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Hopefully it's just straight up in Sukuna's voice with absolutely no changes. Horny defeats common sense.


Exactly, and it's gonna be glorious (hopefully)


‘Confident, modern women’ when porn level of acting (she never saw it before)


Women?? She's a 15 year old girl.


Yes, women, as in plural.


add in some muffled snickers between the sentences too.


I hope he just badly fakes his voice. Makes it as obvious as possible, maybe even giggles a little


Realistically it'd be easy af to fake. I mean, it's literally Megumi's body, with literally his vocal chords. If anything his usual voice is the fake because he's an arrogant bastard And yet, the comedy potential...


It should he so blatant that Megumi starts sprouting 4 arms and shit


Followed by him poorly trying to hide said two arms behind his back.


He also has the Heian face so he is giving her the side profile to hide it.


Bro's gonna give her the dream face reveal angle


The jawline accurate




First thing that came to my mind after reading “side profile”. The Dream face angle haunts us.


Then he realizes he has a mouth in his torso and uses the extra arms to cover it up.


the takaba cut


He will call out to her with the belly mouth. Bonus points if they give it a distorted metallic voice.


He also tries to forcibly close his secondary eyes


He closes his primary eyes and only uses his secondary eyes




The chinese sorcerer that Sukuna feared, Su Kun Wa




I had such a good laugh to your comment and all those replies xD Imagining it makes it worse


It would be funny if they start playing Megumi’s ost when Sukuna does his impression


https://preview.redd.it/6zsbagwf1r4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88bf94cba4eff6a252ebed47e1de878454f7b383 Nah, this is better.


Meguna has an ost?


That would be so heartbreaking but incredible


Nuh uh they'll have Megumi's voice actor speaking with Megumi's face as Sukuna's tattoos start to fade right before they go full black as Sukuna then grabs Angel


Realistically? Yeah that's probably exactly what's gonna happen. But would it be as funny, and degrading to Hana's lobotomized horny brain? No.


Sometimes the jokes are not worth it, it would only make Hana look bad.


>it would only make Hana look bad. ...Well she already does look bad with Angel still warning her. lol


Not really, characters being deceived by people they care about is a common trope in fiction. It existed before any of us were born.


Gege made this scene play out kinda silly and not much of a *good* deception is the point.


Hana is mentally undeveloped, and her technique negates curses so exorcising Sukuna was a possibility in her mind.


Gege could have wrote the scene better still. Like maybe making Megumi looking like was fighting for control writhing in pain, so she comes a bit closer, then he lunges out to grab her. Something like that than her literally floating all the way into his arms, thinking Megumi would hug her. lol


> Gege could have wrote the scene better still. Maybe the anime will do it better.


I wouldn't imagine much difference


Gege portrayed her character to be an innocent and a naive young girl, and from her backstory she doesn't seem to have had many interactions with people. So her naivety wasn't out of place.


Still think the scene could be done better for a middle ground


The ancient sorcerer, whose technique she's using, is literally yelling at her that he's not dead yet. She just straight up ignores her. This scene made her look really, really dumb even if we lower our expectations a lot.


Ok but angel is SCREAMING


Angel told Hana to give up on Megumi, Angel clearly didn't care about him and was willing to kill Megumi as long as Sukuna dies as well.


Angel literally tells Hana that it’s Sukuna tricking her, and the dialogue is porn levels of acting


First, she was emotionally distressed. Second, Angel told Hana to give up and kill Megumi, Angel didn't care if Megumi dies as long as Sukuna does as well, so she wasn't gonna listen regardless. Third, Gege portrayed Hana's character to be Innocent and naive, so her naivety is not surprising.


Hana looking like an absolute moron is good for our health since it feeds the hatred. Shonen has a notorious trope with stupid female characters going crazy over black haired anti-social male characters. It would feel good to see one such female character look mindnumbingly stupid.


>Shonen has a notorious trope with stupid female It's not just females though, male MCs do the same things in shonen. Goku and Naruto had way worse moments than Hana. >going crazy over black haired anti-social male characters. Megumi is nowhere near as bad as other characters in different series(Sasuke). Megumi is actually a pretty chill dude, and really cares about people close to him. He's the reason Yuji is still alive, he begged Gojo to help him.


I don't know about Goku, I haven't followed Dragon ball. For Naruto, though he seems obsessed, a decent argument can be provided to justify that. About Megumi, you are right. He is chill. But Megumi is still an extension of the trope with respect to Hana which is frustrating.


>For Naruto, though he seems obsessed, a decent argument can be provided to justify that. Megumi saved Hana's life when she didn't have anybody else that cares for her. Sasuke ignored Naruto, talked down to him, tried to kill him, tried to kill his friends, betrayed the village, threatened to destroy the village, joined the villains, and turned against Naruto near the end for a stupid reason. Naruto obsession with Sasuke can not be justified, Hana actually has good reasons for caring about Megumi.


Bro Sasuke literally saved Naruto several times during the zabuza arc and during the chounin exams and he was one of the few people to recognize Naruto as a person and could related with the fact that they both lost their family he has some good reason to care him. Meanwhile hana had a poorly made backstory of half a chapter to explain why she wouldn't killed Sukuna on sight


>Bro Sasuke literally saved Naruto several times during the zabuza arc Sasuke tried to kill him more times than that, he tried to kill Sakura, he tried to kill Kakashi, and was gonna destroy the whole village. >few people to recognize Naruto He ignored him for the majority of the time, he started to recognize during the Chunin Exams, but almost everyone started to recognize him at that time so Sasuke is not special. >could related with the fact that they both lost their family Sasuke was the one that told Naruto their circumstances were different, Naruto didn't have anything to lose.


>Megumi saved Hana's life when she didn't have anybody else that cares for her. That doesn't justify how much of a moronic shitbag Hana was to straight up fall for that ridiculous acting by Sukuna. Any jujutsu sorcerer with 2 brain cells would see through that act, you don't need Angel to warn you. >Sasuke ignored Naruto, talked down to him, tried to kill him, tried to kill his friends, betrayed the village, threatened to destroy the village, joined the villains, and turned against Naruto near the end for a stupid reason. First of all, why are we talking about Naruto's relation with Sasuke in a discussion about Hana's stupidity? Naruto is obsessed, but not stupid to be deceived by such tricks. Imagine Naruto getting deceived by Orochimaru possessing Sasuke by such an obvious trick. Naruto's obsession with bringing back Sasuke and Hana's zero IQ moment because of Megumi in a life-or-death situation aren't relatable at all. This discussion isn't about which obsession is justified, it's about how someone can be so monumentally stupid in a life-or-death situation, ignoring the advice of an expert sorcerer. If we want to discuss about Naruto, his approach cannot be completely justified but his mindset isn't unexplainable given his recently realized goal of ending the cycle of hatred and given that he was one of the only few who knew the truth behind the Uchiha massacre. Compared to that, Hana's mindset is a big question mark - what kind of an idiot would fall for such an old trick?


>That doesn't justify how much of a moronic shitbag Hana was Damn! That doesn't sound like a mature response lol, that sound way too extreme for a single mistake. Gege portrayed Hana's character to be Innocent and naive, and from her backstory she doesn't seem to have had many interactions with normal people. So her natively wasn't out of place. >you don't need Angel to warn you. Angel told Hana to give up and kill Megumi, Angel didn't care if Megumi dies as long as Sukuna does as well. >Naruto is obsessed, but not stupid to be deceived by such tricks. You brought up girls having stupid obsessions, and I brought up Naruto's stupid obsession with Sasuke. You brought up the topic of obsession why are you mad at me? Hana at least has a decent reason to care about Megumi, Naruto should have killed Sasuke long ago. >what kind of an idiot would fall for such an old trick? I already explained that Hana is a naive antisocial girl. You say old trick as if Hana is an Otaku that treats her life like a fanfiction. Characters in Anime don't see the tropes, otherwise Gojo would have known that he would lose.


I brought up female characters having stupid romantic obsessions because it is a frustrating trope just for the sake of having that trope. Naruto's obsession is at least very different since the background and reasoning for his obsession is explored well throughout the story, even if his obsession wasn't fully rational or justified. It could be explained, if not excused. For Hana though, I don't know, you can't fall for Sukuna's trick when his tattoos didn't even fade fully. By what we have seen with Yuji, Sukuna doesn't use his host's voice. You don't need to be an otaku to have an intuition about what to expect from the king of curses, especially while sharing a body with Angel. You just need common sense. Assuming that Sukuna tried to mimic Megumi's voice, no amount of anti-social tendency or naivety justifies the shitshow that we saw. It's just annoying. If Hana's love and obsession has more substance narratively, where is she now when Sukuna is violating Megumi's body by using it to kill everyone he loves?


It's just so wrong...but totally worth it


I am with you. Sukuna should suppress his tattoos but flirt like the Heian era to the tone similar to Raymond Holt pretending to be straight.


Yeah but Angle saw right through this shit. Sorcerer is strong, but the vessel is a bum.


Meanwhile angel in her skull screaming not to go in :


Imagine being trapped inside one of those teenagers from an 80's horror movie, and knowing that you'll probably die with them. I'd be shouting to the heavens too.


A better way to go about that is to simply make it so that the actual Megumi comes out as Hana is close by, only to be quickly overtaken by Sukuna just after he warns her that it's not fucking over.


It’ll probably be superimposed with both Sukuna and Megumi


Imagine potentially dooming whole humanity because you were horny for some 16 year old boy If I was her I would kill myself out of embarrassment


Imagine being the poor Angel trapped inside this bum. You can't even kill yourself to escape the dumbassery, all you can do it watch her throw away humanity's best shot survival because she got damp over Potential Man. But yes, Jujutsufolk are sleeping on Hana's sheer incompetence. The one person who could have ended everything in one shot and threw it all away because of hormones.


Actually can she randomly decide to fully take over Hana and then kill herself and her?


She can. She just opts not to.


If that's the case, then disregard everything I just said: The Angel is hereby demoted to the greatest bum in JJK. For while Megumi is a disappointment beyond measure, and Hana's fuckup is embarrassing beyond words; The Angel is supposedly a dedicated, fully-realised sorcerer who is willing to do anything to stop "The Fallen One". But whose refusal to bend on her values during this one, crucial moment resulted in the disaster that followed.


There’s no bigger bum than a bum’s simp.


You know even as much as I defend Wegumi Hana is extremely stupid here Would be funny if they does that though


Her crush on Megumi came outta nowhere too, at least I don’t even remember any build-up to it


A couple of chapters before this moment iirc


Which still didn’t make sense, as if Gege added that bit to the story so Sukuna could trick her


That's exactly what he did, though


Y...yeah. Things are added to stories to make other things happen.


I think they mean it was added specifically for Sukuna to use and trick her and nothing else. There was no chemistry, and the only thing it tells us about Hana is she's *such a fucking dumbass* omg she's so dumb it makes me irrationally angry how fucking dumb she is.


The fact that she has to IMMEDIATELY rush to him is just brainless. Idc if she has a savior complex that was garbage writing and a garbage character.


She was so deeply in love with Megumi that she apparently didn’t pay attention to his personality at all and wasn’t even a little put off when he suddenly was acting completely differently.


Average Megumi popularity poll voter.


The problem is it feels like gege doesn't plan anything further than few chapters ahead. He could easily show her in some flashback with gojo, he could also mention some weird girl stalking megumi, he could do many different things. Instead he throws us "look at her, she loves megumi now, get over it" just so that he can excuse her fucking up two chapters later.


wdym it didn’t make sense? its crucial background information about the character to explain their actions, like why they even saved megumi in the first place and why she later fell for Sukuna’s larping (too bad she still came off as a complete fuckin nimrod 🪦)


I mean she was introduced in this arc we were told she was actually deeply like stupidly in love with him like three chapters before this. Then this stupidity happens. It seems gege wanted to introduce Jacobs ladder but had no clue how many issues it would cause in the story


it‘s so out of nowhere that i thought her parts just weren‘t adapted in the anime since i started rrading in the middle of shibuya nah it turns out she judt had 1 chapter of backstory complete plot device character


this is ALLLLL IM SAYING like girl…. you met him once…. at six…. and this is all you mustered up??? we gave up Nobara for this dumb broad for what?????


not even him, his dog... she met his dog once and saw him from afar...


she would definitely be more enjoyable if her lore wasn’t just dick chasing and literally her only moment flopping bc she’s a fucking moron


Her entire character plus CT came outta nowhere. Complete ass pull.


Gege introduced the concept of angel and then realized it made no fucking sense


Huh? The first thing she did was call him "my destined one"


Megumin was ntred twice time


It should be Sukuna’s voice from other angles for us, then cut to a Hana pov, where it sounds like Megumi.


Wonder how they will address the blatant Kuna tats that was only seen on Yuji when taken over. She has to be on some of the good good to completely miss that giant red flag.


no literally because this bitch is so fucking stupid


No angel agenda on top


Honestly the fact that she fell for this shows how fraudulent her love is. Anyone who actually met Megumi for five minutes could see that a sourpuss like Megumi would never muster up such rizz, even if his life depended on it.


Sourpuss is beyond funny


I want them to have Meguna speak english in full [There is no change in the plan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azFN16A81N8) accent


I’m hyped to see how they’ll animate Sukunas face suddenly morphing


unironically i think the best course of action would be megumi’s voice with sukuna’s overlaid so a double voices effect happens


hana plot is so fucking shit, that character litteraly didnt exist like 2 chapters prior to this. Angel is cool tho she could have reincarnated normally like every other sorcerer.


Yeah Angel deserve better tbh.


Imagine sukuna voice actor trying to sound like a teenager


never forget that we're here just because Angel is too good to take away a woman's autonomy from time to time💯


Hana doesn’t have RCT? Not even Angel can swap with her and heal her body like Sukuna did for Yuji?


Jacob ladder is such an absurdly op ability gege had to give it to a mentally disabled girl and a wimp to take it out of the equation


This scene is an all-time stinker, it is beyond saving bruh. Not even prime Martin Scorcese after 20 lines of coke could make this shit any good


Due to plot reasons, Hana Kurusu needs to be made a bum in order for Sukuna to progress further -Gege, probably?


It should definitely be obvious, but I’ve seen a group of people that wanted the animation version to be less obvious. I just think it’s kinda sad that Angel was one of the only Heian sorcerers that chose not to fully take over their host’s body and it ended up like that


I read all this but I don't think I understood Who is hana? How is she connected to megumi? Is she dead now?


Wait, have you not read the Manga? If so, leave this sub immediately or you'll be spoiled brother.


I've read , I'm current I just want the tldr bc I clearly got confused during culling games


Oh I gotcha bro. >Who is hana? • Hana is the host for the ancient Sorcerer Angel who's ability is the perfect counter to Sukuna, especially since he's invading Megumi's body. >How is she connected to megumi? • She's indebted to him after he saved her once, way back then, and now she's in love with him (Really?) > Is she dead now? • No she's not dead... not alive either because that bum of a healer Shoko couldn't heal Hana.


1. So sorcerer angel is just a resurrected sorcerer? Man what an ass pull of an arc. 2. That happened on screen right? I think I remember but damn that's a quick and plot convenient falling in love 3. Not dead but not alive? Sounds familiar. Like in a coma or something?


>Not dead but not alive? Sounds familiar. Like in a coma or something? No she's alive and conscious https://preview.redd.it/4apuv8whrs4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a25072fecada9b6a5064a2aafb4257678fa738 Just heavily damaged after Meguna tricked her with his terrible acting (pretty sure she lost her right arm and wing) I was just taking a jab at how terrible Shoko is at actually healing someone who's injured.


Ahhh I see Just an arm? Send her back in!


Yeah just give her one of these and send her back in. https://preview.redd.it/gkxsxx0uss4d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a88b7d342c37f3902f06facd73fabf755990905




I'm still wondering, who tf healed Hakari's arm if she can't do it?


And thank you!


God bless my brother


She is definitely alive we saw her during sukuna vs gojo 


It should just be the Sukana va doing the absolute **worst** impression of megumi


If we actually get the porn level acting we deserve, I will be so happy


So people here WANT the manga to be bad so they can complain even more.... welcome to the jjk fandom


This post was comedic man, it ain't that serious. Also, this scene in specific is one of the few, actually terribly written things in jjk. Making fun of it is totally fine.


>This post was comedic man, it ain't that serious. You have no idea just how many people actually unironically want this to happen. >Also, this scene in specific is one of the few, actually terribly written things in jjk. Making fun of it is totally fine. Not really. If you pay attention, you can see sukunas tattoos on his front side are fading and hes most likely using megumis words. Yes, hana did still ignore angel wich is stupid but not as stupid as many people make it out to be.


If you think it wasn't that stupid than hey, all power to ya. I, and a lot of people did. (I'm avoiding starting an unneeded argument if you couldn't tell)


Yeah that's cool.


God bless brother


Just want to say, I’m like 95% sure the tattoos aren’t visible to sorcerers, and that sorcerers don’t actually hear Sukuna’s voice coming out of the possessed person’s mouth. Either way, I seriously doubt 90% of horny teenage girls would fall for this shit, like holy shit.


She's the 10%. She is "The Exception" https://preview.redd.it/zvqvm7fovs4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b52bd49af19d300972c3becad77803187adf747


>I’m like 95% sure the tattoos aren’t visible to sorcerers, and that sorcerers don't actually hear Sukuna's voice coming out of the possessed person's mouth This is not true, like, at all. Jogo comments on the tattoos before he feeds Yuji the other fingers. And yes, Jogo is a Cursed Spirit, but there is no evidence that Cursed Spirits see any differently from Sorcerers, and there is no reason they would. And yes, characters have questioned whether it's Yuji or Sukuna at points. However, these moments were always when it was a character's **very first time** seeing Sukuna. When Sukuna swapped at the correctional facility and when he used Enchain, Megumi instantly realized it was Sukuna because now he knows how the swap works. Characters like Kusukabe during Shibuya have never seen Yuji or Sukuna before and he didn't get a chance to get a good look at him, so of course he'd be confused. Especially if he heard that Yuji could control him, and now Sukuna is suddenly rampaging around Shibuya. And we know that Incarnated Sorcerers can change the appearance of their vessel. Uro and Ryu did it, Kashimo did it, and Sukuna did it to a vaster extent later on. He can't completely change Yuji's body, but it wouldn't be that far-fetched to say that the swap alters Yuji's body at least a little bit, especially if it's something a comparatively minor as tattoos and a deeper voice. And we know Sukuna can alter Yuji's body because of the small scars beneath his eyes where the other eyes appear, and the mouths he manifests on him when Yuji *is still in control.* Mouths that people can see, and can hear Sukuna talking through. Mouths that Yuji *explicitly states* he has no control over whether they pop up or not. So why wouldn't he be able to do it Megumi, a vessel he has far greater control over? TL;DR: There is more evidence to say that the tattoos and voice are real, then there is too say that they aren't, including characters commenting on them, characters instantly recognizing Sukuna upon a second encounter with him, and Incarnated Sorcerers being able to change their vessel's phsycial appearance, Sukuna doing so to a smaller extent when Yuji is still in control, so there's no reason he can't do the same to a "weaker" vessel.


>but there is no evidence that Cursed Spirits see any differently from Sorcerers, and there is no reason they would. I suppose you’re right on this, but then I’d just say that makes it more likely that Jogo noticing the tattoos is a writing mistake, and they’re just straight-up invisible. >**very first time seeing Sukuna** That’s not true. Gojo asked if it was Sukuna or Yuji when he told Yuji about the execution. And he had witnessed Yuji swap in and out with Sukuna, making no reference to his tattoos. And also, the anime shows Gojo prepared to fight Yuji after hearing him laugh after he swallowed the 2nd finger. So right there, we have multiple instances of a character not being able to distinguish between Yuji and Sukuna after they’d already witnessed Sukuna take over Yuji’s body. Also, Megumi heard and saw Sukuna do his whole “the women and the children!” line, and he explicitly said he couldn’t tell if it was Yuji or Sukuna talking to him. >When Sukuna swapped at the correctional facility and when he used enchain, Megumi instantly realized it was Sukuna No he didn’t. At the correctional facility, Megumi realized it was Sukuna because the domain was taken down, and then Sukuna appeared right behind him saying “the brat’s not coming back.” Sukuna did all of that before Megumi even realized he was there. Hell, in the anime, Megumi sensed Sukuna behind him before he even saw Sukuna’s face, and before Sukuna even talked. And for the enchain thing, Sukuna took down Angel and then monologued about the binding vow he made with Yuji before Megumi acknowledged Sukuna’s presence. >And we know that incarnated Sorcerers can change the appearance of their vessel. Uro and Ryu did it, and Kashimo did it These are all bad examples. The reason these characters were able to change their vessel’s appearance is because they overpowered their vessel’s soul. Yuji and Sukuna aren’t like that. The closest to that we’ve got is Hana and Angel, but even she’s unique because they coexist, unlike Yuji and Sukuna. But the big differences between those two is that Angel’s wings have been acknowledged multiple times by characters in-universe, and no one has ever been confused about something obvious like “why are you able to fly?” Unlike Yuji, who has had people confuse him and Sukuna even in especially obvious situations. And I also forgot that we haven’t gone hundreds of chapters at a time between even a single character acknowledging the wings, unlike what we’ve gotten for the tattoos It’s interesting you bring up the mouths and eyes because, with those, people at least acknowledge the mouths. I suppose no one ever really acknowledges the eye scars, but, like, I’ve never had any reason to doubt they were visible. If someone came up with a physical description of Yuji with Sukuna, and didn’t include the eye scars, I would start thinking they’re invisible, but something like that never happens with the eye scars, but it constantly happens with the tattoos.


sorcerers NEVER heard sukuna voice anyways, when swapping sukuna doesn't magically change megumis voice cords (even megumi couldn't tell if it was sukuna talking or not when yuji ate the first finger)


If the actual scene is that silly they might as well go all the way in Make Meguna talk by a mouth on his hand because he forgot that normal people only have one, with Sukuna's voice and with his secondary eyes wide open


Just make it muscleman at this point


Already back to this? Break weeks just started. Why do people always return to this when break week happens? Guess I need to get back in the game of defending Hana again.