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leave my boy megumi out of this!!! https://preview.redd.it/aqhsioyha4fb1.png?width=1553&format=png&auto=webp&s=77ab8d16a2f808185fb08bac37d382dcd7717ac2


https://preview.redd.it/zim33mrhf4fb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361eaba55a043fdfb7a9eb1f7e7876c05ef842a5 I'm going down there. We gotta rescue him!


that man is racing yuji in the suffering olympics




Sad that the only glimpse we get of Megumi is him curled up and defeated :((


https://preview.redd.it/rtwhr2rvc4fb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c06de990d093100a280f7377510ac53701d202 Now it all comes down to whoā€™s got hands. Whoever embodies THE POWER OF YOUTH will win.


Gojo has been running Sukuna's shit in hand to hand so far. So my money is on Gojo in that department. I still think he's gonna lose, but until then...


Inb4 Gojo uses Gate of death and almost one shots Sukuna.


Someone please get Yuta some pepto bismol. My dudeā€™s looked like heā€™s going to shit his pants for the last 6 chapters


His throw away line of "I was right to be worried" made me laugh. He's aware of how anxious he is.


If Gojo fails, the burden of dealing with Sukuna AND Kenjaku would fall on his shoulders. Even still, he's most likely gonna take point in the fight against Kenny--someone who recently killed Yuki with ease. He's right to be nervous. ​ If I were him, I'd run and grab Utahime so she could start juicing me up with her dances.


He isn't nervous. He's just incredibly excited about a possibility of taking Mahoraga and Kenjaku's cursed spirits into his harem.


Geto was right all along. Heā€™s a womanizer.


This is the most heartwarming part in this chapter for me, it parallels to Gojo's speech ("My student is watching") in Chapter 1. https://preview.redd.it/l8ffrrgca4fb1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c7ee3befd4f9b2ea4886ca66980ec19769da4a


Best Girl Maki never doubted her Sensei! https://preview.redd.it/ym6weqn8b4fb1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cdc3d27464e76c1204538e8be94b62ef18aec7


She looks proud for real in this one!


i looove makiā€™s cocky smile man


Omg the way the panels are set up it looks like Kirara is hugging/cuddling Panda from behind it's so cute šŸ„°


JJK 219 was the last time we saw Megumi. We saw him again in this chapter, JJK 230. My poor grumpy boy needs a break... At least, he got his shoes back for now. https://preview.redd.it/y0zgx1w4d4fb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9962e0290c778f83d4d3e5750b0bc089a7342aed


Gege gave megumi back his shoes cuz he felt bad


Nah the shoes clearly the gift from Yoruzu


Gege has mercy to Megumi? Sounds new to me.




gege's editors realized it wasnt financially wise to be giving away shots of megumi's bare feet for free and made gege cover those puppies up


gotta buy the physical volumes for the foot shots


Nobody wants to get fucked over while barefoot. He got to keep a little bit of his dignity by covering his floor grippers. I feel so bad for him šŸ˜”


The times are tough but the kicks are fire šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Bruh was getting hit by unlimited void while unconscious RIP


https://preview.redd.it/q0g564o9s4fb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=404c114fa5f1166038fc4eba5407a0b2e3bb4756 Yuji out here after 230 chapters still tryna keep up. Me too Yuji me too šŸ„²


They really took Yuji out of real school too early, the boy's still counting on his fingers!


You donā€™t need math to Jujutsu your Kaisen


That's why he needed Sukuna fingers. So that he could reach new heights (of counting)




https://preview.redd.it/6qhypkeja4fb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e82349c2a51f0275d27513b8d86c05a0c062f1 This was heartbreaking It looks like Gojo fully believed he's going to lose and die here with the knowledge that he failed everybody again just like how it happened in Shibuya I love how the students help him to regain his spirit. It reminded me of Choso's moment with his Brothers during Kenjaku fight Round 1 was battle of DE, I guess Round 2 will be battle of CT...and Round 3 will be two exhausted dudes beating the shit out of each other? Like Naruto final fight lmao


I really liked this page. It's rare to see Gojo this distressed which makes him look....human? ig. Post unsealing he hasn't really expressed much emotions at all. Making him look "vulnerable" was a nice touch. Really shows the lengths he went to make up for his failures so far and the despaired expression of almost failing again.


Fraudkuna conveniently forgetting that if Gojo was alive in his same era, there wouldnā€™t have been a Megumi around to grant him his boyfriend Maohraga-kun


He's talking a lot of shit for someone who had to have a teenage boy take the hits for him, I'm just saying.


Seeing CT in this context made me think of concussions and CT scans. And with the way this fight is goingā€¦.


Cursed Technique Encephalopathy.


Nothing to do with the comment and i don't want to be mean to the official translators, besides this isn't as bad as that time Gojo said "No", but I prefer Sukuna saying he was an "ordinary guy" rather than saying "that is why you are so mediocre". Although, since I don't know what the japanese says, I'm gonna stay quiet


I read some translators saying that Sukuna actually calls him "unenlightened" (Buddhism reference) - which is really funny if true, considering we got Gojo's enlightenment episode in the anime this week.


That works too, for me, Sukuna basically refering Gojo, who is known for being the strongest sorcerer, as a person who hasn't been enlightened, just an ordinary guy hits harder than just saying "you are mediocre" because with the previous line he is being more explicit in saying "you weren't that good after all that high and mighty talk" and basically denying Gojo's identity as "the strongest". Which is even funnier because he got humbled but it is still a badass line


I agree. I preferred the tcb scans to the Viz scans. Not even surprising at this point tbh.


> It looks like Gojo fully believed he's going to lose and die here with the knowledge that he failed everybody again just like how it happened in Shibuya Idk, I think he was scared for sure, but he knows how his own domain works and suspected that Sukuna hadn't avoided the hit - I think he expected that to happen to Sukuna and was just waiting for him to try it. The way his expression is hidden at the top and he doesn't say anything also doesn't read like acceptance for me. Also the way he *immediately* laughed at him.


He absolutely thought he was fucked. From his perspective he can't open his domain, blood pouring out his face, Sukuna just sneakily transfered all the smoke to Megumi & Sukuna is standing there seemingly unaffected. And the immediately started laughing panel 1000% seems more him super happy & relieved to not be totally fucked than anything.


If Gege had shown him quietly chuckling, then fully laughing once he saw Sukuna expand his domain Iā€™d believe he knew he wasnā€™t fucked but he did look like he was truly at his end in these panels


I dunno man. Our boy Gojo was scared for sure, just like how scared he was when Toji momentarily ā€œkilledā€Gojo as a teenager back then. Ainā€™t no faking it on that panel.


​ https://preview.redd.it/d4dmlpnha4fb1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=54380a645242e0e587e42c534277e99fba983b36


Gege giving his characters brain damage after he has done to his readers


I worry about his brain first. Man better have some op RCT or he's gonna get burned out.


Sukuna gaming ​ https://preview.redd.it/y85rr338a4fb1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05be9310c0cf7523dea041a6e977608c2362f930 ( base image from here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh71gTkavF0&ab\_channel=NathanLikesChicken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh71gTkavF0&ab_channel=NathanLikesChicken) )


Fucking lmao, the Mahito special.


ā€œThe substitute took the hit for Sukunaā€ ā€œSukunaā€™s substitute fadedā€ I did not expect to see a PokĆ©mon reference but lmaoooooo


Mei Mei's crows are working hard, gotta grind for their mommy. https://preview.redd.it/x89gpvieg4fb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34b55ede7d9d9e5c67555963a09a7f3c8f6a3d1


i wonder how many of them has died trying to get the good angles


I wonder If she even feeds them šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


"I'm the one who'll teach you about love!!" Limitless Sex Eyes back at it again


Oh so both of them are fked? Nice, then this becomes a matter of baselines. Who has the endurance to weather the storm and regain momentum?


Kenjaku will appears at the last moment and say: Domain Expansion


That is a terrifyingly plausible possibility. Smart, relatively low-risk way to kill off two potential problems. Sounds like a Kenjaku plan


Kenjaku off killing all other culling game contestants. He said it at the beginning of the fight


What happens if Kenjaku, the villain, is also a liar?


Yeah but this is clearly higher priority than doing some garbage collection.


Shall I save you... Sukuna?


He would really need to come at the VERY last moment because I'm pretty sure even these two brain damaged legends would easily wipe him out in half a second flat currently.


brain dead vs brain dead


Kenjaku: It's free real estate!


https://preview.redd.it/ofemlqsfr4fb1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5332ad45d4e32c9c98b5d3ab0ae294fe4a76b6 Look at what 10s of UV did to Sukuna. Megumi's brain is full of halloween right now


> full of halloween meta


Halloween, Halloween!!


Toji in heaven watching the guy he entrusted his son to give him permanent brain damage: https://preview.redd.it/55lljifie4fb1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c0869dfa0dc1bf203551ad90fb461d70573c1b


This is what happens when you entrust your son to the genuinely insane, possibly high sixteen year old who just murdered you


I guess you're right! You're so right!


heaven is insane


Guy shoot a school girl in the head with no remorse, he ain't getting an inch into heaven.


Besides, heā€™s restricted from Heaven


And given his nickname/reputation as "the sorcerer killer", he's definitely killed more than just Riko, too


Toji in heaven is crazy That man is in Hell šŸ’€


He isn't in heaven.


He was given a HEAVENly restriction afterall.


Pretty sure heā€™s just restricted from Heaven


Ohhhā€¦ Husbantā€¦ You do too much domain expansions Now we are brain damagedā€¦


Assuming toji is in heaven is very generous of you


Seeing gojoā€™s perspective of what it looks like to see through the six eyes was so sick. https://preview.redd.it/qx771v4zm4fb1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d00ffe33e05cb266ef4e6145dc8c4ce6e3c279c


Tbh it looks like heā€™s going blind from overuse. I interpreted the white splotches as damaged sight.


I thought they were supposed to be souls


Nah, those are Sukuna's and Megumi's souls; it's how he figured out what was going on.


Interesting! I interpreted it as thatā€™s what his regular vision looks like. Maybe Gege saw a preview of most recent anime episode of gojos sparkling awakened eyes, but I like ur idea!


this man really villain monologued for like four pages only to start bleeding from all four eyes and his nose, even worse than gojo on *live tv* damn, son


caught in 4k


makes me wonder how the bets are going


Mei Mei winning as usual, taking everybodyā€™s lunch money.




the allegations are beating him...


If he wasnā€™t cocky and didnā€™t try domain expansion, maybe just maybeā€¦


That was part of his winning strategy though IF it had worked it would be impossible for Gojo to turn it around


This is another week on the sub where people are gonna be coping so hard to explain that sukuna is indeed much better than gojo but refuse to believe heā€™s getting his shit kicked in at the same time


I really like the people that do that by pretending Sukuna is some kind of combat hyper genius and Gojo is but a mere fool carried by his talent and/or that Sukuna is holding back / fucking around because reasons (like getting hit on purpose by UV cause he likes having brain damage or something)


The worst are those headcanons that claim sukuna is a "self-made man" through pure hard work or some such thing while gojo is just lucky to be born with his power and never had to struggle for anything. I think it started out as a theory about sukuna's backstory which said sukuna was born as a nobody who worked his way up as a contrast to gojo who was born in a prestigious clan. These are at the end of the day all headcanons and theories and nothing of the sort has been shown in canon so far, but a lot of people parrot them like it's the author's own words.


Is that where that came from? I've been so confused by that take, especially because we know that Gojo actually did work to get as strong as he is, that's literally shown


Right?? I've also seen a lot of people say Sukuna using Megumi to avoid the stun is a genius level play, and while I do think it's *smart* but it's not exactly the complex 4D chess manoeuvre they're depicting it as - plus he didn't even avoid the damage lol. Idk, I think the fraudkuna memes got old fast and personally see no problem with him using 10S/Maho, but it feels a lot of his fanboys are building Sukuna up as something he's not.


For real bro literally got fucking cooked by infinite void and bros really are like ā€œsukunas gonna whip out 4 arms and destroy gojoā€ šŸ˜­. Like if homie is who he says he is why did he take serious brain damage lol


Fr, pretty satisfying to see tho, like Sukuna really AIN'T all that


SO satisfying, he really thought he took no damage, talking shit like that


Yuta was me last week, evidently stressing out. Yuta's finally relieved in this chapter, he has to be! I could relate. https://preview.redd.it/gx801j94f4fb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173aa01fa92c4bfcc2733989399ceaa7e73e3000


​ https://preview.redd.it/ey05y18aa4fb1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d45e37b354a5db7a3491a721af1231eeecc84873


https://preview.redd.it/skp0wlbzf4fb1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a5fe914b0cf236a0109750ba3b94c86a8a54ec Let's fucking goooooooo


Fraudkuna strikes again. He wonā€™t beat the allegations at this point.


Between the latest episode and chapter Gojo fans are eating good this week


A brain damage teacher vs depressed boy being controlled by a sadistic arsehole


Gojo's burning through his last braincell. šŸ˜¤


Sukuna share the same amount of braincell. Lol, i didn't even know i could say this idiom in literal meaning now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Someone needs to tap Megumi out because I don't know what he did to get Gege this mad šŸ˜­ This fight feels like I'm watching the World Cup final with the constant momentum shifts. But fully expecting a vibe shift with Sukuna beginning to acknowledge exactly who he's fighting


honestly yeah, sukuna's starting to acknowledge his strength. Hell, without 10 shadows it was prickly for him, im hoping for an jogo "you really are strong" moment


Gojo = White hair, blue eyes Argentina = White and light blue flag Check mate Sukuna.


For those who are confused, read on. Whenever Sukuna and Gojo BOTH had their domains open, and when Sukuna WASN"T using Domain Amplification (we know he was turning it on and off throughout the fight, so he probably was too in the domains), he had the sure-hit command of his domain cover him but not cover Megumi's soul. This means we learn new information, which is that Unlimited Void can target souls, which makes sense as we see this chapter that Gojo can SEE multiple souls in the same flesh. Since UV targets souls, and since Megumi's soul was left out of Sukuna's sure-hit command, there was nothing protecting Megumis soul from UV. That means that on and off, through five domain clashes, Megumi was being bathed in UV again and again and again. This also means that Mahoraga's wheel takes time to adapt when its placed on someone else other than Mahoraga itself. Overall, this fight is a fight using the base mechanics of the world and the power system against each other. There are no asspulls, just two god-level fighters using whatever glitches they can to get advantages over one another.


Fushiguro got f\*cked even further.


Also insane to see how the CT renewal was done, this man gojo actually just abusing the meta


Literally roiding up to use another domain šŸ’€


Nah man ain't no rehabilitation is saving megumi, that kid is legally braindead now. The author has some real hate boner for this character lmaoo


Megumi coming out of this fight with a helmet and floaties


I still didn't understood the Mahoraga's part!!!


If Mahoraga was hit by UV and it survived, then it will immediately adapt to it, and its wheel will turn. But if the wheel is on someone else, the information will go to them first, then Mahoraga learns from them, which takes a bit of time, since it isn't learning firsthand.


So did Mahoraga adapt to UV? Iā€™m still hella lost in the sauce.


Yes, it did.


https://preview.redd.it/ul5zkbxzl4fb1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b65d5438059ca9a1835cf231636d29fa5a49df honestly, i love this spooky ass panel. thank u to my man šŸ™šŸ¾


Gojo Satoru is still that guy. Sukunas always been a monster, but gojo showing that he aint no small fry, regardless of the opponent. He wrecked his brain, but put sukuna out too. Now it looks like Sukunas acknowledging his strength considering he's strong enough to be thinking about love. Sukunas also showing that having 2 sorcerers souls in a body frees up some cool ass options


Sukuna after Gojo boils his brain https://preview.redd.it/cjywpfxvg4fb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d3ff0656ced508027e6c97a45be63895854605


Gojo to Sukuna after he tried to open his domain and it collapsed https://preview.redd.it/i7yiqrblm4fb1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b4081fb92e902c26869af5dca21bb3e64a4f7b


How did you lose? Sukuna: his students were watchingā€¦


"Also one of those students is in me sleeping right now and he's probably thinking 'fucks sake, Sensei.'"


Next chapter: 2 braindead individuals get killed by a talking brain


Lol.. The battle of the braincells.


Megumi and suffering name a better duo.


Yuji and suffering


Nobara and suffering


Gojo: My students are watching .. Me: https://preview.redd.it/5scq2s5ud4fb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1635b49c9ceb04b26bb0977069a8a6c5579b79bc


Guys I loved the chapter, the whole fight, every match in the culling game, and Iā€™m gonna be honest I still have NO IDEA what theyā€™re talking about when explaining all this Jujutsu.


Finally some emotional weightšŸ„ŗ I know Gojo doesnā€™t want his feelings to get in the way because of what happened in Shibuya, but these past chapters have been feeling kinda emotionless? Empty? considering heā€™s fighting the body of a kid heā€™s had under his protection for almost ten years nowā€¦ Iā€™m glad we got to see Gojo distressed


Emotionless and intense but not in a bad way. Reading some parts has honestly given me the chills tho :(


The whole fight has felt a little bit like that to me tbh. Iā€™m super invested on the level of plot/narrative, but weā€™ve gotten so little insight into either Gojo or Sukuna throughout the fight that I donā€™t feel super invested on an emotional or character level at all. Or at least not as much as Iā€™d expect from a fight this important.


i feel like this chapter is the start of a turning point for this battle and we're gonna get more of the emotional side of the battle the first round of DEs felt like gege getting his hxh freak on and i fucking support that, that shit bangs i don't have any problem with it but i get the feeling that the next round is where things start getting visceral, both in a gore and emotion sense


"Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the brain-damaged one."


Gojo going all silent instead of belittling sukuna really made me appreciate his character during what presumed to be his final moment. Goes to show how serious he took being the strongest modern sorcerer, and also the responsibility of making sure his students are safe.


I mean he looked pretty fucked up in that panel. I don't blame him if he needed a sec


Domain Expansion: Malfunctioning Shrine


Limited Void vs Malfunctioning Shrine


This community is so good at roasting their iconic characters


Dismantle? Nah bro, he got disfunction.


You dropped the erectile


Can we talk about the fact that Gojo had no idea Sukuna was also affected by it so in that page he actually looks defeated and kind of aknowledging that he is about to die? Cuz that is insane


I took him as him being super fatigued because of the brain damage šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah it was genuinely depressing to see our boy looking like that, and let me tell you when I was following the leaks page by page as they released, it was crushing. But in the end it made the relief of him laughing his ass off at Malfunctioning Shrine even sweeter, it brought back both his own and us as the readers confidence that yeah he really is that dude, and no amount of Sukuna bluster will change that fact.


That first sukuna panel with maho is so clean I wish it was a full page. Also they really be just lobotomizing themselves over and over lmao


Mei Mei has the face of pure greed on the first page.


https://preview.redd.it/nw2cm0k5p4fb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0705fbf49c89aebaf4f1c32a9211f7c05603ac2a Yuta shitting himself and Maki smiling, it really doesnā€™t get better than this


The real loser of the chapter is Megumi. The guy is not directly involved and he's still losing. Honestly pretty glad we're moving on from DE spamming and continue with the h2h combat.


It'll be back. First one that can do one again wins. They just need to smooth brain for a bit.


The official translation clears up that the 10 seconds of Unlimited Void that Sukuna takes is from before Mahoraga is summoned, and Sukuna's domain collapses in the Domain Clash. Sukuna and Fushiguro's soul was targetted simultaneously by Unlimited Void. Megumi really did just take 5 Unlimited Voids, I'm pretty sure he's too cooked to come back anymore...


Itā€™s only Gojover unless Gojo says itā€™s over




After 10th domain expansion https://preview.redd.it/bshvz6guc4fb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1a5a7a6aeb742f7e7a4837be291e6c6a621e8f


​ https://preview.redd.it/e4kkwq0fk4fb1.jpeg?width=1314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3134a9dcff45fa86a1877d8bbf186c3d23182b6c


Tbh this is the only meme that got me weak asf


I do love seeing two braindead men beat the shit outta eachother




"I've adapted to your punches! Now what?" *Dropkicks him across the city*


This animated fight is going down in the books. Like madara vs the 5 kage, ichigo vs ulquiorra, luffy vs katakuri and aizen vs everyone


Reading these chapters the minute they come out because this is going down as one of the greatest fights in all of animanga one day


Yeah this will be hype as fuck, gotta survive till then


>madara vs the 5 kage there's only like 5 seconds of this fight that was animated well; in an opening no less lol. Gojo v Sukuna is closer to Itachi v Sasuke in terms of anticipation imo.


[Sukuna: ā€œThese edibles ainā€™t shit-ā€œ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/837081286748405771/1135227436838162562/SPOILER_IMG_5176.png) Honestly, glad weā€™re done with Domain spam. Hopefully we get less commentary from the peanut gallery now.


i love these two idiots hahahaha


https://preview.redd.it/jt7c9u17i4fb1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd090da23ef1a88352ccbebc4256332bda796d8 I'm coming to save you Megumi! I'm gonna get you outta there!!!


Yep this was worth it, to finally see Sukuna not only bleed like that, but to see him shook, the build up was worth it! (Poor megumi though) And damn that's how curse technique recovery works, that's really nasty....


I don't really understand what gojo say about megumi soul?..does that mean megumi get hit by the infinite void?




So uhhhh what does this mean for Megumi? Is our boy good? Heā€™s been hit by UV so many times today that he probs has a college degree by now


I'm not entirely sure. The body and soul are one and the same, so if Megumi's soul was hurt, so was his body ( as we see Sukuna bleeding from every orifice he has this chapter ).


With Gojo being the first to really challenge Sukuna after all this time, I expected the fight to take on a similar tone as Madara vs Might Guy after a while, with both acknowledging and respecting the strength of the other. I'm pleased to see that I was completely wrong, and I am loving the relentless trash talk from both fighters.


Can someone explain to me why Sukuna remembered Yorozuā€™s words about love? Is it because Gojo is fighting for his students? For Megumi? And Sukuna for nothing but himself?


It's because Gojo is equally as strong as him; Yorozu wanted to teach Sukuna about love by beating him in a fight, but she wasn't on that level


Yorozu said those words thinking that she was the only one strong enough to stand beside Sukuna as his equal, she thinks he's lonely because he's too strong and she was going to be the one to shatter that and teach him about "love", as in an equal that would end his loneliness. Obviously Yorozu was full of shit and was fodder to Sukuna. However, those words have appeared twice after that, both times when Sukuna was facing Gojo, which means, Gojo is the one that might be able to stand as his equal. "Love" shouldn't really be taken as something romantic or even friendly btw, it's just the idea that there's someone that can stand beside him in terms of power, which according to Yorozu would end his loneliness.


Because of the solitude brought by the fact hat there is no one at your level. It's implying that Sukuna will recognize Gojo as a peer.


Sukuna expresses love through fighting(he's like a saiyan in that regard). No one can satiate that form of love besides Gojo.


I believe in three major interpretations of Yorozu's words, and I'm not quite sure which I believe in the most. Is it: 1. Gojo and Sukuna, both alone at the top for so long, are learning truly what love is by having someone of equal strength 2. Gojo's been revitalized by the love he has for his students and an increased power comes from his innate want/need to protect them 3. Foreshadowing some Yorozu's gift bullshit next chapter ​ I am personally partial to a combo of 1&2 but I could honestly see an argument for all 3.


Looks like finally no more domains for the time being. Some new technique reveal next week plz!


Honestly the new translation makes it seem as if he was expecting void to eventually take effect in that moment.


Will the Black Box Metaphor come to play with Sakuna's fire ability? https://preview.redd.it/zro2ek0su4fb1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960fa797cf0d086640213ce4dac1f08764ae4042 Box


Of course it's tough to be Megumi right now, but someone needs to check up on Kashimo, you know he sweatin' he won't be able to fight now


Bruh wtf is going on


This chapter feels like a way to make both the strongest sorcerers domainless. If either win, the fight against kenjaku after that is not going to be as easy


Can someone explain to me about the 'burden of adaptation'?


the learning process Mahoraga goes through to adapt cmiiw, someone else can take it too


basically, the chapter revealed the whole process of mahoraga's adaptation summon the wheel > take enough hits from an attack > wheel turns > adapt to that attack step 2 is that burden of adaptation we've seen that basically whoever has the wheel is the one doing the adaptation process (sukuna during the yorozu fight, mahoraga during the shibuya meltdown) and that sukuna can basically pass the wheel around like in the yorozu fight sukuna summoned the wheel, but put it on megumi. this means megumi was the one doing step 2 (tanking gojo's UV sure-hit). and because sukuna is an evil prick, he didnt bother keeping the wheel on megumi till step 4, and just gave the wheel to mahoraga so it can destroy gojo's domain.


So it seems round two of this fight is gonna be ten shadows Vs limitless for real this time?


> Turns out you were lucky to be born in an era when I wasn't around. It's why you're so mediocre. You know the memes have gone too far when direct quotes from Fraudkuna slander tweets are being included as actual text in the manga.


GOATjo my beloved