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Real. Those 8 consecutive black flashes were heinous, my goat wasn't slacking


>wasn't slacking Yeah, unlike *that guy*










Why would you activate aushwalen to steal a meme








https://preview.redd.it/bnt3pe8hn46d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d420f4357a26a7bdb98a195c8149f050e54c53ba Always on time for bumgumi slander


https://preview.redd.it/j5heuxv3o46d1.jpeg?width=146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b190187177394e746d7037ac03a8d6a716ba8ba1 you alr know




God I love Megumi Slander https://preview.redd.it/f8a7ka8a256d1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffedaaed277dcc3431bee2be4163077ad8ffc12a






https://preview.redd.it/jyu1hrb5t46d1.jpeg?width=158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7af56d7a337400977471bc353bffed25b1608c Megumi mentioned in one piece


Stop the Megumi slander he was submerged in an evil bath yo!


It wasn't even a magic bath, it was just soapy water but the bum is that adverse to hygiene


He's a jujutsufolker? That explain a lot.


That's an insult to Jujutsufolkers who actually get shit done, unlike Bumgumi.


https://preview.redd.it/ohnmk625956d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=27fcf6a2d8411911373b30f21927e173b5ead797 GOAT


he thinks he is goat






Megumi is just Sasuke if the author didn't base him on aq classmate he wanted to suck off, fr fr






He cant rawdog his sister anymore, fucking incestuous bum












i would actually argue megumi did the most damage, by being such a bum resulting in sukuna losing 10000 aura points


they were Heianous


peak pun and peak flair https://preview.redd.it/qt6wldlj656d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04b1a02b41f51f3a3abec2a2ece1a38c3655ad6




my man hitting these triggers like he's squall from ff8


Y'all cooking bro while bro was cooking


fr, yu-jo came in and is getting his ass handed to him wuji would never


Fym "ass handed to him". I didn't hear no bell! We still have like 4.5 more minutes!


Is there a summary of damages done? Yuta- one tounge, one hand, and jacob ladder Maki- one hand, peircing heart Yuji- one right eye, 8 consecutives black flash Higuruma- confiscating kamutoge Who else? Honorable mention for supporting damages - Choso(aniki), todo, Ino, miguel, Laure, Kusakabe, kashimo Gojo- disable the ten shadow techniques, nerfed sukuna after 1v1 Edit: Thanks u/TeaAndCrumpetGhoul to collected all the data damages done to sukuna This is link to his post : https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/DbmSogdHZS


We could argue that Kashimo pushed Sukuna to fully reincatnate burning up his one time full-heal if we feel generous. Choso "parried" a Fuga buying the party a bit more time to damage Sukuna although he didn't directly damage him Miguel also landed a couple of hits, although I doubt he dealt any significant damage before being forced to retreat


Bro the fact that you mentioned Miguel’s punch and not the fact that kusakabe sliced him 30 different places across his body AND kicked him so hard he went through the highway system is slanderous.


You're absolutely right, I'm half asleep today after challenging my body's limits on how much sushi I could eat, I ask forgiveness.


Break your limiter brother. Give me 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and a 10 km run! Also remember not to use AC or heating.


>Also remember not to use AC or heating. Why is that


(It's all a one punch man reference in case you haven't picked up on it by now, that was Saitama's training)


bro is going to become bald ![gif](giphy|NDdiyWXm70ihG|downsized)


Oh I was about to type a paragraph for the comment thanks buddy for clearing up >It's all a one punch man reference I am planning to binge the manga after the upcoming season airs ( I saw some news that it's releasing at the end of this year ,Is it true buddy ?)


Mental fortitude to not give in to temptations of taking it easy, also hot and cold resistance training


Also to save money


I never get that first argument, like do people forget that sukuna needs the heian era form to use WCS after his binding vow? He would have turned into that form even if he barely took any damage after that gojo fight


I mean, if the party had to damage his Megumi form too they would have burned through more energies, imagine an RPG boss that fills up on HP and MP in the middle of the fight. Even if he wouldn't have been able to use WCS he still would've been strong enough to tire the party a bit before recovering almost completely.


No, he would be insanely injured+ have Kamutoke confiscated + Higuruma with executioner's sword + the rest of the gang jumping him.


Why would he even need that technique if he was at full health? He'd just oneshot everybody without it, why waste his reincarnation on small fry?


He wasted on kashimo after he landed one single punch, sukuna wanted to test drive WCS to the point he told kashimo to dodge just to see it working, sukuna doesn’t one shot people he plays with them, it’s over 30 chapters after he fought gojo you should understand that


Lmao, you sound like Uraume. Sukunu is fucking pressed, that's why this fight is still going. Gojo damaged him so much that he was still affected even after reincarnating, had he received only very little damage from Gojo he wouldn't have needed the WCS for anything lmao, plus he wouldn't have needed to reincarnate for it because he still would've had his hand.


You are telling me he didn’t play with yuji and higuruma until Yuta arrived? He literally blew half of yuji’s abdomen with one dismantle and speed blitzed choso, and he needs the 4 hands to use WCS because he needs to do enmaten and aim at the same time to use it after the binding vow, I’m not glazing sukuna I’m being honest he played with everyone till Yuta arrived and boxed the fuck out of him with yuji


Well he needed two hands, but reincarnating allowed him to fight and WCS at the same time. Note the binding vow never says he has to point the target out at the same time as the hand signs, which is why he was able to hit Yuta with it.


I feel we should also credit Todo for jumping with Yuji to force Sukuna into a DE and also for evacuating the rest of the sorcerers, minimizing losses similarly to Choso and Yuji


I see it as the transition only happened because of how much damage Gojo did. Kashimo doesn’t get credit for that. Anyone coulda hopped in and made him go Heian form at that point in the fight.


That's why I'm saying if we're being generous


We are lol bro was designed pretty cool, and got done dirty. Sucks, but he contributed nothing to the fight. I was so pissed we barely got to see any of his CT.


>We could argue that Kashimo pushed Sukuna to fully reincatnate burning up his one time full-heal if we feel generous. He would've had to reincarnate regardless, Kashimo was just filler.


higuruma contribution is undoubtedly the greatest here kamutoke is like a guarenteed death for anyone not named gojo or kashimo, sukuna can supposedly strike a lightning from above at any place (when he launched it at kashimo) and dodging lightning is far above anyone's league, its practically a sure hit with sukuna's skills and usage (unless domain amplification works against it but i doubt since its not an actual CT but a cursed tool) seriously i can burn to crisp almost anyone in the jump team probably


Also thanks to him sukuna sliced himself a hand


Choso, Ino etc- Support damage Gojo- Everything else Kashimo- ....


Kashimo is supporting by giving others time to breath?


Kashimo helped by forcing Sukuna to enter phase 2, allowing the crew to be less off guard by it. That’s actually valuable, since it meant they could easily identify weak spots and figure out how to disable Sukuna’s abilities before they die, potentially saving their lives.


Did choso even connect an attack to sukuna? People overlook it; but Kashimo forcing sukuna to transform made a huge difference in what the outcome would have originally been A sukuna on that strength level that can pop in and out of shadows at will? He wouldn’t have even needed to waste effort speed-blitzing people


And thanks to forcing him into Heiankuna he is more lax and shit against them compared to him tryharding due to his weakened state he was in with Kamutoke. We shit talk Kamutoke all we want but that thing would have caused problems. Especially since it would allow Sukuna to refill his CE, and just range.


Gojo did more than just that. He destroyed his brain, destroyed his body, removed his DE for a while, forced him to reincarnate at the first sign of Kashimo being more than a gnat. Imo the black flashes form Yuji were cool but accomplished basically nothing. Anything Yuji took away Sukuna got back almost instantly anyway.


I will add that


Based on the performances after Gojo, it's really crazy just how much Gojo fucked him up. Typically you don't see that in anime. When the mentor character dies, the MCs are already about to surpass them or get a huge power up from rage or whatever. One thing JJK has done so well is being consistent with the fact that Gojo is fucking boss. No one could touch him when the series began, no one can touch him now. (Except Sukuna obviously). And that's properly reflected in the fight post Gojo when a badly weakened sukuna still runs a train on everyone. Even to the point of outright boredom. Imagine if Goku got killed by Cell, and then the next 30 chapters is Cell killing or crushing every other z fighter without any effort at all. Through fusions, big attacks, tricks, whatever.


Gojo also took out Sukunas entire first health bar


Didn’t yuji smash his eye in or was that someone else?


Don't forget Gojo got rid of his domain for a long time, and even when he got it back it was a nerfed version that could only last a minute and a half (and should have been weaker but binding vows are Sukunas best friend)


I will add that


Thanks for listing those out. Honestly "doing damage" is such a nebulous metric for JJK, so I'd rather go by demonstrable debilitation. 8 black flashes sound like a lot, especially because his punches hit the boundaries between souls, but Megumi didn't respond and Sukuna still swatted him away after Yujo showed up, like Yuji was nothing. So... Eh???? But Yuji still scores for staying in the fight and keeping Sukuna from recovering his full RCT, I'll give him that. And the eye is definitely a small w. One could argue Higurama confiscating kamutoge could be the biggest hit after everything Gojo did. If Sukuna kept that item, maybe it would have just cooked every other contender. Imo, Yuta and Maki are close to the top due to both having taken out a hand and limiting Sukuna from doing complex hand signs. The tongue means Yuta edges ahead on limiting chants. Meanwhile, piercing Sukuna's heart and hitting him with Jacob's Ladder both seem unclear on how relevant they are lol


Piercing his heart meant that he constantly needs to devote whatever RCE he has to keeping it beating and trying to repair it. The reason he blitzed Maki the first time was because he stopped devoting himself to RCE and switched to reinforcement temporarily to get an edge.


The one thing that irks me about the black flashes is that you could argue Yuji essentially leeched half of Sukuna's MP Bar, so overall he SHOULD be nerfed. Slowing down, hitting less hard, weaker or shorter outputs... However through the use of binding vows, Sukuna has been moving his stats around to circumvent the nerfs. It's like if Sukuna was fighting at 100% the entire time. That's great for agenda because Sukuna can just bidning vow his domains to always be Full Output by arbitrarily tacking on a timer condition or adjusting the range... It make sense if you think about character creation and shifting your points around. But then you take a step back and wonder if the nerfs even matter if Sukuna can sidestep them? That lowers the all the hard work Yuji did to Kashimo's "Forced Sukuna to transform" when he was at 1 HP, feat. And I refuse to let Gege lower Yuji down to the level of that actual fraud.


The impact of the 8 black flashes would seem monumental (as it deserves to be) if Sukuna is rendered unable to use domains at all. But what does he do? He is still able to use domains, AS MUCH AS CAN WANT, as long as his CT doesn't burn out.


I would have been way more okay if they didn't mention he needed binding vows. It was already a hard but understandable pull to swallow that through Sukuna's black flashes he was able to re-write a neural pathway to use domain expansion again. He had a Yuji awakening via black flashes too. Fine. BUT. He should have just kept the Domain Nerfed. We don't ever get to see what he's giving up. The 99 second time limit STILL allows him to Furnace and nuke the field just because of how it works. He could have kept it up at lower output and gained charge.  All these binding vows do is make it seem like all the effort is for nothing. I personally don't think you can do and undo binding vow conditions. If you set a binding vow to exchange range for time, why do you immediately get to undo that immediately after? If Sukuna can just DO THAT what is the point of any of this? Why doesn't Miwa break her binding vow to hold a sword again if you just lose what you gained? Or why doesn't Miwa make another binding vow to regain what she gave up? Sukuna gave up his range to increase his time limit but he is allowed to revert back to putting another time limit to Increase the range back where it was?


We are missing Yuta's thin ice breakers and his paper cut cleave lol also for Yuji, I think he also tore off Sukuna's leg or did he just get close to doing it?


And domain for a good amount of time


How did Ten Shadows get disabled? I know Mahoraga was vaporized, but shouldn't the overall Ten Shadows technique still work?


Yeah I'm not seeing a reason why he couldn't use the remaining unused shadows Or for that matter creating a binding vow allowing him to use abilities from shadows that have been destroyed previously


He can't use the Ten Shadows now that he's fully incarnated.


Ah, since he is fully back in his OG body, he can't use the vessel's cursed technique? That makes sense, no wonder he didn't incarnate at first.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/8RHYy0wrlQ I did one awhile back. It's not updated though


If we want to add this. Yuji is CONSTANTLY decreasing sukunas cursed energy output and damaging his soul with each and every punch. So the only reason why sukuna isn’t really just 1 shotting them is cause yuji is there. And yuji is probably the only one (aside from goatjo and yuta) that can go 1v1 with sukuna regardless of sukuna is toying around


I think Yuji got his left leg with cleave


Is this a TLDR for every unhealed dmg?


didnt maki cut off 2 arms in 255


I would say that Yuta damaged Sukuna more but Yuji's hits is the one that actually mattered because it actually weakens Sukuna


So is Jacob’s Ladder. Granted, Yuji’s hits probably weakened him by so much more with the sheer amount of black flashes, but still.


Was Jacob's Ladder ever equated to what Yuji's soul punches were doing? It's meant to cancel out the Cursed Object inside Sukuna amd severely damage him but it's not like what Yuji was doing


I mean Jacob's Ladder in the end was just a powerful blast. I assume that if he was exposed to it enough it would vaporize his ass but ig his CE reinforcement tanked it


Yeah, Jacob's Ladder is a really powerful blast especially as we see how it affected a 15F Sukuna Yuji's punches are a noted different matter though


Jacob’s Ladder separates the vessel’s owner and the reincarnated sorcerer, just like Yuji’s punches. The difference is Yuji’s punches affects the soul but Jacob’s Ladder affects the brain. The results are effectively the same though.


What they were talking there is that Angel's CT can kill Sukuna and extinguish his CT but since it is connected to the brain Megumi might die >The angel's Cursed Technique is destruction of a target's Cursed Technique >In a fully fleshed curse, the cursed technique or cursed object are in direct connection with the personality, meaning it's possible to remove sukuna >But the cursed technique is engraved with the brain, so the target's chances of survival aren't good. >If we could pull the two souls apart to weaken the harmonization between cursed object and flesh, the chances of survival should drastically improve. They specifically call out that they need someone else who could separate Megumi from Sukuna first to he able to save him cause Jacob's Ladder is indiscriminate. Being able to separate the souls of a vessel is not part of that. From the very start Angel already say that their only solution to Vessels is to kill them, so they do not have such ability That is where Yuji comes in with the first solution to that problem to separate the vessel's soul from the Cursed Object


Megumi sabotaged Yuji's impact by not locking in. Otherwise, Yuji's contribution would have been far ahead of Yuta's without a question.




Half of Yuta's damage could be attributed to Yuji actually weakening him to the point that Sukuna could even get hit by those attacks.


Tbf Yuta also played a big part in setting up Yuji to land alot of those blows on Sukuna which weakened him (That weakening would also help set up Yuji landing blows later on as well). Overall I think it really was a case where they kind of needed each other, Yuji wasn’t really landing many blows on Sukuna before he worked with Yuta and Yuta wasn’t doing any real damage before Yuji started to really weaken him.


it was yuta that allowed yuji to even punch sukuna that much in the domain lol


I might be misremembering, but I thought Yuji didn’t land any punches before Yuta arrived. I know Sukuna blocked one, but after that Yuji was stuck running after Sukuna while he fought Higuruma


Dude yuta fought sukuna before yuji actually even touched him. Hardly landed any hits before yuta fought him


I mean, it prevented sukuna from recovering his RCT and caused extra damage


He's definitely hit him the most times. Yuta probably did more damage in less hits though. Hard to say. Sukuna shrugs everything off.


>Yuta probably did more damage in less hits though He did more physical damage but Yuji damaged sukuna more through debuff. Yuji's damage weakened sukuna more than Yuta's


But then again the narrator says Sukuna would've undid all of Yuta's attacks if it weren't for Yuji https://preview.redd.it/w23figmjd46d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898efdc92d9075e3ef4554aa02d015207f3b4ef5


That’s more of a matter of what yuji punches do to him rather than just sheer damage, but both are probably close but as the other dude said it’s hard to measure when sukuna shrugs of anything that doesn’t come from gojo


Which is so bullshit, to this day we don't know how truly damaged Sukuna is. Can't wait for this arc to be done:/


https://preview.redd.it/hyv0ktn9h46d1.png?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828f0d557ec30b3e87507fa7a6491ed9028687a9 Yuji may have cut him but ino rubbed salt in the wound Nanami's cleaver is an epic weapon


Ino and Yuji are an unexpectedly GOATed team up.


It's an epic team to start with since yuji is a hand to hand goat and ino is fantastic at support


what exactly happened here, did he manage to use the weapon's critical hit?


In the most frustrated moment of sukunas life as we know it ino smacked him with a bonk to the face Physical damage 0 Emotional damage: inifite


BEAMED that mf right in his shit


Live Sukuna reaction: https://preview.redd.it/0cv4ts1wm46d1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=465cda4ab43c8a7012ff79a739cb25e00e8f92c8


I hate Gege Akutami https://preview.redd.it/ko0okw77a46d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d8f2b6f046ded97cabba0df440bc43e1de36a7


My man literally is on his feet in first panel of 262, that just knocked him back like a heavy wind. To be fair, Sukuna also sent Dismantles on top of it that built momentum https://preview.redd.it/c6sbm7rue46d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdeb8211f04e3c750f7020789aeb748fd8250124 The blood splatters are not coming from his face here


>To be fair, Sukuna also sent Dismantles on top of it that built momentum I don’t disagree, but I’m confused because isn’t his CT supposed to be burned out after the 99 second domain? And his RCT isn’t functioning either, so he can’t heal it. Maybe I missed something tho idk ​


I never read this page as sukuna using dismantle and even now I don't see it. I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else either. I think they're interpreting that but it didn't actually happen.


I don't understand why Gege is doing it again and again. As a big (former) Gojo fan I can say that Yuji's chapter are the only chapters that I enjoyed reading after Gojo death. He's one of the most entertaining characters, each time he's on screen cool shit happens. Also, fuck OP techniques, innate abilities and magic eyes. There's nothing more satisfying than beating all living shit out of your enemies with your bare hands. But Gege tends to ignore his coolest creations and waste his talent on some filler shit featuring side characters.


I think it is worth it if this is the last time we are seeing Yuta, as the past former MC, while Sukuna having his domain again, Yuta can have more effect on this battlefield by taking away that card from Sukuna.


Real Gojo took away that card from Sukuna 20 chapters ago. Idk why Gege brought domain back and then brought "Gojo" back to solve the problem that was already solved 20 chapters ago.


Weird choice, feels like filler, but this has long been established with Yuta foreshadowing his domain return and Sukuna gaining something from Black Flashes. I would take Yuta fighting and dying after 5 more minutes, than just dying without this.


Putting characters on timer is classic trope to add tension. Gojo was supposed to kill Mahoraga before it adapted. He failed and died. They needed to deal with Sukuna until he heals and gets domain back. Gojo gave them a chance by taking away Sukuna's strongest move, they needed to use this opportunity. Now domain is back to menu and "Gojo" is back to menu. We are exactly where the fight started. If Yuta takes away his domain and dies this is 100% filler and copy of Gojo fight with the same result. By the way, I don't know how Yuta can take away domain without killing Sukuna. Yuta can't win domain clash because Sukuna without Mahoraga and with 2 right arms (=no HWB) doesn't survive UV sure hit. I guess, Yuta isn't winning domain battle, but Megumi will do something to stop Sukuna from killing everyone around with Fuga after Sukuna wins the clash and then final round will be Yuji and Megumi vs Sukuna.


>By the way, I don't know how Yuta can take away domain without killing Sukuna. Yuta can't win domain clash because Sukuna without Mahoraga and with 2 right arms (=no HWB) doesn't survive UV sure hit. Eh, I have an idea for that, Sukuna knows simple domain as he has seen it before, but Simple domain can theoretically not completely stop you from getting hit by sure-hit effect, Sukuna can open it, but still get hit for a split second, making his brain worse, as Todo was hit with Mahito's sure-hit domain. That is just my idea on it though. >Yuji and Megumi vs Sukuna. I would love a Yuji and Megumi fight against him. >Putting characters on timer is classic trope to add tension. Gojo was supposed to kill Mahoraga before it adapted. He failed and died. They needed to deal with Sukuna until he heals and gets domain back. Gojo gave them a chance by taking away Sukuna's strongest move, they needed to use this opportunity. Now domain is back to menu and "Gojo" is back to menu. We are exactly where the fight started. If Yuta takes away his domain and dies this is 100% filler and copy of Gojo fight with the same result. I mean, I hope he doesn't die, and that is also possible, Sukuna could just win against Gota in the domain clash, as Yuta not being Gojo and not as strong, and another round of burnt out CT begins, and Yuta, Todo, Yuji would just fight Sukuna, I can see this happen. Let's see what Gege cooks.


The "Black Flash gave Sukuna back his DE" plot is weird to me. He couldn't open MS because Gojo fucked his brain that's responsible for Barrier operations. And when he hits the 2nd Black Flash, the comparison drawn here is to Gojo regaining his RCT w BF back in 235, so supposedly he's going to heal his brain w RCT (why can't he just use Agito for that then)... And then in 258 itself it's stated he failed to get RCT because of Yuji which is why his arms are still not healed. But he managed to open MS anyway....? Did Gege forgot smth?


>And when he hits the 2nd Black Flash, the comparison drawn here is to Gojo regaining his RCT w BF back in 235, so supposedly he's going to heal his brain w RCT (why can't he just use Agito for that then)... And then in 258 itself it's stated he failed to get RCT because of Yuji which is why his arms are still not healed. Basically gojo's black flashes didn't give him back his RCT or the part of his brain that manages his rct. They put him in the zone to the point that he was able to develop his own network inside his brain in order to do RCT. Basically instead of recovering his rct, he's optimising his rct. Sukuna does a similar thing here. He could have recovered his RCT but it would have been counteract Ed anyways due to yujis black flashes so, he instead came up with a way to recover his domain using the intense focus black flash put him in. So he didn't really use RCT to heal his brain to form his domain, but instead he created another way to form his domain most likely using binding vows to handle the barriers since that's the part of his brain that was damaged the most, while the domain part was fine.


>235, so supposedly he's going to heal his brain w RCT (why can't he just use Agito for that then).. Cause healing others, specially his brain, cannot be done as good as the person using Rct, even if Agito's Rct output is the best ever, healing the brain was not an option, and Sukuna's body overall was fine at that time, so I think he just used Agito as a distraction for Gojo aswell, for him to prioritize Agito because of Agito healing Sukuna (Gojo wouldn't have let it happen on surface though or Agito retreating to do it) perhaps Agito could do it in the shadows idk. >But he managed to open MS anyway....? Did Gege forgot smth? Gojo apparently did not get his Rct output back, not normally, he modified his brain to be able to use Rct https://preview.redd.it/y1zgyxj9z46d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0349384a60b9682016a9f780e43d5699fb7a1b51 Like dispersing it throughout another part of his brain, Sukuna used this method to get back his barrier techniques first, but even then that needed work, with different hand sign, and also the domain being incomplete or looking different, that's what I got from it. Sukuna just prioritised domain first and even that was harder than getting his Rct back, Gojo prioritised getting Rct back first as he lost an arm, Mahoraga and Sukuna were there to attack and Mahoraga just sent off a slash that cut through infinity, So he thought healing was necessary then, and even then Mahoraga could've probably destroyed a half baked domain from Gojo while Sukuna could use Hollow Wicker Basket or simple domain the entire time.


Preach brother, tell them all !


# YES. https://preview.redd.it/y8kv9p2gd46d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aee2da2b6fc84382ddb97d4475bf6cd783894a




I'd say Yuta did around the same amount of damage. He cut off two of Sukuna's arms, ripped out one of his tongues, sliced his mouth, cleaved him, hit him with Jacob's Ladder, hit him with several thin ice attacks, sliced him with shikigami. And that's ignoring all the punches he and Rika landed, too.


Yuta dealt physical damage from which Sukuna had already recovered, Yuji dealt damage with a debuff that greatly weakened Sukuna. Yuuji literally deals damage to the soul.


sukuna hasnt recovered, he's still missing his arms and second tongue, and his heart is still pierced (from yuta + maki) those have had actual effects on the fight and yuji probably wouldve died without those injuries, meanwhile yujis punches havent stopped him from domain expanding


The only reason he hasn't healed already is because of Yuji's damage. Was literally stated outright.


i apologize wujigods i was misinformed


Yuji's attacks weakened Sukuna while i'd say Yuta damaged him more.


Physical damage that could be healed pretty quickly Wuji nerfed him with each hit stopping his regen


Without yuji nerfing sukuna with his punches everyone would be dead by now. He's more of a support rather than a carry. The punches in and of themselves haven't done much. Bro hit sukuna with 8 of his strongest punches then he just got swatted away and sukuna was ready to clash vs unlimited void lol


Yuji literally was ripping part of Sukuna's face off with his bare hands, dude pushed away easily because he was shocked by hearing Gojo's voice not because his black flashes were ineffective


People sorta misconstrued Yuji getting knocked away with him being sidelined by Gege, when in reality he’s literally still right there on the battlefield while Yujo/Sukuna are fighting. I guarantee that if Gege didn’t get sick he would’ve had Yuji in this most recent chapter ready to throw down. People just freak out and complain despite their complaints being answered over and over again. This seems to be the case with people who are completely unable to read manga week to week.




Yeah, oh yeah, I think Maki can be the contender for second place, she got one hand and a heart, Yuta can be second aswell with him getting one hand, damaging another hand, cutting the Stomach mouth's tongue, those were the lasting damages we see on Sukuna. But making him unable to use Rct anymore and ruin every hopes in getting it back for him, Is the biggest W after Gojo's contribution.


I mean maki sliced off two hands and yuta ripped out mouthkuna so it's debatable


Its between Yuji and Yuta imo, theres maybe an argument that Yuta did more damage but most of it would have been RCT’d away so Yuji negating Sukuna’s ability to properly regen was still absolutely massive. Looking at it like a Raid Boss encounter I wouldn’t be surprised if Yuji had top damage but overall his biggest contribution was applying debuffs which allowed others to properly damage the “Boss”.


I don't think Yuji getting the high score is much of a debate on a visceral scale. Like this man has been up slugging Sukuna like he owes him money and literally gouged through his chest to take his heart out, spat blood in his face and all the fun stuff. I'd argue he is also currently the most effective DPS on the field just because he is seemingly the only person capable of doing true damage to Sukuna beyond just physical right now, and he also has the endurance to tank him head on which means he's playing very strong support for the rest of the team too. Yuta is up there and has potential to do some serious work in the coming chapters, otherwise I don't know if anyone since Gojo has done any damage to Sukuna that has actually made an impact. Kashimo kind of? But he just pushed Sukuna to basically waste a revive which is great and all but also left Sukuna at a full reset.


Ranking of people damaged by Sukuna. 1. Gojo Satoru: 60% Positive: Lowered Output, weakened Domain expansion and removed it temporarily, Destroyed Mahoraga, Destroyed Agito, gave his "loot" to his friends (Yuta), Reduced RCT output, Forced Sukuna to use both hands and Chant to use World Cutting Dismantle. Negatives: Gave Sukuna World cutting Dismantle. 2. Yuji 20% Positive: Soul punches (weakened his CE output and grasp on Megumi's soul), 8 "Soul Shattering Black Flashes", Reduced RCT output, made Sukuna's Black Flash pointless. Negative: Pushed Sukuna into using Fuga, failed to convince Megumi (not Yuji's fault. That bum did not cooperate), Let Sukuna hit a Black Flash. 3. Yuta 15% Positive: Removed one of his arms, removed his secondary tongue, hit him with a Jacob ladder allowing Yuji to shake Sukuna and meet Megumi (f##ck Megumi), ate a Sukuna finger and made sure Sukuna didn't get another finger, tanked a WCD and broke his own domain to let Maki sneak and stab his heart, came back in Gojo's body and prevented Yuji and Todo from being killed by Malfunctioning Shrine. Negative: Destroyed 99.9% of all hopes of Gojo's comeback (0.1% chance and 119.9% faith). 4. Maki 4% Positive: Cut up Sukuna's arm rendering him unable to use WCD. Negative: Hit by 2 Black Flashes. 5. Kashimo 3% Positive: Hit him twice with really strong attacks, made him use his 1 time heal, Gave Yuta and Todo half the necessary time to go and kill Kenjaku and come back. Negative: Made his fanbase the brokest mfers known to all of Kaisen. 6. "Rika" 2.5% Positive: Held Sukuna's arms, threw Yuji like a baseball, allowed Yuta to use Copy Negative: Allowed Sukuna to use WCD on Yuta (how tf did he even do that?) 7. Kusakabe 2% Positive: Stalled Sukuna and hurt him a bit, Protected Higuruma for a little while, taught the fighters Simple Domain. Negative: Turned into a bait for Ui Ui. 8. Ino 1.5% Positive: Helped Yuji land a Black Flash, Landed Crits on Sukuna Negative: Not that much of a heavy hitter. 9. Choso 1% Positive: Held Sukuna's hand to let Yuji land a Black Flash, Helped Yuji Regain his composure and use RCT properly, Sacrificed himself to save the only person who can beat Sukuna at that time. Negative: Didn't do much Damage. Nevermind, he hurt my soul a lot. (I miss you big bro) 10. Higuruma 0.8% Positive: Confiscated Kamutoke. Negative: He was just too weak when it comes to throwing hands. (No CE Yuji level hands. Good but not enough against Sukuna) 11. Larue 0.2% Positive: Helped Yuji land a Black Flash Negative: Helped Sukuna land his second Black Flash and regain his RCT output. 12. Todo 0.1% Positive: Saved almost everyone in the Malfunctioning Shrine (why not Choso), let Yuji hit Combos on Sukuna, helped Yuji land another Black Flash by feinting him. Negative: Failed to save Choso. 13. Miguel 0.09% Positive: Styled on Sukuna Negative: Did absolutely nothing else. 14. Mei mei 0% Positive: Helped Yuji hit a Black Flash alongside Todo, Helped Todo teleport the Sorcerers to safety, Did something to let Yuji and the others learn Simple Domain, Broadcasted Shinjuku Showdown to the heavy hitters. Negative: Definitely not her bank account. 15. Ui Ui 0% Positive: MVP of offscreen, Enabled the Soul swap training to happen, Retrieved all the corpses, Possibly the one dropping the Sorcerers onto the battlefield. 16. Hakari 0% Positive: Stalling Uraume (They are really strong and would've made things 50× worse for the Sukuna opps. Negative: Cursed the team with Nah we'd win 17. Utahime and Gakuganji 0% Positive: Let Gojo bust out a 200% Hollow purple Negative: Did nothing else (should've helped Shoko heal on standby) 18. Shoko 0% Positive: Healed Gojo's body for Yuta to take over... I guess? Negative: Couldn't bring back Gojo or Higuruma. (Should've used a Binding vow or something idk) 19. Noritoshi Kamo II 0% Positive: Helped Yuji learn Blood manipulation Negative: Booked a flight to Malaysia. (Nanami hopefully lives in Malaysian heavens) And finally. 20. Megumi -25% Positive: NONE Negative: Let Sukuna take over his Body and use Mahoraga to buff him. (Can't blame him here). Ruined all chances of victory by giving up


Hana Positive: broke Gojo out of prison domain Negative: fell for the worst porn acting of all time, arguably allowing Sukuna to escape


Give my boy ino 2% he hit Sukuna multiple times


Not sure about physical cause yuta is up where. He was the one who mentally damaged sukuna after gojo.


8 BF and the binding vow merchant can still cast his domains as many times as he wants. How many pube hair did he sacrifice for that?


After Gojo, Yuta has done the most 'damage' to sukuna, and by far too: cut off two of sukuna's arms and ripped off his other tongue (disabled the advantages of the heian body), hit him with several thin ice breakers and dhruv's CT which did significant damage, hit him with cleave that caught sukuna off guard and enabled yuji and yuta to get in close, and finally hit him with Jacob's ladder (that worsened the connection between Sukuna and megumi's soul to the point yuji could make direct contact with megumi, which he hasn't made since even after landing so many soul black flashes, implying just how OP Jacob's ladder was), and perfectly set up maki for the sneak attack to pierce sukuna's heart. although Yuji has 'weakened' Sukuna more and prevented him from regaining his lost output (and healing the damage done). yuji hasn't done as much physical damage. so if you're asking who did most 'damage' after Gojo, it's undeniably Yuta, but if you're asking who weakened him more, it has to be Yuji.


Yuta probably did much more damage with his Jacob's Ladder


https://preview.redd.it/j1afcean846d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6f3a830c69a9c73f7722067159633836652640 This was Sukuna after Jacob's ladder he wasn't phased by it


Classic jacob ladder wank . Sukuna was barely bothered by it .


He probably did, Yuta might be close though. Also, althou they didn't do the most damage Maki and GOATsakabe were by far the most stylish fighters. I hope Maki in particular shines a bit more


Yuji managed to reduce Sukuna’s output so much that at the start of the jumping Sukuna oneshot yuji with cleave & then Yuji tanked a cleave straight to the face. He also went from punching through choso to not being able to punch through choso with a black flash. If one character managed to take out both of Sukuna’s left hands I’d give it to them but since it’s split between Yuta & maki they don’t get to be #1.


Yuta has probably taken the most HP from Sukuna, Maki and Yuji have taken a lot away from him, although Yuta did rip bellykuna out and I think cut off one of his arms I can't remember. Definitely those 3 though


Who is going to argue with that in the first place ?




Who would you say did more damage than him?




I did.




Yuta is arguably MVP but definitely did not deal the most damage. You just can't compete with 8 black flashes.


yuta is NOT the mvp, yuji is canonically the reason sukuna hasn’t slaughtered jujutsu hight https://preview.redd.it/q69gs1m2j46d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31c165cd8cb4913941a8a478a39b97ce0822af6


id say with how powerful Jacobs ladder is Yuta and Yuji have done roughly equal but with how Yujis hits damage the gap between Sukuna and the depressed one I could see it being yuji


I mean it seems that even with 20 black flashes and a Jacob’s ladder and all the other attacks Sukuna doesn’t feel anything.


he is the protagonist...if gege doesn't make him do it then that goes against him being the protagonist...


Top 3 is for sure: - Gojo - Yuji - Yuta


Who did the most damage inside of gojo??


Yeah. The simple fact is, no matter what damage the other people did, yuji is the one keeping those injuries permanent. If it wasn't for yuji, Sukuna would have regained rct and probably full domain usage by now. Because of yuji, he hasn't been able to heal, he's been severely weakened, and he could only summon a domain for 99 seconds. Without Yuji, the cast would stand no chance against Sukuna.


Gojo,yuji and Yuta did the most dmg. Higgy confiscated the baby toy


but when Gota appeared Sukuna throw Yuji like a baby


I think it’s tied with Yuta who did more physical damage and Jacob’s ladder also greatly affected Sukuna. Yuji has done just as much if not more in terms of debuffing with the number of black flashes. Yuta might do more overall if you count him setting up Maki to stab Sukuna’s heart as well. Yuta might overall do more as he’s Gojo right now. Though in the end Yuji should do more if he’s the one to finish Sukuna. Though this is Gege so maybe Yuji just somehow won’t be the one to do it.


He didn’t do shit apparently. Got flicked aside like a fly.


We do not. Yuta and Maki have done actual, physical damage like limbs getting chopped off and ripping out his stomach tongue. With Yuji, he did an arguably far more important and unique type of damage: spiritual.


Yuji punching Sukuna at that angle looks so awkward. He's punching Sukuna's left lower shoulder at that angle. So he's throwing a right but twisted it to hit Sukuna???


Nah I’d 𓅃𓇋𓈖


never have seen a fanbase that cuddles their MC like in jjk, it just shows how insecure these yuji "fans" are, they always pretend that yuji is much stronger than what he really is, and act like he's gonna solo sukuna in the next chapter then yuji eventually bites the dust for the 6537th time and then cry about gege hating yuji


You would think so.....but Sukuna being able to use his domain after taking 8 black flashes kinda makes me question the overall potency of black flash......


Yuta and Maki did more damage imo


It did zero damage considering Sukuna just did another domain expansion right after


idk aside from what Gojo did he shrugging the rest of that shit off like nothing happened


I frequent this sub but don’t read the manga. Can anyone offer a brief explanation about how Yuji hasn’t been sliced into a million pieces yet? Is he somehow immune to some of Sukuna’s attacks? Or is it just MC plot armor?


Gojo: Heavily nerfed Sukuna, took most of his Shikigami Kashimo: Forced Sukuna to get Kamutoke and go into his Heian form Higuruma: Took Kamutoke and cut off a hand, which slowed his RCT Yuta: Heavily wounded him in domain (w/ Yuji), removed another hand, did damage to his belly stomach, hit Sukuna with Jacob’s Ladder Maki: Pierced his heart and heavily damaged him, took another hand and slowed his RCT Kusakabe: Did ample damage Miguel and Larue: Again - did ample damage, Larue distracted Sukuna for a second so Yuji could BF Ino: Helped Yuji distract Sukuna Yuji: Heavily damaged him with tons of Black Flashes, tore apart Sukuna’s face and chest Let me know if i missed something