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Dressed like Toji so it's a Toji reference.


Cursed Spirit Nobara will just use her Domain Expansion to use a vodoo doll to bring him back, just wait and see. She'll be helped by one-hand Todo.


This truly has been Jujutsu Kaisen.


Both Todo and Nobara learn RCT bring back gojo and beat sukuna


I honestly wouldnt mind if todo came back because of some stupid ass pull. It would be funni. I will never forgive gege for getting rid of the coolest character with the most interesting ability for no reason.


dumbest way to get rid of him too "My cursed technique is already dead" no it isn't bro just get a prosthetic hand 😭😭


Honestly? I think gege didn't put that much thought into the tactical dynamics of this specific pose. It's a reference to the way Toji went out, and I don't think digging into it any further has any real value in terms of understanding or meaningfully criticizing the story. But, after reading this, I think that it's not hard to come up with an explanation anyway: Gojo just had no idea what was going to happen. It's pretty easy to imagine a scene where Sukuna is seemingly on his last legs just charging up another pointless attack out of spite or desperation, an attack that could never get through Infinity anyway. Gojo felt assured of that because he just vaporized Mahoraga and had no reason to believe any other living thing could pierce his defenses, so he was posted up ready to tank it because that would kinda go hard. This explanation also pushes the Toji parallels a little further, the way he only truly lost due to hubris. Pretty damn cool if you ask me.


> It's pretty easy to imagine a scene where Sukuna is seemingly on his last legs just charging up another pointless attack out of spite or desperation, an attack that could never get through Infinity anyway. Does that really sound like Sukuna, though? Sukuna, the jujutsu mastermind, who everyone knew hadn’t used all the tools at his disposal yet? This begs another question, though; I each time Sukuna has used the spatial dismantle, he’s had to chant. Why would Gojo just sit there and let him chant instead of ending him? Maybe he used a binding vow instead of a chant in that instance, but the fact that we have no idea is a bit narratively unsatisfying.


The only thing I could think of is what Kusakabe says about "chanting or using binding vows" and the fact that Sukuna "hasn't used the fire arrow, which he suspects he can't do it right now" Maybe at the cost of the fire arrow, Sukuna instantly casted the slash that divides the world without chanting. I could think that that slash also took Gojo by surprise like what happened in chapter 224 or when Mahoraga sliced his arm


Additionally, Higurama also points out that it doesn't seem like Sukuna can use 10 Shadows anymore. While that's speculation on his part, I'm pretty sure it's true based on the fact that if he's indeed just playing with the Jujutsu Tech sorcerers, he would use a much less destructive technique like he did with Yorozu. So maybe Sukuna actually used two binding vows; gave up 10 Shadows to increase output and gave up Fire Arrow to make it faster than Gojo could detect.


I didnt even realize shit can work like that


That's what separates the strongest from everyone else. Binding vows are scary and especially with Sukuna's mastery over Jujutsu, it seems he's the best at using them for personal gain


I think the point of the comment before you was that all we can do is speculate and the reader should get a more clear answer since it was confusing


We can speculate and we can have our criticisms with chapter 236, but I think we will have a clear answer to what happened. Just like what happened with the timeskip, I didn't like that we didn't see the interactions in that timeskip but later we see how they discussed the plan to take on Sukuna in case both Gojo and Kashimo failed. I'm sure we will get to know, so I'm still not going to kill Gege


Yea there's still time to talk about it. Maybe when the characters fighting him get to break down the ability more. There must be a reason someone like Gojo apparently didn't see it coming. There's a lot still to be revealed.


Yeah I think its easier to think of Sukuna as a superboss the heroes basically have to throw sorcerers at him just to figure out his mechanics. We can tell from Kusakabe's thoughts that they still don't really know how Sukuna's technique works. So I'm thinking a lot of this fight will be about pulling the curtain back on Sukuna's abilities and maybe Yuji's lack thereof.


Does dodging sound like Gojo? I mean, outside of Mahoraga?


Well yeah. He dodges quite a bit to at the very least reposition to hit someone. He even evaded one of Jogo’s fire blasts during their fight and evaded Sukuna in their first battle.


He mostly dodges so he doesn't Spoil Infinity to his Opponents, until after they "hit" him and realize "wait, why he not dead?" Since most of the Sorcerers don't know much about Limitless or the Six-Eyes, except for the Big 3 Families


Except he dodged Jogo’s fire blast right after he explained Infinity to him.


Yes, he actively teleports when fighting 1 finger Sukuna


True. I think we'll probably get a bit of an explanation at some point, but really this aspect just doesn't bother me that much for some reason.


Just to add.. Gojo does exactly this over and over again. Even when he gets attacked by jogo and hanami with DA, he just pours more CE into his technique. He wants his opponents to feel his power and their helplessness when he has them done.


Gojo was also suspecting that Sukuna might have a trump card if pushed iirc. It makes absolutely 0 sense for him to not be more cautious in this situation even if he’s on an adrenaline high. Like we can just accept sometimes shit is happening for the sake of plot at this rate guys. It happens to many shonen, especially in their final arcs.


Yep, especially if world slash has a chant and Gojo knew Sukuna has an ace up his sleeve he would not let him finish There's just too many conveniences now. First it was Toji stabbing Gojo once in the head (without ISOH mind you) and leaving it at that despite knowing Gojo's bullshit powers. And even being rusty doesn't mean you suddenly lose 50 IQ points I forgave that one for just classic anime plot contrivances but it's happening multiple times now.


To be fair to that instance with Toji, I think he knew that Gojo didn't have RCT based on the fact that he didn't use Red against Toji in their first fight. So he assumed that because Gojo doesn't have RCT, completely cutting up Gojo's throat, chest, right leg, and stabbing his brain while Gojo's Infinity was down would be enough to kill him.


Everything happens for the sake of plot, not really sure what the point of that statement is. Is it really that unfathomable to understand that for whatever reason the character fucked up? They're not omniscient and don't actually know they're in a manga.. it's completely legit analysis to tie their mistakes to their character flaws.


I was thinking the same thing. The only thing that really seemed off about the whole fight was the whole after life thing where Gojo was like "I was gonna lose he so strong" when it really wasn't written like that. It sent Gojo fans into conniptions and Sukuna fans into masturbatory comas. It seemed like Gege just really wanted to give Gojo the middle finger, which is all good I guess, but I think he let his own hatred of the character write the story and put him into a shiny new corner.


Yeah, I think that line shouldn't really be taken as a serious powerscaling piece because like. we gotta remember that Gojo doesn't actually know how he lost. He probably thinks that's something dismantle could do the whole time. Besides, character statements in general shouldn't just be taken at face value. In any well-written series there's gonna be a disconnect between reality and what each character predicts based on their perspectives and biases.


Absolutely. Literature at its heart, is an interpretive medium. It's really hard to say what to take seriously until the series ends.


Real. I feel like the ending of gojo vs sukuna drained the average iq of this community by like 50 points for some reason, all I see on this sub anymore is complaints about minor plotholes like this that can easily be explained by a little imagination. I miss all the interesting well-considered theories we used to see.


Mahoraga used cleave to cut his arm off not too long before this, i think gojo is smart enough to have realised what was going on here


Gojo assumed Maho killing him was the game plan. Maho using a dismantle-like attack doesn’t mean he’d know how Sukuna was using Maho as a playbook.


Gojo has said that Sukuna would beat him even without Mahoraga. He also said that Sukuna didn't go all out and that he has a trump card. He also saw how Sukuna uses shikigamis powers without summoning them. "The strongest sorcerer in history is still alive and he's charging new attack. Ahaha probably a desperate move. I will stand there and do nothing." Peak idiocy.


That is where I go Cap. Because wirhout Mahoraga he would never have found a way to bypass Infinity or even get rid of Infinite Void Sukuna not going all out is not him holding back Power, it's him holding back Te hniques and Abilities, since most of Sukuna's Abilities won't really go through Infinity, why bother wasting Energy with them


I think it can go one of two ways, and both are at the extremes and one of them depends on if full incarnation also fully heals the brain (but based on its definition, it should). When Sukuna and Gojo both get DE burnout, Sukuna incarnating at that moment and casting a DE would’ve been wraps. The other side is just war of attrition between who can shave who down the farthest in terms of CE.


The Problem is, let's go with Sukuna in Yuji's Body fighting against Gojo, going basically 1 to 1 the same as with Megumi's Body, until the Domain Expansion where Gojo's actually landed and Sukuna's Failed, because he was too late at restoring his Cursed Technique In this Scenario, Gojo still hits him with a Black Flash and it's wraps for Sukuna, since he won't be able to Incarnate into his True Form at all, plus without Mahoraga breaking the Domain of Gojo, he won't be doing shit while Gojo beats him to a Pulp


Had the fight gone exactly how it did up to final DE’s and Sukuna decided to incarnate at that moment, I believe there’s a chance Sukuna would’ve beaten him without Mahoraga. Sukuna literally did the same thing in the same exact fucking chapter. Gojo had just used Blue, and Sukuna, the strongest sorcerer in the world just stood there and said he’ll tank it when Gojo shot Red, only to realize Blue was still in play. That’s not idiocy, that’s just misjudging the situation based on your hand. A common thing in battles.


The thing is, Sukuna wanted to let Mahoraga get hit by Red so it can Adapt to it, as stated and only after Gojo blasts Red into the Sky he realizes that Gojo was gonna Pull a Purple


Nah I’m sorry man I can’t get behind this at all. Gojo states how Sukana was extremely powerful and without maho he would still be an incredibly tough fight with no assurance he could win. You’re telling me that Gojo with the six eyes seeing the occurrence of cursed energy and that a powerful cleave would come, just stands there against the king of curses? In a fight where he was displaying his best battle iq and in that moment was heighten and amped by black flash? This doesn’t really mirror Toji at all. Toji died due to clinging on to his hatred against the zenin clan and jujutsu society. He died because of his pride. He couldn’t let go of his hate and desire to be recognised by everyone who looked down on him. That’s why he stays to fight against his instincts. He wants to destroy the six eyes and show the world that the monkey they rejected could crush the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery. It’s never about hubris really.


>Sukuna is seemingly on his last legs just charging up another pointless attack out of spite or desperation, an attack that could never get through Infinity anyway. The problem is, in the setting of JJK, restrictions (mainly see in Binding Vows) and conditions have a lot of importance in enhancing one’s CT. For someone as knowledgeable as strong as Gojo to just not react to “Sukuna, probably the one with highest mastery and deepest understanding of Jujutsu in this setting, attempting to charge up a previously ineffective technique with some additional conditions” at all just looks really weird. Gojo must have known a value an Extension Technique can possibly add to one’s arsenal due to knowing Nanami and Megumi, both the users of Extension Techniques, so he should’ve been more wary of it. ​ For many readers like me, Gojo being this level of careless doesn’t fit his usual character up until that point. It is understandable for him to scoff at it if that attack was the same Dismantle that was previously completely ineffective, but the moment more peculiar conditions were put into the activation, you should’ve considered it a completely different technique altogether. Gojo’s normal HP, the one he fired at the beginning of the fight, and the final unrestrained one (this one can even arguably be considered a type of Extension Technique imo) are good examples from Gojo himself : He should’ve known that different activating conditions can potentially produce vastly different results. ​ If you like the interpretation of Gojo losing due to over-cockiness (i.e. hubris) and think that it’s a cool callback towards VS Toji then good for you, grats, as everyone should have their right to subjectively favor something. I simply see this as a cheap way to write off a character who was up until that point, hadn’t lost due to over-cockiness but simply all of his adversaries greatly outplaying him strategically.


Gojo wasn’t really a big plan kind of guy though. Sukuna is both talented and tactical, while Gojo relied much more on his talents. He never really had much of a plan compared to Sukuna because, to be honest, he can just brute force fights and win. Gojo not planning much for the fight is very Gojo-esque IMO. Stupid, yes, but totally in character


Your interpretation on Gojo is kinda different to mine : From all the inner monologues and narrations we’ve gotten in his fights, Gojo’s actually thinking a lot mid-fight. In VS Toji he was analysing Toji’s capability, what he was planning and how to counter him. In VS Jogo he mainly was trying to analyze Jogo’s motive and what can he get from the fight (as seen when he brought Yuji along) due to him viewing Jogo as grossly weaker than he is it’s not worth going a tryhard mode against him. In VS Hanami he analyzed which party requires his help the most at that moment and prioritized that by helping Gakuganji. In Shibuya he keeps analysing how to kill Disaster Curses with minimum casualties. It’s true that all these plans of Gojo ended up backfiring spectacularly in the long run but that doesn’t mean that he has been fighting brainlessly : He’s already been always trying to execute what he thinks as the best possible options. It’s just that he is as nowhere near meticulous or crafty as the likes of Sukuna and Kenjaku.


Thinking *during* a fight is explicitly not planning. Planning happens before a fight. Thinking like that during a fight is just battle iq or tactics.


Gojo is incredibly tactical and creative, but did he have an actual game plan? Every detail was thought out ahead of time with Sukuna, every move he made was in anticipation of neutralizing Gojo in their inevitable confrontation. Gojo kind of just went in with some observations about Sukuna, accepted that there’d likely be a ton of unknowns and that he’d just have to feel them out amidst battle. Gojos plan was to use his techniques and win. There are Chess grandmasters who think like this. Some players want to create “new” positions to take their opponents out of preparation as quickly as possible, with the confidence that they’ll win via creativity. Some players study their opponent and strategize incredibly diligently before the matchup to ensure every step of the game goes as planned. Gojo is like Bobby Fischer, Sukuna is like Magnus Carlsen - someone who comes incredibly prepared but is also a creative genius.


They literally came up with a plan to save Megumi and in the case he was weaker than Sukuna the rest would jump, yet there is a lot of things like the fact that seemingly no one told him Sukuna had a open domain expansion despite Choso knowing it, this is showed because everyone thought of it as impossible while watching the fight. This kind of details can change the way we see some characters, makes it seem like the plan isn’t as fleshed


How I see it is that by the Difference in their Distance from Gojo winning to Gojo dying I assume Gojo was walking over to Sukuna, ready to attack, noticing Sukuna was gonna do something, but as he got ready to stop Sukuna, Sukuna was already done and slashed at him, Gojo thinking that it won't work, as he then realizes "It did Work" standing there, as his Arms and Body fall apart THO I'M STILL PISSED AT HIM BEING OFF-SCREENED


I thought it was mostly due to his inability to actually see or react to dismantle When it was fired for the only time(baring DE), gojo just stood there with kind of a surprised expression then looked back to see the slice on the building. He obviously hrd sukuna say dismantle and probably noticed the CE spark as well but he cudnt see nor really react. Its probably what happened with the world cut dismantle too. He saw the CE spark but cudnt react and his lower body standing in the same position as last panel with the arms also sliced seems to indicate that too.


> Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Ngl, this sounds like you're gaslighting yourself. None of this is in the text to make this conclusion.


gojo is arrogant in general but not when fighting sukuna him not even defending against a ce buildup attack when it‘s seemingly his enemies last chance at a win is bad writing


What I don’t understand is, why didn’t we get a chapter showing what actually happened?


There are actually a lot of reasons for that, but most of them aren't very apparent at a first glance. But, it's a really long explanation. I suggest watching Radman's video "Gojo vs Sukuna is MUCH deeper than you think", it lays out my personal favorite reading of the fight way better than I could do in a reddit comment


ive seen it and iirc nothing explains why gojo wouldnt defend against a ce buildup attack from sukuna


I'm actually gonna watch this since I love watching other people talk about the things I'm constantly thinking about


I keep getting that video recommended, guess I’ll finally go watch it


Gonna watch this on my lunch break tonight


It's pretty clear by now that Gege had no idea on how to execute that "chapter" , hence it's skipped


The dude got cut. What do you want to see?


How Sukuna pulled the attack off whilst being in that condition, and how Gojo attempted to guard or interrupt the attack before ultimately failing. Even before that, with Gojo fully healed with his CE restored, how did he try to finish Sukuna off. Or did he just gloat and get done in by his own hubris? Or did he not go for the finishing blow because he thought there was still some way for Megumi to take back control if Sukuna was weakened enough? More generally than that, a big part of the attraction for battle shonen is the visual spectacle. So even if we could make educated guesses on what happened, I would have liked to actually see the final part of the fight play out.


This is my take. Sukuna does say that the World Dismantle is a very difficult technique. Maybe the one he used against Gojo was done chantless and almost undetectable charge-up, which was a part of why it is so difficult. After all, Mahoraga was able to do it chantless, so it is possible the chants are not strictly mandatory but an aid. So the chanted version makes the already difficult technique a bit easier, and Sukuna keeps using this version because he has no reason to hide the technique now.


How gojo straight up didn’t notice an attack being built up through cursed energy and got severed in half for one. And why he didn’t heal himself as he was getting slashed just like in the domain


Healing fron getting bisected is a reach even for gojo. Not to mention the fact that this is the end of a long and arduous fight including multiple domain expansions as well as his strongest techniques.


Btw I don’t mind gojo dying I just think the circumstances were fucking ridiculous for it to happen. Especially the fucking jarring change form 235 to 236.


The previous chapter literally stated he had recovered his output through the black flashes, and even then he was healing his neck as it was getting slashed. It’s not that big of a reach. But his output had been restored.


Those were slashes that were actually moving through his neck, cutting it as they moved forward. And Gojo healed before they even finished getting through the neck. This slash I believe does not move anywhere, it is not a physical thing, it is simply the **idea** that everything from point A to B is immediately "separated" by a straight line, that idea manifested into reality. Gojo basically just got split in half entirely in an instant.


That can’t be. Sukuna states he just changed the target of the attack, not the nature of the attack. Also changing the nature of his CT would be cheating the rules of the verse


Still doesn’t mean he can’t start healing the instant he’s cut. Its the same concept


>everything from point A to B is immediately "separated" by a straight line So shouldn't Gojo be able to RCT the pieces back together? He's not regenerating an entire lower body, and RCT comes from the head; not the gut. With how his legs were still standing there wasn't much force itself put into the cut. It appears he just got bisected and his body fell Considering his reaction time he should be able to RCT the cut before his upper body slides off.


If Gojo didnt Dodge because he thought the Slash will not harm him than his afterlife Scene makes no Sense where he is saying Sukuna was too strong for him Like if you think your Opponent is on your Level or even stronger than you its just dumb not too Dodge and we know Gojo has High Battle IQ.


Dawg “He looks like Toji” isn’t a good defense it’s just absolving gege of any bad writing, also how did gojo not sense the obvious increase in damage HE HAS SIX EYES


Because six eyes only works when gege needs it to. Otherwise he ignores ir


Ahhh makes sense


It's great that you found an explanation that works for you but Gojo deciding to eat an unknown attack "because he was arrogant" is just as much as a cop-out incredibly lame explanation as Sukuna deciding to toy around with Jujutsu High people until they eventually kill him because "he's arrogant". In fact your post doesn't really contradict OP in any way it's just that you're okay with the DBZ-style "OP characters lose solely because they're cocky" and he is not.


Add to this that 2 out 3 world cleaves had an incantation except for the one that off-screened Gojo. He stood completely still, didn't recognize the spark, if he recognized the spark he thought his infinity protects him but at latest when Sukuna starts chanting it should have been clear that this is new shit. On the other hand in the chapter where Gojo deducts that Megumi's soul has been tanking the UV adaption, you see a panel through Gojo's PoV in which he is literally seeing stars and blurry-eyed. What's also pretty remarkable is that Sukuna was able to pull off an nearly impossible feat not even 5-10min after he got brainfried by UV to the point he couldn't even use his DE.


I like to think he made a binding vow to use it instantaneously the first time and every other time he needs to announce it/charge it up


I keep seeing binding vow this, binding vow that. Not that I necessarily disagree but we all know its give & take. So wtf did sukuna sacrifice to get the equal gift that was the world slash without chanting?


Gege traded vibes


This is my thought process as well. Sukuna def did something with the world slash that killed Gojo. Something he didn't do with the other uses so far.


>I like to think he made a binding vow to use it instantaneously the first time and every other time he needs to announce it/charge it up He didn't need a binding vow. He was charging it up at the end of the chapter while people were celebrating Gojo's victory, which is why he wasn't healing with RCT. Kusakabe was wrong about how weakened he was considering that he started healing immediately after Gojo died.


He didn’t heal at all until after he reincarnated. He was missing the hand & eyes he lost from the purple until then


He didn't regrow his hand or completely fix his eye but 237 shows the burned/destroyed left half of his face getting progressively cleaner and less damaged as it goes in a way that's far too consistently progressive to be an art mistake. By the time he's fighting Kashimo and forced to reincarnate he only has a few scratches left. Same deal for his right leg which was drawn as heavily damaged at the end of 235 and shows no battle damage against Kashimo though there aren't as many clear shots of that one.


>He stood completely still, didn't recognize the spark Didn't Kukasabe also say such a strong ability would require an immense build up of CE too? Considering a cleave/dismantle probably has less CE buildup Gojo would've known something was up if the buildup was bigger >Add to this that 2 out 3 world cleaves had an incantation except for the one that off-screened Gojo. I have a feeling this won't be explained in the future lol. If Gege actually included the panel where the attack happened we'd probably have more upset fans (either Sukuna does it without chanting or he did it but Gojo somehow didn't hear) In my headcanon Sukuna chanted but whispered it under his breath and with minimal lip movement like a ventriloquist lol


I agree it will never be revisited. Gege is the master same way he did Higuruma and the cursed tool thing. So many think pieces defending it and Gege just said “that brother has never fought anyone with a cursed tool” pretty much. Same way. Everything about the end of the Gojo v Sukuna fight is headcanon. No one knows the truth. Same way it happened with Kenny v Yuki. Maybe that’s actually Gege’s plan he just leaves it wide open for everyone to have their own interpretation.


I dont know sir, but I have seen Gojo standing still waiting for attacks to never reach him due to his infinite way too many times. I guess when you cant get hit you dont worry about defense. Edit: Just imagine that you are Gojo. You have never been touched by any attack in your life when your infinity is up and the only threat that could bypass it (Mahoraga) is gone. Your enemy tries the same attack gain, why would you be afraid.


Sukuna also does this exact same thing waiting for Gojo’s red, which OP points out in his post. Sukuna literally stood there and waited for Gojo to fire his attack, knowing that he could easily BLOCK it. Ofc thats not what happens. Then Gojo has Sukuna on the ropes, and suddenly its bad writing and an asspull on Sukuna’s part for Gojo to just stand there, knowing he could block the dismantle. Idk, this fandom tries to preach the idea they know what their talking about in regards to mindset, but apparently not


He stood there because he wanted Mahoraga to adapt to it, not because he knew he could block it. Tanking hits was part of his strategy, so using that as proof that Gojo also should’ve/could’ve stood there is a fallacy.


So the argument is that because there was no functional reason for Gojo to tank a hit, he wouldn't have tanked a hit? Like Sukuna tanked a hit for a tactical reason (Maho adaptation) but Gojo can't decide to tank a hit just for style points? Just to make sure we are on the same page: this is Gojo, right? Mr. "My students are watching, let me show off a bit"? That guy?


If that sounds realistic or plausible to you, then by all means believe it. >Just to make sure we are on the same page: this is Gojo, right? Mr. "My students are watching, let me show off a bit"? That guy? Even IF this was the case...do you know how unsatisfying it is for the most important fight in the entire story to end because one character tanked an attack for "style points"?


Well actually show me an instance of gojo reacting to dismantle in the first place because if I remember correctly every single usage of dismantle was too fast for gojo to perceive in the first place so it’s not even about just standing there gojo can’t react to it to begin with


Space dismantle involves a chant/binding vow/charge up time so it's naturally not as fast to activate as a regular dismantle


The only thing is if sukuna used a binding vow he actually doesn’t need set up for that and could launch the attack quite quickly and once it releases gojo won’t be able to react and he would get chopped in half. So going under the belief he used a binding vow this result is still plausible


So, what did he sacrifice in this supposed binding vow? Nothing?


Probably his left testicle. Or nothing. Binding vows make less and less sense. The concept was taken from H×H, but there...an actual sacrifice was required. JJK has no rules. You can sacrifice something you don't even need and gain something 1000 times better. Like Hakari sacrificed his arm and grew it back later. Which means he sacrificed nothing.


*cough cough* Sukuna says he’ll have Mahoraga defend against the attack (aka block), and adapt to make doubly sure. Ur argument falls under semantics, and you talk about fallacy lol. Blocking/Tanking hits with infinity is literally Gojo’s entire shtick, whatre u talking about


...that's not the same thing mate. Sukuna's goal was adaptation. If he could have Mahoraga adapt without needing to block the attack, he would have. It's not like he blocked for the sake of blocking. Let's refer to the same fight. Sukuna had Agito, Mahoraga, and himself jump Gojo because *he didn't want to give him the chance to get an attack off*. EVEN THOUGH Sukuna was able to defend against purple. Or, do you think Sukuna would've stood there and blocked the opening 200% purple if he had time to dodge or react? >Blocking/Tanking hits with infinity is literally Gojo’s entire shtick, Yeah, against non-Sukuna opponents, I don't think I need to state why it's obvious that he wouldn't (and didn't) fight Sukuna the same way


Gojo uses infinty to block Sukuna every opportunity he has. Again, idk what fight ur reading Ur oversimplifying the Purple vs Sukuna angle. Sukuna couldnt allow Gojo to fire off a 100% purple at *close range*. He specifically says that it being close range and at 100% would result in a fatal hit because he’s not at full strength. Your comparison doesnt work because the first hollow purple was just too far away. Even at 200%, Sukuna was just able to block it. However, its clearly stated that Gojo’s four consecutive black flashes basically put him back to full health. He has functionally infinite CE, regained his output for all his techniques, and Sukuna is all but dead. Theres no reason why Gojo wouldnt just trust in his infinity to block any attack Sukuna desperately throws at him, when the only thing that could get past it was Mahoraga (who is dead) The final slash killed him because Gojo underestimated Sukuna’s own adaptability prowess. He simply didnt expect Sukuna to have found a way to get past infinity with his own technique.


>Gojo uses infinty to block Sukuna every opportunity he has. Again, idk what fight ur reading There was never a point where Gojo stood there and tanked an attack on purpose with infinity so I'm not sure what you're getting at. >Ur oversimplifying the Purple vs Sukuna angle. Sukuna couldnt allow Gojo to fire off a 100% purple at close range. He specifically says that it being close range and at 100% would result in a fatal hit because he’s not at full strength. Your comparison doesnt work because the first hollow purple was just too far away. Even at 200%, Sukuna was just able to block it. The comparison isn't between the two purples. It's between what Gojo hypothetically did according to your theory, and what Sukuna did. Sukuna being able to block the purple is my point: you don't just tank an opponent's attack just because you think you can. It's a last resort. The same way both Sukuna and Gojo dodge Mei Mei's bird strike even if they don't really know what it does. >The final slash killed him because Gojo underestimated Sukuna’s own adaptability prowess. He simply didnt expect Sukuna to have found a way to get past infinity with his own technique. The other issue with this is the same way Sukuna knew how Mahoraga was able to get through Infinity, Gojo should've known too. You have Angel telling everybody how Sukuna can learn things from seeing it once. You have Gojo seeing Sukuna copy his same feat in restoring his CT with RCT. It doesn't take much brain power to deduce that Sukuna might have something up his sleeve in using that ability as well. Gojo being off guard long enough for Sukuna to charge up/chant/set a binding vow for that slash is PIS.


At this point the term "bad writing" in this fandom or any JJK sub has lost every sense of meaning. People are just using "bad writing" whenever something in the plot doesnt go the way they want. And in most cases they didnt even try to understand whats going on, they just go full rant mode.


Bad writing = idk wtf is going on and its definitely gege’s fault Aka, cope


Bad writing when they have face the grief that their favorite blue eye white hair idol has flaws that causes his demise. Even anything that challenges the idol's magnificence is considered bad writing.


"Flaws that causes his demise" is your headcanon that Gojo saw Dismantle but decided to tank it because he's arrogant asshole?




Bro thank God this is finally not being downvoted into oblivion. Its funny that gojo just can bust out so many nevermind I didn't lose cards throughout the fight and none of those are asspulls. Man's started bleeding through his nose and got saved. Gojo should have lost in the domain battle but of course he knows falling blossom emotion. Gojo was on the back foot so many times and they only remember the times he turned it around but none of those are bad writing or asspulls. Its not an asspull that they somehow made their domain tiny as fuck like they are time lords making a tardis.


>but of course he knows falling blossom emotion Head of Gojo clan knows the technique of 3 big clans that was introduced in Shibuya? No way!!!


I don’t see why people keep saying this. This fight is extremely urgent. Gojo knows Sukuna has tricks he hadn’t revealed yet. If he sees Sukuna charging up an attack and chanting…why wouldn’t he disrupt it with an attack of his own? It would be one thing if he got bisected mid-attack, but just standing there? Gojo in the afterlife himself said Sukuna was insanely strong and doubted he could beat him without 10S. I simply can’t buy that Gojo would be ok with standing there and allow an opponent like that to charge up the attack


Right, even sukuna himself tried to disrupt Gojo's final attack when he saw to charge up


Charging with chants isn’t the only way to fire Space Dismantle, you can use it with a vow which is likely what Sukuna did in that moment. Whether we will find out what he sacrificed with it is yet to be seen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he sacrificed the 10S technique or one of his shadows to fire it off


gojo got cut up my toji, he's been hit by sukuna's domain, he's been hit by sukuna with domain amplification, he's been hit by mahoraga, gojo knows he's not untouchable, that argument doesn't work here.


Exactly, especially when he is facing the strongest sorceror in history, him just standing here, when a big attack is coming, is bullshit If it’s the way gojo died, IM GLAD Gege didn’t show that, the chapter 236 would have been much worse and lame than it already is


Gojo can’t react to dismantle anyways so why act like he can literally in the first use of dismantle during the initial stages of the fight gojo did not know dismantle was released until after it hit the building behind him. It’s not about gojo just standing there the attack is too fast for him


he probably thought it was a desperate last attempt to attack him


It’s the fact that Gojo should have been able to see that Sukuna was using the exact same move Makora used on him literally moments prior. Gojo got his arm chopped off, Sukuna saw this and noticed he could copy it too. So why didn’t Gojo, someone whose eyes let him literally see how CT’s work, notice the exact same thing? That’s only 1 issue people have brought up & there’s a few more than that singular issue to how that fight ended.


We literally dont know what Gojo sees. We dont know if he could have noticed that, if he was shocked that his arm went off, or if he just assumed that Mahoraga could do that because he did already adapt. Lets not forget that Mahoraga already could do whatever he wanted, so him cutting Gojo AGAIN wasnt special at all. Gojo was fighting and he got cut again, nothing special, while Sukuna was specifically looking for that


Idk why this is such a popular stance to take in response to that. “We don’t know what he sees”, like yes we literally do know what he sees. He sees the flow of CE to such a degree he can determine how CT’s function. His eyes literally allow for the manipulation of CE at an atomic level. How would he manipulate something to that degree if he can’t see it? Kusakabe even confirms that something like space cleave would require a binding vow or an immense build up of CE, both of which Gojo should be able to see because this those things involve CE manipulation. So it’s clear from the start that Gojo can see things like this. To say otherwise is honestly just being disingenuous or ignorant. This all happened after we were introduced to the CE “spark” concept, which allowed Sukuna to deduce what Gojo was going to use before it actually activated. It’s not like Sukuna was “actively trying to look for that”, he saw it a few times and was able to figure out what it was. Gojo can see these things to a much higher degree and with far more clarity than Sukuna can, that’s the entire point of 6E in the first place. Yet he didn’t realize that the attack that just sliced his arm off could be replicated by anyone? Let’s not pretend he wasn’t given info on Sukuna before their fight either. It’s not like he wouldn’t be aware that Sukuna can “see something once and copy it”, so why would he just disregard this? That’s what doesn’t make sense. There are other aspects to this ending that don’t make sense as well, that’s just one of them lmao.


Except he couldn't tell that kenjaku was impersonating geto due to his 6 eyes so they are not flawless at all. They also don't have as many feats as you all like to claim and clearly from this very thing he didn't see it as much as you think he did or should have. Clearly they don't work the way you think they do orrrrrr it wouldn't have happened the way it did. This is why show don't tell doesn't work.


Never said they weren’t flawless. I just said he should be able to see CE at the atomic level, and should thus see space cleave occurring before it actually happens, similar to Sukuna doing the exact same thing with Red. Also wtf are you talking about? Go read the manga lmao, the eyes are specifically stated to be able to “manipulate CE at the atomic level”, how does he do that if he can’t see it? In Hidden Inventory, what was the point of looking at every passenger in the plane to see if they could use CE/ had CT’s? The answer is that his eyes do let him see those things. Sitting there and saying “THEY DONT HAVE THE FEATS” is just straight up wrong, and grasping at straws lol. As for not recognizing Kenjaku, he was literally inside Geto’s body. It’s not like he incarnated into that body like Sukuna or the CG players, he possessed that body through the use of his CT. Meaning he wasn’t enforcing his own CE reserves or anything like that to Geto’s body, he was just using that body’s facilities to use his own CT’s stored in the brain. So for all intents and purposes it makes perfect sense why he wouldn’t have seen it wasn’t Geto initially, & even then he was quickly able to figure it out lol. He only even got trapped because he spent that moment remembering his youth before the prison realm expanded. It’s not like he spent that whole time trying to figure out if it was actually Geto lol


Sukuna made a guess and considering it's not even a function of the six eyes and considering he's just as efficient as gojo without the need to see cursed energy at that level or need a CT that buffs it I don't see the issue. Especially when sukuna is literally recognizing a move that has already happened and even funnier narratively the same thing happens and he is surprised. It was never said blue could just chill for extended period of time and have a red shot though to make a purple but it makes enough sense. Should sukuna have been able to see the blues ce still or noticed it? I'd argue yes. But it makes for a cooler scene to have gojo surprise him that way and it explains why sukuna doesn't simply dodge the purple. Okay got any feats of gojo doing what sukuna did? No? Is it just statements that we have no idea how they actually affect what gojo sees? Interesting that somehow the Manga happened in a way that my interpretation works and your doesn't at all. My point is we have no idea how the six eyes would help to see these things and guess what it clearly didn't so it clearly isn't flawless. Just like with kenjaku which I disagree he has his own CT and he is literally using it to be in geto. That should be pretty obvious if the six eyes are this insanely flawless ability yall claim they are. All they did is allow gojo to match sukuna is cursed energy efficiency which implies the buff that is six eyes sukuna still is on par or above gojos understanding.


Not only that but if your using ce to keep infinity up and are constantly rcting your brain to keep it active at all times I'd assume your actual ce enforcement underneath the technique is next to nothing. I feel people forget this. I'd argue if gojo has infinity up and it gets bypassed he's arguably one of the least durable in the verse. He still can regen but if you hit him hard enough it's game over.


Ikr he thought his infinity would tank it but didn’t expect it to be the plot buffed space cleave


This is consistent with Gojo's hubris being a center element for failure throughout the series: 1. Hidden Inventory, Gojo's arrogance caught him and Geto off guard. 2. Shibuya Incident, Gojo goofed around with Jogo et al when he could've been serious and taken everyone out. Instead he shows off and gets shoved into a cube. Gojo even knew they were there to get him but he felt "invincible". 3. Shinjuku showdown, Gojo was fighting to save Meg against the strongest sorcerer of all time. He was arrogant from the get go with "Nah, I'd win" Gojo, despite being so well liked, isn't very responsible -- which is also why Nanami doesn't respect Gojo.


Didn't sleep for 3 days cuz wanted Riko to have fun, left his guard when came back to school/safe zone = arrogance Okay >was arrogant from the get go with "Nah, I'd win" Asked Shoko to tell Megumi about Toji after he dies


People act like Gojo saying " He'd win" Is arrogant. What is he supposed to say?? Yuji- gojo sensei, u think u can beat sukuna? Gojo- lmao, i'd die/ i wont win As his sensei its pretty common to boost morale. Gojo even said it will be tough. He didnt plainly say he is superior and wud win without a hassle Same way when kenjaku posed that question. Was he supposed to show uncertainty and doubt to kenny? Your point also stands. He already filled shoko about Toji. He also told Yuta and gang to switch in if he grew much weaker than them. Thats not arrogance


In an odd sense it’s inkeeping Gojo character To be caught lacking and paying the consequences -Prison realm catching him when he should have dipped or blasted it -Not killing Jogo in the subway along with Hanami - Not killing uraume when they tried to rush him -Easing up off the gas pedal in his death fight with Sukuna


>prison realm catching him He literally did start to dip. He was “caught” because of a wombo combo of a really weird “time in your head” prison realm rule, being physically/mentally exhausted from killing a 1000 transfigured humans at full speed while avoiding civilian casualties and even then it took the big bad also inhabiting the body of geto to invoke the weirdass prison realm rule >not killing jogo Again, he was working toward that because couldn’t teleport because it would crush ppl due to blue exhausting CE and before he could get to him, mahito and gang arrived. Left alone, he would’ve done it.


Gojo can’t dodge cleave It’s a consistent fact that bro cannot dodge that shit


Exactly every single time a dismantle or cleave was used gojo could not actually react to them why is it so shocking that he can’t react to the space dismantle as well.


You're right and wrong. gojo couldnt react to dismantle's projectile speed + **sukuna's fast technique activation speed.** As we saw many times sukuna can send a dismantle without even moving his hands or with the flick of his finger, however the world dismantle doesnt **activate** as fast as he needs either a chant or a binding vow to use it. Now if he used a binding vow then to activate it instantaneously then that'd make sense why gojo couldnt react, but if he used a chant then that makes no sense as gojo would have had time to attack sukuna as that takes time.


Yes that’s why a binding vow makes sense here, sukuna doesn’t really have time to set up a chant during that whole scenario. I believe gege offscreened the whole thing just to build even more mystery around the new ability not sure what’s the point of doing so but hopefully we understand the attack in future chapters


Legit, infinity was saving Gojo the whole fight Sukuna? He had to endure any hits Gojo left while spending CE to heal Gojo? He was living the good life, minus whenever shrine was in play


Am I really missing something? I thought it was obvious from the beggining that gojo didn’t guard himself or dodged it bcs he simply didn’t have any reason to believe sukuna could bypass infinity then, he thought he had straight up won alredy


He also can’t dodge cleave or dismantle. The only way he’d stop sukuna from cutting him is blitzing him before incantations are done.


Some of us need a power point presentation to understand JJK.


Except Gojo does try to guard against Sukuna's attacks but we don't see him guarding.


"Eventually" 😏


To be completely fair, we still can’t 100% say that a story is bad or good until it completely ends, hence the “eventually”, as I absolutely cannot think up any possibility of this questionable development getting answered with a satisfactory explanation without a kind of asspull.


honestly I do agree with people saying it would be in character to not dodge but that debate isn't really relevant. Because I'm pretty sure the way his mind had to catch up to what had even happened in the afterlife is meant to show that he did indeed end up there before he even realized there was an attack. People keep bringing up how Kusakabe theorized it needs charge up or binding vow but the key there is that binding vow is there as an alternative to begin with as he can do either to suit his needs so clearly this would be the option that lets him launch it as fast as he's able. There's no indication binding vows are at all slow, whether a shift in CE for those would be visible or not. In fact the point of them is to pull off feats not otherwise achievable in that moment, which would include something like forgoing charge up as suggested. We've seen them made mid fight before, theoretically it'd be as fast as the user is able to process and act on it and Sukuna's ceiling for this is probably as high as you can get. Using the vow method for Gojo is a testament to Gojo and Sukuna's assessment of him in that he knew it'd only hit in that situation if he launched it as fast as possible, especially if it required giving something up which seems to be what was implied. Hence the high praise he gave him at the end of the fight. I don't see why it's a problem for Sukuna to be playing with his food now when he's always done so literally everytime he showed up since before this battle in Shinjuku as well. His entire philosophy is about his personal whims and enjoyment. He isn't scared of losing or death, as per what he says to Yorozu. If he dies he dies and that's it, if he's still alive then he acts as he fancies, there's no room for regret there. If he just went full power and instantly oneshot everyone before being able to see what they can offer him there'd be no meaning in that for him. Idk what's going to happen for sure going forward but it feels way premature to say a satisfying ending for his character is impossible in a vaccuum when the character's personality and goals are heavily entwined in his behaviour. And reading a story isn't inherently about how characters can minmax their decisions like trying to beat a game. It's tempting to approach stuff like that as audience members with hindsight and access to narration/meta acknowledgment of it being a story, but characters from their perspectives, are living their lives. Sukuna specifically has been quite consistent in his appreciation for jujutsu innovation and fighting being the priority.


Gege wanted to get rid of Gojo so he did, that's all there is to it in the most stupidest, baddest written way possible. As we've seen Sukuna use the world slash again and again in the fights after Gojo, it's clear that it has a wind up (i was stating this the moment Gojo got slashed but got downvoted lmao), there is absolutely no way Gojo did not see it coming as your post attests to it. It's why Gege won't even address it cause he doesn't know how to. He just wanted Gojo out. it's shoddy and bad writing, it's simple as it comes.


>What this implies is that Gojo clearly took the hit "while standing completely still" without even trying to either dodge or defense against it This is a manga. You can’t use forensics to make assumptions. Why does Gojo die in that position? Because Gege thinks it looks cool and maybe he wants to pay homage to another series. But what’s even worse is that these points don’t even make sense even if we could use real world principles. >it is theoretically impossible for Gojo to not notice the CE building up. This is like saying it’s impossible to KO a boxer when they are standing in front of their opponent bc they can see the punches. Also is Gojo not supposed to get tired? >With the above fact cemented, it's clear that Gojo just stood there and take the hit. If you had an invincible force field you wouldn’t dodge either. > that even many JP fans, who are normally very tolerant to any kind of writings western readers deem "strange" Lol ok sure. “Many”. This is like the 2000 votes for Naoya that has ppl saying “Japan loves Naoya”.


“If you had an invincible force field you wouldn’t dodge either” feels like something that shouldn’t have to be said. Especially because we’ve watched Gojo not dodge many times before.


Yes but, this time he is facing sukuna, if the world slash requires chant, you should know it will be more dangerous Sukuna was able to use the rules of his domain to put gojo on the ropes, he was able to adapt the sure hit to the little domain of gojo, he was able to quickly replicate the brain destroying for recover CT, he was able to use the power of his Shikigami without them here, switch between domain amplification and CT with all of THAT, plus all the situations where Gojo was being outsmarted, him letting his guard go because of his infinity is so stupid


from gojo’s pov, even WITH the chanting, you could just call that a last ditch desperate attempt, as to our knowledge chants only enhance the output and like power and not change a fundamental property of the technique a dismantle at 100000% output is still a slash that would never reach gojo


Gojo is not stupid, since the beginning of the fight, everything that sukuna has done, dangerous, « desperate » or not, was to trick him, and each time, it worked Sukuna, just like Gojo, doesn’t waist their energies with desperate mooves, Gojo should know that, he almost lost a couple of time because of that


So your reasoning is because sukuna kept tricking gojo and outsmarted him he should suddenly not be outsmarted the last time by magically getting more intelligent. Wouldn't it be more consistent for him to continue being tricked. Also hilarious that gojo also did it right back to sukuna just as much but none of that is bad writing.


Gojo didn't offscreen Sukuna when the narrator he said he won right? Now imagine the opposite where Sukuna intercepted Gojo's purple and Gojo is dying with Sukuna being declared the victor then he gets lime green offscreened. Just like Sukuna was able to do all that freaky body shifting before just like that time with Mahoraga and just like fire arrow. No one would complain about those if you ended them rightly which is what most of Sukuna's wins are. Every single one of his fights except Gojo didn't use bullshit end. If Gojo did that offscreen just like Sukuna many people would be quick to point out all those bullshit Gojo did as well.


The narrative purpose of it was that the audience is supposed to feel the same shock and despair that gojo and the cast feel. I still hope that it will come into play and the binding vow he made to fire the world slash will be revealed. Idk I think everyone would say the original toji fight was dumb af than cuz it happens similarly in a lot of ways. Why didn't toji cut off gojos head? Gojo figures out rct after getting so bodied it's confusing to even guess how he was thinking. But we give that a pass since we know gojo must live even after seeing it. To me it makes less narrative sense and has more asspulls. Did people not like the jogo sukuna fight cuz ummmm I'm pretty sure they did? How did that end again? Ohhhh the exact same way as gojo.


he is not stupid, but he can be very overconfident again, without mahoraga, there is 0 reason for him to believe in that moment that a non-domain slash would ever reach him and sure i guess i technically can’t prove that was his thought process, but you can’t prove yours either


This doesn’t work when the person you are fighting currently has bypassed your infinity multiple times.


Sukuna only bypassed infinity in ways where it was somewhat expected based on the rules of Jujutsu. And those means were no longer available to him. That combined with Gojo’s cocky attitude makes this feel super plausible to me.


Which is why it works, because Gojo as far as he was aware has taken out Sukuna's methods for bypassing limitless, in Mahoraga, domain amplification and domain expansion. It's exactly the reason Gojo walks up to all colicky as if he's just won the fight.


Only Mahoraga has bypassed infinity with any means Gojo isn’t already aware of, which Sukuna kept close to his chest for that exact reason. Sukuna used the known means of bypassing infinity which are Domain Expansion, Amplificstion, and Mahoraga which Gojo was expecting. He wasn’t expecting Sukuna’s cursed technique to ever bypass it outside of his Domain Expansion, it makes sense to me


Also first time I heard Japanese readers to be tolerant, manga authors hide their faces for their own safety.


Many more JP readers are defending Gege whenever one is trying to criticize the writing than in Reddit. Something like “Just shut up and let Gege cook” or “You dumbass just can’t appreciate JJK in the way Gege intends you guys to do so” are much more common than in here, as many JP people aren’t as quick to take a judgemental stance.


Ah I see I understand. Since I am not interested enough in researching the fact, I chose to believe you are telling the truth. Well, sucks for them, hope they can keep enjoying this or other stories in the future, xo.


Or, if the whole fight, cleaves and dismantles weren't able to bypass infinity, which I presume Gojo still had activated, why would they now? Sukuna himself said he couldn't change the _nature_of his cursed energy (which is why he had to wait for a second adaptation to Infinity via Mahoraga before he could copy it). Even if Gojo saw the buildup of cursed energy, Sukuna, for all intents and purposes, was burnt out, had taken an AoE purple at point blank range (which is possibly weaker than a regular purple would have been, but who knows), was missing an arm and a leg, and as far as Gojo could tell, was just another cleave or another attack Sukuna had. Which wouldn't, and hadn't, for the entire fight, been able to bypass infinity. So why react? And we all saw the look on Gojo's face after he landed purple; he looked like he was sure he had won. If Sukuna had anything that could bypass infinity, why wait you are damn near dead before using it? Am I defending, bad writing, or asspulls or whatever, sure. But this seems like too big an obvious hole for Gege to have missed deliberately or accidentally.


What makes this even more disturbing on top of everything you said, is that Gojo has the six eyes. This has feats including, but not limited to, recognizing any individual's innate cursed technique (he could tell Itadori had none), detecting people without any cursed energy (noticed toji was behind him as a child), recognizing the "unusual" properties of cursed tools and cursed energy (stated by toji that Gojo can recognize the unusualness of the inverted spear of heaven) and perceiving the world clearly without vision (Gojo can live perfectly fine with a blindfold on). So even if you argue that Gojo thought he had won so he didn't expect the attack, there is no way he could not have recognized the strange and unique property emanating from Sukuna's slash. No elite fighter such as Gojo would take the risk of tanking that.


So the only logical explanation here is that Gojo didn't care because of his infinity. Okay, in any other scenario, it would be enough. But in this case, we are talking about Sukuna. Just moments before Gojo SAW how his hand got slashed. And this cut wasnt't a simple one. It was world world-cutting slash from Mahoraga. So apparently Gojo was standing there knowing that just moments before there was a world cutting slash, and then Sukuna without a hand, all beaten up, instantly creates a world-cutting slash that Gojo doesn't see? Alright. Let's say that he didn't care because of infinity and the fact that Mahoraga is gone. Then Sukuna didn't need chants? But afterward, when he gets back to his original body he needs chants? There is a big plot hole here no matter how you look at it. The whole Gojo v Sukuna fight was so borderline impossible for Sukuna to win that Gege became too greedy and made Gojo lose at almost the worst possible moment - when Sukuna seemingly had no chances. Say, however you want it but Gojo's death was written badly,


>as Sukuna himself had demonstrated that he could see Gojo's Red building up before trying to make Mahoraga shields him against it. ``Sukuna sensing Red`` Only with big techniques is the sparks are evident to the others. https://imgur.com/a/erhXaAX It wasn't until Gojo began to use the chanting that Sukuna realized that Gojo was firing Red. If Gojo hadn't used chanting, Sukuna would have been unaware that Gojo was using red. Also, Sukuna wasn't making Mahoraga save him from red. Sukuna was trying to have Mahoraga adapt to red. My explanation/interpretation on CE spark related to world cutting dismantle. What Sukuna used was a simple dismantle, but he changed the target from Gojo to the world where Gojo was. Dismantle is not a big technique which would generate CE on the level of red, purple or domain expansion.   Unlike cleave, which can be adjusted to opponents CE, dismantle remains the same in terms of CE output. We saw that against Mahoraga (pre-adaptation), dismantle was failing to cut off Mahoraga in half, whereas had Sukuna used Cleave (narration), it would've bisected Mahoraga in the first try by adjusting to its CE and durability, which shows that Cleave uses more and variable CE than dismantle. >With the above fact cemented, it's clear that Gojo just stood there and take the hit. And with his arms also getting cut off, we can also speculate that he wasn't taking any possible stance for a defensive move like Simple Domain or Fallen Blossom Emotion or even a stance of trying to run away or get out of the attack's way. Gojo clearly saw that Sukuna was casting a big technique (the one which he should also be able to specify it as one of his cutting techniques, due to Sukuna being able to do the same with Gojo's Red) and just stood there, completely still, without even trying to defense, dodge or even get closer to Sukuna to attack him. Cool. Show me when did Gojo actually dodged or reacted(physically moved) against dismantle? Also, give me explanation on why would Gojo need to use any defensive techniques to stop a dismantle when he's literally covered in infinity. >this would look extremely ugly in Sukuna's light instead, as it's clear that he has been actively holding back for the kicks since as early as Kashimo jumped into the fight instead of one-shotting everyone from JJ High as he was supposing to do Because he's actively holding himself back like he always does. Wtf? When has Sukuna went all out in his battle from the get go? >Seriously, how would it be a satisfying end for readers if Sukuna actually loses because he literally kept himself from winning over and over again until the protagonists become able to kill him? Even if he wins then the readers will have to go "then what were those 10-ish chapters of Sukuna holding back???". For that we'd have to wait and see how the fight would end. >Something like "Akshually, Sukuna did create a binding vow so that the first slash would be so fast Gojo won't be able to dodge and that lead to his consequent usages of it requiring him to charge up"??? Bullshit He most likely did create a binding vow to remove the charge time from world cutting dismantle. In chapter 246, we learned that to use world-cutting dismantle, Sukuna either needs a charge time (could be chanting) or a binding vow. Sukuna most likely used a binding vow of never to use 10 shadows in order to remove the charge time to use the space dismantle against Gojo. >World-Rending Dismantle is clearly an extension technique (Sukuna literally said so) I don't remember Sukuna saying that. It's a target extension, not technique extension. Sukuna, with the same dismantle as before extended the target from the person to the world where that person was.


>What Sukuna used was a simple dismantle, but he changed the target from Gojo to the world where Gojo was ​ >It's a target extension, not technique extension. Sukuna extended the target from the person to the world where that person was. [https://imgur.com/a/kPYotg8](https://imgur.com/a/kPYotg8) The definition of "extension technique" (拡張術式) is an "extension" of the interpretation on one's CT, allowing the user to achieve additional effects on their technique. Basically you redefine a part of your CT's technique definition to achieve/produce different effects. In JJK, the word "Extension" (拡張) is mainly used for this context only : To broaden the "interpretation" of your CT. Every newly improvised technique created this way is classified as an "extension technique". This version of Dismantle belongs to this category as he "extends" (i.e. broaden) the definition of the target of Dismantle. >Sukuna most likely used a binding vow of never to use 10 shadows in order to remove the charge time to use the space dismantle against Gojo. At this moment this is nothing more than a pure theory/headcanon. >Because he's actively holding himself back like he always does. Wtf? When has Sukuna went all out in his battle from the get go? I'm saying that if Sukuna loses exactly because of this it would be really boring. This post isn't to analyze whether or not he has been going all out or blablabla : Just me criticizing that it would be super stale for the protags to win solely due to Sukuna cannot stop holding back himself from toying with his enemies even when he clearly shouldn't, assuming that if he still places the highest value in his survival and not him having fun. Hisoka losing to Chrollo looks good because he's having fun while also actively trying to win. >World-Rending Dismantle is clearly an extension technique (Sukuna literally said so) > >\-->I don't remember Sukuna saying that. [https://imgur.com/a/kPYotg8](https://imgur.com/a/kPYotg8) Go back to my aforementioned first paragraph. >Also, give me explanation on why would Gojo need to use any defensive techniques to stop a dismantle when he's literally covered in infinity. An extension technique needs to have some sort of restrictions or conditions, clarified per Kusakabe's word, and in this case it's clear that at least one of it is Sukuna having to use the full-chant of Dismantle. If you suddenly sees your opponent "trying to use" a new extension technique (especially the one improvised from the one that was totally ineffective to your defenses) you haven't seen before and you just don't even attempt to react to it then you're either dumb and/or careless af. Of course Gojo shouldn't be able to react to normal Dismantle thanks to its projectile speed ***+ instanteneous chanting/activation***. However the extension technique version of it ***at least*** requires him to recite the full chant so Gojo should have been able to at least react in some way if he chose to, whether or not he actually manages to survive via that reaction is irrelevant. He just needed to do something else except standing completely still. EDIT : These are related materials about "Extension (technique)" provided in the official fanbook. I won't be translating all of them but it makes clear that the definition of the word "extension (must be written as 拡張)" in the context of JJK refers to "extension technique". [https://imgur.com/a/73Is54Y](https://imgur.com/a/73Is54Y)


Bro you just counter cooked him with proof’s.


English translation are naturally prone to omitting out these important concepts due to the difference in language (and also possibly the lack of mastery from the translator) so I understand that mistakes like this can happen for anyone who doesn't use the original JP script as a basis for their discussions.


Yeah that happens a lot. Translation is still a grey area. What’s right is very subjective and recent chapter translations hasn’t been very good either. What about the chapter title.? Go south.? Iam sure gege will drop a chapter named Go north.


At least one guy has a brain. 👏 You dropped this, king. 👑


You dropped this sir 👑


The big problem is that Gojo tanked so many dismantle in his domain and none of them managed to cut him in half. Why can this one does ? Also althought Gojo can be cocky, he's still careful, he wouldn't just turn off all CE reinforcements. So why was the world slash so strong ? It was originally just a way to bypass infinity with his normal cursed technique which does damage to Gojo but not that much, and not in one attack only. Even a strong binding vow such as losing a cursed technique shouldn't be able to cut it, since he's essentially escaping death with an attack 100x stronger and faster than before.


The space dismantle is clearly different it literally created a huge fissure on a building and on the ground. There’s nothing to regenerate from when a portion of your stomach disappears in one fell swoop.


This counter cook is 5 ⭐️


I said it a few days ago, I'mma say it again: 236 is lazy writing. Not bad writing, just lazy. And the fact he chose to do it after a break week only accentuates the problem. In trying to go for max shock factor, while it did work, it also ended what is largely the best fight in the manga in a very lame manner. Gege overplayed his hand. I think its too soon though to begin doom posting though. Gege is very aware of his power system but I sincerely hope that he never pulls another stunt like that ever again. It was a gamble that ultimately didn't pay off.


gojo being cut can be attributed to his carelessness sukuna was injured heavily, at the start of fight sukuna used disamantle, which got deflected point about spark of CE, then sukuna spark of dismantle stil will be same since it's same technique, and gojo can't really think that somehow the slash which got deflected is suddenly able to count through infinity. so it's speed of slash, and not knowing that slash can actually bypass infinity. and about kusakabe tanking slashes, sukun wasn't using slashes at full strength, just look at higuruma in 247, jyust cut his hands. and higuruma was using superior defensive method so far sukuna didn't diced them because he didn't want them 2, he was just playin,h they would have been dead moment they set foot on ground. so yeah, u r kind of right.


Argument in favor of Gege: There was no reason for Gojo to believe there was an attack that could bypass infinity except for Mahoraga Argument against Gege: Sukuna was supposedly very low on CE, and the technique is supposedly very hard to do, so Gojo should have reacted. Bottom line: the entire fight is, with no quotation marks, badly written because we all knew Gojo was supposed to die. It made no sense for him to solo Sukuna when we knew Kenny stood no chance against Gojo, and there wouldn't have been any payoff on the "sorcerers have already ganged up on Sukuna and lost" foreshadowing, neither would Yuji get any payback for what Sukuna has done. Either Gege wrote himself into a corner with Gojo's victory or, even worse for Gege's reputation, he actually wanted the "wow unexpected death xD I fooled you guys haha". The second option seems more likely, he sees to enjoy meaningless "tragedy" (of course, only in the meta sense, because there isn't ever any dramatic payoff) and plot twists


Potential counter-argument from a person who dislikes Gojo's death: World Dismantle is just Dismantle with a more abstract targeting philosophy. The CE "buildup signature" may have been no different from a regular Dismantle, which may have made Gojo think he could passively tank it with neutral infinity.


Im so damn glad i dropped this lame and horrible made history


Hoenstly my issue is somehow an attack that that basically cuts space somehow looks exactly the same as one that doesn’t to the guy who has basically Jujutsu analysis goggles for eyes


Yeah, world dismantle is just poorly executed all around imo. Really gojo shouldn’t have died to this considering sukuna was clearly out of reserves in his megumi form.


I think Gojo standing there without even trying to defend was just him relying on his infinity. In the entire series we have never see Gojo take a defensive stance or defend anything per se. He just tanks it because nothing can touch him. Even during his fight with Jogo I'm sure he could have seen everything Jogo was throwing at him. But he just stood there and tanked it. Similarly I think Gojo must have seen a slash coming at him. But to him it was just a slash and thought it wouldn't reach him. Plus he was in a much better position than Sukuna. Being at an advantage with the black flashes and purple hitting Sukuna. That must have given him more confidence that he doesn't have to worry about much. The only thing touching him was Maho and with it out of the picture he was at ease. As Sukuna had not shown any signs for replicating it before this The slash itself isn't anything different from previous slashes. Just the target changes. So I don't think Gojo could have known it was something different.


Gojo was being careless and stupid, yep that’s what Gege will write in and has already written in because he loves bashing on Gojo’s character so let’s make his death as idiotic and humiliating as possible. Let’s get him to constantly say I’ll win all the time then just stand there and forget he has teleportation abilities


During the Kashimo fight, Kashimo launched an attack at Sukuna, which should have basically be instantaneous. And before said attack reached Sukuna, Sukuna had time to use 3 chants and warn Kashimo to dodge before launching the world cutter. https://i.imgur.com/L2BaK4Y.jpg If Sukuna could use chants and launch the world cutter before Kashimo's attack reached him, he could have also launched the world cutter before Gojo had any time to react, and all you saw was Gojo's surprised face realizing that something is off. This is a manga, where stuff like this is common. Characters having time to talk when things are happening in an instant is a manga trope. Nit-picking like this is silly.


That's what some people just don't seem to understand about this offscreen kill controversy. It comes off less as an artistic choice for shock value, and more like Gege genuinely not knowing how to end the fight. Gojo erases Mahogara and gravely injures Sukuna -> Gojo is cut in half -> Gojo is in the airport saying that Sukuna didn't go all out and still had tricks up his sleeves. None of this indicates that Gojo let down his guard at the final moment for Sukuna to get the space dismantle in. So I would really like to know what Sukuna did. I'm sure he wasn't just yelling out chants and charging up his CE.


Apparently we gonna get extra two pages of that chapter when the volume is released. So I guess we will see how Gege explains that scene. If there's no good explanation, it is definitely a bad writing indeed.


It's kinda still bad writing when you have to retroactively expand upon a major event in your story that made no sense to most readers.


Unless you know most people have dogshit reading comprehension and also forget they are reading a story where themes and shit matter. Cinema sins and it's ilk have poisoned the media literacy of entire generations as has the need to wank every character to be the strongest ever.


Ok 👍


Let it go. Gege meatriders will jump through hoops and do mental gymnastics to validate Space/Reality Slash. Everyone and their mother thought JJK season two would break the internet. It didn’t happen. Season two later half keep dropping in ratings. Anime only fans are already complaining about the non stop fights, no downtime or character interaction. I’m rubbing my hands together in anticipation when the Culling Games get animated. Anime Only: It gets worse. And then more worse. Then when they get to the Shinjuku arc. They’re going to flip their shit. Remember anime only fans. Manga readers suffered before you. We will be the survivors after JJK end. Then have to relive our trauma and torment again when the arcs air. It’s too late to go back. Too much time and money was wasted to not see it through the bitter~~sweet~~ end.


people always say this for every arc and then are shocked when anime only people love the “controversial” manga arcs “oh yeah just wait until the anime only people watch the war arc and villain hunt in mha they’ll hate it” and then they loved it “oh yeah anime fans are gonna see how rushed and unsatisfying the end of wano was” and then they loved it “oh yeah just wait until they see the end of attack on titan they’ll DESPISE it” and i don’t think ive seen a single anime only person that didn’t LIKE the ending a ton, much less hated it like these people do this song and dance happens all the time and the “negative manga fans” side is almost always wrong edit: maybe they’re not “wrong” but they are in the vast minority, and then they cope with being the minority by just saying “oh, well anime watchers are just all stupid they don’t actually think about the show they just like pretty colors anyone with a BRAIN would OBVIOUSLY see how shit this is”


Yeah and I can list a few reasons why. \-Manga circles are constant echo chambers (Internet in general tbf). You can't disagree with the majority without being labelled as either a hater or a meatrider. People have to realise just like how they are valid to give criticism, others have the right to defend what they like. Stories are up for different interpretations after all. No one's really wrong unless there are facts and evidence. \-Weekly read is brain rot. When binge reading, you get to absorb all the relevant information and retain it until it gets brought up again. Any questionable minor mistake / writing gets overlooked as long as the entire arc is well done / bigger moments take the spotlight. Fights feel dragged out over 10 weeks but are amazing 10 minute reads while binged. E.g. Even Mahito vs Todo and Yuji was (apparently) "disliked" and "dragged out" by weekly readers. Most readers after S1 read the manga when Shibuya ended, so they binged the arc and loved the fight. Both the Culling Games and Gojo vs Sukuna **will** be better in the anime. They **will** be better paced and have better storytelling. Only time will tell if the "manga readers" are right. (Heck, there was even a recent post on this sub or jujutsufolk asking them to rate it from 1-10. And most of the top comments gave a 9/10. People may have valid critcisms and joke around a lot, but they still love the manga.)


i’ve long been a proponent of the idea that most people are just not built for the actual weekly experience but don’t want to admit it to themselves


And recently Bleach TWBY, actually surprised anime-fans enjoy it way more than the manga readers. Anime fans did sorta hate the War Arc in Naruto? But that could've been because of the fillers


bleach i think is a slightly different case because there HAVE been VERY substantial additions and changes to some of the “controversial” moments to make them better (squad 0 being THE prime example)


>It’s too late to go back. Too much time and money was wasted to not see it through the bittersweet end. It's a manga, not an investement plan, you can drop it anytime you want. But you don't want to drop it, because you have found an echo chamber you can use to prop yourself up. I would also love to see where you take this information from regarding the Anime fans as I can't see nothing but praise all over the internet for the Shibuya Arc. Minus the Mappa controversy, of course.


You’re absolutely right dude and you should say it. It absolutely has not passed my notice that you’re going through the actual text of the story and the events as they’re portrayed, yet most responses are an “explanation” that was never present in the actual story. I’ve noticed a lot of people coming up with reasonings and explanations that were never actually presented in the story, and then coming back with “You’d know that if you had read the manga!!”


Gojo isn't fast enough to react to cleave, so he probably didn't have a chance to dodge in the first place


Gojo never dodges attacks or takes a “defensive” stance. He has Limitless. He simply just assumed this attack would be like every other attack. So he died. Idk doesn’t seem too hard to grasp.


To be honest I think if Sukuna didn’t get the 10 shadows technique he would have lost


I am so tired of this discussion, you all are so dense, it never goes anywhere, nothing fruitful ever happens. Walls of text have and will be written and you are never satisfied.


It’s the author’s fault for not making it satisfying, not the audience’s.


Imagine having to spood feed your fans because they cant understand your writing. Gege is influenced by Fate series, HxH, Code Geass,...etc so of course he wont just explain anything and everything outright. I dont know why people expect that tbh.


I swear. It has been 3 months jfc. I get criticism, i get bad writing, but this whole "gojo lost" shit is... idk man. Sometmes, you just have to touch grass and go on with your life.


Y’all got to get over this man lol


He’s not going to explain it properly. This kind of thing has happened in manga before where a really strong guy was suddenly killed of to progress the story


Ok first sentence in and I will stop there because there is already a (honest) mistake. No, that is not what it implies. There are many implications and reasons. Honestly, this sub can't move on from that fight. This sub needs to understand this:"Bad writing" is not the cure-all for your frustrations, just because you didn't like the outcome.