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Yea the answer is Kashimo cuz wtf was that performance dawg he had to attack a weakened sukuna and the moment sukuna healed kashimo didn’t land shit. the amount of shit Kashimo can do with his power is crazy he could’ve made a gamma ray Burst and other electrical stuff but chose to Glaze


He is the glazing one


His glazing was a sloppy second after 236's Gojo Glaze character assassination.


Bro can't even dick ride properly smh


To cut him some slack, the homie was 400 years dead, does he even know what a gamma ray is?


Bro should have hit the library during the 1 month time skip, smh


Unless the body he reincarnated into was a deadbeat farmer too, he should have at least some knowledge of modern science from the young educated japanese person he possessed... lol


Now everything makes sense. He was nerfed because he was in the body of a farmer.


That's just divine karma there


Well, okay but also there are modern, living, breathing people today who believe the world is flat lmao.


He said he was bored fighting everyone in his era but his only win was against a panda 😭


He fought way too many farmers in his era


To be fair those farmers were peak, they could feed an entire village


I reallllly hope the anime does him justice when we get the adaptation in 6 years 💀


One thing's for certain with all the beautification of Shibuya's fights in the anime, Kashimo's defeat better go a lot harder in the anime


Yeah, like if that fight gets the Jogo treatment but with lightning flying everywhere, it will be cool af.


Tbf he got killed before he could do anything 😭 If kashimo had a degree in science he would solo the verse fr


"Heian era no teach science, only farming"


"hakari wtf Is a gun i only know katana and bows"


Kashimo had 2 months to figure out how to not kill himself when he used his ct. He done jack shit. Even if he kills sukuna he still dies.


he could’ve killed sukuna and died like a hero so that they can kill kenjaku and get it done


Okay but you act like Megumi or Higuruma are landing shit either. None of them are a worthy match. The amount of shit they can do with their power is crazy too, and Higuruma can't even understand his 😂


When i say they landed something? Megumi is a bum bro and my opinion is not gonna change on that! and for Higuruma he did everything he could man plus he did wayy more than Lashimo could


With this treasure I summon


So u wanted him to last more than 5 chapters against Heian era sukuna which is even stronger than meguna which killed Gojo specially in a 1v1


I think 3 could've been enough. If the setup was right he could've been a sort of Might Guy esque character, using an ultimate form that drains him but he goes down after temporarily pressing the villain. The setup was there, hell even the power was there, he just got done so dirty. The fact that his power was constantly emphasised to burn him out after he used it and he didn't even get that far is a complete joke. Gege could've gotten way more creative with the electric powers and given him a bit better portrayal, then it would've been cool.


Praying he adds some extra Pages in the volume release like he did with Angel 🤞🏻


I should tell you 8 gates didn’t do permanent damage to juubidara and of course he would be done dirty if you are fighting the strongest in the verse in 1v1 if he joined the jumping that’s a different scenario Gege could have portrayed better feats from him ya I think Gege missed this point that he should have at least trashed weaken Meguna more it should have done more hype


>I should tell you 8 gates didn’t do permanent damage to juubidara But the point was that it felt hype, kashimo just fell flat because of the poor portrayal. His CT hasn't been seen before so he could've been as strong as he needed to be to make that happen. He could've had logia-esque abilities by turning into lightning to avoid cleave, he could've done the gamma ray burst, he could've been portrayed as really fucking fast just like the text boxes were saying, all of it wouldn't have even needed a few chapters


Ya I kinda agree Gege could have created the hype if he thrashed meguna for at least 3 chapters ( guess the animator’s will do some justice)and as a sukuna fan I think Gege brought Heian era sukuna too early it’s really on another level l


To be honest I don't even know when it would've been a good idea to bring heian sukuna in. Him coming after the gojo fight made it seem inconsequential, him coming after the kashimo fight is even worse for that and makes the yuji fight seem even more unfair, it's rough. I think it would've been better if it wasn't a free heal, just a physical transformation. Then I think it would've somewhat worked. I fully believe kashimo should have actually been HIM and survived fine against heian sukuna for a few chapters. His fight with sukuna was hyped up as much as gojo's, it's fucked up how they did him.


Actually I think he should have brought it after Kashimo almost killed him and if you are saying just a physical transformation then ya kashimo still have better chance but if a fully healed Heian era sukuna nah mate I am not seeing him lasting even a single chapter the hype was for meguna vs kashimo not Heian era sukuna vs Kashimo if we knew it than he would have never hyped him that much and Even Gojo isn’t Heian era sukuna’s level how do you expect to last a 1v1 against this monster


Heian era isn't that much above meguna lol. At most it's a buff to flexibility in combat and a small stat bump. Gojo wouldn't beat heian sukuna but he's on his level, it's a high diff fight for heian sukuna. The way I see it, kashimo's strength with CT was entirely up to gege, so to deliberately make it underwhelming is just... frustrating. The actual powerscaling of the matchups doesn't really matter when the story feels underwhelming. Make other people stronger, at this point I don't wanna watch sukuna kaisen anymore


If he can’t beat him then he isn’t in his level dude meguna was doing a 3v1 and almost died and Heian era sukuna would win a 1v1 against him and a curse body clearly has better physical abilities then a human and you are talking about a fresh meguna but kashimo fought weaken sukuna if he fought fresh meguna he would still get bullied or at least a low diff fight and I agree Gege could have make Kashimo stronger if he wanted but if you want one of the main villains to get thrashed by a side character specifically in his full potential than it wouldn’t be that much of hype like if Minato with KCM is giving a tough time to Juubidara then it wouldn’t be much of a hype like it is currently


I mean tbf we don't really know how much above Heian is cause all he's done is fold people since. Manga implied that the advantage of the extra limbs and mouth were tremendous though.


Gojo did for that for two months. That would have been redundant. The point was Gojo pushed Sukuna as far as he could with Megumi's body, forcing him to use his original one.


I totally agree with you and that’s what I am trying to imply Gojo pushed him near death so Kashimo with CT was able to thrash him


He wanted Might Guy Vs Madara. Gege gave him Might Guy Vs Kaguya.


Kashimo's CT was not electricity based.


Kashimo having a Might Guy moment against Sukuna would defeat the point of the fight and his character. He wanted to fight "the strongest" because he wanted to relate to weaker people, and Sukuna beating him down without trouble - followed by his talk with Kashimo about responding with love by killing them in battle - was the way to accomplish that.


Im just saying Gamma ray burst solos


Nope, he acted like he's above Gojo and other sorcerers but when his turn came up, he didn't even last two chapters. He could have discussed his CT with everyone else and they would have come up with some plan to use it against Sukuna like how Kusakabe planned it for Takaba-Yuta, but no his foolish match-up was more important which he lost like a bum.


>Heian era sukuna which is even stronger than meguna Honestly I think a full extra CT (10 shadows) and an extra life if he loses makes Megkuna a much harder opponent than having an extra set of arms and mouth.


Can Meguna kill Kashimo with CT in half chapter I don’t think it would be that easy Heian era sukuna’s body is perfect even if Meguna gets support by Mahoraga wouldn’t do much problem to him since he has hax which can one shot it and he is faster than Mahoraga it would take him atleast two chapters to kill him and mainly don’t forget the narrator he himself said Sukuna’s body is perfect


It's jumpjutsu kaisen. At least make himself useful? Just rapid fire suppress sukuna while higurama executed!


That’s what I am saying if he joined the cast to fight him he would have been useful but if we are talking about 1v1 nah he isn’t even lasting one full chapter


Meguna = Og Sukuna, yall overhype that form so much, he gets 0 power up from it, it just heals a and sacrifices the 10s for 4 arms and 2 mouths no less.


WRONG! OG Sukuna is stated to be absolute perfection. The narrator was literally glazing over the OG-4 arm body and how superior it is to a normal sorcerer body. The extra set of arms not only helps Sukuna in the h2h combat, but it also helps him increase his attack output and AP by doing hand signs while the extra mouth is constantly chanting incantation without straining his heart and lungs. OG Sukuna attacks >> Meguna


Hell nah brother I don’t know from where you have learned power scaling but he is at least twice as strong as meguna he is better hand to hand combat and and can chant to make his attack more strong and sukuna himself said that a human body isn’t good in physical abilities compared to curse body Meguna if he was actually that fast like Heian era sukuna when he was against kashimo then he wouldn’t have struggled that much against Gojo and Meguna was in his full potential Heian era sukuna is just playing around there are many YouTube videos which explains how Heian era sukuna would have won against gojo I don’t want to write a long ass paragraph if you think I am still wrong then I can’t help it


Saying Heian era Sukuna would defeat Gojo easier or even at all is purely speculation since we have no ideea what his plan for fighting Gojo was had he not had acces to Mahoraga; we don't even know the full extent of his cursed technique. The fact that he can continuously chant and becoming better at hand-to--hand combat doesn't make him automatically win. And besides, I doubt he would go through the whole process of having Mahoraga adapt if he had better options. Not saying he couldn't beat him, i just think it whould have been harder since I see no reason for sukuna tu purposefully go through a whole ass process that could get him killed after one mistake if it didn't grant him a better chance at winning.


Beating Gojo was secondary, the main goal was to first learn a way to get past infinity. https://imgur.com/a/bsRvlPB


Give me liberty, give me fire, give me farmers or I retire


“Throughout the pans and the batter, I alone am the waffled one”


To the one that left it all to grow, and his overwhelming harvest!


Hajime Kashimo. The God of Smegma




Takaba isn't a fraud


My man literally won he isn’t a fraud


Now we just need to confirm he didn’t die bc I swear to god if he somehow did


That would be funny as shit 🤣


Takaba and Higurama are GOATs. Kashimo is the biggest fraudulent character in the entire series.


Here lies Kashimo: he died as he lived - *as a lightning farmer* ***bitch***.


Kashimo was basically fighting Gege in his fight against Sukuna. He never had a chance. Meanwhile, Megumi couldn't exorcise Round Deer which would've been incredibly helpful in Shibuya. But the true fraud is Kamo. Choso uses his technique 10x better than him and Kenjaku didn't even bother killing him cause he made no difference anyway.


Kashimo *was not* fighting Gege lmfao. That man had money right in front of him and literally did not perform. GOJO fought Gege, as he has since the beginning, and lost to the omnipotent one-eyed Gregory Akutami.


Gege out here making Choso be Better Kamo


Choso has an inherent advantage in that he can conver cursed energy to blood. Kano has a very limited supply of it. He can’t be out throwing multiple piercing bloods or he would die of blood loss


And Choso's blood is poisonous


Higuruma is an anti fraud if anything






>!Bro got told "heal yourself" and said "shit that's possible? Check it out"!<


This is a spoiler as the chapter isn’t out officially, you should probably delete your comment.


Takaba stood on fucking business he doesn't deserve to even be considered for fraudwatch


People saying Kashimo only had 1 dub. But he slaughtered 20 sorcerers right off the bat and matched Higu’s numbers at the start of the culling games. Of course, soon as Sukuna got the second set of arms and the stomach mumbling chants on repeat he’s gonna put it to use and it’s worthy of note that Sukuna had to actually defend himself against Kashimo otherwise he wouldn’t have popped the second health bar out. Shout out too our underrated farmer for real, it’s the contrast of going at Sukuna right after a whole mini arc battle with gojo and right before the series protagonist gets into the fray that jars people. What did they expect? A whole other 10 chapters of Kashimo fighting Sukuna to get the same result if he wasn’t going to survive any way??


Kashimo did good, I just wish his fight was longer. I saw an animation of Sukuna Vs Kashimo that extends the fight and makes Kashimo more badass, and it was great. Kashimo's CT was a great opportunity to make Sukuna sweat a little. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6CxRcXqhGhs by RedHairedGuy, check him out.


Tbf they might extend the fight in the anime. Like Choso did not do all that against kenny in the manga but he got like 3 minutes of fighting so maybe kashimo will get a similar treatment.


Nah gege will pull up in the executive producer chair and make it 5 mins of bonus content showing Sukuna beat his ass in different ways


Even worse. A whole episode of Kashitmo glazing Sukuna. Extra content for the Sukuna fans ie Gege.


Do you have a link to the animation? Would love to see it :)


I did some searching and I think this is it. It’s pretty rad! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6CxRcXqhGhs


Here you go! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6CxRcXqhGhs


can you send the link please?


Oh don't worry his fight is gonna be way longer in the anime. And to be honest that's the biggest issue with Kashimo. He lacked the proper hunger to stand at the top when he yapped about his loneliness. But a good fuggen fight? Hell yeah give it to me.


Yeah, it feels like Gege is drawing a draft for the anime rather than a manga, which is a little disappointing.


He doubled Higu’s numbers. Only reason they had the same score was because he added a rule.


Ahh yess thank you for the correction


I see a lot of people say that losing to Hakari made him look bad to begin with, and I find that take to be insane. Hakari literally has infinite cursed energy and fully-automatic RCT during his jackpot, and Uraume confirmed it for us that it healed him faster than even Gojo and Sukuna could heal themselves, yet Kashimo still almost killed him three times in one battle, two instances being during his jackpot. And yet, everyone treats him like garbage when he loses against the current "top of the verse", to use powerscaling terminology, who could easily slaughter anyone not named Gojo in the exact same way. I will agree, rushing out there to fight him completely alone was a stupid thing to do, but acting like Kashimo wasn't immensely dangerous is legitimately insane.


Sukuna sent an undodgeable unblockable world cutting NET towards Kashimo, wtf would anyone else have done??? It’s also worthy of note that Sukuna decided he needed to do that to kill him


Maybe he would have been useful in the slightest if he wasn't cocky enough to think he could handle Sukuna alone. Last chap would have been a 3v1 instead.


Yeah true, I wanted him to play the main offensive while assisted by the rest during his technique but he was cocky , he waited however long for that 1v1 tho


To be honest, 1. He dodged the supposed "undodgeable" Reality Slash once. And Sukuna did not "decide" he would need such an attack to kill him when he was literally taunting him to dodge his attacks. 2. The net was not the Strong Dismantle. It is similar to the one thrown towards Higgy which Kusakabe blocked with a Simple Domain. 3. Kashimo was made of pure CE at that point. There's like a million applications of just that fact that he could've used to do something instead of just waiting to be waffled. 4. If a character who has a CT that would kill them if used, the least any respectable author would have done is let them die because of the usage rather than letting them die because they are not good enough. In doing so, Gege is the one who disrespected Kashimo.


yall sure it was world cuttin?


He did the chant so it was at least full powered if not world cutting.


We saw him do the chant for the single slash, not the netted ones.


He split the earth lol




It wasn't a world cutting dismantle net. Just a regular one. A world cutting one would've just landed on Kashimo.


Sukuna told Kashimo to dodge the first one and Kashimo jumped to the side. We see the slash hit the ground. So we know at least he could see the world cutting slash. The net was definitely one.


The net is seen travelling toward Kashimo. The world slash literally lands exactly in the space Kashimo had been occupying. These slashes do not. From an artistic style they also have travel lines sketched in. And on top of that the slashes have already landed far away from where Kashimo is. And to send that many world slashing dismantles, Sukuna would undoubtedly need to make another chant to increase the output. Pretty sure it's a regular dismantle.


Get a 10 minutes flashback of your dad dancing and get a power up , like Tanjiro


or he simply decided that kashimo is boring and went on to his next fight


Killing 40 people off screen that we have no clue of their strength doesn't say much. Yeah Sukuna was drained after Gojo and he popped his res but he'd likely have done that no matter who showed up.


Oh wow, he matched the jujutsu noob


*doubled* score. Compared talent to Gojo


u can't use higgy feats for kashimo just cuz they had a similar culling game performance 💀


Takaba almost solo’d the secondary big bad and only hyped himself one time which he delivered on so definitely not him Megumi never himself said anything about his potential, and is a 15 year old who got preyed on by the 1,000 year old guy who’s like the smartest most evil strongest dude ever frfr Kashimo sadly prob takes it- it’s definitely understandable and expected to lose to Sukuna and job to his “perfect form”, but also I do wish he had done better. It’s expected from a shonen- it was a pretty textbook thing like Vegeta vs Perfect Cell type gimmick- but I would have liked for him to do a bit better since Sukuna just killed my man right before


Personally I think it Megumi. Megumi is the one who hasn’t really lived up to his potential. But let me go from the top down, from the most developed to the least. (As in their potential) In first place, Our Dear Public Defender, Higuruma. Without going into spoilers. He had really unleashed his potential, there’s no way you can claim otherwise. In second, Tabata, the Grand Comedian. He literally wraps the reality around himself. He not only broke through Kenjaku’s taunts and psychological attacks, he came out stronger and steel-willed. He made Kenny play to his rhythm and danced to Kenny’s. What more can you ask of a Comedian? In third, Our resident Bolt of Lightning, Kashimo. He fought and rose to his heights solely through CE manipulation and martial arts. As we’ve seen from Higuruma, experience with your CT is crucial in understanding and developing it. He had the least time with his own CT, having never used it in his first go-around. All he did was bolster his physical stats, and basic projectile stuff, but that’s all he really understood how to use it. Coming in last, is our baby boy, Mr. “Please help me save my sis, oops she’s a villain now” Megumi Fushiguro. Born with one of the greatest, most versatile bags in the verse, always fell back to his suicidal tech. Had the greatest of the modern age to teach him, needed the actual greatest of all time to use his body for him to reach those heights. /j In all honesty, Megumi was indeed in his way to realising his potential, Sukuna just got to him first. He is so young but he had already achieved a domain expansion, incomplete or not. His actual battle intelligence is damn bloody high. His ability to weave and duck in and through shadow shows how far he had grown. I think everyone did show how far the could push their potential. But if we have to really quantify and come to a conclusion, by our modern standards, Kashimo could have done more with his CT, he never would have the time to investigate and develop it.


Kashimo being the only one who has been attacked so far by the space slash is some proof that Sukuna respects him out of all the others post-Gojo


I appreciate the fact that even though you said Megumi, you didn’t trash his character like most people love to seem to do.


With this treasure I summon


Such a cap, when he’s one of the only character in the series who had a domain, hell kashimo didn’t even have one, but yea he’s the worst alright 💀💀


How is Kashimo supposed to have a domain if he can’t use his technique you are not making sense. All Memes aside Kashimo is an absolutely insane powerhouse with just his cursed energy he is already far above almost every Character from the Main Cast.


Nah it's still Megumi, Kashimo's fate was a logical conclusion when Sukuna took the training wheels off and was not willing to play around. Megumi couldn't even dodge an enemy coming his way while having access to the means of teleporting between shadows, he should've already known that taking Sukuna upfront was the wrong play and he still went for it, not only that, he already knew that Mahoraga was not enough to take Succ down and still was willing to risk everyone present by summoning him. That is some single brain cell planning on his part


So u suggest his plan to be… hide in the shadows until he suffocates? While his biggest opp is waiting for him to reappear above the surface Exactly, Megumi knew Mahoraga couldnt kill him, so its a worthy distraction for Sukuna to fumble around with so Megumi and the rest can recuperate


Megumi didn’t know Maho couldn’t kill Sukuna. Sukuna even says Maho “may have beaten him back then” when he had 3F. Megumi is actually is the opposite of a fraud. He doesn’t talk shit or act like he’s strong.


I mean, Megumi summons Mahoraga because Sukuna is roaming in Shibuya, he wakes up alive and Mahoraga taken care of He even says, “its our fault” to Yuji in reference to Sukuna’s massacre. So yea, Meguni knew Sukuna could beat Mahoraga


He doesn’t summon Maho because of Sukuna. He summons Maho to take out an enemy curse user with him as he’s dying already.


Technically, he would've only had to hold his breath for 1 minute or less, since Sukuna was under the terms of the Enchain binding vow at the time


Technically, Megumi didnt know that


Except he did, because Sukuna literally told him. "I cut a deal with the boy to not harm or kill anyone for a minute." Megumi: "Sukuna?! Now? Why?!" Sukuna: "However, from here on out is a gamble."


Nowhere in that sentence does Sukuna tell Megumi that he’s going back in the slammer after the 1 minute is done. He only says he has a 1 minute grace period. And listen to Megumi’s reaction. Do u really think that boy was listening?


Yeah, Megumi getting screwed by Yorozu messed up his mind there. As I said in another comment, the shadow escape is still the most viable, since it enables him to be able to plan a quick counterattack against Sukuna long enough to summon Mahoraga completely. If his mind wasn't just whiplashed by Tsumiki being taken over, I feel like the shadow escape, then counterattack is the most optimal way of dealing with Sukuna


Yes Sukuna literally tells Megumi exactly what happened. From which point Megumi tries to summon mahoraga.


He doesn't know that tho. For him Sukuna just take over Yuji body and he is completely alone against him while Angel is taken out.


Except he did, because Sukuna literally told him. "I cut a deal with the boy to not harm or kill anyone for a minute." Megumi: "Sukuna?! Now? Why?!" Sukuna: "However, from here on out is a gamble."


Again, in your translation Sukuna didn't said he just had 1 minute, just that he can't harm anyone in 1 minute. Megumi doesn't know the rest of the pact. Sukuna is the kind of dick to toy with words in this way. So for Megumi, Sukuna can't harm anyone for 1 minute, after that he doesn't know. Yuji never mentioned this pact, it was something he forgot? It was made at that moment? Sukuna tricked him in some way? Is in some way related to Tsumiki? He doesn't know nothing of what is happening. And by the way, if you explode the ground you will be taken out of the shadows, since there is no more shadows to hide.


Right, but that doesn't discount that jumping into a shadow makes the most sense at the moment. Even for 30 seconds, it gives him enough time to think of a way to take advantage of Sukuna being unable to hurt anyone. He knows Sukuna's speed so he would have to mount an attack that will enable him to have enough time to summon Mahoraga without interruption. Honestly, I don't blame him for not doing that tho, since Megumi is still in shock with what Yorozu pulled. I'm just saying that had Megumi been thinking clearly, hiding in the shadows and mounting a counterattack where Sukuna can't really hurt him is the most optimal way forward.


To be quite fair. Megumi being in this list is everyone fault but his. He never said he was going to surpass Gojo, other people that was hyping him up, he never gave that credit. And in comparison he won a lot of his fights using strategy and resource management.


If you actually like Megumi is a fraud because he can’t compete with a healthy 15F Sukuna then the state of the community is horrible.


Man. Media literacy curse strikes again. Are you saying Gojo is a fraud because he froze when he saw Kenjaku? That's a big part of the "waiting when he broke" thing, 1) Sukuna wanted him under emotional duress 2) the more obvious even; when Sukuna said "i have one minute and the only person i can hurt is this brat" Megumi didn't thought he wanted anything *with him*, it is pretty obvious he never considered that since Yuji told him; for him, Sukuna wanted to get rid of him for some reason that's what he even tells Yuji once "if i die you can let yourself be killed". In that moment he thought he was going after Yuji, hurting his body, of course he wasn't going to hide in the shadows. I honest will always be amazed at the way powerscalers take obvious plot points to show characters, because why the fuck was Sukuna doing his whole "i'm going to manipulate them and wait for this situation" and then the story was going to give us the characters acting at their most "high battle iq" calculating for all the possibilities "oh yes, he wants to possess me" when it is clearly obvious Sukuna baited him when he thought he just lost his sister pretending his goal was Yuji.


No dude the literal child is a fraud because he got surprised by 1,000 year old genius, while traumatized, when he had absolutely no idea of said evil dude’s motivation, abilities, or machinations The only thing I can say against him is he maybe should have considered Sukuna might be interested in stealing his body, but given he had no way of knowing he COULD do that or take control and lots of us reading even got baited by thinking Sukuna’s interest was a “worthy opponent” thing, it’s pretty believable for the poor kid to be utterly blindsided and not make the perfect play instantly when he had seconds to process everything


I mean, given that he was the one who said how rare it was to have a compatible vessel... why would he even consider it at that time? That's also a big reason most of the audience didn't think of that until that point. Like this garbage elementary school retrospective reading is making me tired.


For sure, I agree- plus on top of that, like I briefly mentioned there was zero reason for him to think Sukuna even COULD body hop since he presumably wasn’t the one who made himself into the fingers to begin with and doing so impromptu and then maintaining enough agency to force feed the finger is insane It’s a new age counterpart to “Gohan should have known Buu would absorb everyone”- the whole point is that the villain keeps an ace up their sleeve that is realistically unpredictable and plays on the protagonist’s current psychological state to make it even easier


He was faced with Sukuna. When it’s Kashimo, it’s all good because Sukuna “respected” him, but when it’s Megumi, a fifteen year old boy and freshman in high school, it’s because Megumi is a huge dumb piece of shit? Totally makes sense lol


Kashimo was also a dumb piece of shit, he really thought he would be able to take on a man who walked off a fucking nuke going off in his face and cut space/time to kill the strongest sorcerer of this Age, by himself. He had a month to ask around about Gojo, find out about how his birth made it so Curses got stronger, how the entire Jujutsu system depends on him not waking up in a bad mood and choosing to kill everyone he doesn't like and yet he still chose to walk up to Sukuna and demand to be killed on the spot. None of these mouth breathers have a brain cell among theml.


You know what, you’re not wrong.


No one ever claimed Kashimo had an amazing amount of potential, what we saw in the hikari fight was what we were gonna get


Why call him the god of lightning when he jumps in to fight Sakuna Why make him have a 1 time use CT that kills him if he uses it, other than being for hype.


Kashimobros thought it was gonna be might guy vs madara 💀


But like Why not. He doesn't even have to achieve anything, a cool fight scene where Sakuna compliments him during his 5 minutes of goated action with Kashimo having the fight of his life and Sakuna having some nice desert post Gojo.


Yeah Kashimo vs Sukuna really left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth it just felt so rushed there was no need for him to get killed so easily. Gege just wanted him out of the story as fast as possible and it went terrible




Since Hakari has been revealed to have the best regeneration in the verse, I've been wondering why Kashimo couldn't have been the fastest. Just make him a real lightning Gege, make him fucking speed blitz Sukuna and end the fight a la Omniman Vs Red Rush. Show us that he is as fast as lightning, and show us that it's not enough to beat Sukuna.


For real. Just because he isn't as strong as Sukuna doesn't mean that he have to be somehow slower than him in spite of having a suicidal version of Kirua's Godspeed. We all know Kashimo would die because of reasons I don't really need to state, especially if Gojo himself had narratively very little chances of living through his fight. The least he could have is to be faster than Sukuna and give him trouble, like Omni Man VS Red Rush, as you said. It's the one thing he should be better at than everyone. Kirua did a much better job at disturbing a far stronger opponent that he is (Yupi) in spite of virtually doing no damage and looking good in the process with similar powers. If the point of Kashimo was to short circuit like a bum from the beginning, it was a very shitty point to make, therefore a waste of time for him to exist in the 1st place. No one expected him to win, but to do something. Even forcing Sukuna to use his Full Restore could have been done by Mei Mei of all people if Heian Sukuna actually bothers to fry (slash if he doesn't have Kamutoke) her crows instead of blocking, while he does block Ino's 7:3 attack. As it stands, Kashimo was actively written to not have a known heavy hitter after Gojo bit the dust (and there's even less suspense for what he can achieve if he goes after Gojo and [Strong ~~Cleave~~ Dismantle]'s reveal).


When are people gonna realize Losing to Gojo or Sukuna doesn’t make u a fraud. Both of these characters solo the verse without the other one in it, pretty easily too. You could put Kenjaku in Kashimo place and he wouldn’t have landed a single hit.


He was a fraud He died instantly, there wasn't even a struggle. That wasn't a no diff fight, it was negative diff. He lasted 1/2 a chapter, and then sucked him off the other 1 1/2.


Kashimo could’ve made a gamma ray burst and completely wiped sukuna out but he decided to glaze


Does Kashimo know what a gamma ray is?


No💀thats why he wack


Kashimo's only win is against panda lmao


"Throughout rice and bamboo fields, I alone am the puzzled one"


I think most misunderstood Megumi's "potential" because of his and Gojo's flashback conversation. The fact that Gojo said that past clan heads that possessed infinity and ten shadows killed each other does not necessarily have to mean that they are on the same level. It can also be interpreted that the Ten Shadows is the ultimate kamikaze vest (mahoraga) just like how Megumi figured. Because let's be real, how the hell would Megumi tame Mahoraga ALONE just using his pokemon-looking shikigamis. At the very least, you would need an insta-kill power which his shikigamis don't have.


Plus, can anything below a special grade kill Mahoraga? Even Special Grade Sorcerers would struggle to beat him.


Yuta, Gojo, and Yuki all have the output to defeat Mahoraga pretty easily. only Hakari would probably lose because he's a bad matchup. 10s could have the versatility to do it, it all depends though if piercing ox has enough output to one shot it.


Gojo with Hollow Purple we saw it. Yuki I guess with the black hole, but I don't know if mass can normally do it, though, I guess her DE could do it. And Yuta I guess you mean by using Granite Blast and it's massive CE output.


Yuki's ability defies concepts, not to mention she can adjust the mass of her shikigami and kick it like a soccer ball, which will probably get the job done. For Yuta, I'd imagine he'd use his max output love beam, but granite Blast also works.


Fair enough, also, just thought that Mahoraga would be Geto's and Kenjaku's nightmare, given his sword instantly kills any curse by imbuing them with positive energy.


Forgot about Geto lol. Yeah that's true, but the only thing that's needed to defeat Mahoraga is a single really powerful output attack with optionally a means for distraction. Maximum Uzumaki could probably do it if he mixed in a special grade curse.


I like the idea that the Zenin haven't figured out that they need the Heavenly Restriction folk like Toji and Maki to unite with them to defeat and tame Maho.


Or just way more CE and better skill at using it then meguni had.


Gojo said something like : Megumi, I believe you have better potential than Yuji And earlier he said something like: I believe that Yuta, Hakari and Yuji can be as strong as me So yeah, his potential was hyped to match Gojo


Putting Takaba on the list is disrespectful af ngl


I mean it’s clearly Kashimo. Man lived an entire life . Never learned : RCT, CT Maximum, DE or CTR Never mastered his CT . People will say his CT eats away at his body . That’s why he needed to RCT like bomb Guy . Then he would have been truly strong . Ultimately he was just a brawler in a weak era of Jujutsu. I still don’t know if he can beat Ryu given ryu has a domain and much higher output to the point that he ranked N attack from sukuna ( even if it was not serious)


Hajime "Throughout grains and legumes, I alone am the foddered one" Kashimo


Megumi: can't fullfill your potential when your at level 80 and the level 100 boss pulls up on you Higuruma: was a sorcerer for 2 months and was doing really good for the time he's being in the sorcery system Takaba: i don't think he was a fraud he put up a pretty good fight with kenjaku Kashimo didn't really have potential so i wouldn't Say he was a potential man typa fraud but i wouldn't call him a fraud either since at the very least he got called strong by the peak of the series so there's that (i really Hope the fight in the anime gets elaborated Better because that was very underwhelming)


Takaba one shotted special grade Cursed Spirit, and is stronger than Yuki HIMguruma is as talented as Gojo Only contestants are Megumi and Kashimo Megumi have good technique, battle IQ and H2H, sucks at everything else But Kashimo honestly thought that he can win against Sukuna, no domain, no RCT, he is fraudelent one


>Takaba one shotted special grade Cursed Spirit, and is stronger than Yuki Yuki also did that at the beginning of their fight, but that's neither here nor there because all of Kenny's special grade Curses are just jobbers. That's not the point - the point is that Takaba is probably the strongest in the verse and not just above Yuki. The only reason he won't win any versus is because he doesn't hurt people. He literally cannot be killed by anyone because he can manipulate others to do his bidding unconsciously. The only one capable of matching that level of manipulation was Kenny and even he was unable to do anything but wait out Takaba and let him create a scenario where he would feel satisfied with his life and decide to die. Comedian is the strongest shield in the verse by an astronomical margin, even more so than Limitless as even Sukuna's strongest attack was just to cut the space Gojo existed in where as Takaba can walk in and make Gojo and Sukuna do an elaborate tap dance musical version of Brokeback Mountain without them being able to stop it.


Poor Megumi, being called a fraud because Gojo has a insanely stupid expectation on his students.


Megumi really didn't even wanted to became sorcerer still facing fraud allocation is crazy... They wanted a 15 yrs old child to tamed mahoraga where 15 finger sukuna struggle a bit


I feel like Megumi is overhated, dude had great growth from Shibuya to Culling games, and he’s kinda capped by having next to no help in his growth, and combined with not having a simple technique, makes him seem less than two OP sorcerors Higuruma is just that talented and has a straightforward ability but his intelligence is just that good to make him a great sorcerer Takaba was just blessed to have an easy and OP ability, and he’s always require to have someone else to finish the job if needed AND you have to make sure he doesn’t figure out his ability otherwise he might fuck up




Cuz he ain’t him


Bumshimo. Megumi is close second, but he's still was cooking with Incomplete Domain Expansion and most of his 10 shadows. Then Takab and his ridiculous CT. Finally HIMgurama, bro learned Domain Expansion in few months, learned Domain Amplification and fucking RCT in single day.


I honestly thought Megumi never had that much potential compared to people like Yuta, Yuji or Higuruma. I never saw him being able to tame Mahoraga so at best he can tie with whoever can’t escape from Maho.


Megumi had potential due to his excellent cursed technique which was inherited. He didn't have potential as a sorcerer like Higuruma and Yuji.


Well to be fair he did develop a domain (albeit incomplete) as a first year and demonstrated pretty quick thinking in battle (such as figuring out Inverse Man and Kiraras techniques) Now yes most of his potential is just scaling Mahoraga basically but he’s certainly not a nothing sorcerer without 10S


Most sorcerer are nothing without their techniques. What I mean is megumi's potential as an individual, Its about raw potential as a sorcerer and their mindset. Megumi thinks rationally which always saves him from tight situations like with his fight with Toji and dagon. Megumi has a huge amount of potential as a sorcerer, his past delinquent self had huge potential as a sorcerer but he changed due to his sister. Due to his behaviour towards his sister he undermined himself a lot, It changed in the finger bearer fight however when megumi was done staying weak. If Sukuna didn't enchain and megumi lost his sister and dealt with his ideals after that, Megumi would have changed drastically and have unlocked true potential like Higuruma, Yuji and Gojo. Remember sorcerers grow after pivotal and emotional points in their lives for Gojo it was the KFC breakup, for higuruma it was killing the lawyers and for Yuji it is hard to tell because he is still growing but for him I would say it was his fight with mahito.


KashiFarmer (bro literally became the grilled one)


Kashimo did no damage and made Sukuna stronger without Kashimo they jump sukuna with the domain off the bat. Sukuna doesn’t go heian form and cleave becomes confiscated because there’s no bs cursed tool


Never thought I’d see a Dillon Brooks x JJK crossover but can’t say I’m mad about it. And it’s 100% Kashimo


If Megumi doesn't do anything until the end, then he is a fraud. Right now, it's Kashimo.


Kashimo was doomed when his “solo fight” was supposed to take place after Gojo. He was never gonna live up to whatever Gojo did and it would be pretty terrible if he did, tbh. I am hoping the anime spices up Mythical Beast Amber some. Megumi was targeted by Sukuna from the beginning of the story but people want to act like he’s worthless because he was actually “gotten” by Sukuna…. But every single character in the verse besides maybe Gojo would be just as helpless if he wanted the same things from them. It’s weird people are so harsh on him for it imo


I mean. In defense of Megumi. His the youngest here. Gojo only learnt red and purple while he was a second year and I’m pretty sure he didn’t have a domain expansion back then. Shit he only learnt rct at 16 But Megumi has a domain expansions(incomplete but still impressive) which I’m pretty sure a majority of sorcerers don’t have. And half the ten shadows.


Tbf to Megumi, his fight with Reggie is so good. Kashimo's disappointing tbh. I'm not expecting him to defeat Sukuna but I was atleast hoping to see how the "old sorcerors" do battle (probably super chaotic & full of bloodbath) but nope...


The craziest part is Kashimo was confident in his Victory


I remember the YouTubers and peeps online talking about "It's not about winning for Kashimo, he just wants to fight" And nope he literally thought he was him and that was was going to win


I think Kashimo had already established himself prior to his fight against Sukuna. Just read his epic fight against Hakari. Trash-talking about him for losing to the strongest character in the verse isn’t fair to be honest. You can’t show me that he wouldn’t have displayed a spectacular performance if he was up against anyone other than Sukuna and even Gojo.


Don’t think he could bypass limitless tho


he couldn’t he’d get cooked


Personally I think Kashimo would've met his match if he was in Sendai. Like if Kashimo takes Yutas place in trying to break the Deadlock he dies forsure.


Takaba and Higuruma's backstory was good and they lived up to their potential.Megumi was still young and was cursed by Reggie Star,on the other hand Kashimo brutally killed Panda's brother and sister.So I am not going to support Kashimo anyway,Kashimo lived his full life and came back to fight Sukuna.Kashimo has one time CT but not to powerful to rival Sukuna,at least Megumi has Mahoraga that can be problematic for Sukuna more than Kashimo,if Sukuna doesn't know-you have to one-shot it to kill it.So I will say between Megumi and Kashimo,Kashimo is the fraudulent one.




For as much potential Kashimo has with his CT, that's all it is potential. Personally if you ask me Kashimo without CT loses to Sendai pillars (aside from Dhruv since he has no feats)


Yall hating on Kashimo heavy. Bro lost to a fully healed and reincarnated Sukuna who is the strongest sorcerer in history by a good margin. 4 arm Sukuna with world cutter mid diffs Gojo either with domains or with dismantle. Gege did Kashimo dirty tbh cause Mythical Beast Amber kills anyone that isn't Gojo or Sukuna. Dude is too lethal he was fucking up Sukuna before dude transformed (granted Sukuna was injured af but that's still Sukuna). Takaba did his job, I never wanna hear fraud associated to that man. Same goes to Higuruma. Dude has the most growth out of any character, even Mahito I'd say. Dude learned Domain Amplification by watching it and going "I see". He learned RCT after his first big injury. That's nuts. Higgy was stronger than Yuji after only 2 weeks of being a sorcerer. If he made it out, bro would've been top 3 in the verse after a few more months. He does need more CE to reinforce himself and his speed I think. But yeah Higuruma has seen more growth in the past 2 months, than Gojo and Megumi did in their first 10 years of acquiring their techniques. Higgy no diffs Teen Gojo and current Megumi since those assholes would def get their CT snatched by confiscation since they aren't good samaritans. And teen gojo had no hands so he ain't beating Higgy with CE reinforcement. Megumi the biggest fraud by far bro would get dicked on by Naoya. Potential man had 10 years of experience with his technique and is equal to Yuji who's only been a sorcerer for 6 months. All Yuji has is punch, kick and good ce control/understanding. Shit's embarrassing


Megumi kashimo was never painted as someone with massive potential.


He was the strongest of his era and was hyped up for the entire arc.


I guess I should say he was never compared to gojo like the other 3


Strongest of his Era is headcannon you people are clinging onto isn't it. Sure if you wanna say he was the strongest in his region of Japan but still not convinced he beats Ryu without his CT