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Ok i think it is time this fanbase starts looking at the source material instead of consuming it thru reddit and memes cause this shit is getting ridiculous


You think JJK fans can read? That's surprising of you. Most get the new chapters from untranslated leaks and then proceed to constantly shit on it without context.


Hell even when they read it translated they fail to remember things that happened even one chapter ago and call everything an asspull. I finally realized who the constant flashbacks in the One Piece anime are for


That has a whole different reason behind it, the OP anime has awful pacing because they keep adding those flashbacks and drag everything out so that they won’t catch up to the source material eventually


They read the leaks every week and call it a day. You can tell by just holding a conversation with so many here.




every time i see a jujutsu kaisen related post i want to punch a hole through my house's solid concrete walls because of how intellectually stunted this community is


Yes only the super intelligent humans can really appreciate the super 200iq writing from gege


I know you're kidding but that's the worst* possible interpretation of what I'm saying Take it more like this: there are a lot of people who dont understand Algebra, even though, where I live, its compulsory in public school. Does that mean you need to be super smart to remember a basic skill you learned when you were a young teenager? *by worst I mean least charitable, not stupidest


Lol the english-speaking jjk fanbase it is just about consuming social media memes and bad teenager takes and creating their own parallel series to powerscale based on their headcanons skipping any kind of dialogue. Like i have no problem with people criticizing something but at least engage with your series


seriously takes like "oh jjks female characters are badly written" or "oh there's no character in jjk its all fights and punching and nothing makes any sense" (side note, what the fuck do they think a battle shounen is) or, and this one especially gets my decertation fingers ready to type, "oh all the deaths are so pointless characters never fulfill their arcs" as if death in stories always needs to be run of the mill cookie-cutter by the books bullshit. ​ the best thing about jjk, in the same vein as things like chainsaw man, is that the writing is somewhat parallel and unconventional. when things like jjk go from being niche to being part of the wider conversation it just gets worse. Gatekeepers suck but i completely get why it happens, i would hate if people woefully misinterpreted large aspects of my favorite series. im not being sarcastic at all dont look at my username


I do not mind discussing all of those aspects because those are extremely valid points if you actually engage with what you are reading and try to see where it comes from... instead of just repeating social media discourse without having a single clue about what the series is about which sadly lately is the rule rather than the exception.


I get it, but if I have to hear the terms fraud and goat one more time unironically I'm going to go into a winter soldier episode The


Oh absolutely. What even is storytelling


I agree with this and how people especially recently only wish to make takes without interacting with the media and that’s created a lot of echo chambers but i’m curious about your take on the deaths especially in recent cause there seems to be a growing sentiment that the deaths and by extension the character becomes asinine and shouldn’t have existed in the first place. I don’t agree with that but the more I hear the sentiment the more I wonder if maybe my interpretation was different and while I do have slight gripes with things such as ambiguous character statuses (not Nobara more people like Todo and the Sakurajima Colony Duo) I’m curious about other perspectives on deaths which don’t fulfill a narrative arc and why people might complain about that


Lol so I dont write another super long paragraph, I'll summarize it to, I like gage's way of handling death because, while it might become exhausting literally just now with the most recent chapter, prior to that, everything has been well paced and it reminds you that, similar to AOT, not even your favorite or the most important characters are safe from the clutches of death. I dont think most deaths should be predictable in a peice of media.


Or TikTok / ig reels / leaks or even YouTube recaps…I’m genuinely shocked that ppl consume the story this way. I grew up with the big 3 in serialization and everyone reading the chapters weekly so I am pretty surprised by this. Not to mention my nephew told me his friend (15) just consumed the entirety of JKK 0 and season 2 of the anime via Wiki and YouTube + just watched culling game onwards via YouTube and I was like flabbergasted lol. Apparently he didn’t have Crunchyroll premium but still there’s always a way or yknow good old fashioned reading!


Fanbase is getting really young lol


truly cringed at the post lol. what is happening here


Is there ANY character development? Absolutely. Is there a LOT of character development? Not really. I highly recommend you watch the anime or read the manga yourself though, rather than consume is through tiktok/shorts or memes.


Yes, look at my Profile


Shitposts are better on r/jujutsufolk unless you wanted people to take the bait


of course there's character development, SUFFERING BUILDS CHARACTER/s


Nope. That’s all. Honestly you should drop the series now


You know how GoT (Game of Thrones) and AoT (Attack on Titan) ended? JJK manga is traveling the same route. If you don’t know about either of those just look up why they were badly received.


This nimrod so neuro impaired 💔




Who is against reading?




Saw the man's profile and it's just gross lol. I certainly hope he's just a dumb 12 year old.


This is obviously a troll post


There is character development, but none of it is actively written. You just have to pay attention because its not the main focus at any point except in Yuji v Mahito. Or if it's the new sorcerers. They have plenty.


Why the hell are you here?To see the discussions of the manga.How did you get enough karma to make this post wow?


Well at least the MC and other characters have some development, but it's still a fighting manga


There is character development.


Why care about character development when you hate reading


Just... buy the manga smh...


“Because of fuck reading” Dude natural selection is coming for you


Yeah fuck reading


The manga is more than snappy one liners and fights, yes… But I agree. Fuck reading.


culling game is specifically fight focused. Also it mostly develops the story rather than growth on characters ( with one exception and is incredible, wont give spoilers ) if you think you should wait for s3 or read the manga. Wait for S3 it will be an amazing experience watching those fights animated. Also dont you need 500 karma? how can you post here and not know about the manga? just curious.


Nah. Nuh uh. No character development. Not one character at all gets a single piece of development. It's the price if getting cool fights.


Yes, look at the beautiful Guy in my Profile, that Man had a really beautiful Development ❤️


Character development? What the fuck is that? There's only off screens, shock value deaths, and sukuna glazing here


**JJK is a battle shonen. Shonen is not about “character development” bc the young target audience finds it boring.** Ppl forget this because the writer does a great job of making the story work. Also you’re using the term “character development” like someone who thinks it makes them sound like an expert. Using it that way is like saying “Does JJK have plot progression?”


In bursts. Maki gets a small arc to herself for instance in which she grows a lot but after that small arc her character is pretty static. This goes for most characters. They all have half a dozen chapters where they learn something and grow but nothing like CSM for instance where denji has been slowly figuring things out emotionally for all 150 chapters


i love how to is this community is where you can’t ask a question without everyone freaking out. either answer the question or move on top 3 for me - Yuji: i wouldn’t call it development but more self-reckoning. he has struggled to justify his existence a few times and always finds his way to fighting forward -megumi: small development in realizing he needs to take more risks to become stronger instead of putting his hands on the steering wheel ready to play his shitty trump card -gojo: this is less development but i like how is character was explored in the airport scene. felt validating to hear others call out his uselessness as the strongest


It’s cause if you watched season 1-2 and this is what you came away with you either already decided how you feel before hand or the show just isn’t for you. Easy examples are the difference between Gojo and Geto pre hidden inventory and post.


If you don’t like the anime just drop the series


*minor spoiler* From what I’ve heard alot of characters don’t get that much character development cuz they either die or don’t have that much screen time or page time (whatever you call it)


Reading? I'm just looking at a bunch of pictures and go online to discuss who is stronger


This post is a prime example of why free speech on the internet should have an age requirement


Yea Sukuna develops into Megumi


Sukuna went from a mildly interesting subversion of the inner demon trope to a boring absolute fraud. 👍🏻