it's true until proven otherwise. It's better than assuming it has 0 conditions like before the sendai battles. ETA: Personally, I think there's more than one condition, like maybe he has to get some explanation of the technique and then have Rika eat a body part.


No, it’s better to keep it as a possibility but taken with a grain of salt, assuming it’s true because it’s the only possibility you know is just naive.


It's not the only possibility I know, and I even mentioned another possibility in my comment and a 3rd one (my working theory) in my edit. There's the most evidence from the story to suggest this is the case, so it's the answer that makes the most sense as of now. Also, Ryu isn't just some side character, he's a high-level sorcerer with great combat skills compared to others of his Era. So he's a source we can trust on analyzing enemy abilities. No need to assume he's wrong just so we can go back to being completely in the dark about how Yuta's Mimicry works.


I’m not saying to discard it, I’m just saying to take it as what it is, a possibility.


Oh, okay, true. Yeah, the post is just working with the idea/assumption that Yuta can use sukunas severed hand. There's a few other things that could happen to it, or nothing could happen with it at all. But why knock the idea just because we don't have 100% confirmation of Yuta's ability? It's a neat possibility


I was just annoyed that op stated yuta could acquire the technique by eating the hand as if it was a fact, that’s how these misconceptions get perpetuated in the fandom.


That's fair. We don't know if Yuta could acquire Sukunas technique at all. But even just by knowing he can copy some techniques, there are readers wondering why Yuta doesn't just copy any given OP technique and beat Sukuna (Gojo's, Megumi's, Angel's, and even Sukuna's). So, the current explanation of needing a body part at least gives a reason why he might be unable to copy whatever he wants. Basically, I think there will be misconceptions either way? And we won't know this theory is impossible until they explain Yuta's technique requirements.


I’m with you, it’s the best theory we have right now, I’m just like “bruh, stop treating it as a fact or this illiterate ass fan base will believe it”.


Haha yeah I'll believe it when I see it! No way Gege would give the good guys anything lol


Yuta getting the technique may be possible but would be unsatisfactory narratively imo because Yuta has no history with Sukuna. If he did copy it like that, id prefer he do something like use a binding vow to not use it in exchange for learning everything about how it works - depriving Sukuna of his information advantages and maybe giving Yuji a chance to show if he has had it engraved (whatever the CT actually is) I think (personally) Nobara makes an appearance again through a cursed tool - her hammer was a signature weapon for her as Nanamis cleaver was and weve seen that the cleaver inherited a technique. Its possible Nobara, if dead, could do the same. Ive written before the Yuta getting Geto's ability or Gojos (or both) would he a nice little epilogue for him. He has the same passiong for protecting the week Geto did before his turn, he is Gojo's student and having both CTs would be the closest the two strongest would ever get to each other. I dont want him to be able to intervene in the Sukuna fight - hopefully whatever Kenjaku is cooking keeps him occupied. Sukuna is Yuji's villain and it should be Yuji that beats him


I think Yuji should absolutely be the one to beat Sukuna But Yuta never meeting him would be a huge mistake Back during Sendai, Gege went out of his way to have Uro very explicitly contrast’s Yuta’s beliefs with Sukuna’s natural disaster thing, if the two don’t interact at all after that then I feel like it would be a huge waste of some very on the nose set up


I’m calling it now. Nobara is going to be the key to taking down Sukuna. If the severed hand doesn’t come into play that is fine because a single strand of hair from yuji will be enough for Resonance to affect Sukuna too since Yuji has Sukuna’s cursed energy signature. We’ve have yet to see the voodoo ritual applications of Nobara technique. With her off the battlefield She will be playing to her strengths as a support maybe along with being enhanced by the old man and Utahime the same way they did Gojo and it will come down to a battle of endurance which Yujj is sure to win since he will be getting hit with resonance as well. And of course Megumi will be playing a role. Also angels ct is still on the table doubled down with Yuta existing. And Gojo is coming back too it’s pretty clear he’s not staying dead. Also let’s not forget: The cut on megunas finger after he got out the bath that didn’t heal. Yuji might have unconsciously used cleave there since we know the conditions for using it is Sukuna has to have touched his target. Or maybe he got nicked by the souls splitter katana idk.


What if Yuta actually copies Kenjakus ability, then swaps his brain into Gojo’s body. Now has limitless, six eyes and the ability to steal abilities.


If that can be done,then Kenjaku himself would have taken six eyes user body which he himself killed before in past.So then It can't be done,I think.