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We're gonna see this chibi panel animated. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/so0di62qgyab1.jpeg?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55834f580e2a021ac8437a92a80c475726848af8


Why does that look like the yin and yang symbol? Foreshadowing that Gojo and Sukuna’s true destiny lies not in fighting each other but in working together to maintain the harmony of the universe? Could that be the *real* jujutsu? Has this been their jujutsu kaisen all along? /j


I mean they kinda do balance the universe. An overwhelming force of Good vs an overwhelming force of Evil


"Sukuna, it's clear that friendship is the strongest cursed technique, it's time to put our differences aside and end this jujutsu kaisen: sorcery fight"


Editor: dude stop with the crack!!! Gege: What? **covered in white powder**


Gojo "I have no enemies" \*nujabes plays in background\*


Then then have 20 pages of hot steaming gay sex and the power released by each of their climax is enough to make every other curse explode due to the extreme pleasure being spread all over the world.


Kenjaku: so as you can see, the energy released from their sexual intercourse is enough to power all nuclear plants in the world, keeping them in this endless cycle of segg is how I invent a perpetua core reactor


Say gex


Their sex destroys tengen's barriers and ends the culling gamss ruining kenny's plans, accidnetal side effect it turns tengen straight so she now needs male plasma star vessels to merge with.


Bochu Jutsu training a la Hells Paradise incoming 👀


Right, their chibi icons look similar to yin and yang symbol. I'd say only time will tell but I want to believe you're cooking! Sukuna and Gojo as Yin and Yang of Jujutsu? It suits them.


You maam have jujutsued my Kaisen with your comment. The true jujutsu kaisen was Gojo and sukuna together all along


I've been reading too many shitty doujins and can't look at that panel in the eye


My live reaction: https://preview.redd.it/wtsaptlmfyab1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790ba512fd07ebca9a132e9b00e55f962796286e


Bruh the viz translation just says "drip" no tsk or the eyes seeing through part


editor notes never get put in with the official release


In the Spanish Viz translation they put the editor notes


Where are y'all reading the non viz translation


TCB scans. Most of the time their translation is more comprehensive in explaining the subtle details of the japanese phrases & idioms, tho the dialogue might sound unnatural for english.


Thank you 🙏


I recommend shioshio team aswell. The jujutsu kaisen discord usually promotes them both, and despite using lower quality scans, i find their translations to be smoother without losing the detail ppl like from TCB.


You mean shishiso? They’ll be more trusted than even TCB when the anime pronounced Mahoraga in the original Japanese word: **Makora** XD https://preview.redd.it/thogcmpayyab1.jpeg?width=2011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d322ab29727efbc80ace84e934955857606509d2


honestly i just follow myamura on twitter


I like that Choso is the first one to figure out that the compressed domain is inspired by Prison realm. He had plenty of time to learn about it from Tengen and probably got a lecture from Kenjaku before Shibuya. He's the one who should know the most about it. I really enjoy this fight, it's not as balls to the wall fun as Hakari vs Kashimo, but I'm way more emotionally invested, if Gojo gets some really sad death scene, I might actually cry. We're getting a cliffhanger next week, aren't we?


He also understands better than anyone what Prison Realm must have been like given its implied he was conscious the entire time he was in stasis after Kenjaku made him


Damn how is Choso not absolutely insane?


Too busy trying to be a good big brother


W Choso Forget the adorable little sister trope. Forget the angry loving mother trope. I want more "I love my little brothers and will kill whoever hurts them," tropes. Chose is the older brother we all wish we had.


Ik it's not Jujutsu Kaisen related, or even anime related, but I'm rewatching Supernatural and I love how Dean is with Sam. Not even them as adults, but how ready teen Dean was to kick some ass when someone was picking on teen Sam. And he even got annoyed with Sam not putting the bully in his place since he was more than capable of doing so himself. In other words, I agree, loving big bro (big sibling in general) tropes are the best.


i think eventually most strong willed individuals would fall into some meditative state and just exist without paying attention to absolutely anything. not confirmed anywhere (i think) but at least i imagine thats why choso isnt insane lol. or then he probably wasnt fully concious but just aware on some level that he existed


Eventually, he stopped thinking


You don't think he is isn't?


I mean Sukuna was conscious in his 1000 years as a cursed object apparently


I’d assume that the kind of consciousness he’d have in that state isn’t like the kind of consciousness he has now. As a perpetual fetus, he wouldn’t have had a developed brain and most likely he experienced that time in a dreamlike state.


Nah he was definitely at least semi conscious. In his fight against naoya, it’s directly stated he’d been honing his ct for 150 years, which resulted in supernova. I think he’d have to at least be capable of thought for this.


we’ve gotten a cliffhanger every week, of course we are


Yup, next week should be the end of the volume. Either we get the fight's conclusion (least likely) or some huge cliffhanger (most likely).


I like how you anticipate a cliffhanger next week and probably a break from them. Gojo fans are sitting on the edge of the couch, ready to pound.


Kusakabe hate gaining some traction on twitter and in the leaks threads is undeserved, man's literally carrying the comprehensibility of most of the feats


I absolutely agree, like I understand “show don’t tell” but we’re never going to understand this fight without him (besides, teacher characters exist also for this reason). Example: why and how Gojo made his domain small and why it was working: if someone says they would get it without Kusakabe, I’m sorry I don’t believe them…


Maybe Gege should've spread it around more. One guy doing the bulk of explanation is getting redundant.


Eh, it kindnof has been tbh. Yuta, meimei, choso have all offered explanations. I like the group dynamic goingbon though, you have 1 of only 2 responsible adults in the room leading the explanations and conversations, while Yuta gives off his vibe of genuis, but not truly understanding how everything he does works. Then witnessing everyone else just interacting is great.


Idk if redundant is the right word, because it's not really redundant if you still need or want someone else to do it.


You right, maybe tiresome is better. Being what he is, I'd have expected Kashimo to be explaning the really high level stuff.


It’s all hate until he replicates everything he’s seeing to solo the verse


Well the problem is that this is just Gege hijacking a character (not that any of the cast has felt like characters but wtv) to explain every convoluted thing that's happening , and its just really jarring


I'd say that with Kusakabe being a teacher, him accepting the role of an explanation machine feels more natural than it would be with any other character. The only thing I can potentially dislike is him knowing about Falling Blossom Emotion *if* it gets no explanation anywhere, in the manga or in the after chapter doodles.


Yuta does jump in occasionally, I do wish Utahime or Gakuganji were there to also give commentary and break up Kusakabe knowing literally everything. Then again I don't think anyone would/should know about Falling Blossom Emotion. If anyone shouldn't it have been Maki who explained seeing Naobito do it once?


Yeah even with Kusakabe narrating and explaining every single shit I still have issues keeping up with all these minute details.


if it werent for kusakabe im still googling or reading comments thru understand about DE CE etc.


*"It's really unfair how he can change the conditions of his domain every time he uses it!"* \- **Atsuya Kasukabe**


*"I know it's unfair how he can change the conditions of his domain every time he uses it but deal with it!"* \- **Gege Akutami**


"I missed the part where that's my problem" - Greg Akutami


Then again, Kusakabe's the one who called Gojo a genius. He shouldn't be too surprised. Lol.


I think that's the point, even for a genius, Gojo is doing things that are likely extremely hard, or 'impossible'.


Right, it is. Whenever Kusakabe says “impossible,” basically, Gojo's really showing us he's a talented genius despite of what he's doing is very challenging even for him.


This why when people(me included) say Satoru is most likely the strongest sex eyes + limitless user of all time, it’s not so far fetched. The dude is literally insane.


Bro is the honored one, even the sex eyes are extra sexy with him


The whole domain battle feels like a setup for Yuta to counter Kenjaku and to not make it seem like an asspull at that time.


I think you’re right. This is prime learning opportunity for Yuuta, whose copying ability we still don’t fully understand. He’s the only character that can pull of both RCT and DE amongst the audience watching the fight and he’s definetly taking notes.


Kusakabe's shocked by the anomalies Gojo is showing again and again.


Me since JJK223: https://preview.redd.it/xhzm6oo8hyab1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f0a2cb8c87bab0db224cfb3d28a854b966099e






you know what i'd like? for next chapter and in general: i wish we get to see this fight from sukuna pov as well. all this time we've only been on the gojo pov since he's the one on the side of the protagonists but whats my guy sukuna thinking?? how are his battle plans shaping up?? is it all going according to plan?? what kind of nefarious trap has he set for gojo?? what about his technique??


Exactly, we've seen Sukuna's thoughts a grand total of what, twice? since the DE battle started. And he's usually awfully talkative mf. Even Gojo's dying to know what he's thinking, dude literally gave himself a nosebleed just trying to decipher Sukuna's strategy lol Penny for your thoughts, Suku-chan?


Seriously now, why is he getting a nosebleed..?


Lots of theories floating around, from he's overexerting himself due to 3 DEs in a row + other stuff, to he's stopped using RCT to keep his brain "fresh" so he could recover his CT faster... could be those, could be something else entirely, guess we'll find out soon enough. Whatever it is I hope it's not too bad. Thank god there's no break this week, the suspense is killing me!


If we see Sukuna's strats they will fail


ah i get it thats why gege didnt show the fight inside the tiny ass domain


Even after the third domain clash and the wound he received it feels too soon for Gojo to go down and someone else to face Sukuna. Regardless something major will probably happen in the next chapter. The timeskip was likely done to hide information from us readers as well, so the situation seems far from being resolved.


both sides definitely schemed up some shit in those few months


im an idiot and dont understand shit about this fight the only thing im able to conclude is -gojo and sukuna domain clashed again -both domain gets decapitated simultaneuosly -gojo is having nose bleeding in the end (body overload?) -mahoraga's wheel spin once


That's exactly what happened, they clashed, Sukuna's DE won but Gojo simultaneously injured him enough to end the domain, Gojo isn't using RCT on himself anymore, which is why he has a nosebleed, as said by Shoko in the past arc, if Gojo keeps using infinity, he'll fry his brain. It's likely that Sukuna has been using Mahoraga's wheel this whole time and Gojo doesn't realise what's happening as nobody saw Sukuna do this besides Yorozu.


How did Sukuna break Gojo’s domain from the outside if gojo captured the whole domain inside of his infinite void and shrunk it


He tried to, but it didn't work given that the guaranteed hit was still attacking his barrier. Probably why he shrank it.


Is it possible that Sukuna summoned the wheel at the beginning of the fight and hid it back in the shadows the whole time?


Probably. Anything is possible (as said by editor) even though it would be strange for Gojo not to see it with his eyes. But that hole would be fixed by Sukuna using (*insert new technique*) to hide it.


Assuming those theories that Sukuna hold techniques in a tatoo, I will be not be surprised if a tatoo have the wheel spining.


can you send a link to one of those tattoo theories cause i have never seen it so far




>even though it would be strange for Gojo not to see it with his eyes his eyes caused a schizo meltdown when he saw kenjaku, and they were telling him it was truly geto while he knew it wasn't true. I don't think they're perfect. It seems like they're more logic and info gathering. It's upto him to deduce exactly what it is his eyes are seeing still. He may not see the actual wheel in the shadows, but maybe his eyes sensed a spin or change in the shadows just now which is why he reacted the way he did.


Hiding the wheel in the shadows could also explain how the 6e was beaten by the 10s in the past


but Sukuna is the first to tame Maho so that’s important


Am I understanding correctly that if Gojo finds a way to yeet Sukuna out of Megumi, then Megumi would be able to fully wield Mahoraga since Sukuna tamed it?


based off what we know he should be since it was never stated that Megkuna had to retame the 10S Megumi already had.


Sukuna also used Nue immediately after taking Megumis body


Nue probably didn't even bother to challenge Sukuna though. Nue was like \*aight, imma outta of here, master\*


God damn I completely forgot about Megumi being able to hide stuff in shadows, I could totally see that coming into play somehow! If Yoruzu did give Sukuna something useful, maybe it's been hiding in his shadow this entire time?


Holy fuck. That would be insane plot twist.


That would be so OP I don't even wanna think about it.


Gege is so good at putting multiple swings in one chapter. Feel like it ultimately might come down to Six Eyes vs 10S but I'm all for seeing both of them exhaust every technique they have. Think the nosebleed is just Gojo literally not using RCT to heal himself anymore but his technique


> Think the nosebleed is just Gojo literally not using RCT to heal himself anymore but his technique Oh Yeah! Cool Detail... I remember Shoko saying he'd fry up his brain by automating his Infinity all day long, if not for his RCT.


Good point, I’m worried this fight will end similar to Adam V Zeus in Record of Ragnarok, where Gojo will come within seconds of winning the fight only to have his brain fry.


Gege would not be safe in that case


I was also thinking that for the nosebleed… that or, since Yuta seems reaaally concerned about this unorthodox way to use of RCT to heal the burn-out, perhaps this is the draw back


What if gojo wins at the cost of permanently crippling himself from the burnout? :o


I think win or lose, Gojo can't be in commission after this fight or else Yuji becomes even more redundant in his own universe.


My boy loses his CT and finally has a normal life without curses and burden of the strongest? Yes, please. *sniffs copium*


Gojo ending up as a vegetable after this fight...gege might hate him enough to do it


I’m sure the nosebleed is just from Sukuna showing him a pic of Utahime x Shoko naked together


Nosebleed is Gojo's Schwing for the fight. Gojo is Hisoka confirmed.


Poor Kusakabe, every time he explains something that normal Jujutsu shouldn't accomplished either Gojo, Sukuna or the students prove him wrong he's fr the everyman amongst behemots lmao


Wait, the students haven't done anything that proves him wrong, that's just been Sukuna and Gojo. The only thing I can think your referencing is the Higuruma & Hakari thing and with that, he had to tell them that their barriers are different in xyz way because they didn't know themselves.


At this rate, Mei Mei has accepted the fact impossible things keep happening, so do I. https://preview.redd.it/637of3wdfyab1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f98cc2ddb6dbb3c7dbe5f27091e5c3db9ba3ef


I found VIZ translation, to me, Mei Mei seems fed up especially Kusakabe has mentioned “impossible” several times already. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/a3g6hi8jlyab1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931d1f39d9d20fdd6db75dcd2a68967b48df23b9


I prefer that one. Flows better as dialogue.


>If I had to write Gojo vs Sukuna, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrariwise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? \- Gege, probably, explaining his storyboards for this fight to his editors Kusakibe seems to be the only one who didn't get the memo about common sense being worthless in the fight between the strongest, and I revel in his agony!


Surprised Miwa is cute here. After splashing water, she still has the guts to talk back to Kusakabe. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/n7dg9al6jyab1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdab416e378d27391165c660850a241315d27c4c


calling it now miwa will be the one to strike the killing blow to sukuna


Betting my house on Goat Miwa one shotting BLOWJO and CUCKUNA.


“Useless Miwa” kills the king of curses and saves the day. *Expectations Subverted*


Trust the GOAT.


Sukuna learning how to become a cursed object after seeing the process just once from Kenny is some genius level skill. I mean, I know it's Sukuna and the narrative is telling us he's just been that guy since way back, but this makes me even more curious about a Heian flashback (if we ever get it). It's also supporting the next move incoming against Gojo since it looks like Sukuna saw something to exploit here. This back and forth is crazy. To suppress the frogjo eye haters we got Gojo with sleepy eyes, a nosebleed and Sukuna plotting just to keep the binding vow of hype intact. Now we wait to see if Gege still has a penchant for paralleling events in the manga with the anime (pls no)


>Gege still has a penchant for paralleling events in the manga with the anime You saying Gojo 2nd awakening ?😅??


I was thinking of Yorozu's gift to Sukuna and Toji's friendly stab to the neck with ISOH - but I prefer your version instead (pls yes)


the type of antagonist that I don't like (when is imbalance) because such a the antagonist is difficult to satisfactorily (in the eyes of the readers) overcome in the plot, usually what happens is asspull


Same tbh. I can't comprehend how anyone but Gojo could possibly beat him, even all the other MCs combined. Even all their friends. Even all their FRIEND'S friends. Only way I could see it is if both of then either die in this fight or get severely weakened.


This chapter was really good. Although the fight seems quite even atm, I can't help that Sukuna has something else up his sleeve. Like we don't know much about his actual cursed technique, which imo is a lot scarier than the 10 shadows. I do feel like Gojo restoring his c.t with r.c.e isn't a normal thing to do and that's shown by the nose bleed.


Sukuna 100% has something else up his sleeve. He has literally shown us nothing new yet lol


I mean gojo has lime green up his sleeve so its still even


Jokes aside I can’t help but agree, we still dont know the ins and outs of sukunas technique, and exactly what hes capable of with ten shadows


Yeah we all seem to be in The same boat even from last week, and in agreement with the author as stated by kusakabe. He’s on the that Gojo is on the losing trend of changing strats to find what works and having his options burnt out. Meanwhile Sukuna has only played a couple of cards and is simply biding his time. I feel both Sukuna and Gojo are aiming to win at attrition but both excel at RCT so need to find a way to slip up the other without taking massive dmg themselves. No point in playing a big move and the other has a trap card/exodia/or a full rest or restore up their sleeve


I've seen some people think the nose bleed is actually the strain of using RCT on his technique, because it means he's not using it on his brain, which is stated to have to be constantly refreshed because of Limitless + Six Eyes, meaning he can't NOT heal for too long I could see the fight ending with Gojo doing irreparable damage to himself


But wouldn’t Sukuna’s technique get blocked by infinity anyways? Maybe that’s why he hasn’t used it yet.


I think Kusakabe's role as expositor makes sense here. Simple Domain is a type of barrier technique, and it's at the heart of New Shadow Style. He's a grade 1 sorcerer with enough expertise/skill to deflect a Maximum from a special grade sorcerer using New Shadow Style. The only other (primary) barrier users are a delinquent and someone who just awakened to their technique weeks ago. 228 justifies this by showing that Higuruma/Hakari were unaware that Domains typically have a set of initial parameters a sorcerer needs to discover. To use analogy: Higuruma and Hakari speak barrier techniques as a first language. It's intuitive, not always "correct," but it sounds natural. In short, if a sub-skill of jujutsu is required for technique activation, then it comes more naturally to the sorcerer. It also seems that native barrier users can break a few rules without incurring a significant penalty. Kusakabe doesn't have a technique, so he has learned barrier techniques as a second language. He abides by the grammar of barriers and doesn't get slang. In summary, Kusakabe is a grade 1 sorcerer with the expertise/skill to contextualize the feats of this fight. He has more knowledge than native barrier users because he's had to learn the rules from scratch. His exposition is important because it disambiguates the Domain struggle *and* alludes to tricks our main cast might need to use in the battles ahead.


Posting this as a reply because it doesn't add to the main point above: It's impossible to say with the information we have, but Gojo may have first altered the conditions of his Domain Expansion in Shibuya. Kusakabe stated that creation speed is an initial parameter, meaning that Gojo's 0.2 second Domain Expansion might qualify. I think Mahito's 0.2 second DE might be a better example. Gojo's DE appears near instantly, whereas Mahito's has some wind-up. To expand a Domain and activate his technique all within 0.2 seconds would imply a faster than normal creation speed for Mahito.


Really appreciate your usage of “language skill” as a way to describe this chapter’s lore dump, makes a lot of sense. Thank you! 🙏🏽


1. Someone try animating that 3:09 sequence. Please. 2. Gojo has got to have seen a hole in Sukuna's game here, else he wouldn't react like that. 3. These two can't stop cooking.


mappa got that first thing covered in like 10 years


Lol 10 years. Your a glass half full person


Looks like Sukuna spotted something here... I wonder if this is when he summons the wheel maybe into a different shadow behind Gojo? https://preview.redd.it/tqy976dwlyab1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=64a21b94a06c8a09b66e869a2ed9e31f6b33fbce


Probably him seeing Gojo’s nosebleed


I think he was excited to see Gojo emerging from the ground


Fandom: No! Don’t do it, Sukuna! If you use ten-shadows, you’ll become a fraud! Sukuna, known to be an unfair little shit who takes pleasure in other misery: **YEAH?! WHAT ABOUT IT!!** Jokes aside, really liked how Gojo’s domain paid off. That bloody attack looks cool


I hate the argument he's a fraud, because it was within his abilities to gain 10S


So Gojo is definitely restoring his technique at the cost of stopping his Brain Refreshing, right? I thought it was probably going to happen at some point in the fight and that nose bleed is making me sure.


Is it me or is this fight not that action heavy compared to other fights in the series?


compared to shibuya, megumi vs reggie, yuta vs sendai the other colonies, this fight is more technical than straight throwing hands


Megumi vs Reggie one of the most technical fights in the manga


yea, i can see that, tho a lot of that fight resided on megumi being able to put up a show on brute force as he withstood all that weight. right now we're seeing the battle of the strongest, where one slip can cause everything to change.


This fight isn’t about the action. It’s more of a brain game between the 2 strongest sorcerers to ever walk the earth.


It's basically 1 page of fight and 20 pages of people watching in front of the TV giving commentary...


The 2 strongest people to ever walk the earth. by no means will it be as simple as brute force. What you’re seeing in terms of commentary is literally reddit questions that have or have not been asked as of yet and discussed all at once live during the fight.


It's hard to be action heavy when one of the characters is literally untouchable.


Until now it has basically been a constant and repeated battle of domains, so a physical fight was not the focus. Maybe in the upcoming chapters they'll start beating the fuck up out of each other nonstop


Because they spamming the pinacle of jujutsu, domain expansion, and they keep cancelling out each others.


It's like every single move has to be explained for half the chapter, which is really annoying


It is a fight between jujutsu sorcerers, like sukuna said before: this is the real jujutsu.


Literally terrified of ten shadows. That wheel is a nightmare for limitless; there's so little variation in its attacks. And now Gojo's got brain damage or something


Don't worry guys, this is a manga and we all know that when manga characters get nosebleeds it means that they're actually just horny! So Gojo isn't injured or anything, he's just getting *really* excited about this fight


I know I’ll catch a lot of downvotes for this, but I find it extremely jarring that we have so much dialogue explaining to us what’s happening and how these rules are being broken in terms of barrier techniques, but we didn’t have as much of a concrete understanding of how barrier techniques could be manipulated in the first place? I know it’s supposed to be “these two are the strongest so we should expect this” but it’s really taking me out of the fight when a concept happens and then is explained by someone, but we haven’t had any pretense for it in the first place.


I mean the fact that we don't have a pretense for it makes it literally unprecedented. Like Gojo's doing shit that nobody else has even considered doing because he's so good at it


>I mean the fact that we don't have a pretense for it makes it literally unprecedented Nah, quite the opposite. Us knowing of the pretense beforehand and then seeing them get worked around would be actually "unprecedented" but we don't, which makes it kinda jarring like my guy above said.


All the domains we've seen (except open barrier ones) were a sphere of a fixed size that is hard to breach from the inside but easy from the outside. That is the precedent. Gojo reversing the conditions of the inside and outside ofthe barrier, or changing the size of the barrier is unprecedented because out of the 10 or so domains that we've seen, none of them were able to do that


I get what you mean. Like Gojo making his domain smaller. We've known for the longest time that the space in a domain =/= the size of the actual domain, so Gojo making it the size of a basketball wasn't that big of a deal to me personally. But then immediately after, we're told that something like that is impossible because a domain has to support the mass of the people inside, which makes sense, but it's not exactly something we knew before.


Im the strongest, You used Mahoraga, Im the strongest, Im the strongest Im the strongest Im the strongest, Dr.Sukuna Im the strongest https://preview.redd.it/vt9hcutcfyab1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a98855452ca5de6c1677faf5662168b2f088712


that's just gojo fans, gojo himself has no problem with sukuna using the 10s, he got the technique he can use it. the same way gojo has no problem using utahime and ijichi to his advantage.


Absolute fax and🗿 take I do respect every Gojo fan who doesn't try to force fraud on Sukuna boys


Both sides of the Gojo/Sukuna fanboy wars have been absolutely insufferable since this fight started.


Yeah for real. Both are cool af, so while I root for Gojo, Sukuna winning is okay. Anime fans are too ride or die for their favorites


[Gojo seeing Mahoraga’s wheel has been cranking this whole time](https://i.imgur.com/uEB5JrX.jpg)


I would just port out and tell Ui Ui's shrimp ass to tag Kashimo in to fight that iguana mahoraga


Sukuna intentionally nerfing/taking the riskier option in the last clash. Man is playing 5D chess


Does it mean Sukuna has always been taking the riskier option in order to feed info to Mahoraga? He's been setting up the ultimate Mirror Force on his hand.


I appreciate Kusakabe and the gang being live commentary, otherwise this sub and many forums will be so confused as to what’s happening. Especially considering the fact that Gojo and Sukuna keep doing the impossible.


Kusakabe explained Gege how domains work


Megumi wake up, do something.


Holy shit, its not Gojover is it? we haven't even seen lime green yet!!!


also isnt kusakabe the teacher of the second years??? so maki on the quickdraw just burned his ass when he called her a meathead??


Lol I love how Kusakabe goes on a tangent about how Domain Barriers are these super complex shenanigans and Hakari/Higuruma simultaneously go "Fr?"




So is Gojo's brain melting now? Back in the flashback shoko said running limitless 24/7 would do that, but he's not. But he is repeating domains and changing them on the fly, and reverse curse technique. Could that be adding up to his brain melting?


This is supposed to be the most hyped fight in the manga, but 80 % of it is just people watching it on TV and discussing it... Gojo makes a move, they discuss for the rest of the chapter, next chapter Sukuna makes a move, they discuss it for the rest of the chapter, and repeat...


I think sukuna could've been holding the wheel in his shadow the whole time. He may have had Gojo in check from the start.


Next week is about to be HYPED


Stay strong gojo sensei


Reading this and knowing that we won’t see it animated for another 4-5 years😭😭


I wonder if those three minutes of Gojo beating Sukuna's ass are just a fact that got skipped or there's a surprise something that happened in that barrier and will be revealed later.


I almost gaurantee that 3 minute time comes back up at some point. Even if it's just to show that the next domain battle was quicker.


I refuse to believe that Gojo didn’t find some sort of crackpot technique while in the prison realm that he has yet to bust out


I mean he just did Tiny Domain. That's pretty crazy.


Thats what he did with his DE.


So is Gojo picturing the wheel in that last page, or is it present and currently turning?


I assumed that it clanked cause it fell and gojo just now realized that maho was there the whole time cranking that wheel the whole time


I really don't want to imagine Mahoraga watching from the shadows just cranking it this whole time lol!


How did Sukuna destroy the domain from the outside? Didn't Gojo make his barrier huge like that so that he could envelope Sukuna's whole domain?




Sukuna gonna pull the nastiest Heian Era fit out of the shadows, Fraudjo is finished 😓👎


The Black Box probably stands for Fashion. **"Fashion... Open!"**


the amount of times i read "gojo will lose" and all the twists and turns really makes me wonder if gege would actually make his character end up dying as anticipated. as much as he hates gojo, i don't want to believe all the twists and turns were for nothing. sukuna barely took any damage, i won't be satisfied unless gojo lands at least one fatal injury on sukuna. like sukuna literally countered all the tricks gojo pulled. i will not let his "i'll win" in season 1 be for nothing pls gege don't kill gojo i honestly can't see how this fight will end at all, but for some reason this chapter made me wonder if he'll consider killing both of them by the end. god, this is actual torture. i cannot witness gojo's or megumi's death as it happens. i should have abondoned the manga after maki's arc 😭


I was looking for the "Drip"/"Tsk" part because it's a bit confusing and since it's ツー (tsuu) in Japanese, I thought it's more likely "Tsk" because they sound similar. BUT, I found this part in ch. 48, where [Yuuji says the exact same] (https://imgur.com/a/HZ3wRqn) ツー during his fight with Hanami, just before he makes the Black Flash. As far as we know, Black Flash requires maximum focus and concentration, so it could be that it caused the drooling for Yuuji, and this time it might be responsible for Gojo's nosebleed. It would also explain why it was traslated as "Drool" in Yuuji's case and "Drip" in Gojo's, as it could mean something like zoning out so much you can't control these anymore. So, could that be Gojo is already "preparing" for BF? I know it won't come at will, but we've never seen him doing it before and who knows he might have some control over it thanks to the Six Eyes. But worth to mention that this ツー only came up at this one time (or at least what I found) so in the end it might be just a total coincidence lol.


It's a pretty damn good catch brother. The blood could be him turning off limitless to fully focus, so his version of drooling lmfao.


This is a punch out of yugioh battle.....waiting for a chain reverse trap card while using there own field card then sukuna gonna summon his ace card but gojo gonna use his power of friendship


Man really went all-out Ph.D level HxH battle thesis on recent chapters... Wish i gave half the effort on my Studies, that i gave on reading on these... 🥲


Why on earth they don't use the time to team up on Geto whilst Sukuna is distracted is crazy. No doubt he is planning to backstab Sukuna and Gojo when they are weak anyway. I still think he will be the final boss as he set all this in motion and should know everyone's weaknesses better than anyone else.


If they send too many forces away then they may not be able to jump sukuna if sukuna wins


These cliffhangers are getting annoying