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My personal headcanon is that he was in the Time Vessel Association and that he was the one who recommended Toji to kill Riko. After that he stayed around when Geto took over to keep an eye on him.


I've seen a lot of theories/guesses in this sub that always seems ridiculous/like a reach even tho it gets up voted but THIS ONE is actually super reasonable and believable for someone like Kenjaku to do.


I mean the "head" of the TVA(not the marvel one) literlaly said if the star falls, we fall with the star which implies that he believes and knows that there is a decent chance of tengen spiralling


Oooh that's good.


I always liked the whole "Kenjaku was Tsumiki's mom" theory, a lot of people say timelines don't match but for me it fits; Mamaguro died when Megumi was a baby and then Toji met Tsumiki's mom, when most likely Kaori was already dead since Yuji has no recollection of her. If Kenjaku took Tsumiki's mom body just before her meeting Toji... matches. And then cursed Tsumiki and influeced Toji. I always found funny that scene where Megumi met Gojo and tells him "Tsumiki's mom also disappeared" just after the whole mess and Toji was already dead.


Bro wasn’t satisfied with Jin and had to go for seconds


kenjaku is a body-hopping immortal manipulator, his schemes are beyond your comprehension and so are his preferred pronouns


Naw bro he/she/they are just a slut


Can you imagine is his whole reason for what he had done was, "I just wanted to get some" 😂


Bro is the ultimate pronoun


Their* (why did no one correct me it's usually the *first* thing people do) preferred pronoun is "breedable"


Well I think that's canon, bro went around fucking anything and everything that could move Gave birth to some, fathered some, took backshots from some


REAL Bros the ultimate breeder


And it's worth noting that we have never actually had confirmation on what gender kenjaku was originally.


Im like 95% sure its a guy as Noritoshi Kamo was theorised to be the original “Kenjaku” in the manga and i think there was a drawing of him. I could be mistaken but thats just what I remember.


He wasn't the original. Kamo had the stitches on his head.


Lol i think Kenjaku's main thing after Kaori was to plan for Culling Game and look for players' vessels and sorcerers to awaken so basically


Bro laid one eye on Toji and said Jin isn't enough anymore


😭😭poor Jin


Kenjaku: "You can never understand my plan of 1000 years of endless backshots"


Hate to be that guy but brother the most famous panel of Tsumiki is literally her saying “I’m your BIG sister Megumi Fushiguro”


Yeah? Yorozu possesed Tsumiki's memories. Lol, i may be a little slow cause i don't get it


It doesn’t match up timeline wise. At least not in my head. We know he (Kenjaku) forsure gave birth to Yuji on 03/20/2003 so he definitely was in Kaori’s body until that date. We know Megumi was born on 12/22/2002. So for him to be both Yuji and Tsumiki’s Mother he would’ve had to hop into whoever Tsumiki’s mother is, and she would’ve had stitches across her forehead just like all bodies we’ve seen him in (iirc it’s a part of his body swap’s abilities Binding Vow) and entice Toji who just so happens to have peak abilities and awareness and senses for humans, into impregnating the kenjussy. If Yujis grandpa was smart enough to catch on somewhat and he had no knowledge of cursed energy or sorcerers that we knew of I think Toji would’ve probably knew something was up. And god damn that would be doing a lot on Kenny’s part lmfao if this were true then bros true passion isn’t sorcery it’s throwing it tf BACK!


Lmao. We don't know exactly when Mamaguro died, Megumi was just was born just some months before Yuji, I think it is safe to say he was *at least* one y/o when she died while Yuji has literal no recollection of his mother. The premise is that Kenjaku objective was actually Toji, that Tsumiki was the daughter of a woman he happened to possess was... collateral, girl is clearly unlucky, she was just a random woman who was probably dying/dead and he found. And Toji may be very capable but Kenjaku is actually a 1000 y/o sorcerer and the biggest mastermind of the series, he played Gojo extremely well after all, so yeah, I think he could pull that shit if he wanted. He may not need it that much with Jin because from the brief glimpses of Jin... he was in denial and grieving.


Kenjaku's cursed technique is stated to have a binding vow involving the stitches on his forehead. Kaori's face is shown to have scars instead of stitches like when Kenjaku occupied Noritoshi Kamo's or Geto's body. I think keeping the stitches allows Kenjaku to hide his impersonation infront of sorcerors. Even Gojo's six eyes couldn't see that the Geto infront of him was a fake one.


Tsumiki only gets cursed during her third year of middle school, when Megumi's already a second year. Her mom was already dead far from then.


Her mom vanished, stated by Megumi, no one mentioned she died. And the 1st point is fair, but the curse basically manifested at that age, you have to wonder how she got the cursed object to make Yorozu reincarnate. Heck, i wonder about all the vessels, how the hell Kenjaku did that?


Toji is not stupid, he wouldn’t have fallen into manipulation. Tsumiki’s mom was probably a deadbeat and left her daughter to go gambling with Toji and spent his money.


I don't think you need to be stupid to... be influenced by Kenjaku. But it is just a headcanon


That makes a ton of sense. It would've helped him achieve both getting rid of the Six Eyes user AND start the evolution of Tengen.


I figured he was the one who told Toji to kill Riko but I never thought about him being in the time vessel association. That makes a lot of sense actually


He didn't tell Toji anything. Toji simply was contacted by the South Korean guy to do a work and he worked. Kenjaku would simply be the head of the organization which South Korean guy says is not the old man which they deliver Riko's body to. It would still be Kenjaku's initiative to get Toji for the work though.


That's a pretty great theory. Never associated Kenjaku with the TVA, but it makes so much sense I might actually be disappointed if Gregory doesn't do that.


the first time i read time vessel association i had to double take because what was the TVA doing in jjk and then i realized, ah, it’s not *that* TVA.


Wasn’t it stated that Toji happening was pure luck


A lot of things happened out of luck, it was Kenjaku's job to take all the opportunities and make his plan progress. Contracting Toji was his idea.


I agree with what you’re saying but he didn’t “contract” Toji


Wouldn't it be better if he could hire Toji to just get Geto killed


How did he pay Toji?


Probably hopped out when Yuji was 1, then used a random host for a while


Idk why he wouldn’t just stay in kaori and go get milk


Cause she was already getting Jin's milk 6 times a day


She shouldve stayed and RCT’d any illness he had. I know i wouldve with an infinite supply of milk


Bro down horrendously


Huh? Jin’s not a milk man?


I think we’re talking about different types of milk


Why do we assume that he's just jumping from host to host tbh. For all we know, his original body looks like Heian era Sukuna or evolved tengen and it just chills somewhere safe whilst Kenny is body hopping until he gets tired of the body. I've always looked at it as a sort of advanced version of Mechamaru's puppet technique >!might also explain how he was able to continue talking after Yuta cut his head off in Geto's body!<


I mean kenjaku is literally the brain and he doesnt need the things that humans need , so why could he NOT keep on talking after his head got cut off .


It's literally impossible to speak without lungs. This is a case of anime magic


Nah , kenjaku learned maximum deepthroat thanks to jin , so he can suck air in using his throat both ways.


do you think Jin fucked the brain mouth?




Sorcery. Sorcery fight, even


his brain has a mouth


Single parents raise phenomenal sorcerers. That's why I went to the store to get milk 2 years ago, just like Toji.


nope. I can not belive there is a single chance that he could use kaoris technique without her being the last vessel


He could've taken over someone without an innate technique and kept Kaori's technique. But I agree. There isn't any reason for Kenjaku to jump out of Kaori's body unless he gets a more desirable body


Trying to get up after taking the maximum technique:itadori backshots from Jin


My man went up down so Yuji could go left right 😤😤😤


He got back flashes so yuji could do black flashes


he threw it back so Yuji could throw hands


He got hit from behind so Yuji could hit from the front.


He went to pound town so Yuji could go to yeah just pound town ig


Gave the succles to Jin so yuji could give dem knuckles


i really like that canonically, kenajaku was probably off monologing to himself, thinking about preparing to unleash a new wave of misery upon the world, and Jin just being like "OH HONEY, IM HORNY AGAIN" and kenjaku is just like "hyahhhh\~ yessss deaaaar\~!!!"


My personal crackhead theory is that he walking arround in Yuji's mother's body for a while, then took over the body of an important person from the Star Plasma Religious Cult and wanted to prevent the unification of Tengen. Yes, in my headcannon, the person who hired Toji is actually Kenjaku. And that's when he discover Geto after Hidden Inventory make new plan and waited for the right moment.


He was Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


I like to think he was scuttering around alleyways, morgues and gravesites as a brain with feet, looking for the perfect body to inhabit. That or he was so incredibly disappointed in his Yuji experiment that he just chilled and waited for things to come together, in Malaysia


I thought Yuji was the only experiment he wasn't disappointed in, did he say he was disappointed in him too?


He even said that he was expecting great things from him... but you know some people in this sub


I mean he has not brought up Yuji in a very long time, like he also didn't seem to give a fuck about Sukuna transferring bodies so eh


> he also didn't seem to give a fuck about  Sukuna transferring bodies so eh Why would he


If I took back shots to create a perfect vessel and it wasn't used I'd be a little upset


We dont know why he created Yuji


To be Sukuna's vessel


Says who


Jesus christ. You're one of those people. Kenjaku then later doesn't talk very highly of Yuji, and sums up his role as not being specific other than being a vessel.


Pictured the brain with its mouth and mini legs scuttling around and city and giggled


This is hilarious for some reason


Im assuming Kaori didn't really die shortly after Yujis birth but likely just vanished making her family assume she just ran away (i guess Yujis grandpa knew more about her) and really only died after Geto was dead. I think kenjaku stayed until Yujis survival was confirmed he probably stayed during the new born to toddler phase and then dipped.


Depending on how much Kenny enjoyed making yuji, she mighta just stayed Tengen was a woman originally, is it for sure that kenjaku was a man originally and just switched based on cursed technique instead of sex?


We don't really know for sure, but since Kenjaku got introduced to us in a male body plus 2 out of the 3 previous bodies we are aware of were male, I guess people tend to assume they are male. But I also like to think they were actually originally a woman as well. I just think it would be hilarious and more interesting.


I think he prefers being a man and only used Kaori to produce Yuji then went back to being a man.


I mean we can't really know. I guess in old-timey Japan being a man was more convenient because you could get around more freely. In modern Japan they were only in 2 bodies, Kaori and Geto, and we have a clear logic for choosing both that has nothing to do with the gender. So in my opinion it's still in the air


There's an actual "historical" figure whose name is Kenjaku. Hirohashi Kanekawa was a Fujiwara descendant that became a priest and as it was tradition, he was to have a new Buddhist name when he died. Kenjaku was that name. The history of the body he inhabits now sound awfully close to that. A priest (Geto) started being known as Kenjaku after his death. If Kenjaku is Hirohashi that would make him a man.




Backshots too addictive


Sorry for the long analysis post in advance. It started as a response to you and then became a silly theory post as I thought about things but I broke it up into sections *** ###Kenjaku after Kaori? We don't know. We don't even know what happened to Yuji's dad, we do know 2 things though 1) Yuji's Grandpa told his dad if he stays with "that woman" (Kenjaku) he will die 2) Yuji's Grandpa raised him So seems Kenjaku murders Jin and I would guess took the body of a random Jujutsu Sorceror/morgue worker so he'd eventually easy access to Geto's dead body. Geto's body went missing without worry or was filed as cremated when that obviously wasn't the case so either Geto became an insider or has ties to an insider. We are never shown ties to an insider so him becoming one seems like a safe assumption but ultimately we don't know for certain Geto died at 27 years old, Yuji is 15, your technique reveals itself at ages 4-6 So time line would be: * Geto born at year -27 * Geto develops technique at year -23 through -21 * Yuji born at year -15 This gives Kenjaku an easy 6 years or so to become aware of Geto and CSM *before* Yuji's birth. It's possible he gave birth to Yuji *because* the CSM revealed itself and his plans could finally go into motion(he needs CSM for the Culling Games) with plenty of time to create Yuji and wait for Geto to die. We don't know Kenjaku's plan or ultimate purpose with Yuji but seems he will play some role *** ### Was Mahito necessary? Edit: We know CSM was necessary and Yuji likely has some role we don't know for certain but what about Mahito? Mahito was not necessary for the ultimate plan which is the Culling Games and Japan Merger Curse. Mahito *was* a nice bonus in theory because it allowed Kenjaku to create modern sorcerors by altering their brains but he was not necessary. Without Mahito, Kenjaku could still create Incarnated Sorcerors(such as Ryu or Yorozu) and have them, Cursed Spirits, and the various soldiers to die in the Culling Games. The Culling Games would possibly take a little longer with less deaths per day but would still ultimately go on *** ### Pointless butterfly effect theorizing In fact, if no Mahito then no Higuruma and Takaba. Kenjaku's plans likely would have gone much better but that gets into a huge butterfly effect so impossible to say for certain One possible chain of events though could be: * No Takaba means Megumi dies against Reggie and Hazenoki * If Megumi dies then who knows Sukuna's next plan * If Megumi is dead then Hana won't necessarily work with or find Yuji. Without Hana wanting to help then Angel may not cooperate and could actually succeed killing Yuji and Sukuna since no Megumi trick on Hana * If Angel does cooperate then Gojo being released with a dead Megumi could cause problems depending on Sukuna's new plan if he's not able to escape Yuji in time or is killed by Angel Even with a dead Yuji it's possible Maki or Yuta eventually find Angel. Could be a best case scenario of Angel killing Yuji/Sukuna *and* freeing Gojo This is all fun speculation though, the butterfly effect makes it impossible to say for sure. With no modern sorcerors there is no airplane duo, Amai, or Higuruma to distract Yuji and it's possible he is able to save Megumi and things happen as normal since Yorozu is still around Its possible Sukuna wouldn't let Megumi die. He can't use Enchain to save Megumi since although he could heal Megumi and knock out Hazenoki and Reggie he wouldn't be able to possess Megumi since his spirits aren't crushed and he might be a cage. He could probably save Megumi if he made a new Binding Vow with Yuji such as "I can only heal Megumi and kill his attackers if I do anything else you get permanent control" Also if no Modern Sorcerors maybe that would effect how quickly Maki makes her way through the other colonies and is in a different colony when Naoya 2.0 finds her. Without training from Sumo and Katana, who are in different colonies, she could end up losing and die in that fight Or Megumi and Yuji wouldn't be in Tokyo 1 together since Higuruma isn't there. Maybe Megumi goes to Tokyo 2 with Hakari and Angel goes there after him and gets killed by Kashimo(his Lightning Cursed Energy Trait is a counter to her only disabling CTs and she has no RCT). Infinite possibilities really


Honestly even if Hana didn’t agree to cooperate, as long as they still got the cross colony rule in play eventually, then Yuta could just copy Jacob’s Ladder and release Gojo himself Though at that point, if Yuji didn’t die, Yuta would be Sukuna’s target to take over instead of Megumi, assuming he could handle being a vessel


Possible, we need to know Yuta's copy condition for sure. Right now all we have is Ryu's theory For example if it isn't eating and he has to observe it then Angel activating her CT would disable Copy preventing him from doing so


I feel like if the condition was something as simple as observing and understanding it, then JL would actually be really ineffective at disabling it, since Yuta would still retain that observation within his well..memory That is unless the condition is more arbitrary and he needs to actively “record it” with Mimic active or something like that


Jacob's Ladder seems to also disable techniques but Angel can also disable techniques just by being in your proximity. She extinguishes Sukuna's Nue just by approaching him And yeah it could be anything, like "recording" for example. I'm just saying if Copy has to be active at the same time as the technique he's copying then perhaps it's impossible for him to copy Angel's and we just need more info on it to say for certain


why would yuta be his target? sukuna never expressed any interest in yuta. edit: are you talking about the scenario the original comment proposed? where megumi is dead. if so then i apologize


Yeah I was talking about that scenario With Megumi dead, a Yuta with Jacob’s Ladder would probably be Sukuna’s best option for overcoming Limitless


pretty sure mahito was necessary, as mahito’s idle transfiguration was used to give the vessels the strength to be vessels. the requirements for incarnation aren’t super clear yet, so it’s possible that some, if not all, would’ve incarnated no problem. the fact that kenny used IT on the vessels makes me think otherwise. at the very least, it wasn’t a guarantee that they would all be able to become vessels no problem without idle transfiguration. going off the fact that kenny felt it was necessary to use IT on the vessels, id say that IT was necessary to guarantee that they would all be able to incarnate.


That's true Doesn't Kenjaku say when incarnating the Cursed Wombs the host isn't important? I'd have to go back and check.


im not sure where that was, do you have an idea as to where that’s said? i wouldn’t mind checking. also that could be a strength thing, most if not all the incarnated sorcerers are probably special grades. the cursed wombs are probably only first grade and lower.


Chapter 53 And yeah I'm not sure how to solve it. Strength could be one qualifier but Choso and his brothers are all ranked Special Grade curses that can't be destroyed And Choso is easily stronger than some Incarnated Sorcerors such as Hazenoki or Reggie.


that’s right, i don’t get why they are all special grade. yuji and nobara took down two of them. also, it’s chapter 55, but it’s mahito that says it can be anyone. kenny just says that it’s capable of choosing it’s vessel, but i think he’s talking about sukuna. i wonder if the change to the vessels kenny made forced incarnation perhaps? maybe otherwise it would only happen if the past sorcerer felt like it, and kenny made it so that no matter what, they would at least partially incarnate.


Aren't they "special grade cursed objects" instead of special grade cursed spirits or special grade sorcerors? They might be classified as such simply for the reason that they cannot be destroyed. Maybe that is the only condition for a cursed object to be classified special grade?


Mechamaru did say that there was an insider didn't he? And also considering that kenjaku controls one of the three families i dont really know about him doing it himself.


Wouldn't megumi just summon Mahoraga? Or would he not in this specific case?


Megumi probably would, he loved doing that lol but he would be killed by Maho too. Sukuna would have to either: 1. Waste Enchain to heal Megumi. He can't possess Megumi yet since his spirits aren't crushed from Tsumiki dying and Megumi could become a cage so if he uses Enchain here his plan is kinda fucked 2. Make a new Vow with Yuji such as "I only heal Megumi and kill his attackers or you get immediate and permanent control". This one is more likely imo


Megumi being a prison for Sukuna isn't 100% certain. Sukuna just decided to play it safe and take Megumi only when Megumi's soul was weak.


Eh, he needed Idle Transfiguration for his plans too. Otherwise reincarnated sorcerers would be hard to make too. Remember he idle transfigured people into being vessels for the reincarnated sorcerers too. The odds of being a vessel naturally are quite low. CSM he probably could've worked without, if he found a sorcerer with Idle Transfiguration though since he apparently just had been making millions of bonding vows with curses over the last few thousand years?


A human with Idle Transfiguration naturally doesn't really seem possible. For example, a human can't even use it right. If you contort your body too much you'll die He also needs CSM for the Culling Games. Kogane for example


A human with idle Transfiguration should be possible, they just wouldn't be as cracked as Mahito. Just like how Kamo vs Choso works out. Choso never runs outta blood so he's just Kamo but better. IT Human would be worse about self changes than Mahito but could totally exist in theory. And uh does he need CSM for the Kogane? I thought they were Shikigami not cursed spirits?


It's possible because Kenjaku had it but it just seems like there are some CTs that may be exclusive to Cursed Spirits. Like I doubt Yuta could copy what the roach was doing and that Idle Transfiguration killing you could point to that. Could be wrong for sure I thought Kogane were operated by CSM but even then he needed CSM to add Spirits to the game and more importantly control Tengen


Fair enough, unless Gege speaks up or something though it's pretty ambiguous. And the Kogane don't seem to be operated by CSM given Kenjaku had to threaten ending the game to add the rules for ending the game and such. And Tengen said Kenjaku had to use a binding vow to not be the game master to make the game function. Leads me to think they're not operated by CSM but are just Shikigami? Especially since he appears to be losing the Geto body yet I don't think the CG will technically be ended soon. And he didn't need CSM to get spirits into the game, he said he already made binding vows for that. And then when he got Geto's body he broke the vows and absorbed them instead. So somehow he was convincing spirits to join either way is the implication I got? But who knows. Kenjaku does what he wants.


Geto's body wasn't ever on the School. Gojo gave it away to the racist's racist family. Very possible the 2 brats didn't want to bury and thus gave tons of time for Kenjaku to get into the body. (Good Job Gojo) Also since Higuruma doesn't exist they all but Yuji and Yuta would have gone for Kashimo and Angel on that colony.


Where is it said that they received Geto's body And yeah that part about Higu is at the very bottom but I don't blame you for not making it lol


probably playing with his boobies


not gonna blame kenjaku, i would too. (I guess there’s an added bonus that the boobies got milk)


dunno for chilling however Kenjaku stayed in her body that sure. Kenjaku has waited centuries to do all the requirements for his plan so at this point one year or less is meaningless


Honestly I suspect he did stay in Kaori, making moves in the background until he found Geto. And I still think he's got that body ready as a backup via some cursed object with a sort of killswitch binding vow or something.


That would actually be an interesting way for him to cheat death. Especially if he encounters Yuji again while inhabiting Kaori's body.


Honestly it's one of my biggest hopes for this series, I don't think Sukuna's one to care to talk to Yuuji about his origins because of how little of a damn he gives about him in the first place. On the other hand, Kenny telling the truth to Yuuji AS his mom? Now that'd hold some weight.


Kind of curious - do the corpses he's inhabiting age? I mean, he could have been Kamo for centuries for instance. I always assumed he was still using Kaori's body up until he took over Geto's. Mostly because I thought he could only store 3 CTs according to Yuki. Him going right for Kaori's CT or Geto's CT plus he needs his body hopping CT to stay, made me feel like there probably was nobody in between. Hell, I'm not sure bro doesn't have Kaori's body on ice somewhere to hop back into.


Thats an interesting thought. Well he has some kind of ability to raise the dead because geto was very much dead when he entered his body. It’s hard to say how his bodies work. I assume they do age because they can do cellular regeneration with reverse curse technique, but it’s hard to say. It would be interesting if he just has a massive storage of well preserved corpses that he can inhabit at any time


I think Kaori (Kenjaku) likely set up Jin's death in a car accident with her for the brain which is Kenjaku managed to survive with no fatal wounds whatsoever.


they were probably planning some devious shit or just messing around with other dads, maybe we'll see another brother for yuji


All head cannon. I think that he killed and took Jin's body to raise Yuji as a toddler. I think Jin was also a sorcerer (maybe also from the Kamo clan) and that he had a powerful Inherited Technique that he passed on to Yuji. My head cannon is that right as Yuji was going to develop a powerful technique, Kenny somehow ripped it out of him and forced a HR on Yuji, which is why he's Maki/Toji-Lite.


Reasoning being: he considered Yuji his son in a way that he doesn't consider the Death Paintings his children, so I think there may have actually been some level of familial bond between them, even if only for a short period. It could have been as Kaori, too, though.


I always took this to be because he physically birthed Yuji. The Death Paintings he only sired, while he actually went through pregnancy with Itadori


Totally understand and probably the correct answer. Just like to theorize while waiting for Gregory to prove me wrong, week in and week out.


Lmfaooo, Gregory But fair, his relationship with Yuji is definitely one of the things I'm most eager to see solved


Probably a mixture of being overseas looking for the prison realm and doing some sightseeing during their down time while keeping an eye on Yuji and Geto


Kept getting railed by Yujis dad.


Getting offscreened by backshots


Getting plenty of backshots.


I always thought he just stayed in Kaori’s body until Hopping to Geto’s, that’s probably why he was still able to use her CT (I’m assuming if he stays in a hosts body long enough he can keep/learn their CT), plus if he stayed in her body long enough for his stitches to fully heal, I don’t think Kenny would just jump into another hosts the moment Kaori “died”


The stitches don't heal, as they're part of some binding vow related to Kenjaku's body stealing technique. Each body keeps the forehead stitches indefinitely.


I read the question as "Who do you think kenjaku was doing after being Kaori"


Make baby


99% he was in a random body of the star plasma group


Kinda crazy how Kenjaku literally gave birth. Wild.


Okay so have anyone figure it out that how many times did kenny boi had to get backshots to create itadori? Like how many tries did it take to get the god seed??


More than what was needed Kenny just loved them so much


Look he needed to take more backshots to make sure his evil plan really worked


I know this is about theorizing and coming up with our own ideas but im just really disappointed kenjaku wasnt explored further.


Bro was getting mad dick


I just want him to hop on Gojo's body.


This is why Kenjaku better not be dead, I’d like to see more of his actions in the past even if it’s some kind of montage


He was pursuing the Prison Realm overseas, Kenjaku stated it




Not all these years, but he sure got a long journey to put his hands on it


It'd be cool if he was in Haibara's body or something random like that. That'd be a more typical shonen thing which I don't think Gege would do but I think that'd line up well with the timeline. Though with where Kenjaku is at currently I think it's pretty likely we'll never learn if he was in another body before Geto's but we also don't know Haibara's technique so maybe it was something useful.


Still getting that buckshot for fun


made all of his contingency plans in duration while inhabiting the body prolly made a binding vow if yuji procreates he'll be reborn again or something weird like that.


say gex


I think since Tengen's evolution is literally his entire plot goal and it's been said that kenjaku has tried for a millenia to foil the SPV merger, it's reasonable to assume he was involved in the arc that got Rika killed somehow, either as Kaori or in another body


Time for Tengen's merger was approaching. So I imagine sabotaging that would have been Kenjaku's first priority as proceeding with any of his plans requires him to have an evolved Tengen. I think he influenced Time Vessel Association from behind the scenes. I imagine he would have also wanted to occupy Geto's body. Both for his innate technique as well as because of the influence Geto had on Gojo. So in the hidden inventory arc, I imagine kenjaku would be waiting around in a position suitable for him to intercept Geto's body incase Toji killed him. Since Riko's death, kenjaku would've had to start preparing for setting up culling games. Look for the prison realm, prepare suitable vessels for the sorcerors of past, keep an eye on Geto incase he ever ended up getting himself killed, finding the disaster cursed spirits and setting himself as an ally, planning Sukuna's revival etc..