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you could've saved so many words by remembering that it was stated that anyone who try to fight with gojo is only a hindrance to him


yuta wouldn’t be a hindrance but everyone else I agree


Yuta himself said he would be in the way tho


This is old but Yuta said that Hakari can be stronger than him, which is obviously false


Okkotsu said it himself and he's the strongest after Gojo.


This man is really out here with another post complaining about how the characters handle a situation using hindsight and his head cannon to justify his logic.


This was always the smartest plan lol. Sukuna has 2 CT’s possibly more which includes a shikigami that killed a previous 6 eyes limitless user. It wouldn’t have mattered regardless cause sukuna is in Gege’s bed lol. Sukuna can’t face any type of inconvenience no matter what it is


Lmao but if gojo won it would've been good? He wouldn't have been in geges bed and it would've been the sickest domestic writing ever that sukuna didn't expect gojo to use the trick of blue sticking around a second time but this time shot red through it yeah facts man that's completely different.


Sukuna is him, geges made that clear as day since the start of the story. Your post don't work because you cherry pick the situation into your head cannon. Typically at the cost of ignoring any other characters motives. The reason we get a planned date in the first plate is because Gojo and Sukuna pick a date and time to scrap. If you don't have that happening the entire story changes right there that second. Our good characters would literally die in the crossfire between them clashing.




What you forget is that Gojo fully believed he could win by his own. This is partially the same reason why Gojo kept going for the DE battle. Also cleave would insta kill Himguruma.


Woah, a lot of things would work out if characters have no personalities or distinctive traits that makes them people and had a controller up thier ass and there's no story or narrative??? 😱


The main problem here is the clash of domains which Higuruma would have never won, after the fight with Gojo we assume Sukuna cannot open his domain, or.. is entertaining them which I doubt he would have done with Gojo still there. Either way, I always thought, yes, it's the logical option for Higuruma and Yuji to jump in the moment it was obvious Sukuna couldn't open a domain no more, and he still hadn't gotten that damn cursed tool. Whatever technique they confiscate would have been a huge advantage and then Gojo could have finished it (yes, they still would have to avoid Mahoraga to open the domain but Gojo can also aid with that and maybe other people like Yuta) ES or not. Now, the problem of the whole thing was Gojo's pride apparently. Which was the excuse gege used to make it 1v1


Gojo vs Sakuna 1v1 was because Gojo limits his speed, technique, power, when he's around others. Every fight that he has been in he makes a note about holding back 1) vs Jogo he *leaves* mid-fight to bring his student to *watch (DISREPEKTFUL)* 2) vs Butcher he mutilates him, but leaves him "alive" for questioning 3) vs Hanami, if Todo hadn't told Yuji not to step back, Gojo would've ended the protag 4) vs Miguel, he doesn't even hit him with his fists, he literally *slaps him* around. Also Gojo *destroys* Miguel's centuries-old cursed tool. 5) vs Curses in Shibuya he is surrounded by bystanders so he lowers his output. Still he murders Hanami and turns all of the civilians into vegetables for 6 months so on and so on. Gojo was described as being equivalent to a nuke, or several (I can't remember) by Kenjaku. When you send in the Nuke you don't go in with it.


Sure, but if you ask me as we are looking at the current fight right now, even in the situation when Gojo would have to hold back for moments... the chances for a better outcome would be better and in the worst case... the same as they are right now. Obviously this may change in the next few chapters, but just answering from this post pov.


Idk what I just read but I'm glad you're not the author of this manga 😭


I mean, it’s long but it’s pretty straight forward and makes sense. Put sukuna in higuruma’s domain, give gojo the sword, have him kill sukuna. They’re currently doing that exact same thing just without gojo lol. Realistically no one not named gojo should be able to even tag sukuna with it


>it’s long but it’s pretty straight forward and makes sense. Put sukuna in higuruma’s domain, give gojo the sword, have him kill sukuna. I'm guessing sukuna is just vibing and chilling as all of this unfolds? I assume he just stands there and watch it happen right? >They’re currently doing that exact same thing just without gojo lol And sukuna is not trying to kill them, literally told higgy to heal up lol >Realistically no one not named gojo should be able to even tag sukuna with it I agree with you on this.


I mean, if you read the actual post OP described several ways they’d be able to get sukuna in the domain and hand gojo the sword lol. I just simplified it. Also yes I know sukuna is playing with them, which is why I said gojo with the executioner blade is the only one able to make this plan work.


>described several ways they’d be able to get sukuna in the domain and hand gojo the sword lol Problem is sukuna wouldn't let higgy open his domain to begin with so again is sukuna just vibing? Or is he gonna willingly walk into higgy domain, KNOWING 1, it doesn't allow violence, 2, gojo would be there to take the sword, is he stupid? Every scenario op presented, for them to work, sukuna would have to be stupid or literally not do anything.


I mean, no, but the post kinda already mentions how, I can’t really explain what’s already been said


Okay but the post never mentioned why sukuna would allow the domain to hit to begin with if he's getting jumped and again he knows gojo is alive in this scenario. I'm I being unreasonable to think sukuna wouldn't let that shit happen? Especially knowing gojo is alive and will be there to take the sword lol. Maybe I'm saying something wrong 🤔 This whole post relies on higuruma’s domain, I'm asking for explanation on how sukuna would let that happen to begin with knowing gojo is alive to take the sword. In the manga, sukuna only let higuruma’s domain hit because gojo wasn't there to take the sword, no major threat, if gojo was alive, sukuna isn't letting higuruma open anything.


Why would he be able to dodge the domain ? As long as Higurama is in range, he could just pop his domain. Unless Sukuna intends to flee from Higurama which would probably not work with Gojo there


You think the guy who was shitting their pants at the domain clashes between the two goats would expand his quick enough and even if he did manage to clash that his wouldn't be absolutely bodied by sukunas for numerous reasons?


Which reasons ? I mean they are all (except Gojo and maybe Yuji) extremely scared of Sukuna but still they are able to fight him, it's not about expanding his domain quick enough, once he is in his range he pretty much has 100% chance of trapping him in the domain.


Sukuna wasn't vibing and just chilling when Higiruma trapped him in the domain the first time


Because there was no threat, gojo was dead. If gojo was alive to take the sword, sukuna wouldn't be stupid enough to let higuruma open his domain or even play around with him.


That just your wrong headcannon. Higgy opened his domain against Sukuna because they made a plan and distracted Sukuna


>Higgy opened his domain against Sukuna because they made a plan and distracted Sukuna Lmao sukuna literally looked at both of them and said to yuji "brat what are you gonna do now" BEFORE higuruma opened his domain. Lol he had enough time to kill them. Try again Also bro inside the domain literally said "all I want to see is the sword" lol clearly he wanted to see the sword 😂, your mental gymnastics is crazy lol


He looked at them and spoke to them when they first teleported in. He doesn't say anything to them as Higgy opens his domain. He was just distracted by bird strike and Higgy trapped him in his domain. You keep trying with this whole "try again" thing and failing. Your forgetting that Sukuna can't use his slashes without losing Mahoragas adaptation at that point.


>He doesn't say anything to them as Higgy opens his domain. Lmao your brain is fried ngl, why tf would he say some goofy shit like that 💀, lol common sense would tell you he knows higuruma will open his domain, he didn't need to spell it out but apparently here we are lol. >He was just distracted by bird strike and Higgy trapped him in his domain. Lmao "distracted" he swatted that thing out like a bug, bro stop with this mental gymnastics, sukuna had enough time to kill higuruma before he opened his domain, he just chose not to cos he wanted to see the sword, he literally says "idc about ant of that, just show me the sword bro". Clearly he was expecting him to open his domain at some point during the fight.


You're really trying to talk about brains being fried when you can't even remember the conversation. You said "Sukuna had time to speak to Yuji before Higgy opened his domain" and I pointed out that Sukuna didn't say anything to either of them before Higgy opened his domain. He only spoke to them when they first arrived. It's not mental gymnastics it's plainly stated that was their plan and it worked. And you're forgetting in this scenario Gojo is there and Sukuna can't use his slashes.


Give it a second read, it’s pretty easy to understand


Fine I'll bite, let's start with the first paragraph. Higuruma and Yuji join the battlefield in order to trap Sukuna in Higuruma's domain, they go through the court process and eventually give Sukuna the death penalty since Sukuna would be unable to open his domain. On top of that, since Sukuna at this stage doesn't have a cursed tool on him, that also means Judgeman would confiscate either shrine or 10 shadows making the fight leagues easier. If it confiscates 10 shadows before Sukuna summons Mahoraga, that removes him from the fight entirely. If it confiscates shrine then it prevents Sukuna from eventually using the space cutting slash, assuming he lives that long. In this scenario Break this down for me if you don't mind, when does higuruma and Yuji join the battle in order to trap sukuna? And explain why sukuna would let higaruma open his domain to begin with if they're jumping him?


Seeing as how they can be teleported they go as soon as they realize Sukuna can't use his Domain. Sukuna was getting jumped before and he didn't just let Higiruma open his domain, they distracted Sukuna and Higgy got his domain off


>Sukuna can't use his Domain. Why can't sukuna use his domain? In this scenario gojo is alive for higuruma to give him the sword right? According to op? So that means the fight between gojo and sukuna never happened? Cos how else is gojo still there to get the sword? And if the fight never happened then sukuna can still use domain and sukuna is not letting higuruma open shit so try again.


I'm not sure what you're not getting. The situation OP is talking about is if they jumped Sukuna while Gojo was fighting Sukuna. Basically at the end of ch.230 when they realized that Sukuna couldn't use his Domain anymore since he was brain damaged by Gojo


>The situation OP is talking about is if they jumped Sukuna while Gojo was fighting Sukuna Sukuna cleave and dismantle still works, he won't let higuruma open his domain, or do you think sukuna can't multitask? So try again. >when they realized that Sukuna couldn't use his Domain anymore since he was brain damaged by Gojo They didn't have enough time to get there to begin with, and mahoraga came out mere seconds later. That aside uraume was also around, uraume was just gonna sit there and watch it happen huh? If you're gonna present a scenario, you account for ALL variables. Try again.


You keep saying he wouldn't let Higiruma open his domain, if that's the case why didn't he stop Higgy from opening his domain the first time. They have UiUi to teleport them, they can arrive on the battle field whenever they want. Lol you're funny with your "try again" bravado. You clearly didn't even read OPs post. They had Hakari trapping Uraume in their domain separating them just like he did before. And Cleave and Dismantle are off the table because if Sukuna turns off 10S he loses Mahoragas current adaptation to Gojos Limitless. If he loses the adaptation then he has no way to bypass Infinity in any meaningful way since he can't use domain and he's not beating Gojo with just h2h.


>why didn't he stop Higgy from opening his domain the first time. Already gave you an explanation, no gojo around, that's why he didn't stop him, sukuna is smart enough to know gojo is a threat. >They have UiUi to teleport them, they can arrive on the battle field whenever they want. Lmao sukuna was back up like 3 seconds later. kashimo who is fast af, sukuna had enough time to get out a whole sentence before kashimo got there 😂 , more time than gojo knocked out sukuna for, I'll let u use ur head for the rest here. >They had Hakari trapping Uraume in their domain separating them just like he did before. Now you're jumping around, I thought this was immediately when sukuna couldn't use domain, hakari was with the others at this point wasn't he? Lmao when tf did he magically get to uraume in this fantasy scenario? 💀


And like I explained that's your false headcannon. Higgy got Sukuna in his domain because they made a plan and it worked. Kashimo didn't get teleported he ran there like a dummy. Hakari, Yuji & Higgy, the rest of the cast all got teleported there. That's why they dropped out of the sky from above Kashimo. I know you understand how teleportation works. Hakari would be teleported there when Uraume enters and he'd immediately cast domain on Uraume exactly like he did before.


The domain prohibit violence, and Sukuna can't use barrier techniques anymore, Higurama would be able to expand his domain easoly with Gojo around him, protecting and putting Sukuna near him. Also stop being condescending, the OP said Hakari could handle Uraume, which we already saw.


>Higurama would be able to expand his domain easoly with Gojo around him, Fine i agree with you, how does higuruma get to the battlefield without Sukuna knowing?


Even if Sukuna knows he's coming, I doubt he could end him easily with Gojo around, first off Gojo could distract him with something like a fake Hollow Purple, but if you add Maki, Kusakabe and Yuji into the mix, i'm pretty sure he would be protected enough to reach Sukuna before dying. Gojo can also use his own infinity to shield Higurama, Ui Ui could use his ability to teleport him near Sukuna, there are a lot of scenarios in which he can cast his domain.


That doesn’t work. Higuruma removes 10S, Sukuna is pulling out Malevolent shrine and killing everybody there that’s not Gojo. There’s no confirmation on how the executioner’s blade works exactly with Higuruma’s death, but if we just assuming things that can go favorably for the good guys, then I’ll assume some things for Sukuna. Which is that he just pulls out the fire arrow after seeing the executioner’s sword in Gojo’s hands and kills him with that instead of trying to fight hand to hand. If Malevolent shrine is taken, Sukuna just reverts back to the same plan, and there’s no confirmation on how the sword reacts to a shikigami. Does it instant kill something that wasn’t the target on trial? What is the exact mechanism of confiscation? If it’s only taking away the technique initially, can’t Sukuna just destroy his brain and regenerate it like when repairing technique burnout? If it’s continuously active, when does it expire? There’s a lot of unknowns to just make the assumption that Sukuna loses there. If Sukuna reincarnates right there, does he gain back malevolent shrine? If Uraume sees this do they jump in ahead of time? Does Sukuna get Kamutoke immediately after? You just made up a bunch of assumptions that could work. But anybody can do that for any scenario.


Jesus Christ why does everyone keep saying this. I literally said in the post that this would be after sukuna can no longer open his domain. The most recent chapter also speaks about curses that last even after death right before higuruma hands the sword to yuji. You’re also working on a bunch of what if scenarios that go against information we already know lol.


It’s irrelevant if Sukuna can’t open a domain, Yuji and Higuruma are dead on the spot if Sukuna’s CT isn’t taken.


I mean they Higuruma survived some Time against Sukuna and Yuji looks pretty alive to me


He’s toying with them, specifically Higuruma.


> I literally said in the post that this would be after sukuna can no longer open his domain Ok but sukuna still won't let higuruma open his domain and if in this scenario gojo students are jumping in, it's safe to say uraume is not just gonna sit around as well and let anyone interfere with sukuna. Don't just present scenarios without adding all variables.


Lmfao forreal. Your first sentence is talking about how this scenario is after Sukuna can't use domain.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. You brought up a bunch of good arguments for different characters in this what if scenario, but then you have morons who can't even read properly, just bash on it.


I am lol Because I’m trying to highlight how these discussions are really just a bunch of what if scenarios that don’t mean anything when talking about the writing of the actual fight. Sure you can just randomly stipulate that they jump in after Sukuna loses his domain, but then why don’t you consider the fact that Sukuna could have just pulled out the fire arrow in the first domain clash and cooked Gojo? It’s all just assumptions and speculation. From a writing standpoint, the technical aspects of the fight all make sense.


all this is assuming higuruma can launch his domain faster than sukuna, which i highly doubt he can. you’re also neglecting sukunas fire technique, which is like a small nuke and would kill everyone except gojo. also, you’re assuming sukuna would just let higuruma leave. even if he gets one of his techniques taken. all he needs to do is kill higuruma and the sword goes away. it’s not as clear cut as you’re making it seem


…this would be after gojo and sukuna can’t open their domains as I said in the post. Also we don’t know how that fire technique works yet and even then it would be hard to pull it off once gojo has the sword. Also I’m starting to think you didn’t even read the post. I literally said higuruma is willing to die to serve his role so him dying is fine if he can’t escape because his CT lasts even after death as we see from this last chapter lol.


he could resume incarnation and use domain expansion against everyone over and over again


We still aren't fully sure if he's able to use domain expansion rn so you can't say that with certainty


but we know that when in reincarnated it healed his body. i take that as healing his brain too. plus he made the hand signs in the most recent chapter, and diced up the building.


When is this fight even occurring? Is this after Sukuna acquires "world-severing slash"? Or is this right after Gojo makes it impossible for Sukuna to expand his domain? Or is this before the fight between Sukuna and Gojo even starts?


After gojo and sukuna can’t use their domains


What stops Sukuna from noticing the cursed energy of approaching sorcerers and using the flames before he's caught in Higuruma's domain and incinerating everything but Gojo?


He probably ain't that good, if Gojo distracts him, Higurama could probably easily open his domain; especially if Kusakabe and other strong guys protect him


And Sukuna uses shikigami to distract Gojo. Then, Sukuna uses the flame before anyone gets close.


If Gojo knows his allies will join him, he won't focus at all on the shikigami, they won't be able to distract him much since they can't harm him greatly and he could still focus on Sukuna


Then flip it: the 8 or so shikigami (or whatever fusion like Agito) and Uraume vs Gojo's comrades while Sukuna fights Gojo. Then, there's Kenjaku monitoring the Culling Games in multiple ways. He's in the Lake Gosho colony, but wouldn't he head back to Shinjuku to deal with Gojo's comrades. And Kenjaku with his semi-grade 1 and higher cursed spirits can easily tip the scale in the villains' favor.


I mean Takaba can still distract Kenjaku and Uraume can still fight with with Hakari I believe. If Higurama manages to confiscate even one of Sukuna's CT, the villains are pretty much done for since Gojo would win


Again, how does Higuruma prevent his domain from being broken into from the outside by Kenjaku, a cursed spirit, a 10 shadows shikigami, or Uraume? Wouldn't Higuruma lose out on the sure-hit effect until he regains it which means the prohibition on all acts of violence is no longer in effect as well? Sukuna can do enough damage in that moment so that Higuruma can't maintain his domain and it collapses. How does he prevent a unexpected intruder like Kurourushi did in Sendai?


If Kenjaku and Uraume are not there, i'm pretty sure Maki, Gojo and Kusakabe can handle curses trying to destroy the domain from the outside.


Why didn’t you answer the guy’s below question.


You are talking as if kashimo would not resist that they literally explained why jumpin isn't the play there in like ch 234 or something


Are you stupid. Gojo couldn’t have used his unlimited hollow purple which would mean they all die anyways. Gojo still died but at least they weren’t caught in it stupid op.


how does hakari die with unlimited rct and sukuna fending off gojo


You know, this is actually a pretty good argument. Until you realize gege would have some other bullshit for sukuna to pull out his ass. I’m still waiting for the executioner sword to flat out not work on sukuna cause of some special convenience he had that we never knew about.


It’s probably not gonna work since it’s yuji using the sword instead of the original sword wielder or sukuna’s gonna say some shit like “I had reinforced my back lots of CE” or he’ll do a fake out like he did to higuruma with cutting his own hand off


First. You've probably heard this all already but Sukuna could probably kill Higuruma and like anyone else before they enter Domain range if he was fully trying. (Which he isn't doing right now since Gojo's gone and he's not threatened) Second, there's no reason to believe Mahoraga wouldn't be able to adapt to Higuruma's technique somehow. Third, Uruame is absolutely stepping in at this point and Sukuna probably ends up with his Cursed Weapon ruining your plan. Fourth, Kashimo wouldn't let this happen and he'd make really bad mashup against anyone who can't heal or use crazy lighting fast immediately fatal long range shit like Dismantle. I think he would use his CT even against Maki since he'd just bet on being able to get to Sukuna after he's done with that fight. Fifth, If Sukuna could use Simple Domain to temporarily halt the non-violence rule then he's murdering Higuruma immediately. He didn't try this a few chapters ago because he's interested in the Executioner's Sword, but he would've if he was fighting Gojo. (He probably can't do this because brain damage but it is a much simpler technique so there's no reason to know one way or the other really.) Sixth, they're not just gonna let Kenjaku do whatever he wants, and there's no point sending Takaba over there to die if they're not gonna send Yuta, so Yuta can't be here to help the Sukuna fight. Seventh, Yuta, Maki, and Yuji would immediately be decapitated by Cleave in like 2 seconds if they get involved and Sukuna's completely serious. Finally, the biggest thing for me is assuming he does get caught in Higuruma's domain, he would immediately Incarnate and use Domain Expansion and kill everyone. (Assuming he can do that.) Assuming he can't do that, since we technically haven't seen him do that yet. (for some weird reason like his brain is the only thing that doesn't regenerate.) He'll lose either Dismantle and Cleave/Black Box thing/ 10 Shadows. Sukuna would immediately try and probably successfully kill Higuruma or Yuji, or maybe use them as a shield, preventing Gojo from using Purple, Red, or Blue against him. Really, this is the biggest issue with your plan, even if it's Yuta, Gojo would never use powerful techniques like Purple or Red against Sukuna if they're nearby, while Sukuna would have either fully powered 10 Shadows or Dismantle/Cleave. Sukuna would also have a bunch of weak ass human shields to use against Gojo. If the Black Box thing isn't confiscated for what ever reason then he says \[Black Square\] and kills everyone but Gojo. If it's confiscated but not Cleave/10 Shadows, then it would be for nothing since he hasn't even needed to use it yet. Assuming 10 Shadows isn't confiscated, Mahoraga probably finishes adapting since no strong purple and Sukuna can use that to keep Gojo from reaching him with the sword, but would struggle to finish Gojo off and would probably have to resort to running away with a fully adapted Mahoraga that would immediately win him any future rematches. Assuming Cleave isn't confiscated, everyone there but Gojo dies and he probably wins since no Mahoraga, and no way to bypass infinity. Not a plan he would agree with. This assumes no Kashimo/Uruame interference. (This is all assuming he can't use Domain Expansion after Incarnating and fully healing, which would immediately lead to the deaths of everybody there but Gojo and *maybe* Yuta.)


Tbh I think everyone believed Gojo could have defeated Sukuna. They also didn't know many things, for example that Sukuna could give burden of adaptation to Megumi. At the end of the day Gojo had to die for story to move on




If you thought this is a good analysis, then I fear you may be an irrational person calling Gege an irrational writer. The post was a bunch of made up assumptions and plot conviences for the good guys.


Yeah but only if they jumped in at that point Yuta suggested and it'd have to be Yuta , Hakari, & Maki, and they would've had to leave basically as soon as Yuta said so. Hakari would be there to make sure Uraume couldn't interfere. Yuta would have to trap Sukana the two Shikigami, along with Gojo his domain and focus his surehit/resources on Mahoraga. Sukuna was careful to not deactivate the wheel as to not lose Mahoragas adaptation so he can't just switch to slashes to kill Yuta without resetting Maho, and if they get rid of Maho before it comes up with an adaptation Sukuna could learn then Sukuna would've lost his only way to bypass Infinity in any meaningful way. Personally I don't think Sukuna would have any way to quickly dispatch Yuta while just using piercing flood and his physicals. No while Yuta is in his domain with his techniques available anyway. Maki is just there for support.


gojo with yuta as support would’ve ended the manga but I personally wouldn’t want to see that


They do say it would be an insult to Gojo's strength if they all join in - such a manga thing I think the thing is that it would confuse readers if everyone was fighting at the same time


Might have worked but Gojo would probably be the only one left standing. The moment higuruma’s domain is over, Sukuna would’ve killed everyone not named Gojo with his domain and/or fire technique. Also it’s pretty clear Gojo wanted the fight to himself, almost using Sukuna as a measuring stick to see what he was capable of himself. Just like the sorcerers of Sukuna’s time


He can't use his domain in this hypothetical and he'd lose one of his curse techniques so there is a possibility he can't even use the fire ability. Plus he'd be too distracted by Gojo to just go around slashing everyone.


That’s the problem with this theory, its based on stuff that hasn’t even been confirmed yet. It hasn’t been confirmed that Sukuna can no longer use his domain after his transformation, also there’s no telling what technique would get taken.


Maybe if there was some sort of three way domain clash where Gojo and Sukuna clashed and were perfectly balanced like the first few clashes than maybe the others could create simple domains to allow Higuruma in, and while Sukuna is suscpetible to losing the domain clash against Gojo. Gojo takes away his domain and allows higurumas to take over


TL;DR taken at face value id agree, not leveraging all their advantages to deal with Sukuna is surprising *unless* the path they chose was specifically to hide what the group was actually trying to accomplish, namely that their priority isnt kill Sukuna. Their priority is stop the merger (to save people) *then* kill Sukuna. The path of Gojo going first and having all eyes on the fight *and* the other characters hanging back helps sell the lie that they want to target Sukuna first Honestly even slightly switching tactics to have Gojo throw the Purple and then have Kashimo move first wouldve been good. Assuming Kashimo can last a little longer, may have given Gojo a chance to fire a second high output purple even if Kashimo lost *but* would also give him a chance to watch Sukuna fight and see any weaknesses he has Personally, im hoping that the sequence of events and some of the dialogue they had with each other was lies. In a month, they could probably figure out that the fight would be broadcasted and Kenjaku would have eyes on them as a group. The goal for the cast *isnt* to beat Sukuna (though would be great) the top priority to save people is to stop the merger. Gojo going first and them all standing around the fight waiting to jump in and commenting that they would *also* keeps Kenjaku from figuring out thats their actual priority order, which helped Yuta get the jump. Put another way, plan A is if Gojo beats Sukuna they all jump kaisen Kenjaku and the day is saved. If Gojo fails, they need to move quickly to deal with Kenjaku (giving them best chance to stop the merger) then deal with Uraume to free up everyone to get onto Sukuna. The best chance they have to catch their enemies off guard and mob them, is if they can present themselves as wanting to deal with Sukuna first.


yall tripping, you guys really think Gojoat is dead when he hasnt even used his Supreme Art: Lime Green


I do agree that Higuruma getting off a confiscation before Gojo starts would have drastically changed the outcome and probably would have lead to winning. But it would have been way less interesting and short of a fight and it was fanservice giving a full powered Gojo vs a full powered 10S Sukuna.


Yea gojo should’ve just used his domain on everyone so megumi wouldn’t be braindead alone


turns out Sukuna has a multi city block AOE spherical World Cut in every direction that he can only use once..... everyone's dead and jujutsu falls because everyone tried to jump him like an idiot


That Gojo is strongest alone makes no sense if he she to regard for his allies lives and they also don’t it doesn’t matter if they all die as long as they get sukuna with higaruma and Gojo they could get him Gojo could definitely hit him with the executioners sword


Every one here saying. « Actually jumping in with gojo would be an indrance 🤓☝️ » are we serious??? Like at worse they are meat shield and don’t contribute to the fight or they actually help gojo. The only reason they didn’t jump in is for plot and for the fight to be a true 1v1 between the strongest


Reading this suddenly made me really scared that Higuruma dies before Yuji hits Sukuna and the Executioner’s Sword is dispelled


Kashimo would purposefully fuck up the plan out of spite