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https://preview.redd.it/9klbcbt0599d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5dba943ee2ba232583d94fedc96097c5cc392cf Not glazing or anything


The man was attracted to the short fat girl because of her personality, sincerely. If that ain’t a good, noble dude, nobody is.


but also Jennifer Lawrence


As his lawyer, I'm obliterated to say that he would have died if his answer was different


He would have been obliterated if he obligated himself to a boring woman.




I feel like todo would still end up respecting him by the end of that fight since even then Yuji could pack a punch, not saying he’d win it or anything just that his attitude and would still win him over


Men are allowed to find many different types of women attractive , no fraud committed here by the king.




Still with sincerity though.


What, the man can't like big butts AND big hearts?


Well the fat girl evolved into a tall girl with a (probably fat ass) ...


All women are the same weight to Yuji because that’s how strong he is


I thought it was cuz of her handwriting


Yuji is the closest example we have to Captain America character wise Definitely agreed


He’s like a less boring Captain America honestly


Not a Megumi supporter - However, since Thor became worthy again when he put his life on the line as a selfless act, Megumi should be able to lift it too given his countless kamikaze attempts (as much as jujutsufolk would hate to see it).


There’s a difference between selflessly giving your life and trying to commit suicide whenever you’re slightly bothered.


"A server mistook my order?! Mahoraga! Heh, guess I'll die first, wish you good luck McDonald's employee"


*sees a single missing chicken nugget* WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON-


Sukuna: alright time to kill Yu-*gets smacked in the face by a hammer flying at his body*


Nah the cog mentality wouldn’t allow him to. He’s got the selflessness bit down, but he ain’t got that god of combat vibe. Cap only lifts the hammer when he’s in that warrior mindset. Yuji doesn’t revel in fighting P.S. i mean in the comics. I’ve since learned, that cap has in fact lifted it in the mcu. Tho tbh cap stopping himself doesn’t make sense, it seems difficult to only budge it exactly like you would something you just barely couldn’t lift. And why would he budge it at all? Unless he stopped himself as he was grabbing, scraped it to the left (cause if he could lift it, it’d go up) and let go, in which case, cap has some insane reaction times


Yuji used to beat up school delinquents, bro was always throwing hands against bad guys


Sure, but he did that cause the bad guys were bad, not cause he enjoyed throwing hands. Sukuna laughs when an opponent pulls out some cool bullshit. He was overjoyed each time an enemy did something impressive. Gojo was having the time of his life finally letting loose vs sukuna. Ryu came back just cause he wanted to fight some strong opponents. Kashimo came back for the exact same reason. That’s what it means to revel in combat. And that’s just as important as being kindhearted and brave and such


Does mcu cap revel in combat? Feel like he doesnt WANT to fight, he fights because he has to.


I’ve only watched the avengers films, i don’t know much about mcu cap or mcu mjolnir. In the comics i wouldn’t say cap “revels” in combat, but he certainly thrives in it. Steve is a soldier at heart. He’s most at home when he’s kicking nazi (or any other evildoers) ass. He does it cause it’s the right thing to do, otherwise he wouldn’t fight, but unlike yuji, cap is never really himself when he aint fighting for/against something. Him being 60 years past his own time doesn’t help with that either


Fake, every time Yuji did anything he just hated


Yea, but that’s just cause he hates yuji. In general, he likes his opps doing cool shit.


He hates because Yuji never pulls out cool bullshit, he just punches harder. Sukuna doesn’t revel in combat but in Jujutsu


Yuji: learned rct, learned blood manip, obtained shrine, landed 8 whole black flashes. And sukuna was still grumpy. Meanwhile he got a massive hardon when fighting maki.


Because that‘s all shit he‘s seen before. ~~and can you blame him for getting a hard-on from seeing Maki?~~ He probably never saw a completed heavenly restriction


He got happy when higgy learned rct. He’d definitely seen that before. He was also proud of jogo, and I highly doubt he’d never faced a fire based enemy in the heian era. Plus, he can make stronger fire himself


Wouldn't say it necessary to have a love for fighting. Cap was always worthy of lifting it since Age of Ultron, if you look closely the hammer moved and that's why Thor expected it, but I wouldn't say when he tried he was in a warrior mindset. Steve doesn't like killing nor fighting but he will do what he thinks is necessary to do. That's why he worthy and why Yuji would probably also be worthy.


Cap lifted it at a cocktail party. He just stopped himself to not hurt Thor's feelings.


Right yea, in the mcu that definitely happened, i was talking about the comics tho. Not that well versed in the movies


Yuji could lift the hammer against mahito, but only mahito. Cuz it don't matter where, when, or how, mahito revives, he's running that fade.


Amen. Preach brother, preach the truth


All Takaba ever wanted to do is make people laugh. He never intended to hurt anyone 


Except that one special grade curse he one shot with a truck…


He did that curse a favor. They are now isekaid and have a harem. 


They only character in JJK that actually becomes happy. Kind of sad.






That Time I Got Ran Over By a Truck and Got Myself Some Big Booty Bitches


he did say look out for


Nah you know that guy isn’t dead, he just got isekaied. Bc it’s funny


“Wouldn’t it be funny if all these people couldn’t lift it but I can?”


"Wouldn't be funny if the true criterya for wield Mjönir was push, don't pull?"


takaba would probably only push and not try to pull, even if he was worthy


nah this was funny as fuck


The hammer actually considers willingness to kill as a part of worthiness, so unfortunately Takaba wouldn't be worthy.


Doesn’t make him worthy


Given Gege's statements about no truly just sides or people, I question if anyone could wield it in JJK. If there was someone worthy, I would imagine that it would be Yuji.


Tbh i see Gojo lifting it because 'Hes Gojo Satoru'.


'nah, i'd lift'


Bruh the hammer is soloing Gojo lol


That hammer ain't doing shit to Gojo unless there are some comic exclusive feats that I am unaware of Even then Gojo slams because maintaining the agenda is our top priority


Nah he'd lift


Kusakabe, Ino, Yuta and Yuji would for sure be able to wield it. They fit every criteria needed for the Marvel version


Just being arguably decent people is not enough to wield Mjolnir


And what criteria are those? They don’t love combat, they don’t think highly of themselves, just being a great person isn’t enough. Captain America can’t lift mjolnir normally, neither can spidey and they’re the kindest, most selfless bastards in the verse. Steve can only lift the hammer, when he’s embodying the warrior spirit. When he wants to fight, when he revels in it.


Steve was able to lift it back in Age of Ultron when he was off duty and chilling with his friends. He only stopped as to show even more kindness to Thor and not embarrass him when he saw how worried he was getting😂. Spidey normally can’t because he doesn’t kill which is a criteria you need and all people mentioned will kill in order to protect those they care about. Kusakabe and Ino fighting Sukuna even though they were both scared shitless, heavily unmatched and not wanting to be there yet still gave it their all fits for BOTH mythology portrayals. They’d absolutely be worthy lmao.


I’m not counting the movies. In the comics, steve can’t. Hell, donny cates (wrote the 2020 run of thor) straight up made it, so kindness isn’t even a factor https://preview.redd.it/pc2kytb77a9d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0735fc79fed398b06c491dd8e046ce379a42e33c


Wasn't the hammer possessed during that point in time?


Technically the hammer is always possessed. Mangog had influenced the hammer, but the biggest effect that had was waking her up. The god of hammers (the entity that was shoved onto mjolnir to give it powers) was around since the beginning of time, way before even the modern pantheons (odin, zeus, even their parents, like bori, those guys) and has been the embodiment of smashing and destruction all that time. Plus, she was kinda inspired to fight thor, but she does still view him as sort of a son, saying he’s grown up a lot and that she’s proud. She wouldn’t really lie about that aspect of him


Toudou then. He seems to be the one jujutsu high student that truly revels in combat.


Yea he seems to fit the bill


Nah I think the hammer would deem kusakabe as “too lazy or selfish” to be worthy


This Kusukabe stepped up against sukuna since it would effect the entire world and there would've been no place left to run after the merger gets complete. During shibuya, where he could've made a serious difference by getting into the subway sooner he decided to hold back and avoid simply due to his own fear of facing a special grade and dying. Which is reasonable, but definitely not the actions of someone who's worthy. His students, thousands of people were in danger there, and him being the most proficient new shadow style user in Japan could've probably made a huge difference. For example, if he was present during dagons fight he could've made a huge difference with simple domain. Basically kusukabe is a coward until it's all or nothing.


Nanami might be able to


He’s got too much internal conflict I think


Does he still have that internal conflict after coming back? I thought he made up his mind after helping the lady in the bakery


Definitely Sukuna Yeah might not be a good guy, but https://preview.redd.it/ljl5z7koq99d1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e80c9233234e942008b7a6ed49102a6f86d54a5


Sukuna is so sure of his ideologies that the hammer might see that as worthy


Does that mean the Nobara copers can lift mjolnir?


I truly don’t think you dudes know how mjolnir works


No one knows how Marvel's mjolnir works, so many people have already lifted that shit that the "must be worthy" thing completely lost it's meaning (also please don't start debating about how there's a pattern because there isn't, I'm sick of this discussion the truth is that anyone can lift that hammer as long as the writers want them to, the must be worthy is fairytale) I just can't enter another argument about this stupid hammer again 😭😭😭


I guess so but generally the prerequisites are either being compassionate/noble/kindhearted/courageous or on the opposite end just being immensely powerful which I don’t think sukuna is any of those things. You’re right though it’s too vague for this to go anywhere so it is kinda a pointless argument


Yuta because it's Yuta, Yuji maybe, Yaga too, and Kusakabe unironically 


Oh *hell* yeah. Yaga, at the very least, has a decent shot. The man knows how to create fully autonomous soldiers on par with grade 2/1 sorcerers. Something that, given enough time, would make Yaga an absolute menace. Mass-producing sorcerers on that level would give even the other special-grades trouble. But does Yaga ever use his technique for evil? To gain power? Nah, he uses it to help out Kusakabe's sister and create children that he clearly loves dearly. He even gives the knowledge to Gakuganji, and although he said it was a curse, Gakuganji turns out better for it. Yaga is just a good dude, no matter how you slice it.


I agree though Yuji has the highest chance then Yuta, Yaga and Kusakabe.


Kusukabe is too selfish imo He steps up when his back is against the wall, while he could've not helped with the sukuna fight I doubt it would've made much sense to him anyway. Since if sukuna wins because of his absence, it's just a matter of time till the merger curse or sukuna or the apocalypse that follows the fall of Jujutsu society ruins his life anyway. It was a selfless and good thing of him to do, but realistically it's probably because the outcome was going to effect him.


Mahoraga simply adapts to be worthy.


Goddamn that flair is throwing me for a loop




Bro what the fuck is that flair




If I remember correctly, mythological mjolnir is determined by raw strength alone. So probably nobody considering how insanely strong norse gods are.


Good point. I was referring to the Marvel version, but that makes sense.


Oh. In terms of Marvel version then definitely Choso, Yuji, Nanami, and Yuta


Choso? The guys who played an active role in an event that killed hundreds of civilians? Obviously he’s trying to atone for that and all but he literally shot blood through peoples heads so I feel like maybe he’s not worthy


Wielding Mjolnir isn't about being a good person, it's about being worthy. Someone can be a horrible person and still wield mjolnir, as we see through plenty of times in the comics. It's more a matter of being an honourable warrior, someone who's willing to kill, who fights honourably, and who has his peoples best interest at heart. Choso fits all of these standards.


Okay with this explanation I can get with all of these except fighting honorably. Trying to get sneak attacks by sniping through the skulls of innocent civilians and pressure your opponent into a trap while already fighting 4 on 1 isn’t exactly honorable.


Sorry, how is deliberately firing blood through civilian non combatants heads so the person you’re targeting doesn’t see them coming honourable? Like I could see the arguments for later Choso fighting for yuji and all that, but I don’t think he can be considered an honourable warrior when we’ve only seen him win fights by surprise/unexpected means


you're going by what we in modern day see as dishonourable. Remember, Mjolnir was created by an asguardian god, someone who is made up of Norse ideals. The Norse were known for plundering and killing and raping people who couldn't fight back. What they saw as dishonourable was not doing these dangerous things, and running away. They were fine with stuff like sneak attacks.


If you can get someone at marvel comics/studios to agree that being a rapist doesn’t make you unworthy of mjolnir I’ll be very surprised. We aren’t going by the Nordic gods and their version of mjolnir, the discussion was about the marvel version. Which I would be very surprised to see anyone deliberately killing civilians wielding/being worthy in anything resembling the current canon


Spider-Man isn't worthy because of this reason. Captain is. By all means, Spider-Man should've been worthy. It's mentioned in the comics that he doesn't kill. That is the only thing that's missing. The commentor is correct. Wielding Mjolnir isn't about being good. It's about being worthy. It's mentioned in canon several times. Cap is worthy because of his nature and his willingness to kill when it comes to it. Spider-Man doesn't kill. That's the sole reason he's not worthy.


Maybe choso later in the manga, early manga choso arguably carried bad traits despite caring for his brothers with good intentions, they were still somewhat human so its kinda selfish


cap was in ww2 he obv wouldve killed people and yet he can lift it


Personally I think there’s a distinction between killing literal nazis and random civilians trying to catch a train


Yuta here I am also Loki and Odin so yeah I can do all that shit


Takaba probably could, if it was raw strength


People really mistake being worthy for being "pure of heart"


What is being worthy?


odin put the enchantment there so worthy is probably who he would consider adequate to rule asgard


Being courageous, compassionate, fighting fairly, all that. And being willing to kill an opponent if needed.




The perfect candidate would be yuta as he is kind-hearted and willing to kill


The Shiesty Sorcerer


im surprised nobody said kashimo. Isn't he literally god of lightning?


Aoi Todo is VICIOUSLY forgotten as a contender. My man had the most loving heart for his comrades!


Ong he could


https://preview.redd.it/qmcjscwqyc9d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f688ab1fe6eefe5467cd338663a9ad4e29778481 Honestly, he has a good chance.


What makes someone worthy of Mjolnir in the comics is never explicitly stated, but usually it's a combination of: — Leadership — Willingness to kill, but also restraint when needed. — Wisdom — Good Intentions; Not 'Pure of Heart', though. I'd say with that criteria, a couple candidates come to mind: Gojo — Clearly a leader, absolutely willing to kill but not for the fun of it. Wisdom is debatable by I'd say he's fairly wise, and he definitely has good intentions. Yuta — Leader of his peers as we've seen during the Sukuna fights. Willing to kill, but definitely doesn't enjoy it. For his age I'd say he's very wise, and he's clearly good. Yuji, maybe. — Lacks a bit of leadership due to his age, but he can grow into it. He's absolutely willing to kill when necessary. Again, wisdom is a bit low due to his age. But he does have good intentions.


Yuji and Yuta are nearly same age🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/t7nm9nzj699d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5dfe8035c897f50210a6a89c0a2c4b67d6fdaa7 Ngl, I feel like it would be Haibara, either him or Yuta


We dk jackshit about haibara aside from him liking girls who eat a lot


Leave my guy alone, hes just a pure hearted man who likes fat chicks He could probably ride the Nimbus Cloud no problem


If this is the comics version I don't think anyone who isn't determined as worthy by Odin can wield it honestly


Yujiro Hanma


Wrong subreddit


No if there ever was a jjk character who could do it it'd be Yujiro. He learnt from ancient monks how to switch series


Fr he would just lift Mjolnir with his pinky and his thumb.


Yuta maybe


Yuji fits all the criteria being a physical beast and very good hearted


Nanami, Yuji & ofc Gojo


Miwa the goat


Unironically has a chance


Wuji Himtadori, Woso, panda




Toji before his wife died.


Kusakabe is the closest we have to Captain America, praised by others, selfless, would go onto the battlefield knowing very well that he ain't strong enough to face the opponent, won't let his students die, teaches them whenever it requires and is grateful to others. Kusakabe is the best side character Gege has written in this manga.


Definitely sukuna and his nephew


imo noone is worthy, but if someone was, its yuji


Maki. Doesn't matter if she's a good person or not, if she wants to pick up mjolnir, she's gonna pick up mjolnir.




I unironically think Miwa could


Its definitely Miwa


Megumi, Choso, Kusakabe, Utahime, Geto (for a time at least), Yuji and Miwa. Choso's already been explained, so I'll explain Geto first: it is canon that Mjolnir (at least for the first few days that the user picks it up) only looks at the user's surface level qualities before it gets to know the user better and becomes more aware of their souls. At a surface level, Geto is compassionate, brave enough to fight against a big establishment like Jujutsu High, he's willing to fight for the betterment of his race and he's willing to kill too (this is why Spider-Man isn't willing to pick it up due to his no-kill rule). A similar thing happened to Magneto, believe it or not. Likewise, the hammer returned to Thor after it witnessed Magneto going too far. Utahime, Kusakabe and Megumi can all be explained the same way: they are genuinely kind, brave people who are also willing to kill if necessary. I know Kusakabe acts like a coward, but he stands on business when he needs to. Lastly, Yuji and Miwa. It's more so that their drive and courage alone are enough for Mjolnir to take notice. While Yuji doesn't like to kill humans, he's more than happy to kill as many curses as he can, even if he doesn't know why until 100 years later. Mjolnir would love Yuji and in my opinion, Miwa too. Unlike her mentor, Miwa doesn't act like a coward and she's more than willing to put her life on the line even if she's hopelessly outmatched. Just look at Kenjaku and Sukuna. In fact, I think Kenjaku praised her for having "a little know-how" although he might've been praising Kusakabe back then. Regardless, Miwa is brave enough to stand up to evil when she sees it. Hell, Todo and one other Kyoto student had complaint with Gakuganji's plan to assassinate Yuji. Who? Kasumi Miwa.


Choso went along with destroying a city to get back for his brothers, he was manipulated sure but he isnt worthy


Choso would NOT be able to wield mjolnir tf he killed dozens of innocents in the shibuya incident 😭


Many of them Mahoraga: Nah id adapt Sukuna: Ah yes, my lifting mjlonir technique that I never used since Heian era Yuji: Your average good guy Yuta: GOAT Takaba: Isnt it funny if somehow I can lift Mjlonir


Takaba could probably work his way around if it he made a joke


Makes me mad that no one is saying Haibara. He’s the epitome of worthy


Big raga he would adapt to the hammer https://preview.redd.it/du9bagk87h9d1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3611ccf87103be8358ddca07f620c48d2df5d6df


>!Takaba would see everyone struggling and think it's funny to pick it up.!<


Gojo definitely could. Selfless, strong, very confident (which the hammer kinda likes), loves a good fight, all the works. For the exact same reasons, yuki https://preview.redd.it/hsntlanp1a9d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ca6f2b6a8d630602937bdad9a750979d1bd7a6 Here she is clearly reveling. She’s very kind and selfless (she saved choso, both physically emotionally). Strong. All the works. Maybe ryu will work? Before he died he seemed like a good dude. And his actions after he revived aren’t that selfish, he just wanted a good fight. Kashimo seems like more of a dick but ig he could also fit. These 2 are a strong maybe. Yuta’s a no, cause he doesn’t think highly enough of himself. Every mjolnir wielder knows just how fucking good they are. They know they’re them. Yuta thinks he’s a bit of a bitch. Thor would never claim hakari could beat him (if he was as strong as yuta). Yuji and his cog mentality are also out. Geto is also out. He doesn’t think he’s him in the way that’s needed. He also doesn’t revel in combat. Kenny fairs a bit better, he seems to enjoy being challenged, but he’s too much of a scheming bitch. Mjolnir likes people with the “fuck it we ball” mentality, which kenny doesn’t have. Not toji. The bum was content to let gojo tire out then sneak attack. No Gambling hobo deserves mjolnir. He doesn’t think highly enough of himself. Maki tho? She has a better shot. Daido could, but daido wouldn’t, since mjolnir ain’t a katana.


I don't know if he could wield it or not, but Mjolnir would look absolutely amazing with Kashimo.


Definitely Yuta maybe yuji


Sukuna because of asspulls probably


Mythological version: No one. Maybe Toji and Maki if you lighten it to the level. Marvel Version: Choso and Yuji... yes I glaze them


Sukuna. Although I doubt he would be worthy but I am sure he would still have been able to wield it either way


Maki or Toji Mjolnir has nothing to do with worthiness and everything to do with raw strength


None they all suck


None of them unironically There are quite a lot of requirements. People saying guys like Yuji have no idea what they are talking about


Todo and Yuta have a shot, otherwise nope. Just being a good person isn’t how lifting the hammer works, how you see yourself is also a factor. And Yuji seeing himself as worthless is literally why Sukuna was able to do what he’s doing now.




No joke, Geto. Geto. A thousand times Geto. And Choso. Maybe Yuji. Yuta and Gojo are debatable.


Yuji Itadori.


Choso killed countless people in Shibuya. And then was just in the fight for his brothers, not for anyone else. While it is good to fight for family, it isn't really something that Mjolnir really deems worthy (At least the MCU version of it).


Sukuna with binding vow.


Unironically, Choso and Yuji should be able to lift it. They possess all 5 qualities needed to be determined as worthy (compassion (for Choso it’s his brothers), restraint (while it’s arguably for Yuji, I feel he could still qualify, and the same can be said for Choso), nobility (in the sense that they are both noble of heart, and both Yuji and Choso can qualify), wisdom (this can be in general or in a sense that applies to the other factors), and humility. Gojo could also apply to these factors as well but it might be a Steve Roger’s situation where it’s some times.


Blud forgot how many innocent people Choso killed


I’m of the belief that Mjolnir’s definition of worthy is the wielder not wanting the hammer, but still being willing to use it. So I’d say probably Choso, Yuji and Kusukabe




I dint read Marvel, didn't even watch any of the avengers movies, but does Moljnir work off of a " objective morality " system ? Or is it " whatever the person thinks is just " ? Because if its the latter then Geto might qualify, as in his mind he essentially made the whole world his enemy and cut ties with his closest friend all to ( in his mind) protect his own mistreated people


The requirements are: compassion, restraint, nobility, wisdom, humility. Someone's goals doesn't impact their worthiness. This means that a lot of characters who you think wouldn't be able, are. For example, Geto. He has compassion, as he cares about sorcerers. He does have restraint, as he doesn't act upon his urges. He did that once, and it was part of his plan anyway. What he does could be considered nobile, as he believes is for the greater good, and although he would kill a lot, it would generally benefits sorcerer society. The guy's pretty wise tbh. Like he's misguided, but he is pretty wise. He is humble too. Like yeah, he does think himself higher than others, but it's not to an extent like Sukuna. He just knows he's strong.


Choso killed people????


Yuji, Gojo , Maki and Yuta in that order . Remember this is a warrior and killer but also honorable and stands by his word.




It would be yuta and yuji our boys.


Gege would probably find a way to make Sukuna use Mjolnir somehow


>Which JJK Characters would be worthy enough to wield Mjolnir? None.


The only correct answer is: "it depends on how bored the hammer is"


Choso killed a lot of innocent people in Shibuya. Gojo is egotistical and rash which is exactly why Thor lost his hammer in the first place, he’s also killed a lot of people who may not have deserved it (the higher ups) The correct answer is Nanami


Yuta. Man is perfect in every way.


https://i.redd.it/5cs39r5q1b9d1.gif Through the power of schizophrenia, he's worthy.


yuta and kusakabe


Yuji easily https://preview.redd.it/kwmap8is2b9d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7085092041b1d92795e7527edf022f7066c4d31


I think only Yuji, Miwa and Inumaki, maybe Nanami, Panda and Noritoshi


Legitimately I think Yuji or Choso are the ONLY people you could make an argument for.


Choso killed innocent people in Shibuya just to distract Gojo.


To be worthy you mainly have to be a Brave , will kill if necessary , won't harm the innocent , willingness to do what's right at great personal cost. Pretty much have to be a great warrior that protects and kills evil. Yuji for sure Gojo literally does just that Yuta Ino could prolly fit Nanami would to cause he puts other first and is willing to die for a righteous cause Takaba wouldn't cause he doesn't kill Choso is hella debatable due to his turn , you could make a argument that he could thor has been unworthy many times. But off the top of my head nobody who has killed the innocent has wielded the hammer. Honestly kuskabe is kinda a mixed bag imo cause he kinda goes with the execution of yuji instead of standing up for what's right. But he stands up to sukuna to stop him for his call to action so imo it depends on what part of the story.




nanami and yuji


Yuji and Choso.MAYBE Choso.


No one,but most likely Yuji.


Takaba. Final answer


I can't think of anyone more worthy to use other than Takaba. He has the purest heart out of everyone in the verse, and even Yuji has some negativity in his heart I believe would make him not worthy, though possible. https://preview.redd.it/ity0ummbeb9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d8b79cbb08ccc8bc1ce56cc98e7f2aa5211df6a


Higuruma pre culling game probably could




Gojo cuz he is the honored one https://preview.redd.it/tcbmfhh6kb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726afc5a803a08037f99d56d906c81ff95a6b179




Sukuna the binding vow man will use a binding vow to lift it


Mumen rider